
704 lines
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;;; rx-tests.el --- tests for rx.el -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2016-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Code:
(require 'ert)
(require 'rx)
(ert-deftest rx-seq ()
(should (equal (rx "a.b" "*" "c")
(should (equal (rx (seq "a" (: "b" (and "c" (sequence "d" nonl)
(should (equal (rx "a$" "b")
(should (equal (rx bol "a" "b" ?c eol)
(should (equal (rx "a" "" "b")
(should (equal (rx (seq))
(should (equal (rx "" (or "ab" nonl) "")
;; FIXME: Extend tests for `or', `not' etc to cover char pattern combination,
;; including (syntax whitespace) and (syntax word).
(ert-deftest rx-or ()
(should (equal (rx (or "ab" (| "cd" nonl) "de"))
(should (equal (rx (or "ab" "abc" ?a))
(should (equal (rx (or "ab" (| (or "abcd" "abcde")) (or "a" "abc")))
(should (equal (rx (or "a" (eval (string ?a ?b))))
(should (equal (rx (| nonl "ac") (| "bd" blank))
(should (equal (rx (| nonl "a") (| "b" blank))
(should (equal (rx (|))
(should (equal (rx (or "a" (not anychar) punct ?c "b" (not (not ?d))))
(should (equal (rx (or nonl ?\n))
(should (equal (rx (or "ab" "a" "b" blank (syntax whitespace) word "z"))
(ert-deftest rx-def-in-or ()
(rx-let ((a b)
(b (or "abc" c))
(c ?a)
(d (any "a-z")))
(should (equal (rx (or a (| "ab" "abcde") "abcd"))
(should (equal (rx (or ?m (not d)))
(ert-deftest rx-char-any ()
"Test character alternatives with `]' and `-' (Bug#25123)."
(should (equal
;; relint suppression: Range .<-]. overlaps previous .]-{
(rx string-start (1+ (char (?\] . ?\{) (?< . ?\]) (?- . ?:)))
(ert-deftest rx-char-any-range-nl ()
"Test character alternatives with LF as a range endpoint."
(should (equal (rx (any "\n-\r"))
(should (equal (rx (any "\a-\n"))
(ert-deftest rx-char-any-raw-byte ()
"Test raw bytes in character alternatives."
;; The multibyteness of the rx return value sometimes depends on whether
;; the test had been byte-compiled or not, so we add explicit conversions.
;; Separate raw characters.
(should (equal (string-to-multibyte (rx (any "\326A\333B")))
(string-to-multibyte "[AB\326\333]")))
;; Range of raw characters, unibyte.
(should (equal (string-to-multibyte (rx (any "\200-\377")))
(string-to-multibyte "[\200-\377]")))
;; Range of raw characters, multibyte.
(should (equal (rx (any "Å\211\326-\377\177"))
;; Split range; \177-\377ÿ should not be optimized to \177-\377.
(should (equal (rx (any "\177-\377" ?ÿ))
;; Range between normal chars and raw bytes: must be split to be parsed
;; correctly by the Emacs regexp engine.
(should (equal (rx (any (0 . #x3fffff) word) (any (?G . #x3fff9a) word)
(any ( . #x3ffff2) word))
(concat "[\0-\x3fff7f\x80-\xff[:word:]]"
;; As above but with ranges in string form. For historical reasons,
;; we special-case ASCII-to-raw ranges to exclude non-ASCII unicode.
