678 lines
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678 lines
22 KiB
% Reference Card for GNU Emacs
% Copyright (C) 1987, 1993, 1996--1997, 2002--2004, 2006--2025 Free
% Software Foundation, Inc.
% Author: Stephen Gildea <stepheng+emacs@gildea.com>
% Portuguese translation: Rodrigo Real <rreal@ucpel.tche.br>
% This document is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% As a special additional permission, you may distribute reference cards
% printed, or formatted for printing, with the notice "Released under
% the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or later"
% instead of the usual distributed-under-the-GNU-GPL notice, and without
% a copy of the GPL itself.
% This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
% This file is intended to be processed by plain TeX (TeX82).
% The final reference card has six columns, three on each side.
% This file can be used to produce it in any of three ways:
% 1 column per page
% produces six separate pages, each of which needs to be reduced to 80%.
% This gives the best resolution.
% 2 columns per page
% produces three already-reduced pages.
% You will still need to cut and paste.
% 3 columns per page
% produces two pages which must be printed sideways to make a
% ready-to-use 8.5 x 11 inch reference card.
% For this you need a dvi device driver that can print sideways.
% Which mode to use is controlled by setting \columnsperpage.
% To compile and print this document:
% tex refcard.tex
% dvips -t landscape refcard.dvi
% Thanks to Mario Goulart for the opinions.
%**start of header
% This file can be printed with 1, 2, or 3 columns per page.
% Specify how many you want here.
% Set letterpaper to 0 for A4 paper, 1 for letter (US) paper. Useful
% only when columnsperpage is 2 or 3.
% PDF output layout. 0 for A4, 1 for letter (US), a `l' is added for
% a landscape layout.
\input pdflayout.sty
\input emacsver.tex
% Nothing else needs to be changed below this line.
\def\shortcopyrightnotice{\vskip 1ex plus 2 fill
\centerline{\small \copyright\ \year\ Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Permissions on back.}}
\vskip 1ex plus 2 fill\begingroup\small
\centerline{Copyright \copyright\ \year\ Free Software Foundation, Inc.}
\centerline{For GNU Emacs version \versionemacs}
\centerline{Designed by Stephen Gildea}
\centerline{Translated by Rodrigo Real}
Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
For more Emacs documentation, and the \TeX{} source for this card,
see the Emacs distribution, or {\tt https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs}
% make \bye not \outer so that the \def\bye in the \else clause below
% can be scanned without complaint.
\newdimen\intercolumnskip %horizontal space between columns
\newbox\columna %boxes to hold columns already built
column\if 1\ncolumns\else s\fi\space per page]}
\def\scaledmag#1{ scaled \magstep #1}
% This multi-way format was designed by Stephen Gildea October 1986.
% Note that the 1-column format is fontfamily-independent.
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\hsize 4in
\vsize 10in
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\errmessage{Illegal number of columns per page}
%% \intercolumnskip=.46in
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% This next line is useful when designing the layout.
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\else\if a\abc
\global\setbox\columna\columnbox \global\def\abc{b}
%% in case we never use \columnb (two-column mode)
\global\setbox\columnb\hbox to -\intercolumnskip{}
\global\setbox\columnb\columnbox \global\def\abc{c}\fi\fi}
\if a\abc \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
\if a\abc \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
% we won't be using math mode much, so redefine some of the characters
% we might want to talk about
\parindent 0pt
\parskip 1ex plus .5ex minus .5ex
% newcolumn - force a new column. Use sparingly, probably only for
% the first column of a page, which should have a title anyway.
% title - page title. Argument is title text.
\outer\def\title#1{{\titlefont\centerline{#1}}\vskip 1ex plus .5ex}
% section - new major section. Argument is section name.
\vskip 3ex plus 2ex minus 2ex {\headingfont #1}\mark{#1}%
\vskip 2ex plus 1ex minus 1.5ex}
% beginindentedkeys...endindentedkeys - key definitions will be
% indented, but running text, typically used as headings to group
% definitions, will not.
% paralign - begin paragraph containing an alignment.
% If an \halign is entered while in vertical mode, a parskip is never
% inserted. Using \paralign instead of \halign solves this problem.
% \<...> - surrounds a variable name in a code example
\def\<#1>{{\it #1\/}}
% kbd - argument is characters typed literally. Like the Texinfo command.
\def\kbd#1{{\tt#1}\null} %\null so not an abbrev even if period follows
% beginexample...endexample - surrounds literal text, such a code example.
