
5792 lines
136 KiB

# common include file for HCS12, and HC12 constructors
define endian=big;
define alignment=1;
define space RAM type=ram_space size=3 default;
define space register type=register_space size=2;
@define VECTOR_SWI "0xFFF6"
@define VECTOR_TRAP "0xFFF8"
# Registers
define register offset=0x00 size=1 [ A B ];
define register offset=0x00 size=2 [ D ];
# IX also referred to as X or x; but must be distinct from X bit in CCR
# IY also referred to as Y or y; made IY to be consistent with IX
define register offset=0x10 size=2 [ IX IY TMP2 TMP3 TMP1 ];
define register offset=0x10 size=1 [ IXH IXL IYH IYL TMP2H TMP2L TMP3H TMP3L TMP1H TMP1L ];
#define register offset=0x20 size=3 [ _ PCE _ SPE ];
define register offset=0x20 size=3 [ _ PCE ];
define register offset=0x20 size=2 [ _ _ PC _ _ SP ];
define register offset=0x20 size=1 [ _ _ _ _ PCH PCL _ _ _ _ SPH SPL ];
define register offset=0x30 size=2 [ CCRW ];
define register offset=0x30 size=1 [ CCRH ];
define register offset=0x31 size=1 [ CCR ];
define register offset = 0x32 size=3 [physPage];
define RAM offset=0x10 size=1 [GPAGE];
define RAM offset=0x11 size=1 [DIRECT];
define RAM offset=0x16 size=1 [RPAGE];
define RAM offset=0x17 size=1 [EPAGE];
define RAM offset=0x30 size=1 [PPAGE];
# Define context bits
# WARNING: when adjusting context keep compiler packing in mind
# and make sure fields do not span a 32-bit boundary before or
# after context packing
define register offset=0x40 size=4 contextreg;
define context contextreg
Prefix18 = (0,0) # 1 if 0x18 is the first byte
PrefixHCS12X = (0,0) # 1 if first byte is 0x18 so that HCS12X to use GPAGE for memory access
UseGPAGE = (1,1) # 1 if should use GPAGE concatenated to lower 16-bit EA
XGATE = (2,2) # 1 if in xgate instruction decode mode
# individual status bits within CCRH
@define IPL_2 "CCRH[2,1]"
@define IPL_1 "CCRH[1,1]"
@define IPL_0 "CCRH[0,1]"
@define IPL "CCRH[0,3]" # entire IPL
# individual status bits within CCR
@define S "CCR[7,1]" # STOP Enable
@define X "CCR[6,1]" # Non-maskable interrupt control bit
@define H "CCR[5,1]" # Half Carry Flag
@define I "CCR[4,1]" # Maskable interrupt control bit
@define N "CCR[3,1]" # Negative Flag
@define Z "CCR[2,1]" # Zero Flag
@define V "CCR[1,1]" # Two's complement overflow Flag
@define C "CCR[0,1]" # Carry/Borrow Flag
# Tokens
define token opbyte8 (8)
op8 = (0,7)
op7_4 = (4,7)
op6_4 = (4,6)
nIndex = (1,3)
op0_0 = (0,0)
trapnum = (0,7)
define token xb8 (8)
rr7_6 = (6,7)
rr7_6a = (6,7)
xb5_5 = (5,5)
nn4_0 = (0,4) signed
xb7_5 = (5,7)
rr4_3 = (3,4)
xb2_2 = (2,2)
xb2_1 = (1,2) # actually needed this instead of xb2_2
z1_1 = (1,1)
s0_0 = (0,0)
xb2_0 = (0,2)
p4_4 = (4,4)
decrement3_3 = (3,3)
nn3_0 = (0,3)
aa1_0 = (0,1)
aa0_0 = (0,0) # actually needed this instead of aa1_0
define token eb8 (8)
notUsed7_7 = (7,7)
abcdxys6_4 = (4,6)
abc5_4 = (4,5)
dxys2_0 = (0,2)
abcdxys2_0 = (0,2)
columns7_4 = (4,7)
rows2_0 = (0,2)
rows3_0 = (0,3)
bytes_ABCl_6_4 = (4,6)
bytes_ABClT3lBXlYlSl_6_4 = (4,6)
bytes_ABChT3hBXhYhSh_6_4 = (4,6)
words_CT3DXYS_6_4 = (4,6)
words_T3DXYS_6_4 = (4,6)
bytes_ABCl_2_0 = (0,2)
bytes_T3lDlXlYlSl_6_4 = (4,6)
words_T2DXYS_2_0 = (0,2)
bytes_T2h_XhYhSh_2_0 = (0,2)
bytes_T2l_XlYlSl_2_0 = (0,2)
bytes_T3l_XlYlSl_6_4 = (4,6)
bytes_T3h_XhYhSh_6_4 = (4,6)
words_T3_XYS_6_4 = (4,6)
bytes_T2hDhXhYhSh_2_0 = (0,2)
bytes_T2lDlXlYlSl_2_0 = (0,2)
define token opbyte16 (16)
op16 = (0,15)
op15_13 = (13,15)
sign12_12 = (12,12) signed
not_used11 = (11,11)
size10_10 = (10,10)
byte9_8 = (8,9)
word9_8 = (8,9)
rr7_0 = (0,7)
define token data8 (8)
imm8 = (0,7)
simm8 = (0,7) signed
rel = (0,7) signed
define token data16 (16)
imm16 = (0,15)
imm16p = (12,15)
imm16e = (8,15)
imm16ev = (0,9)
imm16rv = (0,11)
imm16pv = (0,13)
simm16 = (0,15) signed
attach variables [ rr7_6 rr4_3 ] [ IX IY SP PC ];
attach variables [ rr7_6a ] [ IX IY SP _ ]; # PC not valid choice in this case
# TODO would be great if this worked
# attach names [ rr7_6 rr4_3 ] [ "X" "Y" "SP" "PC" ];
# TODO do the negative values work?
attach values [ nn3_0 ] [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 ];
attach variables [ aa0_0 ] [ A B ];
attach variables [ byte9_8 ] [ A B _ _ ];
attach variables [ word9_8 ] [ D IX IY SP ];
attach variables [ abc5_4 ] [ A B CCR _ ];
attach variables [ dxys2_0 ] [ _ _ _ TMP2 D IX IY SP ];
attach variables [ bytes_ABCl_2_0 ] [ A B CCR _ _ _ _ _ ];
attach variables [ bytes_ABClT3lBXlYlSl_6_4 ] [ A B CCR TMP3L B IXL IYL SPL ];
attach variables [ bytes_ABChT3hBXhYhSh_6_4 ] [ A B CCRH TMP3H B IXH IYH SPH ];
attach variables [ words_T2DXYS_2_0 ] [ _ _ _ TMP2 D IX IY SP ];
attach variables [ bytes_T3lDlXlYlSl_6_4 ] [ _ _ _ TMP3L B IXL IYL SPL ];
attach variables [ words_T3DXYS_6_4 ] [ _ _ _ TMP3 D IX IY SP ];
attach variables [ words_CT3DXYS_6_4 ] [ _ _ CCRW TMP3 D IX IY SP ];
attach variables [ bytes_T2l_XlYlSl_2_0 ] [ _ _ _ TMP2L _ IXL IYL SPL ];
attach variables [ bytes_T2h_XhYhSh_2_0 ] [ _ _ _ TMP2H _ IXH IYH SPH ];
attach variables [ bytes_T3l_XlYlSl_6_4 ] [ _ _ _ TMP3L _ IXL IYL SPL ];
attach variables [ bytes_T3h_XhYhSh_6_4 ] [ _ _ _ TMP3H _ IXH IYH SPH ];
attach variables [ words_T3_XYS_6_4 ] [ _ _ _ TMP3 _ IX IY SP ];
attach variables [ bytes_ABCl_6_4 ] [ A B CCR _ _ _ _ _ ];
attach variables [ bytes_T2hDhXhYhSh_2_0 ] [ _ _ _ TMP2H A IXH IYH SPH ];
attach variables [ bytes_T2lDlXlYlSl_2_0 ] [ _ _ _ TMP2L B IXL IYL SPL ];
# Pseudo Instructions
define pcodeop segment; # Define special pcodeop that calculates the RAM address
# given the segment selector and offset as input
define pcodeop readIRQ;
define pcodeop stop;
define pcodeop WaitForInterrupt;
define pcodeop decimalAdjustAccumulator;
define pcodeop decimalAdjustCarry;
define pcodeop EMACS;
define pcodeop ETBL;
define pcodeop ETBL_Cflag;
define pcodeop GradeOfMembership;
define pcodeop TableLookupAndInterpolate;
define pcodeop TableLookupAndInterpolateRoundable;
define pcodeop WeightedAverageSOPHigh;
define pcodeop WeightedAverageSOPLow;
define pcodeop WeightedAverageSOW;
define pcodeop WeightedAverageResume;
define pcodeop MinMaxRuleEvaluation;
define pcodeop MinMaxRuleEvaluationCorrect;
define pcodeop MinMaxRuleEvaluationWeighted;
define pcodeop MinMaxRuleEvaluationWeightedCorrect;
define pcodeop backgroundDebugMode;
macro setHCSphysPage(addr) {
local a3:3 = zext(addr);
local isReg:1 = (a3 & 0xfC00) == 0x0;
local isEpage:1 = (a3 & 0xfc00) ==0x800;
local isEpage_FF:1 = (a3 & 0xfc00) ==0xC00;
local isRpage:1 = (a3 & 0xf000) ==0x1000;
local isRpage_FE:1 = (a3 & 0xf000) ==0x2000;
local isRpage_FF:1 = (a3 & 0xf000) ==0x3000;
local isPpage_FD:1 = (a3 & 0xc000) ==0x4000;
local isPpage:1 = (a3 & 0xc000) ==0x8000;
local isPpage_FF:1 = (a3 & 0xc000) ==0xC000;
physPage = (zext(isReg) * 0x0) +
(zext(isEpage) * (0x100000 | ((zext(EPAGE) << 10) ^ 0x800))) +
(zext(isEpage_FF) * ((0x4FF << 10) ^ 0xC00)) +
(zext(isRpage) * (((zext(RPAGE) << 12) ^ 0x1000))) +
(zext(isRpage_FE) * (((0xFE << 12) ^ 0x2000))) +
(zext(isRpage_FF) * (((0xFF << 12) ^ 0x3000))) +
(zext(isPpage_FD) * (0x400000 | ((0x3F4000) ^ 0x4000))) +
(zext(isPpage) * (0x400000 | ((zext(PPAGE) << 14 ) ^ 0x8000))) +
(zext(isPpage_FF) * (0x400000 | ((0x3FC000) ^ 0xC000))) ;
macro Load1(value, addr) {
local paddr:3 = segment(physPage, addr);
value = *:1 paddr;
macro Load2(value, addr) {
local paddr:3 = segment(physPage, addr);
value = *:2 paddr;
macro GetPagedAddr(addr,paddr) {
paddr = segment(physPage, addr);
macro Store(addr, value) {
local paddr:3 = segment(physPage, addr);
*paddr = value;
# Addressing tables
# TODO: Paging could be added here as these are constant addresses
# could factor the overlapping addresses here, unless the
# page register is always added in then will have to export as a constant
# since don't know the real address
# known EPAGE offsets
opr16a: imm16 is imm16e=0x8 & imm16 & imm16ev { local addr:3 = 0x100000 | (zext(EPAGE) << 10) | imm16ev; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16e=0x9 & imm16 & imm16ev { local addr:3 = 0x100000 | (zext(EPAGE) << 10) | imm16ev; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16e=0xa & imm16 & imm16ev { local addr:3 = 0x100000 | (zext(EPAGE) << 10) | imm16ev; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16e=0xb & imm16 & imm16ev { local addr:3 = 0x100000 | (zext(EPAGE) << 10) | imm16ev; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16e=0xc & imm16 & imm16ev { local addr:3 = (0xFF << 10) | imm16ev; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16e=0xd & imm16 & imm16ev { local addr:3 = (0xFF << 10) | imm16ev; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16e=0xe & imm16 & imm16ev { local addr:3 = (0xFF << 10) | imm16ev; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16e=0xf & imm16 & imm16ev { local addr:3 = (0xFF << 10) | imm16ev; export addr; }
# known RPAGE offsets
opr16a: imm16 is imm16p=0x1 & imm16 & imm16rv { local addr:3 = (zext(RPAGE) << 12) | imm16rv; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16p=0x2 & imm16 & imm16rv { local addr:3 = (0xFE << 12) | imm16rv; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16p=0x3 & imm16 & imm16rv { local addr:3 = (0xFF << 12) | imm16rv; export addr; }
# known PPAGE offsets
opr16a: imm16 is imm16p=0x4 & imm16 & imm16pv { local addr:3 = 0x400000 | (0xFD << 14) | imm16pv; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16p=0x5 & imm16 & imm16pv { local addr:3 = 0x400000 | (0xFD << 14) | imm16pv; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16p=0x6 & imm16 & imm16pv { local addr:3 = 0x400000 | (0xFD << 14) | imm16pv; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16p=0x7 & imm16 & imm16pv { local addr:3 = 0x400000 | (0xFD << 14) | imm16pv; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16p=0x8 & imm16 & imm16pv { local addr:3 = 0x400000 | (zext(PPAGE) << 14) | (imm16pv & 0x3fff); export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16p=0x9 & imm16 & imm16pv { local addr:3 = 0x400000 | (zext(PPAGE) << 14) | (imm16pv & 0x3fff); export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16p=0xa & imm16 & imm16pv { local addr:3 = 0x400000 | (zext(PPAGE) << 14) | (imm16pv & 0x3fff); export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16p=0xb & imm16 & imm16pv { local addr:3 = 0x400000 | (zext(PPAGE) << 14) | (imm16pv & 0x3fff); export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16p=0xC & imm16 & imm16pv { local addr:3 = 0x400000 | (0xFF << 14) | imm16pv; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16p=0xD & imm16 & imm16pv { local addr:3 = 0x400000 | (0xFF << 14) | imm16pv; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16p=0xE & imm16 & imm16pv { local addr:3 = 0x400000 | (0xFF << 14) | imm16pv; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16p=0xF & imm16 & imm16pv { local addr:3 = 0x400000 | (0xFF << 14) | imm16pv; export addr; }
opr16a: imm16 is imm16e & imm16 { local addr:3 = imm16; export addr; }
opr8a: imm8 is imm8 { export *[const]:3 imm8; }
opr8a_8: imm8 is UseGPAGE=0 & imm8 { export *:1 imm8; }
opr8a_8: imm8 is UseGPAGE=1 & imm8 { local addr:3 = (zext(GPAGE) << 16) | imm8; export *:1 addr; }
opr8a_16: imm8 is UseGPAGE=0 & imm8 { export *:2 imm8; }
opr8a_16: imm8 is UseGPAGE=1 & imm8 { local addr:3 = (zext(GPAGE) << 16) | imm8; export *:2 addr; }
opr16a_8: opr16a is UseGPAGE=0 & opr16a { export *:1 opr16a; }
opr16a_8: imm16 is UseGPAGE=1 & imm16 { local addr:3 = (zext(GPAGE) << 16) | imm16; export *:1 addr; }
opr16a_16: opr16a is UseGPAGE=0 & opr16a { export *:2 opr16a; }
opr16a_16: imm16 is UseGPAGE=1 & imm16 { local addr:3 = (zext(GPAGE) << 16) | imm16; export *:2 addr; }
iopr8i: "#"imm8 is imm8 { export *[const]:1 imm8; }
iopr16i: "#"imm16 is imm16 { export *[const]:2 imm16; }
msk8: imm8 is imm8 { export *[const]:1 imm8; }
page: imm8 is imm8 { export *[const]:1 imm8; }
#PageDest: dest is imm16p=0x8 & imm16 & imm16pv ; imm8 [ dest = (imm8 << 16) | imm16; ] { export *:1 dest; }
#PageDest: dest is imm16p=0x9 & imm16 & imm16pv ; imm8 [ dest = (imm8 << 16) | imm16; ] { export *:1 dest; }
#PageDest: dest is imm16p=0xa & imm16 & imm16pv ; imm8 [ dest = (imm8 << 16) | imm16; ] { export *:1 dest; }
#PageDest: dest is imm16p=0xb & imm16 & imm16pv ; imm8 [ dest = (imm8 << 16) | imm16; ] { export *:1 dest; }
#PageDest: dest is imm16p=0xc & imm16 & imm16pv ; imm8 [ dest = ($(MAXFLASHPage) << 16) | imm16; ] { export *:1 dest; }
#PageDest: dest is imm16p=0xd & imm16 & imm16pv ; imm8 [ dest = ($(MAXFLASHPage) << 16) | imm16; ] { export *:1 dest; }
#PageDest: dest is imm16p=0xe & imm16 & imm16pv ; imm8 [ dest = ($(MAXFLASHPage) << 16) | imm16; ] { export *:1 dest; }
#PageDest: dest is imm16p=0xf & imm16 & imm16pv ; imm8 [ dest = ($(MAXFLASHPage) << 16) | imm16; ] { export *:1 dest; }
PageDest: opr16a is opr16a; page { export opr16a; }
# Postbyte Code (xb) address decoding
# for indexed addressing modes: IDX, IDX1, IDX2, [D,IDX] and [IDX2]
# per page 29, 30, and 33
# rr0nnnnn
# 5-bit constant offset n = -16 to +15
IDX_a: 0,rr7_6 is rr7_6 & xb5_5=0 & nn4_0=0
{ export rr7_6; }
# TODO make sure that nn4_0 is a signed extension
IDX_b: nn4_0, rr7_6 is rr7_6 & xb5_5=0 & nn4_0
{ address:2 = rr7_6 + nn4_0; export address; }
# rr1pnnnn
# used xb7_5 in all of these to prevent rr7_6a from ever being 0b11, and overlapping the 111rr0zs decodes
# Auto pre-decrement
IDX_c: nn3_0, -rr7_6a is (xb7_5=0b001 | xb7_5=0b011 | xb7_5=0b101) & rr7_6a & p4_4=0 & decrement3_3=1 & nn3_0
{ rr7_6a = rr7_6a + nn3_0; address:2 = rr7_6a; export address; }
# Auto pre-increment
IDX_d: nn3_0, +rr7_6a is (xb7_5=0b001 | xb7_5=0b011 | xb7_5=0b101) & rr7_6a & p4_4=0 & decrement3_3=0 & nn3_0
{ rr7_6a = rr7_6a + nn3_0; address:2 = rr7_6a; export address; }
# Auto post-decrement
IDX_e: nn3_0, rr7_6a- is (xb7_5=0b001 | xb7_5=0b011 | xb7_5=0b101) & rr7_6a & p4_4=1 & decrement3_3=1 & nn3_0
{ address:2 = rr7_6a; rr7_6a = rr7_6a + nn3_0; export address; }
# Auto post-increment
IDX_f: nn3_0, rr7_6a+ is (xb7_5=0b001 | xb7_5=0b011 | xb7_5=0b101) & rr7_6a & p4_4=1 & decrement3_3=0 & nn3_0
{ address:2 = rr7_6a; rr7_6a = rr7_6a + nn3_0; export address; }
# 111rr1aa
# Accumulator unsigned 8-bit offset indexed
IDX_g: aa0_0, rr4_3 is xb7_5=0b111 & rr4_3 & xb2_1=0b10 & aa0_0
{ address:2 = rr4_3 + zext(aa0_0); export address; }
# Accumulator 16-bit offset indexed
IDX_h: D, rr4_3 is xb7_5=0b111 & rr4_3 & xb2_0=0b110 & D
{ address:2 = rr4_3 + D; export address; }
# IDX1
# 111rr0zs imm8
# Constant offset (9-bit signed, positive)
IDX_i: imm8, rr4_3 is xb7_5=0b111 & rr4_3 & xb2_2=0 & z1_1=0 & s0_0=0; imm8
{ address:2 = rr4_3 + imm8; export address; }
# Constant offset (9-bit signed, negative)
# TODO make sure that the -256 case works
IDX_j: -neg, rr4_3 is xb7_5=0b111 & rr4_3 & xb2_2=0 & z1_1=0 & s0_0=1; imm8 [ neg = -imm8; ]
{ address:2 = rr4_3 - neg; export address; }
# IDX2
# 111rr0zs simm16
# Constant offset (16-bit signed)
IDX_k: simm16, rr4_3 is xb7_5=0b111 & rr4_3 & xb2_2=0 & z1_1=1 & s0_0=0; simm16
{ address:2 = rr4_3 + simm16; export address; }
# [IDX2]
# 111rr011 simm16
# 16-bit offset indexed-indirect
IDX_l: [simm16, rr4_3] is xb7_5=0b111 & rr4_3 & xb2_2=0 & z1_1=1 & s0_0=1; simm16
