
779 lines
34 KiB

import asyncio
import dataclasses
import logging
import time
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
from chia.consensus.block_record import BlockRecord
from chia.consensus.blockchain_interface import BlockchainInterface
from chia.consensus.constants import ConsensusConstants
from chia.consensus.difficulty_adjustment import can_finish_sub_and_full_epoch
from chia.consensus.make_sub_epoch_summary import next_sub_epoch_summary
from chia.consensus.multiprocess_validation import PreValidationResult
from chia.consensus.pot_iterations import calculate_sp_interval_iters
from chia.full_node.signage_point import SignagePoint
from chia.protocols import timelord_protocol
from chia.server.outbound_message import Message
from chia.types.blockchain_format.classgroup import ClassgroupElement
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sub_epoch_summary import SubEpochSummary
from chia.types.blockchain_format.vdf import VDFInfo
from chia.types.end_of_slot_bundle import EndOfSubSlotBundle
from chia.types.full_block import FullBlock
from chia.types.generator_types import CompressorArg
from chia.types.unfinished_block import UnfinishedBlock
from chia.util.ints import uint8, uint32, uint64, uint128
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FullNodeStore:
constants: ConsensusConstants
# Blocks which we have created, but don't have plot signatures yet, so not yet "unfinished blocks"
candidate_blocks: Dict[bytes32, Tuple[uint32, UnfinishedBlock]]
candidate_backup_blocks: Dict[bytes32, Tuple[uint32, UnfinishedBlock]]
# Header hashes of unfinished blocks that we have seen recently
seen_unfinished_blocks: set
# Unfinished blocks, keyed from reward hash
unfinished_blocks: Dict[bytes32, Tuple[uint32, UnfinishedBlock, PreValidationResult]]
# Finished slots and sps from the peak's slot onwards
# We store all 32 SPs for each slot, starting as 32 Nones and filling them as we go
# Also stores the total iters at the end of slot
# For the first sub-slot, EndOfSlotBundle is None
finished_sub_slots: List[Tuple[Optional[EndOfSubSlotBundle], List[Optional[SignagePoint]], uint128]]
# These caches maintain objects which depend on infused blocks in the reward chain, that we
# might receive before the blocks themselves. The dict keys are the reward chain challenge hashes.
# End of slots which depend on infusions that we don't have
future_eos_cache: Dict[bytes32, List[EndOfSubSlotBundle]]
# Signage points which depend on infusions that we don't have
future_sp_cache: Dict[bytes32, List[Tuple[uint8, SignagePoint]]]
# Infusion point VDFs which depend on infusions that we don't have
future_ip_cache: Dict[bytes32, List[timelord_protocol.NewInfusionPointVDF]]
# This stores the time that each key was added to the future cache, so we can clear old keys
future_cache_key_times: Dict[bytes32, int]
# Partial hashes of unfinished blocks we are requesting
requesting_unfinished_blocks: Set[bytes32]
previous_generator: Optional[CompressorArg]
pending_tx_request: Dict[bytes32, bytes32] # tx_id: peer_id
peers_with_tx: Dict[bytes32, Set[bytes32]] # tx_id: Set[peer_ids}
tx_fetch_tasks: Dict[bytes32, asyncio.Task] # Task id: task
serialized_wp_message: Optional[Message]
serialized_wp_message_tip: Optional[bytes32]
def __init__(self, constants: ConsensusConstants):
self.candidate_blocks = {}
self.candidate_backup_blocks = {}
self.seen_unfinished_blocks = set()
self.unfinished_blocks = {}
self.finished_sub_slots = []
self.future_eos_cache = {}
self.future_sp_cache = {}
self.future_ip_cache = {}
self.requesting_unfinished_blocks = set()
self.previous_generator = None
self.future_cache_key_times = {}
self.constants = constants
self.pending_tx_request = {}
