
206 lines
8.1 KiB

import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
import aiosqlite
from chia.server.address_manager import (
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AddressManagerStore:
Metadata table:
- private key
- new table count
- tried table count
Nodes table:
* Maps entries from new/tried table to unique node ids.
- node_id
- IP, port, together with the IP, port of the source peer.
New table:
* Stores node_id, bucket for each occurrence in the new table of an entry.
* Once we know the buckets, we can also deduce the bucket positions.
Every other information, such as tried_matrix, map_addr, map_info, random_pos,
be deduced and it is not explicitly stored, instead it is recalculated.
db: aiosqlite.Connection
async def create(cls, connection) -> "AddressManagerStore":
self = cls()
self.db = connection
await self.db.commit()
await self.db.execute("pragma journal_mode=wal")
await self.db.execute("pragma synchronous=2")
await self.db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS peer_metadata(key text,value text)")
await self.db.commit()
await self.db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS peer_nodes(node_id int,value text)")
await self.db.commit()
await self.db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS peer_new_table(node_id int,bucket int)")
await self.db.commit()
return self
async def clear(self) -> None:
cursor = await self.db.execute("DELETE from peer_metadata")
await cursor.close()
cursor = await self.db.execute("DELETE from peer_nodes")
await cursor.close()
cursor = await self.db.execute("DELETE from peer_new_table")
await cursor.close()
await self.db.commit()
async def get_metadata(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
cursor = await self.db.execute("SELECT key, value from peer_metadata")
metadata = await cursor.fetchall()
await cursor.close()
return {key: value for key, value in metadata}
async def is_empty(self) -> bool:
metadata = await self.get_metadata()
if "key" not in metadata:
return True
if int(metadata.get("new_count", 0)) > 0:
return False
if int(metadata.get("tried_count", 0)) > 0:
return False
return True
async def get_nodes(self) -> List[Tuple[int, ExtendedPeerInfo]]:
cursor = await self.db.execute("SELECT node_id, value from peer_nodes")
nodes_id = await cursor.fetchall()
await cursor.close()
return [(node_id, ExtendedPeerInfo.from_string(info_str)) for node_id, info_str in nodes_id]
async def get_new_table(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
cursor = await self.db.execute("SELECT node_id, bucket from peer_new_table")
entries = await cursor.fetchall()
await cursor.close()
return [(node_id, bucket) for node_id, bucket in entries]
async def set_metadata(self, metadata) -> None:
for key, value in metadata:
cursor = await self.db.execute(
"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO peer_metadata VALUES(?, ?)",
(key, value),
await cursor.close()
await self.db.commit()
async def set_nodes(self, node_list) -> None:
for node_id, peer_info in node_list:
cursor = await self.db.execute(
(node_id, peer_info.to_string()),
await cursor.close()
await self.db.commit()
async def set_new_table(self, entries) -> None:
for node_id, bucket in entries:
cursor = await self.db.execute(
"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO peer_new_table VALUES(?, ?)",
(node_id, bucket),
await cursor.close()
await self.db.commit()
async def serialize(self, address_manager: AddressManager):
metadata = []
nodes = []
new_table_entries = []
metadata.append(("key", str(address_manager.key)))
unique_ids = {}
count_ids = 0
for node_id, info in address_manager.map_info.items():
unique_ids[node_id] = count_ids
if info.ref_count > 0:
assert count_ids != address_manager.new_count
nodes.append((count_ids, info))
count_ids += 1
metadata.append(("new_count", str(count_ids)))
tried_ids = 0
for node_id, info in address_manager.map_info.items():
if info.is_tried:
assert info is not None
assert tried_ids != address_manager.tried_count
nodes.append((count_ids, info))
count_ids += 1
tried_ids += 1
metadata.append(("tried_count", str(tried_ids)))
for bucket in range(NEW_BUCKET_COUNT):
for i in range(BUCKET_SIZE):
if address_manager.new_matrix[bucket][i] != -1:
index = unique_ids[address_manager.new_matrix[bucket][i]]
new_table_entries.append((index, bucket))
await self.clear()
await self.set_metadata(metadata)
await self.set_nodes(nodes)
await self.set_new_table(new_table_entries)
async def deserialize(self) -> AddressManager:
address_manager = AddressManager()
metadata = await self.get_metadata()
nodes = await self.get_nodes()
new_table_entries = await self.get_new_table()
address_manager.key = int(metadata["key"])
address_manager.new_count = int(metadata["new_count"])
# address_manager.tried_count = int(metadata["tried_count"])
address_manager.tried_count = 0
new_table_nodes = [(node_id, info) for node_id, info in nodes if node_id < address_manager.new_count]
for n, info in new_table_nodes:
address_manager.map_addr[] = n
address_manager.map_info[n] = info
info.random_pos = len(address_manager.random_pos)
address_manager.id_count = len(new_table_nodes)
tried_table_nodes = [(node_id, info) for node_id, info in nodes if node_id >= address_manager.new_count]
# lost_count = 0
for node_id, info in tried_table_nodes:
tried_bucket = info.get_tried_bucket(address_manager.key)
tried_bucket_pos = info.get_bucket_position(address_manager.key, False, tried_bucket)
if address_manager.tried_matrix[tried_bucket][tried_bucket_pos] == -1:
info.random_pos = len(address_manager.random_pos)
info.is_tried = True
id_count = address_manager.id_count
address_manager.map_info[id_count] = info
address_manager.map_addr[] = id_count
address_manager.tried_matrix[tried_bucket][tried_bucket_pos] = id_count
address_manager.id_count += 1
address_manager.tried_count += 1
# else:
# lost_count += 1
# address_manager.tried_count -= lost_count
for node_id, bucket in new_table_entries:
if node_id >= 0 and node_id < address_manager.new_count:
info = address_manager.map_info[node_id]
bucket_pos = info.get_bucket_position(address_manager.key, True, bucket)
if address_manager.new_matrix[bucket][bucket_pos] == -1 and info.ref_count < NEW_BUCKETS_PER_ADDRESS:
info.ref_count += 1
address_manager.new_matrix[bucket][bucket_pos] = node_id
for node_id, info in list(address_manager.map_info.items()):
if not info.is_tried and info.ref_count == 0:
return address_manager