{ address:2 = rr4_3 + simm16; Load2(address,address); export address; }
IDX_l: [simm16, PC] is xb7_5=0b111 & rr4_3=3 & xb2_2=0 & z1_1=1 & s0_0=1; simm16 & PC
{ address:2 = inst_next + simm16; Load2(address,address); export address; }
# [D,IDX]
# 111rr111
# Accumulator D offset indexed-indirect
IDX_m: [D, rr4_3] is xb7_5=0b111 & rr4_3 & xb2_0=0b111 & D
{ address:2 = rr4_3 + D; Load2(address,address); export address; }
# effective address of IDX, IDX1, IDX2
indexed3: IDX_a is IDX_a { export IDX_a; }
indexed3: IDX_b is IDX_b { export IDX_b; }
indexed3: IDX_c is IDX_c { export IDX_c; }
indexed3: IDX_d is IDX_d { export IDX_d; }
indexed3: IDX_e is IDX_e { export IDX_e; }
indexed3: IDX_f is IDX_f { export IDX_f; }
indexed3: IDX_g is IDX_g { export IDX_g; }
indexed3: IDX_h is IDX_h { export IDX_h; }
indexed3: IDX_i is IDX_i { export IDX_i; }
indexed3: IDX_j is IDX_j { export IDX_j; }
indexed3: IDX_k is IDX_k { export IDX_k; }
# not indexed3: IDX_l is IDX_l { export IDX_l; }
# not indexed3: IDX_m is IDX_m { export IDX_m; }
# effective address of [IDX2], [D,IDX]
# not indexedindexed3: IDX_a is IDX_a { export IDX_a; }
# not indexedindexed3: IDX_b is IDX_b { export IDX_b; }
# not indexedindexed3: IDX_c is IDX_c { export IDX_c; }
# not indexedindexed3: IDX_d is IDX_d { export IDX_d; }
# not indexedindexed3: IDX_e is IDX_e { export IDX_e; }
# not indexedindexed3: IDX_f is IDX_f { export IDX_f; }
# not indexedindexed3: IDX_g is IDX_g { export IDX_g; }
# not indexedindexed3: IDX_h is IDX_h { export IDX_h; }
# not indexedindexed3: IDX_i is IDX_i { export IDX_i; }
# not indexedindexed3: IDX_j is IDX_j { export IDX_j; }
# not indexedindexed3: IDX_k is IDX_k { export IDX_k; }
indexed2: IDX_l is IDX_l { export IDX_l; }
indexed2: IDX_m is IDX_m { export IDX_m; }
# effective address of IDX, IDX1, IDX2, [IDX2], [D,IDX]
indexed5: IDX_a is IDX_a { export IDX_a; }
indexed5: IDX_b is IDX_b { export IDX_b; }
indexed5: IDX_c is IDX_c { export IDX_c; }
indexed5: IDX_d is IDX_d { export IDX_d; }
indexed5: IDX_e is IDX_e { export IDX_e; }
indexed5: IDX_f is IDX_f { export IDX_f; }
indexed5: IDX_g is IDX_g { export IDX_g; }
indexed5: IDX_h is IDX_h { export IDX_h; }
indexed5: IDX_i is IDX_i { export IDX_i; }
indexed5: IDX_j is IDX_j { export IDX_j; }
indexed5: IDX_k is IDX_k { export IDX_k; }
indexed5: IDX_l is IDX_l { export IDX_l; }
indexed5: IDX_m is IDX_m { export IDX_m; }
# effective address of IDX
indexed1: IDX_a is IDX_a { export IDX_a; }
indexed1: IDX_b is IDX_b { export IDX_b; }
indexed1: IDX_c is IDX_c { export IDX_c; }
indexed1: IDX_d is IDX_d { export IDX_d; }
indexed1: IDX_e is IDX_e { export IDX_e; }
indexed1: IDX_f is IDX_f { export IDX_f; }
indexed1: IDX_g is IDX_g { export IDX_g; }
indexed1: IDX_h is IDX_h { export IDX_h; }
# not indexed1: IDX_i is IDX_i { export IDX_i; }
# not indexed1: IDX_j is IDX_j { export IDX_j; }
# not indexed1: IDX_k is IDX_k { export IDX_k; }
# not indexed1: iIDX_l is iIDX_l { export iIDX_l; }
# not indexed1: IDX_m is IDX_m { export IDX_m; }
# indexed0_x - exports the effective address (EA)
# indexed1_x - exports a single byte at the effective address
# indexed2_x - exports a double byte at the effective address
indexed1_1: indexed1 is indexed1 {
local paddr:3 = 0;
export *:1 paddr;
indexed2_1: indexed1 is indexed1 {
local paddr:3 = 0;
export *:2 paddr;
indexed0_2: indexed2 is indexed2 {
local val = indexed2; export val;
indexed0_3: indexed3 is indexed3 {
local val = indexed3; export val;
indexed1_3: indexed3 is indexed3 {
local paddr:3 = 0;
export *:1 paddr;
indexed2_3: indexed3 is indexed3 {
local paddr:3 = 0;
export *:2 paddr;
indexedA_5: indexed5 is UseGPAGE=0 & indexed5 {
local paddr:3 = 0;
export paddr;
indexedA_5: indexed5 is UseGPAGE=1 & indexed5 {
local addr:3 = (zext(GPAGE) << 16) | zext(indexed5);
export addr;
indexed1_5: indexed5 is UseGPAGE=0 & indexed5 {
local paddr:3 = 0;
export *:1 paddr;
indexed1_5: indexed5 is UseGPAGE=1 & indexed5 {
local addr:3 = (zext(GPAGE) << 16) | zext(indexed5);
export *:1 addr;
indexed2_5: indexed5 is UseGPAGE=0 & indexed5 {
local paddr:3 = 0;
export *:2 paddr;
indexed2_5: indexed5 is UseGPAGE=1 & indexed5 {
local addr:3 = (zext(GPAGE) << 16) | zext(indexed5);
export *:2 addr;
# range -128 through +127
rel8: reloc is rel [ reloc = inst_next + rel; ] { export *:1 reloc; }
# range -256 through +255
rel9: reloc is XGATE=0 & sign12_12 & rr7_0 [ reloc = inst_next + ((sign12_12 << 8) | rr7_0); ] { export *:1 reloc; }
# positive range 0 through +65535
rel16: reloc is simm16 [ reloc = inst_next + simm16; ] { export *:1 reloc; }
op2_opr16a_8: opr16a_8 is opr16a_8 { export opr16a_8; }
op2_opr16a_16: opr16a_16 is opr16a_16 { export opr16a_16; }
@if defined(HCS12X)
op2_indexed1_5: indexed1_5 is indexed1_5 { export indexed1_5; }
op2_indexed1_1: indexed1_1 is indexed1_1 { export indexed1_1; }
@if defined(HCS12X)
op2_indexed2_5: indexed2_5 is indexed2_5 { export indexed2_5; }
op2_indexed2_1: indexed2_1 is indexed2_1 { export indexed2_1; }
# Macros
macro additionWithCarry(operand1, operand2, result) {
local Ccopy = zext($(C));
local AFmask = -1 >> 4;
$(H) = (((operand1 & AFmask) + (operand2 & AFmask) + Ccopy) & (AFmask + 1)) != 0;
$(C) = carry(operand1, operand2);
local tempResult = operand1 + operand2;
$(C) = $(C) || carry(tempResult, Ccopy);
$(V) = $(V) ^^ scarry(tempResult, Ccopy);
result = tempResult + Ccopy;
$(N) = (result s< 0);
$(Z) = (result == 0);
macro addition_flags1(operand1, operand2,result) {
local AFmask = -1 >> 4;
$(H) = (((operand1 & AFmask) + (operand2 & AFmask)) & (AFmask + 1)) != 0;
$(N) = (result s< 0);
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(V) = scarry(operand1,operand2);
$(C) = carry(operand1,operand2);
macro addition_flags2(operand1, operand2, result) {
$(N) = (result s< 0);
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(V) = scarry(operand1,operand2);
$(C) = carry(operand1,operand2);
macro subtraction_flags1(register, operand, result) {
$(V) = sborrow(register,operand);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(C) = register < operand;
macro subtraction_flags2(register, operand, result) {
$(V) = sborrow(register,operand);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(C) = register < operand;
macro V_equals_0() {
$(V) = 0;
macro V_equals_C() {
$(V) = $(C);
macro V_equals_N_xor_C() {
$(V) = $(N) ^ $(C);
macro V_CMP_flag(register, operand) {
$(V) = sborrow(register,operand);
macro V_DEC_flag(operand) {
$(V) = sborrow(operand,1);
macro V_DEC_flag2(operand) {
$(V) = sborrow(operand,1);
macro V_INC_flag(operand) {
$(V) = scarry(operand,1);
macro V_INC_flag2(operand) {
$(V) = scarry(operand,1);
macro V_NEG_flag(operand) {
$(V) = sborrow(0,operand);
macro V_NEG_flag2(operand) {
$(V) = sborrow(0,operand);
macro Pull1(operand) {
paddr:3 = segment(physPage,SP);
operand = *paddr;
SP = SP + 1;
macro Pull2(operand) {
paddr:3 = segment(physPage,SP);
operand = *paddr;
SP = SP + 2;
macro Push1(operand) {
SP = SP - 1;
paddr:3 = segment(physPage,SP);
*paddr = operand;
macro Push2(operand) {
SP = SP - 2;
paddr:3 = segment(physPage,SP);
*paddr = operand;
macro setCCR( operand ) {
# when CCR is the destination, cannot set the X bit unless it is already set in CCR
CCR = operand & (CCR | 0b10111111);
macro setCCRW( operand ) {
# when CCRW is the destination, cannot set the X bit unless it is already set in CCRW
CCRW = operand & (CCRW | 0b1111111110111111);
:^instruction is XGATE=0 & op8=0x18; instruction [ Prefix18=1; ] {}
# Constructors
:ABA is XGATE=0 & (Prefix18=1 & op8=0x06)
result:1 = A + B;
addition_flags1(A, B, result);
A = result;
:ABX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op16=0x1AE5)
IX = zext(B) + IX;
:ABY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op16=0x19ED)
IY = zext(B) + IY;
:ADCA iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x89); iopr8i
op1:1 = iopr8i;
local result:1;
additionWithCarry(A, op1, result);
A = result;
:ADCA opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x99); opr8a_8
op1:1 = opr8a_8;
local result:1;
additionWithCarry(A, op1, result);
A = result;
:ADCA opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xB9); opr16a_8
op1:1 = opr16a_8;
local result:1;
additionWithCarry(A, op1, result);
A = result;
:ADCA indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xA9); indexed1_5
op1:1 = indexed1_5;
result:1 = A + op1 + $(C);
addition_flags1(A, op1, result);
A = result;
:ADCB iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xC9); iopr8i
op1:1 = iopr8i;
local result:1;
additionWithCarry(A, op1, result);
B = result;
:ADCB opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xD9); opr8a_8
op1:1 = opr8a_8;
result:1 = B + op1 + $(C);
addition_flags1(B, op1, result);
B = result;
:ADCB opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xF9); opr16a_8
op1:1 = opr16a_8;
local result:1;
additionWithCarry(B, op1, result);
B = result;
:ADCB indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xE9); indexed1_5
op1:1 = indexed1_5;
local result:1;
additionWithCarry(B, op1, result);
B = result;
:ADDA iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x8B); iopr8i
op1:1 = iopr8i;
result:1 = A + op1;
addition_flags1(A, op1, result);
A = result;
:ADDA opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x9B); opr8a_8
op1:1 = opr8a_8;
result:1 = A + op1;
addition_flags1(A, op1, result);
A = result;
:ADDA opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xBB); opr16a_8
op1:1 = opr16a_8;
result:1 = A + op1;
addition_flags1(A, op1, result);
A = result;
:ADDA indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xAB); indexed1_5
op1:1 = indexed1_5;
result:1 = A + op1;
addition_flags1(A, op1, result);
A = result;
:ADDB iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xCB); iopr8i
op1:1 = iopr8i;
result:1 = B + op1;
addition_flags1(B, op1, result);
B = result;
:ADDB opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xDB); opr8a_8
op1:1 = opr8a_8;
result:1 = B + op1;
addition_flags1(B, op1, result);
B = result;
:ADDB opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xFB); opr16a_8
op1:1 = opr16a_8;
result:1 = B + op1;
addition_flags1(B, op1, result);
B = result;
:ADDB indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xEB); indexed1_5
op1:1 = indexed1_5;
result:1 = B + op1;
addition_flags1(B, op1, result);
B = result;
:ADDD iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xC3); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
result:2 = D + op1;
addition_flags2(D, op1, result);
D = result;
:ADDD opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xD3); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
result:2 = D + op1;
addition_flags2(D, op1, result);
D = result;
:ADDD opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xF3); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
result:2 = D + op1;
addition_flags2(D, op1, result);
D = result;
:ADDD indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xE3); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
result:2 = D + op1;
addition_flags2(D, op1, result);
D = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADDX iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x8B); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
result:2 = IX + op1;
addition_flags2(IX, op1, result);
IX = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADDX opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x9B); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
result:2 = IX + op1;
addition_flags2(IX, op1, result);
IX = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADDX opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xBB); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
result:2 = IX + op1;
addition_flags2(IX, op1, result);
IX = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADDX indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xAB); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
result:2 = IX + op1;
addition_flags2(IX, op1, result);
IX = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADDY iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xCB); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
result:2 = IY + op1;
addition_flags2(IY, op1, result);
IY = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADDY opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xDB); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
result:2 = IY + op1;
addition_flags2(IY, op1, result);
IY = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADDY opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xFB); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
result:2 = IY + op1;
addition_flags2(IY, op1, result);
IY = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADDY indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xEB); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
result:2 = IY + op1;
addition_flags2(IY, op1, result);
IY = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADED iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xC3); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
result:2 = D + op1 + zext($(C));
addition_flags2(D, op1, result);
D = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADED opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xD3); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
result:2 = D + op1 + zext($(C));
addition_flags2(D, op1, result);
D = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADED opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xF3); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
result:2 = D + op1 + zext($(C));
addition_flags2(D, op1, result);
D = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADED indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xE3); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
result:2 = D + op1 + zext($(C));
addition_flags2(D, op1, result);
D = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADEX iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x89); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
result:2 = IX + op1 + zext($(C));
addition_flags2(IX, op1, result);
IX = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADEX opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x99); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
result:2 = IX + op1 + zext($(C));
addition_flags2(IX, op1, result);
IX = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADEX opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xb9); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
result:2 = IX + op1 + zext($(C));
addition_flags2(IX, op1, result);
IX = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADEX indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xa9); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
result:2 = IX + op1 + zext($(C));
addition_flags2(IX, op1, result);
IX = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADEY iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xC9); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
result:2 = IY + op1 + zext($(C));
addition_flags2(IY, op1, result);