% typeset in a typewriter font with line breaks preserved
{\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }
% key - definition of a key.
% \key{description of key}{key-name}
% prints the description left-justified, and the key-name in a \kbd
% form near the right margin.
\def\key#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\vtop
\setbox\metaxbox\hbox{\kbd{M-x }}
% metax - definition of a M-x command.
% \metax{description of command}{M-x command-name}
% Tries to justify the beginning of the command name at the same place
% as \key starts the key name. (The "M-x " sticks out to the left.)
\def\metax#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\hbox to .75\hsize
\hskip -\metaxwidth minus 1fil
% threecol - like "key" but with two key names.
% for example, one for doing the action backward, and one for forward.
%**end of header
\title{GNU Emacs: Cart\~ao de Refer\^encia}
\centerline{(para vers\~ao \versionemacs)}
\section{Iniciando o Emacs}
Para entrar no GNU Emacs, digite: \kbd{emacs}
\section{Saindo do Emacs}
\key{suspende ou minimiza o Emacs}{C-z}
\key{encerra o Emacs}{C-x C-c}
\key{{\bf abre} um arquivo}{C-x C-f}
\key{{\bf salva} um arquivo em disco}{C-x C-s}
\key{salva {\bf todos} arquivos abertos}{C-x s}
\key{{\bf insere} outro arquivo neste buffer}{C-x i}
\key{substitui este arquivo por outro}{C-x C-v}
\key{salva o buffer em um arquivo especificado}{C-x C-w}
\key{alterna o estado de somente leitura do buffer}{C-x C-q}
\section{Ajuda (Help)}
Tecle \kbd{C-h} (ou \kbd{F1}) e siga as instru{\c{c}}{\~o}es.
\key{remove a janela de ajuda}{C-x 1}
\key{rola a janela de ajuda}{C-M-v}
\key{apropos: mostra comandos que casam com a string}{C-h a}
\key{descreve fun{\c{c}}{\~a}o associada a teclas}{C-h k}
\key{descreve uma fun{\c{c}}{\~a}o}{C-h f}
\key{busca informa{\c{c}}{\~o}es espec{\'\i}ficas do modo}{C-h m}
\section{Recuperando-se de Erros}
\key{{\bf aborta} uma opera{\c{c}}{\~a}o}{C-g}
\metax{{\bf recupera} arquivos ap{\'o}s crash}{M-x recover-session}
\metax{desfaz uma altera{\c{c}}{\~a}o ({\bf undo})}{C-x u, C-_ {\rm or} C-/}
\metax{restaura um buffer para o arquivo}{M-x revert-buffer}
\key{redesenha a tela}{C-l}
\section{Busca Incremental}
\key{busca para frente}{C-s}
\key{busca para tr{\'a}s}{C-r}
\key{busca por express{\~a}o regular}{C-M-s}
\key{busca por express{\~a}o regular para tr{\'a}s}{C-M-r}
\key{seleciona a string de pesquisa anterior}{M-p}
\key{seleciona a string seguinte de pesquisa}{M-n}
\key{sai da busca incremental}{RET}
\key{desfaz o efeito do {\'u}ltimo caracter}{DEL}
\key{encerra a busca}{C-g}
Use \kbd{C-s} ou \kbd{C-r} novamente para repetir a busca.
\kbd{C-g} cancela apenas o que ainda n{\~a}o foi feito.
\paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
\threecol{{\bf avan{\c{c}}ar}}{{\bf tr{\'a}s}}{{\bf frente}}
\threecol{um caracter}{C-b}{C-f}
\threecol{uma palavra}{M-b}{M-f}
\threecol{uma linha}{C-p}{C-n}
\threecol{para in{\'\i}cio ou fim de linha}{C-a}{C-e}
\threecol{p{\'a}gina}{C-x [}{C-x ]}
\threecol{para in{\'\i}cio ou fim do buffer}{M-<}{M->}
\key{rolar para pr{\'o}xima tela}{C-v}
\key{rolar para tela anterior}{M-v}
\key{rolar para esquerda}{C-x <}
\key{rolar para direita}{C-x >}
\key{rolar a linha corrente para o centro da tela}{C-u C-l}
\section{Cortando e Apagando}
\paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
\threecol{{\bf entidade a cortar}}{{\bf tr{\'a}s}}{{\bf frente}}
\threecol{caracter (apaga, n{\~a}o corta)}{DEL}{C-d}
\threecol{linha (at{\'e} o final)}{M-0 C-k}{C-k}
\threecol{senten{\c{c}}a}{C-x DEL}{M-k}
\threecol{sexp}{M-- C-M-k}{C-M-k}
\key{corta {\bf regi{\~a}o}}{C-w}
\key{copia a {\bf regi{\~a}o}}{M-w}
\key{cortar at{\'e} a pr{\'o}xima ocorr{\^e}ncia de {\it char}}{M-z {\it char}}
\key{colar a {\'u}ltima coisa cortada}{C-y}
\key{substitui a {\'u}lt. colagem pela c{\'o}pia anterior}{M-y}
\key{posiciona a marca aqui}{C-@ {\rm or} C-SPC}
\key{troca a marca pelo ponto e vice-versa}{C-x C-x}
\key{coloca a marca {\it arg\/} {\bf palavras} adiante}{M-@}
\key{marca o {\bf par{\'a}grafo}}{M-h}
\key{marca a {\bf p{\'a}gina}}{C-x C-p}
\key{marca a {\bf sexp}}{C-M-@}
\key{marca uma {\bf fun{\c{c}}{\~a}o}}{C-M-h}
\key{marca todo {\bf buffer}}{C-x h}
\section{Busca e Substitui{\c{c}}{\~a}o}
\key{Substitui interativamente uma string}{M-\%}
% query-replace-regexp is bound to C-M-% but that can't be typed on
% consoles.
\metax{usando express{\~a}o regular}{M-x query-replace-regexp}
Respostas v{\'a}lidas no modo de busca e substitui{\c{c}}{\~a}o
\key{{\bf substitui} esta, e prossegue}{SPC}
\key{substitui esta e entrada e n{\~a}o avan{\c{c}}a}{,}
\key{{\bf pula} para a pr{\'o}xima sem substituir}{DEL}
\key{substitui em todo o texto restante}{!}
\key{{\bf volta} para a palavra anterior}{^}
\key{{\bf encerra}}{RET}
\key{entra na edi{\c{c}}{\~a}o recursiva (\kbd{C-M-c} para sair)}{C-r}
\section{M{\'u}ltiplas Janelas}
Quando forem mostrados 2 comandos, o segundo tem comportamento similar
para frame.
{\setbox0=\hbox{\kbd{0}}\advance\hsize by 0\wd0
\paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
\threecol{elimina todas outras janelas}{C-x 1\ \ \ \ }{C-x 5 1}
\threecol{divide a janela, acima e abaixo}{C-x 2\ \ \ \ }{C-x 5 2}
\threecol{elimina esta janela}{C-x 0\ \ \ \ }{C-x 5 0}
\key{divide a janela, lado a lado}{C-x 3}
\key{rola a outra janela}{C-M-v}
{\setbox0=\hbox{\kbd{0}}\advance\hsize by 2\wd0
\paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
\threecol{leva o cursor para outra janela}{C-x o}{C-x 5 o}
\threecol{seleciona um buffer em outra janela}{C-x 4 b}{C-x 5 b}
\threecol{mostra um buffer em outra janela}{C-x 4 C-o}{C-x 5 C-o}
\threecol{busca um arquivo em outra janela}{C-x 4 f}{C-x 5 f}
\threecol{busca arquivo (ro) em outra janela}{C-x 4 r}{C-x 5 r}
\threecol{executa Dired em outra janela}{C-x 4 d}{C-x 5 d}
\threecol{busca tag em outra janela}{C-x 4 .}{C-x 5 .}
\key{aumenta a janela na vertical}{C-x ^}
\key{estreita a janela}{C-x \{}
\key{alarga a janela}{C-x \}}
\key{identa a {\bf linha} corrente (modo)}{TAB}
\key{identa a {\bf regi{\~a}o} (modo)}{C-M-\\}
\key{identa a {\bf sexp} (modo)}{C-M-q}
\key{identa regi{\~a}o rigidamente {\it arg\/} colunas}{C-x TAB}
\key{insere uma nova linha ap{\'o}s o ponto}{C-o}
\key{move o restante da linha para baixo}{C-M-o}
\key{apaga linhas em branco em torno do ponto}{C-x C-o}
\key{junta a linha com a anterior}{M-^}
\key{apaga todos brancos em torno do ponto}{M-\\}
\key{insere um espa{\c{c}}o em branco}{M-SPC}
\key{preenche o par{\'a}grafo}{M-q}
\key{define a coluna limite de preenchimento}{C-x f}
\key{define um prefixo para cada linha}{C-x .}
\section{Mai{\'u}sculas e Min{\'u}sculas}
\key{Palavra para mai{\'u}sculas}{M-u}
\key{Palavra para min{\'u}sculas}{M-l}
\key{Primeira letra mai{\'u}scula (capitalize)}{M-c}
\key{Regi{\~a}o para mai{\'u}sculas}{C-x C-u}
\key{Regi{\~a}o para min{\'u}sculas}{C-x C-l}
\section{O Minibuffer}
As teclas seguintes s{\~a}o definidas no minibuffer.
