
427 lines
14 KiB

/* ###
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Figures out computed memory references at the current cursor location or at the instruction at the
// start of each range in an address set.
// Place the cursor on a register or constant operand, and run the script. Also, if a
// register has a value set at the beginning of a function, that register value is assumed
// to be a constant.
// For ease of use, attach this to a key-binding to create the reference in one keystroke.
// This script is very useful on the ARM, PowerPC and most RISC based processors that
// use multiple instructions to build up memory references, where the reference was
// missed by auto-analysis. It is also useful for references that weren't created
// because of complex base address + offset calculations.
// It is very easy to use this script in conjunction with any type of search. For
// example on the ARM, MOVT is used to build up and address. Search the program text
// for all mnemonics MOVT and then select the ones that are creating a reference, make
// a selection in the listing from the search, and then execute this function. It is
// best if you have already assigned a key binding. You can also choose single items
// from the search table and press the key bound to this script.
// NOTE: Any values loaded from memory are assumed to be constant.
// If a reference does not make sense on an operand, then it is added to the mnemonic.
//@category Analysis
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import ghidra.program.model.address.Address;
import ghidra.program.model.address.AddressRange;
import ghidra.program.model.address.AddressRangeImpl;
import ghidra.program.model.address.AddressRangeIterator;
import ghidra.program.model.address.AddressSet;
import ghidra.program.model.address.AddressSetView;
import ghidra.program.model.address.AddressSpace;
import ghidra.program.model.block.CodeBlock;
import ghidra.program.model.block.PartitionCodeSubModel;
import ghidra.program.model.lang.OperandType;
import ghidra.program.model.lang.Register;
import ghidra.program.model.lang.RegisterValue;
import ghidra.program.model.listing.Function;
import ghidra.program.model.listing.Instruction;
import ghidra.program.model.pcode.Varnode;
import ghidra.program.model.symbol.RefType;
import ghidra.program.model.symbol.Reference;
import ghidra.program.model.symbol.SourceType;
import ghidra.program.util.ContextEvaluator;
import ghidra.program.util.ContextEvaluatorAdapter;
import ghidra.program.util.OperandFieldLocation;
import ghidra.program.util.SymbolicPropogator;
import ghidra.program.util.VarnodeContext;
import ghidra.util.exception.CancelledException;
public class MultiInstructionMemReference extends GhidraScript {
Address memReferenceLocation = null;
private Address curInstrloc;
private Object[] inputObjects;
private Object[] resultObjects;
private Register singleRegister;
private boolean registerInOut;
private boolean targetInDelaySlot = false;
public void run() throws Exception {
long numInstructions = currentProgram.getListing().getNumInstructions();
monitor.initialize((int) (numInstructions));
monitor.setMessage("Multi-Instruction Reference Markup");
int currentOpIndex = -1;
Address start = currentLocation.getAddress();
if ((currentSelection == null || currentSelection.isEmpty()) &&
currentLocation instanceof OperandFieldLocation) {
OperandFieldLocation operandLocation = (OperandFieldLocation) currentLocation;
currentOpIndex = operandLocation.getOperandIndex();
int subOpIndex = operandLocation.getSubOperandIndex();
singleRegister = getRegister(start, currentOpIndex, subOpIndex);
// set up the address set to restrict processing
AddressSet refLocationsSet = new AddressSet(currentSelection);
if (refLocationsSet.isEmpty()) {
refLocationsSet.addRange(start, start);
findMemRefAtOperand(currentOpIndex, refLocationsSet);
* Get the register at the location
* @param opIndex index into operands for instruction
* @param subOpIndex index into operands for an operand location
* @return register if there is one at the location
private Register getRegister(Address addr, int opIndex, int subOpIndex) {
