
152 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Run from the current directory.
import argparse
import testconfig
import logging
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List
def subdirs(root_dirs: List[str]) -> List[Path]:
dirs: List[Path] = []
for r in root_dirs:
return [d for d in dirs if not (any(c.startswith("_") for c in or any(c.startswith(".") for c in]
def module_dict(module):
return {k: v for k, v in module.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith("_")}
def dir_config(dir):
import importlib
module_name = str(dir).replace("/", ".") + ".config"
return module_dict(importlib.import_module(module_name))
except ModuleNotFoundError:
return {}
def read_file(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
return None
# Input file
def workflow_yaml_template_text(os):
return Path(f"runner-templates/build-test-{os}").read_text()
# Output files
def workflow_yaml_file(dir, os, test_name):
return Path(dir / f"build-test-{os}-{test_name}.yml")
# String function from test dir to test name
def test_name(dir):
return str(dir).replace("/", "-")
def transform_template(template_text, replacements):
t = template_text
for r, v in replacements.items():
t = t.replace(r, v)
return t
def test_files_in_dir(dir):
g = dir.glob("test_*.py")
return [] if g is None else [f for f in g]
# -----
default_replacements = {
"INSTALL_TIMELORD": read_file("runner-templates/install-timelord.include.yml").rstrip(),
"CHECKOUT_TEST_BLOCKS_AND_PLOTS": read_file("runner-templates/checkout-test-plots.include.yml").rstrip(),
"TEST_DIR": "",
"TEST_NAME": "",
# -----
# Replace with update_config
def generate_replacements(defaults, conf, dir, test_files):
assert len(test_files) > 0
replacements = dict(defaults)
if not conf["checkout_blocks_and_plots"]:
] = "# Omitted checking out blocks and plots repo Chia-Network/test-cache"
if not conf["install_timelord"]:
replacements["INSTALL_TIMELORD"] = "# Omitted installing Timelord"
if conf["parallel"]:
replacements["PYTEST_PARALLEL_ARGS"] = "-n auto"
if conf["job_timeout"]:
replacements["JOB_TIMEOUT"] = str(conf["job_timeout"])
test_paths = ["tests/" + str(f) for f in test_files]
# We have to list the test files individually until pytest has the
# option to only collect tests in the named dir, and not those below
replacements["TEST_DIR"] = " ".join(sorted(test_paths))
replacements["TEST_NAME"] = test_name(str(dir))
if "test_name" in conf:
replacements["TEST_NAME"] = conf["test_name"]
return replacements
# Overwrite with directory specific values
def update_config(parent, child):
if child is None:
return parent
conf = child
for k, v in parent.items():
if k not in child:
conf[k] = v
return conf
def dir_path(string):
p = Path(string)
if p.is_dir():
return p
raise NotADirectoryError(string)
# args
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Build github workflows")
arg_parser.add_argument("--output-dir", "-d", default="../.github/workflows", type=dir_path)
arg_parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", action="store_true")
args = arg_parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s:%(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG)
# main
test_dirs = subdirs(testconfig.root_test_dirs)
for os in testconfig.oses:
template_text = workflow_yaml_template_text(os)
for dir in test_dirs:
test_files = test_files_in_dir(dir)
if len(test_files) == 0:"Skipping {dir}: no tests collected")
conf = update_config(module_dict(testconfig), dir_config(dir))
replacements = generate_replacements(default_replacements, conf, dir, test_files)
txt = transform_template(template_text, replacements)"Writing {os}-{test_name(dir)}")
workflow_yaml_file(args.output_dir, os, test_name(dir)).write_text(txt)
out =["git", "diff", args.output_dir])
if out.stdout: