230 lines
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230 lines
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// Command line interactors
const { app } = require( 'electron' )
const { exec } = require( 'node:child_process' )
const { log, alert, wait, confirm } = require( './helpers' )
const { get_force_discharge_setting } = require( './settings' )
const { USER } = process.env
const path_fix = 'PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'
const battery = `${ path_fix } battery`
const shell_options = {
shell: '/bin/bash',
env: { ...process.env, PATH: `${ process.env.PATH }:/usr/local/bin` }
// Execute without sudo
const exec_async_no_timeout = command => new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
log( `Executing ${ command }` )
exec( command, shell_options, ( error, stdout, stderr ) => {
if( error ) return reject( error, stderr, stdout )
if( stderr ) return reject( stderr )
if( stdout ) return resolve( stdout )
} )
} )
const exec_async = ( command, timeout_in_ms=2000, throw_on_timeout=false ) => Promise.race( [
exec_async_no_timeout( command ),
wait( timeout_in_ms ).then( () => {
if( throw_on_timeout ) throw new Error( `${ command } timed out` )
} )
] )
// Execute with sudo
const exec_sudo_async = command => new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
log( `Executing ${ command } by running:` )
log( `osascript -e "do shell script \\"${ command }\\" with administrator privileges"` )
exec( `osascript -e "do shell script \\"${ command }\\" with administrator privileges"`, shell_options, ( error, stdout, stderr ) => {
if( error ) return reject( error, stderr, stdout )
if( stderr ) return reject( stderr )
if( stdout ) return resolve( stdout )
} )
} )
// Battery status checker
const get_battery_status = async () => {
try {
const message = await exec_async( `${ battery } status_csv` )
let [ percentage='??', remaining='', charging='', discharging='', maintain_percentage='' ] = message?.split( ',' ) || []
maintain_percentage = maintain_percentage.trim()
maintain_percentage = maintain_percentage.length ? maintain_percentage : undefined
charging = charging == 'enabled'
discharging = discharging == 'discharging'
remaining = remaining.match( /\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}/ ) ? remaining : 'unknown'
let battery_state = `${ percentage }% (${ remaining } remaining)`
let daemon_state = ``
if( discharging ) daemon_state += `forcing discharge to ${ maintain_percentage || 80 }%`
else daemon_state += `smc charging ${ charging ? 'enabled' : 'disabled' }`
const status_object = { percentage, remaining, charging, discharging, maintain_percentage, battery_state, daemon_state }
log( 'Battery status: ', JSON.stringify( status_object ) )
return status_object
} catch ( e ) {
log( `Error getting battery status: `, e )
alert( `Battery limiter error: ${ e.message }` )
/* ///////////////////////////////
// Battery cli functions
// /////////////////////////////*/
const enable_battery_limiter = async () => {
try {
// Start battery maintainer
const status = await get_battery_status()
const allow_force_discharge = get_force_discharge_setting()
await exec_async( `${ battery } maintain ${ status?.maintain_percentage || 80 }${ allow_force_discharge ? ' --force-discharge' : '' }` )
log( `enable_battery_limiter exec complete` )
return status?.percentage
} catch ( e ) {
log( 'Error enabling battery: ', e )
alert( e.message )
const disable_battery_limiter = async () => {
try {
await exec_async( `${ battery } maintain stop` )
const status = await get_battery_status()
return status?.percentage
} catch ( e ) {
log( 'Error enabling battery: ', e )
alert( e.message )
const initialize_battery = async () => {
try {
// Check if dev mode
const { development, skipupdate } = process.env
if( development ) log( `Dev mode on, skip updates: ${ skipupdate }` )
// Check for network
const online = await Promise.race( [
exec_async( `${ path_fix } curl -I https://icanhazip.com &> /dev/null` ).then( () => true ).catch( () => false ),
