
105 lines
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import dataclasses
import sys
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
def get_args(t: Type[Any]) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
return getattr(t, "__args__", ())
def get_origin(t: Type[Any]) -> Optional[Type[Any]]:
return getattr(t, "__origin__", None)
from typing import get_args, get_origin
def is_type_List(f_type: Type) -> bool:
return (get_origin(f_type) is not None and get_origin(f_type) == list) or f_type == list
def is_type_SpecificOptional(f_type) -> bool:
Returns true for types such as Optional[T], but not Optional, or T.
return get_origin(f_type) is not None and f_type.__origin__ == Union and get_args(f_type)[1]() is None
def is_type_Tuple(f_type: Type) -> bool:
return (get_origin(f_type) is not None and get_origin(f_type) == tuple) or f_type == tuple
def strictdataclass(cls: Any):
class _Local:
Dataclass where all fields must be type annotated, and type checking is performed
at initialization, even recursively through Lists. Non-annotated fields are ignored.
Also, for any fields which have a type with .from_bytes(bytes) or constructor(bytes),
bytes can be passed in and the type can be constructed.
def parse_item(self, item: Any, f_name: str, f_type: Type) -> Any:
if is_type_List(f_type):
collected_list: List = []
inner_type: Type = get_args(f_type)[0]
# wjb assert inner_type != get_args(List)[0] # type: ignore
if not is_type_List(type(item)):
raise ValueError(f"Wrong type for {f_name}, need a list.")
for el in item:
collected_list.append(self.parse_item(el, f_name, inner_type))
return collected_list
if is_type_SpecificOptional(f_type):
if item is None:
return None
inner_type: Type = get_args(f_type)[0] # type: ignore
return self.parse_item(item, f_name, inner_type)
if is_type_Tuple(f_type):
collected_list = []
if not is_type_Tuple(type(item)) and not is_type_List(type(item)):
raise ValueError(f"Wrong type for {f_name}, need a tuple.")
if len(item) != len(get_args(f_type)):
raise ValueError(f"Wrong number of elements in tuple {f_name}.")
for i in range(len(item)):
inner_type = get_args(f_type)[i]
tuple_item = item[i]
collected_list.append(self.parse_item(tuple_item, f_name, inner_type))
return tuple(collected_list)
if not isinstance(item, f_type):
item = f_type(item)
except (TypeError, AttributeError, ValueError):
item = f_type.from_bytes(item)
except Exception:
item = f_type.from_bytes(bytes(item))
if not isinstance(item, f_type):
raise ValueError(f"Wrong type for {f_name}")
return item
def __post_init__(self):
fields = self.__annotations__ # pylint: disable=no-member
except Exception:
fields = {}
data = self.__dict__
for (f_name, f_type) in fields.items():
if f_name not in data:
raise ValueError(f"Field {f_name} not present")
if not isinstance(data[f_name], f_type):
object.__setattr__(self, f_name, self.parse_item(data[f_name], f_name, f_type))
except TypeError:
# Throws a TypeError because we cannot call isinstance for subscripted generics like Optional[int]
object.__setattr__(self, f_name, self.parse_item(data[f_name], f_name, f_type))
class NoTypeChecking:
__no_type_check__ = True
cls1 = dataclasses.dataclass(cls, init=False, frozen=True) # type: ignore
if dataclasses.fields(cls1) == ():
return type(cls.__name__, (cls1, _Local, NoTypeChecking), {})
return type(cls.__name__, (cls1, _Local), {})