self.peers_with_tx = {}
self.tx_fetch_tasks = {}
self.serialized_wp_message = None
self.serialized_wp_message_tip = None
def add_candidate_block(
self, quality_string: bytes32, height: uint32, unfinished_block: UnfinishedBlock, backup: bool = False
if backup:
self.candidate_backup_blocks[quality_string] = (height, unfinished_block)
self.candidate_blocks[quality_string] = (height, unfinished_block)
def get_candidate_block(
self, quality_string: bytes32, backup: bool = False
) -> Optional[Tuple[uint32, UnfinishedBlock]]:
if backup:
return self.candidate_backup_blocks.get(quality_string, None)
return self.candidate_blocks.get(quality_string, None)
def clear_candidate_blocks_below(self, height: uint32) -> None:
del_keys = []
for key, value in self.candidate_blocks.items():
if value[0] < height:
for key in del_keys:
del self.candidate_blocks[key]
except KeyError:
del_keys = []
for key, value in self.candidate_backup_blocks.items():
if value[0] < height:
for key in del_keys:
del self.candidate_backup_blocks[key]
except KeyError:
def seen_unfinished_block(self, object_hash: bytes32) -> bool:
if object_hash in self.seen_unfinished_blocks:
return True
return False
def clear_seen_unfinished_blocks(self) -> None:
def add_unfinished_block(
self, height: uint32, unfinished_block: UnfinishedBlock, result: PreValidationResult
) -> None:
self.unfinished_blocks[unfinished_block.partial_hash] = (height, unfinished_block, result)
def get_unfinished_block(self, unfinished_reward_hash: bytes32) -> Optional[UnfinishedBlock]:
result = self.unfinished_blocks.get(unfinished_reward_hash, None)
if result is None:
return None
return result[1]
def get_unfinished_block_result(self, unfinished_reward_hash: bytes32) -> Optional[PreValidationResult]:
result = self.unfinished_blocks.get(unfinished_reward_hash, None)
if result is None:
return None
return result[2]
def get_unfinished_blocks(self) -> Dict[bytes32, Tuple[uint32, UnfinishedBlock, PreValidationResult]]:
return self.unfinished_blocks
def clear_unfinished_blocks_below(self, height: uint32) -> None:
del_keys: List[bytes32] = []
for partial_reward_hash, (unf_height, unfinished_block, _) in self.unfinished_blocks.items():
if unf_height < height:
for del_key in del_keys:
del self.unfinished_blocks[del_key]
def remove_unfinished_block(self, partial_reward_hash: bytes32):
if partial_reward_hash in self.unfinished_blocks:
del self.unfinished_blocks[partial_reward_hash]
def add_to_future_ip(self, infusion_point: timelord_protocol.NewInfusionPointVDF):
ch: bytes32 = infusion_point.reward_chain_ip_vdf.challenge
if ch not in self.future_ip_cache:
self.future_ip_cache[ch] = []
def in_future_sp_cache(self, signage_point: SignagePoint, index: uint8) -> bool:
if signage_point.rc_vdf is None:
return False
if signage_point.rc_vdf.challenge not in self.future_sp_cache:
return False
for cache_index, cache_sp in self.future_sp_cache[signage_point.rc_vdf.challenge]:
if cache_index == index and cache_sp.rc_vdf == signage_point.rc_vdf:
return True
return False
def add_to_future_sp(self, signage_point: SignagePoint, index: uint8):
# We are missing a block here
if (
signage_point.cc_vdf is None
or signage_point.rc_vdf is None
or signage_point.cc_proof is None
or signage_point.rc_proof is None
return None
if signage_point.rc_vdf.challenge not in self.future_sp_cache:
self.future_sp_cache[signage_point.rc_vdf.challenge] = []
if self.in_future_sp_cache(signage_point, index):
return None
self.future_cache_key_times[signage_point.rc_vdf.challenge] = int(time.time())
self.future_sp_cache[signage_point.rc_vdf.challenge].append((index, signage_point))"Don't have rc hash {signage_point.rc_vdf.challenge}. caching signage point {index}.")
