
454 lines
20 KiB

import asyncio
import dataclasses
import logging
import multiprocessing
from concurrent.futures.process import ProcessPoolExecutor
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
from chia.consensus.block_header_validation import validate_finished_header_block, validate_unfinished_header_block
from chia.consensus.block_record import BlockRecord
from chia.consensus.blockchain_interface import BlockchainInterface
from chia.consensus.constants import ConsensusConstants
from chia.consensus.difficulty_adjustment import get_next_sub_slot_iters_and_difficulty
from chia.consensus.find_fork_point import find_fork_point_in_chain
from chia.consensus.full_block_to_block_record import block_to_block_record
from chia.consensus.multiprocess_validation import PreValidationResult, pre_validate_blocks_multiprocessing
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sub_epoch_summary import SubEpochSummary
from chia.types.header_block import HeaderBlock
from chia.types.unfinished_header_block import UnfinishedHeaderBlock
from chia.util.errors import Err, ValidationError
from chia.util.ints import uint32, uint64
from chia.util.streamable import recurse_jsonify
from chia.wallet.block_record import HeaderBlockRecord
from chia.wallet.wallet_block_store import WalletBlockStore
from chia.wallet.wallet_coin_store import WalletCoinStore
from chia.wallet.wallet_transaction_store import WalletTransactionStore
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ReceiveBlockResult(Enum):
When Blockchain.receive_block(b) is called, one of these results is returned,
showing whether the block was added to the chain (extending the peak),
and if not, why it was not added.
NEW_PEAK = 1 # Added to the peak of the blockchain
ADDED_AS_ORPHAN = 2 # Added as an orphan/stale block (not a new peak of the chain)
INVALID_BLOCK = 3 # Block was not added because it was invalid
ALREADY_HAVE_BLOCK = 4 # Block is already present in this blockchain
DISCONNECTED_BLOCK = 5 # Block's parent (previous pointer) is not in this blockchain
class WalletBlockchain(BlockchainInterface):
constants: ConsensusConstants
constants_json: Dict
# peak of the blockchain
_peak_height: Optional[uint32]
# All blocks in peak path are guaranteed to be included, can include orphan blocks
__block_records: Dict[bytes32, BlockRecord]
# Defines the path from genesis to the peak, no orphan blocks
__height_to_hash: Dict[uint32, bytes32]
# all hashes of blocks in block_record by height, used for garbage collection
__heights_in_cache: Dict[uint32, Set[bytes32]]
# All sub-epoch summaries that have been included in the blockchain from the beginning until and including the peak
# (height_included, SubEpochSummary). Note: ONLY for the blocks in the path to the peak
__sub_epoch_summaries: Dict[uint32, SubEpochSummary] = {}
# Unspent Store
coin_store: WalletCoinStore
tx_store: WalletTransactionStore
# Store
block_store: WalletBlockStore
# Used to verify blocks in parallel
pool: ProcessPoolExecutor
coins_of_interest_received: Any
reorg_rollback: Any
wallet_state_manager_lock: asyncio.Lock
# Whether blockchain is shut down or not
_shut_down: bool
# Lock to prevent simultaneous reads and writes
lock: asyncio.Lock
log: logging.Logger
async def create(
block_store: WalletBlockStore,
coin_store: WalletCoinStore,
tx_store: WalletTransactionStore,
consensus_constants: ConsensusConstants,
coins_of_interest_received: Callable, # f(removals: List[Coin], additions: List[Coin], height: uint32)
reorg_rollback: Callable,
lock: asyncio.Lock,
Initializes a blockchain with the BlockRecords from disk, assuming they have all been
validated. Uses the genesis block given in override_constants, or as a fallback,
in the consensus constants config.
