
127 lines
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import argparse
import os
import shutil
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Union
import pkg_resources
import yaml
from chia.util.path import mkdir
def initial_config_file(filename: Union[str, Path]) -> str:
return pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, f"initial-{filename}").decode()
def create_default_chia_config(root_path: Path) -> None:
for filename in ["config.yaml"]:
default_config_file_data = initial_config_file(filename)
path = config_path_for_filename(root_path, filename)
with open(path, "w") as f:
def config_path_for_filename(root_path: Path, filename: Union[str, Path]) -> Path:
path_filename = Path(filename)
if path_filename.is_absolute():
return path_filename
return root_path / "config" / filename
def save_config(root_path: Path, filename: Union[str, Path], config_data: Any):
path = config_path_for_filename(root_path, filename)
with open(path.with_suffix("." + str(os.getpid())), "w") as f:
yaml.safe_dump(config_data, f)
shutil.move(str(path.with_suffix("." + str(os.getpid()))), path)
def load_config(
root_path: Path,
filename: Union[str, Path],
sub_config: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Dict:
path = config_path_for_filename(root_path, filename)
if not path.is_file():
if not exit_on_error:
raise ValueError("Config not found")
print(f"can't find {path}")
print("** please run `chia init` to migrate or create new config files **")
# TODO: fix this hack
r = yaml.safe_load(open(path, "r"))
if sub_config is not None:
r = r.get(sub_config)
return r
def load_config_cli(root_path: Path, filename: str, sub_config: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict:
Loads configuration from the specified filename, in the config directory,
and then overrides any properties using the passed in command line arguments.
Nested properties in the config file can be used in the command line with ".",
for example Does not support lists.
config = load_config(root_path, filename, sub_config)
flattened_props = flatten_properties(config)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
for prop_name, value in flattened_props.items():
if type(value) is list:
prop_type: Callable = str2bool if type(value) is bool else type(value) # type: ignore
parser.add_argument(f"--{prop_name}", type=prop_type, dest=prop_name)
for key, value in vars(parser.parse_args()).items():
if value is not None:
flattened_props[key] = value
return unflatten_properties(flattened_props)
def flatten_properties(config: Dict) -> Dict:
properties = {}
for key, value in config.items():
if type(value) is dict:
for key_2, value_2 in flatten_properties(value).items():
properties[key + "." + key_2] = value_2
properties[key] = value
return properties
def unflatten_properties(config: Dict) -> Dict:
properties: Dict = {}
for key, value in config.items():
if "." in key:
add_property(properties, key, value)
properties[key] = value
return properties
def add_property(d: Dict, partial_key: str, value: Any):
key_1, key_2 = partial_key.split(".", maxsplit=1)
if key_1 not in d:
d[key_1] = {}
if "." in key_2:
add_property(d[key_1], key_2, value)
d[key_1][key_2] = value
def str2bool(v: Union[str, bool]) -> bool:
# Source from
if isinstance(v, bool):
return v
if v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "True", "t", "y", "1"):
return True
elif v.lower() in ("no", "false", "False", "f", "n", "0"):
return False
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Boolean value expected.")