
2316 lines
73 KiB

# This module defines CR16C
# NOTE: Have assumed for now CFG.SR = 0
# sizes:
# B = byte = 1 byte
# W = word = 2 bytes
# D = doubleword = 4 bytes
# Basic =====================================================================
define alignment=2;
define space ram type=ram_space size=4 default;
define space register type=register_space size=2;
# Registers ==================================================================
# - When CFG.SR is not set, register pairs are defined as follows:
# (R1,R0), (R2,R1) ... (R11,R10), (R12_L, R11)
# R12, R13, RA and SP are double-word registers for direct storage of
# addresses greater than 16 bits.
# - The most significant 8 bits of ISP and the least significant bit of ISP
# are forced to 0
# General purpose registers
# NOTE: RA_L==RA and SP_L==SP
# NOTE: R12_H, R13_H, RA_H don't actually exist as named registers
# (name needed for push/pop instructions implementation only)
define register offset=0 size=2 [
R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7
R8 R9 R10 R11 R12_L R12_H R13_L R13_H
define register offset=0 size=4 [
R1R0 R3R2 R5R4 R7R6 R9R8 R11R10 R12 R13 RA SP
define register offset=2 size=4 [
R2R1 R4R3 R6R5 R8R7 R10R9 R12LR11
# Dedicated address registers
define register offset=50 size=4 [ PC ];
define register offset=60 size=2 [ ISPH ISPL USPH USPL INTBASEH INTBASEL ];
define register offset=60 size=4 [ ISP USP INTBASE ];
# Processor Status register
define register offset=80 size=2 [ PSR ];
#define register offset=90 size=1 [ C T L U F Z N E P I ]; # cond flags
@define C "PSR[0,1]"
@define T "PSR[1,1]"
@define L "PSR[2,1]"
@define U "PSR[3,1]"
@define F "PSR[5,1]"
@define Z "PSR[6,1]"
@define N "PSR[7,1]"
@define E "PSR[9,1]"
@define P "PSR[10,1]"
@define I "PSR[11,1]"
# Configuration register
define register offset=100 size=2 [ CFG ];
# Debug registers
define register offset=110 size=2 [ DBS DSR DCRH DCRL CAR0H CAR0L CAR1H CAR1L ];
define register offset=114 size=4 [ DCR CAR0 CAR1 ];
# these don't actually exist - they are for prd definition (size=4)
define register offset=130 size=4 [ DBS_1 DSR_1 CFG_1 PSR_1 ];
# Fields ======================================================================
define token word1(16)
hi = (8,15) # opcode8
lo = (0,7) #
op = (0,15) # opcode16
op12 = (4,15) # opcode12
op9 = (7,15) # opcode9
op7 = (9,15) # opcode7
op7p3 = (8,8) # p3 for opcode7
# op10 = (6,15) # opcode10
op4 = (12,15) # opcode4
lo1 = (0,3)
op13 = (3,15) # opcode13
op11 = (5,15)
dst = (0,3) # register
src = (4,7)
src1 = (0,3)
reg0 = (0,3)
reg1 = (0,3)
reg2 = (0,3)
reg3 = (0,3)
reg4 = (0,3)
reg5 = (0,3)
reg6 = (0,3)
reg7 = (0,3)
dst1 = (4,7)
rp_dst = (0,3) # register pair
rp_src = (4,7)
rp_dst2 = (4,7)
rp_src2 = (0,3)
prp_src1 = (0,3)
prp_dst1 = (0,3)
cond = (4,7)
x4 = (12,15) # generic, nibble 4
x3 = (8,11)
x2 = (4,7)
x1 = (0,3)
x2s = (4,6)
x3s = (8,11) signed
b4_8 = (4,8)
b4_7 = (4,7)
b4_6 = (4,6)
b_ra = (7,7) # RA bit for push/pop, fmt 14
b_prp = (3,3) # prp bit, fmt 18
b0_2 = (0,2) # fmt 6
define token word2(16)
w2 = (0,15)
n4 = (12,15) # nibble 4, sometimes an opcode extension
n3 = (8,11)
n2 = (4,7)
n1 = (0,3)
w2_b0 = (0,0)
w2_b1_15 = (1,15) signed
w2_hi = (8,15)
prd = (4,7) # processor registers
pr = (4,7)
rp_src3 = (0,3) # register pairs
rp_dst3 = (0,3)
rp_src6 = (4,7)
rp_dst6 = (4,7)
rp_dst7 = (8,11)
src2 = (0,3) # registers
dst2 = (0,3)
src5 = (4,7)
define token word3(16)
w3 = (0,15)
w3_b0 = (0,0)
w3_b1_15 = (1,15)
# used this token when operands spanned across 2 words
# | byte1 byte0 byte3 byte2 |
define token doubleword(32)
dw = (0,31)
dw_w1 = (0,15) signed
dw_w2 = (16,31)
n8 = (12,15) # nibble 4, sometimes an opcode extension
n7 = (8,11)
n6 = (4,7) # (cond)
n5 = (0,3)
n5s = (0,3) signed
b1_15 = (17,31)
b0_15 = (16,31)
dw_lo = (0,7) signed # for fmt 5
dw_hi = (8,15) # (op8)
dw_op7 = (9,15) # (op7)
dw_op9 = (7,15) # (op9)
op10 = (6,15) # (opcode 10)
b_rs = (8,8) # for fmt 13
dw_b4_6 = (4,6)
dw_b_prp = (3,3) # for fmt 17
f17a = (16,19) # for fmt 17 p3
f17b = (4,5)
f17c = (30,31)
f17d = (24,29)
dw_n2 = (20,23) # fmt 17, p2, 4-bits
dw_n2b = (20,22) # fmt 17, p2, 3-bit version
rp_dst4 = (4,7)
rp_src4 = (4,7)
rp_dst5 = (0,3)
rp_src5 = (0,3)
dst3 = (4,7)
src3 = (4,7)
dst4 = (0,3)
src4 = (0,3)
prp_dst = (0,3)
prp_src = (0,3)
# Attach variables =====================================================
# normal registers
attach variables [ src dst src1 dst1 src2 dst2 src3 dst3 src4 dst4 src5 ] [
R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12_L R13_L RA_L SP_L
# register pairs
attach variables [ rp_src rp_dst rp_src2 rp_dst2 rp_src3 rp_dst3
rp_src4 rp_dst4 rp_src5 rp_dst5 rp_src6 rp_dst6 rp_dst7 ] [
R1R0 R2R1 R3R2 R4R3 R5R4 R6R5 R7R6 R8R7
R9R8 R10R9 R11R10 R12LR11 R12 R13 RA SP
attach variables [ prp_src prp_dst prp_src1 prp_dst1 ] [ # rrp
R1R0 R3R2 R5R4 R7R6 R9R8 R11R10 R4R3 R6R5
R1R0 R3R2 R5R4 R7R6 R9R8 R11R10 R4R3 R6R5
# processor registers
attach variables [ pr ] [
attach variables [ prd ] [
# Pseudo instructions =================================================
define pcodeop trap;
define pcodeop suspend;
# Macros ==============================================================
# Flags set by add instructions
macro addflags(op1, op2) {
$(C) = (carry(op1, op2)); # Check for carry
$(F) = (scarry(op1, op2)); # Check for overflow
# Flags set by add instructions (3 operands)
macro addflags2(op1, op2, op3) {
local tmp = (carry(op1,op2)); # Check for carry
$(C) = (carry(zext(tmp), op3));
tmp = (scarry(op1,op2)); # Check for overflow
$(F) = (scarry(zext(tmp), op3));
# Flags set by sub instructions
macro subflags(op1, op2) {
$(C) = (op1 < op2); # Check for borrow
$(F) = sborrow(op1, op2); # Check for overflow
# Flags set by sub instructions (3 operands)
macro subflags2(op1, op2, op3) {
$(C) = (op1 < (op2 + op3)); # Check for borrow
local tmp = sborrow(op1, op2); # Check for overflow
$(F) = sborrow(zext(tmp), op3);
# Flags set by the compare instructions
macro compflags(op1, op2) {
$(Z) = (op1 == op2); # Equal comparison
$(N) = (op2 s< op1); # Signed comparison
$(L) = (op2 < op1); # Unsigned comparison
# Operand Display ====================================================
imm20: "$"tmp is n5 & dw_w2 [ tmp = (n5 << 16) + dw_w2; ] { export *[const]:3 tmp; }
imm32: "$"tmp is dw_w1 & dw_w2 [ tmp = (dw_w1 << 16) + dw_w2; ] { export *[const]:4 tmp; }
imm4: "$"x2 is x2 { export *[const]:1 x2; } # imm src
imm4: "$"tmp is x2=9 [ tmp = -1; ] { export *[const]:1 tmp; }
imm4a: "$"x2 is x2 { export *[const]:1 x2; } # imm pos
imm4b: "$"n6 is n6 { export *[const]:1 n6; }
imm4c: "$"dw_n2 is dw_n2 { export *[const]:1 dw_n2; }
imm4d: "$"b4_7 is b4_7 { export *[const]:1 b4_7; } # for ash and lsh (signed count)
imm16: "$"w2 is w2 { export *[const]:2 w2; }
imm5: "$"b4_8 is b4_8 { export *[const]:1 b4_8; } # for ash and lsh (signed count)
imm3: "$"b4_6 is b4_6 { export *[const]:1 b4_6; }
imm3b: "$"dw_b4_6 is dw_b4_6 { export *[const]:1 dw_b4_6; }
imm3c: "$"dw_n2b is dw_n2b { export *[const]:1 dw_n2b; }
imm3d: "$"x2s is x2s { export *[const]:1 x2s; } # for ash and lsh (signed count)
cnt3: "$"tmp is b4_6 [ tmp = b4_6 + 1; ] { export *[const]:1 tmp; }
cnt3b: "$"tmp is b0_2 [ tmp = b0_2 + 1; ] { export *[const]:1 tmp; }
# If (abs20 > 0xEFFFF) the resulting address is logically ORed with 0xF00000
# i.e. addresses from 1M-64k to 1M are re-mapped by the core to 16M-64k to 16M.
abs20: tmp is n5=0xf & dw_w2 [ tmp = 0xff0000 | dw_w2; ] {
export *[const]:3 tmp;
abs20: tmp is n5 & dw_w2 [ tmp = (n5 << 16) + dw_w2; ] {
export *[const]:3 tmp;
