
343 lines
13 KiB

import asyncio
import json
import logging
import traceback
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional
import aiohttp
from chia.server.outbound_message import NodeType
from chia.server.server import ssl_context_for_server
from chia.types.peer_info import PeerInfo
from chia.util.byte_types import hexstr_to_bytes
from chia.util.ints import uint16
from chia.util.json_util import dict_to_json_str, obj_to_response
from chia.util.ws_message import create_payload, create_payload_dict, format_response, pong
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RpcServer:
Implementation of RPC server.
def __init__(self, rpc_api: Any, service_name: str, stop_cb: Callable, root_path, net_config):
self.rpc_api = rpc_api
self.stop_cb: Callable = stop_cb
self.log = log
self.shut_down = False
self.websocket: Optional[aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse] = None
self.service_name = service_name
self.root_path = root_path
self.net_config = net_config
self.crt_path = root_path / net_config["daemon_ssl"]["private_crt"]
self.key_path = root_path / net_config["daemon_ssl"]["private_key"]
self.ca_cert_path = root_path / net_config["private_ssl_ca"]["crt"]
self.ca_key_path = root_path / net_config["private_ssl_ca"]["key"]
self.ssl_context = ssl_context_for_server(self.ca_cert_path, self.ca_key_path, self.crt_path, self.key_path)
async def stop(self):
self.shut_down = True
if self.websocket is not None:
await self.websocket.close()
async def _state_changed(self, *args):
if self.websocket is None:
return None
payloads: List[Dict] = await self.rpc_api._state_changed(*args)
change = args[0]
if change == "add_connection" or change == "close_connection":
data = await self.get_connections({})
if data is not None:
payload = create_payload_dict(
for payload in payloads:
if "success" not in payload["data"]:
payload["data"]["success"] = True
await self.websocket.send_str(dict_to_json_str(payload))
except Exception:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
self.log.warning(f"Sending data failed. Exception {tb}.")
def state_changed(self, *args):
if self.websocket is None:
return None
def _wrap_http_handler(self, f) -> Callable:
async def inner(request) -> aiohttp.web.Response:
request_data = await request.json()
res_object = await f(request_data)
if res_object is None:
res_object = {}
if "success" not in res_object:
res_object["success"] = True
except Exception as e:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
self.log.warning(f"Error while handling message: {tb}")
if len(e.args) > 0:
res_object = {"success": False, "error": f"{e.args[0]}"}
res_object = {"success": False, "error": f"{e}"}
return obj_to_response(res_object)
return inner
async def get_connections(self, request: Dict) -> Dict:
if self.rpc_api.service.server is None:
raise ValueError("Global connections is not set")
if self.rpc_api.service.server._local_type is NodeType.FULL_NODE:
# TODO add peaks for peers
connections = self.rpc_api.service.server.get_connections()
con_info = []
if self.rpc_api.service.sync_store is not None:
peak_store = self.rpc_api.service.sync_store.peer_to_peak
peak_store = None
for con in connections:
if peak_store is not None and con.peer_node_id in peak_store:
peak_hash, peak_height, peak_weight = peak_store[con.peer_node_id]
peak_height = None
peak_hash = None
peak_weight = None
con_dict = {
"type": con.connection_type,
"local_port": con.local_port,
"peer_host": con.peer_host,
"peer_port": con.peer_port,
"peer_server_port": con.peer_server_port,
"node_id": con.peer_node_id,
"creation_time": con.creation_time,
"bytes_read": con.bytes_read,
"bytes_written": con.bytes_written,
"last_message_time": con.last_message_time,
"peak_height": peak_height,
"peak_weight": peak_weight,
"peak_hash": peak_hash,
connections = self.rpc_api.service.server.get_connections()
con_info = [
"type": con.connection_type,
"local_port": con.local_port,
"peer_host": con.peer_host,
"peer_port": con.peer_port,
"peer_server_port": con.peer_server_port,
"node_id": con.peer_node_id,
"creation_time": con.creation_time,
"bytes_read": con.bytes_read,
"bytes_written": con.bytes_written,
"last_message_time": con.last_message_time,
for con in connections
return {"connections": con_info}
async def open_connection(self, request: Dict):
host = request["host"]
port = request["port"]
target_node: PeerInfo = PeerInfo(host, uint16(int(port)))
on_connect = None
if hasattr(self.rpc_api.service, "on_connect"):
on_connect = self.rpc_api.service.on_connect
if getattr(self.rpc_api.service, "server", None) is None or not (
await self.rpc_api.service.server.start_client(target_node, on_connect)
raise ValueError("Start client failed, or server is not set")
return {}
async def close_connection(self, request: Dict):
node_id = hexstr_to_bytes(request["node_id"])
if self.rpc_api.service.server is None:
raise aiohttp.web.HTTPInternalServerError()
connections_to_close = [c for c in self.rpc_api.service.server.get_connections() if c.peer_node_id == node_id]
if len(connections_to_close) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"Connection with node_id {node_id.hex()} does not exist")
for connection in connections_to_close:
await connection.close()
return {}
async def stop_node(self, request):
Shuts down the node.
