
304 lines
12 KiB

# Specification for the ARM Version 4, 4T, 5, 5T, 5E
# The following boolean defines control specific support: T_VARIANT, VERSION_5, VERSION_5E
define endian=$(ENDIAN);
define alignment=2;
define space ram type=ram_space size=4 default;
define space register type=register_space size=4;
define register offset=0x0020 size=4 [ r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 sp lr pc ];
define register offset=0x0060 size=1 [ NG ZR CY OV tmpNG tmpZR tmpCY tmpOV shift_carry TB Q GE1 GE2 GE3 GE4 ];
define register offset=0x0070 size=4 [ cpsr spsr ];
define register offset=0x0080 size=4 [ mult_addr ]; # Special internal register for dealing with multiple stores/loads
define register offset=0x0084 size=4 [ r14_svc r13_svc spsr_svc ];
define register offset=0x0090 size=8 [ mult_dat8 ]; # Special internal register for dealing with multiple stores/loads
define register offset=0x0090 size=16 [ mult_dat16 ]; # Special internal register for dealing with multiple stores/loads
define register offset=0x00A0 size=4 [ fpsr ]; # floating point state register (for FPA10 floating-point accelerator)
define register offset=0x00B0 size=1 [ ISAModeSwitch ]; # generic name for TB ThumbBit - set same as TB
@define FPSCR_N "fpscr[31,1]"
@define FPSCR_Z "fpscr[30,1]"
@define FPSCR_C "fpscr[29,1]"
@define FPSCR_V "fpscr[28,1]"
@if defined(VFPv2) || defined(VFPv3) || defined(SIMD)
define register offset=0x00B0 size=4 [ fpsid fpscr fpexc mvfr0 mvfr1 ];
define register offset=0x0100 size=10 [ fp0 fp1 fp2 fp3 fp4 fp5 fp6 fp7 ]; # eight 80-bit floating registers
# pseudo-registers for coprocessor calculations
define register offset=0x0200 size=4 [ cr0 cr1 cr2 cr3 cr4 cr5 cr6 cr7 cr8 cr9 cr10 cr11 cr12 cr13 cr14 cr15 ];
# Advanced SIMD and VFP extension registers
@if defined(VFPv2) || defined(VFPv3)
@if ENDIAN == "little"
define register offset=0x0300 size=4 [ s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 s13 s14 s15
s16 s17 s18 s19 s20 s21 s22 s23 s24 s25 s26 s27 s28 s29 s30 s31 ];
@else # ENDIAN == "big"
define register offset=0x0300 size=4 [ s31 s30 s29 s28 s27 s26 s25 s24 s23 s22 s21 s20 s19 s18 s17 s16
s15 s14 s13 s12 s11 s10 s9 s8 s7 s6 s5 s4 s3 s2 s1 s0 ];
@endif # ENDIAN = "big"
@endif # VFPv2 || VFPv3
@if defined(VFPv2)
@if ENDIAN == "little"
define register offset=0x0300 size=8 [ d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 d11 d12 d13 d14 d15 ];
@else # ENDIAN == "big"
define register offset=0x0300 size=8 [ d15 d14 d13 d12 d11 d10 d9 d8 d7 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 d0 ];
@endif # ENDIAN = "big"
@endif # VFPv2
@if defined(SIMD) || defined(VFPv3)
@if ENDIAN == "little"
define register offset=0x0300 size=8 [ d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 d11 d12 d13 d14 d15
d16 d17 d18 d19 d20 d21 d22 d23 d24 d25 d26 d27 d28 d29 d30 d31 ];
@else # ENDIAN == "big"
define register offset=0x0300 size=8 [ d31 d30 d29 d28 d27 d26 d25 d24 d23 d22 d21 d20 d19 d18 d17 d16
d15 d14 d13 d12 d11 d10 d9 d8 d7 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 d0 ];
@endif # ENDIAN = "big"
@endif # SIMD || VFPv3
@if defined(SIMD)
@if ENDIAN == "little"
define register offset=0x0300 size=16 [ q0 q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 q10 q11 q12 q13 q14 q15 ];
@else # ENDIAN == "big"
define register offset=0x0300 size=16 [ q15 q14 q13 q12 q11 q10 q9 q8 q7 q6 q5 q4 q3 q2 q1 q0 ];
@endif # ENDIAN = "big"
@endif # SIMD
# Define context bits
# WARNING: when adjusting context keep compiler packing in mind
# and make sure fields do not span a 32-bit boundary before or
# after context packing
define register offset=0x00 size=8 contextreg;
define context contextreg
@ifdef T_VARIANT
TMode = (0,0) # 1 if in Thumb instruction decode mode
T = (0,0) # exact copy (alias!) of TMode
LowBitCodeMode = (0,0) # 1 if low bit of instruction address is set on a branch
ISA_MODE = (0,0) # 1 for Thumb instruction decode mode
LRset = (1,1) noflow # 1 if the instruction right before was a mov lr,pc
REToverride = (2,2) noflow # 1 if the instruction should be a branch not a return
CALLoverride = (3,3) noflow # 1 if the call should actually be a jump
@if defined(VERSION_6T2) || defined(VERSION_7)
TEEMode = (4,4) # 1 if in ThumbEE mode, changes some instruction behavior, and makes some instructions invalid
condit = (5,13) noflow # both base and shift
cond_mask = (10,13) # base condition
cond_full = (6,9) # full condition
cond_true = (9,9) # true if this condition should be tested for true
cond_base = (6,8) # shift mask for controlling shift
cond_shft = (9,13) # mask and lower bit of it condition field
itmode = (5,5) # true if in ITBlock mode
# Transient context bits
counter = (14,18) # 0 to 7 counter (for building variable length register lists)
# dreg = (17,21) # D register (attached, for building register lists)
# sreg = (17,21) # S register (attached, for building register lists)
regNum = (19,23) # D register number (see dreg)
counter2 = (24,26) # 0 to 7 counter (for building variable length register lists)
# dreg2 = (25,29) # 2nd D register (attached, for building register lists)
# sreg2 = (25,29) # 2nd S register (attached, for building register lists)
reg2Num = (27,31) # 2nd D register number (see dreg2)
# --- do not allow any field to span 32-bit boundary ---
regInc = (32,33) # Pair register increment
ARMcond = (34,34) # ARM conditional instruction
ARMcondCk = (35,35) # Finished ARM condition check phase
define pcodeop count_leading_zeroes;
define pcodeop coprocessor_function;
define pcodeop coprocessor_function2;
define pcodeop coprocessor_load;
define pcodeop coprocessor_load2;
define pcodeop coprocessor_loadlong;
define pcodeop coprocessor_loadlong2;
define pcodeop coprocessor_moveto;
define pcodeop coprocessor_moveto2;
define pcodeop coprocessor_movefromRt;
define pcodeop coprocessor_movefromRt2;
define pcodeop coprocessor_movefrom2;
define pcodeop coprocessor_store;
define pcodeop coprocessor_store2;
define pcodeop coprocessor_storelong;
define pcodeop coprocessor_storelong2;
define pcodeop software_interrupt;
define pcodeop software_bkpt;
define pcodeop software_udf;
define pcodeop software_hlt;
define pcodeop software_hvc;
define pcodeop software_smc;
# CPS methods (Version 6)
define pcodeop setUserMode;
define pcodeop setFIQMode;
define pcodeop setIRQMode;
define pcodeop setSupervisorMode;
define pcodeop setMonitorMode;
define pcodeop setAbortMode;
define pcodeop setUndefinedMode;
define pcodeop setSystemMode;
define pcodeop enableIRQinterrupts;
define pcodeop enableFIQinterrupts;
define pcodeop enableDataAbortInterrupts;
define pcodeop disableIRQinterrupts;
define pcodeop disableFIQinterrupts;
define pcodeop isFIQinterruptsEnabled;
define pcodeop isIRQinterruptsEnabled;
define pcodeop disableDataAbortInterrupts;
define pcodeop hasExclusiveAccess;
define pcodeop isCurrentModePrivileged;
define pcodeop setThreadModePrivileged;
define pcodeop isThreadMode;
define pcodeop jazelle_branch;
define pcodeop ClearExclusiveLocal;
define pcodeop HintDebug;
define pcodeop DataMemoryBarrier;
define pcodeop DataSynchronizationBarrier;
define pcodeop secureMonitorCall;
define pcodeop WaitForEvent;
define pcodeop WaitForInterrupt;
define pcodeop HintYield;
define pcodeop InstructionSynchronizationBarrier;
define pcodeop HintPreloadData;
define pcodeop HintPreloadDataForWrite;
define pcodeop HintPreloadInstruction;
define pcodeop SignedSaturate;
define pcodeop SignedDoesSaturate;
define pcodeop UnsignedSaturate;
define pcodeop UnsignedDoesSaturate;
define pcodeop Absolute;
define pcodeop ReverseBitOrder;
define pcodeop SendEvent;