abs24: "*"tmp is n5 & n7 & b0_15
[ tmp = (n5 << 20) + (n7 << 16) + (b0_15); ] { export *[const]:4 tmp; }
# NOTE: disp24 is sign extended to 25 bits - hopefully that doesn't matter here
# TODO: display *+/*- relative to PC?
disp8: "*"tmp is x1 & x3s
[ tmp = (x3s << 5) + (x1 << 1) + inst_start; ] { export *[ram]:4 tmp; } # fmt 21
disp16: "*"tmp is w2_b1_15
[ tmp = (w2_b1_15 << 1) + inst_start; ] { export *[ram]:4 tmp; } # fmt 5, 22
disp24: "*"tmp is n5s & n7 & b1_15
[ tmp = (n5s << 20) + (n7 << 16) + (b1_15 << 1) + inst_start; ] { export *[ram]:4 tmp; }
disp24b:"*"tmp is dw_lo & b1_15
[ tmp = (dw_lo << 16) + (b1_15 << 1) + inst_start; ] { export *[ram]:4 tmp; }
disp4c: "*"tmp is x2
[ tmp = ((x2 + 1) << 1) + inst_start; ] { export *[ram]:4 tmp; }
# disps not relative to PC
disp4: "*"tmp is x3 [ tmp = (x3 << 1); ] { export *[const]:3 tmp; }
disp4b: "*"x3 is x3 { export *[const]:3 x3; }
disp16b:"*"w2 is w2 { export *[const]:2 w2; }
disp20: "*"tmp is n7 & dw_w2
[ tmp = (n7 << 16) + dw_w2; ] { export *[const]:3 tmp; }
disp14: "*"tmp is f17a & f17b & f17c & f17d
[ tmp = (f17d << 8) + (f17c << 6) + (f17b << 4) + f17a; ] { export *[const]:3 tmp; }
cc: "eq" is cond=0 { local tmp = $(Z); export tmp; }
cc: "ne" is cond=1 { local tmp = !$(Z); export tmp; }
cc: "cs" is cond=2 { local tmp = $(C); export tmp; }
cc: "cc" is cond=3 { local tmp = !$(C); export tmp; }
cc: "hi" is cond=4 { local tmp = $(L); export tmp; }
cc: "ls" is cond=5 { local tmp = !$(L); export tmp; }
cc: "gt" is cond=6 { local tmp = $(N); export tmp; }
cc: "le" is cond=7 { local tmp = !$(N); export tmp; }
cc: "fs" is cond=8 { local tmp = $(F); export tmp; }
cc: "fc" is cond=9 { local tmp = !$(F); export tmp; }
cc: "lo" is cond=10 { local tmp = !$(Z) && !$(L); export tmp; }
cc: "hs" is cond=11 { local tmp = $(Z) || $(L); export tmp; }
cc: "lt" is cond=12 { local tmp = !$(Z) && !$(N); export tmp; }
cc: "ge" is cond=13 { local tmp = $(Z) || $(N); export tmp; }
COND: cc is cc { if (!cc) goto inst_next; }
cc2: "eq" is n6=0 { local tmp = $(Z); export tmp; }
cc2: "ne" is n6=1 { local tmp = !$(Z); export tmp; }
cc2: "cs" is n6=2 { local tmp = $(C); export tmp; }
cc2: "cc" is n6=3 { local tmp = !$(C); export tmp; }
cc2: "hi" is n6=4 { local tmp = $(L); export tmp; }
cc2: "ls" is n6=5 { local tmp = !$(L); export tmp; }
cc2: "gt" is n6=6 { local tmp = $(N); export tmp; }
cc2: "le" is n6=7 { local tmp = !$(N); export tmp; }
cc2: "fs" is n6=8 { local tmp = $(F); export tmp; }
cc2: "fc" is n6=9 { local tmp = !$(F); export tmp; }
cc2: "lo" is n6=10 { local tmp = !($(Z) && $(L)); export tmp; }
cc2: "hs" is n6=11 { local tmp = $(Z) || $(L); export tmp; }
cc2: "lt" is n6=12 { local tmp = !($(Z) && $(N)); export tmp; }
cc2: "ge" is n6=13 { local tmp = $(Z) || $(N); export tmp; }
COND2: cc2 is cc2 { if (!cc2) goto inst_next; }
ra: "RA" is epsilon { }
const1: "0x0" is epsilon { }
rs: "[R12]" is b_rs=0 { export R12; }
rs: "[R13]" is b_rs=1 { export R13; }
prp2: "[R12]" is dw_b_prp=0 { export R12; }
prp2: "[R13]" is dw_b_prp=1 { export R13; }
prp: "[R12]" is b_prp=0 { export R12; }
prp: "[R13]" is b_prp=1 { export R13; }
cinv1: "[i]" is epsilon { }
cinv2: "[i,u]" is epsilon { }
cinv3: "[d]" is epsilon { }
cinv4: "[d,u]" is epsilon { }
cinv5: "[d,i]" is epsilon { }
cinv6: "[d,i,u]" is epsilon { }
# Constructors ===============================================================
# MOVB - move low-order byte only
:MOVB imm4, dst is hi=0x58 & dst & imm4 {
dst = (dst & 0xff00) | (zext(imm4) & 0x00ff);
:MOVB imm16, dst is hi=0x58 & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
dst = (dst & 0xff00) | (imm16 & 0x00ff);
:MOVB src, dst is hi=0x59 & src & dst {
dst = (dst & 0xff00) | (zext(src:1) & 0x00ff);
# MOVD - move doubleword
:MOVD imm20, rp_dst4 is dw_hi=0x05 & rp_dst4 & imm20 {
rp_dst4 = zext(imm20);
:MOVD imm32, rp_dst is op12=0x007 & rp_dst ; imm32 {
rp_dst = imm32;
:MOVD imm4, rp_dst is hi=0x54 & rp_dst & imm4 {
rp_dst = sext(imm4);
:MOVD imm16, rp_dst is hi=0x54 & x2=11 & rp_dst ; imm16 {
rp_dst = sext(imm16);
:MOVD rp_src, rp_dst is hi=0x55 & rp_dst & rp_src {
rp_dst = rp_src;
# MOVW - move word
:MOVW imm4, dst is hi=0x5a & dst & imm4 {
dst = sext(imm4);
:MOVW imm16, dst is hi=0x5a & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
dst = imm16;
:MOVW src, dst is hi=0x5b & src & dst {
dst = src;
# MOVXB - move low-order byte of src to word dst with sign extension
:MOVXB src, dst is hi=0x5c & src & dst {
dst = sext(src:1);
# MOVXW - move word src to doubleword dst with sign extension
:MOVXW src, rp_dst is hi=0x5e & src & rp_dst {
rp_dst = sext(src);
# MOVZB - move low-order byte of src to word dst with zero extension
:MOVZB src, dst is hi=0x5d & src & dst {
dst = zext(src:1);
# MOVZW - move word src to doubleword dst with zero extension
:MOVZW src, rp_dst is hi=0x5f & src & rp_dst {
rp_dst = zext(src);
# ADDB - add low-order byte only
:ADDB imm4, dst is hi=0x30 & dst & imm4 {
addflags(dst:1, imm4);
tmp:1 = dst:1 + imm4;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:ADDB imm16, dst is hi=0x30 & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
addflags(dst:1, imm16:1);
tmp:1 = dst:1 + imm16:1;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:ADDB src, dst is hi=0x31 & src & dst {
addflags(dst:1, src:1);
tmp:1 = dst:1 + src:1;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
# ADDCB - add with carry low-order byte only
:ADDCB imm4, dst is hi=0x34 & dst & imm4 {
addflags2(dst:1, imm4, $(C));
tmp:1 = dst:1 + imm4 + $(C);
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:ADDCB imm16, dst is hi=0x34 & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
addflags2(dst:1, imm16:1, $(C));
tmp:1 = dst:1 + imm16:1 + $(C);
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:ADDCB src, dst is hi=0x35 & src & dst {
addflags2(dst:1, src:1, $(C));
tmp:1 = dst:1 + src:1 + $(C);
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
# ADDCW - add word with carry
:ADDCW imm4, dst is hi=0x36 & dst & imm4 {
tmp2:2 = sext(imm4);
tmp3:2 = zext($(C));
addflags2(dst, tmp2, tmp3);
dst = dst + tmp2 + tmp3;
:ADDCW imm16, dst is hi=0x36 & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
tmp3:2 = zext($(C));
addflags2(dst, imm16, tmp3);
dst = dst + imm16 + tmp3;
:ADDCW src, dst is hi=0x37 & src & dst {
tmp3:2 = zext($(C));
addflags2(dst, src, tmp3);
dst = dst + src + tmp3;
# ADDD - add doubleword
:ADDD imm20, rp_dst4 is dw_hi=0x04 & rp_dst4 & imm20 {
tmp:4 = zext(imm20);
addflags(tmp, rp_dst4);
rp_dst4 = rp_dst4 + tmp;
:ADDD imm32, rp_dst is op12=0x002 & rp_dst ; imm32 {
addflags(imm32, rp_dst);
rp_dst = rp_dst + imm32;
:ADDD imm4, rp_dst is hi=0x60 & rp_dst & imm4 {
tmp:4 = sext(imm4);
addflags(tmp, rp_dst);
rp_dst = rp_dst + tmp;
:ADDD imm16, rp_dst is hi=0x60 & x2=11 & rp_dst ; imm16 {
tmp:4 = sext(imm16);
addflags(tmp, rp_dst);
rp_dst = rp_dst + tmp;
:ADDD rp_src, rp_dst is hi=0x61 & rp_dst & rp_src {
addflags(rp_src, rp_dst);
rp_dst = rp_dst + rp_src;
# ADDUB - add low-order byte only, PSR flags unaffected
:ADDUB imm4, dst is hi=0x2c & dst & imm4 {
tmp:1 = dst:1 + imm4;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:NOP is hi=0x2c & dst=0 & x2=0 {
:ADDUB imm16, dst is hi=0x2c & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
tmp:1 = dst:1 + imm16:1;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:ADDUB src, dst is hi=0x2d & src & dst {
tmp:1 = dst:1 + src:1;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
# ADDUW - add word, PSR flags unaffected
:ADDUW imm4, dst is hi=0x2e & dst & imm4 {
tmp:2 = sext(imm4);
dst = dst + tmp;
:ADDUW imm16, dst is hi=0x2e & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
dst = dst + imm16;
:ADDUW src, dst is hi=0x2f & src & dst {
dst = dst + src;
# ADDW - add word
:ADDW imm4, dst is hi=0x32 & dst & imm4 {
tmp:2 = sext(imm4);
addflags(tmp, dst);
dst = dst + tmp;
:ADDW imm16, dst is hi=0x32 & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
addflags(imm16, dst);
dst = dst + imm16;
:ADDW src, dst is hi=0x33 & src & dst {
addflags(src, dst);
dst = dst + src;
# Multiply Signed Q15 Word and Accumulate Long Result
:MACQW src2, src5, rp_dst7 is op=0x0014 ; n4=13 & src2 & src5 & rp_dst7 {
tmp:4 = sext(src2) * sext(src5); # TODO based on what Q15 is, this sext may not be right
rp_dst7 = rp_dst7 + tmp;
