
372 lines
12 KiB

/* ###
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.*;
import ghidra.feature.vt.api.db.VTSessionDB;
import ghidra.feature.vt.api.main.*;
import ghidra.framework.model.DomainFile;
import ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject;
import ghidra.program.model.address.Address;
import ghidra.program.model.listing.*;
import ghidra.util.exception.CancelledException;
import ghidra.util.exception.VersionException;
public class EvaluateVTMatch extends GhidraScript {
// NOTE: this script is very rudimentary and makes a lot of assumptions,
// such as unique symbol names in source and destination, that the
// same-named symbols are actual matches, etc.
// Perhaps it should be based on manual matches as ground-truth.
private static class MyFunction {
public String name;
public int srchits;
public int desthits;
public boolean matched;
public boolean mismatched;
public boolean srcexists;
public boolean destexists;
public boolean srcbody;
public boolean destbody;
public MyFunction(String nm) {
name = nm;
srchits = 0;
desthits = 0;
matched = false;
mismatched = false;
srcexists = false;
destexists = false;
srcbody = false;
destbody = false;
private static class VTScorer {
private Program sourceProg;
private Program destProg;
private TreeMap<String, MyFunction> nameset;
private FunctionManager sourceFuncMgr;
private FunctionManager destFuncMgr;
private int totalmatches;
private int possiblematches;
private int emptybodymatches; // A pair (with same name) neither of which have a body, not considered a possiblematch
private int othersrcfuncs;
private int otherdestfuncs;
private int conflicts;
private int matchdiscovered;
private int mismatch;
private double falsenegative;
private double falsepositive;
private List<String> mismatchList;
private int mismatchCountDown;
public VTScorer(Program src,Program dest) {
sourceProg = src;
destProg = dest;
nameset = new TreeMap<String,MyFunction>();
sourceFuncMgr = sourceProg.getFunctionManager();
destFuncMgr = destProg.getFunctionManager();
totalmatches = 0;
possiblematches = 0;
emptybodymatches = 0;
othersrcfuncs = 0;
otherdestfuncs = 0;
conflicts = 0;
matchdiscovered = 0;
mismatch = 0;
mismatchList = new ArrayList<String>();
mismatchCountDown = 100;
private static String getName(Function func) {
String name = func.getName();
int pos = name.indexOf("@@GLIB");
if (pos >= 0) {
name = name.substring(0, pos);
return name;
* For every function in a manager, make sure a record exists in -mymap-
* @param funcMgr is the manager to iterate over
* @param mymap is the map to add records to
* @param isSrc is true if the srcexists field should be set to true, otherwise destexists is set
private static void tagFunctionNames(FunctionManager funcMgr,Listing listing,
TreeMap<String, MyFunction> mymap, boolean isSrc) {
FunctionIterator functions = funcMgr.getFunctions(true);
while (functions.hasNext()) {
Function next =;
if (next.isThunk()) continue;
CodeUnit cu = listing.getCodeUnitAt(next.getEntryPoint());
boolean hasbody = false;
if ((cu != null) && (cu instanceof Instruction))
hasbody = true;
String funcName = getName(next);
MyFunction myRec = mymap.get(funcName);
if (myRec == null) {
myRec = new MyFunction(funcName);
mymap.put(, myRec);
if (isSrc) {
myRec.srcexists = true;
myRec.srcbody = hasbody;
else {
myRec.destexists = true;
myRec.destbody = hasbody;
// Make sure external functions have an entry
functions = funcMgr.getExternalFunctions();
while(functions.hasNext()) {
Function next =;
String funcName = getName(next);
MyFunction myRec = mymap.get(funcName);
if (myRec == null) {
myRec = new MyFunction(funcName);
mymap.put(, myRec);
if (isSrc) {
myRec.srcexists = true;
myRec.srcbody = false;
else {
myRec.destexists = true;
myRec.destbody = false;
public void tag() {
tagFunctionNames(sourceFuncMgr, sourceProg.getListing(), nameset, true);
tagFunctionNames(destFuncMgr, destProg.getListing(), nameset, false);
public void registerMatch(Address srcAddr,Address destAddr) {
Function sourceFunc = sourceFuncMgr.getFunctionAt(srcAddr);
if (sourceFunc == null) {
Function destFunc = destFuncMgr.getFunctionAt(destAddr);
if (destFunc == null) {
totalmatches += 1; // We have a match between functions
String srcName = getName(sourceFunc);
String destName = getName(destFunc);
MyFunction srcRec = nameset.get(srcName);
MyFunction destRec = nameset.get(destName);
srcRec.srchits += 1;
destRec.desthits += 1;
if (srcRec == destRec) {
srcRec.matched = true;
else {
srcRec.mismatched = true;
if (mismatchCountDown > 0) {
mismatchList.add("Mismatch: " + srcName + " - " + destName);
mismatchCountDown -= 1;
public void calcStats() {
Iterator<MyFunction> iterator2 = nameset.values().iterator();
while (iterator2.hasNext()) {
MyFunction myfunc =;
if (myfunc.srcexists && myfunc.destexists) {
possiblematches += 1;
if (!myfunc.srcbody || !myfunc.destbody)
emptybodymatches += 1; // One side or other does not have a body
else if (myfunc.srcexists) {
othersrcfuncs += 1;
else if (myfunc.destexists) {
otherdestfuncs += 1;
if (myfunc.mismatched)
mismatch += 1;
if (myfunc.matched) {
if ((myfunc.srchits == 1) && (myfunc.desthits == 1)) {
matchdiscovered += 1;
else {
conflicts += 1; // Match confused by conflicts
falsepositive = (double) mismatch / (double) possiblematches; // Functions in source that were mismatched with dest
falsenegative =
(double) (possiblematches - matchdiscovered) / (double) possiblematches;
public void reportResults(GhidraScript script,String msg) {
script.println(" False positive = " + Double.toString(falsepositive));
script.println(" False negative = " + Double.toString(falsenegative));
script.println(" Total reported matches = " + Integer.toString(totalmatches));
script.println(" Possible valid matches = " + Integer.toString(possiblematches));
script.println(" Empty body matches = " + Integer.toString(emptybodymatches));
script.println(" Non-conflicting valid matches = " + Integer.toString(matchdiscovered));
script.println(" Mismatches = " + Integer.toString(mismatch));
script.println(" Conflicting valid matches = " + Integer.toString(conflicts));
script.println(" Source unmatchable functions = " + Integer.toString(othersrcfuncs));
script.println(" Destination unmatchable functions = " + Integer.toString(otherdestfuncs));
public void reportFalseNegatives(GhidraScript script,boolean sourceSide,int max) {
Iterator<MyFunction> iterator2 = nameset.values().iterator();
int count = 0;
while (iterator2.hasNext()) {
MyFunction myfunc =;
if ((!myfunc.srcexists)||(!myfunc.destexists)) continue; // Make sure both sides have named function
if ((!myfunc.srcbody)||(!myfunc.destbody)) continue; // Make sure both sides have a body
if (!myfunc.matched) { // If the function pair was not matched
if (sourceSide && (myfunc.srchits==0)) {
script.println("Source miss: ";
count += 1;
else if ((!sourceSide)&&(myfunc.desthits==0)) {
script.println("Dest miss: ";
count += 1;
if (count >= max) return;
public void reportUnmatchable(GhidraScript script,boolean sourceSide,int max) {
Iterator<MyFunction> iterator2 = nameset.values().iterator();
int count = 0;
while (iterator2.hasNext()) {
MyFunction myfunc =;
if (sourceSide) {
if (myfunc.srcexists && !myfunc.destexists) {
script.println("Source unmatchable: ";
count += 1;
else {
if (myfunc.destexists && !myfunc.srcexists) {
script.println("Dest unmatchable: ";
count += 1;
if (count >= max) break;
public void reportMismatches(GhidraScript script) {
for (String line : mismatchList) {
protected void run() throws Exception {
DomainFile vtFile = askDomainFile("Select VT Session");
private void openVTSessionAndDoWork(DomainFile domainFile) {
DomainObject vtDomainObject = null;
try {
vtDomainObject = domainFile.getDomainObject(this, false, false, monitor);
doWork((VTSessionDB) vtDomainObject);
catch (VersionException e) {
catch (CancelledException e) {
catch (IOException e) {
finally {
if (vtDomainObject != null) {
private void doWork(VTSessionDB session) {
println("Working on session: " + session);
List<VTMatchSet> matchSets = session.getMatchSets();
Iterator<VTMatchSet> iterator = matchSets.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
private void evaluateAccepted(VTSessionDB session) {
VTScorer scorer = new VTScorer(session.getSourceProgram(),session.getDestinationProgram());
VTAssociationManager associationManager = session.getAssociationManager();
List<VTAssociation> associations = associationManager.getAssociations();
for (VTAssociation association : associations) {
if (association.getStatus() == VTAssociationStatus.ACCEPTED) {
Address srcAddr = association.getSourceAddress();
Address destAddr = association.getDestinationAddress();
scorer.registerMatch(srcAddr, destAddr);
scorer.reportResults(this,"OVERALL ACCEPTED RESULTS:");
// scorer.reportFalseNegatives(this, true,20);
// scorer.reportUnmatchable(this, true, 20);
private void evaluateMatchSet(VTMatchSet matchset) {
Collection<VTMatch> matches = matchset.getMatches();
if (matches.isEmpty()) {
println("Empty matchset - " + matchset.getProgramCorrelatorInfo().getName() + " (" +
matchset.getID() + ")");
VTSession vtsession = matchset.getSession();
VTScorer scorer = new VTScorer(vtsession.getSourceProgram(),vtsession.getDestinationProgram());
Iterator<VTMatch> iterator = matches.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
VTMatch next =;
VTAssociation association = next.getAssociation();
Address srcAddr = association.getSourceAddress();
Address destAddr = association.getDestinationAddress();
scorer.registerMatch(srcAddr, destAddr);
scorer.reportResults(this,matchset.getProgramCorrelatorInfo().getName() + " (" + matchset.getID() +