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package random
const (
// DefaultN is the default value of n.
DefaultN = 72
const (
// CharSetAlphabeticLower are literally just valid alphabetic lowercase printable ASCII chars.
CharSetAlphabeticLower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
// CharSetAlphabeticUpper are literally just valid alphabetic uppercase printable ASCII chars.
// CharSetAlphabetic are literally just valid alphabetic printable ASCII chars.
CharSetAlphabetic = CharSetAlphabeticLower + CharSetAlphabeticUpper
// CharSetNumeric are literally just valid numeric chars.
CharSetNumeric = "0123456789"
// CharSetNumericHex are literally just valid hexadecimal printable ASCII chars.
CharSetNumericHex = CharSetNumeric + "ABCDEF"
// CharSetSymbolic are literally just valid symbolic printable ASCII chars.
CharSetSymbolic = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"
// CharSetSymbolicRFC3986Unreserved are RFC3986 unreserved symbol characters.
// See
CharSetSymbolicRFC3986Unreserved = "-._~"
// CharSetAlphaNumeric are literally just valid alphanumeric printable ASCII chars.
CharSetAlphaNumeric = CharSetAlphabetic + CharSetNumeric
// CharSetASCII are literally just valid printable ASCII chars.
CharSetASCII = CharSetAlphabetic + CharSetNumeric + CharSetSymbolic
// CharSetRFC3986Unreserved are RFC3986 unreserved characters.
// See
CharSetRFC3986Unreserved = CharSetAlphabetic + CharSetNumeric + CharSetSymbolicRFC3986Unreserved
// CharSetUnambiguousUpper are a set of unambiguous uppercase characters.
CharSetUnambiguousUpper = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRTUVWYXZ2346789"