(should (equal (rx (any "\x00-\xff" alpha) (any "G-\x9a" alpha)
(any "Ü-\xf2" alpha))
(concat "[\0-\x7f\x80-\xff[:alpha:]]"
(ert-deftest rx-any ()
(should (equal (rx (any ?A (?C . ?D) "F-H" "J-L" "M" "N-P" "Q" "RS"))
(should (equal (rx (in "a!f" ?c) (char "q-z" "0-3")
(not-char "a-e1-5") (not (in "A-M" ?q)))
(should (equal (rx (any "^") (any "]") (any "-")
(not (any "^")) (not (any "]")) (not (any "-")))
(should (equal (rx (any "]" "^") (any "]" "-") (any "-" "^")
(not (any "]" "^")) (not (any "]" "-"))
(not (any "-" "^")))
(should (equal (rx (any "]" "^" "-") (not (any "]" "^" "-")))
(should (equal (rx (any "^-f") (any "^-f" "-")
(any "^-f" "z") (any "^-f" "z" "-"))
(should (equal (rx (not (any "^-f")) (not (any "^-f" "-"))
(not (any "^-f" "z")) (not (any "^-f" "z" "-")))
(should (equal (rx (any "^-f" word) (any "^-f" "-" word))
(should (equal (rx (not (any "^-f" word)) (not (any "^-f" "-" word)))
(should (equal (rx (any "-" ascii) (any "^" ascii) (any "]" ascii))
(should (equal (rx (not (any "-" ascii)) (not (any "^" ascii))
(not (any "]" ascii)))
(should (equal (rx (any "-]" ascii) (any "^]" ascii) (any "-^" ascii))
(should (equal (rx (not (any "-]" ascii)) (not (any "^]" ascii))
(not (any "-^" ascii)))
(should (equal (rx (any "-]^" ascii) (not (any "-]^" ascii)))
(should (equal (rx (any "^" lower upper) (not (any "^" lower upper)))
(should (equal (rx (any "-" lower upper) (not (any "-" lower upper)))
(should (equal (rx (any "]" lower upper) (not (any "]" lower upper)))
;; relint suppression: Duplicated character .-.
;; relint suppression: Single-character range .f-f
;; relint suppression: Range .--/. overlaps previous .-
;; relint suppression: Range .\*--. overlaps previous .--/
(should (equal (rx (any "-a" "c-" "f-f" "--/*--") (any "," "-" "A"))
(should (equal (rx (any "]-a" ?-) (not (any "]-a" ?-)))
(should (equal (rx (any "--]") (not (any "--]"))
(any "-" "^-a") (not (any "-" "^-a")))
(should (equal (rx (not (any "!a" "0-8" digit nonascii)))
(should (equal (rx (any) (not (any)))
(should (equal (rx (any "") (not (any "")))
;; relint suppression: Duplicated class .space.
(should (equal (rx (any space ?a digit space))
(should (equal (rx (not "\n") (not ?\n) (not (any "\n")) (not-char ?\n)
(| (not (in "a\n")) (not (char ?\n (?b . ?b)))))
(should (equal (rx (or (in "g-k") (in "a-f") (or ?r (in "i-m" "n-q"))))
(ert-deftest rx-pcase ()
(should (equal (pcase "i18n" ((rx (let x (+ digit))) (list 'ok x)))
'(ok "18")))
(should (equal (pcase "a 1 2 3 1 1 b"
((rx (let u (+ digit)) space
(let v (+ digit)) space
(let v (+ digit)) space
(backref u) space
(backref 1))
(list u v)))
'("1" "3")))
(should (equal (pcase "bz"
((rx "a" (let x nonl)) (list 1 x))
(_ 'no))
(should (equal (pcase "az"
((rx "a" (let x nonl)) (list 1 x))
((rx "b" (let x nonl)) (list 2 x))
(_ 'no))
'(1 "z")))
(should (equal (pcase "bz"
((rx "a" (let x nonl)) (list 1 x))
((rx "b" (let x nonl)) (list 2 x))
(_ 'no))
'(2 "z")))
(let ((k "blue"))
(should (equal (pcase "<blue>"
((rx "<" (literal k) ">") 'ok))
(should (equal (pcase "abc"
((rx (? (let x alpha)) (?? (let y alnum)) ?c)
(list x y)))
'("a" "b")))
(should (equal (pcase 'not-a-string
((rx nonl) 'wrong)
(_ 'correct))
(should (equal (pcase "PQR"
((and (rx (let a nonl)) (rx ?z))
(list 'one a))
((rx (let b ?Q))
(list 'two b)))
'(two "Q")))
(should (equal (pcase-let (((rx ?B (let z nonl)) "ABC"))
(list 'ok z))
'(ok "C")))
(should (equal (pcase-let* (((rx ?E (let z nonl)) "DEF"))
(list 'ok z))
'(ok "F"))))
(ert-deftest rx-let-pcase ()
"Test `rx-let' around `pcase' with `rx' patterns (bug#59814)."
(should (equal (rx-let ((tata "ab"))
(pcase "abc" ((rx tata) 'toto)))
(ert-deftest rx-kleene ()
"Test greedy and non-greedy repetition operators."
(should (equal (rx (* "a") (+ "b") (\? "c") (?\s "d")
(*? "e") (+? "f") (\?? "g") (?? "h"))
(should (equal (rx (zero-or-more "a") (0+ "b")
(one-or-more "c") (1+ "d")
(zero-or-one "e") (optional "f") (opt "g"))
(should (equal (rx (minimal-match
(seq (* "a") (+ "b") (\? "c") (?\s "d")
(*? "e") (+? "f") (\?? "g") (?? "h"))))
(should (equal (rx (minimal-match
(seq (zero-or-more "a") (0+ "b")
(one-or-more "c") (1+ "d")
(zero-or-one "e") (optional "f") (opt "g"))))
(should (equal (rx (maximal-match
(seq (* "a") (+ "b") (\? "c") (?\s "d")
(*? "e") (+? "f") (\?? "g") (?? "h"))))
(should (equal (rx "a" (*) (+ (*)) (? (*) (+)) "b")
(ert-deftest rx-repeat ()
(should (equal (rx (= 3 "a") (>= 51 "b")
(** 2 11 "c") (repeat 6 "d") (repeat 4 8 "e"))
(should (equal (rx (= 0 "k") (>= 0 "l") (** 0 0 "m") (repeat 0 "n")
(repeat 0 0 "o"))
(should (equal (rx (opt (0+ "a")))
(should (equal (rx (opt (= 4 "a")))
(should (equal (rx "a" (** 3 7) (= 4) (>= 3) (= 4 (>= 7) (= 2)) "b")
(ert-deftest rx-atoms ()
(should (equal (rx anychar anything)
(should (equal (rx unmatchable)
(should (equal (rx line-start not-newline nonl any line-end)
(should (equal (rx bol string-start string-end buffer-start buffer-end
bos eos bot eot eol)
(should (equal (rx point word-start word-end bow eow symbol-start symbol-end
word-boundary not-word-boundary not-wordchar)
(should (equal (rx digit numeric num control cntrl)
(should (equal (rx hex-digit hex xdigit blank)
(should (equal (rx graph graphic print printing)
(should (equal (rx alphanumeric alnum letter alphabetic alpha)
(should (equal (rx ascii nonascii lower lower-case)
(should (equal (rx punctuation punct space whitespace white)
(should (equal (rx upper upper-case word wordchar)
(should (equal (rx unibyte multibyte)
(ert-deftest rx-syntax ()
(should (equal (rx (syntax whitespace) (syntax punctuation)
(syntax word) (syntax symbol)
(syntax open-parenthesis) (syntax close-parenthesis))
(should (equal (rx (syntax string-quote) (syntax paired-delimiter)
(syntax escape) (syntax character-quote)
(syntax comment-start) (syntax comment-end)
(syntax string-delimiter) (syntax comment-delimiter))
(ert-deftest rx-category ()
(should (equal (rx (category space-for-indent) (category base)
(category consonant) (category base-vowel)
(category upper-diacritical-mark)
(category lower-diacritical-mark)
(category tone-mark) (category symbol)
(category digit)
(category vowel-modifying-diacritical-mark)
(category vowel-sign) (category semivowel-lower)
(category not-at-end-of-line)
(category not-at-beginning-of-line))
"\\c \\c.\\c0\\c1\\c2\\c3\\c4\\c5\\c6\\c7\\c8\\c9\\c<\\c>"))
(should (equal (rx (category alpha-numeric-two-byte)
(category chinese-two-byte) (category greek-two-byte)
(category japanese-hiragana-two-byte)
(category indian-two-byte)
(category japanese-katakana-two-byte)
(category strong-left-to-right)
(category korean-hangul-two-byte)
(category strong-right-to-left)
(category cyrillic-two-byte)
(category combining-diacritic))
(should (equal (rx (category ascii) (category arabic) (category chinese)
(category ethiopic) (category greek) (category korean)
(category indian) (category japanese)
(category japanese-katakana) (category latin)
(category lao) (category tibetan))
(should (equal (rx (category japanese-roman) (category thai)
(category vietnamese) (category hebrew)
(category cyrillic) (category can-break))
(should (equal (rx (category ?g) (not (category ?~)))
(ert-deftest rx-not ()
(should (equal (rx (not word-boundary))
(should (equal (rx (not ascii) (not lower-case) (not wordchar))
(should (equal (rx (not (syntax punctuation)) (not (syntax escape))
(not (syntax word)))
(should (equal (rx (not (category tone-mark)) (not (category lao)))
(should (equal (rx (not (not ascii)) (not (not (not (any "a-z")))))
(should (equal (rx (not ?a) (not "b") (not (not "c")) (not (not ?d)))
(ert-deftest rx-charset-or ()
(should (equal (rx (or))
(should (equal (rx (or (any "ba")))
(should (equal (rx (| (any "a-f") (any "c-k" ?y) (any ?r "x-z")))
(should (equal (rx (or (not (any "a-m")) (not (any "f-p"))))
(should (equal (rx (| (any "e-m") (not (any "a-z"))))
(should (equal (rx (or (not (any "g-r")) (not (any "t"))))
(should (equal (rx (not (or (not (any "g-r")) (not (any "t")))))
(should (equal (rx (or (| (any "a-f") (any "u-z"))
(any "g-r")))
(should (equal (rx (or (intersection (any "c-z") (any "a-g"))
(not (any "a-k"))))
(should (equal (rx (or ?f (any "b-e") "a") (not (or ?x "y" (any "s-w"))))
(should (equal (rx (not (or (in "abc") (char "bcd"))))
(should (equal (rx (or (not (in "abc")) (not (char "bcd"))))
(should (equal (rx (or "x" (? "yz")))
(should (equal (rx (or anychar (not anychar)))
(should (equal (rx (or (not (in "a-p")) (not (in "k-u"))))
(should (equal (rx (or (not (in "a-p")) word (not (in "k-u"))))
(should (equal (rx (or (in "a-f" blank) (in "c-z") blank))
(ert-deftest rx-def-in-charset-or ()
(rx-let ((a (any "badc"))
(b (| a (any "def")))
(c ?a)
(d "b"))
(should (equal (rx (or b (any "q")) (or c d))
(rx-let ((diff-| (a b) (not (or (not a) b))))
(should (equal (rx (diff-| (any "a-z") (any "gr")))
(ert-deftest rx-intersection ()
(should (equal (rx (intersection))
(should (equal (rx (intersection (any "ba")))
(should (equal (rx (intersection (any "a-j" "u-z") (any "c-k" ?y)
(any "a-i" "x-z")))
(should (equal (rx (intersection (not (any "a-m")) (not (any "f-p"))))
(should (equal (rx (intersection (any "a-z") (not (any "g-q"))))
(should (equal (rx (intersection (any "a-d") (any "e")))
(should (equal (rx (not (intersection (any "a-d") (any "e"))))
(should (equal (rx (intersection (any "d-u")
(intersection (any "e-z") (any "a-m"))))
(should (equal (rx (intersection (or (any "a-f") (any "f-t"))
(any "e-w")))
(should (equal (rx (intersection ?m (any "a-z") "m"))
(ert-deftest rx-def-in-intersection ()
(rx-let ((a (any "a-g"))
