
762 lines
28 KiB

/* eslint-disable */
const MockRobot = require("../backend/lib/robots/mock/MockRobot");
const RobotMqttHandle = require("../backend/lib/mqtt/handles/RobotMqttHandle");
const MqttController = require("../backend/lib/mqtt/MqttController");
const CapabilityMqttHandle = require("../backend/lib/mqtt/capabilities/CapabilityMqttHandle");
const NodeMqttHandle = require("../backend/lib/mqtt/handles/NodeMqttHandle");
const RobotStateNodeMqttHandle = require("../backend/lib/mqtt/handles/RobotStateNodeMqttHandle");
const MapNodeMqttHandle = require("../backend/lib/mqtt/handles/MapNodeMqttHandle");
const ValetudoEventsNodeMqttHandle = require("../backend/lib/mqtt/handles/ValetudoEventsNodeMqttHandle");
const MockConsumableMonitoringCapability = require("../backend/lib/robots/mock/capabilities/MockConsumableMonitoringCapability");
const ConsumableStateAttribute = require("../backend/lib/entities/state/attributes/ConsumableStateAttribute");
const ValetudoMapSegment = require("../backend/lib/entities/core/ValetudoMapSegment");
const PropertyMqttHandle = require("../backend/lib/mqtt/handles/PropertyMqttHandle");
const DataType = require("../backend/lib/mqtt/homie/DataType");
const HassController = require("../backend/lib/mqtt/homeassistant/HassController");
const ConsumableMonitoringCapability = require("../backend/lib/core/capabilities/ConsumableMonitoringCapability");
const ConsumableMonitoringCapabilityMqttHandle = require("../backend/lib/mqtt/capabilities/ConsumableMonitoringCapabilityMqttHandle");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const BatteryStateAttribute = require("../backend/lib/entities/state/attributes/BatteryStateAttribute");
const AttachmentStateAttribute = require("../backend/lib/entities/state/attributes/AttachmentStateAttribute");
const StatusStateAttribute = require("../backend/lib/entities/state/attributes/StatusStateAttribute");
const PresetSelectionStateAttribute = require("../backend/lib/entities/state/attributes/PresetSelectionStateAttribute");
const Unit = require("../backend/lib/mqtt/common/Unit");
const HomieCommonAttributes = require("../backend/lib/mqtt/homie/HomieCommonAttributes");
const ValetudoEventStore = require("valetudo-backend/lib/ValetudoEventStore");
function jekyllAlert(type, content) {
return "{% include alert.html type=\"" + type + "\" content=\"" + content.replace(/"/g, "\\\"") + "\" %}\n\n";
const markdownPreamble = `---
title: MQTT
category: Integrations
order: 20
# MQTT integration
To make your robot talk to your MQTT broker and integrate with home automation software, such as but not limited to
Home Assistant, openHAB and Node-RED, configure MQTT via Valetudo's web interface (Connectivity → MQTT connectivity).
## Autodiscovery
See the specific integration pages for instructions on how to set up autodiscovery for your home automation software
- [Home Assistant](./home-assistant-integration)
- [openHAB](./openhab-integration)
- [Node-RED](./node-red)
Other home automation software that follows the [Homie convention]( should also be able to
automatically discover your Valetudo instance.
<div style="text-align: center;">
<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">
<img src="./img/works-with-homie.svg" />
## Map
Note that, in order to view the map provided over MQTT, you additionally need
[I Can't Believe It's Not Valetudo](/pages/companion_apps/i_cant_believe_its_not_valetudo.html) to generate PNG maps.
You can then configure it to serve the PNG map over HTTP for openHAB and other software, or install the
[Lovelace Valetudo Card Map](/pages/companion_apps/lovelace_valetudo_map_card.html) for Home Assistant.
## Custom integrations
If you're planning to use one of the home automation platforms listed above, this is all you need to know to get started.
If you're instead planning to do something more custom, in this document you will find a reference to all MQTT topics
provided by this software. Values such as \`<TOPIC PREFIX>\` and \`<IDENTIFIER>\` are those configured in the MQTT
settings page.
` + jekyllAlert("tip", `It is recommended to leave Homie autodiscovery enabled, even if you're not planning to use it, if you want to develop
custom integrations or access the MQTT topics directly: the Homie protocol is very readable and self-documenting.
It will provide additional context and information on how to use specific APIs.