IY = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADEY opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xD9); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
result:2 = IY + op1 + zext($(C));
addition_flags2(IY, op1, result);
IY = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADEY opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xF9); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
result:2 = IY + op1 + zext($(C));
addition_flags2(IY, op1, result);
IY = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ADEY indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xE9); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
result:2 = IY + op1 + zext($(C));
addition_flags2(IY, op1, result);
IY = result;
:ANDA iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x84); iopr8i
A = A & iopr8i;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:ANDA opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x94); opr8a_8
A = A & opr8a_8;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:ANDA opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xB4); opr16a_8
A = A & opr16a_8;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:ANDA indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xA4); indexed1_5
A = A & indexed1_5;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:ANDB iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xC4); iopr8i
B = B & iopr8i;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:ANDB opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xD4); opr8a_8
B = B & opr8a_8;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:ANDB opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xF4); opr16a_8
B = B & opr16a_8;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:ANDB indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xE4); indexed1_5
B = B & indexed1_5;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:ANDCC iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x10); iopr8i
CCR = CCR & iopr8i;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ANDX iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x84); iopr16i
IX = IX & iopr16i;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ANDX opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x94); opr8a_16
IX = IX & opr8a_16;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ANDX opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xB4); opr16a_16
IX = IX & opr16a_16;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ANDX indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xA4); indexed2_5
IX = IX & indexed2_5;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ANDY iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xC4); iopr16i
IY = IY & iopr16i;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ANDY opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xD4); opr8a_16
IY = IY & opr8a_16;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ANDY opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xF4); opr16a_16
IY = IY & opr16a_16;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ANDY indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xE4); indexed2_5
IY = IY & indexed2_5;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:ASL opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x78); opr16a_8
tmp:1 = opr16a_8;
$(C) = tmp[7,1];
tmp = tmp << 1;
opr16a_8 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
:ASL indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x68); indexed1_5
tmp:1 = indexed1_5;
$(C) = tmp[7,1];
tmp = tmp << 1;
indexed1_5 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
:ASLA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x48
$(C) = A[7,1];
A = A << 1;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:ASLB is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x58
$(C) = B[7,1];
B = B << 1;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:ASLD is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x59
$(C) = D[15,1];
D = D << 1;
$(Z) = (D == 0);
$(N) = (D s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ASLW opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x78); opr16a_16
local tmp = opr16a_16;
$(C) = tmp[15,1];
tmp = tmp << 1;
opr16a_16 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ASLW indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x68); indexed2_5
local tmp = indexed2_5;
$(C) = tmp[15,1];
tmp = tmp << 1;
indexed2_5 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ASLX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x48
$(C) = IX[15,1];
IX = IX << 1;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ASLY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x58
$(C) = IY[15,1];
IY = IY << 1;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:ASR opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x77); opr16a_8
tmp:1 = opr16a_8;
$(C) = tmp[0,1];
tmp = tmp s>> 1;
opr16a_8 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
:ASR indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x67); indexed1_5
tmp:1 = indexed1_5;
$(C) = tmp[0,1];
tmp = tmp s>> 1;
indexed1_5 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
:ASRA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x47
$(C) = A[0,1];
A = A s>> 1;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:ASRB is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x57
$(C) = B[0,1];
B = B s>> 1;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ASRW opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x77); opr16a_16
local tmp = opr16a_16;
$(C) = tmp[0,1];
tmp = tmp s>> 1;
opr16a_16 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ASRW indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x67); indexed2_5
local tmp = indexed2_5;
$(C) = tmp[0,1];
tmp = tmp s>> 1;
indexed2_5 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ASRX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x47
$(C) = IX[0,1];
IX = IX s>> 1;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ASRY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x57
$(C) = IY[0,1];
IY = IY s>> 1;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:BCC rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x24; rel8
if ($(C) == 0) goto rel8;
:BCLR opr8a_8, msk8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x4D); opr8a_8; msk8
op1:1 = opr8a_8;
op1 = op1 & ~msk8;
opr8a_8 = op1;
$(N) = (op1 s< 0);
$(Z) = (op1 == 0);
:BCLR opr16a_8, msk8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x1D); opr16a_8; msk8
op1:1 = opr16a_8;
op1 = op1 & ~msk8;
opr16a_8 = op1;
$(N) = (op1 s< 0);
$(Z) = (op1 == 0);
:BCLR indexed1_3, msk8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x0D); indexed1_3; msk8
op1:1 = indexed1_3;
op1 = op1 & ~msk8;
indexed1_3 = op1;
$(N) = (op1 s< 0);
$(Z) = (op1 == 0);
:BCS rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x25; rel8
if ($(C) == 1) goto rel8;
:BEQ rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x27; rel8
if ($(Z) == 1) goto rel8;
:BGE rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x2C; rel8
if (($(N) ^ $(V)) == 1) goto rel8;
@if defined(HCS12)
:BGND is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x00
BDM_return:3 = inst_next;
# this could return BDM location, or BDM_return
PCE = backgroundDebugMode(BDM_return);
goto [PCE];
:BGT rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x2E; rel8
if (($(Z) | ($(N) ^ $(V))) == 0) goto rel8;
:BHI rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x22; rel8
if (($(C) | $(Z)) == 0) goto rel8;
#:BHS rel8 is op8=0x24; rel8 See BCC
:BITA iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x85); iopr8i
result:1 = A & iopr8i;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
:BITA opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x95); opr8a_8
result:1 = A & opr8a_8;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
:BITA opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xB5); opr16a_8
result:1 = A & opr16a_8;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
:BITA indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xA5); indexed1_5
result:1 = A & indexed1_5;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
:BITB iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xC5); iopr8i
result:1 = B & iopr8i;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
:BITB opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xD5); opr8a_8
result:1 = B & opr8a_8;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
:BITB opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xF5); opr16a_8
result:1 = B & opr16a_8;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
:BITB indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xE5); indexed1_5
result:1 = B & indexed1_5;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:BITX iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x85); iopr16i
local result = IX & iopr16i;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:BITX opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x95); opr8a_16
local result = IX & opr8a_16;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:BITX opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xB5); opr16a_16
local result = IX & opr16a_16;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:BITX indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xA5); indexed2_5
local result = IX & indexed2_5;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:BITY iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xC5); iopr16i
local result = IY & iopr16i;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:BITY opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xD5); opr8a_16
local result = IY & opr8a_16;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:BITY opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xF5); opr16a_16
local result = IY & opr16a_16;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:BITY indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xE5); indexed2_5
local result = IY & indexed2_5;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
:BLE rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x2F; rel8
if ($(Z) | ($(N) ^ $(V))) goto rel8;
#:BLO rel8 is op8=0x25; rel8 see BCS
:BLS rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x23; rel8
if (($(C) | $(Z)) == 1) goto rel8;
:BLT rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x2D; rel8
if (($(N) ^ $(V)) ==1) goto rel8;
:BMI rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x2B; rel8
if ($(N) == 1) goto rel8;
:BNE rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x26; rel8
if ($(Z) == 0) goto rel8;
:BPL rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x2A; rel8
if ($(N) == 0) goto rel8;
:BRA rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x20; rel8
goto rel8;
:BRCLR opr8a_8, msk8, rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x4F; opr8a_8; msk8; rel8
result:1 = opr8a_8 & msk8;
if (result == 0) goto rel8;
:BRCLR opr16a_8, msk8, rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x1F; opr16a_8; msk8; rel8
result:1 = opr16a_8 & msk8;
if (result == 0) goto rel8;
:BRCLR indexed1_3, msk8, rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x0F; indexed1_3; msk8; rel8
result:1 = indexed1_3 & msk8;
if (result == 0) goto rel8;
# branch never is a two-byte nop
SkipNextInstr: dest is epsilon [ dest = inst_next + 1; ] { export *[RAM]:1 dest; }
:BRN SkipNextInstr is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x21 & SkipNextInstr
goto SkipNextInstr;
:BRSET opr8a_8, msk8, rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x4E; opr8a_8; msk8; rel8
result:1 = ~opr8a_8 & msk8;
if (result != 0) goto rel8;
:BRSET opr16a_8, msk8, rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x1E; opr16a_8; msk8; rel8
result:1 = ~opr16a_8 & msk8;
if (result != 0) goto rel8;
:BRSET indexed1_3, msk8, rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x0E; indexed1_3; msk8; rel8
result:1 = ~indexed1_3 & msk8;
if (result != 0) goto rel8;
:BSET opr8a_8, msk8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x4C; opr8a_8; msk8
result:1 = opr8a_8 | msk8;
opr8a_8 = result;
$(N) = (result s< 0);
$(Z) = (result == 0);
:BSET opr16a_8, msk8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x1C; opr16a_8; msk8
result:1 = opr16a_8 | msk8;
opr16a_8 = result;
$(N) = (result s< 0);
$(Z) = (result == 0);
:BSET indexed1_3, msk8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x0C; indexed1_3; msk8
result:1 = indexed1_3 | msk8;
indexed1_3 = result;
$(N) = (result s< 0);
$(Z) = (result == 0);
:BSR rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x07; rel8
tmp:2 = inst_next;
Push2( tmp );
call rel8;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:BTAS opr8a_8, msk8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x35); opr8a_8; msk8
op1:1 = opr8a_8;
tmp:1 = op1 & msk8;
$(N) = tmp[7,1];
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(V) = 0;
opr8a_8 = op1 | msk8;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:BTAS opr16a_8, msk8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x36); opr16a_8; msk8
op1:1 = opr16a_8;
tmp:1 = op1 & msk8;
$(N) = tmp[7,1];
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(V) = 0;
opr16a_8 = op1 | msk8;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:BTAS indexed1_3, msk8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x37); indexed1_3; msk8
op1:1 = indexed1_3;
tmp:1 = op1 & msk8;
$(N) = tmp[7,1];
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(V) = 0;
indexed1_3 = op1 | msk8;
:BVC rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x28; rel8
if ($(V) == 0) goto rel8;
:BVS rel8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x29; rel8
if ($(V) == 1) goto rel8;
CallDest: PageDest, imm8 is (imm16; imm8) & PageDest {
PPAGE = imm8;
build PageDest;
export PageDest;
:CALL CallDest is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x4A; CallDest
tmp:2 = inst_next;
Push2( tmp );
Push1( PPAGE );
build CallDest;
local dest:3 = CallDest;
call [dest];
:CALL indexed2_3, page is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x4B); indexed2_3; page
tmp:2 = inst_next;
Push2( tmp );
Push1( PPAGE );
PPAGE = page;
build indexed2_3;
local dest:3;
call [dest];
:CALL indexed0_2 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x4B); indexed0_2
tmp:2 = inst_next;
Push2( tmp );
Push1( PPAGE );
Load1(PPAGE, indexed0_2 + 2);
local addr:2;
local dest:3;
call [dest];
:CBA is XGATE=0 & (Prefix18=1 & op8=0x17)
tmp:1 = A - B;
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
V_CMP_flag(A, B);
$(C) = (B > A);
:CLC is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op16=0x10FE
$(C) = 0;
:CLI is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op16=0x10EF
$(I) = 0;
:CLR opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x79); opr16a_8
opr16a_8 = 0;
$(N) = 0;
$(Z) = 1;
$(C) = 0;
:CLR indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x69); indexed1_5
indexed1_5 = 0;
$(N) = 0;
$(Z) = 1;
$(C) = 0;
:CLRA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x87
A = 0;
$(N) = 0;
$(Z) = 1;
$(C) = 0;
