
196 lines
6.5 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Builds the Ghidra Help System
Note: This build file is created to be used from within the Eclipse development
environment. As such, this file does not compile classes, but simply uses the
Eclipse-built classes (whether in jar files or 'bin' directories.
<project name="Ghidra" default="Build Development Help Files">
We set the project.dir value using pathconvert, as it resolves relative paths so we
don't have to look at '../..' in debug output
This should be the parent folder that contains all repos.
<path id="" location="${basedir}/../../../../.." />
<pathconvert property="repo.dir" refid="" dirsep="/"/>
<property name="" value="ghidra.git" />
<property name="" value="ghidra.ext.git" />
<property name="" value="ghidra.bin.git" />
<property name="ghidra.u.repo.dir" value="${repo.dir}/${}" />
<property name="ghidra.ext.repo.dir" value="${repo.dir}/${}" />
<property name="ghidra.bin.repo.dir" value="${repo.dir}/${}" />
<property name="" value="${ghidra.u.repo.dir}/Ghidra" />
<property name="" value="${ghidra.ext.repo.dir}/Ghidra" />
<property name="" value="${ghidra.bin.repo.dir}/Ghidra" />
<!-- Use the 'u' repo for the build area (it's as good as any) -->
<property name="" value="${}/Features/Base/help/shared" />
<property name="" value="${ghidra.u.repo.dir}/GhidraBuild" />
<path id="raw.utility.module.dir" location="${basedir}/../../Utility" />
<pathconvert property="utility.module.dir" refid="raw.utility.module.dir" />
<property name="utility.classes" value="${utility.module.dir}/bin" />
<property name="utility.lib" value="${utility.module.dir}/lib" />
<path id="" location="${basedir}/.." />
<pathconvert property="help.module.dir" refid="" />
<property name="help.src" value="${help.module.dir}/src" />
<property name="help.classes" value="${help.module.dir}/bin" />
<available file="${ghidra.bin.repo.dir}" property="help.lib" value="${}/Framework/Help/lib" />
<property name="help.lib" value="${help.module.dir}/lib" /> <!-- this won't get set if the bin repo exists -->
<path id="raw.framework.dir" location="${basedir}/../.." />
<pathconvert property="framework.dir" refid="raw.framework.dir" />
<property name="suspend" value="n" />
<property name="fail.if.invalid" value="true" />
<path id="build.jar.files">
<fileset dir="${framework.dir}"> <!-- for distribution -->
<include name="Utility/lib/*.jar" />
<include name="Help/lib/*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${}"> <!-- for non-distribution -->
<include name="Framework/Help/lib/*.jar" />
<path id="build.classpath">
<path refid="build.jar.files" />
<pathelement location="${utility.classes}" />
<pathelement location="${help.classes}" />
<property name="bin.dir" value="**/bin/**" />
<property name="shallow.recurse" value="*/*/*/*/*/**" />
<property name="excluded.directories" value="${bin.dir}"/>
u repo: ${}
<available file="${}" property="ext.exists" />
<!-- ============================================= -->
<!-- Build Development Help Files -->
<!-- ============================================= -->
<target name="Build Development Help Files" depends="Set Modules">
<!-- -->
<!-- Run the Help Builder driver file for building -->
<!-- -->
<java classname="help.GHelpBuilder"
<jvmarg value="-Xdebug"/>
<jvmarg value="-Xnoagent"/>
<jvmarg value="-Djava.compiler=NONE"/>
<jvmarg value="-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=${suspend},address=18500"/>
<arg value="-debug" />
<arg value="-fail.if.invalid" />
<arg value="${fail.if.invalid}" />
<!-- Uncoment the following argument to fixup help links (e.g., change old-style
relative links to the help/topics style -->
<arg value="" />
<arg value="" />
<arg value="${help.lib}/jhindexer.jar" />
<!-- Uncomment to move shared resources from Base to each help dir
<arg value="-shared.resources.dir" />
<arg value="${}" />
<arg value="-output.dirname" />
<arg value="bin" />
<!-- example for debugging a single module
<arg value="<repo>/Ghidra/Features/Base/help" />
<arg value="${}" /> <!-- must be last in the list -->
<classpath refid="build.classpath" />
<!-- ============================================= -->
<!-- Find Unused Help Images -->
<!-- ============================================= -->
<target name="Find Unused Help Images" depends="Set Modules">
<java classname="help.validator.UnusedHelpImageFileFinder"
<arg value="-debug" />
<arg value="${}" /> <!-- must be last in the list -->
<classpath refid="build.classpath" />
Conditionally set the help modules, depending upon the environment
<target name="Set Modules" depends="Set Default Modules, Set Advanced Modules">
<pathconvert property="" refid="" />
help source dir: ${}
<target name="Set Default Modules" unless="ext.exists">
<path id="">
<dirset dir="${}" excludes="${excluded.directories},${shallow.recurse}">
<filename name="*/*/help" />
<target name="Set Advanced Modules" if="ext.exists">
<path id="">
<dirset dir="${}" excludes="${excluded.directories},${shallow.recurse}">
<filename name="*/*/help" />
<dirset dir="${}" excludes="${excluded.directories},${shallow.recurse}">
<filename name="*/*/help" />