
87 lines
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# import asyncio
# from pathlib import Path
# from secrets import token_bytes
# import pytest
# from chia.consensus.block_rewards import calculate_pool_reward, calculate_base_farmer_reward
# from chia.simulator.simulator_protocol import FarmNewBlockProtocol
# from chia.types.peer_info import PeerInfo
# from chia.util.ints import uint16, uint32, uint64
# from tests.setup_nodes import setup_simulators_and_wallets
# from chia.wallet.cc_wallet.cc_wallet import CCWallet
# from tests.time_out_assert import time_out_assert
# @pytest.fixture(scope="module")
# def event_loop():
# loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# yield loop
# class TestCCWalletBackup:
# @pytest.fixture(scope="function")
# async def two_wallet_nodes(self):
# async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(1, 1, {}):
# yield _
# @pytest.mark.asyncio
# async def test_coin_backup(self, two_wallet_nodes):
# num_blocks = 3
# full_nodes, wallets = two_wallet_nodes
# full_node_api = full_nodes[0]
# full_node_server = full_node_api.full_node.server
# wallet_node, server_2 = wallets[0]
# wallet = wallet_node.wallet_state_manager.main_wallet
# ph = await wallet.get_new_puzzlehash()
# await server_2.start_client(PeerInfo("localhost", uint16(full_node_server._port)), None)
# for i in range(1, num_blocks):
# await full_node_api.farm_new_transaction_block(FarmNewBlockProtocol(ph))
# funds = sum(
# [
# calculate_pool_reward(uint32(i)) + calculate_base_farmer_reward(uint32(i))
# for i in range(1, num_blocks - 1)
# ]
# )
# await time_out_assert(15, wallet.get_confirmed_balance, funds)
# cc_wallet: CCWallet = await CCWallet.create_new_cc(wallet_node.wallet_state_manager, wallet, uint64(100))
# for i in range(1, num_blocks):
# await full_node_api.farm_new_transaction_block(FarmNewBlockProtocol(ph))
# await time_out_assert(15, cc_wallet.get_confirmed_balance, 100)
# await time_out_assert(15, cc_wallet.get_unconfirmed_balance, 100)
# # Write backup to file
# filename = f"test-backup-{token_bytes(16).hex()}"
# file_path = Path(filename)
# await wallet_node.wallet_state_manager.create_wallet_backup(file_path)
# # Close wallet and restart
# db_path = wallet_node.wallet_state_manager.db_path
# wallet_node._close()
# await wallet_node._await_closed()
# db_path.unlink()
# started = await wallet_node._start()
# assert started is False
# await wallet_node._start(backup_file=file_path)
# await server_2.start_client(PeerInfo("localhost", uint16(full_node_server._port)), wallet_node.on_connect)
# all_wallets = wallet_node.wallet_state_manager.wallets
# assert len(all_wallets) == 2
# cc_wallet_from_backup = wallet_node.wallet_state_manager.wallets[2]
# await time_out_assert(15, cc_wallet_from_backup.get_confirmed_balance, 100)
# if file_path.exists():
# file_path.unlink()