:CLRB is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0xC7
B = 0;
$(N) = 0;
$(Z) = 1;
$(C) = 0;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CLRW opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x79); opr16a_16
opr16a_16 = 0;
$(N) = 0;
$(Z) = 1;
$(C) = 0;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CLRW indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x69); indexed2_5
indexed2_5 = 0;
$(N) = 0;
$(Z) = 1;
$(C) = 0;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CLRX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x87
IX = 0;
$(N) = 0;
$(Z) = 1;
$(C) = 0;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CLRY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0xC7
IY = 0;
$(N) = 0;
$(Z) = 1;
$(C) = 0;
:CLV is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op16=0x10FD
$(V) = 0;
:CMPA iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x81); iopr8i
op1:1 = iopr8i;
tmp:1 = A - op1;
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
V_CMP_flag(A, op1);
$(C) = (op1 > A);
:CMPA opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x91); opr8a_8
op1:1 = opr8a_8;
tmp:1 = A - op1;
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
V_CMP_flag(A, op1);
$(C) = (op1 > A);
:CMPA opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xB1); opr16a_8
op1:1 = opr16a_8;
tmp:1 = A - op1;
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
V_CMP_flag(A, op1);
$(C) = (op1 > A);
:CMPA indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xA1); indexed1_5
op1:1 = indexed1_5;
tmp:1 = A - op1;
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
V_CMP_flag(A, op1);
$(C) = (op1 > A);
:CMPB iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xC1); iopr8i
op1:1 = iopr8i;
tmp:1 = B - op1;
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
V_CMP_flag(B, op1);
$(C) = (op1 > B);
:CMPB opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xD1); opr8a_8
op1:1 = opr8a_8;
tmp:1 = B - op1;
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
V_CMP_flag(B, op1);
$(C) = (op1 > B);
:CMPB opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xF1); opr16a_8
op1:1 = opr16a_8;
tmp:1 = B - op1;
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
V_CMP_flag(B, op1);
$(C) = (op1 > B);
:CMPB indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xE1); indexed1_5
op1:1 = indexed1_5;
tmp:1 = B - op1;
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
V_CMP_flag(B, op1);
$(C) = (op1 > B);
:COM opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x71); opr16a_8
tmp:1 = ~opr16a_8;
opr16a_8 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = 1;
:COM indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x61); indexed1_5
tmp:1 = ~indexed1_5;
indexed1_5 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = 1;
:COMA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x41
A = ~A;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
$(C) = 1;
:COMB is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x51
B = ~B;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
$(C) = 1;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:COMW opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x71); opr16a_16
local tmp = ~opr16a_16;
opr16a_16 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = 1;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:COMW indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x61); indexed2_5
local tmp = ~indexed2_5;
indexed2_5 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = 1;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:COMX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x41
IX = ~IX;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
$(C) = 1;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:COMY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x51
IY = ~IY;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
$(C) = 1;
:CPD iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x8C); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
tmp:2 = D - op1;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > D);
V_CMP_flag(D, op1);
:CPD opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x9C); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
tmp:2 = D - op1;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > D);
V_CMP_flag(D, op1);
:CPD opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xBC); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
tmp:2 = D - op1;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > D);
V_CMP_flag(D, op1);
:CPD indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xAC); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
tmp:2 = D - op1;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > D);
V_CMP_flag(D, op1);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CPED iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x8C); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
tmp:2 = D - (op1 + zext($(C)));
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > D);
V_CMP_flag(D, op1);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CPED opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x9C); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
tmp:2 = D - (op1 + zext($(C)));
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > D);
V_CMP_flag(D, op1);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CPED opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xBC); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
tmp:2 = D - (op1 + zext($(C)));
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > D);
V_CMP_flag(D, op1);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CPED indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xAC); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
tmp:2 = D - (op1 + zext($(C)));
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > D);
V_CMP_flag(D, op1);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CPES iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x8F); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
tmp:2 = SP - (op1 + zext($(C)));
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > SP);
V_CMP_flag(SP, op1);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CPES opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x9F); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
tmp:2 = SP - (op1 + zext($(C)));
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > SP);
V_CMP_flag(SP, op1);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CPES opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xBF); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
tmp:2 = SP - (op1 + zext($(C)));
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > SP);
V_CMP_flag(SP, op1);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CPES indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xAF); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
tmp:2 = SP - (op1 + zext($(C)));
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > SP);
V_CMP_flag(SP, op1);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CPEX iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x8E); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
tmp:2 = IX - (op1 + zext($(C)));
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > IX);
V_CMP_flag(IX, op1);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CPEX opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x9E); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
tmp:2 = IX - (op1 + zext($(C)));
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > IX);
V_CMP_flag(IX, op1);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CPEX opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xBE); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
tmp:2 = IX - (op1 + zext($(C)));
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > IX);
V_CMP_flag(IX, op1);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CPEX indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xAE); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
tmp:2 = IX - (op1 + zext($(C)));
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > IX);
V_CMP_flag(IX, op1);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CPEY iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x8D); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
tmp:2 = IY - (op1 + zext($(C)));
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > IY);
V_CMP_flag(IY, op1);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CPEY opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x9D); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
tmp:2 = IY - (op1 + zext($(C)));
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > IY);
V_CMP_flag(IY, op1);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CPEY opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xBD); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
tmp:2 = IY - (op1 + zext($(C)));
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > IY);
V_CMP_flag(IY, op1);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:CPEY indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xAD); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
tmp:2 = IY - (op1 + zext($(C)));
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > IY);
V_CMP_flag(IY, op1);
SkipNext2Bytes: dest is epsilon [ dest = inst_next + 2; ] { export *[RAM]:1 dest; }
:CPS loc is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x8F) & SkipNext2Bytes [ loc = (inst_next & 0xffffff); ]
local addr:3 = inst_next;
local op1:2 = *[RAM]:2 addr;
tmp:2 = SP - op1;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > SP);
V_CMP_flag(SP, op1);
goto SkipNext2Bytes;
:CPS opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x9F); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
tmp:2 = SP - op1;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > SP);
V_CMP_flag(SP, op1);
:CPS loc is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xBF) & SkipNext2Bytes [ loc = (inst_next & 0xffffff); ]
local addr:3 = inst_next;
local op1:2 = *[RAM]:2 addr;
Load2(op1, op1);
tmp:2 = SP - op1;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > SP);
V_CMP_flag(SP, op1);
goto SkipNext2Bytes;
:CPS indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xAF); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
tmp:2 = SP - op1;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > SP);
V_CMP_flag(SP, op1);
:CPX iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x8E); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
tmp:2 = IX - op1;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > IX);
V_CMP_flag(IX, op1);
:CPX opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x9E); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
tmp:2 = IX - op1;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > IX);
V_CMP_flag(IX, op1);
:CPX opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xBE); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
tmp:2 = IX - op1;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > IX);
V_CMP_flag(IX, op1);
:CPX indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xAE); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
tmp:2 = IX - op1;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > IX);
V_CMP_flag(IX, op1);
:CPY iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x8D); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
tmp:2 = IY - op1;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > IY);
V_CMP_flag(IY, op1);
:CPY opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x9D); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
tmp:2 = IY - op1;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > IY);
V_CMP_flag(IY, op1);
:CPY opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xBD); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
tmp:2 = IY - op1;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > IY);
V_CMP_flag(IY, op1);
:CPY indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xAD); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
tmp:2 = IY - op1;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
$(C) = (op1 > IY);
V_CMP_flag(IY, op1);
:DAA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x07
A = decimalAdjustAccumulator(A, $(C), $(H));
$(C) = decimalAdjustCarry(A, $(C), $(H));
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
#V is undefined
:DBEQ byte9_8, rel9 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x04; op15_13=0x0 & size10_10=0 & byte9_8 & rel9
byte9_8 = byte9_8 - 1;
if (byte9_8 == 0) goto rel9;
:DBEQ word9_8, rel9 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x04; op15_13=0x0 & size10_10=1 & word9_8 & rel9
word9_8 = word9_8 - 1;
if (word9_8 == 0) goto rel9;
:DBNE byte9_8, rel9 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x04; op15_13=0x1 & size10_10=0 & byte9_8 & rel9
byte9_8 = byte9_8 - 1;
if (byte9_8 != 0) goto rel9;
:DBNE word9_8, rel9 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x04; op15_13=0x1 & size10_10=1 & word9_8 & rel9
word9_8 = word9_8 - 1;
if (word9_8 != 0) goto rel9;
:DEC opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x73); opr16a_8
tmp:1 = opr16a_8;
result:1 = tmp - 1;
opr16a_8 = result;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
:DEC indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x63); indexed1_5
tmp:1 = indexed1_5;
result:1 = tmp - 1;
indexed1_5 = result;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
:DECA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x43
tmp:1 = A;
A = tmp - 1;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:DECB is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x53
tmp:1 = B;
B = tmp - 1;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:DECW opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x73); opr16a_16
local tmp = opr16a_16;
local result = tmp - 1;
opr16a_16 = result;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:DECW indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x63); indexed2_5
local tmp = indexed2_5;
local result = tmp - 1;
indexed2_5 = result;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:DECX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x43
local tmp = IX;
IX = tmp - 1;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:DECY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x53
local tmp = IY;
IY = tmp - 1;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:DES is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op16=0x1B9F
SP = SP - 1;
:DEX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x09
IX = IX - 1;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
:DEY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x03
IY = IY - 1;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
:EDIV is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x11
tmp:4 = (zext(IY) << 16) | (zext(D));
resultQ:4 = tmp / zext(IX);
resultR:4 = tmp % zext(IX);
IY = resultQ:2;
D = resultR:2;
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(V) = (resultQ > 0x0000FFFF);
$(C) = (IX == 0);
:EDIVS is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x14