if (addr == null) {
return null;
Instruction instr = currentProgram.getListing().getInstructionContaining(addr);
if (instr == null) {
return null;
List<Object> defOpRep = instr.getDefaultOperandRepresentationList(opIndex);
if (subOpIndex >= 0 && subOpIndex < defOpRep.size()) {
Object obj = defOpRep.get(subOpIndex);
if (obj instanceof Register) {
return (Register) obj;
return instr.getRegister(opIndex);
private boolean isSingleInstructions(AddressSet restrictedSet) {
if (restrictedSet.isEmpty()) {
return false;
AddressRangeIterator riter = restrictedSet.getAddressRanges();
restrictedSet = new AddressSet(restrictedSet);
while (riter.hasNext()) {
AddressRange addressRange =;
Instruction instr =
if (instr != null) {
addressRange = new AddressRangeImpl(instr.getMinAddress(), instr.getMaxAddress());
return restrictedSet.isEmpty();
private void findMemRefAtOperand(final int opIndex, AddressSetView set) {
// follow all flows building up context
// use context to fill out addresses on certain instructions
ContextEvaluator eval = new ContextEvaluatorAdapter() {
public boolean evaluateContextBefore(VarnodeContext context, Instruction instr) {
// if the requested reference was on an input op-object, get context before exec
return checkContext(true, opIndex, context, instr);
public boolean evaluateContext(VarnodeContext context, Instruction instr) {
// if the requested reference was on an output op-object, get context after exec
return checkContext(false, opIndex, context, instr);
private boolean checkContext(boolean input, final int opIndex, VarnodeContext context, Instruction instr) {
if (instr.getMinAddress().equals(curInstrloc)) {
if (targetInDelaySlot && instr.getDelaySlotDepth() > 0) {
instr = instr.getNext();
if (checkInstructionMatch(opIndex, input, context, instr)) {
return true;
// if instruction is in delayslot, assume reference is good.
if (instr.getDelaySlotDepth() > 0) {
instr = instr.getNext();
return checkInstructionMatch(opIndex, input, context, instr);
return false;
public boolean evaluateReference(VarnodeContext context, Instruction instr, int pcodeop, Address address,
int size, RefType refType) {
return super.evaluateReference(context, instr, pcodeop, address, size, refType);
private boolean checkInstructionMatch(final int opIdx, boolean input, VarnodeContext context,
Instruction instr) {
List<Object> list = Arrays.asList(input ? inputObjects : resultObjects);
for (int index = opIdx; index < instr.getNumOperands(); index++)
if (getRefsForOperand(context, instr, list, index)) {
// register is both an in/out check if symbolic on out
if (registerInOut) {
return true;
if (addSymbolicRefs(input, context, instr, list)) {
return true;
return false;
* Check the current operand for references based on input/outputs
* @param context - context holding values
* @param instr - instruction under consideration
* @param list - input/output lists
* @param opIndex - index of operand to check
* @return true if a reference was found
private boolean getRefsForOperand(VarnodeContext context, Instruction instr, List<Object> list, int opIndex) {
Object[] opObjects = instr.getOpObjects(opIndex);
for (int indexOpObj = 0; indexOpObj < opObjects.length; indexOpObj++) {
if (!(opObjects[indexOpObj] instanceof Register)) {
Register reg = (Register) opObjects[indexOpObj];
// if operand has a single register and this isn't it
if (singleRegister != null && !reg.equals(singleRegister)) {
// check that the register is on the correct input/output list
if (!list.contains(reg)) {
RegisterValue rval = context.getRegisterValue(reg);
if (rval == null) {
BigInteger uval = rval.getUnsignedValue();
if (uval == null) {
long offset = uval.longValue();
AddressSpace space = instr.getMinAddress().getAddressSpace();
Address addr = space.getTruncatedAddress(offset, true);
// assume that they want the reference, don't worry it isn't in memory
makeReference(instr, opIndex, addr);
return true;
return false;
private boolean addSymbolicRefs(boolean input, VarnodeContext context, Instruction instr, List<Object> list) {
// get the value of the single register to see if this is the value desired