self = WalletBlockchain()
self.lock = asyncio.Lock()
self.coin_store = coin_store
self.tx_store = tx_store
cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
if cpu_count > 61:
cpu_count = 61 # Windows Server 2016 has an issue
num_workers = max(cpu_count - 2, 1)
self.pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_workers)"Started {num_workers} processes for block validation")
self.constants = consensus_constants
self.constants_json = recurse_jsonify(dataclasses.asdict(self.constants))
self.block_store = block_store
self._shut_down = False
self.coins_of_interest_received = coins_of_interest_received
self.reorg_rollback = reorg_rollback
self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.wallet_state_manager_lock = lock
await self._load_chain_from_store()
return self
def shut_down(self):
self._shut_down = True
async def _load_chain_from_store(self) -> None:
Initializes the state of the Blockchain class from the database.
height_to_hash, sub_epoch_summaries = await self.block_store.get_peak_heights_dicts()
self.__height_to_hash = height_to_hash
self.__sub_epoch_summaries = sub_epoch_summaries
self.__block_records = {}
self.__heights_in_cache = {}
blocks, peak = await self.block_store.get_block_records_close_to_peak(self.constants.BLOCKS_CACHE_SIZE)
for block_record in blocks.values():
if len(blocks) == 0:
assert peak is None
self._peak_height = None
return None
assert peak is not None
self._peak_height = self.block_record(peak).height
assert len(self.__height_to_hash) == self._peak_height + 1
def get_peak(self) -> Optional[BlockRecord]:
Return the peak of the blockchain
if self._peak_height is None:
return None
return self.height_to_block_record(self._peak_height)
async def receive_block(
header_block_record: HeaderBlockRecord,
pre_validation_result: Optional[PreValidationResult] = None,
trusted: bool = False,
fork_point_with_peak: Optional[uint32] = None,
) -> Tuple[ReceiveBlockResult, Optional[Err], Optional[uint32]]:
Adds a new block into the blockchain, if it's valid and connected to the current
blockchain, regardless of whether it is the child of a head, or another block.
Returns a header if block is added to head. Returns an error if the block is
invalid. Also returns the fork height, in the case of a new peak.
block = header_block_record.header
genesis: bool = block.height == 0
if self.contains_block(block.header_hash):
return ReceiveBlockResult.ALREADY_HAVE_BLOCK, None, None
if not self.contains_block(block.prev_header_hash) and not genesis:
return (
if block.height == 0:
prev_b: Optional[BlockRecord] = None
prev_b = self.block_record(block.prev_header_hash)
sub_slot_iters, difficulty = get_next_sub_slot_iters_and_difficulty(
self.constants, len(block.finished_sub_slots) > 0, prev_b, self
if trusted is False and pre_validation_result is None:
required_iters, error = validate_finished_header_block(
self.constants, self, block, False, difficulty, sub_slot_iters
elif trusted:
unfinished_header_block = UnfinishedHeaderBlock(
required_iters, val_error = validate_unfinished_header_block(
self.constants, self, unfinished_header_block, False, difficulty, sub_slot_iters, False, True
error = ValidationError(Err(val_error)) if val_error is not None else None
assert pre_validation_result is not None
required_iters = pre_validation_result.required_iters
error = (
ValidationError(Err(pre_validation_result.error)) if pre_validation_result.error is not None else None
if error is not None:
return ReceiveBlockResult.INVALID_BLOCK, error.code, None
assert required_iters is not None
block_record = block_to_block_record(
# Always add the block to the database
async with self.wallet_state_manager_lock:
async with self.block_store.db_wrapper.lock:
await self.block_store.db_wrapper.begin_transaction()
await self.block_store.add_block_record(header_block_record, block_record)
self.clean_block_record(block_record.height - self.constants.BLOCKS_CACHE_SIZE)
fork_height: Optional[uint32] = await self._reconsider_peak(
block_record, genesis, fork_point_with_peak
await self.block_store.db_wrapper.commit_transaction()
except BaseException as e:
self.log.error(f"Error during db transaction: {e}")
if self.block_store.db_wrapper.db._connection is not None:
await self.block_store.db_wrapper.rollback_transaction()
await self.coin_store.rebuild_wallet_cache()
await self.tx_store.rebuild_tx_cache()
if fork_height is not None:"💰 Updated wallet peak to height {block_record.height}, weight {block_record.weight}, ")
return ReceiveBlockResult.NEW_PEAK, None, fork_height
return ReceiveBlockResult.ADDED_AS_ORPHAN, None, None
async def _reconsider_peak(
self, block_record: BlockRecord, genesis: bool, fork_point_with_peak: Optional[uint32]
) -> Optional[uint32]:
When a new block is added, this is called, to check if the new block is the new peak of the chain.
