
500 lines
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/* ###
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//The script is called from several scripts to use selected instructions with or without operands and constants (depending on the script
//that called it) and build a combined mask/value buffer.
//Memory is then searched looking for this combined value buffer that represents the selected instructions.
//This automates the process of searching through memory for a particular ordering of instructions by hand.
//@category Search.InstructionPattern
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import ghidra.program.model.address.Address;
import ghidra.program.model.address.AddressRange;
import ghidra.program.model.listing.*;
import ghidra.program.model.mem.Memory;
public class SearchBaseExtended extends GhidraScript {
//holds the mask and value for all the mnemonics, or commands like cmp, jmp, jnz etc
ArrayList<Case> mnemonics = new ArrayList<>();
* Holds the masks and values for all the operands. The arraylist portion will correspond to the operand number. An example is
* arraylist.get(0) will refer to the first operand. Arraylist.get(1) will return the second operands data. The previous commands will
* give you a hashmap that maps the mnemonics MVCase object to its operands, if they exist. For example to get the first operand for the
* second mnemonic that was seen you would call arraylist.get(0).get(mnemonicArrayList.get(1)); That will return the MVCase that refers to
* operand. I set it up this was to conserve memory and allow for a dynamically growing collection.
ArrayList<LinkedHashMap<Case, OperandCase>> ops =
new ArrayList<>();//holds masks and values for all operands.
ArrayList<Case> db = new ArrayList<>();//holds the search results.
//These control the detail at which a scan is performed.
//They determine how specific the instructions must match the currently selected ones
ArrayList<SLMaskControl> controlList = new ArrayList<>();
public void run() throws Exception {
public void run(boolean mneonics, boolean op1, boolean op2, boolean constants) {
controlList = new ArrayList<>();
controlList.add(new SLMaskControl(mneonics, op1, op2, constants));
public void run(ArrayList<SLMaskControl> control) {
controlList = control;
public void clearResults() {
db = new ArrayList<>();
public void setState(SLMaskControl newState) {
controlList = new ArrayList<>();
public void setState(ArrayList<SLMaskControl> newState) {
controlList = newState;
public void loadSelectedInstructions() {
if (currentProgram == null || currentSelection == null) {
try {
//Builds object that is used to extract all the instructions masks and values
SleighDebugLogger logger = null;
//Grabs the AddressRange for the first continuous selection of instructions
AddressRange addrRange = currentSelection.getFirstRange();
if (addrRange == null) {
}//makes sure that something was returned
//Creates a list that is used to determine the location of the instructions starting byte
Listing list = currentProgram.getListing();
Address tempAddr = addrRange.getMinAddress();//sets the beginning scan address
* The purpose of this while loop is to iterate through the memory that is currently selected by user.
* All the instructions within this selection range are extracted and corresponding masks made from them.
* These masks will then be used to search through memory to find instructions of the same type.
while (tempAddr.compareTo(addrRange.getMaxAddress()) <= 0) {
//Determines if current location is start of instruction, tempIns will be null if not beginning of instruction
Instruction tempIns = list.getInstructionAt(tempAddr);
if (tempIns != null) {//means that current address is start of an instruction
logger =
new SleighDebugLogger(currentProgram, tempAddr, SleighDebugMode.VERBOSE);
if (logger.parseFailed()) {
//This takes care of the headers
byte[] mask = logger.getInstructionMask();
byte[] value = logger.getMaskedBytes(mask);
if (mask == null || value == null) {
}//need to move on to next byte, not sure if this is right command to use
//Builds a structure representing the recently found instruction mask and value
Case tCase = new Case();
tCase.mask = mask;
tCase.value = value;
tCase.textRep = tempIns.getMnemonicString();
mnemonics.add(tCase); //adds the mnemonic mask and value to the arraylist
//Gets a code unit which can be used to determine if the operands are constants.
CodeUnit cu = list.getCodeUnitAt(tempAddr);
//Iterates through all the operands for the currently selected instruction and stores them accordingly
for (int x = 1; x <= logger.getNumOperands(); x++) {
mask = logger.getOperandValueMask(x - 1);
value = logger.getMaskedBytes(mask);
if (mask == null || value == null) {
}//move on to next instruction
//Builds case to store the operands mask and value
OperandCase otCase = new OperandCase();
otCase.mask = mask;
otCase.value = value;
//Object hey = tempIns.getDefaultOperandRepresentationList(x-1);
otCase.textRep = tempIns.getDefaultOperandRepresentation(x - 1);
//Determines if the given operand is a constant value. If it is a constant then proper flag is set.
