mirror of https://github.com/authelia/authelia.git
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"Accept": "Kinnita",
"Access protected resources logged in as you": "Pääse kaitstud ressurssidele sisse logituna kui sina",
"Access your email addresses": "Pääse oma e-posti aadressidele",
"Access your group membership": "Pääse oma grupi liikmelisusele",
"Access your profile information": "Pääse oma profiiliteabele",
"An email has been sent to your address to complete the process": "Teie aadressile on saadetud e-kiri protsessi lõpuleviimiseks",
"An unexpected error occurred": "Tekkis ootamatu viga",
"An unknown error occurred": "Tekkis tundmatu viga",
"An unknown security error occurred": "Tekkis tundmatu turvavea",
"Authenticated": "Autendatud",
"Automatically refresh these permissions without user interaction": "Automaatne õiguste värskendamine kasutaja sekkumiseta",
"Cancel": "Tühista",
"Client ID": "Kliendi ID: {{client_id}}",
"Close": "Sulge",
"Consent Request": "Nõusoleku taotlus",
"Contact your administrator to register a device": "Pöörduge oma administraatori poole, et registreerida seade",
"Could not obtain user settings": "Kasutaja sätteid ei saanud hankida",
"Deny": "Keela",
"Device selection was bypassed by Duo policy": "Seadme valimine vahele jäänud Duo poliitika tõttu",
"Device selection was denied by Duo policy": "Seadme valimine on Duo poliitika tõttu keelatud",
"Enter new password": "Sisestage uus parool",
"Enter One-Time Password": "Sisestage ühekordne parool",
"Failed to initiate security key sign in process": "Turvavõti sisselogimise protsessi algatamine ebaõnnestus",
"Failed to revoke the One-Time Code": "Ühekordse koodi tühistamine ebaõnnestus",
"Failed to revoke the Token": "Tokeni tühistamine ebaõnnestus",
"Hi": "Tere",
"Incorrect username or password": "Vale kasutajanimi või parool",
"Login": "Logige sisse",
"Logout": "Logi välja",
"Methods": "Meetodid",
"Must be at least {{len}} characters in length": "Peab olema vähemalt {{len}} tähemärki pikk",
"Must have at least one UPPERCASE letter": "Peab olema vähemalt üks SUURE TÄHEGA täht",
"Must have at least one lowercase letter": "Peab olema vähemalt üks väikese tähtedega täht",
"Must have at least one number": "Peab olema vähemalt üks number",
"Must have at least one special character": "Peab olema vähemalt üks erimärk",
"Must not be more than {{len}} characters in length": "Ei tohi olla rohkem kui {{len}} tähemärki pikk",
"Need Google Authenticator?": "Kas vajate Google Authenticatorit?",
"New password": "Uus parool",
"No compatible device found": "Ühtegi ühilduvat seadet ei leitud",
"No verification token provided": "Verifitseerimise tokenit ei ole esitatud",
"One-Time Password": "Ühekordne parool",
"Password has been reset": "Parool on lähtestatud",
"Password": "Parool",
"Passwords do not match": "Paroolid ei ühti",
"Powered by": "Toimib",
"Privacy Policy": "Privaatsuspoliitika",
"Push Notification": "Push-teade",
"Redirection was determined to be unsafe and aborted ensure the redirection URL is correct": "Suunamine määrati ohtlikuks ja katkestati, veenduge, et suunamise URL on õige",
"Register device": "Registreerige seade",
"Register your first device by clicking on the link below": "Registreerige oma esimene seade, klikkides allpool oleval lingil",
"Remember Consent": "Jäta nõusolek meelde",
"Remember me": "Jäta mind meelde",
"Repeat new password": "Korrake uut parooli",
"Reset password": "Lähtestage parool",
"Reset password?": "Lähtestage parool?",
"Reset": "Lähtesta",
"Scope": "Ulatus {{name}}",
"Secret": "Salajane",
"Security Key - WebAuthn": "Turvavõti - WebAuthn",
"Select a Device": "Valige seade",
"Sign in": "Logi sisse",
"Sign out": "Logi välja",
"Successfully revoked the One-Time Code": "Ühekordne kood on edukalt tühistatud",
"Successfully revoked the Token": "Token on edukalt tühistatud",
"The above application is requesting the following permissions": "Ülaltoodud rakendus küsib järgmisi õigusi",
"The assertion challenge was rejected as malformed or incompatible by your browser": "Kinnitust väljakutse lükati tagasi valevormilise ega ühilduva eest teie brauseri poolt",
"The browser did not respond with the expected attestation data": "Brauser ei vastanud oodatud tõendusmaterjalide andmetele",
"The One-Time Code identifier was not provided": "Ühekordse koodi identifikaatorit ei olnud esitatud",
"The One-Time Password might be wrong": "Ühekordne parool võib olla vale",
"The password does not meet the password policy": "Parool ei vasta parooli eeskirjale",
"The password was entered with Caps Lock": "Parool sisestati Caps Locki abil",
"The password was partially entered with Caps Lock": "Parool sisestati osaliselt Caps Locki abil",
"The resource you're attempting to access requires two-factor authentication": "Ressurss, millele üritate juurde pääseda, vajab kahefaktorilist autentimist",
"The server rejected the security key": "Server lükkas tagasi turvavõti",
"The server responded with an invalid Facet ID for the URL": "Server vastas URL-i jaoks vale Facet ID-ga",
"The Token was not provided": "Tokenit ei olnud esitatud",
"There was an issue completing sign in process": "Sisselogimise protsessi lõpetamisel tekkis probleem",
"There was an issue completing the process the verification token might have expired": "Protsessi lõpetamisel tekkis probleem, verifitseerimis token võis olevat aegunud",
"There was an issue fetching Duo device(s)": "Duo seadme(e) hankimisel tekkis probleem",
"There was an issue initiating the password reset process": "Parooli lähtestamise protsessi algatamisel tekkis probleem",
"There was an issue resetting the password": "Parooli lähtestamisel tekkis probleem",
"There was an issue retrieving global configuration": "Globaalsete seadistuste hankimisel tekkis probleem",
"There was an issue retrieving the current user state": "Praeguse kasutaja oleku hankimisel tekkis probleem",
"There was an issue retrieving user preferences": "Kasutaja eelistuste hankimisel tekkis probleem",
"There was an issue signing out": "Väljalogimisel tekkis probleem",
"There was an issue updating preferred Duo device": "Eelistatud Duo seadme värskendamisel tekkis probleem",
"There was an issue updating preferred second factor method": "Eelistatud teise teguri meetodi värskendamisel tekkis probleem",
"This device is not registered": "See seade pole registreeritud",
"This saves this consent as a pre-configured consent for future use": "See salvestab selle nõusoleku eelkonfigureeritud nõusolekuna edaspidiseks kasutamiseks",
"Time-based One-Time Password": "Ajakohane ühekordne parool",
"Use OpenID to verify your identity": "Kasutage OpenID-d oma identiteedi kinnitamiseks",
"Username": "Kasutajanimi",
"Username is required": "Kasutajanimi on vajalik",
"You cancelled the assertion request": "Tühistasite kinnituse taotluse",
"You must view and accept the Privacy Policy before using": "Peate vaata ja aktsepteeri <0>Privaatsuspoliitikat</0> enne kasutamist",
"You're being signed out and redirected": "Teid logitakse välja ja suunatakse ümber",
"Your browser does not support the WebAuthn protocol": "Teie brauser ei toeta WebAuthn protokolli",
"Your supplied password does not meet the password policy requirements": "Teie esitatud parool ei vasta parooli eeskirja nõuetele"