if (singleRegister == null) {
return false;
// check that the register is on the correct input/output list
if (!list.contains(singleRegister)) {
return false;
Varnode registerVarnodeValue = context.getRegisterVarnodeValue(singleRegister);
if (!context.isSymbol(registerVarnodeValue) && !registerVarnodeValue.isRegister()) {
return false;
Address symAddr = registerVarnodeValue.getAddress();
if (symAddr == context.BAD_ADDRESS) {
return false;
String valStr = "";
if (registerVarnodeValue.isRegister()) {
valStr = context.getRegister(registerVarnodeValue).toString();
} else {
// is an offset from a space
String name = symAddr.getAddressSpace().getName();
BigInteger offset = symAddr.getOffsetAsBigInteger();
valStr = name + " + 0x" + offset.toString(16);
Address lastSetLocation = context.getLastSetLocation(singleRegister, null);
String comment = instr.getComment(Instruction.EOL_COMMENT);
if (comment == null) {
comment = "";
String inoutChar = (input ? " " : "\'");
String lastStr = (lastSetLocation != null ? " @" + lastSetLocation : "");
String markup = singleRegister+inoutChar+"= "+ valStr + lastStr;
if (comment.replace('\'',' ').contains(markup.replace('\'',' '))) {
return false;
comment = (comment.trim().length()==0 ? markup : comment + "\n" + markup);
instr.setComment(Instruction.EOL_COMMENT, comment);
return false;
public boolean allowAccess(VarnodeContext context, Address addr) {
// allow values to be read from writable memory
return true;
try {
AddressRangeIterator riter = set.getAddressRanges();
while (riter.hasNext() && !monitor.isCancelled()) {
AddressRange addressRange =;
curInstrloc = addressRange.getMinAddress();
AddressSet body = null;
Address start = curInstrloc;
Function curFunc =
if (curFunc != null) {
start = curFunc.getEntryPoint();
body = new AddressSet(curFunc.getBody());
else {
body = new AddressSet(curInstrloc);
PartitionCodeSubModel model = new PartitionCodeSubModel(currentProgram);
CodeBlock block = model.getFirstCodeBlockContaining(curInstrloc, monitor);
if (block != null) {
start = block.getFirstStartAddress();
Instruction instr = currentProgram.getListing().getInstructionAt(curInstrloc);
if (instr != null) {
inputObjects = instr.getInputObjects();
resultObjects = instr.getResultObjects();
registerInOut = checkRegisterInOut(singleRegister, inputObjects, resultObjects);
// if the instruction attempting to markup is in the delayslot, backup an instruction
if (instr != null && instr.isInDelaySlot()) {
instr = instr.getPrevious();
if (instr != null) {
curInstrloc = instr.getMinAddress();
targetInDelaySlot = true;
SymbolicPropogator symEval = new SymbolicPropogator(currentProgram);
symEval.flowConstants(start, body, eval, true, monitor);
catch (CancelledException e) {
private boolean checkRegisterInOut(Register reg, Object[] in, Object[] out) {
if (reg == null || in == null || out == null) {
return false;
List<Object> inList = Arrays.asList(in);
List<Object> outList = Arrays.asList(out);
return inList.contains(reg) && outList.contains(reg);
/** Make the reference on the instruction at the correct location.
* @param instruction to receive reference
* @param space reference created in this space
* @param scalar used as offset into address space
private void makeReference(Instruction instruction, int opIndex, Address addr) {
if (targetInDelaySlot && instruction.getPrototype().hasDelaySlots()) {
instruction = instruction.getNext();
if (instruction == null) {
if (opIndex == -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < instruction.getNumOperands(); i++) {
int opType = instruction.getOperandType(i);
// markup the program counter for any flow
if ((opType & OperandType.DYNAMIC) != 0) {
opIndex = i;
if (opIndex == -1) {
opIndex = instruction.getNumOperands() - 1;
// check if it already has the reference
Reference[] referencesFrom = instruction.getReferencesFrom();
boolean hasRef = -> p.getToAddress().equals(addr));
if (hasRef) {
if (opIndex == -1) {
instruction.addMnemonicReference(addr, RefType.DATA, SourceType.ANALYSIS);
else {
instruction.addOperandReference(opIndex, addr, RefType.DATA, SourceType.ANALYSIS);