if (cu.getScalar(x - 1) != null) {
otCase.constant = true;
//Determines if current structure is large enough to hold new operand, if it isn't increases structure size
if (ops.size() < x && ops.size() > -1) {
ops.add(new LinkedHashMap<Case, OperandCase>());
//Adds the operand to the data-structure with a mapping to the instruction mnemonic extracted earlier in line 87
ops.get(x - 1).put(tCase, otCase);
//Increments the address pointer to point to the beginning of next instruction.
tempAddr = tempAddr.add(tempIns.getLength());
else {
//Increments the address pointer by 1
//This would be hit if the tempAddr didn't get offset correctly.
catch (Exception e) {
//performs the application of filters and search instructions for matches. Doesn't load instructions or fill the controlList object.
//Must have mnemonics, ops and controlList populated prior to running this method.
public void executeSearch() {
//Applies the filters provided through the controlList object to the instructions provided through the mnemonics and ops structures.
MaskValueCase finalSearchString = getFinalMaskAndValue(mnemonics, ops, controlList);
String valueString = new String();
String maskString = new String();
for (byte element : finalSearchString.value) {
valueString = valueString.concat(toHexString(element, true, false)) + " ";
for (byte element : finalSearchString.mask) {
maskString = maskString.concat(toHexString(element, true, false)) + " ";
printf("Final Search Bytes: ");
printf("Final Search Mask: ");
//Searches memory for matches to provided instructions with given filters. db structure is populated with the results.
findLocations(finalSearchString, db);
//Displays results in a table.
Address[] tableArray = new Address[db.size()];
for (int x = 0; x < db.size(); x++) {
tableArray[x] = db.get(x).addr;
try {
catch (ImproperUseException iue) {
// Do nothing; this code should only be run headed, anyway
* Builds the mask and value byte streams for a single instruction that is represented by the mnemonic entered into the first parameter.
* That mnemonic is used as a key to withdrawal the operands from the data-structure and the SLMaskControl contains the filter information to be
* applied to the instruction.
private MaskValueCase buildSingleInstructionMask(Case mnemonic,
ArrayList<LinkedHashMap<Case, OperandCase>> localOperands, SLMaskControl localState) {
byte[] tempMask = new byte[mnemonic.mask.length];
byte[] tempValue = new byte[mnemonic.value.length];
//Applies the mnemonic's value and mask if needed
if (localState.useMnemonic) {
tempValue = byteArrayOr(tempValue, mnemonic.value);
tempMask = byteArrayOr(tempMask, mnemonic.mask);
//Applies the first operands mask and value to running stream if needed
if (localState.useOp1 && localOperands.size() >= 1 &&
localOperands.get(0).get(mnemonic) != null) {
OperandCase temp = localOperands.get(0).get(mnemonic);
if (localState.useConst || !temp.constant) {
if (temp.value != null && temp.mask != null && tempValue != null &&
tempMask != null) {
tempValue = byteArrayOr(tempValue, temp.value);
tempMask = byteArrayOr(tempMask, temp.mask);
//Applies the second operands mask and value to running stream if needed
if (localState.useOp2 && localOperands.size() >= 2 &&
localOperands.get(1).get(mnemonic) != null) {
OperandCase temp = localOperands.get(1).get(mnemonic);
if (localState.useConst || !temp.constant) {
if (temp.value != null && temp.mask != null && tempValue != null &&
tempMask != null) {
tempValue = byteArrayOr(tempValue, temp.value);
tempMask = byteArrayOr(tempMask, temp.mask);
MaskValueCase tempCase = new MaskValueCase();
tempCase.mask = tempMask;
tempCase.value = tempValue;
return tempCase;
* Combines all the masks in the data-structure together into a single byte stream. This stream is used to search memory.
private MaskValueCase combineInstructionMasks(ArrayList<byte[]> masks, ArrayList<byte[]> values,
int length) {
if (masks.size() != values.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int index = 0;
* This portion of code takes the masks and values from each of the different commands and concatenates them together to form
* a single mask and value byte array. This byte array is then used to scan memory to look for other sequences of commands.
byte[] finalValueArray = new byte[length];
byte[] finalMaskArray = new byte[length];
for (int x = 0; x < values.size(); x++) { //iterates through each mnemonic
for (int i = 0; i < values.get(x).length && index < length; i++) { //iterate through the mnemonics bytes
finalValueArray[index] = values.get(x)[i];
finalMaskArray[index] = masks.get(x)[i];
MaskValueCase tempFinalParams = new MaskValueCase();
tempFinalParams.mask = finalMaskArray;
tempFinalParams.value = finalValueArray;
return tempFinalParams;
* Calculates the final mask and value byte streams. These streams are then used to search through memory to look for similar
* assembly instructions.