\key{complete o m{\'a}ximo possi{\'\i}vel}{TAB}
\key{complete at{\'e} uma palavra}{SPC}
\key{complete e execute}{RET}
\key{mostre as op{\c{c}}{\~o}es para completar}{?}
\key{busca a entrada anterior no minibuffer}{M-p}
\key{busca a pr{\'o}xima entrada no minibuffer ou o default}{M-n}
\key{busca regexp no hist{\'o}rico para tr{\'a}s}{M-r}
\key{busca regexp no hist{\'o}rico para frente}{M-s}
\key{encerra o comando}{C-g}
Tecle \kbd{C-x ESC ESC} para editar e repetir o {\'u}ltimo comando
utilizado. Tecle \kbd{F10} para ativar o menu.
\title{GNU Emacs: Cart\~ao de Refer\^encia}
\centerline{(para vers\~ao \versionemacs)}
\key{seleciona outro buffer}{C-x b}
\key{lista todos buffers}{C-x C-b}
\key{mata um buffer}{C-x k}
\key{transp{\~o}e {\bf caracteres}}{C-t}
\key{transp{\~o}e {\bf palavras}}{M-t}
\key{transp{\~o}e {\bf linhas}}{C-x C-t}
\key{transp{\~o}e {\bf sexps}}{C-M-t}
\section{Verifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o Ortogr{\'a}fica}
\key{verifica a palavra corrente}{M-\$}
\metax{verifica todas palavras de uma regi{\~a}o}{M-x ispell-region}
\metax{verifica todo o buffer}{M-x ispell-buffer}
\key{busca uma tag (uma defini{\c{c}}{\~a}o)}{M-.}
\metax{especifica um novo arquivo de tags}{M-x visit-tags-table}
\metax{busca por regexp em todos arquivos}{M-x tags-search}
\metax{busca e subst. em todos arquivos}{M-x tags-query-replace}
\key{executa um comando do shell}{M-!}
\key{executa um comando do shell na regi{\~a}o}{M-|}
\key{filtra uma regi{\~a}o por um comando do shell}{C-u M-|}
\key{inicia um shell na janela \kbd{*shell*}}{M-x shell}
\key{copia o ret{\^a}ngulo para o registrador}{C-x r r}
\key{corta o ret{\^a}ngulo}{C-x r k}
\key{cola o ret{\^a}ngulo}{C-x r y}
\key{abre o ret{\^a}ngulo, move o texto para direita}{C-x r o}
\key{troca por espa{\c{c}}os o conte{\'u}do do ret{\^a}ngulo}{C-x r c}
\key{antep{\~o}e uma linha a string}{C-x r t}
\key{adiciona uma abreviatura global}{C-x a g}
\key{adiciona abreviatura ao modo local}{C-x a l}
\key{adiciona globalmente expans{\~a}o de abrev.}{C-x a i g}
\key{adiciona localmente expans{\~a}o de abrev.}{C-x a i l}
\key{explicitamente expande uma abrev}{C-x a e}
\key{completa com base em palavras anteriores}{M-/}
\section{Express{\~o}es Regulares}
\key{qualquer caracter exceto nova linha}{. {\rm(dot)}}
\key{zero ou mais repeti{\c{c}}{\~o}es}{*}
\key{uma ou mais repeti{\c{c}}{\~o}es}{+}
\key{zero ou uma repeti{\c{c}}{\~a}o}{?}
\key{protege o caracter especial {\it c\/}}{\\{\it c}}
\key{agrupamento}{\\( {\rm$\ldots$} \\)}
\key{mesmo texto que {\it n\/}-{\'e}simo grupo}{\\{\it n}}
\key{quebra de palavra}{\\b}
\key{sem quebra de palavra}{\\B}
\paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
\threecol{{\bf entidade}}{{\bf casa in{\'\i}cio}}{{\bf casa fim}}
\threecol{{\bf classe de caracteres}}{{\bf casa esses}}{{\bf casa os outros}}
\threecol{conjunto expl{\'\i}cito}{[ {\rm$\ldots$} ]}{[^ {\rm$\ldots$} ]}
\threecol{caracter de sintaxe de palavra}{\\w}{\\W}
\threecol{caracter de sintaxe de {\it c}}{\\s{\it c}}{\\S{\it c}}
\section{Conjuntos de Carac. Internacionais}
\key{especifica uma l{\'\i}ngua principal}{C-x RET l}