This also handles reorgs by reverting blocks which are not in the heaviest chain.
It returns the height of the fork between the previous chain and the new chain, or returns
None if there was no update to the heaviest chain.
peak = self.get_peak()
if genesis:
if peak is None:
block: Optional[HeaderBlockRecord] = await self.block_store.get_header_block_record(
assert block is not None
self.__height_to_hash[uint32(0)] = block.header_hash
for removed in block.removals:
self.log.debug(f"Removed: {}")
await self.coins_of_interest_received(block.removals, block.additions, block.height)
self._peak_height = uint32(0)
return uint32(0)
return None
assert peak is not None
if block_record.weight > peak.weight:
# Find the fork. if the block is just being appended, it will return the peak
# If no blocks in common, returns -1, and reverts all blocks
if fork_point_with_peak is not None:
fork_h: int = fork_point_with_peak
fork_h = find_fork_point_in_chain(self, block_record, peak)
# Rollback to fork
self.log.debug(f"fork_h: {fork_h}, SB: {block_record.height}, peak: {peak.height}")
if block_record.prev_hash != peak.header_hash:
await self.reorg_rollback(fork_h)
# Rollback sub_epoch_summaries
heights_to_delete = []
for ses_included_height in self.__sub_epoch_summaries.keys():
if ses_included_height > fork_h:
for height in heights_to_delete:
del self.__sub_epoch_summaries[height]
# Collect all blocks from fork point to new peak
blocks_to_add: List[Tuple[HeaderBlockRecord, BlockRecord]] = []
curr = block_record.header_hash
while fork_h < 0 or curr != self.height_to_hash(uint32(fork_h)):
fetched_header_block: Optional[HeaderBlockRecord] = await self.block_store.get_header_block_record(curr)
fetched_block_record: Optional[BlockRecord] = await self.block_store.get_block_record(curr)
assert fetched_header_block is not None
assert fetched_block_record is not None
blocks_to_add.append((fetched_header_block, fetched_block_record))
if fetched_header_block.height == 0:
# Doing a full reorg, starting at height 0
curr = fetched_block_record.prev_hash
for fetched_header_block, fetched_block_record in reversed(blocks_to_add):
self.__height_to_hash[fetched_block_record.height] = fetched_block_record.header_hash
if fetched_block_record.is_transaction_block:
await self.coins_of_interest_received(
if fetched_block_record.sub_epoch_summary_included is not None:
] = fetched_block_record.sub_epoch_summary_included
# Changes the peak to be the new peak
await self.block_store.set_peak(block_record.header_hash)
self._peak_height = block_record.height
return uint32(min(fork_h, 0))
# This is not a heavier block than the heaviest we have seen, so we don't change the coin set
return None
def get_next_difficulty(self, header_hash: bytes32, new_slot: bool) -> uint64:
assert self.contains_block(header_hash)
curr = self.block_record(header_hash)
if curr.height <= 2:
return self.constants.DIFFICULTY_STARTING
return get_next_sub_slot_iters_and_difficulty(self.constants, new_slot, curr, self)[1]
def get_next_slot_iters(self, header_hash: bytes32, new_slot: bool) -> uint64:
assert self.contains_block(header_hash)
curr = self.block_record(header_hash)
if curr.height <= 2:
return self.constants.SUB_SLOT_ITERS_STARTING
return get_next_sub_slot_iters_and_difficulty(self.constants, new_slot, curr, self)[0]
async def pre_validate_blocks_multiprocessing(
self, blocks: List[HeaderBlock], batch_size: int = 4
) -> Optional[List[PreValidationResult]]:
return await pre_validate_blocks_multiprocessing(
self.constants, self.constants_json, self, blocks, self.pool, True, {}, None, batch_size
def contains_block(self, header_hash: bytes32) -> bool:
True if we have already added this block to the chain. This may return false for orphan blocks
that we have added but no longer keep in memory.
