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package storage
import (
// Provider is an interface providing storage capabilities for persisting any kind of data related to Authelia.
type Provider interface {
// Close the underlying storage provider.
Close() (err error)
Implementation for Basic User Information.
// SavePreferred2FAMethod save the preferred method for 2FA for a username to the storage provider.
SavePreferred2FAMethod(ctx context.Context, username string, method string) (err error)
// LoadPreferred2FAMethod load the preferred method for 2FA for a username from the storage provider.
LoadPreferred2FAMethod(ctx context.Context, username string) (method string, err error)
// LoadUserInfo loads the model.UserInfo from the storage provider.
LoadUserInfo(ctx context.Context, username string) (info model.UserInfo, err error)
Implementation for User Opaque Identifiers.
// SaveUserOpaqueIdentifier saves a new opaque user identifier to the storage provider.
SaveUserOpaqueIdentifier(ctx context.Context, subject model.UserOpaqueIdentifier) (err error)
// LoadUserOpaqueIdentifier selects an opaque user identifier from the storage provider.
LoadUserOpaqueIdentifier(ctx context.Context, identifier uuid.UUID) (subject *model.UserOpaqueIdentifier, err error)
// LoadUserOpaqueIdentifiers selects an opaque user identifiers from the storage provider.
LoadUserOpaqueIdentifiers(ctx context.Context) (identifiers []model.UserOpaqueIdentifier, err error)
// LoadUserOpaqueIdentifierBySignature selects an opaque user identifier from the storage provider given a service
// name, sector id, and username.
LoadUserOpaqueIdentifierBySignature(ctx context.Context, service, sectorID, username string) (subject *model.UserOpaqueIdentifier, err error)
Implementation for User TOTP Configurations.
// SaveTOTPConfiguration save a TOTP configuration of a given user in the storage provider.
SaveTOTPConfiguration(ctx context.Context, config model.TOTPConfiguration) (err error)
// UpdateTOTPConfigurationSignIn updates a registered TOTP configuration in the storage provider with the relevant
// sign in information.
UpdateTOTPConfigurationSignIn(ctx context.Context, id int, lastUsedAt sql.NullTime) (err error)
// DeleteTOTPConfiguration delete a TOTP configuration from the storage provider given a username.
DeleteTOTPConfiguration(ctx context.Context, username string) (err error)
// LoadTOTPConfiguration load a TOTP configuration given a username from the storage provider.
LoadTOTPConfiguration(ctx context.Context, username string) (config *model.TOTPConfiguration, err error)
// LoadTOTPConfigurations load a set of TOTP configurations from the storage provider.
LoadTOTPConfigurations(ctx context.Context, limit, page int) (configs []model.TOTPConfiguration, err error)
Implementation for User TOTP History.
// SaveTOTPHistory saves a TOTP history item in the storage provider.
SaveTOTPHistory(ctx context.Context, username string, step uint64) (err error)
// ExistsTOTPHistory checks if a TOTP history item exists in the storage provider.
ExistsTOTPHistory(ctx context.Context, username string, step uint64) (exists bool, err error)
Implementation for User WebAuthn Information.
// SaveWebAuthnUser saves a registered WebAuthn user to the storage provider.
SaveWebAuthnUser(ctx context.Context, user model.WebAuthnUser) (err error)
// LoadWebAuthnUser loads a registered WebAuthn user from the storage provider.
LoadWebAuthnUser(ctx context.Context, rpid, username string) (user *model.WebAuthnUser, err error)
Implementation for User WebAuthn Device Registrations.
// SaveWebAuthnCredential saves a registered WebAuthn credential to the storage provider.
SaveWebAuthnCredential(ctx context.Context, credential model.WebAuthnCredential) (err error)
// UpdateWebAuthnCredentialDescription updates a registered WebAuthn credential in the storage provider changing the
// description.
UpdateWebAuthnCredentialDescription(ctx context.Context, username string, credentialID int, description string) (err error)
// UpdateWebAuthnCredentialSignIn updates a registered WebAuthn credential in the storage provider changing the
// information that should be changed in the event of a successful sign in.
UpdateWebAuthnCredentialSignIn(ctx context.Context, credential model.WebAuthnCredential) (err error)
// DeleteWebAuthnCredential deletes a registered WebAuthn credential from the storage provider.
DeleteWebAuthnCredential(ctx context.Context, kid string) (err error)
// DeleteWebAuthnCredentialByUsername deletes registered WebAuthn credential from the storage provider by username
// or username and description.
DeleteWebAuthnCredentialByUsername(ctx context.Context, username, description string) (err error)
// LoadWebAuthnCredentials loads WebAuthn credential registrations from the storage provider.
LoadWebAuthnCredentials(ctx context.Context, limit, page int) (credentials []model.WebAuthnCredential, err error)
// LoadWebAuthnCredentialsByUsername loads all WebAuthn credential registrations from the storage provider for a
// given username.