# if (!scarry(rp_dst7, tmp)) goto <macqw_next>;
# rp_dst7 = 0x7fffffff; # overflowed, set to max
# goto <macqw_end>;
# if (!sborrow(rp_dst7, tmp)) goto <macqw_end>;
# rp_dst7 = 0x80000000; # underflowed, set to min
# TODO: if scarry(rp_dst7, tmp) then rp_dst7 = 0x? TODO what is Q15 signed fractional format
# if sborrow(rp_dst7, tmp) then rp_dst7 = 0x?
# Unsigned Multiply Word and Accumulate Long Result
:MACUW src2, src5, rp_dst7 is op=0x0014 ; n4=14 & src2 & src5 & rp_dst7 {
tmp:4 = zext(src2) * zext(src5);
rp_dst7 = rp_dst7 + tmp;
# if scarry(rp_dst7, tmp) then rp_dst7 = 0xffffffff
if (!scarry(rp_dst7, tmp)) goto <macuw_end>;
rp_dst7 = 0xffffffff; # overflowed, set to max
# Signed Multiply Word and Add Long Result
:MACSW src2, src5, rp_dst7 is op=0x0014 ; n4=15 & src2 & src5 & rp_dst7 {
tmp:4 = sext(src2) * sext(src5);
rp_dst7 = rp_dst7 + tmp;
# if scarry(rp_dst7, tmp) then rp_dst7 = 0x7fffffff
if (!scarry(rp_dst7, tmp)) goto <macsw_next>;
rp_dst7 = 0x7fffffff; # overflowed, set to max
goto <macsw_end>;
# if sborrow(rp_dst7, tmp) then rp_dst7 = 0x80000000
if (!sborrow(rp_dst7, tmp)) goto <macsw_end>;
rp_dst7 = 0x80000000; # underflowed, set to min
# MULB - multiply byte
:MULB imm4, dst is hi=0x64 & dst & imm4 {
tmp:1 = dst:1 * imm4;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:MULB imm16, dst is hi=0x64 & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
tmp:1 = dst:1 * imm16:1;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);}
:MULB src, dst is hi=0x65 & src & dst{
tmp:1 = dst:1 * src:1;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
# Signed Multiply Byte, Word Result
:MULSB src, dst is hi=0x0b & src & dst {
dst = sext(src:1) * sext(dst:1);
# Signed Multiply Word, Long Result
:MULSW src, rp_dst is hi=0x62 & src & rp_dst {
rp_dst = sext(src) * sext(rp_dst:2);
# Unsigned Multiply Word, Long Result
:MULUW src, rp_dst is hi=0x63 & src & rp_dst {
rp_dst = zext(src) * zext(rp_dst:2);
# MULW - multiply word
:MULW imm4, dst is hi=0x66 & dst & imm4 {
tmp:2 = sext(imm4);
dst = dst * tmp;
:MULW imm16, dst is hi=0x66 & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
dst = dst * imm16;
:MULW src, dst is hi=0x67 & src & dst {
dst = dst * src;
# SUBB - subtract low-order byte only
:SUBB imm4, dst is hi=0x38 & dst & imm4 {
subflags(dst:1, imm4);
tmp:1 = dst:1 - imm4;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:SUBB imm16, dst is hi=0x38 & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
subflags(dst:1, imm16:1);
tmp:1 = dst:1 - imm16:1;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:SUBB src, dst is hi=0x39 & src & dst {
subflags(dst:1, src:1);
tmp:1 = dst:1 - src:1;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
# SUBCB - subtract with carry low-order byte only
:SUBCB imm4, dst is hi=0x3c & dst & imm4 {
subflags2(dst:1, imm4, $(C));
tmp:1 = dst:1 - imm4 - $(C);
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:SUBCB imm16, dst is hi=0x3c & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
subflags2(dst:1, imm16:1, $(C));
tmp:1 = dst:1 - imm16:1 - $(C);
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:SUBCB src, dst is hi=0x3d & src & dst {
subflags2(dst:1, src:1, $(C));
tmp:1 = dst:1 - src:1 - $(C);
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
# SUBCW - subtract word with carry
:SUBCW imm4, dst is hi=0x3e & dst & imm4 {
tmp2:2 = sext(imm4);
tmp3:2 = zext($(C));
subflags2(dst, tmp2, tmp3);
dst = dst - tmp2 - tmp3;
:SUBCW imm16, dst is hi=0x3e & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
tmp3:2 = zext($(C));
subflags2(dst, imm16, tmp3);
dst = dst - imm16 - tmp3;
:SUBCW src, dst is hi=0x3f & src & dst {
tmp3:2 = zext($(C));
subflags2(dst, src, tmp3);
dst = dst - src - tmp3;
# SUBD - subtract doubleword
:SUBD rp_src6, rp_dst3 is op=0x0014 ; n4=12 & n3=0 & rp_src6 & rp_dst3 { # fmt 1
subflags(rp_dst3, rp_src6);
rp_dst3 = rp_dst3 - rp_src6;
:SUBD imm32, rp_dst is op12=0x003 & rp_dst ; imm32 {
subflags(imm32, rp_dst);
rp_dst = rp_dst - imm32;
# SUBW - subtract word
:SUBW imm4, dst is hi=0x3a & dst & imm4 {
tmp:2 = sext(imm4);
subflags(tmp, dst);
dst = dst - tmp;
:SUBW imm16, dst is hi=0x3a & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
subflags(imm16, dst);
dst = dst - imm16;
:SUBW src, dst is hi=0x3b & src & dst {
subflags(src, dst);
dst = dst - src;
# CMPB - compare low-order byte only
:CMPB imm4, src1 is hi=0x50 & src1 & imm4 {
compflags(imm4, src1:1);
:CMPB imm16, src1 is hi=0x50 & x2=11 & src1 ; imm16 {
compflags(imm16:1, src1:1);
:CMPB src, src1 is hi=0x51 & src & src1 {
compflags(src:1, src1:1);
# CMPD - compare doubleword
:CMPD imm32, rp_src2 is op12=0x009 & rp_src2 ; imm32 {
compflags(imm32, rp_src2);
:CMPD imm4, rp_src2 is hi=0x56 & rp_src2 & imm4 {
tmp:4 = sext(imm4);
compflags(tmp, rp_src2);
:CMPD imm16, rp_src2 is hi=0x56 & x2=11 & rp_src2 ; imm16 {
tmp:4 = sext(imm16);
compflags(tmp, rp_src2);
:CMPD rp_src, rp_src2 is hi=0x57 & rp_src & rp_src2 {
compflags(rp_src, rp_src2);
# CMPW - compare word
:CMPW imm4, src1 is hi=0x52 & src1 & imm4 {
tmp:2 = sext(imm4);
compflags(tmp, src1);
:CMPW imm16, src1 is hi=0x52 & x2=11 & src1 ; imm16 {
compflags(imm16, src1);
:CMPW src, src1 is hi=0x53 & src & src1 {
compflags(src, src1);
# ANDB - and low-order byte only
:ANDB imm4, dst is hi=0x20 & dst & imm4 {
tmp:1 = dst:1 & imm4;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:ANDB imm16, dst is hi=0x20 & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
tmp:1 = dst:1 & imm16:1;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:ANDB src, dst is hi=0x21 & src & dst {
tmp:1 = dst:1 & src:1;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
# ANDW - and word
:ANDW imm4, dst is hi=0x22 & dst & imm4 {
tmp:2 = sext(imm4);
dst = dst & tmp;
:ANDW imm16, dst is hi=0x22 & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
dst = dst & imm16;
:ANDW src, dst is hi=0x23 & src & dst {
dst = dst & src;
# ANDD - and doubleword
:ANDD imm32, rp_dst is op12=0x004 & rp_dst ; imm32 {
rp_dst = rp_dst & imm32;
:ANDD rp_src6, rp_dst3 is op=0x0014 ; n4=11 & rp_src6 & rp_dst3 { # fmt 1
rp_dst3 = rp_dst3 & rp_src6;
# ORB - or low-order byte only
:ORB imm4, dst is hi=0x24 & dst & imm4 {
tmp:1 = dst:1 | imm4;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:ORB imm16, dst is hi=0x24 & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
tmp:1 = dst:1 | imm16:1;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:ORB src, dst is hi=0x25 & src & dst {
tmp:1 = dst:1 | src:1;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
# ORW - or word
:ORW imm4, dst is hi=0x26 & dst & imm4 {
tmp:2 = sext(imm4);
dst = dst | tmp;
:ORW imm16, dst is hi=0x26 & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
dst = dst | imm16;
:ORW src, dst is hi=0x27 & src & dst {
dst = dst | src;
# ORD - or doubleword
:ORD imm32, rp_dst is op12=0x005 & rp_dst ; imm32 {
rp_dst = rp_dst | imm32;
:ORD rp_src6, rp_dst3 is op=0x0014 ; n4=9 & rp_src6 & rp_dst3 { # fmt 1
rp_dst3 = rp_dst3 | rp_src6;
# S - save condition as boolean
:S^COND dst is hi=0x08 & COND & dst {
dst = 0;
build COND;
dst = 1;
:S dst is hi=0x08 & cond=14 & dst {
dst = 1;
:S dst is hi=0x08 & cond=15 & dst {
dst = 1;
# XORB - xor low-order byte only
:XORB imm4, dst is hi=0x28 & dst & imm4 {
tmp:1 = dst:1 ^ imm4;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:XORB imm16, dst is hi=0x28 & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
tmp:1 = dst:1 ^ imm16:1;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
:XORB src, dst is hi=0x29 & src & dst {
tmp:1 = dst:1 ^ src:1;
dst = (dst & 0xff00) + zext(tmp);
# XORW - xor word
:XORW imm4, dst is hi=0x2a & dst & imm4 {
tmp:2 = sext(imm4);
dst = dst ^ tmp;
:XORW imm16, dst is hi=0x2a & x2=11 & dst ; imm16 {
dst = dst ^ imm16;
:XORW src, dst is hi=0x2b & src & dst {
dst = dst ^ src;
# XORD - xor doubleword
:XORD imm32, rp_dst is op12=0x006 & rp_dst ; imm32 {
rp_dst = rp_dst ^ imm32;
:XORD rp_src6, rp_dst3 is op=0x0014 ; n4=10 & rp_src6 & rp_dst3 { # fmt 1
rp_dst3 = rp_dst3 ^ rp_src6;
# TODO: left shift displays "+", right shift displays "-"
macro do_ash(count, dest) {
local shift = count:1;
local lf = ( shift) * zext(shift s> 0);
local rt = (-shift) * zext(shift s< 0);
dest = dest << lf;
dest = dest s>> rt;
macro do_ashb(count, dest) {
local tmp = dest & 0xff;
