mirror of https://github.com/authelia/authelia.git
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"{{algorithm}}, {{digits}} digits, {{seconds}} seconds": "{{algorithm}}, {{digits}} digitu, {{seconds}} segundu",
"A WebAuthn Credential with that Description already exists": "Deskribapen hori duen WebAuthn kredentziala jada existitzen da",
"Add": "Gehitu",
"Added when": "Gehitu da {{when, datetime}}",
"Added": "Gehitu da",
"added": "gehitu da",
"Advanced": "Aurreratua",
"Algorithm": "Algoritmoa",
"An error occurred when attempting to update the WebAuthn Credential": "Errorea gertatu da WebAuthn Kredentziala eguneratzen saiatzean",
"An unknown error occurred": "Errore ezezagun bat gertatu da",
"Are you sure you want to remove the One-Time Password from your account": "Ziur zaude zure kontuko ordubeteko pasahitza ezabatu nahi duzula",
"Are you sure you want to remove the WebAuthn Credential from your account": "Ziur al zaude zure kontuko {{description}} WebAuthn Kredentziala ezabatu nahi duzula?",
"Attachment": "Eranskina",
"Attestation Type": "Aitorpen mota",
"Authenticator GUID": "Autentikatzailearen GUIDa",
"Backed Up": "Segurtasun-kopia egina",
"Backup State": "Segurtasun-kopiaren egoera",
"Cancel": "Utzi",
"Click to add a {{item}} to your account": "Klikatu {{item}} zure kontura gehitzeko",
"Click to copy the {{value}}": "Klikatu {{value}} kopiatzeko",
"Click to Copy": "Klikatu kopiatzeko",
"Clone Warning": "Klon oharra",
"Close": "Itxi",
"Closing this dialog or selecting cancel will invalidate the One-Time Code": "Elkarrizketa hau itxi edo utzi botoiari ematean, Erabilera Bakarreko Kodea baliogabetuko da",
"Confirm": "Baieztatu",
"Copied": "Kopiatuta",
"Credential Creation Options Request succeeded but Credential Creation Options is empty": "Kredentzial Sortze-aukeren eskaerak arrakasta eman du baina Kredentzial Sortze-aukerak hutsik daude",
"Default Method": "Modu lehenetsia",
"delete": "ezabatu",
"deleted": "ezabatuta",
"deleting": "ezabatzen",
"Description": "Deskribapena",
"Discoverable": "Aurkigarria",
"Display extended information for this WebAuthn Credential": "Erakutsi WebAuthn kredentzial honetarako informazio hedatua",
"Display extended information for this One-Time Password": "Erakutsi One-Time Password honetarako informazio hedatua",
"Edit this {{item}}": "{{item}} aldatu",
"Eligible": "Aukerakoa",
"Enabled": "Aktibo",
"Enter a description for this WebAuthn Credential": "Sartu WebAuthn kredentzial honetarako deskribapena",
"Enter a new description for this WebAuthn Credential": "Sartu WebAuthn kredentzial honetarako deskribapen berria:",
"Error occurred obtaining the WebAuthn Credential creation options": "Errorea gertatu da WebAuthn kredentziala sortzeko aukerak eskuratzean",
"Extended information for WebAuthn Credential": "Informazio hedatua WebAuthn Kredentzialerako {{description}}",
"Failed to register device, the provided code is expired or has already been used": "Ez da gailua erregistratu, emandako kodea iraungi egin da edo dagoeneko erabili da",
"Failed to register device, the provided link is expired or has already been used": "Ez da gailua erregistratu, emandako lotura iraungi egin da edo dagoeneko erabili da",
"Failed to register your credential, the identity verification process might have timed out": "Ez da zure kredentziala erregistratu, baliteke nortasuna egiaztatzeko prozesua denboraz kanpo egotea",
"global configuration": "ezarpen orokorrak",
"Identity Verification": "Identitatea egiaztatzea",
"In order to perform this action policy enforcement requires additional identity verification and a One-Time Code has been sent to your email": "Ekintza-politika hori gauzatzeko, nortasun osagarria egiaztatu behar da, eta erabilera bakarreko denbora-kodea bidali da posta elektronikora",
"Last Used when": "Azken erabilera {{when, datetime}}",
"Last Used": "Azken erabilera",
"Length": "Luzera",
"Mobile Push": "Mugikorreko Pusha",
"Need Google Authenticator?": "Google Authenticator behar duzu?",
"Never used": "Inoiz ez da erabili",
"Never": "Inoiz ez",
"Next": "Hurrengoa",
"No": "Ez",
"No WebAuthn Credentials have been registered if you'd like to register one click add": "Ez da erregistratu WebAuthn-en egiaztagiririk, klik bat gehitu nahi baduzu",
"Not Eligible": "Hautaezina",
"One-Time Password configuration": "Erabilera-bakarreko pasahitzaren ezarpenak",
"One-Time Password": "Erabilera-bakarreko pasahitza",
"Options": "Aukerak",
"Overview": "Laburpena",
"Previous": "Aurrekoa",
"Public Key": "Kode publikoa",
"QR Code": "QR kodea",
"Register {{item}}": "Erregistratu {{item}}",
"Register": "Erregistratu",
"Relying Party ID": "Konfiantzazko parteko IDa",
