mirror of https://github.com/authelia/authelia.git
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"{{algorithm}}, {{digits}} digits, {{seconds}} seconds": "{{algorithm}}, {{digits}} digit, {{seconds}} detik",
"A WebAuthn Credential with that Description already exists": "WebAuthn Credential kalayan pedaran éta parantos aya",
"Add": "Tambah",
"Added when": "Tambah {{when, datetime}}",
"Added": "Sakedah",
"added": "ditambahkeun",
"Advanced": "Tingkat Lawas",
"Algorithm": "Algoritma",
"An error occurred when attempting to update the WebAuthn Credential": "Aya kasalahan nalika nyobian ngapdet WebAuthn Credential",
"An unknown error occurred": "Aya kasalahan anu teu dipikanyaho",
"Are you sure you want to remove the One-Time Password from your account": "Naha anjeun yakin hoyong ngaleungitkeun Sandi Sakali ti akun anjeun",
"Are you sure you want to remove the WebAuthn Credential from your account": "Naha anjeun yakin hoyong ngaleungitkeun WebAuthn Credential {{description}} ti akun anjeun?",
"Attachment": "Lampiran",
"Attestation Type": "Tipe Atestasi",
"Authenticator GUID": "Authenticator GUID",
"Backed Up": "Digransfer",
"Backup State": "Kaayaan Cadangan",
"Cancel": "Batal",
"Click to add a {{item}} to your account": "Klik pikeun nambahkeun {{item}} ka akun anjeun",
"Click to copy the {{value}}": "Klik pikeun nyalin {{value}}",
"Click to Copy": "Klik pikeun Nyalin",
"Clone Warning": "Peringatan Kloning",
"Close": "Tutup",
"Closing this dialog or selecting cancel will invalidate the One-Time Code": "Nutup dialog ieu atanapi milih batal bakal nyababkeun Kode Satu Waktos teu valid",
"Confirm": "Konfirmasi",
"Copied": "Disalin",
"Credential Creation Options Request succeeded but Credential Creation Options is empty": "Pamundut Opsi Nyiptakeun Kredensial hasil tapi Opsi Nyiptakeun Kredensial kosong",
"Default Method": "Métode Standar",
"delete": "hapus",
"deleted": "dihapus",
"deleting": "ngahapus",
"Description": "Pedaran",
"Discoverable": "Dikenal",
"Display extended information for this WebAuthn Credential": "Tampilkeun informasi tambahan pikeun WebAuthn Credential ieu",
"Display extended information for this One-Time Password": "Témbongkeun informasi anu dipanjang pikeun Sandi Satu Waktos ieu",
"Edit this {{item}}": "Sunting {{item}} ieu",
"Eligible": "Layak",
"Enabled": "Diaktipkeun",
"Enter a description for this WebAuthn Credential": "Lebetkeun deskripsi pikeun WebAuthn Credential ieu",
"Enter a new description for this WebAuthn Credential": "Lebetkeun deskripsi anyar pikeun WebAuthn Credential ieu:",
"Error occurred obtaining the WebAuthn Credential creation options": "Aya kasalahan nalika ngadapet pilihan nyiptakeun WebAuthn Credential",
"Extended information for WebAuthn Credential": "Informasi tambahan pikeun WebAuthn Credential {{description}}",
"Failed to register device, the provided code is expired or has already been used": "Gagal ngadaptar alat, kode anu disayogikeun parantos kadaluarsa atanapi parantos dianggo",
"Failed to register device, the provided link is expired or has already been used": "Gagal ngadaptar alat, tautan anu disayogikeun parantos kadaluarsa atanapi parantos dianggo",
"Failed to register your credential, the identity verification process might have timed out": "Gagal ngadaptar kredensial anjeun, prosés verifikasi identitas tiasa parantos kadaluarsa",
"global configuration": "konfigurasi global",
"Identity Verification": "Verifikasi Identitas",
"In order to perform this action policy enforcement requires additional identity verification and a One-Time Code has been sent to your email": "Pikeun ngalaksanakeun tindakan ieu, pamariksaan kebijakan peryogi verifikasi identitas tambahan sareng Kode Satu Waktos parantos dikirim ka email anjeun",
"Last Used when": "Anu Terakhir Dipaké {{when, datetime}}",
"Last Used": "Anu Terakhir Dipaké",
"Length": "Panjang",
"Mobile Push": "Mobile Push",
"Need Google Authenticator?": "Perlu Google Authenticator?",
"Never used": "Teu acan pernah dipaké",
"Never": "Teu acan",
"Next": "Salajengna",
"No": "Teu",
"No WebAuthn Credentials have been registered if you'd like to register one click add": "Teu aya Kredensial WebAuthn anu parantos didaptarkeun, upami anjeun hoyong ngadaptar salah sahiji, klik tambah",
"Not Eligible": "Teu Layak",
"One-Time Password configuration": "Konfigurasi Sandi Sakali",
"One-Time Password": "Sandi Sakali",
"Options": "Pilihan",
"Overview": "Gambaran Umum",
"Previous": "Saméméhna",
"Public Key": "Konci Umum",
"QR Code": "Kode QR",
"Register {{item}}": "Pendaptaran {{item}}",
"Register": "Pendaptaran",