LoadWebAuthnCredentialsByUsername(ctx context.Context, rpid, username string) (credential []model.WebAuthnCredential, err error)
// LoadWebAuthnCredentialByID loads a WebAuthn credential registration from the storage provider for a given id.
LoadWebAuthnCredentialByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (credential *model.WebAuthnCredential, err error)
// SavePreferredDuoDevice saves a Duo device to the storage provider.
SavePreferredDuoDevice(ctx context.Context, device model.DuoDevice) (err error)
// DeletePreferredDuoDevice deletes a Duo device from the storage provider for a given username.
DeletePreferredDuoDevice(ctx context.Context, username string) (err error)
// LoadPreferredDuoDevice loads a Duo device from the storage provider for a given username.
LoadPreferredDuoDevice(ctx context.Context, username string) (device *model.DuoDevice, err error)
Implementation for Identity Verification (JWT).
// SaveIdentityVerification save an identity verification record to the storage provider.
SaveIdentityVerification(ctx context.Context, verification model.IdentityVerification) (err error)
// ConsumeIdentityVerification marks an identity verification record in the storage provider as consumed.
ConsumeIdentityVerification(ctx context.Context, jti string, ip model.NullIP) (err error)
// RevokeIdentityVerification marks an identity verification record in the storage provider as revoked.
RevokeIdentityVerification(ctx context.Context, jti string, ip model.NullIP) (err error)
// FindIdentityVerification checks if an identity verification record is in the storage provider and active.
FindIdentityVerification(ctx context.Context, jti string) (found bool, err error)
// LoadIdentityVerification loads an Identity Verification but does not do any validation.
// For easy validation you should use FindIdentityVerification which ensures the JWT is still valid.
LoadIdentityVerification(ctx context.Context, jti string) (verification *model.IdentityVerification, err error)
Implementation for Identity Verification (OTP).
// SaveOneTimeCode saves a one-time code to the storage provider after generating the signature which is returned
// along with any error.
SaveOneTimeCode(ctx context.Context, code model.OneTimeCode) (signature string, err error)
// ConsumeOneTimeCode consumes a one-time code using the signature.
ConsumeOneTimeCode(ctx context.Context, code *model.OneTimeCode) (err error)
// RevokeOneTimeCode revokes a one-time code in the storage provider using the public ID.
RevokeOneTimeCode(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, ip model.IP) (err error)
// LoadOneTimeCode loads a one-time code from the storage provider given a username, intent, and code.
LoadOneTimeCode(ctx context.Context, username, intent, raw string) (code *model.OneTimeCode, err error)
// LoadOneTimeCodeBySignature loads a one-time code from the storage provider given the signature.
// This method should NOT be used to validate a One-Time Code, LoadOneTimeCode should be used instead.
LoadOneTimeCodeBySignature(ctx context.Context, signature string) (code *model.OneTimeCode, err error)
// LoadOneTimeCodeByID loads a one-time code from the storage provider given the id.
// This does not decrypt the code. This method should NOT be used to validate a One-Time Code,
// LoadOneTimeCode should be used instead.
LoadOneTimeCodeByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (code *model.OneTimeCode, err error)
// LoadOneTimeCodeByPublicID loads a one-time code from the storage provider given the public identifier.
// This does not decrypt the code. This method SHOULD ONLY be used to find the One-Time Code for the
// purpose of deletion.
LoadOneTimeCodeByPublicID(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (code *model.OneTimeCode, err error)
Implementation for OAuth2.0 Consent Pre-Configurations.
// SaveOAuth2ConsentPreConfiguration inserts an OAuth2.0 consent pre-configuration in the storage provider.
SaveOAuth2ConsentPreConfiguration(ctx context.Context, config model.OAuth2ConsentPreConfig) (insertedID int64, err error)
// LoadOAuth2ConsentPreConfigurations returns an OAuth2.0 consents pre-configurations from the storage provider given the consent signature.
LoadOAuth2ConsentPreConfigurations(ctx context.Context, clientID string, subject uuid.UUID) (rows *ConsentPreConfigRows, err error)
Implementation for OAuth2.0 Consent Sessions.
// SaveOAuth2ConsentSession inserts an OAuth2.0 consent session to the storage provider.
SaveOAuth2ConsentSession(ctx context.Context, consent model.OAuth2ConsentSession) (err error)
// SaveOAuth2ConsentSessionSubject updates an OAuth2.0 consent session in the storage provider with the subject.
SaveOAuth2ConsentSessionSubject(ctx context.Context, consent model.OAuth2ConsentSession) (err error)
// SaveOAuth2ConsentSessionResponse updates an OAuth2.0 consent session in the storage provider with the response.
SaveOAuth2ConsentSessionResponse(ctx context.Context, consent model.OAuth2ConsentSession, rejection bool) (err error)
// SaveOAuth2ConsentSessionGranted updates an OAuth2.0 consent session in the storage provider recording that it
// has been granted by the authorization endpoint.
SaveOAuth2ConsentSessionGranted(ctx context.Context, id int) (err error)
// LoadOAuth2ConsentSessionByChallengeID returns an OAuth2.0 consent session in the storage provider given the
// challenge ID.