def get_future_ip(self, rc_challenge_hash: bytes32) -> List[timelord_protocol.NewInfusionPointVDF]:
return self.future_ip_cache.get(rc_challenge_hash, [])
def clear_old_cache_entries(self) -> None:
current_time: int = int(time.time())
remove_keys: List[bytes32] = []
for rc_hash, time_added in self.future_cache_key_times.items():
if current_time - time_added > 3600:
for k in remove_keys:
self.future_cache_key_times.pop(k, None)
self.future_ip_cache.pop(k, [])
self.future_eos_cache.pop(k, [])
self.future_sp_cache.pop(k, [])
def clear_slots(self):
def get_sub_slot(self, challenge_hash: bytes32) -> Optional[Tuple[EndOfSubSlotBundle, int, uint128]]:
assert len(self.finished_sub_slots) >= 1
for index, (sub_slot, _, total_iters) in enumerate(self.finished_sub_slots):
if sub_slot is not None and sub_slot.challenge_chain.get_hash() == challenge_hash:
return sub_slot, index, total_iters
return None
def initialize_genesis_sub_slot(self):
self.finished_sub_slots = [(None, [None] * self.constants.NUM_SPS_SUB_SLOT, uint128(0))]
def new_finished_sub_slot(
eos: EndOfSubSlotBundle,
blocks: BlockchainInterface,
peak: Optional[BlockRecord],
peak_full_block: Optional[FullBlock],
) -> Optional[List[timelord_protocol.NewInfusionPointVDF]]:
Returns false if not added. Returns a list if added. The list contains all infusion points that depended
on this sub slot
assert len(self.finished_sub_slots) >= 1
assert (peak is None) == (peak_full_block is None)
last_slot, _, last_slot_iters = self.finished_sub_slots[-1]
cc_challenge: bytes32 = (
last_slot.challenge_chain.get_hash() if last_slot is not None else self.constants.GENESIS_CHALLENGE
rc_challenge: bytes32 = (
last_slot.reward_chain.get_hash() if last_slot is not None else self.constants.GENESIS_CHALLENGE
icc_challenge: Optional[bytes32] = None
icc_iters: Optional[uint64] = None
# Skip if already present
for slot, _, _ in self.finished_sub_slots:
if slot == eos:
return []
if eos.challenge_chain.challenge_chain_end_of_slot_vdf.challenge != cc_challenge:
# This slot does not append to our next slot
# This prevent other peers from appending fake VDFs to our cache
return None
if peak is None:
sub_slot_iters = self.constants.SUB_SLOT_ITERS_STARTING
sub_slot_iters = peak.sub_slot_iters
total_iters = uint128(last_slot_iters + sub_slot_iters)
if peak is not None and peak.total_iters > last_slot_iters:
# Peak is in this slot
rc_challenge = eos.reward_chain.end_of_slot_vdf.challenge
cc_start_element = peak.challenge_vdf_output
iters = uint64(total_iters - peak.total_iters)
if peak.reward_infusion_new_challenge != rc_challenge:
# We don't have this challenge hash yet
if rc_challenge not in self.future_eos_cache:
self.future_eos_cache[rc_challenge] = []
self.future_cache_key_times[rc_challenge] = int(time.time())"Don't have challenge hash {rc_challenge}, caching EOS")
return None
if peak.deficit == self.constants.MIN_BLOCKS_PER_CHALLENGE_BLOCK:
icc_start_element = None
elif peak.deficit == self.constants.MIN_BLOCKS_PER_CHALLENGE_BLOCK - 1:
icc_start_element = ClassgroupElement.get_default_element()
icc_start_element = peak.infused_challenge_vdf_output
if peak.deficit < self.constants.MIN_BLOCKS_PER_CHALLENGE_BLOCK:
curr = peak
while not curr.first_in_sub_slot and not curr.is_challenge_block(self.constants):
curr = blocks.block_record(curr.prev_hash)
if curr.is_challenge_block(self.constants):
