94 lines
3.9 KiB
94 lines
3.9 KiB
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple
from chia.types.blockchain_format.program import Program, INFINITE_COST
from chia.types.condition_opcodes import ConditionOpcode
from chia.types.spend_bundle import SpendBundle
from chia.util.condition_tools import conditions_dict_for_solution
from chia.wallet.cc_wallet import cc_utils
from chia.wallet.trade_record import TradeRecord
from chia.wallet.trading.trade_status import TradeStatus
def trade_status_ui_string(status: TradeStatus):
if status is TradeStatus.PENDING_CONFIRM:
return "Pending Confirmation"
elif status is TradeStatus.CANCELED:
return "Canceled"
elif status is TradeStatus.CONFIRMED:
return "Confirmed"
elif status is TradeStatus.PENDING_CANCEL:
return "Pending Cancellation"
elif status is TradeStatus.FAILED:
return "Failed"
elif status is TradeStatus.PENDING_ACCEPT:
return "Pending"
def trade_record_to_dict(record: TradeRecord) -> Dict:
""" Convenience function to return only part of trade record we care about and show correct status to the ui"""
result = {}
result["trade_id"] = record.trade_id.hex()
result["sent"] = record.sent
result["my_offer"] = record.my_offer
result["created_at_time"] = record.created_at_time
result["accepted_at_time"] = record.accepted_at_time
result["confirmed_at_index"] = record.confirmed_at_index
result["status"] = trade_status_ui_string(TradeStatus(record.status))
success, offer_dict, error = get_discrepancies_for_spend_bundle(record.spend_bundle)
if success is False or offer_dict is None:
raise ValueError(error)
result["offer_dict"] = offer_dict
return result
# Returns the relative difference in value between the amount outputted by a puzzle and solution and a coin's amount
def get_output_discrepancy_for_puzzle_and_solution(coin, puzzle, solution):
discrepancy = coin.amount - get_output_amount_for_puzzle_and_solution(puzzle, solution)
return discrepancy
# Returns the amount of value outputted by a puzzle and solution
def get_output_amount_for_puzzle_and_solution(puzzle: Program, solution: Program) -> int:
error, conditions, cost = conditions_dict_for_solution(puzzle, solution, INFINITE_COST)
total = 0
if conditions:
for _ in conditions.get(ConditionOpcode.CREATE_COIN, []):
total += Program.to(_.vars[1]).as_int()
return total
def get_discrepancies_for_spend_bundle(
trade_offer: SpendBundle,
) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[Dict], Optional[Exception]]:
cc_discrepancies: Dict[str, int] = dict()
for coinsol in trade_offer.coin_solutions:
puzzle: Program = Program.from_bytes(bytes(coinsol.puzzle_reveal))
solution: Program = Program.from_bytes(bytes(coinsol.solution))
# work out the deficits between coin amount and expected output for each
r = cc_utils.uncurry_cc(puzzle)
if r:
# Calculate output amounts
mod_hash, genesis_checker, inner_puzzle = r
innersol = solution.first()
total = get_output_amount_for_puzzle_and_solution(inner_puzzle, innersol)
colour = bytes(genesis_checker).hex()
if colour in cc_discrepancies:
cc_discrepancies[colour] += coinsol.coin.amount - total
cc_discrepancies[colour] = coinsol.coin.amount - total
coin_amount = coinsol.coin.amount
out_amount = get_output_amount_for_puzzle_and_solution(puzzle, solution)
diff = coin_amount - out_amount
if "chia" in cc_discrepancies:
cc_discrepancies["chia"] = cc_discrepancies["chia"] + diff
cc_discrepancies["chia"] = diff
return True, cc_discrepancies, None
except Exception as e:
return False, None, e