define pcodeop setEndianState;
macro affectflags() {
CY = tmpCY; ZR = tmpZR; NG = tmpNG; OV = tmpOV;
macro affect_resflags() {
ZR = tmpZR; NG = tmpNG;
macro SetThumbMode(value) {
ISAModeSwitch = value;
TB = ISAModeSwitch;
# simple branch, not inter-working
macro BranchWritePC(addr) {
pc = addr;
# Interworking branch, ARM<->Thumb
macro BXWritePC(addr) {
SetThumbMode((addr & 0x1) != 0);
local tmp = addr & 0xfffffffe;
pc = tmp;
# Branch depends on version
macro LoadWritePC(addr) {
@if defined(VERSION_5)
# Branch depends on version
macro ALUWritePC(addr) {
@if defined(VERSION_7)
@if defined(T_VARIANT)
ItCond: is TMode=1 { }
CheckInIT_CZNO: is TMode=1 { CY = tmpCY; ZR = tmpZR; NG = tmpNG; OV = tmpOV; } # in older, arms always affect flags
CheckInIT_CZN: is TMode=1 { CY = tmpCY; ZR = tmpZR; NG = tmpNG; } # in older, arms always affect flags
CheckInIT_ZN: is TMode=1 { ZR = tmpZR; NG = tmpNG; } # in older, arms always affect flags
@if defined(VERSION_6T2) || defined(VERSION_7)
# conditionals for instruction following IT Block
thfcc: "eq" is cond_full=0 { local tmp:1 = (ZR!=0); export tmp; }
thfcc: "ne" is cond_full=1 { local tmp:1 = (ZR==0); export tmp; }
thfcc: "cs" is cond_full=2 { local tmp:1 = (CY!=0); export tmp; }
thfcc: "cc" is cond_full=3 { local tmp:1 = (CY==0); export tmp; }
thfcc: "mi" is cond_full=4 { local tmp:1 = (NG!=0); export tmp; }
thfcc: "pl" is cond_full=5 { local tmp:1 = (NG==0); export tmp; }
thfcc: "vs" is cond_full=6 { local tmp:1 = (OV!=0); export tmp; }
thfcc: "vc" is cond_full=7 { local tmp:1 = (OV==0); export tmp; }
thfcc: "hi" is cond_full=8 { local tmp:1 = CY && !ZR; export tmp; }
thfcc: "ls" is cond_full=9 { local tmp:1 = !CY || ZR; export tmp; }
thfcc: "ge" is cond_full=10 { local tmp:1 = (NG == OV); export tmp; }
thfcc: "lt" is cond_full=11 { local tmp:1 = (NG != OV); export tmp; }
thfcc: "gt" is cond_full=12 { local tmp:1 = !ZR && (NG == OV); export tmp; }
thfcc: "le" is cond_full=13 { local tmp:1 = ZR || (NG != OV); export tmp; }
thfcc: "al" is cond_full=14 { local tmp:1 = 1; export tmp; } #can happen
#thfcc: "nv" is cond_full=15 { local tmp:1 = 0; export tmp; } #unpredictable, shouldn't happen
# no ITcondition
ItCond: is TMode=1 & itmode=0 & cond_mask=0 {}
# ITBlock then/else case - the condition being tested is modified by the shift below
ItCond: "."thfcc is TMode=1 & itmode=0 & cond_mask & thfcc [ itmode=1; globalset(inst_next,condit);]
{ if (!thfcc) goto inst_next; }
# last ITBlock then/else case - the condition being tested is modified by the shift below
ItCond: "."thfcc is TMode=1 & itmode=0 & cond_mask=8 & thfcc
{ if (!thfcc) goto inst_next; }
# certain Thumb instructions don't affect all flags in the IT block
CheckInIT_CZNO: is TMode=1 & itmode=1 & cond_mask { } # Do nothing to the flag bits
CheckInIT_CZNO: is TMode=1 & itmode=0 & cond_mask { } # Do nothing to the flag bits
CheckInIT_CZNO: is TMode=1 & itmode=0 & cond_mask=0 { CY = tmpCY; ZR = tmpZR; NG = tmpNG; OV = tmpOV; }
CheckInIT_CZN: is TMode=1 & itmode=1 & cond_mask { } # Do nothing to the flag bits
CheckInIT_CZN: is TMode=1 & itmode=0 & cond_mask { } # Do nothing to the flag bits
CheckInIT_CZN: is TMode=1 & itmode=0 & cond_mask=0 { CY = tmpCY; ZR = tmpZR; NG = tmpNG; }
CheckInIT_ZN: is TMode=1 & itmode=1 & cond_mask { } # Do nothing to the flag bits
CheckInIT_ZN: is TMode=1 & itmode=0 & cond_mask { } # Do nothing to the flag bits
CheckInIT_ZN: is TMode=1 & itmode=0 & cond_mask=0 { ZR = tmpZR; NG = tmpNG; }
:^instruction is itmode=1 & cond_mask=8 & instruction [ condit=0; ] {}
:^instruction is itmode=1 & cond_mask & instruction [ cond_shft=cond_shft << 1; itmode=0; ]{}
@endif # defined(VERSION_6T2) || defined(VERSION_7)
@include "ARMinstructions.sinc"
# THUMB instructions
@ifdef T_VARIANT
@include "ARMTHUMBinstructions.sinc"