return header_hash in self.__block_records
def block_record(self, header_hash: bytes32) -> BlockRecord:
return self.__block_records[header_hash]
def height_to_block_record(self, height: uint32, check_db=False) -> BlockRecord:
header_hash = self.height_to_hash(height)
return self.block_record(header_hash)
def get_ses_heights(self) -> List[uint32]:
return sorted(self.__sub_epoch_summaries.keys())
def get_ses(self, height: uint32) -> SubEpochSummary:
return self.__sub_epoch_summaries[height]
def height_to_hash(self, height: uint32) -> Optional[bytes32]:
return self.__height_to_hash[height]
def contains_height(self, height: uint32) -> bool:
return height in self.__height_to_hash
def get_peak_height(self) -> Optional[uint32]:
return self._peak_height
async def warmup(self, fork_point: uint32):
Loads blocks into the cache. The blocks loaded include all blocks from
fork point - BLOCKS_CACHE_SIZE up to and including the fork_point.
fork_point: the last block height to load in the cache
if self._peak_height is None:
return None
blocks = await self.block_store.get_block_records_in_range(
fork_point - self.constants.BLOCKS_CACHE_SIZE, self._peak_height
for block_record in blocks.values():
def clean_block_record(self, height: int):
Clears all block records in the cache which have block_record < height.
height: Minimum height that we need to keep in the cache
if height < 0:
return None
blocks_to_remove = self.__heights_in_cache.get(uint32(height), None)
while blocks_to_remove is not None and height >= 0:
for header_hash in blocks_to_remove:
del self.__block_records[header_hash]
del self.__heights_in_cache[uint32(height)] # remove height from heights in cache
height -= 1
blocks_to_remove = self.__heights_in_cache.get(uint32(height), None)
def clean_block_records(self):
Cleans the cache so that we only maintain relevant blocks.
This removes block records that have height < peak - BLOCKS_CACHE_SIZE.
These blocks are necessary for calculating future difficulty adjustments.
if len(self.__block_records) < self.constants.BLOCKS_CACHE_SIZE:
return None
peak = self.get_peak()
assert peak is not None
if peak.height - self.constants.BLOCKS_CACHE_SIZE < 0:
return None
self.clean_block_record(peak.height - self.constants.BLOCKS_CACHE_SIZE)
async def get_block_records_in_range(self, start: int, stop: int) -> Dict[bytes32, BlockRecord]:
return await self.block_store.get_block_records_in_range(start, stop)
async def get_header_blocks_in_range(
self, start: int, stop: int, tx_filter: bool = True
) -> Dict[bytes32, HeaderBlock]:
return await self.block_store.get_header_blocks_in_range(start, stop)
async def get_block_record_from_db(self, header_hash: bytes32) -> Optional[BlockRecord]:
if header_hash in self.__block_records:
return self.__block_records[header_hash]
return await self.block_store.get_block_record(header_hash)
def remove_block_record(self, header_hash: bytes32):
sbr = self.block_record(header_hash)
del self.__block_records[header_hash]
def add_block_record(self, block_record: BlockRecord):
self.__block_records[block_record.header_hash] = block_record
if block_record.height not in self.__heights_in_cache.keys():
self.__heights_in_cache[block_record.height] = set()