Homie autodiscovery info is best viewed with something like [MQTT Explorer](
const fakeConfig = {
onUpdate: (_) => {
get: key => fakeConfig[key],
const eventStore = new ValetudoEventStore()
class FakeHassController extends HassController {
// @ts-ignore
constructor(mqttController, robot) {
controller: mqttController,
robot: robot,
config: fakeConfig
this.mqtt = mqttController;
this.robot = robot;
loadConfig() {
registerNonCompliantComponent(component) {
async subscribe(component) {
async unsubscribe(component) {
async refresh(component, topics) {
async dropAutoconf(component) {
async refreshAutoconf(component, payload) {
function keyFn(key) {
return function (a, b) {
if (a[key] < b[key]) {
return -1;
if (a[key] > b[key]) {
return 1;
return 0;
ConsumableMonitoringCapabilityMqttHandle.prototype.genConsumableFriendlyName = (type, subType) => {
return `${type}`
class FakeMqttController extends MqttController {
// @ts-ignore
constructor() {
const robot = new MockRobot({config: fakeConfig, valetudoEventStore: eventStore});
robot.capabilities[ConsumableMonitoringCapability.TYPE].getProperties = () => {
return {
availableConsumables: [
subType: ConsumableStateAttribute.SUB_TYPE.NONE,
unit: ConsumableStateAttribute.UNITS.MINUTES
subType: ConsumableStateAttribute.SUB_TYPE.NONE,
unit: ConsumableStateAttribute.UNITS.PERCENT
} = () => {
return [
new ValetudoMapSegment({
id: "20",
name: "Kitchen"
new ValetudoMapSegment({
id: "18",
name: "Bathroom"
new ValetudoMapSegment({
id: "16",
name: "Hallway"
robot: robot,
config: fakeConfig,
valetudoEventStore: eventStore,
valetudoHelper: {
onFriendlyNameChanged: () => {}
this.enabled = true;
this.hassController = new FakeHassController(this, this.robot);
this.robotHandle = new RobotMqttHandle({
robot: this.robot,
valetudoEventStore: eventStore,
controller: this,
baseTopic: "<TOPIC PREFIX>",
topicName: "<IDENTIFIER>",
friendlyName: "Robot",
optionalExposedCapabilities: this.getOptionalExposableCapabilities()
this.generatePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.resolveGenerate = resolve;
this.rejectGenerate = reject;
this.docsGenerated = false;
this.addedConsumables = [];
async injectStatus() {
const attributes = [
new BatteryStateAttribute({
level: 42,
flag: BatteryStateAttribute.FLAG.CHARGING
new AttachmentStateAttribute({
type: AttachmentStateAttribute.TYPE.DUSTBIN,
attached: true
new AttachmentStateAttribute({
type: AttachmentStateAttribute.TYPE.MOP,
attached: false
new AttachmentStateAttribute({
type: AttachmentStateAttribute.TYPE.WATERTANK,
attached: true
new StatusStateAttribute({
value: StatusStateAttribute.VALUE.CLEANING,
flag: StatusStateAttribute.FLAG.SEGMENT
new PresetSelectionStateAttribute({
type: PresetSelectionStateAttribute.TYPE.FAN_SPEED,
value: PresetSelectionStateAttribute.INTENSITY.MAX
new PresetSelectionStateAttribute({
type: PresetSelectionStateAttribute.TYPE.WATER_GRADE,
value: PresetSelectionStateAttribute.INTENSITY.MIN
new ConsumableStateAttribute({
remaining: {
value: 492,
unit: ConsumableStateAttribute.UNITS.MINUTES
new ConsumableStateAttribute({
remaining: {
value: 59,
unit: ConsumableStateAttribute.UNITS.PERCENT
for (const attr of attributes) {
await this.robotHandle.refresh();
async generateDocs() {
this.currentConfig.optionalExposedCapabilities = this.getOptionalExposableCapabilities();
await this.reconfigure(async () => {
await this.robotHandle.configure();
}, {
reconfigState: HomieCommonAttributes.STATE.INIT,
targetState: HomieCommonAttributes.STATE.INIT
// Give time for the status attributes to propagate
setTimeout(() => {
this.setState("sentinel").catch(err => {console.error(err)});
}, 500);
// Promise resolved/rejected by doGenerateDocs(), in turn called when Homie state == ready by setState().