LoadOAuth2ConsentSessionByChallengeID(ctx context.Context, challengeID uuid.UUID) (consent *model.OAuth2ConsentSession, err error)
Implementation for OAuth2.0 General Sessions.
// SaveOAuth2Session saves an OAut2.0 session to the storage provider.
SaveOAuth2Session(ctx context.Context, sessionType OAuth2SessionType, session model.OAuth2Session) (err error)
// RevokeOAuth2Session marks an OAuth2.0 session as revoked in the storage provider.
RevokeOAuth2Session(ctx context.Context, sessionType OAuth2SessionType, signature string) (err error)
// RevokeOAuth2SessionByRequestID marks an OAuth2.0 session as revoked in the storage provider.
RevokeOAuth2SessionByRequestID(ctx context.Context, sessionType OAuth2SessionType, requestID string) (err error)
// DeactivateOAuth2Session marks an OAuth2.0 session as inactive in the storage provider.
DeactivateOAuth2Session(ctx context.Context, sessionType OAuth2SessionType, signature string) (err error)
// DeactivateOAuth2SessionByRequestID marks an OAuth2.0 session as inactive in the storage provider.
DeactivateOAuth2SessionByRequestID(ctx context.Context, sessionType OAuth2SessionType, requestID string) (err error)
// LoadOAuth2Session saves an OAuth2.0 session from the storage provider.
LoadOAuth2Session(ctx context.Context, sessionType OAuth2SessionType, signature string) (session *model.OAuth2Session, err error)
Implementation for OAuth2.0 PAR Contexts.
// SaveOAuth2PARContext save an OAuth2.0 PAR context to the storage provider.
SaveOAuth2PARContext(ctx context.Context, par model.OAuth2PARContext) (err error)
// LoadOAuth2PARContext loads an OAuth2.0 PAR context from the storage provider.
LoadOAuth2PARContext(ctx context.Context, signature string) (par *model.OAuth2PARContext, err error)
// RevokeOAuth2PARContext marks an OAuth2.0 PAR context as revoked in the storage provider.
RevokeOAuth2PARContext(ctx context.Context, signature string) (err error)
// UpdateOAuth2PARContext updates an existing OAuth2.0 PAR context in the storage provider.
UpdateOAuth2PARContext(ctx context.Context, par model.OAuth2PARContext) (err error)
Implementation for OAuth2.0 Blacklisted JTI's.
// SaveOAuth2BlacklistedJTI saves an OAuth2.0 blacklisted JTI to the storage provider.
SaveOAuth2BlacklistedJTI(ctx context.Context, blacklistedJTI model.OAuth2BlacklistedJTI) (err error)
// LoadOAuth2BlacklistedJTI loads an OAuth2.0 blacklisted JTI from the storage provider.
LoadOAuth2BlacklistedJTI(ctx context.Context, signature string) (blacklistedJTI *model.OAuth2BlacklistedJTI, err error)
Implementation for Schema controls.
// SchemaTables returns a list of tables from the storage provider.
SchemaTables(ctx context.Context) (tables []string, err error)
// SchemaVersion returns the version of the schema from the storage provider.
SchemaVersion(ctx context.Context) (version int, err error)
// SchemaLatestVersion returns the latest version available for migration for the storage provider.
SchemaLatestVersion() (version int, err error)
// SchemaMigrationHistory returns the storage provider migration history rows.
SchemaMigrationHistory(ctx context.Context) (migrations []model.Migration, err error)
// SchemaMigrationsUp returns a list of storage provider up migrations available between the current version
// and the provided version.
SchemaMigrationsUp(ctx context.Context, version int) (migrations []model.SchemaMigration, err error)
// SchemaMigrationsDown returns a list of storage provider down migrations available between the current version
// and the provided version.
SchemaMigrationsDown(ctx context.Context, version int) (migrations []model.SchemaMigration, err error)
// SchemaMigrate migrates from the storage provider's current schema version to the provided schema version.
SchemaMigrate(ctx context.Context, up bool, version int) (err error)
// SchemaEncryptionChangeKey uses the currently configured key to decrypt values in the storage provider and the key
// provided by this command to encrypt the values again and update them using a transaction.
SchemaEncryptionChangeKey(ctx context.Context, key string) (err error)
// SchemaEncryptionCheckKey checks the encryption key configured is valid for the storage provider.
SchemaEncryptionCheckKey(ctx context.Context, verbose bool) (result EncryptionValidationResult, err error)
// RegulatorProvider is an interface providing storage capabilities for persisting any kind of data related to the regulator.
type RegulatorProvider interface {
// AppendAuthenticationLog saves an authentication attempt to the storage provider.
AppendAuthenticationLog(ctx context.Context, attempt model.AuthenticationAttempt) (err error)
// LoadAuthenticationLogs loads authentication attempts from the storage provider (paginated).
LoadAuthenticationLogs(ctx context.Context, username string, fromDate time.Time, limit, page int) (attempts []model.AuthenticationAttempt, err error)