if self.stop_cb is not None:
return {}
async def ws_api(self, message):
This function gets called when new message is received via websocket.
command = message["command"]
if message["ack"]:
return None
data = None
if "data" in message:
data = message["data"]
if command == "ping":
return pong()
f = getattr(self, command, None)
if f is not None:
return await f(data)
f = getattr(self.rpc_api, command, None)
if f is not None:
return await f(data)
raise ValueError(f"unknown_command {command}")
async def safe_handle(self, websocket, payload):
message = None
message = json.loads(payload)
self.log.debug(f"Rpc call <- {message['command']}")
response = await self.ws_api(message)
# Only respond if we return something from api call
if response is not None:
log.debug(f"Rpc response -> {message['command']}")
# Set success to true automatically (unless it's already set)
if "success" not in response:
response["success"] = True
await websocket.send_str(format_response(message, response))
except Exception as e:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
self.log.warning(f"Error while handling message: {tb}")
if message is not None:
error = e.args[0] if e.args else e
res = {"success": False, "error": f"{error}"}
await websocket.send_str(format_response(message, res))
async def connection(self, ws):
data = {"service": self.service_name}
payload = create_payload("register_service", data, self.service_name, "daemon")
await ws.send_str(payload)
while True:
msg = await ws.receive()
if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT:
message =
#"received message: {message}")
await self.safe_handle(ws, message)
elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.BINARY:
self.log.debug("Received binary data")
elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.PING:
self.log.debug("Ping received")
await ws.pong()
elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.PONG:
self.log.debug("Pong received")
if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSE:
self.log.debug("Closing RPC websocket")
await ws.close()
elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR:
self.log.error("Error during receive %s" % ws.exception())
elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSED:
await ws.close()
async def connect_to_daemon(self, self_hostname: str, daemon_port: uint16):
while True:
session = None
if self.shut_down:
session = aiohttp.ClientSession()
async with session.ws_connect(
max_msg_size=100 * 1024 * 1024,
) as ws:
self.websocket = ws
await self.connection(ws)
self.websocket = None
await session.close()
except aiohttp.ClientConnectorError:
self.log.warning(f"Cannot connect to daemon at ws://{self_hostname}:{daemon_port}")
except Exception as e:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
self.log.warning(f"Exception: {tb} {type(e)}")
if session is not None:
await session.close()
await asyncio.sleep(2)
async def start_rpc_server(
rpc_api: Any,
self_hostname: str,
daemon_port: uint16,
rpc_port: uint16,
stop_cb: Callable,
root_path: Path,
Starts an HTTP server with the following RPC methods, to be used by local clients to
query the node.
app = aiohttp.web.Application()
rpc_server = RpcServer(rpc_api, rpc_api.service_name, stop_cb, root_path, net_config)
http_routes: Dict[str, Callable] = rpc_api.get_routes()
routes = [, rpc_server._wrap_http_handler(func)) for (route, func) in http_routes.items()]
routes += [
),"/stop_node", rpc_server._wrap_http_handler(rpc_server.stop_node)),
if connect_to_daemon:
daemon_connection = asyncio.create_task(rpc_server.connect_to_daemon(self_hostname, daemon_port))
runner = aiohttp.web.AppRunner(app, access_log=None)
await runner.setup()
site = aiohttp.web.TCPSite(runner, self_hostname, int(rpc_port), ssl_context=rpc_server.ssl_context)
await site.start()
async def cleanup():
await rpc_server.stop()
await runner.cleanup()
if connect_to_daemon:
await daemon_connection
return cleanup