do_ash(count, tmp);
dest = (dest & 0xff00) | (tmp & 0x00ff);
macro do_lsh(count, dest) {
local shift = count:1;
local lf = ( shift) * zext(shift s> 0);
local rt = (-shift) * zext(shift s< 0);
dest = dest << lf;
dest = dest >> rt;
macro do_lshb(count, dest) {
local tmp = dest & 0xff;
do_lsh(count, tmp);
dest = (dest & 0xff00) | (tmp & 0x00ff);
# ASHUB - Arithmetic shift low-order byte only
:ASHUB imm3d, dst is op9=0b010000000 & imm3d & dst { do_ashb(imm3d, dst); }
:ASHUB imm3d, dst is op9=0b010000001 & imm3d & dst { do_ashb(imm3d-8, dst); }
:ASHUB src, dst is hi=0x41 & src & dst { do_ashb(src, dst); }
# ASHUD - Arithmetic shift doubleword
:ASHUD imm5, rp_dst is op7=0b0100110 & imm5 & rp_dst { do_ash(imm5, rp_dst); }
:ASHUD imm5, rp_dst is op7=0b0100111 & imm5 & rp_dst { do_ash(imm5-32, rp_dst); }
:ASHUD src, rp_dst is hi=0x48 & src & rp_dst { do_ash(src, rp_dst); }
# ASHUW - Arithmetic shift word
:ASHUW imm4d, dst is hi=0x42 & imm4d & dst { do_ash(imm4d, dst); }
:ASHUW imm4d, dst is hi=0x43 & imm4d & dst { do_ash(imm4d-16, dst); }
:ASHUW src, dst is hi=0x45 & src & dst { do_ash(src, dst); }
# LSHB - Logical shift low-order byte only
:LSHB imm3d, dst is op9=0b000010011 & imm3d & dst { do_lshb(imm3d-8, dst); }
:LSHB src, dst is hi=0x44 & src & dst { do_lshb(src, dst); }
# LSHD - Logical shift doubleword
:LSHD imm5, rp_dst is op7=0b0100101 & imm5 & rp_dst { do_lsh(imm5-32, rp_dst); }
:LSHD src, rp_dst is hi=0x47 & src & rp_dst { do_lsh(src, rp_dst); }
# LSHW - Logical shift word
:LSHW imm4d, dst is hi=0x49 & imm4d & dst { do_lsh(imm4d-16, dst); }
:LSHW src, dst is hi=0x46 & src & dst { do_lsh(src, dst); }
# - for bit ops, dsp(n) is always unsigned
# CBITB - clear bit in low-order byte
:CBITB imm3c, prp2 disp14(prp_dst) is op10=0x1aa & imm3c & prp2 & disp14 & prp_dst { # fmt 17
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + prp2:4 + zext(disp14);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3c;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3c; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:1 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
:CBITB imm3b, disp20(dst4) is op=0x0010 ; n8=4 & imm3b & disp20 & dst4 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = zext(dst4) + zext(disp20);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:1 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
:CBITB imm3, const1(rp_dst) is op9=0x0d4 & imm3 & rp_dst & const1 { # fmt 9
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4;
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:1 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
:CBITB imm3, disp16b(rp_dst) is op9=0x0d6 & imm3 & rp_dst ; disp16b { # fmt 10
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4 + zext(disp16b);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:1 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
:CBITB imm3b, disp20(rp_dst5) is op=0x0010 ; n8=5 & imm3b & disp20 & rp_dst5 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = rp_dst5:4 + zext(disp20);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:1 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
:CBITB imm3b, disp20(prp_dst) is op=0x0010 ; n8=6 & imm3b & disp20 & prp_dst { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + zext(disp20);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:1 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
:CBITB imm3b, abs20 is dw_op9=0x0d7 & imm3b & abs20 { # fmt 7
tmp:4 = zext(abs20);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:1 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
:CBITB imm3b, rs abs20 is dw_hi=0x68 & imm3b & rs & abs20 { # fmt 8
tmp:4 = zext(abs20) + rs:4;
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:1 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
:CBITB imm3b, abs24 is op=0x0010 ; n8=7 & imm3b & abs24 { # fmt 3
tmp:4 = abs24;
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:1 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
# CBITW - clear bit in word
:CBITW imm4c, prp2 disp14(prp_dst) is op10=0x1ab & imm4c & prp2 & disp14 & prp_dst { # fmt 17
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + prp2:4 + zext(disp14);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4c;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4c;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:2 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
:CBITW imm4b, disp20(dst4) is op=0x0011 ; n8=4 & imm4b & disp20 & dst4 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = zext(dst4) + zext(disp20);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:2 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
:CBITW imm4a, const1(rp_dst) is hi=0x6e & imm4a & rp_dst & const1 {
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4;
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4a;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4a;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:2 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
:CBITW imm4a, disp16b(rp_dst) is hi=0x69 & imm4a & rp_dst ; disp16b {
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4 + zext(disp16b);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4a;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4a;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:2 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
:CBITW imm4b, disp20(rp_dst5) is op=0x0011 ; n8=5 & rp_dst5 & imm4b & disp20 {
tmp:4 = rp_dst5:4 + zext(disp20);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:2 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
:CBITW imm4b, disp20(prp_dst) is op=0x0011 ; n8=6 & imm4b & disp20 & prp_dst { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + zext(disp20);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:2 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
:CBITW imm4b, abs20 is dw_hi=0x6f & imm4b & abs20 { # fmt 12
tmp:4 = zext(abs20);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:2 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
:CBITW imm4b, rs abs20 is dw_op7=0x36 & imm4b & rs & abs20 { # fmt 13
tmp:4 = zext(abs20) + rs:4;
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:2 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
:CBITW imm4b, abs24 is op=0x0011 ; n8=7 & imm4b & abs24 { # fmt 3
tmp:4 = abs24;
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
mask = ~mask;
*:2 tmp = val & mask; # clear bit, store
# SBITB - set bit in low-order byte
:SBITB imm3c, prp2 disp14(prp_dst) is op10=0x1ca & imm3c & prp2 & disp14 & prp_dst { # fmt 17
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + prp2:4 + zext(disp14);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3c;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3c; # save bit
*:1 tmp = val | mask; # set bit, store
:SBITB imm3b, disp20(dst4) is op=0x0010 ; n8=8 & imm3b & disp20 & dst4 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = zext(dst4) + zext(disp20);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
*:1 tmp = val | mask; # set bit, store
:SBITB imm3, const1(rp_dst) is op9=0x0e4 & imm3 & rp_dst & const1 { # fmt 9
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4;
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3; # save bit
*:1 tmp = val | mask; # set bit, store
:SBITB imm3, disp16b(rp_dst) is op9=0x0e6 & imm3 & rp_dst ; disp16b { # fmt 10
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4 + zext(disp16b);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3; # save bit
*:1 tmp = val | mask; # set bit, store
:SBITB imm3b, disp20(rp_dst5) is op=0x0010 ; n8=9 & imm3b & disp20 & rp_dst5 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = rp_dst5:4 + zext(disp20);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
*:1 tmp = val | mask; # set bit, store
:SBITB imm3b, disp20(prp_dst) is op=0x0010 ; n8=10 & imm3b & disp20 & prp_dst { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + zext(disp20);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
*:1 tmp = val | mask; # set bit, store
:SBITB imm3b, abs20 is dw_op9=0x0e7 & imm3b & abs20 { # fmt 7
tmp:4 = zext(abs20);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
*:1 tmp = val | mask; # set bit, store
:SBITB imm3b, rs abs20 is dw_hi=0x70 & imm3b & rs & abs20 { # fmt 8
tmp:4 = zext(abs20) + rs:4;
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
*:1 tmp = val | mask; # set bit, store
:SBITB imm3b, abs24 is op=0x0010 ; n8=11 & imm3b & abs24 { # fmt 3
tmp:4 = abs24;
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
*:1 tmp = val | mask; # set bit, store
# SBITW - set bit in word
:SBITW imm4c, prp2 disp14(prp_dst) is op10=0x1cb & imm4c & prp2 & disp14 & prp_dst { # fmt 17
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + prp2:4 + zext(disp14);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4c;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4c;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
*:2 tmp = val | mask; # clear bit, store
:SBITW imm4b, disp20(dst4) is op=0x0011 ; n8=8 & imm4b & disp20 & dst4 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = zext(dst4) + zext(disp20);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
*:2 tmp = val | mask; # clear bit, store
:SBITW imm4a, const1(rp_dst) is hi=0x76 & imm4a & const1 & rp_dst { # fmt 15
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4;
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4a;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4a;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
*:2 tmp = val | mask; # clear bit, store
:SBITW imm4a, disp16b(rp_dst) is hi=0x71 & imm4a & rp_dst ; disp16b { # fmt 16
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4 + zext(disp16b);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4a;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4a;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
*:2 tmp = val | mask; # clear bit, store
:SBITW imm4b, disp20(rp_dst5) is op=0x0011 ; n8=9 & rp_dst5 & imm4b & disp20 {
tmp:4 = rp_dst5:4 + zext(disp20);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
*:2 tmp = val | mask; # clear bit, store
:SBITW imm4b, disp20(prp_dst) is op=0x0011 ; n8=10 & imm4b & disp20 & prp_dst {
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + zext(disp20);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
*:2 tmp = val | mask; # clear bit, store
:SBITW imm4b, abs20 is dw_hi=0x77 & imm4b & abs20 { # fmt 12
tmp:4 = zext(abs20);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
*:2 tmp = val | mask; # clear bit, store
:SBITW imm4b, rs abs20 is dw_op7=0x3a & imm4b & rs & abs20 {
tmp:4 = zext(abs20) + rs:4;
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
*:2 tmp = val | mask; # clear bit, store
:SBITW imm4b, abs24 is op=0x0011 ; n8=11 & imm4b & abs24 { # fmt 3
tmp:4 = abs24;
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
*:2 tmp = val | mask; # clear bit, store
# TBIT - test bit
:TBIT imm4a, src1 is hi=0x06 & imm4a & src1 {
tmp:4 = zext(src1);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4a;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4a;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
:TBIT src, src1 is hi=0x07 & src & src1 {
tmp:4 = zext(src1);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << src;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> src;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
# TBITB - test bit in low-order byte
:TBITB imm3c, prp2 disp14(prp_dst) is op10=0x1ea & imm3c & prp2 & disp14 & prp_dst { # fmt 17 (affected by CFG.SR)
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + prp2:4 + zext(disp14);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3c;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3c; # save bit
:TBITB imm3b, disp20(dst4) is op=0x0010 ; n8=12 & imm3b & disp20 & dst4 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = zext(dst4) + zext(disp20);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
:TBITB imm3, const1(rp_dst) is op9=0x0f4 & imm3 & rp_dst & const1 { # fmt 9
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4;
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3; # save bit
:TBITB imm3, disp16b(rp_dst) is op9=0x0f6 & imm3 & rp_dst ; disp16b { # fmt 10
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4 + zext(disp16b);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3; # save bit
:TBITB imm3b, disp20(rp_dst5) is op=0x0010 ; n8=13 & imm3b & disp20 & rp_dst5 {
tmp:4 = rp_dst5:4 + zext(disp20);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
:TBITB imm3b, disp20(prp_dst) is op=0x0010 ; n8=14 & imm3b & disp20 & prp_dst {
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + zext(disp20);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
:TBITB imm3b, abs20 is dw_op9=0x0f7 & imm3b & abs20 { # fmt 7
tmp:4 = zext(abs20);
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
:TBITB imm3b, rs abs20 is dw_hi=0x78 & imm3b & rs & abs20 { # fmt 8
tmp:4 = zext(abs20) + rs:4;
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
:TBITB imm3b, abs24 is op=0x0010 ; n8=15 & imm3b & abs24 { # fmt 3
tmp:4 = abs24;
val:1 = *:1 tmp; # load dst operand
local mask = 1 << imm3b;
$(F) = (val & mask) >> imm3b; # save bit
# TBITW - test bit in word
:TBITW imm4c, prp2 disp14(prp_dst) is op10=0x1eb & imm4c & prp2 & disp14 & prp_dst { # fmt 17
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + prp2:4 + zext(disp14);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4c;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4c;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
:TBITW imm4b, disp20(dst4) is op=0x0011 ; n8=12 & imm4b & disp20 & dst4 {
tmp:4 = zext(dst4) + zext(disp20);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
:TBITW imm4a, const1(rp_dst) is hi=0x7e & imm4a & const1 & rp_dst { # fmt 15
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4;
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4a;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4a;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
:TBITW imm4a, disp16b(rp_dst) is hi=0x79 & imm4a & rp_dst ; disp16b { # fmt 16
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4 + zext(disp16b);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4a;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4a;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
:TBITW imm4b, disp20(rp_dst5) is op=0x0011 ; n8=13 & rp_dst5 & imm4b & disp20 {
tmp:4 = rp_dst5:4 + zext(disp20);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
:TBITW imm4b, disp20(prp_dst) is op=0x0011 ; n8=14 & imm4b & disp20 & prp_dst {
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + zext(disp20);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
:TBITW imm4b, abs20 is dw_hi=0x7f & imm4b & abs20 {
tmp:4 = zext(abs20);
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
:TBITW imm4b, rs abs20 is dw_op7=0x3e & imm4b & rs & abs20 { # fmt 13
tmp:4 = zext(abs20) + rs:4;
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
:TBITW imm4b, abs24 is op=0x0011 ; n8=15 & imm4b & abs24 {
tmp:4 = abs24;
val:2 = *:2 tmp; # load dst operand
mask:2 = 1 << imm4b;
bit:2 = (val & mask) >> imm4b;
$(F) = bit:1; # save bit
# For the LPR instruction, if dest is ISPL or INTBASEL the least significant
# bit (bit 0) of the address is 0. If dest is INTBASEH, ISPH, USPH, CAR0H,
# or CAR1H bits 8 through 15 are always written as 0.
# For the LPRD instruction, if dest is ISP or INTBASE the least significant
# bit (bit 0) of the address is 0. If dest is INTBASE, ISP, USP, CAR0, or
# CAR1 bits 24 through 31 are always written as 0.
# Load Processor Register (word)
:LPR src2, pr is op=0x0014 ; n4=0 & n3=0 & pr & src2 {
pr = src2;
# Load Processor Register (doubleword)
:LPRD rp_src3, prd is op=0x0014 ; n4=1 & n3=0 & prd & rp_src3 {
prd = rp_src3;
# Store Processor Register (word)
:SPR pr, dst2 is op=0x0014 ; n4=2 & n3=0 & pr & dst2 {
dst2 = pr;
# Store Processor Register (doubleword)
:SPRD prd, rp_dst3 is op=0x0014 ; n4=3 & n3=0 & prd & rp_dst3 {
rp_dst3 = prd;
# BAL - Branch and Link
:BAL (RA), disp24b is dw_hi=0xc0 & disp24b & RA {
RA = inst_next >> 1; # save bits 1 to 23 in link reg RA
PC = &disp24b; # PC = PC + sext25(disp) TODO: 25 bits?
call disp24b;
:BAL rp_dst4, disp24 is op=0x0010 ; n8=2 & disp24 & rp_dst4 {
# rp link is at word2 (4,7)
rp_dst4 = inst_next >> 1; # save bits 1 to 23 in link reg
PC = &disp24; # PC = PC + sext25(disp) TODO: 25 bits?
call disp24;
# BEQ0B - branch if low byte equals 0
:BEQ0B src1, disp4c is hi=0x0c & src1 & disp4c {