return await this.generatePromise;
crawlGetHandlesOfType(rootHandle, clazz, notClazz) {
let result = [];
if (rootHandle instanceof clazz && (notClazz === undefined || !(rootHandle instanceof notClazz))) {
for (const handle of rootHandle.children ?? []) {
result.push(...this.crawlGetHandlesOfType(handle, clazz, notClazz));
return result;
generateAnchor(str) {
return str.replace(/[^0-9a-z-A-Z]/g, "").toLowerCase();
async generateHandleDoc(handle, markdownLevel, recurse) {
const childAnchors = [];
// Not HassAnchors but HTML anchors to Hass components!
const hassComponentAnchors = {};
const stateAttrAnchors = {};
if (recurse === undefined) {
recurse = true;
let markdown = "";
// Inject consumable friendly names since we're not using the standard ones
if (handle instanceof PropertyMqttHandle && handle.parent instanceof ConsumableMonitoringCapabilityMqttHandle && !handle.topicName.endsWith("reset")) {
if (handle.getBaseTopic().endsWith("<CONSUMABLE-MINUTES>")) {
handle.friendlyName = "Consumable (minutes)";
handle.hassComponents[0].friendlyName = "Consumable (minutes)";
} else {
handle.friendlyName = "Consumable (percent)";
handle.hassComponents[0].friendlyName = "Consumable (percent)";
if (this.addedConsumables.includes(handle.friendlyName)) {
return null;
let title = handle.friendlyName;
if (handle instanceof CapabilityMqttHandle) {
title += ` (\`${handle.capability.getType()}\`)`;
} else if (handle instanceof RobotStateNodeMqttHandle) {
title += ` (\`${handle.getInterestingStatusAttributes()[0].attributeClass}\`)`;
} else if (handle instanceof PropertyMqttHandle) {
title += ` (\`${handle.topicName}\`)`;
const anchor = this.generateAnchor(title);
markdown += `${"#".repeat(markdownLevel)} ${title} <a id="${anchor}" />` + "\n\n";
let homieType = "Handle";
const attributes = [];
if (handle instanceof PropertyMqttHandle) {
homieType = "Property";
if (handle.gettable) {
if (handle.isCommand) {
} else if (handle.settable) {
attributes.push((handle.retained ? "" : "not ") + "retained");
} else if (handle instanceof NodeMqttHandle) {
homieType = "Node";
} else if (handle instanceof RobotMqttHandle) {
homieType = "Device";
if (handle instanceof CapabilityMqttHandle) {
attributes.push(`capability: [${handle.capability.getType()}](/pages/usage/capabilities-overview.html#${this.generateAnchor(handle.capability.getType())})`);
markdown += `*${attributes.join(", ")}*` + "\n\n";
if (handle.constructor.OPTIONAL === true) {
markdown += `**Note:** This is an optional exposed capability handle and thus will only be available via MQTT if enabled in the Valetudo configuration.\n\n`;
if (handle.helpText) {
markdown += handle.helpText + "\n\n";
let readTopicDesc = "Base topic";
let setTopicDesc = "Set topic";
if (handle instanceof PropertyMqttHandle) {
if (handle.isCommand) {
readTopicDesc = "Command response topic";
setTopicDesc = "Command topic";
} else {
readTopicDesc = "Read topic";
let readTopic = handle.getBaseTopic();
const setTopic = handle.getBaseTopic() + "/set";
if (handle instanceof PropertyMqttHandle && handle.isCommand) {
// Command topic before response topic
markdown += `- ${setTopicDesc}: \`${setTopic}\`` + "\n";
markdown += `- ${readTopicDesc}: \`${readTopic}\`` + "\n";
} else {
if (handle.gettable) {
markdown += `- ${readTopicDesc}: \`${readTopic}\`` + "\n";
if (handle.settable) {
markdown += `- ${setTopicDesc}: \`${setTopic}\`` + "\n";
if (handle instanceof PropertyMqttHandle) {
if ((handle.dataType === DataType.INTEGER || handle.dataType === DataType.FLOAT) && handle.unit === Unit.PERCENT) {
markdown += `- Data type: [${handle.dataType} percentage](`;
} else {
markdown += `- Data type: [${handle.dataType}](${handle.dataType})`;
if (handle.dataType === DataType.DATETIME) {
markdown += " (in [ISO8601 date and time format](";
} else if (handle.dataType === DataType.DURATION) {
markdown += " (in [ISO8601 duration format](";
if (handle.format) {
markdown += " ";
if (handle.format === "json") {
markdown += "(JSON)";
} else {