private MaskValueCase getFinalMaskAndValue(ArrayList<Case> privateMnemonics,
ArrayList<LinkedHashMap<Case, OperandCase>> localOperands,
ArrayList<SLMaskControl> control) {
ArrayList<byte[]> masks = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<byte[]> values = new ArrayList<>();
//used for storing the byte stream currently being work on prior to being added to final data structure
int totalLength = 0;
boolean continueFilter = true;//controls whether the last mask given will be applied on the rest of the mnemonics if the controlList structure is smaller than mnemonics
if (privateMnemonics == null || localOperands == null || control == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null Structure");
//TODO Need to do some thorough checking on values entered into the control and mnemonics
//TODO Need to make sure that all possible cases of unequal amounts are considered.
* This loop will scan through the mnemonics and apply the provided MaskControls.
* The masks will be applied from the arraylist until there aren't any remaining in the list. At this point
* a mask of all falses will be applied. This will in effect ignore rest of the mnemonics
* TODO Apply a switch that will allow the last mask in the array to be applied to rest of the mnemonics within selection.
for (int x = 0; x < privateMnemonics.size(); x++) {
MaskValueCase result = new MaskValueCase();
if (x < control.size()) {
//need to apply the filter from control
result = buildSingleInstructionMask(privateMnemonics.get(x), localOperands,
else if (continueFilter) {
//apply the last available mask in the control structure
result = buildSingleInstructionMask(privateMnemonics.get(x), localOperands,
control.get(control.size() - 1));
else {
//apply an empty filter basically ignoring
result = buildSingleInstructionMask(privateMnemonics.get(x), localOperands,
new SLMaskControl(false, false, false, false));
if (result.value.length == result.mask.length) {
totalLength += result.value.length;
return combineInstructionMasks(masks, values, totalLength);
* Populates the database with the locations where the specified byte arrays are found.
* The first parameter should only have two elements. Element 0 should contain mask and element 1
* contain the value.
* The second parameter gets populated with the results of the search.
private void findLocations(MaskValueCase searchArrays, ArrayList<Case> localDatabase) {
if (currentProgram == null || localDatabase == null || searchArrays == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null Data-Structure");
if (searchArrays.mask.length != searchArrays.value.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mask and value lengths are different.");
if (containsOnBit(searchArrays.mask)) {
Memory mem = currentProgram.getMemory();
//Gets the start and end address to search through
Address endAddress = currentProgram.getMaxAddress();
Address currentPosition = currentProgram.getMinAddress();
while (currentPosition.compareTo(endAddress) < 0) {
//Searches memory for the given mask and value.
currentPosition = mem.findBytes(currentPosition, endAddress, searchArrays.value,
searchArrays.mask, true, monitor);
//Determines if a new location was found.
if (currentPosition == null) {
Case temp = new Case();
temp.mask = searchArrays.mask;
temp.value = searchArrays.value;
temp.addr = currentPosition;
currentPosition = currentPosition.add(1);
else {
* Used for determining if there is a "On" bit in a byte stream.
* This is necessary because if you do a memory search for a mask with no "on" bit then it will return every memory address.
private boolean containsOnBit(byte[] array) {
for (byte element : array) {
Byte temp = new Byte(element);
int value = temp.intValue();
if (value != 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Takes two arrays of bytes and performs a bitwise or operation and returns the result. Returns null if the arguments aren't of same length.
private byte[] byteArrayOr(byte[] arr1, byte[] arr2) {
byte[] result = new byte[arr1.length];
if (arr1.length != arr2.length) {
return null;
for (int x = 0; x < arr1.length; x++) {
result[x] = (byte) (arr1[x] | arr2[x]);
return result;
* Used for storing data about an instructions mnemonic
public class Case {
public Address addr;
public byte[] mask;
public byte[] value;
public String textRep;
public class OperandCase extends Case {
public boolean constant = false;
private class MaskValueCase {
public byte[] mask;
public byte[] value;
* Represents a filter for a single instruction.
* Controls which portions of the instruction will be used when performing the search through memory.
public class SLMaskControl {
boolean useMnemonic = true;
boolean useOp1 = false;
boolean useOp2 = false;
boolean useConst = false;
public SLMaskControl() {
public SLMaskControl(boolean mnemonic, boolean useop1, boolean useop2, boolean constant) {
useMnemonic = mnemonic;
useOp1 = useop1;
useOp2 = useop2;
useConst = constant;