if (src1:1 != 0) goto inst_next; # don't branch if not equal
PC = &disp4c; # branch
goto disp4c;
# BEQ0W - branch if word equals 0
:BEQ0W src1, disp4c is hi=0x0e & src1 & disp4c {
if (src1 != 0) goto inst_next; # don't branch if not equal
PC = &disp4c; # branch
goto disp4c;
# BNE0B - branch if low byte does not equal 0
:BNE0B src1, disp4c is hi=0x0d & src1 & disp4c {
if (src1:1 == 0) goto inst_next; # don't branch if equal
PC = &disp4c; # branch
goto disp4c;
:BNE0W src1, disp4c is hi=0x0f & src1 & disp4c {
if (src1 == 0) goto inst_next; # don't branch if equal
PC = &disp4c; # branch
goto disp4c;
# BR - branch (conditional and unconditional)
:BR^COND disp8 is op4=1 & COND & disp8 { # BR (conditional)
build COND;
PC = &disp8;
goto disp8;
:BR disp8 is op4=1 & cond=14 & disp8 { # BR cond=14 (always)
PC = &disp8;
goto disp8;
:BR disp8 is op4=1 & cond=15 & disp8 { # BR cond=15 (unconditional)
PC = &disp8;
goto disp8;
:BR^COND disp16 is hi=0x18 & lo1=0 & COND ; disp16 { # BR (conditional)
build COND;
PC = &disp16;
goto disp16;
:BR disp16 is hi=0x18 & lo1=0 & cond=14 ; disp16 { # BR cond=14 (always)
PC = &disp16;
goto disp16;
:BR disp16 is hi=0x18 & lo1=0 & cond=15 ; disp16 { # BR cond=15 (unconditional)
PC = &disp16;
goto disp16;
:BR^COND2 disp24 is op=0x0010 ; n8=0 & COND2 & disp24 { # BR (conditional)
build COND2;
PC = &disp24;
goto disp24;
:BR disp24 is op=0x0010 ; n8=0 & n6=14 & disp24 { # BR cond=14 (always)
PC = &disp24;
goto disp24;
:BR disp24 is op=0x0010 ; n8=0 & n6=15 & disp24 { # BR cond=15 (unconditional)
PC = &disp24;
goto disp24;
# EXCP - Exception
:EXCP x1 is op12=0x00c & x1 {
# *:4(ISP:3) = zext(inst_start);
*:2(ISP:4) = PSR; # push PSR onto interrupt stack
ISP = ISP - 2;
*:4(ISP:4) = inst_start; # push ret addr (current instruction) onto interrupt stack
ISP = ISP - 4;
# JAL - Jump and Link
:JAL rp_dst is op12=0x00d & rp_dst {
RA = inst_next >> 1;
local tmp = rp_dst << 1;
PC = tmp:4;
call [PC];
:JAL rp_dst6 is op=0x0014 ; n4=8 & n3=0 & rp_dst6 & rp_dst3 {
# rp link is at word2 (0,3)
rp_dst3 = inst_next >> 1;
local tmp = rp_dst6 << 1;
PC = tmp:4;
call [PC];
# J - Jump - special case jumping through link register
:J^COND RA is hi=0x0a & COND & rp_dst=14 & RA { # conditional
build COND;
local tmp = RA << 1;
PC = tmp:4;
return [PC];
:JUMP RA is hi=0xa & cond=14 & rp_dst=14 & RA { # always
local tmp = RA << 1;
PC = tmp:4;
return [PC];
:JUSR RA is hi=0xa & cond=15 & rp_dst=14 & RA { # unconditional
$(U) = 1;
local tmp = RA << 1;
PC = tmp:4;
return [PC];
# J - Jump (conditional and unconditional)
:J^COND rp_dst is hi=0x0a & COND & rp_dst { # conditional
build COND;
local tmp = rp_dst << 1;
PC = tmp:4;
goto [PC];
:JUMP rp_dst is hi=0xa & cond=14 & rp_dst { # always
local tmp = rp_dst << 1;
PC = tmp:4;
goto [PC];
:JUSR rp_dst is hi=0xa & cond=15 & rp_dst { # unconditional
$(U) = 1;
local tmp = rp_dst << 1;
PC = tmp:4;
goto [PC];
attach variables [ reg0 ] [ R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12_L R13_L RA_L SP_L ];
attach variables [ reg1 ] [ R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12_L R12_H R13_H RA_H SP_H ];
attach variables [ reg2 ] [ R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12_L R12_H R13_L RA_L SP_L R0 ];
attach variables [ reg3 ] [ R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12_L R12_H R13_L R13_H RA_H SP_H R1 ];
attach variables [ reg4 ] [ R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12_L R12_H R13_L R13_H RA_L SP_L R0 R3 ];
attach variables [ reg5 ] [ R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12_L R12_H R13_L R13_H RA_L RA_H SP_H R1 R4 ];
attach variables [ reg6 ] [ R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12_L R12_H R13_L R13_H RA_L RA_H SP_L R0 R2 R5 ];
attach variables [ reg7 ] [ R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12_L R12_H R13_L R13_H RA_L RA_H SP_L SP_H R1 R3 R6 ];
macro push_one(reg) {
SP = SP - 2;
*SP = reg;
macro pop_one(reg) {
reg = *SP;
SP = SP + 2;
macro push_ra() {
SP = SP - 4;
*SP = RA;
macro pop_ra() {
RA = *SP;
SP = SP + 4;
macro do_pop_ret() {
tmp:4 = RA << 1;
PC = tmp;
return [PC];
push_args: "$"tmp, reg0 is b_ra=0 & b4_6 & reg0 [ tmp = b4_6 + 1; ] { }
push_args: "$"tmp, reg0, "ra" is b_ra=1 & b4_6 & reg0 [ tmp = b4_6 + 1; ] { push_ra(); }
pop_args: "$"tmp, reg0 is b_ra=0 & b4_6 & reg0 [ tmp = b4_6 + 1; ] { }
pop_args: "$"tmp, reg0, "ra" is b_ra=1 & b4_6 & reg0 [ tmp = b4_6 + 1; ] { pop_ra(); }
:push push_args
is hi=1 & b4_6=0 & reg0 & push_args
build push_args;
:push push_args
is hi=1 & b4_6=1 & reg0 & reg1 & push_args
build push_args;
:push push_args
is hi=1 & b4_6=2 & reg0 & reg1 & reg2 & push_args
build push_args;
:push push_args
is hi=1 & b4_6=3 & reg0 & reg1 & reg2 & reg3 & push_args
build push_args;
:push push_args
is hi=1 & b4_6=4 & reg0 & reg1 & reg2 & reg3 & reg4 & push_args
build push_args;
:push push_args
is hi=1 & b4_6=5 & reg0 & reg1 & reg2 & reg3 & reg4 & reg5 & push_args
build push_args;
:push push_args
is hi=1 & b4_6=6 & reg0 & reg1 & reg2 & reg3 & reg4 & reg5 & reg6 & push_args
build push_args;
:push push_args
is hi=1 & b4_6=7 & reg0 & reg1 & reg2 & reg3 & reg4 & reg5 & reg6 & reg7 & push_args
build push_args;
pop_ret: "ret" is hi=3 { do_pop_ret(); }
pop_ret: "" is hi=2 { }
:pop^pop_ret pop_args
is pop_ret & pop_args & op7=1 & b4_6=0 & reg0
build pop_args;
build pop_ret;
:pop^pop_ret pop_args
is pop_ret & pop_args & op7=1 & b4_6=1 & reg0 & reg1
build pop_args;
build pop_ret;
:pop^pop_ret pop_args
is pop_ret & pop_args & op7=1 & b4_6=2 & reg0 & reg1 & reg2
build pop_args;
build pop_ret;
:pop^pop_ret pop_args
is pop_ret & pop_args & op7=1 & b4_6=3 & reg0 & reg1 & reg2 & reg3
build pop_args;
build pop_ret;
:pop^pop_ret pop_args
is pop_ret & pop_args & op7=1 & b4_6=4 & reg0 & reg1 & reg2 & reg3 & reg4
build pop_args;
build pop_ret;
:pop^pop_ret pop_args
is pop_ret & pop_args & op7=1 & b4_6=5 & reg0 & reg1 & reg2 & reg3 & reg4 & reg5
build pop_args;
build pop_ret;
:pop^pop_ret pop_args
is pop_ret & pop_args & op7=1 & b4_6=6 & reg0 & reg1 & reg2 & reg3 & reg4 & reg5 & reg6
build pop_args;
build pop_ret;
:pop^pop_ret pop_args
is pop_ret & pop_args & op7=1 & b4_6=7 & reg0 & reg1 & reg2 & reg3 & reg4 & reg5 & reg6 & reg7
build pop_args;
build pop_ret;
# RETX - Return from Exception
:RETX is op=0x0003 {
PC = *(ISP:4) << 1; # PC equals bits 0 to 22 popped from stack shifted left 1
ISP = ISP + 4;
PSR = *(ISP:4); # PSR popped/restored from interrupt stack
ISP = ISP + 2;
return [PC];
# - for loads and stores, dsp(n) is always unsigned
# LOADB - Load low-order byte only
:LOADB prp const1(prp_src1), dst1 is hi=0xbe & prp & const1 & prp_src1 & dst1 { # fmt 18
tmp:4 = prp_src1:4 + prp:4;
dst1 = (dst1 & 0xff00) + zext( *:1 tmp );
:LOADB prp2 disp14(prp_src), dst3 is op10=0x219 & prp2 & disp14 & prp_src & dst3 { # fmt 17
tmp:4 = prp_src:4 + prp2:4 + zext(disp14);
dst3 = (dst3 & 0xff00) + zext( *:1 tmp );
:LOADB disp20(src4), dst3 is op=0x0012 ; n8=4 & disp20 & src4 & dst3 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = zext(src4) + zext(disp20);
dst3 = (dst3 & 0xff00) + zext( *:1 tmp );
:LOADB -disp20(src4), dst3 is op=0x0018 ; n8=4 & disp20 & src4 & dst3 {
tmp:4 = zext(src4) - zext(disp20);
dst3 = (dst3 & 0xff00) + zext( *:1 tmp );
:LOADB disp16b(rp_src2), dst1 is hi=0xbf & rp_src2 & dst1 ; disp16b { # fmt 19
tmp:4 = rp_src2:4 + zext(disp16b);
dst1 = (dst1 & 0xff00) + zext( *:1 tmp );
:LOADB disp20(rp_src5), dst3 is op=0x0012 ; n8=5 & disp20 & rp_src5 & dst3 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = rp_src5:4 + zext(disp20);
dst3 = (dst3 & 0xff00) + zext( *:1 tmp );
:LOADB -disp20(rp_src5), dst3 is op=0x0018 ; n8=5 & disp20 & rp_src5 & dst3 {
tmp:4 = rp_src5:4 - zext(disp20);
dst3 = (dst3 & 0xff00) + zext( *:1 tmp );
:LOADB disp4b(rp_src2), dst1 is op4=0xb & dst1 & disp4b & rp_src2 { # fmt 18
tmp:4 = rp_src2:4 + zext(disp4b);
dst1 = (dst1 & 0xff00) + zext( *:1 tmp );
:LOADB disp20(prp_src), dst3 is op=0x0012 ; n8=6 & disp20 & prp_src & dst3 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = prp_src:4 + zext(disp20);
dst3 = (dst3 & 0xff00) + zext( *:1 tmp );
:LOADB abs20, dst3 is dw_hi=0x88 & abs20 & dst3 { # fmt 12
tmp:4 = zext(abs20);
dst3 = (dst3 & 0xff00) + zext( *:1 tmp );
:LOADB rs abs20, dst3 is dw_op7=0x45 & dst3 & rs & abs20 { # fmt 13