(b (intersection a (any "d-j"))))
(should (equal (rx (intersection b (any "e-k")))
(rx-let ((diff-& (a b) (intersection a (not b))))
(should (equal (rx (diff-& (any "a-z") (any "m-p")))
(ert-deftest rx-group ()
(should (equal (rx (group nonl) (submatch "x")
(group-n 3 "y") (submatch-n 13 "z") (backref 1))
(should (equal (rx (group) (group-n 2))
(ert-deftest rx-regexp ()
(should (equal (rx (regexp "abc") (regex "[de]"))
(should (equal (rx "a" (regexp "$"))
(let ((x "a*"))
(should (equal (rx (regexp x) "b")
(should (equal (rx "" (regexp x) (eval ""))
(defvar rx-tests--x "LEX")
(defun rx-tests--get-x () rx-tests--x))
(ert-deftest rx-eval ()
(should (equal (rx (eval (list 'syntax 'symbol)))
(should (equal (rx "a" (eval (concat)) "b")
(should (equal (rx (eval (funcall (lambda (rx-tests--x) (rx-tests--get-x))
(ert-deftest rx-literal ()
(should (equal (rx (literal "$a"))
(should (equal (rx (literal (char-to-string 42)) nonl)
(let ((x "a+b"))
(should (equal (rx (opt (literal (upcase x))))
(ert-deftest rx-to-string ()
(should (equal (rx-to-string '(or nonl "\nx"))
(should (equal (rx-to-string '(or nonl "\nx") t)
(ert-deftest rx-let ()
(rx-let ((beta gamma)
(gamma delta)
(delta (+ digit))
(epsilon (or gamma nonl)))
(should (equal (rx bol delta epsilon)
(rx-let ((p () point)
(separated (x sep) (seq x (* sep x)))
(comma-separated (x) (separated x ","))
(semi-separated (x) (separated x ";"))
(matrix (v) (semi-separated (comma-separated v))))
(should (equal (rx (p) (matrix (+ "a")) eos)
(rx-let ((b bol)
(z "B")
(three (x) (= 3 x)))
(rx-let ((two (x) (seq x x))
(z "A")
(e eol))
(should (equal (rx b (two (three z)) e)
(rx-let ((f (a b &rest r) (seq "<" a ";" b ":" r ">")))
(should (equal (rx bol (f ?x ?y) ?! (f ?u ?v ?w) ?! (f ?k ?l ?m ?n) eol)
;; Rest parameters are expanded by splicing.
(rx-let ((f (&rest r) (or bol r eol)))
(should (equal (rx (f "ab" nonl))
;; Substitution is done in number positions.
(rx-let ((stars (n) (= n ?*)))
(should (equal (rx (stars 4))
;; Substitution is done inside dotted pairs.
(rx-let ((f (x y z) (any x (y . z))))
(should (equal (rx (f ?* ?a ?t))
;; Substitution is done in the head position of forms.
(rx-let ((f (x) (x "a")))
(should (equal (rx (f +))
(ert-deftest rx-define ()
(rx-define rx--a (seq "x" (opt "y")))
(should (equal (rx bol rx--a eol)
(rx-define rx--c (lb rb &rest stuff) (seq lb stuff rb))
(should (equal (rx bol (rx--c "<" ">" rx--a nonl) eol)
(rx-define rx--b (* rx--a))
(should (equal (rx rx--b)
(rx-define rx--a "z")
(should (equal (rx rx--b)
(defun rx--test-rx-to-string-define ()
;; `rx-define' won't expand to code inside `ert-deftest' since we use
;; `eval-and-compile'. Put it into a defun as a workaround.
(rx-define rx--d "Q")
(rx-to-string '(seq bol rx--d) t))
(ert-deftest rx-to-string-define ()
"Check that `rx-to-string' uses definitions made by `rx-define'."
(should (equal (rx--test-rx-to-string-define)
(ert-deftest rx-let-define ()
"Test interaction between `rx-let' and `rx-define'."
(rx-define rx--e "one")
(rx-define rx--f "eins")
(rx-let ((rx--e "two"))
(should (equal (rx rx--e nonl rx--f) "two.eins"))
(rx-define rx--e "three")
(should (equal (rx rx--e) "two"))
(rx-define rx--f "zwei")
(should (equal (rx rx--f) "zwei")))
(should (equal (rx rx--e nonl rx--f) "three.zwei")))
(ert-deftest rx-let-eval ()
(rx-let-eval '((a (* digit))
(f (x &rest r) (seq x nonl r)))
(should (equal (rx-to-string '(seq a (f bow a ?b)) t)
(ert-deftest rx-redefine-builtin ()
(should-error (rx-define sequence () "x"))
(should-error (rx-define sequence "x"))
(should-error (rx-define nonl () "x"))
(should-error (rx-define nonl "x"))
(should-error (rx-let ((punctuation () "x")) nil))
(should-error (rx-let ((punctuation "x")) nil))
(should-error (rx-let-eval '((not-char () "x")) nil))
(should-error (rx-let-eval '((not-char "x")) nil)))
(ert-deftest rx-def-in-not ()
"Test definition expansion inside (not ...)."
(rx-let ((a alpha)
(b (not hex))
(c (not (category base)))
(d (x) (any ?a x ?z))
(e (x) (syntax x))
(f (not b)))
(should (equal (rx (not a) (not b) (not c) (not f))
(should (equal (rx (not (d ?m)) (not (e symbol)))
(ert-deftest rx-constituents ()
(with-suppressed-warnings ((obsolete rx-constituents))
(let ((rx-constituents
(append '((beta . gamma)
(gamma . "a*b")
(delta . ((lambda (form)
(regexp-quote (format "<%S>" form)))
1 nil symbolp))
(epsilon . delta))
(should (equal (rx-to-string '(seq (+ beta) nonl gamma) t)
(should (equal (rx-to-string '(seq (delta a b c) (* (epsilon d e))) t)
"\\(?:<(delta a b c)>\\)\\(?:<(epsilon d e)>\\)*")))))
(ert-deftest rx-compat ()
"Test old symbol retained for compatibility (bug#37517)."
(should (equal
(rx-submatch-n '(group-n 3 (+ nonl) eol)))
;;; unit tests for internal functions
(ert-deftest rx--interval-set-complement ()
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-complement '())
'((0 . #x3fffff))))
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-complement '((10 . 20) (30 . 40)))
'((0 . 9) (21 . 29) (41 . #x3fffff))))
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-complement '((0 . #x3fffff)))
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-complement
'((0 . 10) (20 . 20) (30 . #x3fffff)))
'((11 . 19) (21 . 29)))))
(ert-deftest rx--interval-set-union ()
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-union '() '()) '()))
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-union '() '((10 . 20) (30 . 40)))
'((10 . 20) (30 . 40))))
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-union '((10 . 20) (30 . 40)) '())
'((10 . 20) (30 . 40))))
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-union '((5 . 15) (18 . 24) (32 . 40))
'((10 . 20) (30 . 40) (50 . 60)))
'((5 . 24) (30 . 40) (50 . 60))))
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-union '((10 . 20) (30 . 40) (50 . 60))
'((0 . 9) (21 . 29) (41 . 50)))
'((0 . 60))))
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-union '((10 . 20) (30 . 40))
'((12 . 18) (28 . 42)))
'((10 . 20) (28 . 42))))
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-union '((10 . 20) (30 . 40))
'((0 . #x3fffff)))
'((0 . #x3fffff)))))
(ert-deftest rx--interval-set-intersection ()
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-intersection '() '()) '()))
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-intersection '() '((10 . 20) (30 . 40)))
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-intersection '((10 . 20) (30 . 40)) '())
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-intersection '((5 . 15) (18 . 24) (32 . 40))
'((10 . 20) (30 . 40) (50 . 60)))
'((10 . 15) (18 . 20) (32 . 40))))
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-intersection '((10 . 20) (30 . 40) (50 . 60))
'((0 . 9) (21 . 29) (41 . 50)))
'((50 . 50))))
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-intersection '((10 . 20) (30 . 40))
'((12 . 18) (28 . 42)))
'((12 . 18) (30 . 40))))
(should (equal (rx--interval-set-intersection '((10 . 20) (30 . 40))
'((0 . #x3fffff)))
'((10 . 20) (30 . 40)))))
(provide 'rx-tests)
;;; rx-tests.el ends here