
94 lines
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from typing import Dict, List
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict
from chia.types.blockchain_format.coin import Coin
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.types.mempool_item import MempoolItem
class Mempool:
def __init__(self, max_size_in_cost: int):
self.spends: Dict[bytes32, MempoolItem] = {}
self.sorted_spends: SortedDict = SortedDict()
self.additions: Dict[bytes32, MempoolItem] = {}
self.removals: Dict[bytes32, MempoolItem] = {}
self.max_size_in_cost: int = max_size_in_cost
self.total_mempool_cost: int = 0
def get_min_fee_rate(self, cost: int) -> float:
Gets the minimum fpc rate that a transaction with specified cost will need in order to get included.
if self.at_full_capacity(cost):
current_cost = self.total_mempool_cost
# Iterates through all spends in increasing fee per cost
for fee_per_cost, spends_with_fpc in self.sorted_spends.items():
for spend_name, item in spends_with_fpc.items():
current_cost -= item.cost
# Removing one at a time, until our transaction of size cost fits
if current_cost + cost <= self.max_size_in_cost:
return fee_per_cost
raise ValueError(
f"Transaction with cost {cost} does not fit in mempool of max cost {self.max_size_in_cost}"
return 0
def remove_from_pool(self, item: MempoolItem):
Removes an item from the mempool.
removals: List[Coin] = item.spend_bundle.removals()
additions: List[Coin] = item.spend_bundle.additions()
for rem in removals:
del self.removals[]
for add in additions:
del self.additions[]
del self.spends[]
del self.sorted_spends[item.fee_per_cost][]
dic = self.sorted_spends[item.fee_per_cost]
if len(dic.values()) == 0:
del self.sorted_spends[item.fee_per_cost]
self.total_mempool_cost -= item.cost
assert self.total_mempool_cost >= 0
def add_to_pool(
item: MempoolItem,
additions: List[Coin],
removals_dic: Dict[bytes32, Coin],
Adds an item to the mempool by kicking out transactions (if it doesn't fit), in order of increasing fee per cost
while self.at_full_capacity(item.cost):
# Val is Dict[hash, MempoolItem]
fee_per_cost, val = self.sorted_spends.peekitem(index=0)
to_remove = list(val.values())[0]
self.spends[] = item
# sorted_spends is Dict[float, Dict[bytes32, MempoolItem]]
if item.fee_per_cost not in self.sorted_spends:
self.sorted_spends[item.fee_per_cost] = {}
self.sorted_spends[item.fee_per_cost][] = item
for add in additions:
self.additions[] = item
for key in removals_dic.keys():
self.removals[key] = item
self.total_mempool_cost += item.cost
def at_full_capacity(self, cost: int) -> bool:
Checks whether the mempool is at full capacity and cannot accept a transaction with size cost.
return self.total_mempool_cost + cost > self.max_size_in_cost