tmp:4 = (zext(IY) << 16) | (zext(D));
resultQ:4 = tmp s/ sext(IX);
resultR:4 = tmp s% sext(IX);
IY = resultQ:2;
D = resultR:2;
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(V) = (resultQ s> 0x00007FFF) | (resultQ s< 0x00008000);
$(C) = (IX == 0);
:EMACS opr16a is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x12; opr16a
local valx:2 = 0;
local valy:2 = 0;
result:4 = sext(valx) * sext(valy);
Store(opr16a, result);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(V) = (result s> 0x000000007FFFFFFF) | (result s< 0x0000000080000000);
$(C) = (result > 0x00000000FFFFFFFF);
:EMAXD indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x1A; indexed2_5
result:4 = zext(D) - zext(indexed2_5);
if (D > indexed2_5) goto <done>;
D = indexed2_5;
$(N) = (result:2 s< 0);
$(Z) = (result:2 == 0);
$(V) = (result s> 0x00007FFF) | (result s< 0x00008000);
$(C) = (result > 0x0000FFFF);
:EMAXM indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x1E; indexed2_5
result:4 = zext(D) - zext(indexed2_5);
if (D > indexed2_5) goto <done>;
indexed2_5 = D;
$(N) = (result:2 s< 0);
$(Z) = (result:2 == 0);
$(V) = (result s> 0x00007FFF) | (result s< 0x00008000);
$(C) = (result > 0x0000FFFF);
:EMIND indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x1B; indexed2_5
result:4 = zext(D) - zext(indexed2_5);
if (D < indexed2_5) goto <done>;
D = indexed2_5;
$(N) = (result:2 s< 0);
$(Z) = (result:2 == 0);
$(V) = (result s> 0x00007FFF) | (result s< 0x00008000);
$(C) = (result > 0x0000FFFF);
:EMINM indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x1F; indexed2_5
result:4 = zext(D) - zext(indexed2_5);
if (D < indexed2_5) goto <done>;
indexed2_5 = D;
$(N) = (result:2 s< 0);
$(Z) = (result:2 == 0);
$(V) = (result s> 0x00007FFF) | (result s< 0x00008000);
$(C) = (result > 0x0000FFFF);
:EMUL is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x13
result:4 = zext(D) * zext(IY);
IY = result(2);
D = result:2;
$(N) = result[31,1];
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(C) = result[15,1];
:EMULS is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x13
result:4 = sext(D) * sext(IY);
IY = result(2);
D = result:2;
$(N) = result[31,1];
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(C) = result[15,1];
:EORA iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x88); iopr8i
op1:1 = iopr8i;
A = A ^ op1;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:EORA opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x98); opr8a_8
op1:1 = opr8a_8;
A = A ^ op1;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:EORA opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xB8); opr16a_8
op1:1 = opr16a_8;
A = A ^ op1;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:EORA indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xA8); indexed1_5
op1:1 = indexed1_5;
A = A ^ op1;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:EORB iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xC8); iopr8i
op1:1 = iopr8i;
B = B ^ op1;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:EORB opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xD8); opr8a_8
op1:1 = opr8a_8;
B = B ^ op1;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:EORB opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xF8); opr16a_8
op1:1 = opr16a_8;
B = B ^ op1;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:EORB indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xE8); indexed1_5
op1:1 = indexed1_5;
B = B ^ op1;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:EORX iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x88); iopr16i
local op1 = iopr16i;
IX = IX ^ op1;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:EORX opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x98); opr8a_16
local op1 = opr8a_16;
IX = IX ^ op1;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:EORX opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xB8); opr16a_16
local op1 = opr16a_16;
IX = IX ^ op1;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:EORX indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xA8); indexed2_5
local op1 = indexed2_5;
IX = IX ^ op1;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:EORY iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xC8); iopr16i
local op1 = iopr16i;
IY = IY ^ op1;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:EORY opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xD8); opr8a_16
local op1 = opr8a_16;
IY = IY ^ op1;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:EORY opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xF8); opr16a_16
local op1 = opr16a_16;
IY = IY ^ op1;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:EORY indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xE8); indexed2_5
local op1 = indexed2_5;
IY = IY ^ op1;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:ETBL indexed2_1 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x3F; indexed2_1
D = ETBL( indexed2_1, B );
$(N) = (D s< 0);
$(Z) = (D == 0);
$(C) = ETBL_Cflag( indexed2_1, B );
# this case 'C0' or 'C8', does not display similarly to other members of either its row or column
:EXG D, A is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0x0 & ( columns7_4=0xC ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x8 & ( columns7_4=0xC ) )
) &
D & A
tmp:1 = B;
B = A;
A = tmp;
# this case 'C1' or 'C9', does not work similarly to other members of either its row or column
:EXG D, B is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0x1 & ( columns7_4=0xC ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x9 & ( columns7_4=0xC ) )
) &
D & B
B = B;
A = 0xFF;
# this case '84' or '8C', does not work similarly to other members of either its row or column
:EXG A, D is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0x4 & ( columns7_4=0x8 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xC & ( columns7_4=0x8 ) )
) &
A & D
D = zext(A);
# this case '94' or '9C', does not work similarly to other members of either its row or column
:EXG B, D is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0x4 & ( columns7_4=0x9 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xC & ( columns7_4=0x9 ) )
) &
B & D
D = zext(B);
# this case 'A8', does not work the same as 'A0'
:EXG CCRH, A is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0x8 & ( columns7_4=0xA ) )
) &
tmp:1 = CCRH;
A = tmp;
# this case '8A', does not work the same as '82'
:EXG A, CCRH is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0xA & ( columns7_4=0x8 ) )
) &
tmp:1 = A;
CCRH = tmp;
# this case 'AA', does not display the same as 'A2'
:EXG CCRW, "CCRW" is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0xA & ( columns7_4=0xA ) )
) &
:EXG bytes_ABCl_6_4, bytes_ABCl_2_0 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0x0 & ( columns7_4=0x8 | columns7_4=0x9 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x1 & ( columns7_4=0x8 | columns7_4=0x9 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x8 & ( columns7_4=0x8 | columns7_4=0x9 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x9 & ( columns7_4=0x8 | columns7_4=0x9 ) )
) &
bytes_ABCl_6_4 & bytes_ABCl_2_0
tmp:1 = bytes_ABCl_2_0;
bytes_ABCl_2_0 = bytes_ABCl_6_4;
bytes_ABCl_6_4 = tmp;
:EXG bytes_ABCl_6_4, CCR is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0x2 & ( columns7_4=0x8 | columns7_4=0x9 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xA & ( columns7_4=0x9 ) )
) &
bytes_ABCl_6_4 & CCR
tmp:1 = bytes_ABCl_6_4;
bytes_ABCl_6_4 = CCR;
setCCR( tmp );
:EXG CCR, bytes_ABCl_2_0 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0x0 & ( columns7_4=0xA ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x1 & ( columns7_4=0xA ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x2 & ( columns7_4=0xA ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x9 & ( columns7_4=0xA ) )
) &
CCR & bytes_ABCl_2_0
tmp:1 = bytes_ABCl_2_0;
bytes_ABCl_2_0 = CCR;
setCCR( tmp );
:EXG bytes_T3l_XlYlSl_6_4, A is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0x0 & ( columns7_4=0xB | columns7_4=0xD | columns7_4=0xE | columns7_4=0xF ) )
) &
bytes_T3l_XlYlSl_6_4 & words_T3_XYS_6_4 & A
tmp:2 = zext(A);
A = bytes_T3l_XlYlSl_6_4;
words_T3_XYS_6_4 = tmp;
:EXG bytes_T3h_XhYhSh_6_4, A is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0x8 & ( columns7_4=0xB | columns7_4=0xD | columns7_4=0xE | columns7_4=0xF ) )
) &
bytes_T3h_XhYhSh_6_4 & words_T3_XYS_6_4 & A
tmp:2 = zext(A);
A = bytes_T3h_XhYhSh_6_4;
words_T3_XYS_6_4 = tmp;
:EXG bytes_T3l_XlYlSl_6_4, B is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0x1 & ( columns7_4=0xB | columns7_4=0xD | columns7_4=0xE | columns7_4=0xF ) )
) &
bytes_T3l_XlYlSl_6_4 & words_T3_XYS_6_4 & B
tmp:2 = 0xFF00 | zext(B);
B = bytes_T3l_XlYlSl_6_4;
words_T3_XYS_6_4 = tmp;
:EXG bytes_T3l_XlYlSl_6_4, B is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0x9 & ( columns7_4=0xB | columns7_4=0xD | columns7_4=0xE | columns7_4=0xF ) )
) &
bytes_T3l_XlYlSl_6_4 & B
tmp:1 = B;
B = bytes_T3l_XlYlSl_6_4;
bytes_T3l_XlYlSl_6_4 = tmp;
:EXG bytes_T3lDlXlYlSl_6_4, CCR is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0x2 & ( columns7_4=0xB | columns7_4=0xC | columns7_4=0xD | columns7_4=0xE | columns7_4=0xF ) )
) &
bytes_T3lDlXlYlSl_6_4 & words_T3DXYS_6_4 & CCR
tmp:2 = 0xFF00 | zext(CCR);
# when CCR is the destination, cannot set the X bit unless it is already set in CCR
setCCR( bytes_T3lDlXlYlSl_6_4 );
words_T3DXYS_6_4 = tmp;
:EXG words_T3DXYS_6_4, CCRW is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0xA & ( columns7_4=0xB | columns7_4=0xC | columns7_4=0xD | columns7_4=0xE | columns7_4=0xF ) )
) &
words_T3DXYS_6_4 & CCRW
tmp:2 = CCRW;
setCCRW( words_T3DXYS_6_4 );
words_T3DXYS_6_4 = tmp;
# this case 'CB', does not work similarly to other members of either its row or column
:EXG D, TMP1 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0xB & ( columns7_4=0xC ) )
) &
D & TMP1
tmp:2 = D;
D = TMP1;
TMP1 = tmp;
# this case 'BC', does not work similarly to other members of either its row or column
:EXG TMP1, D is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0xC & ( columns7_4=0xB ) )
) &
TMP1 & D
tmp:2 = TMP1;
TMP1 = D;
D = tmp;
:EXG words_T3DXYS_6_4, words_T2DXYS_2_0 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
# Case "C5" is handled by XGDX
# Case "C6" is handled by XGDY
( rows3_0=0x3 & ( columns7_4=0xB | columns7_4=0xC | columns7_4=0xD | columns7_4=0xE | columns7_4=0xF ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x4 & ( columns7_4=0xB | columns7_4=0xC | columns7_4=0xD | columns7_4=0xE | columns7_4=0xF ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x5 & ( columns7_4=0xB | columns7_4=0xD | columns7_4=0xE | columns7_4=0xF ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x6 & ( columns7_4=0xB | columns7_4=0xD | columns7_4=0xE | columns7_4=0xF ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x7 & ( columns7_4=0xB | columns7_4=0xC | columns7_4=0xD | columns7_4=0xE | columns7_4=0xF ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xB & ( columns7_4=0xB | columns7_4=0xD | columns7_4=0xE | columns7_4=0xF ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xC & ( columns7_4=0xC | columns7_4=0xD | columns7_4=0xE | columns7_4=0xF ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xD & ( columns7_4=0xB | columns7_4=0xC | columns7_4=0xD | columns7_4=0xE | columns7_4=0xF ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xE & ( columns7_4=0xB | columns7_4=0xC | columns7_4=0xD | columns7_4=0xE | columns7_4=0xF ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xF & ( columns7_4=0xB | columns7_4=0xC | columns7_4=0xD | columns7_4=0xE | columns7_4=0xF ) )
) &
words_T3DXYS_6_4 & words_T2DXYS_2_0
tmp:2 = words_T3DXYS_6_4;
words_T3DXYS_6_4 = words_T2DXYS_2_0;
words_T2DXYS_2_0 = tmp;
:EXG bytes_ABCl_6_4, words_T2DXYS_2_0 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0x3 & ( columns7_4=0x8 | columns7_4=0x9 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x5 & ( columns7_4=0x8 | columns7_4=0x9 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x6 & ( columns7_4=0x8 | columns7_4=0x9 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x7 & ( columns7_4=0x8 | columns7_4=0x9 ) )
) &
bytes_ABCl_6_4 & words_T2DXYS_2_0 & bytes_T2lDlXlYlSl_2_0
tmp:2 = zext(bytes_ABCl_6_4);
bytes_ABCl_6_4 = bytes_T2lDlXlYlSl_2_0;
words_T2DXYS_2_0 = tmp;
:EXG bytes_ABCl_6_4, bytes_T2hDhXhYhSh_2_0 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0xB & ( columns7_4=0x8 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xD & ( columns7_4=0x8 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xE & ( columns7_4=0x8 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xF & ( columns7_4=0x8 ) )
) &
bytes_ABCl_6_4 & bytes_T2hDhXhYhSh_2_0
tmp:1 = bytes_ABCl_6_4;
bytes_ABCl_6_4 = bytes_T2hDhXhYhSh_2_0;
bytes_T2hDhXhYhSh_2_0 = tmp;
# only column 9 with rows B, (skip C), D, E, and F
:EXG bytes_ABCl_6_4, bytes_T2lDlXlYlSl_2_0 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0xB & ( columns7_4=0x9 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xD & ( columns7_4=0x9 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xE & ( columns7_4=0x9 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xF & ( columns7_4=0x9 ) )
) &
bytes_ABCl_6_4 & bytes_T2lDlXlYlSl_2_0
tmp:1 = bytes_ABCl_6_4;
bytes_ABCl_6_4 = bytes_T2lDlXlYlSl_2_0;
bytes_T2lDlXlYlSl_2_0 = tmp;
:EXG CCR, words_T2DXYS_2_0 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0x3 & ( columns7_4=0xA ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x4 & ( columns7_4=0xA ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x5 & ( columns7_4=0xA ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x6 & ( columns7_4=0xA ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x7 & ( columns7_4=0xA ) )
) &
CCR & words_T2DXYS_2_0 & bytes_T2lDlXlYlSl_2_0
tmp:2 = zext(CCR);
setCCR( bytes_T2lDlXlYlSl_2_0 );
words_T2DXYS_2_0 = tmp;
:EXG CCRW, words_T2DXYS_2_0 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0xB & ( columns7_4=0xA ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xC & ( columns7_4=0xA ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xD & ( columns7_4=0xA ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xE & ( columns7_4=0xA ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xF & ( columns7_4=0xA ) )
) &
CCRW & words_T2DXYS_2_0
tmp:2 = CCRW;
setCCRW( words_T2DXYS_2_0 );
words_T2DXYS_2_0 = tmp;
:FDIV is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x11
$(V) = (IX <= D);
$(C) = (IX == 0);
tmp:4 = (zext(D) << 16);
resultQ:4 = tmp / zext(IX);
resultR:4 = tmp % zext(IX);
IX = resultQ:2;
D = resultR:2;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
#:GLDAA is op16=0x1896 See GPAGE extended LDAA
#:GLDAA is op16=0x18B6 See GPAGE extended LDAA
#:GLDAA is op16=0x18A6 See GPAGE extended LDAA
#:GLDAB is op16=0x18D6 See GPAGE extended LDAB
#:GLDAB is op16=0x18F6 See GPAGE extended LDAB
#:GLDAB is op16=0x18E6 See GPAGE extended LDAB
#:GLDD is op16=0x18DC See GPAGE extended LDD
#:GLDD is op16=0x18FC See GPAGE extended LDD
#:GLDD is op16=0x18EC See GPAGE extended LDD