"Remove {{item}}": "Ezabatu {{item}}",
"Remove this {{item}}": "Ezabatu hau: {{item}}",
"Remove": "Ezabatu",
"Seconds": "Segundu",
"Secret": "Sekretua",
"Settings": "Ezarpenak",
"Start": "Hasiera",
"Successfully {{action}} the {{item}}": "Arrakastaz {{action}} da {{item}}",
"The attestation challenge was rejected as malformed or incompatible by your browser": "Ziurtagiri-erronka gaitzetsi egin da, gaizki formatuta edo nabigatzailearen bateraezintasuna dela-eta",
"The Description must be more than 1 character and less than 64 characters": "Deskribapenak karaktere bat baino gehiago eta 64 karaktere baino gutxiago izan behar ditu",
"The One-Time Code either doesn't match the one generated or an unknown error occurred": "Erabilera-bakarreko kodea ez dator bat sortutakoarekin edo errore ezezagun bat gertatu da",
"The One-Time Password has not been registered if you'd like to register it click add": "Erabilera-bakarreko pasahitza ez dago erregistratuta, hori gauzatzeko sakatu gehitu botoia",
"The One-Time Password information is not loaded": "One-Time Password-en informazio egiaztagarria ez dago kargatuta",
"The WebAuthn Credential information is not loaded": "WebAuthn-en informazio egiaztagarria ez dago kargatuta",
"There are no protected applications that require a second factor method": "Ez da bigarren faktore métodoa behar duen aplikaziorik babesturik",
"There is an issue with this Credential to find out more click to display extended information for this WebAuthn Credential": "Kredentzial horrekin arazo bat dago WebAuthn kredentzial honetarako. Informazio hedatua erakusteko, klik gehiago ikusteko botoian",
"There was a problem {{action}} the {{item}}": "Arazo bat egon da {{action}} egitean {{item}} elementuan",
"There was an issue retrieving the {{item}}": "Arazo bat egon da {{item}} jasotzean",
"There was an issue updating preferred second factor method": "Bigarren faktore gogokoenaren metodoa eguneratzean akatsa",
"This dialog handles registration of a {{item}}": "Dialogo honek {{item}} erregistroa maneiatzen du",
"This is a legacy WebAuthn Credential if it's not operating normally you may need to delete it and register it again": "Hau WebAuthn Kredentzial zaharra da; funtzionatzen ez badu, ezabatu eta berriro erregistratu beharko duzu",
"This is the user settings area at the present time it's very minimal but will include new features in the near future": "Une honetan oso murritza da erabiltzailearen konfigurazio-eremua, baina ezaugarri berriak izango ditu etorkizun hurbilean",
"To begin select next": "Hasteko, sakatu hurrengoa",
"To view the currently available options select the menu icon at the top left": "Dauden aukerak ikusteko, hautatu menuaren ikonoa goiko ezkerreko aldean",
"Touch the token on your security key": "Ukitu zure segurtasun-gakoaren fitxa",
"Transports": "Garraioak",
"Two-Factor Authentication": "Bi faktoreko autentikazioa",
"Unknown": "Ezezaguna",
"update": "eguneratu",
"Update": "Eguneratu",
"updated": "eguneratuta",
"updating": "eguneratzen",
"URI": "URI",
"Usage Count": "Erabilera kontaketa",
"user preferences": "erabiltzailearen ezarpenak",
"User Verified": "Erabiltzailea egiaztatuta",
"Verification": "Egiaztapena",
"Verify": "Egiaztatu",
"WebAuthn Credential Information": "WebAuthn-en egiaztagiri-informazioa",
"WebAuthn Credential": "WebAuthn Kredentzialak",
"WebAuthn Credentials": "WebAuthn Kredentzialak",
"Yes": "Bai",
"You cancelled the attestation request": "Ziurtagiri-eskaera bertan behera utzi duzu",
"You have registered this device already": "Gailu hau erregistratuta dago",
"You must be elevated to {{action}} a {{item}}": "Igo egin behar zara {{action}} egiteko {{item}} elementuan",
"You must have a higher authentication level to {{action}} a {{item}}": "Autentikazio-maila altuagoa behar duzu {{action}} egiteko {{item}} elementuan",
"You must open the link from the same device and browser that initiated the registration process": "Lotura ireki behar duzu erregistro-prozesua hasi zuen gailu eta nabigatzaile beretik",
"You must use the code from the same device and browser that initiated the process": "Prozesua hasi zuen gailu eta nabigatzaile beretik erabili behar duzu kodea",
"Your browser does not appear to support the configuration": "Zure nabigatzaileak ez dirudi konfigurazioa onartzen duenik",
"Your browser does not support the WebAuthn protocol": "Zure nabigatzaileak ez du onartzen WebAuthn protokoloa",
"Your device does not support user verification or resident keys but this was required": "Zure gailuak ez du onartzen erabiltzailearen edo gako egoiliarren egiaztapena, baina hori eskatu egin da"