
306 lines
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/* ###
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//Searches for runs of pointers the same distance apart.
//@category Search
import ghidra.program.model.address.*;
import ghidra.program.model.mem.Memory;
import ghidra.program.model.mem.MemoryAccessException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class FindRunsOfPointersScript extends GhidraScript {
private List<PossiblePtrs> resultsArray = new ArrayList<PossiblePtrs>();
private List<Table> tableArray = new ArrayList<Table>();
public static final int LITTLE_ENDIAN = 0;
public static final int BIG_ENDIAN = 1;
public void run() throws Exception {
int size = currentProgram.getAddressFactory().getDefaultAddressSpace().getSize();
if (size != 32) {
println("This script only works on 32-bit programs.");
boolean searchNonRefd =
askYesNo("", "Would you like to find non-referenced pointer tables?");
Memory memory = currentProgram.getMemory();
long distance;
// TODO add option to work only on selection
AddressIterator addrIter = memory.getAddresses(true);
//println("Memory range: " + memory.getMinAddress() + " - " + memory.getMaxAddress());
Address prevAddress = null;
while (addrIter.hasNext() && !monitor.isCancelled()) {
Address addr =;
try {
// get the value in address form of the bytes at address a
int addrInt = memory.getInt(addr);
long addrLong = addrInt & 0xffffffffL;
Address testAddr = addr.getNewAddress(addrLong);
if ((addrLong != 0) && (memory.contains(testAddr))) {
if (prevAddress != null) {
distance = addr.subtract(prevAddress);
distance = 0;
PossiblePtrs pp = new PossiblePtrs(addr, testAddr, distance);
//println(addr.toString() + " " + testAddr.toString() + " " + distance);
prevAddress = addr;
catch (MemoryAccessException e) {
catch (AddressOutOfBoundsException e) {
// go through the list of pointers and only print out the ones with a run of the same distance between them
// keep the one before the run and include the last one with the same distance
//println("tableAddress distance tableSize");
long dist = resultsArray.get(0).getDistanceFromLast();
int tableSize = 0;
Address topAddress = null;
int i = 1;
while (i < resultsArray.size() && !monitor.isCancelled()) {
// for(int i=1;i<resultsArray.size();i++){
long thisDist = resultsArray.get(i).getDistanceFromLast();
if (thisDist == dist) {
if (tableSize == 0) {
topAddress = resultsArray.get(i - 2).getAddrOfPtr();
tableSize = 1;
else {
if (tableSize >= 3) {
Address ref = findRef(topAddress, dist);
//println(topAddress.toString() + " " + dist + " " + tableSize);
Table pointerTable = new Table(topAddress, dist, tableSize, ref);
tableSize = 0;
dist = thisDist;
// print out results
println("Table address Dist bet ptrs Num ptrs Ref found");
for (int j = 0; j < tableArray.size(); j++) {
Table ptrTable = tableArray.get(j);
String refString = new String();
if (ptrTable.getRef() != null) {
refString = " at " + ptrTable.getRef().toString();
println(" " + ptrTable.getTopAddr().toString() + " " +
ptrTable.getDistance() + " " + ptrTable.getNumPointers() +
" " + refString);
else if (searchNonRefd) {
refString = "No";
println(" " + ptrTable.getTopAddr().toString() + " " +
ptrTable.getDistance() + " " + ptrTable.getNumPointers() +
" " + refString);
// TODO put in a navigatable table
// find the first ref starting at topAddr and working back dist - pointersize
// once a ref is found, stop - it doesn't make much sense that there would be more than one.
Address findRef(Address topAddress, long dist) {
Memory memory = currentProgram.getMemory();
Address ref = null;
//change later to handle 64 bits too
byte[] maskBytes = new byte[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
maskBytes[i] = (byte) 0xff;
// search memory for the byte patterns within the range of topAddr and topAddr - dist
// make a structure of found bytes/topAddr offset????
boolean noRefFound = true;
boolean tryPrevAddr = true;
long longIndex = 0;
while (noRefFound && tryPrevAddr) {
Address testAddr = topAddress.subtract(longIndex);
byte[] addressBytes = turnAddressIntoBytes(testAddr);
//println("TestAddr = " + testAddr.toString());
Address found =
memory.findBytes(currentProgram.getMinAddress(), addressBytes, maskBytes, true,
if (found != null) {
ref = found;
// println("Found ref at " + found.toString());
noRefFound = false;
else {
// check to see if we are at the top of the range of possible refs
if (longIndex > (dist - 4)) {// change the four to pointer size when I add 64bit
tryPrevAddr = false;
return ref;
byte[] turnAddressIntoBytes(Address addr) {
// turn addresses into bytes
byte[] addressBytes = new byte[4]; // only 32-bit for now - change later to add 64 bit
// This is the correct way to do turn a long into an address
long addrLong = addr.getOffset();
int endian = getEndian();
if (endian == BIG_ENDIAN) {
// put bytes in forward order
addressBytes = bytesForward(addrLong);
else if (endian == LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
// put bytes in reverse order
addressBytes = bytesReversed(addrLong);
else {
println("Unknown endian - cannot find references.");
return null;
return addressBytes;
byte[] bytesForward(long addr) {
byte[] bytes = new byte[4]; // only works for 32-bit for now-later add 64
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
bytes[i] = (byte) ((addr >> (24 - (i * 8))) & 0xff);
return bytes;
byte[] bytesReversed(long addr) {
byte[] bytes = new byte[4]; // only works for 32-bit for now-later add 64
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
bytes[3 - i] = (byte) ((addr >> (24 - (i * 8))) & 0xff);
return bytes;
// find references to the possible table
// start looking at the top of the array and work back the distance between the pointers in
// the table
// Address [] findReferenceToTable(Address topAddress, long dist){
// ArrayList<Address> foundAddrs = new ArrayList<Address>();
// long counter = 0;
// while((foundAddrs.size() == 0) || (counter == (dist-1))){
// List<Address> newList = findReferences(topAddress.subtract(dist-counter));
// for(int i=0;i<newList.size();i++){
// Address a = (Address)newList.get(i);
// foundAddrs.add(a);
// }
// counter++;
// }
// return (Address[]) foundAddrs.toArray();
// }
//public List<Address> findReferences(Address addr){
// FindPossibleReferences fpr = new FindPossibleReferences(currentProgram,getEndian());
// return fpr.findReferences(addr);
public int getEndian() {
if (currentProgram.getLanguage().isBigEndian()) {
return 1; // BIG_ENDIAN
return 0; // LITTLE_ENDIAN
// info about the pushed parameter that gets applied to the calling functions params and locals and referenced data
class PossiblePtrs {
private Address addrOfPtr;
private Address possiblePtr;
private long distanceFromLast;
PossiblePtrs(Address addrOfPtr, Address possiblePtr, long distanceFromLast) {
this.addrOfPtr = addrOfPtr;
this.possiblePtr = possiblePtr;
this.distanceFromLast = distanceFromLast;
public Address getAddrOfPtr() {
return addrOfPtr;
public Address getPossiblePointer() {
return possiblePtr;
public long getDistanceFromLast() {
return distanceFromLast;
class Table {
private Address topAddr;
private long distance;
private int numPointers;
Address ref;
Table(Address topAddr, long distance, int numPointers, Address ref) {
this.topAddr = topAddr;
this.distance = distance;
this.numPointers = numPointers;
this.ref = ref;
public Address getTopAddr() {
return topAddr;
public long getDistance() {
return distance;
public int getNumPointers() {
return numPointers;
public Address getRef() {
return ref;