exec_async( `${ path_fix } curl -I https://github.com &> /dev/null` ).then( () => true ).catch( () => false )
] )
log( `Internet online: ${ online }` )
// Check if battery is installed and visudo entries are complete. New visudo entries are added when we do new `sudo` stuff in battery.sh
const [
] = await Promise.all( [
exec_async( `${ path_fix } which battery` ).catch( () => false ),
exec_async( `${ path_fix } which smc` ).catch( () => false ),
exec_async( `${ path_fix } sudo -n /usr/local/bin/smc -k CH0C -r` ).catch( () => false ),
exec_async( `${ path_fix } sudo -n /usr/local/bin/smc -k CH0I -r` ).catch( () => false ),
exec_async( `${ path_fix } sudo -n /usr/local/bin/smc -k ACLC -r` ).catch( () => false ),
exec_async( `${ path_fix } sudo -n /usr/local/bin/smc -k ACLC -w 02` ).catch( () => false )
] )
const visudo_complete = charging_in_visudo && discharging_in_visudo && magsafe_led_in_visudo && additional_magsafe_led_in_visudo
const is_installed = battery_installed && smc_installed
log( 'Is installed? ', is_installed )
// Kill running instances of battery
const processes = await exec_async( `ps aux | grep "/usr/local/bin/battery " | wc -l | grep -Eo "\\d*"` )
log( `Found ${ `${ processes }`.replace( /\n/, '' ) } battery related processed to kill` )
if( is_installed ) await exec_async( `${ battery } maintain stop` )
await exec_async( `pkill -f "/usr/local/bin/battery.*"` ).catch( e => log( `Error killing existing battery progesses, usually means no running processes` ) )
// If installed, update
if( is_installed && visudo_complete ) {
if( !online ) return log( `Skipping battery update because we are offline` )
if( skipupdate ) return log( `Skipping update due to environment variable` )
log( `Updating battery...` )
const result = await exec_async( `${ battery } update silent` ).catch( e => e )
log( `Update result: `, result )
// If not installed, run install script
if( !is_installed || !visudo_complete ) {
log( `Installing battery for ${ USER }...` )
if( !online ) return alert( `Battery needs an internet connection to download the latest version, please connect to the internet and open the app again.` )
if( !is_installed ) await alert( `Welcome to the Battery limiting tool. The app needs to install/update some components, so it will ask for your password. This should only be needed once.` )
if( !visudo_complete ) await alert( `Battery needs to apply a backwards incompatible update, to do this it will ask for your password. This should not happen frequently.` )
const result = await exec_sudo_async( `curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/actuallymentor/battery/main/setup.sh | bash -s -- $USER` )
log( `Install result success `, result )
await alert( `Battery background components installed successfully. You can find the battery limiter icon in the top right of your menu bar.` )
// Recover old battery setting on boot (as we killed all old processes above)
await exec_async( `${ battery } maintain recover` )
// Basic user tracking on app open, run it in the background so it does not cause any delay for the user
if( online ) exec_async( `nohup curl "https://unidentifiedanalytics.web.app/touch/?namespace=battery" > /dev/null 2>&1` )
} catch ( e ) {
log( `Update/install error: `, e )
await alert( `Error installing battery limiter: ${ e.message }` )
const uninstall_battery = async () => {
try {
const confirmed = await confirm( `Are you sure you want to uninstall Battery?` )
if( !confirmed ) return false
await exec_sudo_async( `${ path_fix } sudo battery uninstall silent` )
await alert( `Battery is now uninstalled!` )
return true
} catch ( e ) {
log( 'Error uninstalling battery: ', e )
alert( `Error uninstalling battery: ${ e.message }` )
return false
const is_limiter_enabled = async () => {
try {
const message = await exec_async( `${ battery } status` )
log( `Limiter status message: `, message )
return message.includes( 'being maintained at' )
} catch ( e ) {
log( `Error getting battery status: `, e )
alert( `Battery limiter error: ${ e.message }` )
module.exports = {