#:GLDS is op16=0x18DF See GPAGE extended LDS
#:GLDS is op16=0x18FF See GPAGE extended LDS
#:GLDS is op16=0x18EF See GPAGE extended LDS
#:GLDX is op16=0x18DE See GPAGE extended LDX
#:GLDX is op16=0x18FE See GPAGE extended LDX
#:GLDX is op16=0x18EE See GPAGE extended LDX
#:GLDY is op16=0x18DD See GPAGE extended LDY
#:GLDY is op16=0x18FD See GPAGE extended LDY
#:GLDY is op16=0x18ED See GPAGE extended LDY
#:GSTAA is op16=0x185A See GPAGE extended STAA
#:GSTAA is op16=0x187A See GPAGE extended STAA
#:GSTAA is op16=0x186A See GPAGE extended STAA
#:GSTAB is op16=0x185B See GPAGE extended STAB
#:GSTAB is op16=0x187B See GPAGE extended STAB
#:GSTAB is op16=0x186B See GPAGE extended STAB
#:GSTD is op16=0x185C See GPAGE extended STD
#:GSTD is op16=0x187C See GPAGE extended STD
#:GSTD is op16=0x186C See GPAGE extended STD
#:GSTS is op16=0x185F See GPAGE extended STS
#:GSTS is op16=0x187F See GPAGE extended STS
#:GSTS is op16=0x186F See GPAGE extended STS
#:GSTX is op16=0x185E See GPAGE extended STX
#:GSTX is op16=0x187E See GPAGE extended STX
#:GSTX is op16=0x186E See GPAGE extended STX
#:GSTY is op16=0x185D See GPAGE extended STY
#:GSTY is op16=0x187D See GPAGE extended STY
#:GSTY is op16=0x186D See GPAGE extended STY
:IBEQ byte9_8, rel9 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x04; op15_13=0x4 & size10_10=0 & byte9_8 & rel9
byte9_8 = byte9_8 + 1;
if (byte9_8 == 0) goto rel9;
:IBEQ word9_8, rel9 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x04; op15_13=0x4 & size10_10=1 & word9_8 & rel9
word9_8 = word9_8 + 1;
if (word9_8 == 0) goto rel9;
:IBNE byte9_8, rel9 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x04; op15_13=0x5 & size10_10=0 & byte9_8 & rel9
byte9_8 = byte9_8 + 1;
if (byte9_8 != 0) goto rel9;
:IBNE word9_8, rel9 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x04; op15_13=0x5 & size10_10=1 & word9_8 & rel9
word9_8 = word9_8 + 1;
if (word9_8 != 0) goto rel9;
:IDIV is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x10
$(C) = (IX == 0);
resultQ:2 = D / IX;
resultR:2 = D % IX;
IX = resultQ;
D = resultR;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(V) = 0;
:IDIVS is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x15
$(C) = (IX == 0);
resultQ:4 = sext(D) s/ sext(IX);
resultR:4 = sext(D) s% sext(IX);
IX = resultQ:2;
D = resultR:2;
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(V) = (resultQ s> 0x00007FFF) | (resultQ s< 0x00008000);
:INC opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x72); opr16a_8
tmp:1 = opr16a_8;
result:1 = tmp + 1;
opr16a_8 = result;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
:INC indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x62); indexed1_5
tmp:1 = indexed1_5;
result:1 = tmp + 1;
indexed1_5 = result;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
:INCA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x42
tmp:1 = A;
A = tmp + 1;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:INCB is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x52
tmp:1 = B;
B = tmp + 1;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:INCW opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x72); opr16a_16
tmp:2 = opr16a_16;
result:2 = tmp + 1;
opr16a_16 = result;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:INCW indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x62); indexed2_5
tmp:2 = indexed2_5;
result:2 = tmp + 1;
indexed2_5 = result;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:INCX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x42
local tmp = IX;
IX = tmp + 1;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:INCY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x52
local tmp = IY;
IY = tmp + 1;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:INS is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op16=0x1B81
SP = SP + 1;
:INX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x08
IX = IX + 1;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
:INY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x02
IY = IY + 1;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
:JMP opr16a is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x06); opr16a
local target = opr16a;
goto [target];
:JMP indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x05); indexed2_5
goto [indexed2_5];
:JSR opr8a is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x17); opr8a
tmp:2 = inst_next;
Push2( tmp );
local target = opr8a;
call [target];
:JSR opr16a is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x16); opr16a
tmp:2 = inst_next;
Push2( tmp );
local target = opr16a;
call [target];
:JSR indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x15); indexed2_5
tmp:2 = inst_next;
Push2( tmp );
call [indexed2_5];
:LBCC rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x24; rel16
if ($(C) == 0) goto rel16;
:LBCS rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x25; rel16
if ($(C) == 1) goto rel16;
:LBEQ rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x27; rel16
if ($(Z) == 1) goto rel16;
:LBGE rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x2C; rel16
if (($(N) ^ $(V)) == 1) goto rel16;
:LBGT rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x2E; rel16
if (($(Z) | ($(N) ^ $(V))) == 0) goto rel16;
:LBHI rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x22; rel16
if (($(C) | $(Z)) == 0) goto rel16;
#:LBHS rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x24; rel16 See LBCC
:LBLE rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x2F; rel16
if ($(Z) | ($(N) ^ $(V))) goto rel16;
#:LBLO rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x25; rel16 see LBCS
:LBLS rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x23; rel16
if (($(C) | $(Z)) == 1) goto rel16;
:LBLT rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x2D; rel16
if (($(N) ^ $(V)) == 1) goto rel16;
:LBMI rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x2B; rel16
if ($(N) == 1) goto rel16;
:LBNE rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x26; rel16
if ($(Z) == 0) goto rel16;
:LBPL rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x2A; rel16
if ($(N) == 0) goto rel16;
:LBRA rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x20; rel16
goto rel16;
# branch never is a four-byte nop
:LBRN rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x21; rel16
:LBVC rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x28; rel16
if ($(V) == 0) goto rel16;
:LBVS rel16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x29; rel16
if ($(V) == 1) goto rel16;
:LDAA iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x86); iopr8i
A = iopr8i;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
GPaged: "G" is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 [ UseGPAGE=1; ] {}
GPaged: is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 [ UseGPAGE=0; ] {}
:^GPaged^"LDAA" opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x96); opr8a_8 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
A = opr8a_8;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDAA" opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xB6); opr16a_8 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
A = opr16a_8;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDAA" indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xA6); indexed1_5 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
A = indexed1_5;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:LDAB iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xC6); iopr8i
B = iopr8i;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDAB" opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xD6); opr8a_8 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
B = opr8a_8;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDAB" opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xF6); opr16a_8 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
B = opr16a_8;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDAB" indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xE6); indexed1_5 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
B = indexed1_5;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:LDD iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xCC); iopr16i
D = iopr16i;
$(Z) = (D == 0);
$(N) = (D s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDD" opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xDC); opr8a_16 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
D = opr8a_16;
$(Z) = (D == 0);
$(N) = (D s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDD" opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xFC); opr16a_16 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
D = opr16a_16;
$(Z) = (D == 0);
$(N) = (D s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDD" indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xEC); indexed2_5 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
D = indexed2_5;
$(Z) = (D == 0);
$(N) = (D s< 0);
define pcodeop LoadStack;
:LDS iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xCF); iopr16i
SP = LoadStack(iopr16i);
$(Z) = (SP == 0);
$(N) = (SP s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDS" opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xDF); opr8a_16 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
SP = LoadStack(opr8a_16);
$(Z) = (SP == 0);
$(N) = (SP s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDS" opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xFF); opr16a_16 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
SP = LoadStack(opr16a_16);
$(Z) = (SP == 0);
$(N) = (SP s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDS" indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xEF); indexed2_5 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
SP = LoadStack(indexed2_5);
$(Z) = (SP == 0);
$(N) = (SP s< 0);
:LDX iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xCE); iopr16i
IX = iopr16i;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDX" opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xDE); opr8a_16 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
IX = opr8a_16;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDX" opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xFE); opr16a_16 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
IX = opr16a_16;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDX" indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xEE); indexed2_5 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
IX = indexed2_5;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
:LDY iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xCD); iopr16i
IY = iopr16i;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDY" opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xDD); opr8a_16 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
IY = opr8a_16;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDY" opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xFD); opr16a_16 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
IY = opr16a_16;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:^GPaged^"LDY" indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0xED); indexed2_5 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
IY = indexed2_5;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:LEAS indexed0_3 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x1B); indexed0_3
SP = indexed0_3;
:LEAX indexed0_3 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x1A); indexed0_3
IX = indexed0_3;
:LEAY indexed0_3 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x19); indexed0_3
IY = indexed0_3;
## Logical Shift left is same as arithmetic shift left
#:LSL is (op8=0x68 | op8=0x78)
#:LSLA is op8=0x48
#:LSLB is op8=0x58
#:LSLD is op8=0x59
#:LSLW is op16=0x1878 | op16=0x1868 see ASLW
#:LSLX is op16=0x1848 see ASLX
#:LSLY is op16=0x1858 see ASLY
:LSR opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x74); opr16a_8
tmp:1 = opr16a_8;
$(C) = tmp & 1;
tmp = tmp >> 1;
opr16a_8 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = 0;
:LSR indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x64); indexed1_5
tmp:1 = indexed1_5;
$(C) = tmp & 1;
tmp = tmp >> 1;
indexed1_5 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = 0;
:LSRA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x44
$(C) = A[0,1];
A = (A >> 1);
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = 0;
:LSRB is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x54
$(C) = B[0,1];
B = (B >> 1);
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = 0;
:LSRD is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x49
$(C) = D[0,1];
D = (D >> 1);
$(Z) = (D == 0);
$(N) = 0;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:LSRW opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x74); opr16a_16
local tmp = opr16a_16;
$(C) = tmp[0,1];
tmp = tmp >> 1;
opr16a_16 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:LSRW indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x64); indexed2_5
local tmp = indexed2_5;
$(C) = tmp[0,1];
tmp = tmp >> 1;
indexed2_5 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:LSRX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x44
$(C) = IX[0,1];
IX = IX >> 1;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:LSRY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x54
$(C) = IY[0,1];
IY = IY >> 1;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:MAXA indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x18; indexed1_5
tmp:1 = indexed1_5;
result:2 = zext(A) - zext(tmp);
if (A > tmp) goto <done>;
A = tmp;
$(N) = (result:1 s< 0);
$(Z) = (result:1 == 0);
$(V) = (result s> 0x007F) | (result s< 0x0080);
$(C) = (result > 0x00FF);
:MAXM indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x1C; indexed1_5
tmp:1 = indexed1_5;
result:4 = zext(A) - zext(tmp);
if (tmp > A) goto <done>;
indexed1_5 = A;
$(N) = (result:2 s< 0);
$(Z) = (result:2 == 0);
$(V) = (result s> 0x007F) | (result s< 0x0080);
$(C) = (result > 0x00FF);
:MEM is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x01
local val:1 = GradeOfMembership(A, IX, IY);
Store(IY, val);
IY = IY + 1;
IX = IX + 4;
:MINA indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x19; indexed1_5
tmp:1 = indexed1_5;
result:2 = zext(A) - zext(tmp);
if (A < tmp) goto <done>;
A = tmp;
$(N) = (result:1 s< 0);
$(Z) = (result:1 == 0);
$(V) = (result s> 0x007F) | (result s< 0x0080);
$(C) = (result > 0x00FF);
:MINM indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x1D; indexed1_5
tmp:1 = indexed1_5;
result:4 = zext(A) - zext(tmp);
if (tmp < A) goto <done>;
indexed1_5 = A;
$(N) = (result:2 s< 0);
$(Z) = (result:2 == 0);
$(V) = (result s> 0x007F) | (result s< 0x0080);
$(C) = (result > 0x00FF);
:MOVB iopr8i, opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x0B; iopr8i; opr16a_8
opr16a_8 = iopr8i;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:MOVB iopr8i, indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x08; indexed1_5; iopr8i
indexed1_5 = iopr8i;
