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/* ###
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// The Ghidra script will often incorrectly
// identify function entry points. This script attempts to find and fix
// those bad entry points.
// <b>Issues</b>: Memory bounds checking is hard-coded. It incorrectly identifies random
// 0x60000000 values that the compiler inserted between some functions
// as "ori r0,r0,0" instructions that should be added to the head of the
// functions those values precede. It makes assumptions that wouldn't be helpful in
// an image that hasn't been mostly disassembled already. I'm sure there are other
// problems with it. Still, it did a pretty good job of cleaning up after
// FindUndefinedFunctionsScript.
//@category CustomerSubmission.Analysis.Repair
import ghidra.program.model.address.Address;
import ghidra.program.model.lang.*;
import ghidra.program.model.listing.*;
import ghidra.program.model.mem.Memory;
public class FindUndefinedFunctionsFollowUpScript extends GhidraScript {
public void run() throws Exception {
FunctionIterator funcs = currentProgram.getListing().getFunctions(true);
Memory mem = currentProgram.getMemory();
int count = 0;
while (funcs.hasNext() && !monitor.isCancelled()) {
Function f =;
Address a = f.getEntryPoint();
// auto func: starts with "FUN_" and 1st instr is "mfspr r0,LR"
if (f.getName().startsWith("FUN_") && mem.getInt(a) == 0x7c0802a6) {
// does func have a few undefined intstructions before it?
// if so, get frag start address, disassemble frag, remove
// the defined function, and create a new function at start
// of frag
Address fsa = findFrag(a);
if (fsa != null) {
String fname = Long.toHexString(fsa.getOffset());
int i;
for (i = fname.length(); i < 8; i++)
fname = "0" + fname;
fname = "FUN_" + fname;
createFunction(fsa, fname);
println("fixed func at 0x" + Long.toHexString(fsa.getOffset()));
count = count + 1;
else {
// does func have a few defined instructions before it
// that don't include "b" or "blr" and start with an
// instruction defined as the start of a function?
// if so then delete function at current address, delete
// function defined at start of head, and recreate function
// at start of head (to include what was in function
// formerly defined at current address)
Address head = findHead(a);
if (head != null) {
f = getFunctionAt(head);
String fname = f.getName();
createFunction(head, fname);
println("fixed func at 0x" + Long.toHexString(head.getOffset()));
count = count + 1;
println("Fixed " + count + " functions.");
private Address findFrag(Address a) throws Exception {
// looking for something like this:
// 01e328e4 r3 80 00 20 blr // end of prev func
// 01e328e8 94 ?? 94h
// 01e328e9 21 ?? 21h
// 01e328ea ff ?? FFh
// 01e328eb e0 ?? E0h
// 01e328ec 2c ?? 2Ch
// 01e328ed 03 ?? 03h
// 01e328ee 00 ?? 00h
// 01e328ef 00 ?? 00h
// undefined FUN_01e328f0 // <-- Address a
// 01e328f0 7c 08 02 a6 mfspr r0,LR
// 01e328f4 39 80 00 31 li r12,0x31
// ...
// if there are 1-6 undefined instructions before Address a and
// a "b" or "blr" instruction before that, then return the address
// of the dword following the "b" or "blr" instruction -- else
// return null
Memory mem = currentProgram.getMemory();
// save start address before we start scanning backward
Address sa = a;
Listing listing = currentProgram.getListing();
// memory bounds checking is hard-coded -- yes...bad
// try to find up to 6 undefined instructions before start address
while (a.getOffset() > 0x1800000 && sa.getOffset() - a.getOffset() < 24 &&
listing.isUndefined(a.subtract(4), a.subtract(1)) && isInstruction(a.subtract(4))) {
if (monitor.isCancelled())
return (null);
a = a.subtract(4);
// if the dword we are pointing to isn't undefined, we didn't find frag
if (!listing.isUndefined(a, a.add(3)))
return (null);
// if we didn't find an instruction, then we didn't find a frag
if (listing.getInstructionAt(a.subtract(4)) == null)
return (null);
// if instruction isn't a "b" and isn't a "blr", we didn't find a frag
int val = mem.getInt(a.subtract(4));
if ((val & 0xfc000000) != 0x48000000 && val != 0x4e800020)
return (null);
// at this point, assume that we found a frag, starting at a
return (a);
private boolean isInstruction(Address a) {
// is undefined dword at specified address a valid instruction?
PseudoDisassembler pdis = new PseudoDisassembler(currentProgram);
PseudoInstruction pi = null;
try {
pi = pdis.disassemble(a);
catch (InsufficientBytesException e) {
println("insufficient bytes at " + Long.toHexString(a.getOffset()));
return (false);
catch (UnknownInstructionException e) {
println("unknown instr at " + Long.toHexString(a.getOffset()));
catch (UnknownContextException e) {
println("unknown context at " + Long.toHexString(a.getOffset()));
if (pi == null)
return (false);
return (true);
private Address findHead(Address a) throws Exception {
// looking for something like this:
// undefined FUN_01e328e8
// 01e328e8 94 21 ff e0 stwu r1,-0x20(r1)
// 01e328ec 2c 03 00 00 cmpwi r3,0x0
// undefined FUN_01e328f0 // <-- Address a
// 01e328f0 7c 08 02 a6 mfspr r0,LR
// 01e328f4 39 80 00 31 li r12,0x31
// ...
// if there are 1-6 defined instructions before Address a, none
// of them are "b" or "blr", and the first one is defined as the
// start of a function, then return the address defined as the
// start of a function -- else return null
Memory mem = currentProgram.getMemory();
// save start address before we start scanning backward
Address sa = a;
Listing listing = currentProgram.getListing();
// memory bounds checking is hard-coded -- yes...bad
// try to find up to 6 instructions before start address that don't
// include "b" or "blr" and start with instruction defined as start
// of function
int val = mem.getInt(a.subtract(4));
while (a.getOffset() > 0x1800000 && sa.getOffset() - a.getOffset() < 24 &&
listing.getInstructionAt(a.subtract(4)) != null &&
((val & 0xfc000000) != 0x48000000 && val != 0x4e800020) &&
listing.getFunctionAt(a.subtract(4)) == null) {
if (monitor.isCancelled())
return (null);
a = a.subtract(4);
val = mem.getInt(a.subtract(4));
// if we found a "b" or "blr", we didn't find a function header
if ((val & 0xfc000000) == 0x48000000 || val == 0x4e800020)
return (null);
// if the instruction before the one we are pointing to isn't
// a function entry point, we didn't find a function header
if (listing.getFunctionAt(a.subtract(4)) == null)
return (null);
// at this point, assume that we found a function header, starting at a-4
return (a.subtract(4));