\metax{mostra todos m{\'e}todos de inser{\c{c}}{\~a}o}{M-x list-input-methods}
\key{habilita/desabilita um m{\'e}todo de inser{\c{c}}{\~a}o}{C-\\}
\key{determina o sistema de codifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o}{C-x RET c}
\metax{mostra sistemas de codifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o}{M-x list-coding-systems}
\metax{escolhe a codifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o preferida}{M-x prefer-coding-system}
\key{entra no leitor de Info}{C-h i}
\key{busca fun{\c{c}}{\~a}o ou arquivo no Info}{C-h S}
Movimenta{\c{c}}{\~a}o em um nodo:
\key{rola para frente}{SPC}
\key{rola para tr{\'a}s}{DEL}
\key{in{\'\i}cio do nodo}{. {\rm (dot)}}
Movimenta{\c{c}}{\~a}o entre nodos:
\key{{\bf pr{\'o}ximo} nodo}{n}
\key{nodo {\bf anterior}}{p}
\key{mover cima {\bf cima}}{u}
\key{seleciona item do menu pelo nome}{m}
\key{seleciona {\it n\/}-{\'e}simo item do menu}{{\it n}}
\key{segue refer{\^e}ncia cruzada (retorna com \kbd{l})}{f}
\key{retorna {\'u}ltimo nodo visitado}{l}
\key{retorna ao diret{\'o}rio de nodos}{d}
\key{ir para o topo do arquivo Info}{t}
\key{ir para qualquer nodo por nome}{g}
\key{executar {\bf tutorial} do Info}{h}
\key{busca pelo assunto no {\'\i}ndice}{i}
\key{busca por express{\~a}o regular}{s}
\key{{\bf sair} Info}{q}
\key{salva regi{\~a}o em um registrador}{C-x r s}
\key{insere o conte{\'u}do do registrador no buffer}{C-x r i}
\key{salva valor do ponto no registrador}{C-x r SPC}
\key{salta para o ponto salvo no registrador}{C-x r j}
\section{Macros de Teclado}
\key{{\bf inicia} a defini{\c{c}}{\~a}o de uma macro}{C-x (}
\key{{\bf encerra} a defini{\c{c}}{\~a}o de uma macro}{C-x )}
\key{{\bf executa} a {\'u}ltima macro definida}{C-x e}
\key{adiciona a {\'u}ltima macro definida}{C-u C-x (}
\metax{nomeia a {\'u}ltima macro definida}{M-x name-last-kbd-macro}
\metax{insere uma defini{\c{c}}{\~a}o em Lisp}{M-x insert-kbd-macro}
\section{Lidando com Emacs Lisp}
\key{avalia {\bf sexp} antes do ponto}{C-x C-e}
\key{avalia a {\bf defun} corrente}{C-M-x}
\metax{avalia a {\bf regi{\~a}o}}{M-x eval-region}
\key{l{\^e} e avalia o minibuffer}{M-:}
\metax{carrega do diret{\'o}rio padr{\~a}o do sistema}{M-x load-library}
\section{Personaliza{\c{c}}{\~a}o Simples}
\metax{personaliza vari{\'a}veis e fontes}{M-x customize}
% The intended audience here is the person who wants to make simple
% customizations and knows Lisp syntax.
Fazendo teclas de atalho globais em Emacs Lisp (exemplos):
(global-set-key "\\C-cg" 'goto-line)
(global-set-key "\\M-\#" 'query-replace-regexp)
\section{Escrevendo Comandos}
(defun \<command-name> (\<args>)
"\<documentation>" (interactive "\<template>")
Um exemplo:
(defun this-line-to-top-of-window (line)
"Reposition line point is on to top of window.
With ARG, put point on line ARG."
(interactive "P")
(recenter (if (null line)
(prefix-numeric-value line))))
A especifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o \kbd{interactive} explica como ler
interativamente argumentos. Tecle \kbd{C-h f interactive} para mais
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% End: