
116 lines
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(mod (mod_hash genesis_puzhash innerpuz (genesis_parent genesis_amount) parent_info my_amount inner_solution)
;mod_hash, genesis_puzhash, innerpuz are curried in
; EXAMPLE SOLUTION '(0xfadeddab 0xdeadbeef 1 (0xdeadbeef 0xcafef00d 200) 50 ((51 0xfadeddab 100) (60 "trash") (51 deadbeef 0)))'
(include condition_codes.clvm)
; This is for the core
(defun is-in-list (atom items)
;; returns 1 iff `atom` is in the list of `items`
(if items
(if (= atom (f items))
(is-in-list atom (r items))
; takes a lisp tree and returns the hash of it
(defun sha256tree1 (TREE)
(if (l TREE)
(sha256 2 (sha256tree1 (f TREE)) (sha256tree1 (r TREE)))
(sha256 1 TREE)
;; utility function used by `curry_args`
(defun fix_curry_args (items core)
(if items
(qq (c (q . (unquote (f items))) (unquote (fix_curry_args (r items) core))))
; (curry_args sum (list 50 60)) => returns a function that is like (sum 50 60 ...)
(defun curry_args (func list_of_args) (qq (a (q . (unquote func)) (unquote (fix_curry_args list_of_args (q . 1))))))
;; (curry sum 50 60) => returns a function that is like (sum 50 60 ...)
(defun curry (func . args) (curry_args func args))
;; hash a tree with escape values representing already-hashed subtrees
;; This optimization can be useful if you know the puzzle hash of a sub-expression.
;; You probably actually want to use `curry_and_hash` though.
(defun sha256tree_esc_list
(if (l TREE)
(sha256 2 (sha256tree_esc_list (f TREE) LITERALS) (sha256tree_esc_list (r TREE) LITERALS))
(if (is-in-list TREE LITERALS)
(sha256 1 TREE)
;; hash a tree with escape values representing already-hashed subtrees
;; This optimization can be useful if you know the tree hash of a sub-expression.
(defun sha256tree_esc
(sha256tree_esc_list TREE LITERAL)
;; return the puzzle hash for a cc with the given `genesis-coin-checker-hash` & `inner-puzzle`
(defun-inline create_fullpuzhash (mod_hash mod_hash_hash genesis_id inner_puzzle_hash)
(sha256tree_esc (curry mod_hash mod_hash_hash genesis_id inner_puzzle_hash)
; assembles information from the solution to create our own full ID including asserting our parent is a coloured coin
(defun-inline create_my_ID (mod_hash mod_hash_hash genesis_puzhash innerpuzhash parent_parent parent_innerpuz parent_amount my_amount)
(sha256 (sha256 parent_parent (create_fullpuzhash mod_hash mod_hash_hash genesis_puzhash parent_innerpuz) parent_amount) (create_fullpuzhash mod_hash mod_hash_hash genesis_puzhash my_innerpuzhash) my_amount)
(defun check_my_amount_and_ID (mod_hash mod_hash_hash genesis_puzhash genesis_parent genesis_amount my_innerpuzhash parent_info my_amount)
(if (logand my_amount 1)
(if (l parent_info)
(list ASSERT_MY_COIN_ID (create_my_ID mod_hash mod_hash_hash genesis_puzhash my_innerpuzhash (f parent_info) (f (r parent_info)) (f (r (r parent_info))) my_amount))
(list ASSERT_MY_COIN_ID (sha256 (sha256 genesis_parent genesis_puzhash genesis_amount) (create_fullpuzhash mod_hash mod_hash_hash genesis_puzhash my_innerpuzhash) my_amount))
; Check that only one output with odd value exists
(defun check_outputs_value (outputs_loop flag)
(if outputs_loop
(if (= (f (f outputs_loop)) CREATE_COIN)
(if (logand (f (r (r (f outputs_loop)))) 1)
(if flag
(check_outputs_value (r outputs_loop) 1)
(check_outputs_value (r outputs_loop) flag)
(check_outputs_value (r outputs_loop) flag)
(defun check_id_and_check_outputs (mod_hash mod_hash_hash genesis_puzhash genesis_parent genesis_amount parent_info innerpuzhash my_amount outputs)
(if (check_outputs_value outputs 0)
(c (check_my_amount_and_ID mod_hash mod_hash_hash genesis_puzhash genesis_parent genesis_amount innerpuzhash parent_info my_amount) outputs)
(check_id_and_check_outputs mod_hash (sha256 1 mod_hash) genesis_puzhash genesis_parent genesis_amount parent_info (sha256tree1 innerpuz) my_amount (a innerpuz inner_solution))