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/* ###
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// An example script demonstrating the ability to emulate a specific portion of code within
// a disassembled program to dump data of interest (deobfuscated data in this case).
// This script emulates the "main" function within the deobHookExampleX86 program
// (see docs/GhidraClass/ExerciseFiles/Emulation/Source) built with gcc for x86-64.
// The program's "data" array contains simple obfuscated data and has a function "deobfuscate"
// which is called for each piece of ofuscated data. The "main" function loops through all
// the data and deobfuscates each one invoking the "use_string" function for each deobfuscated
// data. This script hooks the functions "malloc", "free" and "use_string" where the later
// simply prints the deobfuscated string passed as an argument.
//@category Examples.Emulation
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import ghidra.pcode.emulate.EmulateExecutionState;
import ghidra.program.model.address.*;
import ghidra.program.model.lang.InsufficientBytesException;
import ghidra.program.model.listing.Function;
import ghidra.program.model.listing.Program;
import ghidra.program.model.symbol.*;
import ghidra.util.Msg;
import ghidra.util.exception.NotFoundException;
public class EmuX86GccDeobfuscateHookExampleScript extends GhidraScript {
private static String PROGRAM_NAME = "deobHookExample";
// Heap allocation area
private static final int MALLOC_REGION_SIZE = 0x1000;
// Address used as final return location
private static final long CONTROLLED_RETURN_OFFSET = 0;
private EmulatorHelper emuHelper;
private SimpleMallocMgr mallocMgr;
// Important breakpoint locations for hooking behavior not contained with binary (e.g., dynamic library)
private Address mallocEntry;
private Address freeEntry;
private Address strlenEntry;
private Address useStringEntry;
// Function locations
private Address mainFunctionEntry; // start of emulation
private Address controlledReturnAddr; // end of emulation
protected void run() throws Exception {
String format =
currentProgram.getOptions(Program.PROGRAM_INFO).getString("Executable Format", null);
if (currentProgram == null || !currentProgram.getName().startsWith(PROGRAM_NAME) ||
!"x86:LE:64:default".equals(currentProgram.getLanguageID().toString()) ||
!ElfLoader.ELF_NAME.equals(format)) {
"This emulation example script is specifically intended to be executed against the\n" +
" program whose source is contained within the GhidraClass exercise files\n" +
"(see docs/GhidraClass/ExerciseFiles/Emulation/" + PROGRAM_NAME + ".c).\n" +
"This program should be compiled using gcc for x86 64-bit, imported into your project, \n" +
"analyzed and open as the active program before running ths script.");
// Identify function be emulated
mainFunctionEntry = getSymbolAddress("main");
useStringEntry = getSymbolAddress("use_string");
// Identify important symbol addresses
mallocEntry = getExternalThunkAddress("malloc");
freeEntry = getExternalThunkAddress("free");
strlenEntry = getExternalThunkAddress("strlen");
// Establish emulation helper
emuHelper = new EmulatorHelper(currentProgram);
try {
// Initialize stack pointer (not used by this example)
long stackOffset =
(mainFunctionEntry.getAddressSpace().getMaxAddress().getOffset() >>> 1) - 0x7fff;
emuHelper.writeRegister(emuHelper.getStackPointerRegister(), stackOffset);
// Establish simple malloc memory manager with memory region spaced relative to stack pointer
mallocMgr = new SimpleMallocMgr(getAddress(stackOffset - 0x10000), MALLOC_REGION_SIZE);
// Setup hook breakpoints
// Set controlled return location so we can identify return from emulated function
controlledReturnAddr = getAddress(CONTROLLED_RETURN_OFFSET);
emuHelper.writeStackValue(0, 8, CONTROLLED_RETURN_OFFSET);
// This example directly manipulates the PC register to facilitate hooking
// which must alter the PC during a breakpoint, and optional stepping which does not
// permit an initial address to be specified.
emuHelper.writeRegister(emuHelper.getPCRegister(), mainFunctionEntry.getOffset());
Msg.debug(this, "EMU starting at " + emuHelper.getExecutionAddress());
// Execution loop until return from function or error occurs
while (!monitor.isCancelled()) {
// Use stepping if needed for troubleshooting - although it runs much slower
//boolean success = emuHelper.step();
boolean success =;
Address executionAddress = emuHelper.getExecutionAddress();
if (monitor.isCancelled()) {
println("Emulation cancelled");
if (executionAddress.equals(controlledReturnAddr)) {
println("Returned from function");
if (!success) {
String lastError = emuHelper.getLastError();
printerr("Emulation Error: " + lastError);
finally {
// cleanup resources and release hold on currentProgram
private Address getAddress(long offset) {
return currentProgram.getAddressFactory().getDefaultAddressSpace().getAddress(offset);
* Perform processing for the various hook points where breakpoints have been set.
* @param addr current execute address where emulation has been suspended
* @throws Exception if an error occurs
private void processBreakpoint(Address addr) throws Exception {
// malloc hook
if (addr.equals(mallocEntry)) {
int size = emuHelper.readRegister("RDI").intValue();
Address memAddr = mallocMgr.malloc(size);
emuHelper.writeRegister("RAX", memAddr.getOffset());
// free hook
else if (addr.equals(freeEntry)) {
Address freeAddr = getAddress(emuHelper.readRegister("RDI").longValue());;
// strlen hook
else if (addr.equals(strlenEntry)) {
Address ptr = getAddress(emuHelper.readRegister("RDI").longValue());
int len = 0;
while (emuHelper.readMemoryByte(ptr) != 0) {
ptr =;
emuHelper.writeRegister("RAX", len);
// use_string hook - print string
else if (addr.equals(useStringEntry)) {
Address stringAddr = getAddress(emuHelper.readRegister("RDI").longValue());
String str = emuHelper.readNullTerminatedString(stringAddr, 32);
println("use_string: " + str); // output string argument to consoles
// unexpected
else {
if (emuHelper.getEmulateExecutionState() != EmulateExecutionState.BREAKPOINT) {
// assume we are stepping and simply return
throw new NotFoundException("Unhandled breakpoint at " + addr);
// force early return
long returnOffset = emuHelper.readStackValue(0, 8, false).longValue();
emuHelper.writeRegister(emuHelper.getPCRegister(), returnOffset);
* Get the thunk function corresponding to an external function. Such thunks
* should reside within the EXTERNAL block. (Note: this is specific to the ELF import)
* @param symbolName external function name
* @return address of thunk function which corresponds to an external function
* @throws NotFoundException if thunk not found
private Address getExternalThunkAddress(String symbolName) throws NotFoundException {
Symbol externalSymbol = currentProgram.getSymbolTable().getExternalSymbol(symbolName);
if (externalSymbol != null && externalSymbol.getSymbolType() == SymbolType.FUNCTION) {
Function f = (Function) externalSymbol.getObject();
Address[] thunkAddrs = f.getFunctionThunkAddresses();
if (thunkAddrs.length == 1) {
return thunkAddrs[0];
throw new NotFoundException("Failed to locate label: " + symbolName);
* Get the global namespace symbol address which corresponds to the specified name.
* @param symbolName global symbol name
* @return symbol address
* @throws NotFoundException if symbol not found
private Address getSymbolAddress(String symbolName) throws NotFoundException {
Symbol symbol = SymbolUtilities.getLabelOrFunctionSymbol(currentProgram, symbolName,
err -> Msg.error(this, err));
if (symbol != null) {
return symbol.getAddress();
throw new NotFoundException("Failed to locate label: " + symbolName);
* <code>SimpleMallocMgr</code> provides a simple malloc memory manager to be used by the
* malloc/free hooked implementations.
private class SimpleMallocMgr {
private AddressSet allocSet;
private Map<Address, AddressRange> mallocMap = new HashMap<>();
* <code>SimpleMallocMgr</code> constructor.
* @param rangeStart start of the free malloc region (i.e., Heap) which has been
* deemed a safe
* @param byteSize
* @throws AddressOverflowException
SimpleMallocMgr(Address rangeStart, int byteSize) throws AddressOverflowException {
allocSet = new AddressSet(
new AddressRangeImpl(rangeStart, rangeStart.addNoWrap(byteSize - 1)));
synchronized Address malloc(int byteLength) throws InsufficientBytesException {
if (byteLength <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("malloc request for " + byteLength);
for (AddressRange range : allocSet.getAddressRanges()) {
if (range.getLength() >= byteLength) {
AddressRange mallocRange = new AddressRangeImpl(range.getMinAddress(),
range.getMinAddress().add(byteLength - 1));
mallocMap.put(mallocRange.getMinAddress(), mallocRange);
return mallocRange.getMinAddress();
throw new InsufficientBytesException(
"SimpleMallocMgr failed to allocate " + byteLength + " bytes");
synchronized void free(Address mallocRangeAddr) {
AddressRange range = mallocMap.remove(mallocRangeAddr);
if (range == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"free request for unallocated block at " + mallocRangeAddr);