tmp:4 = zext(abs20) + rs:4;
dst3 = (dst3 & 0xff00) + zext( *:1 tmp );
:LOADB abs24, dst3 is op=0x0012 ; n8=7 & dst3 & abs24 { # fmt 3
dst3 = (dst3 & 0xff00) + zext( *:1 abs24 );
# LOADD - load doubleword
:LOADD prp const1(prp_src1), rp_dst2 is hi=0xae & prp & const1 & prp_src1 & rp_dst2 { # fmt 18
tmp:4 = prp_src1:4 + prp:4;
rp_dst2 = *tmp;
:LOADD prp2 disp14(prp_src), rp_dst4 is op10=0x21a & prp2 & disp14 & prp_src & rp_dst4 { # fmt 17
tmp:4 = prp_src:4 + prp2:4 + zext(disp14);
rp_dst4 = *tmp;
:LOADD disp20(src4), rp_dst4 is op=0x0012 ; n8=8 & disp20 & src4 & rp_dst4 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = zext(src4) + zext(disp20);
rp_dst4 = *tmp;
:LOADD -disp20(src4), rp_dst4 is op=0x0018 ; n8=8 & disp20 & src4 & rp_dst4 {
tmp:4 = zext(src4) - zext(disp20);
rp_dst4 = *tmp;
:LOADD disp16b(rp_src2), rp_dst2 is hi=0xaf & rp_dst2 & rp_src2 ; disp16b { # fmt 19
tmp:4 = rp_src2:4 + zext(disp16b);
rp_dst2 = *tmp;
:LOADD disp20(rp_src5), rp_dst4 is op=0x0012 ; n8=9 & disp20 & rp_src5 & rp_dst4 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = rp_src5:4 + zext(disp20);
rp_dst4 = *tmp;
:LOADD -disp20(rp_src5), rp_dst4 is op=0x0018 ; n8=9 & disp20 & rp_src5 & rp_dst4 {
tmp:4 = rp_src5:4 - zext(disp20);
rp_dst4 = *tmp;
:LOADD disp4(rp_src2), rp_dst2 is op4=0xa & disp4 & rp_src2 & rp_dst2 {
tmp:4 = rp_src2:4 + zext(disp4);
rp_dst2 = *tmp;
:LOADD disp20(prp_src), rp_dst4 is op=0x0012 ; n8=10 & disp20 & prp_src & rp_dst4 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = prp_src:4 + zext(disp20);
rp_dst4 = *tmp;
:LOADD abs20, rp_dst4 is dw_hi=0x87 & abs20 & rp_dst4 {
tmp:4 = zext(abs20);
rp_dst4 = *tmp;
:LOADD rs abs20, rp_dst4 is dw_op7=0x46 & rs & abs20 & rp_dst4 {
tmp:4 = zext(abs20) + rs:4;
rp_dst4 = *tmp;
:LOADD abs24, rp_dst4 is op=0x0012 ; n8=11 & rp_dst4 & abs24 { # fmt 3
rp_dst4 = *abs24;
macro load_one_1(rd) {
addr:4 = zext(R0);
rd = *addr;
R0 = R0 + 2;
macro load_one_2(rd) {
addr:4 = R1R0:4;
rd = *addr;
R1R0 = R1R0 + 2;
# LOADM/LOADMP - Load Multiple Registers from Memory
:LOADM cnt3b is op13=0x0014 & b0_2=0 & cnt3b { load_one_1(R2); }
:LOADM cnt3b is op13=0x0014 & b0_2=1 & cnt3b { load_one_1(R2); load_one_1(R3); }
:LOADM cnt3b is op13=0x0014 & b0_2=2 & cnt3b { load_one_1(R2); load_one_1(R3); load_one_1(R4); }
:LOADM cnt3b is op13=0x0014 & b0_2=3 & cnt3b { load_one_1(R2); load_one_1(R3); load_one_1(R4); load_one_1(R5); }
:LOADM cnt3b is op13=0x0014 & b0_2=4 & cnt3b { load_one_1(R2); load_one_1(R3); load_one_1(R4); load_one_1(R5); load_one_1(R8); }
:LOADM cnt3b is op13=0x0014 & b0_2=5 & cnt3b { load_one_1(R2); load_one_1(R3); load_one_1(R4); load_one_1(R5); load_one_1(R8); load_one_1(R9); }
:LOADM cnt3b is op13=0x0014 & b0_2=6 & cnt3b { load_one_1(R2); load_one_1(R3); load_one_1(R4); load_one_1(R5); load_one_1(R8); load_one_1(R9); load_one_1(R10); }
:LOADM cnt3b is op13=0x0014 & b0_2=7 & cnt3b { load_one_1(R2); load_one_1(R3); load_one_1(R4); load_one_1(R5); load_one_1(R8); load_one_1(R9); load_one_1(R10); load_one_1(R11); }
:LOADMP cnt3b is op13=0x0015 & b0_2=0 & cnt3b { load_one_2(R2); load_one_2(R3); }
:LOADMP cnt3b is op13=0x0015 & b0_2=1 & cnt3b { load_one_2(R2); load_one_2(R3); load_one_2(R4); }
:LOADMP cnt3b is op13=0x0015 & b0_2=2 & cnt3b { load_one_2(R2); load_one_2(R3); load_one_2(R4); }
:LOADMP cnt3b is op13=0x0015 & b0_2=3 & cnt3b { load_one_2(R2); load_one_2(R3); load_one_2(R4); load_one_2(R5); }
:LOADMP cnt3b is op13=0x0015 & b0_2=4 & cnt3b { load_one_2(R2); load_one_2(R3); load_one_2(R4); load_one_2(R5); load_one_2(R8); }
:LOADMP cnt3b is op13=0x0015 & b0_2=5 & cnt3b { load_one_2(R2); load_one_2(R3); load_one_2(R4); load_one_2(R5); load_one_2(R8); load_one_2(R9); }
:LOADMP cnt3b is op13=0x0015 & b0_2=6 & cnt3b { load_one_2(R2); load_one_2(R3); load_one_2(R4); load_one_2(R5); load_one_2(R8); load_one_2(R9); load_one_2(R10); }
:LOADMP cnt3b is op13=0x0015 & b0_2=7 & cnt3b { load_one_2(R2); load_one_2(R3); load_one_2(R4); load_one_2(R5); load_one_2(R8); load_one_2(R9); load_one_2(R10); load_one_2(R11); }
# LOADW - load word
:LOADW prp const1(prp_src1), dst1 is hi=0x9e & prp & const1 & prp_src1 & dst1 { # fmt 18
tmp:4 = prp_src1:4 + prp:4;
dst1 = *tmp;
:LOADW prp2 disp14(prp_src), dst3 is op10=0x21b & prp2 & disp14 & prp_src & dst3 { # fmt 17
tmp:4 = prp_src:4 + prp2:4 + zext(disp14);
dst3 = *tmp;
:LOADW disp20(src4), dst3 is op=0x0012 ; n8=12 & disp20 & src4 & dst3 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = zext(src4) + zext(disp20);
dst3 = *tmp;
:LOADW -disp20(src4), dst3 is op=0x0018 ; n8=12 & disp20 & src4 & dst3 {
tmp:4 = zext(src4) - zext(disp20);
dst3 = *tmp;
:LOADW disp16b(rp_src2), dst1 is hi=0x9f & rp_src2 & dst1 ; disp16b { # fmt 19
tmp:4 = rp_src2:4 + zext(disp16b);
dst1 = *tmp;
:LOADW disp20(rp_src5), dst3 is op=0x0012 ; n8=13 & disp20 & rp_src5 & dst3 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = rp_src5:4 + zext(disp20);
dst3 = *tmp;
:LOADW -disp20(rp_src5), dst3 is op=0x0018 ; n8=13 & disp20 & rp_src5 & dst3 {
tmp:4 = rp_src5:4 - zext(disp20);
dst3 = *tmp;
:LOADW disp4(rp_src2), dst1 is op4=0x9 & disp4 & rp_src2 & dst1 { # fmt 18
tmp:4 = rp_src2:4 + zext(disp4);
dst1 = *tmp;
:LOADW disp20(prp_src), dst3 is op=0x0012 ; n8=14 & disp20 & prp_src & dst3 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = prp_src:4 + zext(disp20);
dst3 = *tmp;
:LOADW abs20, dst3 is dw_hi=0x89 & abs20 & dst3 {
tmp:4 = zext(abs20);
dst3 = *tmp;
:LOADW rs abs20, dst3 is dw_op7=0x47 & dst3 & rs & abs20 { # fmt 13
tmp:4 = zext(abs20) + rs:4;
dst3 = *tmp;
:LOADW abs24, dst3 is op=0x0012 ; n8=15 & dst3 & abs24 { # fmt 3
dst3 = *abs24;
# STORB - store low-order byte only
:STORB src, prp const1(prp_dst1) is hi=0xfe & src & prp & const1 & prp_dst1 { # fmt 18
tmp:4 = prp_dst1:4 + prp:4;
*tmp = src:1;
:STORB src3, prp2 disp14(prp_dst) is op10=0x319 & src3 & prp2 & disp14 & prp_dst { # fmt 17
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + prp2:4 + zext(disp14);
*tmp = src3:1;
:STORB src3, disp20(dst4) is op=0x0013 ; n8=4 & src3 & disp20 & dst4 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = zext(dst4) + zext(disp20);
*tmp = src3:1;
:STORB src3, -disp20(dst4) is op=0x0019 ; n8=4 & src3 & disp20 & dst4 {
tmp:4 = zext(dst4) - zext(disp20);
*tmp = src3:1;
:STORB src, disp16b(rp_dst) is hi=0xff & src & rp_dst ; disp16b { # fmt 19
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4 + zext(disp16b);
*tmp = src:1;
:STORB src3, disp20(rp_dst5) is op=0x0013 ; n8=5 & src3 & disp20 & rp_dst5 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = rp_dst5:4 + zext(disp20);
*tmp = src3:1;
:STORB src3, -disp20(rp_dst5) is op=0x0019 ; n8=5 & src3 & disp20 & rp_dst5 {
tmp:4 = rp_dst5:4 - zext(disp20);
*tmp = src3:1;
:STORB src, disp4b(rp_dst) is op4=0xf & src & disp4b & rp_dst { # fmt 18 <---
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4 + zext(disp4b);
*tmp = src:1;
:STORB src3, disp20(prp_dst) is op=0x0013 ; n8=6 & src3 & disp20 & prp_dst { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + zext(disp20);
*tmp = src3:1;
:STORB src3, abs20 is dw_hi=0xc8 & abs20 & src3 {
tmp:4 = zext(abs20);
*tmp = src3:1;
:STORB src3, rs abs20 is dw_op7=0x65 & src3 & rs & abs20 { # fmt 13
tmp:4 = zext(abs20) + rs:4;
*tmp = src3:1;
:STORB src3, abs24 is op=0x0013 ; n8=7 & src3 & abs24 { # fmt 3
*abs24 = src3:1;
:STORB imm4c, prp2 disp14(prp_dst) is op10=0x218 & imm4c & prp2 & disp14 & prp_dst { # fmt 17
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + prp2:4 + zext(disp14);
*tmp = imm4c;
:STORB imm4c, disp20(dst4) is op=0x0012 ; n8=0 & imm4c & disp20 & dst4 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = zext(dst4) + zext(disp20);
*tmp = imm4c;
:STORB imm4a, const1(rp_dst) is hi=0x82 & imm4a & const1 & rp_dst { # fmt 15
*rp_dst:4 = imm4a;
:STORB imm4a, disp16b(rp_dst) is hi=0x83 & imm4a & rp_dst ; disp16b { # fmt 16
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4 + zext(disp16b);
*tmp = imm4a;
:STORB imm4c, disp20(rp_dst5) is op=0x0012 ; n8=1 & imm4c & disp20 & rp_dst5 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = rp_dst5:4 + zext(disp20);
*tmp = imm4c;
:STORB imm4c, disp20(prp_dst) is op=0x0012 ; n8=2 & imm4c & disp20 & prp_dst {
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + zext(disp20);
*tmp = imm4c;