icc_challenge = curr.challenge_block_info_hash
icc_iters = uint64(total_iters - curr.total_iters)
assert curr.finished_infused_challenge_slot_hashes is not None
icc_challenge = curr.finished_infused_challenge_slot_hashes[-1]
icc_iters = sub_slot_iters
assert icc_challenge is not None
if can_finish_sub_and_full_epoch(
peak.sub_epoch_summary_included is not None,
assert peak_full_block is not None
ses: Optional[SubEpochSummary] = next_sub_epoch_summary(
self.constants, blocks, peak.required_iters, peak_full_block, True
if ses is not None:
if eos.challenge_chain.subepoch_summary_hash != ses.get_hash():
log.warning(f"SES not correct {ses.get_hash(), eos.challenge_chain}")
return None
if eos.challenge_chain.subepoch_summary_hash is not None:
log.warning("SES not correct, should be None")
return None
# This is on an empty slot
cc_start_element = ClassgroupElement.get_default_element()
icc_start_element = ClassgroupElement.get_default_element()
iters = sub_slot_iters
icc_iters = sub_slot_iters
# The icc should only be present if the previous slot had an icc too, and not deficit 0 (just finished slot)
icc_challenge = (
if last_slot is not None
and last_slot.infused_challenge_chain is not None
and last_slot.reward_chain.deficit != self.constants.MIN_BLOCKS_PER_CHALLENGE_BLOCK
else None
# Validate cc VDF
partial_cc_vdf_info = VDFInfo(
# The EOS will have the whole sub-slot iters, but the proof is only the delta, from the last peak
if eos.challenge_chain.challenge_chain_end_of_slot_vdf != dataclasses.replace(
return None
if (
not eos.proofs.challenge_chain_slot_proof.normalized_to_identity
and not eos.proofs.challenge_chain_slot_proof.is_valid(
return None
if (
and not eos.proofs.challenge_chain_slot_proof.is_valid(
return None
# Validate reward chain VDF
if not eos.proofs.reward_chain_slot_proof.is_valid(
VDFInfo(rc_challenge, iters, eos.reward_chain.end_of_slot_vdf.output),
return None
if icc_challenge is not None:
assert icc_start_element is not None
assert icc_iters is not None
assert eos.infused_challenge_chain is not None
assert eos.infused_challenge_chain is not None
assert eos.proofs.infused_challenge_chain_slot_proof is not None
partial_icc_vdf_info = VDFInfo(
# The EOS will have the whole sub-slot iters, but the proof is only the delta, from the last peak
if eos.infused_challenge_chain.infused_challenge_chain_end_of_slot_vdf != dataclasses.replace(
return None
if (
not eos.proofs.infused_challenge_chain_slot_proof.normalized_to_identity
and not eos.proofs.infused_challenge_chain_slot_proof.is_valid(
self.constants, icc_start_element, partial_icc_vdf_info
return None
if (
and not eos.proofs.infused_challenge_chain_slot_proof.is_valid(
return None
# This is the first sub slot and it's empty, therefore there is no ICC
if eos.infused_challenge_chain is not None or eos.proofs.infused_challenge_chain_slot_proof is not None:
return None
self.finished_sub_slots.append((eos, [None] * self.constants.NUM_SPS_SUB_SLOT, total_iters))
new_ips: List[timelord_protocol.NewInfusionPointVDF] = []
for ip in self.future_ip_cache.get(eos.reward_chain.get_hash(), []):
return new_ips
def new_signage_point(
index: uint8,
blocks: BlockchainInterface,
peak: Optional[BlockRecord],
next_sub_slot_iters: uint64,
signage_point: SignagePoint,
) -> bool:
Returns true if sp successfully added
assert len(self.finished_sub_slots) >= 1
