
879 lines
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;;; data-tests.el --- tests for src/data.c -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2013-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(defconst data-tests--float-greater-than-fixnums (+ 1.0 most-positive-fixnum)
"A floating-point value that is greater than all fixnums.
It is also as small as conveniently possible, to make the tests sharper.
Adding 1.0 to `most-positive-fixnum' should suffice on all
practical Emacs platforms, since the result is a power of 2 and
this is exactly representable and is greater than
`most-positive-fixnum', which is just less than a power of 2.")
(ert-deftest data-tests-= ()
(should-error (=))
(should (= 1))
(should (= 2 2))
(should (= 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9))
(should (= most-negative-fixnum (float most-negative-fixnum)))
(should-not (= most-positive-fixnum data-tests--float-greater-than-fixnums))
(should-not (apply #'= '(3 8 3)))
(should-error (= 9 9 'foo))
;; Short circuits before getting to bad arg
(should-not (= 9 8 'foo)))
(ert-deftest data-tests-< ()
(should-error (<))
(should (< 1))
(should (< 2 3))
(should (< -6 -1 0 2 3 4 8 9 999))
(should (< 0.5 most-positive-fixnum data-tests--float-greater-than-fixnums))
(should-not (apply #'< '(3 8 3)))
(should-error (< 9 10 'foo))
;; Short circuits before getting to bad arg
(should-not (< 9 8 'foo)))
(ert-deftest data-tests-> ()
(should-error (>))
(should (> 1))
(should (> 3 2))
(should (> 6 1 0 -2 -3 -4 -8 -9 -999))
(should (> data-tests--float-greater-than-fixnums most-positive-fixnum 0.5))
(should-not (apply #'> '(3 8 3)))
(should-error (> 9 8 'foo))
;; Short circuits before getting to bad arg
(should-not (> 8 9 'foo)))
(ert-deftest data-tests-<= ()
(should-error (<=))
(should (<= 1))
(should (<= 2 3))
(should (<= -6 -1 -1 0 0 0 2 3 4 8 999))
(should (<= 0.5 most-positive-fixnum data-tests--float-greater-than-fixnums))
(should-not (apply #'<= '(3 8 3 3)))
(should-error (<= 9 10 'foo))
;; Short circuits before getting to bad arg
(should-not (<= 9 8 'foo)))
(ert-deftest data-tests->= ()
(should-error (>=))
(should (>= 1))
(should (>= 3 2))
(should (>= 666 1 0 0 -2 -3 -3 -3 -4 -8 -8 -9 -999))
(should (>= data-tests--float-greater-than-fixnums most-positive-fixnum))
(should-not (apply #'>= '(3 8 3)))
(should-error (>= 9 8 'foo))
;; Short circuits before getting to bad arg
(should-not (>= 8 9 'foo)))
(ert-deftest data-tests-max ()
(should-error (max))
(should (= 1 (max 1)))
(should (= 3 (max 3 2)))
(should (= 666 (max 666 1 0 0 -2 -3 -3 -3 -4 -8 -8 -9 -999)))
(should (= (1+ most-negative-fixnum)
(max (float most-negative-fixnum) (1+ most-negative-fixnum))))
(should (= 8 (apply #'max '(3 8 3))))
(should-error (max 9 8 'foo))
(should-error (max (make-marker)))
(should (eql 1 (max (point-min-marker) 1))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-min ()
(should-error (min))
(should (= 1 (min 1)))
(should (= 2 (min 3 2)))
(should (= -999 (min 666 1 0 0 -2 -3 -3 -3 -4 -8 -8 -9 -999)))
(should (= most-positive-fixnum
(min data-tests--float-greater-than-fixnums most-positive-fixnum)))
(should (= 3 (apply #'min '(3 8 3))))
(should-error (min 9 8 'foo))
(should-error (min (make-marker)))
(should (eql 1 (min (point-min-marker) 1)))
(should (isnan (min 0.0e+NaN)))
(should (isnan (min 0.0e+NaN 1 2)))
(should (isnan (min 1.0 0.0e+NaN)))
(should (isnan (min 1.0 0.0e+NaN 1.1)))
(should (isnan (min 1.0 0.0e+NaN 1.1 (1+ most-positive-fixnum))))
(should (isnan (max 1.0 0.0e+NaN 1.1 (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))))
(defun data-tests-popcnt (byte)
"Calculate the Hamming weight of BYTE."
(if (< byte 0)
(setq byte (lognot byte)))
(if (zerop byte)
(+ (logand byte 1) (data-tests-popcnt (ash byte -1)))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-logcount ()
(should (cl-loop for n in (number-sequence -255 255)
always (= (logcount n) (data-tests-popcnt n))))
;; https://oeis.org/A000120
(should (= 11 (logcount 9727)))
(should (= 8 (logcount 9999))))
;; Bool vector tests. Compactly represent bool vectors as hex
;; strings.
(ert-deftest bool-vector-count-population-all-0-nil ()
(cl-loop for sz in '(0 45 1 64 9 344)
do (let* ((bv (make-bool-vector sz nil)))
(bool-vector-count-population bv))))))
(ert-deftest bool-vector-count-population-all-1-t ()
(cl-loop for sz in '(0 45 1 64 9 344)
do (let* ((bv (make-bool-vector sz t)))
(bool-vector-count-population bv)
(ert-deftest bool-vector-count-population-1-nil ()
(let* ((bv (make-bool-vector 45 nil)))
(aset bv 40 t)
(aset bv 0 t)
(bool-vector-count-population bv)
(ert-deftest bool-vector-count-population-1-t ()
(let* ((bv (make-bool-vector 45 t)))
(aset bv 40 nil)
(aset bv 0 nil)
(bool-vector-count-population bv)
(defun mock-bool-vector-count-consecutive (a b i)
(cl-loop for i from i below (length a)
while (eq (aref a i) b)
sum 1))
(defun test-bool-vector-bv-from-hex-string (desc)
(let (bv nibbles)
(dolist (c (string-to-list desc))
(push (string-to-number
(char-to-string c)
(setf bv (make-bool-vector (* 4 (length nibbles)) nil))
(let ((i 0))
(dolist (n (nreverse nibbles))
(dotimes (_ 4)
(aset bv i (> (logand 1 n) 0))
(cl-incf i)
(setf n (ash n -1)))))
(defun test-bool-vector-to-hex-string (bv)
(let (nibbles (v (cl-coerce bv 'list)))
(while v
(push (logior
(ash (if (nth 0 v) 1 0) 0)
(ash (if (nth 1 v) 1 0) 1)
(ash (if (nth 2 v) 1 0) 2)
(ash (if (nth 3 v) 1 0) 3))
(setf v (nthcdr 4 v)))
(mapconcat (lambda (n) (format "%X" n))
(nreverse nibbles))))
(defun test-bool-vector-count-consecutive-tc (desc)
"Run a test case for `bool-vector-count-consecutive'.
DESC is a string describing the test. It is a sequence of
hexadecimal digits describing the bool vector. We exhaustively
test all counts at all possible positions in the vector by
comparing the subr with a much slower Lisp implementation."
(let ((bv (test-bool-vector-bv-from-hex-string desc)))
for lf in '(nil t)
do (cl-loop
for pos from 0 upto (length bv)
for cnt = (mock-bool-vector-count-consecutive bv lf pos)
for rcnt = (bool-vector-count-consecutive bv lf pos)
unless (eql cnt rcnt)
do (error "FAILED testcase %S %3S %3S %3S"
pos lf cnt rcnt)))))
(defconst bool-vector-test-vectors
(ert-deftest bool-vector-count-consecutive ()
(mapc #'test-bool-vector-count-consecutive-tc
(defun test-bool-vector-apply-mock-op (mock a b c)
"Compute (slowly) the correct result of a bool-vector set operation."
(let (changed)
(cl-assert (eql (length b) (length c)))
(unless a
(setf a (make-bool-vector (length b) nil))
(setf changed t))
(cl-loop for i below (length b)
for mockr = (funcall mock
(if (aref b i) 1 0)
(if (aref c i) 1 0))
for r = (not (= 0 mockr))
do (progn
(unless (eq (aref a i) r)
(setf changed t))
(setf (aref a i) r)))
(if changed a)))
(defun test-bool-vector-binop (mock real)
"Test a binary set operation."
(cl-loop for s1 in bool-vector-test-vectors
for bv1 = (test-bool-vector-bv-from-hex-string s1)
for vecs2 = (cl-remove-if-not
(lambda (x) (eql (length x) (length s1)))
do (cl-loop for s2 in vecs2
for bv2 = (test-bool-vector-bv-from-hex-string s2)
for mock-result = (test-bool-vector-apply-mock-op
mock nil bv1 bv2)
for real-result = (funcall real bv1 bv2)
do (progn
(should (equal mock-result real-result))))))
(ert-deftest bool-vector-intersection-op ()
(ert-deftest bool-vector-union-op ()
(ert-deftest bool-vector-xor-op ()
(ert-deftest bool-vector-set-difference-op ()
(lambda (a b) (logand a (lognot b)))
(ert-deftest bool-vector-change-detection ()
(let* ((vc1 (test-bool-vector-bv-from-hex-string "abcdef"))
(vc2 (test-bool-vector-bv-from-hex-string "012345"))
(vc3 (make-bool-vector (length vc1) nil))
(c1 (bool-vector-union vc1 vc2 vc3))
(c2 (bool-vector-union vc1 vc2 vc3)))
(should (equal c1 (test-bool-vector-apply-mock-op
vc1 vc2)))
(should (not c2))))
(ert-deftest bool-vector-not ()
(let* ((v1 (test-bool-vector-bv-from-hex-string "FFFF3"))
(v2 (test-bool-vector-bv-from-hex-string "0000C"))
(v3 (bool-vector-not v1)))
(should (equal v2 v3))))
;; Tests for variable bindings
(defvar binding-test-buffer-A (get-buffer-create "A"))
(defvar binding-test-buffer-B (get-buffer-create "B"))
(defvar binding-test-always-local 'always)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'binding-test-always-local)
(defvar binding-test-some-local 'some)
(with-current-buffer binding-test-buffer-A
(setq-local binding-test-some-local 'local))
(ert-deftest binding-test-manual ()
"A test case from the elisp manual."
(with-current-buffer binding-test-buffer-A
(let ((binding-test-some-local 'something-else))
(should (eq binding-test-some-local 'something-else))
(set-buffer binding-test-buffer-B)
(should (eq binding-test-some-local 'some)))
(should (eq binding-test-some-local 'some))
(set-buffer binding-test-buffer-A)
(should (eq binding-test-some-local 'local))))
(ert-deftest binding-test-setq-default ()
"Test that a `setq-default' has no effect when there is a local binding."
(with-current-buffer binding-test-buffer-B
;; This variable is not local in this buffer.
(let ((binding-test-some-local 'something-else))
(setq-default binding-test-some-local 'new-default))
(should (eq binding-test-some-local 'some))))
(ert-deftest data-tests--let-buffer-local ()
(let ((blvar (make-symbol "blvar")))
(set-default blvar nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local blvar)
(dolist (var (list blvar 'left-margin))
(let ((def (default-value var)))
(should (equal def (symbol-value var)))
(cl-progv (list var) (list 42)
(should (equal (symbol-value var) 42))
(should (equal (default-value var) (symbol-value var)))
(set var 123)
(should (not (local-variable-p var)))
(should (equal (symbol-value var) 123))
(should (equal (default-value var) (symbol-value var)))) ;bug#44733
(should (equal (symbol-value var) def))
(should (equal (default-value var) (symbol-value var))))
(should (equal (default-value var) def))))))
(ert-deftest data-tests--let-buffer-local-no-unwind-other-buffers ()
"Test that a let-binding for a buffer-local unwinds only current-buffer."
(let ((blvar (make-symbol "blvar")))
(set-default blvar 0)
(make-variable-buffer-local blvar)
(dolist (var (list blvar 'left-margin))
(let* ((def (default-value var))
(newdef (+ def 1))
(otherbuf (generate-new-buffer "otherbuf")))
(cl-progv (list var) (list newdef)
(with-current-buffer otherbuf
(set var 123)
(should (local-variable-p var))
(should (equal (symbol-value var) 123))
(should (equal (default-value var) newdef))))
(with-current-buffer otherbuf
(should (local-variable-p var))
(should (equal (symbol-value var) 123))
(should (equal (default-value var) def)))
(ert-deftest binding-test-makunbound ()
"Tests of makunbound, from the manual."
(with-current-buffer binding-test-buffer-B
(should (boundp 'binding-test-some-local))
(let ((binding-test-some-local 'outer))
(let ((binding-test-some-local 'inner))
(makunbound 'binding-test-some-local)
(should (not (boundp 'binding-test-some-local))))
(should (and (boundp 'binding-test-some-local)
(eq binding-test-some-local 'outer))))))
(ert-deftest binding-test-defvar-bool ()
(let ((display-hourglass 5))
(should (eq display-hourglass t))))
(ert-deftest binding-test-defvar-int ()
(should-error (setq gc-cons-threshold 5.0) :type 'wrong-type-argument))
(ert-deftest binding-test-set-constant-t ()
"Test setting the constant t."
(with-no-warnings (should-error (setq t 'bob) :type 'setting-constant)))
(ert-deftest binding-test-set-constant-nil ()
"Test setting the constant nil."
(with-no-warnings (should-error (setq nil 'bob) :type 'setting-constant)))
(ert-deftest binding-test-set-constant-keyword ()
"Test setting a keyword constant."
(with-no-warnings (should-error (setq :keyword 'bob) :type 'setting-constant)))
(ert-deftest binding-test-set-constant-itself ()
"Test setting a keyword to itself."
(with-no-warnings (should (setq :keyword :keyword))))
(ert-deftest data-tests--set-default-per-buffer ()
:expected-result t ;; Not fixed yet!
;; FIXME: Performance tests are inherently unreliable.
;; Using wall-clock time makes it even worse, so don't bother unless
;; we have the primitive to measure cpu-time.
(skip-unless (fboundp 'current-cpu-time))
;; Test performance of set-default on DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER variables.
;; More specifically, test the problem seen in bug#41029 where setting
;; the default value of a variable takes time proportional to the
;; number of buffers.
(when (fboundp 'current-cpu-time) ; silence byte-compiler
(let* ((fun #'error)
(test (lambda ()
(let ((st (car (current-cpu-time))))
(dotimes (_ 1000)
(let ((case-fold-search 'data-test))
;; Use an indirection through a mutable var
;; to try and make sure the byte-compiler
;; doesn't optimize away the let bindings.
(funcall fun)))
;; FIXME: Handle the wraparound, if any.
(- (car (current-cpu-time)) st)))))
(_ (setq fun #'ignore))
(time1 (funcall test))
(bufs (mapcar (lambda (_) (generate-new-buffer " data-test"))
(make-list 1000 nil)))
(time2 (funcall test)))
(mapc #'kill-buffer bufs)
;; Don't divide one time by the other since they may be 0.
(should (< time2 (* time1 5))))))
;; More tests to write -
;; kill-local-variable
;; defconst; can modify
;; defvar and defconst modify the local binding [ doesn't matter for us ]
;; various kinds of special internal forwarding objects
;; a couple examples in manual, not enough
;; variable aliases
;; Tests for watchpoints
(ert-deftest data-tests-variable-watchers ()
(defvar data-tests-var 0)
(let* ((watch-data nil)
(lambda (&rest args) (push args watch-data))))
(cl-flet ((should-have-watch-data (data)
(should (equal (pop watch-data) data))
(should (null watch-data))))
(add-variable-watcher 'data-tests-var collect-watch-data)
(setq data-tests-var 1)
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var 1 set nil))
(let ((data-tests-var 2))
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var 2 let nil))
(setq data-tests-var 3)
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var 3 set nil)))
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var 1 unlet nil))
;; `setq-default' on non-local variable is same as `setq'.
(setq-default data-tests-var 4)
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var 4 set nil))
(makunbound 'data-tests-var)
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var nil makunbound nil))
(setq data-tests-var 5)
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var 5 set nil))
(remove-variable-watcher 'data-tests-var collect-watch-data)
(setq data-tests-var 6)
(should (null watch-data)))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-varalias-watchers ()
(defvar data-tests-var0 0)
(defvar data-tests-var1 0)
(defvar data-tests-var2 0)
(defvar data-tests-var3 0)
(let* ((watch-data nil)
(lambda (&rest args) (push args watch-data))))
(cl-flet ((should-have-watch-data (data)
(should (equal (pop watch-data) data))
(should (null watch-data))))
;; Watch var0, then alias it.
(add-variable-watcher 'data-tests-var0 collect-watch-data)
(defvar data-tests-var0-alias)
(defvaralias 'data-tests-var0-alias 'data-tests-var0)
(setq data-tests-var0 1)
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var0 1 set nil))
(setq data-tests-var0-alias 2)
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var0 2 set nil))
;; Alias var1, then watch var1-alias.
(defvar data-tests-var1-alias)
(defvaralias 'data-tests-var1-alias 'data-tests-var1)
(add-variable-watcher 'data-tests-var1-alias collect-watch-data)
(setq data-tests-var1 1)
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var1 1 set nil))
(setq data-tests-var1-alias 2)
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var1 2 set nil))
;; Alias var2, then watch it.
(defvar data-tests-var2-alias)
(defvaralias 'data-tests-var2-alias 'data-tests-var2)
(add-variable-watcher 'data-tests-var2 collect-watch-data)
(setq data-tests-var2 1)
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var2 1 set nil))
(setq data-tests-var2-alias 2)
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var2 2 set nil))
;; Watch var3-alias, then make it alias var3 (this removes the
;; watcher flag).
(defvar data-tests-var3-alias 0)
(add-variable-watcher 'data-tests-var3-alias collect-watch-data)
(defvaralias 'data-tests-var3-alias 'data-tests-var3)
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var3-alias
data-tests-var3 defvaralias nil))
(setq data-tests-var3 1)
(setq data-tests-var3-alias 2)
(should (null watch-data)))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-local-variable-watchers ()
(defvar-local data-tests-lvar 0))
(let* ((buf1 (current-buffer))
(buf2 nil)
(watch-data nil)
(lambda (&rest args) (push args watch-data))))
(cl-flet ((should-have-watch-data (data)
(should (equal (pop watch-data) data))
(should (null watch-data))))
(add-variable-watcher 'data-tests-lvar collect-watch-data)
(setq data-tests-lvar 1)
(should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 1 set ,buf1))
(let ((data-tests-lvar 2))
(should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 2 let ,buf1))
(setq data-tests-lvar 3)
(should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 3 set ,buf1)))
(should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 1 unlet ,buf1))
(setq-default data-tests-lvar 4)
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-lvar 4 set nil))
(setq buf2 (current-buffer))
(setq data-tests-lvar 1)
(should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 1 set ,buf2))
(let ((data-tests-lvar 2))
(should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 2 let ,buf2))
(setq data-tests-lvar 3)
(should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 3 set ,buf2)))
(should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 1 unlet ,buf2))
(kill-local-variable 'data-tests-lvar)
(should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar nil makunbound ,buf2))
(setq data-tests-lvar 3.5)
(should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 3.5 set ,buf2))
(should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar nil makunbound ,buf2)))
(setq-default data-tests-lvar 4)
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-lvar 4 set nil))
(makunbound 'data-tests-lvar)
(should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-lvar nil makunbound nil))
(setq data-tests-lvar 5)
(should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 5 set ,buf1))
(remove-variable-watcher 'data-tests-lvar collect-watch-data)
(setq data-tests-lvar 6)
(should (null watch-data)))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-kill-all-local-variables () ;bug#30846
(setq-local data-tests-foo1 1)
(setq-local data-tests-foo2 2)
(setq-local data-tests-foo3 3)
(let ((oldfoo2 nil))
(add-variable-watcher 'data-tests-foo2
(lambda (&rest _)
(setq oldfoo2 (bound-and-true-p data-tests-foo2))))
(should (equal oldfoo2 '2)) ;Watcher is run before changing the var.
(should (not (or (bound-and-true-p data-tests-foo1)
(bound-and-true-p data-tests-foo2)
(bound-and-true-p data-tests-foo3)))))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-bignum ()
(should (bignump (+ most-positive-fixnum 1)))
(let ((f0 (+ (float most-positive-fixnum) 1))
(f-1 (- (float most-negative-fixnum) 1))
(b0 (+ most-positive-fixnum 1))
(b-1 (- most-negative-fixnum 1)))
(should (> b0 -1))
(should (> b0 f-1))
(should (> b0 b-1))
(should (>= b0 -1))
(should (>= b0 f-1))
(should (>= b0 b-1))
(should (>= b-1 b-1))
(should (< -1 b0))
(should (< f-1 b0))
(should (< b-1 b0))
(should (<= -1 b0))
(should (<= f-1 b0))
(should (<= b-1 b0))
(should (<= b-1 b-1))
(should (= (+ f0 b0) (+ b0 f0)))
(should (= (+ f0 b-1) (+ b-1 f0)))
(should (= (+ f-1 b0) (+ b0 f-1)))
(should (= (+ f-1 b-1) (+ b-1 f-1)))
(should (= (* f0 b0) (* b0 f0)))
(should (= (* f0 b-1) (* b-1 f0)))
(should (= (* f-1 b0) (* b0 f-1)))
(should (= (* f-1 b-1) (* b-1 f-1)))
(should (= b0 f0))
(should (= b0 b0))
(should (/= b0 f-1))
(should (/= b0 b-1))
(should (/= b0 0.0e+NaN))
(should (/= b-1 0.0e+NaN))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-+ ()
(should-not (fixnump (+ most-positive-fixnum most-positive-fixnum)))
(should (> (+ most-positive-fixnum most-positive-fixnum) most-positive-fixnum))
(should (eq (- (+ most-positive-fixnum most-positive-fixnum)
(+ most-positive-fixnum most-positive-fixnum))
(ert-deftest data-tests-/ ()
(let* ((x (* most-positive-fixnum 8))
(y (* most-negative-fixnum 8))
(z (- y)))
(should (= most-positive-fixnum (/ x 8)))
(should (= most-negative-fixnum (/ y 8)))
(should (= -1 (/ y z)))
(should (= -1 (/ z y)))
(should (= 0 (/ x (* 2 x))))
(should (= 0 (/ y (* 2 y))))
(should (= 0 (/ z (* 2 z))))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-number-predicates ()
(should (fixnump 0))
(should (fixnump most-negative-fixnum))
(should (fixnump most-positive-fixnum))
(should (integerp (+ most-positive-fixnum 1)))
(should (integer-or-marker-p (+ most-positive-fixnum 1)))
(should (numberp (+ most-positive-fixnum 1)))
(should (number-or-marker-p (+ most-positive-fixnum 1)))
(should (natnump (+ most-positive-fixnum 1)))
(should-not (fixnump (+ most-positive-fixnum 1)))
(should (bignump (+ most-positive-fixnum 1))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-number-to-string ()
(let* ((s "99999999999999999999999999999")
(v (read s)))
(should (equal (number-to-string v) s))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-1+ ()
(should (> (1+ most-positive-fixnum) most-positive-fixnum))
(should (fixnump (1+ (1- most-negative-fixnum)))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-1- ()
(should (< (1- most-negative-fixnum) most-negative-fixnum))
(should (fixnump (1- (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-logand ()
(should (= -1 (logand) (logand -1) (logand -1 -1)))
(let ((n (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
(should (= (logand -1 n) n)))
(let ((n (* 2 most-negative-fixnum)))
(should (= (logand -1 n) n))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-logcount-2 ()
(should (= (logcount (read "#xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")) 128)))
(ert-deftest data-tests-logior ()
(should (= -1 (logior -1) (logior -1 -1)))
(should (= -1 (logior most-positive-fixnum most-negative-fixnum))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-logxor ()
(should (= -1 (logxor -1) (logxor -1 -1 -1)))
(let ((n (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
(should (= (logxor -1 n) (lognot n)))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-minmax ()
(let ((a (- most-negative-fixnum 1))
(b (+ most-positive-fixnum 1))
(c 0))
(should (= (min a b c) a))
(should (= (max a b c) b))))
(defun data-tests-check-sign (x y)
(should (eq (cl-signum x) (cl-signum y))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-%-mod ()
(let* ((b1 (+ most-positive-fixnum 1))
(nb1 (- b1))
(b3 (+ most-positive-fixnum 3))
(nb3 (- b3)))
(data-tests-check-sign (% 1 3) (% b1 b3))
(data-tests-check-sign (mod 1 3) (mod b1 b3))
(data-tests-check-sign (% 1 -3) (% b1 nb3))
(data-tests-check-sign (mod 1 -3) (mod b1 nb3))
(data-tests-check-sign (% -1 3) (% nb1 b3))
(data-tests-check-sign (mod -1 3) (mod nb1 b3))
(data-tests-check-sign (% -1 -3) (% nb1 nb3))
(data-tests-check-sign (mod -1 -3) (mod nb1 nb3))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-mod-0 ()
(dolist (num (list (1- most-negative-fixnum) -1 0 1
(1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
(should-error (mod num 0)))
(when (ignore-errors (/ 0.0 0))
(should (equal (abs (mod 0.0 0)) (abs (- 0.0 (/ 0.0 0)))))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-ash-lsh ()
(should (= (ash most-negative-fixnum 1)
(* most-negative-fixnum 2)))
(should (= (ash 0 (* 2 most-positive-fixnum)) 0))
(should (= (ash 1000 (* 2 most-negative-fixnum)) 0))
(should (= (ash -1000 (* 2 most-negative-fixnum)) -1))
(should (= (ash (* 2 most-negative-fixnum) (* 2 most-negative-fixnum)) -1))
(should (= (ash (* 2 most-negative-fixnum) -1)
(with-suppressed-warnings ((suspicious lsh))
(should (= (lsh most-negative-fixnum 1)
(* most-negative-fixnum 2)))
(should (= (lsh most-positive-fixnum -1) (/ most-positive-fixnum 2)))
(should (= (lsh most-negative-fixnum -1) (lsh (- most-negative-fixnum) -1)))
(should (= (lsh -1 -1) most-positive-fixnum))
(should-error (lsh (1- most-negative-fixnum) -1))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-make-local-forwarded-var () ;bug#34318
;; Boy, this bug is tricky to trigger. You need to:
;; - call make-local-variable on a forwarded var (i.e. one that
;; has a corresponding C var linked via DEFVAR_(LISP|INT|BOOL))
;; - cause the C code to modify this variable from the C side of the
;; forwarding, but this needs to happen before the var is accessed
;; from the Lisp side and before we switch to another buffer.
;; The trigger in bug#34318 doesn't exist any more because the C code has
;; changed. Instead I found the trigger below.
(setq last-coding-system-used 'bug34318)
(make-local-variable 'last-coding-system-used)
;; This should set last-coding-system-used to `no-conversion'.
(decode-coding-string "hello" nil)
(should (equal (list last-coding-system-used
(default-value 'last-coding-system-used))
'(no-conversion bug34318)))))
(defvar-local data-tests--bug65209 :default-value)
(ert-deftest data-tests-make-local-bug65209 ()
(dolist (sym '(data-tests--bug65209 ;A normal always-local Lisp var.
cursor-in-non-selected-windows)) ;Same but DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER.
;; Note: For vars like `mode-name' that are *really* always buffer-local,
;; this test isn't right because the `cl-progv' only binds the
;; buffer-local value!
(let ((default (default-value sym))
vli vlo vgi vgo)
(cl-progv (list sym) '(:let-bound-value)
;; While `setq' would not make the var buffer-local
;; (because we'd be setq-ing the let-binding instead),
;; `setq-local' definitely should.
(set (make-local-variable sym) :buffer-local-value)
(setq vgi (with-temp-buffer (symbol-value sym)))
(setq vli (symbol-value sym)))
(setq vgo (with-temp-buffer (symbol-value sym)))
(setq vlo (symbol-value sym)))
(should (equal (list vgo vgi vlo vli)
(cons default
:buffer-local-value :buffer-local-value)))))))
(ert-deftest data-tests-make_symbol_constant ()
"Can't set variable marked with 'make_symbol_constant'."
(should-error (setq most-positive-fixnum 1) :type 'setting-constant))
(ert-deftest data-tests-fset ()
(fset 'data-tests--fs-fun (lambda () 'moo))
(declare-function data-tests--fs-fun nil)
(should (equal (data-tests--fs-fun) 'moo))
(fset 'data-tests--fs-fun1 'data-tests--fs-fun)
(declare-function data-tests--fs-fun1 nil)
(should (equal (data-tests--fs-fun1) 'moo))
(fset 'data-tests--fs-a 'data-tests--fs-b)
(fset 'data-tests--fs-b 'data-tests--fs-c)
(should-error (fset 'data-tests--fs-c 'data-tests--fs-c)
:type 'cyclic-function-indirection)
(fset 'data-tests--fs-d 'data-tests--fs-a)
(should-error (fset 'data-tests--fs-c 'data-tests--fs-d)
:type 'cyclic-function-indirection))
(ert-deftest data-tests-defalias ()
(defalias 'data-tests--da-fun (lambda () 'baa))
(declare-function data-tests--da-fun nil)
(should (equal (data-tests--da-fun) 'baa))
(defalias 'data-tests--da-fun1 'data-tests--da-fun)
(declare-function data-tests--da-fun1 nil)
(should (equal (data-tests--da-fun1) 'baa))
(defalias 'data-tests--da-a 'data-tests--da-b)
(defalias 'data-tests--da-b 'data-tests--da-c)
(should-error (defalias 'data-tests--da-c 'data-tests--da-c)
:type 'cyclic-function-indirection)
(defalias 'data-tests--da-d 'data-tests--da-a)
(should-error (defalias 'data-tests--da-c 'data-tests--da-d)
:type 'cyclic-function-indirection))
(ert-deftest data-tests-bare-symbol ()
(dolist (symbols-with-pos-enabled '(nil t))
(dolist (sym (list nil t 'xyzzy (make-symbol "")))
(should (eq sym (bare-symbol (position-symbol sym 0)))))))
(require 'cl-extra) ;For `cl--class-children'.
(ert-deftest data-tests--cl-type-of ()
;; Make sure that `cl-type-of' returns the most precise type.
;; Note: This doesn't work for list/vector structs since those types
;; are too difficult/unreliable to detect (so `cl-type-of' only says
;; it's a `cons' or a `vector').
(dolist (val (list -2 10 (expt 2 128) nil t 'car :car
(symbol-function 'car)
(symbol-function 'progn)
(eval '(lambda (x) (+ x 1)) t)
(position-symbol 'car 7)
(position-symbol :car 7)))
(let* ((type (cl-type-of val))
(class (cl-find-class type))
(alltypes (cl--class-allparents class))
;; FIXME: Our type DAG is affected by `symbols-with-pos-enabled'.
;; (e.g. `symbolp' returns nil on a sympos if that var is nil).
(symbols-with-pos-enabled t))
(dolist (parent alltypes)
(should (cl-typep val parent))
(dolist (subtype (cl--class-children (cl-find-class parent)))
(when (and (not (memq subtype alltypes))
(built-in-class-p (cl-find-class subtype))
(not (memq subtype
;; FIXME: Some types don't have any associated
;; predicate,
'( font-spec font-entity font-object
finalizer condvar terminal
native-comp-unit interpreted-function
tree-sitter-node tree-sitter-parser))))
((eq subtype 'function) (cl-functionp val))
(t (should-not (cl-typep val subtype))))))))))
;;; data-tests.el ends here