
43 lines
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import io
import struct
from typing import Any, BinaryIO
class StructStream(int):
PACK = ""
Create a class that can parse and stream itself based on a struct.pack template string.
def __new__(cls: Any, value: int):
bits = struct.calcsize(cls.PACK) * 8
value = int(value)
if value.bit_length() > bits:
raise ValueError(
f"Value {value} of size {value.bit_length()} does not fit into " f"{cls.__name__} of size {bits}"
return int.__new__(cls, value) # type: ignore
def parse(cls: Any, f: BinaryIO) -> Any:
bytes_to_read = struct.calcsize(cls.PACK)
read_bytes =
assert read_bytes is not None and len(read_bytes) == bytes_to_read
return cls(*struct.unpack(cls.PACK, read_bytes))
def stream(self, f):
f.write(struct.pack(self.PACK, self))
def from_bytes(cls: Any, blob: bytes) -> Any: # type: ignore
f = io.BytesIO(blob)
result = cls.parse(f)
assert == b""
return result
def __bytes__(self: Any) -> bytes:
f = io.BytesIO()
return bytes(f.getvalue())