
56 lines
1.4 KiB

Release Check List (Nicolas Boichat)
- in po/:
- make update-po
- poedit fr.po
- git commit and PR
- update CHANGELOG.md
- update version in configure.ac
- update version in doc/main.xml
- make clean all
# Test with other distributions linux headers
# Fedora: glibc-kernheaders package
- CFLAGS="-I/home/nicolas/dev/ddcci/headers/FC4/include" ./configure --disable-gnome && make clean all
# Debian: http://packages.debian.org/testing/devel/linux-kernel-headers
- CFLAGS="-I/home/nicolas/dev/ddcci/headers/Debian/include" ./configure --disable-gnome && make clean all
# Set back default config
- ./configure --enable-maintainter-mode --enable-doc && make
- make distdir
- in ddccontrol-0.x/:
- ./configure
- make
- make install
- test at least /usr/local/bin/gddccontrol
- cd ..
- in doc/: make publish publish-release
- ./commit.sh "Prepare release 0.xx"
- svn cp https://ddccontrol.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ddccontrol/trunk/ddccontrol https://ddccontrol.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ddccontrol/tags/ddccontrol-0.xx -m "Tag release 0.xx"
- make dist-bzip2
- ftp upload.sourceforge.net:
- cd incoming
- bin
- put ddccontrol-0.x.tar.bz2
- add file to SF
- update website :
- Update website.xml news
- Update layout.xml
- Add old doc to archives
- ./commit.sh
- Send a message to the lists
- update FreshMeat infos
- update Gentoo ebuild
Set next version :
- update version in configure.ac
- update version in doc/main.xml