:STORB imm4b, abs20 is dw_hi=0x81 & imm4b & abs20 { # fmt 12
tmp:4 = zext(abs20);
*tmp = imm4b;
:STORB imm4b, rs abs20 is dw_op7=0x42 & imm4b & rs & abs20 { # fmt 13
tmp:4 = zext(abs20) + rs:4;
*tmp = imm4b;
:STORB imm4b, abs24 is op=0x0012 ; n8=3 & imm4b & abs24 { # fmt 3
*abs24 = imm4b;
# STORD - store doubleword
:STORD rp_src, prp const1(prp_dst1) is hi=0xee & rp_src & prp & const1 & prp_dst1 { # fmt 18
tmp:4 = prp_dst1:4 + prp:4;
*tmp = rp_src;
:STORD rp_src4, prp2 disp14(prp_dst) is op10=0x31a & rp_src4 & prp2 & disp14 & prp_dst { # fmt 17
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + prp2:4 + zext(disp14);
*tmp = rp_src4;
:STORD rp_src4, disp20(dst4) is op=0x0013 ; n8=8 & rp_src4 & dst4 & disp20 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = zext(dst4) + zext(disp20);
*tmp = rp_src4;
:STORD rp_src4, -disp20(dst4) is op=0x0019 ; n8=8 & rp_src4 & dst4 & disp20 {
tmp:4 = zext(dst4) - zext(disp20);
*tmp = rp_src4;
:STORD rp_src, disp16b(rp_dst) is hi=0xef & rp_src & rp_dst ; disp16b { # fmt 19
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4 + zext(disp16b);
*tmp = rp_src;
:STORD rp_src4, disp20(rp_dst5) is op=0x0013 ; n8=9 & rp_src4 & disp20 & rp_dst5 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = rp_dst5:4 + zext(disp20);
*tmp = rp_src4;
:STORD rp_src4, -disp20(rp_dst5) is op=0x0019 ; n8=9 & rp_src4 & disp20 & rp_dst5 {
tmp:4 = rp_dst5:4 - zext(disp20);
*tmp = rp_src4;
:STORD rp_src, disp4(rp_dst) is op4=0xe & disp4 & rp_src & rp_dst { # fmt 18
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4 + zext(disp4);
*tmp = rp_src;
:STORD rp_src4, disp20(prp_dst) is op=0x0013 ; n8=10 & rp_src4 & disp20 & prp_dst { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + zext(disp20);
*tmp = rp_src4;
:STORD rp_src4, abs20 is dw_hi=0xc7 & abs20 & rp_src4 {
tmp:4 = zext(abs20);
*tmp = rp_src4;
:STORD rp_src4, rs abs20 is dw_op7=0x66 & rp_src4 & rs & abs20 {
tmp:4 = zext(abs20) + rs:4;
*tmp = rp_src4;
:STORD rp_src4, abs24 is op=0x0013 ; n8=11 & rp_src4 & abs24 { # fmt 3
*abs24 = rp_src4;
macro store_one_1(rd) {
addr:4 = zext(R1);
*addr = rd;
R1 = R1 + 2;
macro store_one_2(rd) {
addr:4 = R7R6:4;
*addr = rd;
R7R6 = R7R6 + 2;
# STORM/STORMP - Store Multiple Registers to Memory
:STORM cnt3b is op13=0x0016 & b0_2=0 & cnt3b { store_one_1(R2); }
:STORM cnt3b is op13=0x0016 & b0_2=1 & cnt3b { store_one_1(R2); store_one_1(R3); }
:STORM cnt3b is op13=0x0016 & b0_2=2 & cnt3b { store_one_1(R2); store_one_1(R3); store_one_1(R4); }
:STORM cnt3b is op13=0x0016 & b0_2=3 & cnt3b { store_one_1(R2); store_one_1(R3); store_one_1(R4); store_one_1(R5); }
:STORM cnt3b is op13=0x0016 & b0_2=4 & cnt3b { store_one_1(R2); store_one_1(R3); store_one_1(R4); store_one_1(R5); store_one_1(R8); }
:STORM cnt3b is op13=0x0016 & b0_2=5 & cnt3b { store_one_1(R2); store_one_1(R3); store_one_1(R4); store_one_1(R5); store_one_1(R8); store_one_1(R9); }
:STORM cnt3b is op13=0x0016 & b0_2=6 & cnt3b { store_one_1(R2); store_one_1(R3); store_one_1(R4); store_one_1(R5); store_one_1(R8); store_one_1(R9); store_one_1(R10); }
:STORM cnt3b is op13=0x0016 & b0_2=7 & cnt3b { store_one_1(R2); store_one_1(R3); store_one_1(R4); store_one_1(R5); store_one_1(R8); store_one_1(R9); store_one_1(R10); store_one_1(R11); }
:STORMP cnt3b is op13=0x0017 & b0_2=0 & cnt3b { store_one_2(R2); }
:STORMP cnt3b is op13=0x0017 & b0_2=1 & cnt3b { store_one_2(R2); store_one_2(R3); }
:STORMP cnt3b is op13=0x0017 & b0_2=2 & cnt3b { store_one_2(R2); store_one_2(R3); store_one_2(R4); }
:STORMP cnt3b is op13=0x0017 & b0_2=3 & cnt3b { store_one_2(R2); store_one_2(R3); store_one_2(R4); store_one_2(R5); }
:STORMP cnt3b is op13=0x0017 & b0_2=4 & cnt3b { store_one_2(R2); store_one_2(R3); store_one_2(R4); store_one_2(R5); store_one_2(R8); }
:STORMP cnt3b is op13=0x0017 & b0_2=5 & cnt3b { store_one_2(R2); store_one_2(R3); store_one_2(R4); store_one_2(R5); store_one_2(R8); store_one_2(R9); }
:STORMP cnt3b is op13=0x0017 & b0_2=6 & cnt3b { store_one_2(R2); store_one_2(R3); store_one_2(R4); store_one_2(R5); store_one_2(R8); store_one_2(R9); store_one_2(R10); }
:STORMP cnt3b is op13=0x0017 & b0_2=7 & cnt3b { store_one_2(R2); store_one_2(R3); store_one_2(R4); store_one_2(R5); store_one_2(R8); store_one_2(R9); store_one_2(R10); store_one_2(R11); }
# STORW - store word
:STORW src, prp const1(prp_dst1) is hi=0xde & src & prp & const1 & prp_dst1 { # fmt 18
tmp:4 = prp_dst1:4 + prp:4;
*tmp = src;
:STORW src3, prp2 disp14(prp_dst) is op10=0x31b & prp2 & disp14 & src3 & prp_dst { # fmt 17
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + prp2:4 + zext(disp14);
*tmp = src3;
:STORW src3, disp20(dst4) is op=0x0013 ; n8=12 & src3 & disp20 & dst4 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = zext(dst4) + zext(disp20);
*tmp = src3;
:STORW src3, -disp20(dst4) is op=0x0019 ; n8=12 & src3 & disp20 & dst4 {
tmp:4 = zext(dst4) - zext(disp20);
*tmp = src3;
:STORW src, disp16b(rp_dst) is hi=0xdf & src & rp_dst ; disp16b {
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4 + zext(disp16b);
*tmp = src;
:STORW src3, disp20(rp_dst5) is op=0x0013 ; n8=13 & src3 & disp20 & rp_dst5 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = rp_dst5:4 + zext(disp20);
*tmp = src3;
:STORW src3, -disp20(rp_dst5) is op=0x0019 ; n8=13 & src3 & disp20 & rp_dst5 {
tmp:4 = rp_dst5:4 - zext(disp20);
*tmp = src3;
:STORW src, disp4(rp_dst) is op4=0xd & disp4 & src & rp_dst { # fmt 18
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4 + zext(disp4);
*tmp = src;
:STORW src3, disp20(prp_dst) is op=0x0013 ; n8=14 & src3 & disp20 & prp_dst { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + zext(disp20);
*tmp = src3;
:STORW src3, abs20 is dw_hi=0xc9 & abs20 & src3 {
tmp:4 = zext(abs20);
*tmp = src3;
:STORW src3, rs abs20 is dw_op7=0x67 & src3 & rs & abs20 { # fmt 13
tmp:4 = zext(abs20) + rs:4;
*tmp = src3;
:STORW src3, abs24 is op=0x0013 ; n8=15 & src3 & abs24 { # fmt 3
*abs24 = src3;
:STORW imm4c, prp2 disp14(prp_dst) is op10=0x318 & imm4c & prp2 & disp14 & prp_dst { # fmt 17
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + prp2:4 + zext(disp14);
*:2 tmp = sext(imm4c);
:STORW imm4c, disp20(dst4) is op=0x0013 ; n8=0 & imm4c & disp20 & dst4 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = zext(dst4) + zext(disp20);
*:2 tmp = sext(imm4c);
:STORW imm4a, const1(rp_dst) is hi=0xc2 & imm4a & const1 & rp_dst { # fmt 15
*:2 rp_dst:4 = sext(imm4a);
:STORW imm4a, disp16b(rp_dst) is hi=0xc3 & imm4a & rp_dst ; disp16b { # fmt 16
tmp:4 = rp_dst:4 + zext(disp16b);
*:2 tmp = sext(imm4a);
:STORW imm4c, disp20(rp_dst5) is op=0x0013 ; n8=1 & imm4c & disp20 & rp_dst5 { # fmt 2
tmp:4 = rp_dst5:4 + zext(disp20);
*:2 tmp = sext(imm4c);
:STORW imm4c, disp20(prp_dst) is op=0x0013 ; n8=2 & imm4c & disp20 & prp_dst {
tmp:4 = prp_dst:4 + zext(disp20);
*:2 tmp = sext(imm4c);
:STORW imm4b, abs20 is dw_hi=0xc1 & imm4b & abs20 {
tmp:4 = zext(abs20);
*:2 tmp = sext(imm4b);
:STORW imm4b, rs abs20 is dw_op7=0x62 & imm4b & rs & abs20 { # fmt 13
tmp:4 = zext(abs20) + rs:4;
*:2 tmp = sext(imm4b);
:STORW imm4b, abs24 is op=0x0013 ; n8=3 & imm4b & abs24 { # fmt 3
*:2 abs24 = sext(imm4b);
# CINV - Cache Invalidate
:CINV cinv1 is op=0x000a & cinv1 {
:CINV cinv2 is op=0x000b & cinv2 {
:CINV cinv3 is op=0x000c & cinv3 {
:CINV cinv4 is op=0x000d & cinv4 {
:CINV cinv5 is op=0x000e & cinv5 {
:CINV cinv6 is op=0x000f & cinv6 {
# Disable Maskable Interrupts
:DI is op=0x0004 {
$(E) = 0;
# Enable Maskable Interrupts
:EI is op=0x0005 {
$(E) = 1;
# Wait for Interrupt
:WAIT is op=0x0006 {
# Enable Interrupt and Wait for Interrupt
:EIWAIT is op=0x0007 {
$(E) = 1;
# Reserved
:undef is op=0x0000 {
:undef is op=0x0001 {
:undef is op=0x0002 {
:undef is op=0x0008 {
:undef is op=0x0009 {
:undef is op=0x0010 ; w2 ; w3 {
:undef is op=0x0011 ; w2 ; w3 {
:undef is op=0x0014 ; w2 {
:undef is op=0x0015 ; w2 {
:undef is op=0x0016 ; w2 {
:undef is op=0x0017 ; w2 {
:undef is op=0x0018 ; w2 ; w3 {
:undef is op=0x0019 ; w2 ; w3 {
:undef is op=0x001a ; w2 ; w3 {
:undef is op=0x001b ; w2 ; w3 {
:undef is op=0x001c ; w2 ; w3 {
:undef is op=0x001d ; w2 ; w3 {
:undef is op=0x001e ; w2 ; w3 {
:undef is op=0x001f ; w2 ; w3 {
:undef is op12=0x008 ; w2 ; w3 {
:undef is op11=0x007 {
:undef is op9=0x012 ; w2 {
:undef is hi=0x80 {
#:undef is hi=0xc0 {
:undef is op=0xffff {