80 lines
2.7 KiB
80 lines
2.7 KiB
apply from: "$rootProject.projectDir/gradle/distributableGhidraModule.gradle"
apply from: "$rootProject.projectDir/gradle/javaProject.gradle"
apply from: "$rootProject.projectDir/gradle/helpProject.gradle"
apply from: "$rootProject.projectDir/gradle/jacocoProject.gradle"
apply from: "$rootProject.projectDir/gradle/javaTestProject.gradle"
apply from: "$rootProject.projectDir/gradle/nativeProject.gradle"
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
eclipse.project.name = 'Features PDB'
* Build dependencies
dependencies {
compile project(":Base")
testCompile "org.jmockit:jmockit:1.44"
// Demangler Analyzer needs to find MicrosoftDemangler
compile project(":MicrosoftDemangler")
helpPath project(path: ':Base', configuration: 'helpPath') // this module's help has links to Base help files
testCompile project(path: ':Base', configuration: 'testArtifacts')
testCompile project(path: ':SoftwareModeling', configuration: 'testArtifacts')
* Include PDB native source with sample Visual Studio project to allow users to
* rebuild against other versions.
* Note that we use 'this.project' to reference the PDB project - this is because
* inside the closure, 'project' refers to the root project, while 'this' refers to
* PDB.
rootProject.assembleDistribution {
into (getZipPath(this.project) + "/src/pdb") {
from projectDir.toString() + "/src/pdb"
if ("win64".equals(getCurrentPlatformName())) {
String makeName = "win64PDBMake"
task(type: Exec, makeName) {
def projectPath = projectDir.toString()
def solutionBatchFilePath = projectPath + "/build/buildSolution.bat"
def projectPathWindows = projectPath.replace("/", File.separator)
def solutionPathWindows = "${projectPathWindows}\\src\\pdb\\pdb.sln"
doFirst {
def platformToolset = 'v' + VISUAL_STUDIO_TOOLS_VERSION_DEFAULT.substring(0, 4).replace('.', '');
def msbuildCmd = "msbuild ${solutionPathWindows} /p:Configuration=Release /p:PlatformToolset=${platformToolset} /p:WindowsTargetPlatformVersion=${windowsTargetPlatformVersion}"
println "Executing: " + msbuildCmd
new File(solutionBatchFilePath).withWriter { out ->
out.println "call " + VISUAL_STUDIO_VCVARS_CMD
out.println msbuildCmd
doLast {
assert file("build/os/win64/pdb.exe").exists() : "Failed to build pdb.exe"
executable "cmd"
args "/c"
args solutionBatchFilePath.replace("/", File.separator)