"Relying Party ID": "ID Pihak Anu Perlu",
"Remove {{item}}": "Angkat {{item}}",
"Remove this {{item}}": "Diasupkeun {{item}} ieu",
"Remove": "Angkat",
"Seconds": "Detik",
"Secret": "Rahasia",
"Settings": "Setélan",
"Start": "Mimitian",
"Successfully {{action}} the {{item}}": "Sukses {{action}} {{item}}",
"The attestation challenge was rejected as malformed or incompatible by your browser": "Tantangan attestation ditolak salaku malformed atanapi henteu cocog ku panyungsi anjeun",
"The Description must be more than 1 character and less than 64 characters": "Pedaran kedah langkung ti 1 karakter sareng kirang ti 64 karakter",
"The One-Time Code either doesn't match the one generated or an unknown error occurred": "Kode Satu Waktos henteu menyocokkeun anu dihasilkeun atanapi aya kasalahan anu teu dipikanyaho",
"The One-Time Password has not been registered if you'd like to register it click add": "Sandi Satu Waktos teu acan didaptarkeun, upami anjeun hoyong ngadaptar eta cokKlik tambah",
"The One-Time Password information is not loaded": "Informasi Sandi Satu Waktos henteu dimuat",
"The WebAuthn Credential information is not loaded": "Informasi Kredensial WebAuthn henteu dimuat",
"There are no protected applications that require a second factor method": "Teu aya aplikasi anu dilindungi anu peryogi metode faktor kadua",
"There is an issue with this Credential to find out more click to display extended information for this WebAuthn Credential": "Aya masalah sareng kredensial ieu, kanggo terang langkung seueur yuk klik pikeun nembongkeun informasi anu diperpanjang pikeun kredensial WebAuthn ieu",
"There was a problem {{action}} the {{item}}": "Aya masalah {{action}} {{item}}",
"There was an issue retrieving the {{item}}": "Aya masalah nalika nyandak {{item}}",
"There was an issue updating preferred second factor method": "Aya masalah nalika ngapdet metode faktor kadua anu dipikahoyong",
"This dialog handles registration of a {{item}}": "Dialog ieu ngurus pendaptaran {{item}}",
"This is a legacy WebAuthn Credential if it's not operating normally you may need to delete it and register it again": "Ieu mangrupikeun Kredensial WebAuthn warisan, upami henteu jalan sapertos biasa anjeun tiasa kedah ngahapus éta sareng ngadaptar deui",
"This is the user settings area at the present time it's very minimal but will include new features in the near future": "Ieu mangrupikeun daérah setélan pangguna, ayeuna sacara minimal tapi bakal kalebet fitur anyar dina mangsa deukeut",
"To begin select next": "Pikeun ngamimitian pilih salajengna",
"To view the currently available options select the menu icon at the top left": "Pikeun ningali pilihan anu sayogi ayeuna, pilih ikon ménu di kénca luhur",
"Touch the token on your security key": "Sentuh token dina konci kaamanan anjeun",
"Transports": "Transportasi",
"Two-Factor Authentication": "Auténtikasi Dua Faktor",
"Unknown": "Teu Dipikanyaho",
"update": "apdet",
"Update": "Apdet",
"updated": "diperbarui",
"updating": "ngapdet",
"URI": "URI",
"Usage Count": "Jumlah Pamakean",
"user preferences": "preferensi pangguna",
"User Verified": "Pangguna Diverifikasi",
"Verification": "Verifikasi",
"Verify": "Verifikasi",
"WebAuthn Credential Information": "Informasi Kredensial WebAuthn",
"WebAuthn Credential": "Kredensial WebAuthn",
"WebAuthn Credentials": "Kredensial WebAuthn",
"Yes": "Leres",
"You cancelled the attestation request": "Anjeun ngabatalkeun pamundut attestation",
"You have registered this device already": "Anjeun parantos ngadaptar alat ieu",
"You must be elevated to {{action}} a {{item}}": "Anjeun kedah elevasi pikeun {{action}} a {{item}}",
"You must have a higher authentication level to {{action}} a {{item}}": "Anjeun kedah gaduh tingkat autentikasi anu langkung luhur pikeun {{action}} a {{item}}",
"You must open the link from the same device and browser that initiated the registration process": "Anjeun kedah muka tautan tina alat sareng panyungsi anu sami anu ngamimitian prosés pendaptaran",
"You must use the code from the same device and browser that initiated the process": "Anjeun kedah nganggo kode ti alat sareng panyungsi anu sami anu ngamimitian prosésna",
"Your browser does not appear to support the configuration": "Panyungsi anjeun sigana henteu nyokong konfigurasi",
"Your browser does not support the WebAuthn protocol": "Panyungsi anjeun henteu nyokong protokol WebAuthn",
"Your device does not support user verification or resident keys but this was required": "Alat anjeun henteu nyokong verifikasi pangguna atanapi konci résident tapi ieu diperyogikeun"