if peak is None or peak.height < 2:
sub_slot_iters = self.constants.SUB_SLOT_ITERS_STARTING
sub_slot_iters = peak.sub_slot_iters
# If we don't have this slot, return False
if index == 0 or index >= self.constants.NUM_SPS_SUB_SLOT:
return False
assert (
signage_point.cc_vdf is not None
and signage_point.cc_proof is not None
and signage_point.rc_vdf is not None
and signage_point.rc_proof is not None
for sub_slot, sp_arr, start_ss_total_iters in self.finished_sub_slots:
if sub_slot is None:
assert start_ss_total_iters == 0
ss_challenge_hash = self.constants.GENESIS_CHALLENGE
ss_reward_hash = self.constants.GENESIS_CHALLENGE
ss_challenge_hash = sub_slot.challenge_chain.get_hash()
ss_reward_hash = sub_slot.reward_chain.get_hash()
if ss_challenge_hash == signage_point.cc_vdf.challenge:
# If we do have this slot, find the Prev block from SP and validate SP
if peak is not None and start_ss_total_iters > peak.total_iters:
# We are in a future sub slot from the peak, so maybe there is a new SSI
checkpoint_size: uint64 = uint64(next_sub_slot_iters // self.constants.NUM_SPS_SUB_SLOT)
delta_iters: uint64 = uint64(checkpoint_size * index)
future_sub_slot: bool = True
# We are not in a future sub slot from the peak, so there is no new SSI
checkpoint_size = uint64(sub_slot_iters // self.constants.NUM_SPS_SUB_SLOT)
delta_iters = uint64(checkpoint_size * index)
future_sub_slot = False
sp_total_iters = start_ss_total_iters + delta_iters
curr = peak
if peak is None or future_sub_slot:
check_from_start_of_ss = True
check_from_start_of_ss = False
while (
curr is not None
and curr.total_iters > start_ss_total_iters
and curr.total_iters > sp_total_iters
if curr.first_in_sub_slot:
# Did not find a block where it's iters are before our sp_total_iters, in this ss
check_from_start_of_ss = True
curr = blocks.block_record(curr.prev_hash)
if check_from_start_of_ss:
# Check VDFs from start of sub slot
cc_vdf_info_expected = VDFInfo(
rc_vdf_info_expected = VDFInfo(
# Check VDFs from curr
assert curr is not None
cc_vdf_info_expected = VDFInfo(
uint64(sp_total_iters - curr.total_iters),
rc_vdf_info_expected = VDFInfo(
uint64(sp_total_iters - curr.total_iters),
if not signage_point.cc_vdf == dataclasses.replace(
cc_vdf_info_expected, number_of_iterations=delta_iters
self.add_to_future_sp(signage_point, index)
return False
if check_from_start_of_ss:
start_ele = ClassgroupElement.get_default_element()
assert curr is not None
start_ele = curr.challenge_vdf_output
if not skip_vdf_validation:
if not signage_point.cc_proof.normalized_to_identity and not signage_point.cc_proof.is_valid(
self.add_to_future_sp(signage_point, index)
return False
if signage_point.cc_proof.normalized_to_identity and not signage_point.cc_proof.is_valid(
self.add_to_future_sp(signage_point, index)
return False
if rc_vdf_info_expected.challenge != signage_point.rc_vdf.challenge:
# This signage point is probably outdated
self.add_to_future_sp(signage_point, index)
return False
if not skip_vdf_validation:
if not signage_point.rc_proof.is_valid(
self.add_to_future_sp(signage_point, index)
return False
sp_arr[index] = signage_point
return True
self.add_to_future_sp(signage_point, index)
return False
def get_signage_point(self, cc_signage_point: bytes32) -> Optional[SignagePoint]:
assert len(self.finished_sub_slots) >= 1
if cc_signage_point == self.constants.GENESIS_CHALLENGE:
return SignagePoint(None, None, None, None)
for sub_slot, sps, _ in self.finished_sub_slots:
if sub_slot is not None and sub_slot.challenge_chain.get_hash() == cc_signage_point:
return SignagePoint(None, None, None, None)
for sp in sps:
if sp is not None:
assert sp.cc_vdf is not None
if sp.cc_vdf.output.get_hash() == cc_signage_point:
return sp
return None
def get_signage_point_by_index(
self, challenge_hash: bytes32, index: uint8, last_rc_infusion: bytes32
) -> Optional[SignagePoint]:
assert len(self.finished_sub_slots) >= 1
for sub_slot, sps, _ in self.finished_sub_slots:
if sub_slot is not None:
cc_hash = sub_slot.challenge_chain.get_hash()
cc_hash = self.constants.GENESIS_CHALLENGE
if cc_hash == challenge_hash:
if index == 0:
return SignagePoint(None, None, None, None)
sp: Optional[SignagePoint] = sps[index]
if sp is not None:
assert sp.rc_vdf is not None
if sp.rc_vdf.challenge == last_rc_infusion:
return sp
return None
return None
def have_newer_signage_point(self, challenge_hash: bytes32, index: uint8, last_rc_infusion: bytes32) -> bool:
Returns true if we have a signage point at this index which is based on a newer infusion.
assert len(self.finished_sub_slots) >= 1
for sub_slot, sps, _ in self.finished_sub_slots:
if sub_slot is not None:
cc_hash = sub_slot.challenge_chain.get_hash()
cc_hash = self.constants.GENESIS_CHALLENGE
if cc_hash == challenge_hash:
found_rc_hash = False
for i in range(0, index):
sp: Optional[SignagePoint] = sps[i]
if sp is not None and sp.rc_vdf is not None and sp.rc_vdf.challenge == last_rc_infusion:
found_rc_hash = True
sp = sps[index]
if (
and sp is not None
and sp.rc_vdf is not None
and sp.rc_vdf.challenge != last_rc_infusion
return True
return False
def new_peak(
peak: BlockRecord,
peak_full_block: FullBlock,
sp_sub_slot: Optional[EndOfSubSlotBundle], # None if not overflow, or in first/second slot
ip_sub_slot: Optional[EndOfSubSlotBundle], # None if in first slot
fork_block: Optional[BlockRecord],
blocks: BlockchainInterface,
) -> Tuple[
Optional[EndOfSubSlotBundle], List[Tuple[uint8, SignagePoint]], List[timelord_protocol.NewInfusionPointVDF]
If the peak is an overflow block, must provide two sub-slots: one for the current sub-slot and one for
the prev sub-slot (since we still might get more blocks with an sp in the previous sub-slot)
Results in either one or two sub-slots in finished_sub_slots.
assert len(self.finished_sub_slots) >= 1
if ip_sub_slot is None:
# We are still in the first sub-slot, no new sub slots ey
# This is not the first sub-slot in the chain
sp_sub_slot_sps: List[Optional[SignagePoint]] = [None] * self.constants.NUM_SPS_SUB_SLOT
ip_sub_slot_sps: List[Optional[SignagePoint]] = [None] * self.constants.NUM_SPS_SUB_SLOT
if fork_block is not None and fork_block.sub_slot_iters != peak.sub_slot_iters:
# If there was a reorg and a difficulty adjustment, just clear all the slots
interval_iters = calculate_sp_interval_iters(self.constants, peak.sub_slot_iters)
# If it's not a reorg, or there is a reorg on the same difficulty, we can keep signage points
# that we had before, in the cache
for index, (sub_slot, sps, total_iters) in enumerate(self.finished_sub_slots):
if sub_slot is None:
if fork_block is None:
# If this is not a reorg, we still want to remove signage points after the new peak
fork_block = peak
replaced_sps: List[Optional[SignagePoint]] = [] # index 0 is the end of sub slot