switch (handle.dataType) {
case DataType.INTEGER:
case DataType.FLOAT:
markdown += "(range: " + handle.format.replace(":", " to ");
if (handle.unit) {
markdown += ", unit: " + handle.unit;
markdown += ")";
case DataType.ENUM:
markdown += "(allowed payloads: " + handle.format.split(",").map(val => "`" + val + "`").join(", ") + ")";
markdown += `(format: \`${handle.format}\`)`;
if (handle.unit && !handle.format && (handle.dataType === DataType.INTEGER || handle.DATETIME === DataType.FLOAT)) {
markdown += ` (unit: ${handle.unit})`;
markdown += "\n";
if (handle.unit && handle.dataType !== DataType.INTEGER && handle.DATETIME !== DataType.FLOAT) {
markdown += "- Unit: " + handle.unit + "\n";
markdown += "\n";
if (handle.helpMayChange && Object.keys(handle.helpMayChange).length > 0) {
let alert = "Some information contained in this document " +
"may not be exactly what is sent or expected by actual robots, since different vendors have different" +
" implementations. Refer to the table below.\n\n";
alert += "|------+--------|\n";
alert += "| What | Reason |\n";
alert += "|------|--------|\n";
for (const [what, reason] of Object.entries(handle.helpMayChange)) {
alert += `| ${what} | ${reason} |` + "\n";
alert += "|------+--------|\n\n";
markdown += jekyllAlert("warning", alert);
if (handle.gettable) {
try {
const sampleValue = await handle.getHomie();
if (sampleValue) {
markdown += "Sample value:\n\n";
if (handle.format === "json" || [DataType.BOOLEAN, DataType.INTEGER, DataType.FLOAT].includes(handle.dataType)) {
markdown += "```json\n";
} else {
markdown += "```\n";
if (handle.format === "json") {
markdown += JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(sampleValue), null, 2) + "\n";
} else {
markdown += sampleValue + "\n";
markdown += "```\n\n";
} catch (e) {
if (handle instanceof RobotStateNodeMqttHandle && handle.getInterestingStatusAttributes().length > 0) {
markdown += `Status attributes managed by this ${homieType.toLowerCase()}:` + "\n\n";
for (const attr of handle.getInterestingStatusAttributes()) {
markdown += "- " + attr.attributeClass;
stateAttrAnchors[attr.attributeClass] = anchor;
markdown += "\n\n";
if (handle.hassComponents.length > 0) {
markdown += `Home Assistant components controlled by this ${homieType.toLowerCase()}:` + "\n\n";
for (const component of handle.hassComponents.sort(keyFn("friendlyName")).sort(keyFn("componentType"))) {
if (component.componentType === "vacuum") {
component.friendlyName = "Vacuum";
markdown += "- " + (component.friendlyName ?? ?? component.componentId) +
` ([\`${component.componentType}.mqtt\`](${component.componentType}.mqtt/))\n`;
const compTitle = (component.friendlyName ?? ?? component.componentId) + ` (\`${component.componentType}.mqtt\`)`;
hassComponentAnchors[compTitle] = anchor;
markdown += "\n";
if (recurse && handle.children.length > 0) {
for (const child of handle.children.sort(keyFn("topicName"))) {
const result = await this.generateHandleDoc(child, markdownLevel + 1, true);
if (!result) {
markdown += result.markdown;
Object.assign(hassComponentAnchors, result.hassComponentAnchors);
markdown += "\n\n";
return {
markdown: markdown,
anchors: {
title: title,
anchor: anchor,
children: childAnchors
hassComponentAnchors: hassComponentAnchors,
stateAttrAnchors: stateAttrAnchors
generateIndex(anchors) {
return Object.entries(anchors).sort(keyFn(0)).map(([key, val]) => {
return `- [${key}](#${val})\n`;
generateToc(anchors, markdownLevel) {
let markdown = `${" ".repeat(markdownLevel)} - [${anchors.title}](#${anchors.anchor})\n`;
for (const child of anchors.children.sort(keyFn("title"))) {
markdown += this.generateToc(child, markdownLevel + 1);
return markdown;
async doGenerateDocs() {
let markdown = "# MQTT API reference\n\n";
try {
const capabilities = this.crawlGetHandlesOfType(this.robotHandle, CapabilityMqttHandle);
const stateAttrs = this.crawlGetHandlesOfType(this.robotHandle, RobotStateNodeMqttHandle, CapabilityMqttHandle);
const map = this.crawlGetHandlesOfType(this.robotHandle, MapNodeMqttHandle);
