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Roundcube Integrating Roundcube and Dovecot with the Authelia OpenID Connect 1.0 Provider. 2023-11-15T08:58:00+11:00 true
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Tested Versions

{{% oidc-common %}}


This example makes the following assumptions:

  • Application Root URL: https://roundcube.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/
  • Authelia Root URL: https://{{< sitevar name="subdomain-authelia" nojs="auth" >}}.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/
  • Client ID: roundcube
  • Client Secret: insecure_secret

Some of the values presented in this guide can automatically be replaced with documentation variables.

{{< sitevar-preferences >}}



The following YAML configuration is an example Authelia client configuration for use with Roundcube which will operate with the application example:

    ## The other portions of the mandatory OpenID Connect 1.0 configuration go here.
    ## See:
      - client_id: 'roundcube'
        client_name: 'Roundcube'
        client_secret: '$pbkdf2-sha512$310000$c8p78n7pUMln0jzvd4aK4Q$JNRBzwAo0ek5qKn50cFzzvE9RXV88h1wJn5KGiHrD0YKtZaR/nCb2CJPOsKaPK0hjf.9yHxzQGZziziccp6Yng'  # The digest of 'insecure_secret'.
        public: false
        authorization_policy: 'two_factor'
          - 'https://roundcube.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/oauth/callback/'
          - 'openid'
          - 'profile'
          - 'email'
        userinfo_signed_response_alg: 'none'
        token_endpoint_auth_method: 'client_secret_post'


Configure Roundcube OAuth2 to use Authelia as an OpenID Connect 1.0 Provider. Edit your Roundcube /etc/roundcube/ configuration file and add the following:

// Most probably you need this
$config['use_https'] = true;

$config['oauth_provider'] = 'generic';
$config['oauth_provider_name'] = 'Authelia OIDC';
$config['oauth_client_id'] = 'roundcube';
$config['oauth_client_secret'] = 'insecure_secret';
$config['oauth_auth_uri'] = 'https://{{< sitevar name="subdomain-authelia" nojs="auth" >}}.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/api/oidc/authorization';
$config['oauth_token_uri'] = 'https://{{< sitevar name="subdomain-authelia" nojs="auth" >}}.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/api/oidc/token';
$config['oauth_identity_uri'] = 'https://{{< sitevar name="subdomain-authelia" nojs="auth" >}}.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/api/oidc/userinfo';
$config['oauth_identity_fields'] = ['email'];
$config['oauth_scope'] = 'email openid profile';
// Optionally, skip Roundcube's login page
// $config['oauth_login_redirect'] = true;

{{< callout context="caution" title="Important Note" icon="outline/alert-triangle" >}} Roundcube's redirect URI is not configurable, but is dynamically built with bits coming from the FCGI environment: <scheme>://<fqdn>[:<port>]/.... Specifically, the FQDN comes from the HTTP_HOST header. With Authelia, non-localhost HTTP redirection is not allowed, thus you might want to force HTTPS via Roundcube's conf flag use_https. However, the redirection breaks when the upstream application is listening on a explicit port, because the resulting redirect URI would be something like https://<fqdn>:<port>/.... Thus, to obtain the correct redirect URI https://<fqdn>/..., your reverse proxy's fastcgi parameter SERVER_PORT should be unset. {{< /callout >}}

IMAP and SMTP backend configuration:

  • For an IMAP instance on localhost, the default conf should be enough. Otherwise, set the corresponding SSL/TLS options via 'imap_host' and 'imap_conn_options';
  • For a SMTP instance on localhost, no auth would be required. However Roundcube OAuth enforces 'smtp_auth_type' = 'XOAUTH2' plus credentials, thus you must use TLS or SSL via smtp_host and smtp_conn_options!


Dovecot OAuth2 configuration goes into two files.

Common configuration

Normally in file /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf or one of its ancillary files in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/:

auth_mechanisms = $auth_mechanisms oauthbearer xoauth2

passdb {
  args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-oauth2.conf.ext
  driver = oauth2
  mechanisms = xoauth2 oauthbearer

# Optional for Postfix SASL on smtpd/submission
service auth {
  unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {
    group = postfix
    mode = 0666
    user = postfix

Backend configuration

As defined above, in file, /etc/dovecot/dovecot-oauth2.conf.ext:

introspection_mode = post
introspection_url = https://roundcube:insecure_secret@{{< sitevar name="subdomain-authelia" nojs="auth" >}}.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/api/oidc/introspection
username_attribute = username

{{< callout context="caution" title="Important Note" icon="outline/alert-triangle" >}} The client ID and secret must figure as credentials in the introspection_url. {{< /callout >}}


Even though no authentication would be required when your Postfix instance is on the same host, Roundcube OAuth2 enforces 'XOAUTH2' auth type plus credentials and gives up the SMTP + SSL/TLS handshaking as no auth options would be offered from Postfix. Thus, Postfix must be configured with (Dovecot-type) SASL on port 25 (smtpd) or 587 (submission), with the following minimum set of options:

smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous, noplaintext
smtpd_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous
smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot

See Also