for i, sp in enumerate(sps):
if (total_iters + i * interval_iters) < fork_block.total_iters:
# Sps before the fork point as still valid
if sp is not None:
f"Reverting {i} {(total_iters + i * interval_iters)} {fork_block.total_iters}"
# Sps after the fork point should be removed
assert len(sps) == len(replaced_sps)
if sub_slot == sp_sub_slot:
sp_sub_slot_sps = replaced_sps
if sub_slot == ip_sub_slot:
ip_sub_slot_sps = replaced_sps
prev_sub_slot_total_iters = peak.sp_sub_slot_total_iters(self.constants)
if sp_sub_slot is not None or prev_sub_slot_total_iters == 0:
assert peak.overflow or prev_sub_slot_total_iters
self.finished_sub_slots.append((sp_sub_slot, sp_sub_slot_sps, prev_sub_slot_total_iters))
ip_sub_slot_total_iters = peak.ip_sub_slot_total_iters(self.constants)
self.finished_sub_slots.append((ip_sub_slot, ip_sub_slot_sps, ip_sub_slot_total_iters))
new_eos: Optional[EndOfSubSlotBundle] = None
new_sps: List[Tuple[uint8, SignagePoint]] = []
new_ips: List[timelord_protocol.NewInfusionPointVDF] = []
future_eos: List[EndOfSubSlotBundle] = self.future_eos_cache.get(peak.reward_infusion_new_challenge, []).copy()
for eos in future_eos:
if self.new_finished_sub_slot(eos, blocks, peak, peak_full_block) is not None:
new_eos = eos
future_sps: List[Tuple[uint8, SignagePoint]] = self.future_sp_cache.get(
peak.reward_infusion_new_challenge, []
for index, sp in future_sps:
assert sp.cc_vdf is not None
if self.new_signage_point(index, blocks, peak, peak.sub_slot_iters, sp):
new_sps.append((index, sp))
for ip in self.future_ip_cache.get(peak.reward_infusion_new_challenge, []):
self.future_eos_cache.pop(peak.reward_infusion_new_challenge, [])
self.future_sp_cache.pop(peak.reward_infusion_new_challenge, [])
self.future_ip_cache.pop(peak.reward_infusion_new_challenge, [])
return new_eos, new_sps, new_ips
def get_finished_sub_slots(
block_records: BlockchainInterface,
prev_b: Optional[BlockRecord],
last_challenge_to_add: bytes32,
) -> Optional[List[EndOfSubSlotBundle]]:
Retrieves the EndOfSubSlotBundles that are in the store either:
1. From the starting challenge if prev_b is None
2. That are not included in the blockchain with peak of prev_b if prev_b is not None
Stops at last_challenge
if prev_b is None:
# The first sub slot must be None
assert self.finished_sub_slots[0][0] is None
challenge_in_chain: bytes32 = self.constants.GENESIS_CHALLENGE
curr: BlockRecord = prev_b
while not curr.first_in_sub_slot:
curr = block_records.block_record(curr.prev_hash)
assert curr is not None
assert curr.finished_challenge_slot_hashes is not None
challenge_in_chain = curr.finished_challenge_slot_hashes[-1]
if last_challenge_to_add == challenge_in_chain:
# No additional slots to add
return []
collected_sub_slots: List[EndOfSubSlotBundle] = []
found_last_challenge = False
found_connecting_challenge = False
for sub_slot, sps, total_iters in self.finished_sub_slots[1:]:
assert sub_slot is not None
if sub_slot.challenge_chain.challenge_chain_end_of_slot_vdf.challenge == challenge_in_chain:
found_connecting_challenge = True
if found_connecting_challenge:
if found_connecting_challenge and sub_slot.challenge_chain.get_hash() == last_challenge_to_add:
found_last_challenge = True
if not found_last_challenge:
log.warning(f"Did not find hash {last_challenge_to_add} connected to " f"{challenge_in_chain}")
return None
return collected_sub_slots