const valetudoEvents = this.crawlGetHandlesOfType(this.robotHandle, ValetudoEventsNodeMqttHandle);
let anchors;
let hassComponentAnchors;
let stateAttrAnchors;
const robotRes = await this.generateHandleDoc(this.robotHandle, 2, false);
markdown += robotRes.markdown;
anchors = robotRes.anchors;
hassComponentAnchors = robotRes.hassComponentAnchors;
stateAttrAnchors = robotRes.stateAttrAnchors;
const capsAnchor = {
title: "Capabilities",
anchor: "capabilities",
children: []
markdown += "### Capabilities <a id=\"capabilities\" />\n\n";
for (const handle of capabilities.sort(keyFn("topicName"))) {
const result = await this.generateHandleDoc(handle, 4, true);
markdown += result.markdown;
Object.assign(hassComponentAnchors, result.hassComponentAnchors);
Object.assign(stateAttrAnchors, result.stateAttrAnchors);
const mapRes = await this.generateHandleDoc(map[0], 3, true);
markdown += mapRes.markdown;
Object.assign(hassComponentAnchors, mapRes.hassComponentAnchors);
Object.assign(stateAttrAnchors, mapRes.stateAttrAnchors);
const valetudoEventsRes = await this.generateHandleDoc(valetudoEvents[0], 3, true);
markdown += valetudoEventsRes.markdown;
Object.assign(hassComponentAnchors, valetudoEventsRes.hassComponentAnchors);
Object.assign(stateAttrAnchors, valetudoEventsRes.stateAttrAnchors);
const statusAnchor = {
title: "Status",
anchor: "status",
children: []
markdown += "### Status <a id=\"status\" />\n\n";
// noinspection DuplicatedCode
for (const handle of stateAttrs.sort(keyFn("topicName"))) {
const result = await this.generateHandleDoc(handle, 4, true);
markdown += result.markdown;
Object.assign(hassComponentAnchors, result.hassComponentAnchors);
Object.assign(stateAttrAnchors, result.stateAttrAnchors);
const toc = this.generateToc(anchors, 0);
const hassIndex = this.generateIndex(hassComponentAnchors);
const stateAttrIndex = this.generateIndex(stateAttrAnchors);
markdown = markdownPreamble +
"### Table of contents\n\n" + toc + "\n\n" +
"### State attributes index\n\n" + stateAttrIndex + "\n\n" +
"### Home Assistant components index\n\n" + hassIndex + "\n\n" +
} catch (e) {
get isInitialized() {
const stack = new Error().stack;
// Now this is some major jank engineering
if (
stack.split("\n").find(line => {
return line.includes("MapNodeMqttHandle") && line.includes("PropertyMqttHandle.getter")
}) &&
) {
return true;
return !!this.docsGenerated;
async setState(state) {
this.state = state;
if (state === "sentinel") {
await this.doGenerateDocs();
loadConfig() {
this.currentConfig = {
"clientId": "rolf",
"qos": 1,
"enabled": false,
"connection": {
"host": "lol",
"port": 1883,
"tls": {
"enabled": false,
"ca": ""
"authentication": {
"credentials": {
"enabled": false,
"username": "",
"password": ""
"clientCertificate": {
"enabled": false,
"certificate": "",
"key": ""
"identity": {
"friendlyName": "Valetudo Robot",
"identifier": "<IDENTIFIER>"
"interfaces": {
"homie": {
"enabled": true,
"addICBINVMapProperty": true,
"cleanAttributesOnShutdown": false
"homeassistant": {
"enabled": true,
"cleanAutoconfOnShutdown": false
"customizations": {
"topicPrefix": "<TOPIC PREFIX>",
"provideMapData": true
"stateTopic": "<TOPIC PREFIX>/<IDENTIFIER>/$state"
async publishHomie(handle) {
async subscribe(handle) {
async publish(handle) {
// noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
async publishHass(component) {
async shutdown() {
async dropHomieAttributes(handle) {
stopAutorefreshService() {
getMqttOptions() {
getHassMigrationTopics() {
async connect() {
async disconnect() {
onMapUpdated() {
async unsubscribe(handle) {
async publishHomieAttributes(handle) {
startAutorefreshService() {
async refresh(handle) {
process.on("uncaughtException", function (err) {
async function genDocs() {
const fakeController = new FakeMqttController();
const markdown = await fakeController.generateDocs();
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "../docs/_pages/integrations/"), markdown);
genDocs().then(() => {