:MOVB iopr8i, indexed1_1 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x08; indexed1_1; iopr8i
indexed1_1 = iopr8i;
:MOVB opr16a_8, op2_opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x0C; opr16a_8; op2_opr16a_8
build opr16a_8;
local tmp = opr16a_8;
build op2_opr16a_8;
op2_opr16a_8 = tmp;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:MOVB opr16a_8, indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x09; indexed1_5; opr16a_8
indexed1_5 = opr16a_8;
:MOVB opr16a_8, indexed1_1 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x09; indexed1_1; opr16a_8
indexed1_1 = opr16a_8;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:MOVB indexed1_5, opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x0D; indexed1_5; opr16a_8
opr16a_8 = indexed1_5;
:MOVB indexed1_1, opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x0D; indexed1_1; opr16a_8
opr16a_8 = indexed1_1;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:MOVB indexed1_5, op2_indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x0A; indexed1_5; op2_indexed1_5
# two operands share a lower level subconstructor
# MUST do the builds and store the value, or the first operands results will be overwritten
build indexed1_5;
local tmp = indexed1_5;
build op2_indexed1_5;
op2_indexed1_5 = tmp;
:MOVB indexed1_1, op2_indexed1_1 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x0A; indexed1_1; op2_indexed1_1
# two operands share a lower level subconstructor
# MUST do the builds and store the value, or the first operands results will be overwritten
build indexed1_1;
local tmp = indexed1_1;
build op2_indexed1_1;
op2_indexed1_1 = tmp;
:MOVW iopr16i, opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x03; iopr16i; opr16a_16
opr16a_16 = iopr16i;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:MOVW iopr16i, indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x00; indexed2_5; iopr16i
indexed2_5 = iopr16i;
:MOVW iopr16i, indexed2_1 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x00; indexed2_1; iopr16i
indexed2_1 = iopr16i;
:MOVW opr16a_16, op2_opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x04; opr16a_16; op2_opr16a_16
# two operands share a lower level subconstructor
# MUST do the builds and store the value, or the first operands results will be overwritten
build opr16a_16;
local tmp = opr16a_16;
build op2_opr16a_16;
op2_opr16a_16 = tmp;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:MOVW opr16a_16, indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x01; indexed2_5; opr16a_16
indexed2_5 = opr16a_16;
:MOVW opr16a_16, indexed2_1 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x01; indexed2_1; opr16a_16
indexed2_1 = opr16a_16;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:MOVW indexed2_5, opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x05; indexed2_5; opr16a_16
opr16a_16 = indexed2_5;
:MOVW indexed2_1, opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x05; indexed2_1; opr16a_16
opr16a_16 = indexed2_1;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:MOVW indexed2_5, op2_indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x02; indexed2_5; op2_indexed2_5
# two operands share a lower level subconstructor
# MUST do the builds and store the value, or the first operands results will be overwritten
build indexed2_5;
local tmp = indexed2_5;
build op2_indexed2_5;
op2_indexed2_5 = tmp;
:MOVW indexed2_1, op2_indexed2_1 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x02; indexed2_1; op2_indexed2_1
# two operands share a lower level subconstructor
# MUST do the builds and store the value, or the first operands results will be overwritten
build indexed2_1;
local tmp = indexed2_1;
build op2_indexed2_1;
op2_indexed2_1 = tmp;
:MUL is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x12
D = zext(A) * zext(B);
$(C) = B[7,1];
:NEG opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x70); opr16a_8
tmp:1 = opr16a_8;
result:1 = -tmp;
opr16a_8 = result;
$(C) = (result != 0);
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
:NEG indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x60); indexed1_5
tmp:1 = indexed1_5;
result:1 = -tmp;
indexed1_5 = result;
$(C) = (result != 0);
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
:NEGA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x40
tmp:1 = A;
A = -tmp;
$(C) = (A != 0);
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:NEGB is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x50
tmp:1 = B;
B = -tmp;
$(C) = (B != 0);
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:NEGW opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x70); opr16a_16
tmp:2 = opr16a_16;
result:2 = -tmp;
opr16a_16 = result;
$(C) = (result != 0);
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:NEGW indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x60); indexed2_5
tmp:2 = indexed2_5;
result:2 = -tmp;
indexed2_5 = result;
$(C) = (result != 0);
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:NEGX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x40
tmp:2 = IX;
IX = -tmp;
$(C) = (IX != 0);
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
:NEGY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x50
tmp:2 = IY;
IY = -tmp;
$(C) = (IY != 0);
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:NOP is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0xA7
:ORAA iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x8A); iopr8i
A = A | iopr8i;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:ORAA opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x9A); opr8a_8
A = A | opr8a_8;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:ORAA opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xBA); opr16a_8
A = A | opr16a_8;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:ORAA indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xAA); indexed1_5
A = A | indexed1_5;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:ORAB iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xCA); iopr8i
B = B | iopr8i;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:ORAB opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xDA); opr8a_8
B = B | opr8a_8;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:ORAB opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xFA); opr16a_8
B = B | opr16a_8;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:ORAB indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xEA); indexed1_5
B = B | indexed1_5;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:ORCC iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x14); iopr8i
CCR = CCR | (iopr8i & 0b10111111);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ORX iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x8A); iopr16i
IX = IX | iopr16i;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ORX opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x9A); opr8a_16
IX = IX | opr8a_16;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ORX opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xBA); opr16a_16
IX = IX | opr16a_16;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ORX indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xAA); indexed2_5
IX = IX | indexed2_5;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ORY iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xCA); iopr16i
IY = IY | iopr16i;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ORY opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xDA); opr8a_16
IY = IY | opr8a_16;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ORY opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xFA); opr16a_16
IY = IY | opr16a_16;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ORY indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xEA); indexed2_5
IY = IY | indexed2_5;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:PSHA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x36
Push1( A );
:PSHB is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x37
Push1( B );
:PSHC is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x39
Push1( CCR );
@if defined(HCS12X)
:PSHCW is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x39
Push2( CCRW );
:PSHD is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x3B
Push2( D );
:PSHX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x34
Push2( IX );
:PSHY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x35
Push2( IY );
:PULA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x32
Pull1( A );
:PULB is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x33
Pull1( B );
:PULC is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x38
Pull1( CCR );
@if defined(HCS12X)
:PULCW is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x38
Pull2( CCRW );
:PULD is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x3A
Pull2( D );
:PULX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x30
Pull2( IX );
:PULY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x31
Pull2( IY );
:REV is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x3A
tempIX:2 = MinMaxRuleEvaluation(IX, IY, A, $(V));
$(V) = MinMaxRuleEvaluationCorrect(IX, IY, A, $(V));
IX = tempIX;
:REVW is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x3B
tempIX:2 = MinMaxRuleEvaluationWeighted(IX, IY, A, $(V), $(C));
tempIY:2 = MinMaxRuleEvaluationWeighted(IX, IY, A, $(V), $(C));
$(V) = MinMaxRuleEvaluationWeightedCorrect(IX, IY, A, $(V), $(C));
IX = tempIX;
IY = tempIY;
:ROL opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x75); opr16a_8
tmpC:1 = $(C);
op1:1 = opr16a_8;
$(C) = op1 >> 7;
result:1 = op1 << 1;
result = result | tmpC;
opr16a_8 = result;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
:ROL indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x65); indexed1_5
tmpC:1 = $(C);
op1:1 = indexed1_5;
$(C) = op1 >> 7;
result:1 = op1 << 1;
result = result | tmpC;
indexed1_5 = result;
$(Z) = (result == 0);
$(N) = (result s< 0);
:ROLA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x45
tmpC:1 = $(C) ;
$(C) = A >> 7;
A = A << 1;
A = A | tmpC;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:ROLB is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x55
tmpC:1 = $(C) ;
$(C) = B >> 7;
B = B << 1;
B = B | tmpC;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ROLW opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x75); opr16a_16
local tmp = opr16a_16;
local tmpC = $(C);
$(C) = tmp[15,1];
tmp = tmp << 1;
tmp = tmp | zext(tmpC);
opr16a_16 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ROLW indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x65); indexed2_5
local tmp = indexed2_5;
local tmpC = $(C);
$(C) = tmp[15,1];
tmp = tmp << 1;
tmp = tmp | zext(tmpC);
indexed2_5 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ROLX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x45
local tmpC = $(C);
$(C) = IX[15,1];
IX = IX << 1;
IX = IX | zext(tmpC);
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:ROLY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x55
local tmpC = $(C);
$(C) = IY[15,1];
IY = IY << 1;
IY = IY | zext(tmpC);
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:ROR opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x76); opr16a_8
tmpC:1 = $(C) << 7;
tmp:1 = opr16a_8;
$(C) = tmp & 1;
tmp = tmp >> 1;
tmp = tmp | tmpC;
opr16a_8 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
:ROR indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x66); indexed1_5
tmpC:1 = $(C) << 7;
tmp:1 = indexed1_5;
$(C) = tmp & 1;
tmp = tmp >> 1;
tmp = tmp | tmpC;
indexed1_5 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
:RORA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x46
tmpC:1 = $(C) << 7;
$(C) = A & 1;
A = A >> 1;
A = A | tmpC;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:RORB is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x56
tmpC:1 = $(C) << 7;
$(C) = B & 1;
B = B >> 1;
B = B | tmpC;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:RORW opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x76); opr16a_16
local tmp = opr16a_16;
local tmpC = $(C);
$(C) = tmp[0,1];
tmp = tmp >> 1;
tmp = tmp | (zext(tmpC) << 15);
opr16a_16 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:RORW indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x66); indexed2_5
local tmp = indexed2_5;
local tmpC = $(C);
$(C) = tmp[0,1];
tmp = tmp >> 1;
tmp = tmp | (zext(tmpC) << 15);
indexed2_5 = tmp;
$(Z) = (tmp == 0);
$(N) = (tmp s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:RORX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x46
local tmpC = $(C);
$(C) = IX[0,1];
IX = IX >> 1;
IX = IX | (zext(tmpC) << 15);
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:RORY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x56
local tmpC = $(C);
$(C) = IY[0,1];
IY = IY >> 1;
IY = IY | (zext(tmpC) << 15);
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:RTC is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x0A
Pull1( PPAGE );
tmp:2 = 0;
Pull2( tmp );
return [tmp];
:RTI is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x0B
tmp:2 = 0;
Pull1( CCR );
Pull1( B );
Pull1( A );
Pull2( IX );
Pull2( IY );
Pull2( tmp ); # as ordered on page 289, not as documented in RTI description
return [tmp];
:RTS is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x3D
tmp:2 = 0;
Pull2( tmp );
return [tmp];
:SBA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x16)
result:1 = A - B;
subtraction_flags1(A, B, result);
A = result;
:SBCA iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x82); iopr8i
op1:1 = iopr8i;
result:1 = A - op1 - $(C);
subtraction_flags1(A, op1, result);
A = result;
:SBCA opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x92); opr8a_8
op1:1 = opr8a_8;
result:1 = A - op1 - $(C);
subtraction_flags1(A, op1, result);
A = result;
:SBCA opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xB2); opr16a_8
op1:1 = opr16a_8;
result:1 = A - op1 - $(C);
subtraction_flags1(A, op1, result);
A = result;
:SBCA indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xA2); indexed1_5
op1:1 = indexed1_5;
result:1 = A - op1 - $(C);
subtraction_flags1(A, op1, result);
A = result;
:SBCB iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xC2); iopr8i
op1:1 = iopr8i;
result:1 = B - op1 - $(C);
subtraction_flags1(B, op1, result);
B = result;
:SBCB opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xD2); opr8a_8
op1:1 = opr8a_8;
result:1 = B - op1 - $(C);
subtraction_flags1(B, op1, result);
B = result;
:SBCB opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xF2); opr16a_8
op1:1 = opr16a_8;
result:1 = B - op1 - $(C);
subtraction_flags1(B, op1, result);
B = result;
:SBCB indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xE2); indexed1_5
op1:1 = indexed1_5;
result:1 = B - op1 - $(C);
subtraction_flags1(B, op1, result);
B = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SBED iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x83); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
result:2 = D - op1 - zext($(C));
subtraction_flags2(D, op1, result);
D = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SBED opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x93); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
result:2 = D - op1 - zext($(C));
subtraction_flags2(D, op1, result);
D = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SBED opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xB3); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
result:2 = D - op1 - zext($(C));
subtraction_flags2(D, op1, result);
D = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SBED indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xA3); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
result:2 = D - op1 - zext($(C));
subtraction_flags2(D, op1, result);
D = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SBEX iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x82); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
result:2 = IX - op1 - zext($(C));
subtraction_flags2(IX, op1, result);
IX = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SBEX opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x92); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
result:2 = IX - op1 - zext($(C));
subtraction_flags2(IX, op1, result);
IX = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SBEX opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xB2); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
result:2 = IX - op1 - zext($(C));
subtraction_flags2(IX, op1, result);
IX = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SBEX indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xA2); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
result:2 = IX - op1 - zext($(C));
subtraction_flags2(IX, op1, result);
IX = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SBEY iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xC2); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
result:2 = IY - op1 - zext($(C));
subtraction_flags2(IY, op1, result);
IY = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SBEY opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xD2); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
result:2 = IY - op1 - zext($(C));
subtraction_flags2(IY, op1, result);
IY = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SBEY opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xF2); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
result:2 = IY - op1 - zext($(C));
subtraction_flags2(IY, op1, result);
IY = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SBEY indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xE2); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
result:2 = IY - op1 - zext($(C));
subtraction_flags2(IY, op1, result);
IY = result;
:SEC is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op16=0x1401
$(C) = 1;
:SEI is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op16=0x1410
$(I) = 1;
:SEV is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op16=0x1402
$(V) = 1;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SEX A, D is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0xB7;
( rows3_0=0xC & ( columns7_4=0x0 ) )
) &
A & D
D = sext( A );
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SEX B, D is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0xB7;
( rows3_0=0xC & ( columns7_4=0x1 ) )
) &
B & D
D = sext( B );
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SEX D, IX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0xB7;
( rows3_0=0xD & ( columns7_4=0x4 ) )
) &
D & IX
# generate the sign extension upper word and assign it to destination
local tmp:4 = sext( D );
IX = tmp(2);
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SEX D, IY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0xB7;
( rows3_0=0xE & ( columns7_4=0x4 ) )
) &
D & IY
# generate the sign extension upper word and assign it to destination
local tmp:4 = sext( D );
IY = tmp(2);
:SEX abc5_4, dxys2_0 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0xB7;
( rows3_0=0x3 & ( columns7_4=0x0 | columns7_4=0x1 | columns7_4=0x2 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x4 & ( columns7_4=0x0 | columns7_4=0x1 | columns7_4=0x2 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x5 & ( columns7_4=0x0 | columns7_4=0x1 | columns7_4=0x2 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x6 & ( columns7_4=0x0 | columns7_4=0x1 | columns7_4=0x2 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x7 & ( columns7_4=0x0 | columns7_4=0x1 | columns7_4=0x2 ) )
) &
abc5_4 & dxys2_0
dxys2_0 = sext(abc5_4);
:^GPaged^"STAA" opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x5A); opr8a_8 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
opr8a_8 = A;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:^GPaged^"STAA" opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x7A); opr16a_8 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
opr16a_8 = A;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:^GPaged^"STAA" indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x6A); indexed1_5 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
indexed1_5 = A;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:^GPaged^"STAB" opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x5B); opr8a_8 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
opr8a_8 = B;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:^GPaged^"STAB" opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x7B); opr16a_8 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
opr16a_8 = B;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:^GPaged^"STAB" indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x6B); indexed1_5 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
indexed1_5 = B;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:^GPaged^"STD" opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x5C); opr8a_16 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
opr8a_16 = D;
$(Z) = (D == 0);
$(N) = (D s< 0);
:^GPaged^"STD" opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x7C); opr16a_16 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
opr16a_16 = D;
$(Z) = (D == 0);
$(N) = (D s< 0);
:^GPaged^"STD" indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x6C); indexed2_5 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
indexed2_5 = D;
$(Z) = (D == 0);
$(N) = (D s< 0);
:STOP is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x3E
if ($(S) == 0) goto <continue>;
tmp:2 = inst_next;
Push2( tmp );
Push2( IY );
Push2( IX );
Push1( A );
Push1( B );
Push1( CCR );
:^GPaged^"STS" opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x5F); opr8a_16 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
opr8a_16 = SP;
$(Z) = (SP == 0);
$(N) = (SP s< 0);
:^GPaged^"STS" opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x7F); opr16a_16 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
opr16a_16 = SP;
$(Z) = (SP == 0);
$(N) = (SP s< 0);
:^GPaged^"STS" indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x6F); indexed2_5 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
indexed2_5 = SP;
$(Z) = (SP == 0);
$(N) = (SP s< 0);
:^GPaged^"STX" opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x5E); opr8a_16 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
opr8a_16 = IX;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
:^GPaged^"STX" opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x7E); opr16a_16 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
opr16a_16 = IX;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
:^GPaged^"STX" indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x6E); indexed2_5 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
indexed2_5 = IX;
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
:^GPaged^"STY" opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x5D); opr8a_16 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
opr8a_16 = IY;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:^GPaged^"STY" opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x7D); opr16a_16 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
opr16a_16 = IY;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:^GPaged^"STY" indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & GPaged & (op8=0x6D); indexed2_5 [ UseGPAGE=Prefix18; ]
build GPaged;
indexed2_5 = IY;
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:SUBA iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x80); iopr8i
op1:1 = iopr8i;
result:1 = A - op1;
subtraction_flags1(A, op1, result);
A = result;
:SUBA opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x90); opr8a_8
op1:1 = opr8a_8;
result:1 = A - op1;
subtraction_flags1(A, op1, result);
A = result;
:SUBA opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xB0); opr16a_8
op1:1 = opr16a_8;
result:1 = A - op1;
subtraction_flags1(A, op1, result);
A = result;
:SUBA indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xA0); indexed1_5
op1:1 = indexed1_5;
result:1 = A - op1;
subtraction_flags1(A, op1, result);
A = result;
:SUBB iopr8i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xC0); iopr8i
op1:1 = iopr8i;
result:1 = B - op1;
subtraction_flags1(B, op1, result);
B = result;
:SUBB opr8a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xD0); opr8a_8
op1:1 = opr8a_8;
result:1 = B - op1;
subtraction_flags1(B, op1, result);
B = result;
:SUBB opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xF0); opr16a_8
op1:1 = opr16a_8;
result:1 = B - op1;
subtraction_flags1(B, op1, result);
B = result;
:SUBB indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xE0); indexed1_5
op1:1 = indexed1_5;
result:1 = B - op1;
subtraction_flags1(B, op1, result);
B = result;
:SUBD iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x83); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
result:2 = D - op1;
subtraction_flags2(D, op1, result);
D = result;
:SUBD opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0x93); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
result:2 = D - op1;
subtraction_flags2(D, op1, result);
D = result;
:SUBD opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xB3); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
result:2 = D - op1;
subtraction_flags2(D, op1, result);
D = result;
:SUBD indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xA3); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
result:2 = D - op1;
subtraction_flags2(D, op1, result);
D = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SUBX iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x80); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
result:2 = IX - op1;
subtraction_flags2(IX, op1, result);
IX = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SUBX opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0x90); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
result:2 = IX - op1;
subtraction_flags2(IX, op1, result);
IX = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SUBX opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xB0); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
result:2 = IX - op1;
subtraction_flags2(IX, op1, result);
IX = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SUBX indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xA0); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
result:2 = IX - op1;
subtraction_flags2(IX, op1, result);
IX = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SUBY iopr16i is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xC0); iopr16i
op1:2 = iopr16i;
result:2 = IY - op1;
subtraction_flags2(IY, op1, result);
IY = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SUBY opr8a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xD0); opr8a_16
op1:2 = opr8a_16;
result:2 = IY - op1;
subtraction_flags2(IY, op1, result);
IY = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SUBY opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xF0); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
result:2 = IY - op1;
subtraction_flags2(IY, op1, result);
IY = result;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:SUBY indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xE0); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
result:2 = IY - op1;
subtraction_flags2(IY, op1, result);
IY = result;
:SWI is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x3F
tmp:2 = inst_next;
Push2( tmp );
Push2( IY );
Push2( IX );
Push1( A );
Push1( B );
Push1( CCR );
$(I) = 1;
addr:2 = $(VECTOR_SWI);
call [addr];
:TAB is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x0E
B = A;
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
:TAP is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op16=0xB702
setCCR( A );
:TBA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x0F
A = B;
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:TBEQ byte9_8, rel9 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x04; op15_13=0x2 & size10_10=0 & byte9_8 & rel9
if (byte9_8 == 0) goto rel9;
:TBEQ word9_8, rel9 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x04; op15_13=0x2 & size10_10=1 & word9_8 & rel9
if (word9_8 == 0) goto rel9;
:TBL indexed1_3 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x3D; indexed1_3
A = TableLookupAndInterpolate(indexed1_3, B);
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
@if defined(HC12)
$(C) = TableLookupAndInterpolateRoundable(indexed1_3, B);
:TBNE byte9_8, rel9 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x04; op15_13=0x3 & size10_10=0 & byte9_8 & rel9
if (byte9_8 != 0) goto rel9;
:TBNE word9_8, rel9 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x04; op15_13=0x3 & size10_10=1 & word9_8 & rel9
if (word9_8 != 0) goto rel9;
:TFR bytes_ABClT3lBXlYlSl_6_4, bytes_ABCl_2_0 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
# The case "20" is covered by TPA
( rows3_0=0x0 & ( columns7_4=0x0 | columns7_4=0x1 | columns7_4=0x3 | columns7_4=0x4 | columns7_4=0x5 | columns7_4=0x6 | columns7_4=0x7 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x1 & ( columns7_4=0x0 | columns7_4=0x1 | columns7_4=0x2 | columns7_4=0x3 | columns7_4=0x4 | columns7_4=0x5 | columns7_4=0x6 | columns7_4=0x7 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x8 & ( columns7_4=0x0 | columns7_4=0x1 | columns7_4=0x4 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x9 & ( columns7_4=0x0 | columns7_4=0x1 | columns7_4=0x2 | columns7_4=0x3 | columns7_4=0x4 | columns7_4=0x5 | columns7_4=0x6 | columns7_4=0x7 ) )
) &
bytes_ABClT3lBXlYlSl_6_4 & bytes_ABCl_2_0
bytes_ABCl_2_0 = bytes_ABClT3lBXlYlSl_6_4;
:TFR bytes_ABClT3lBXlYlSl_6_4, CCR is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
# The case "02" is covered by TAP
( rows3_0=0x2 & ( columns7_4=0x1 | columns7_4=0x2 | columns7_4=0x3 | columns7_4=0x4 | columns7_4=0x5 | columns7_4=0x6 | columns7_4=0x7 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xA & ( columns7_4=0x1 ) )
) &
bytes_ABClT3lBXlYlSl_6_4 & CCR
setCCR( bytes_ABClT3lBXlYlSl_6_4 );
:TFR bytes_ABChT3hBXhYhSh_6_4, A is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0x8 & ( columns7_4=0x2 | columns7_4=0x3 | columns7_4=0x5 | columns7_4=0x6 | columns7_4=0x7 ) )
) &
bytes_ABChT3hBXhYhSh_6_4 & A
A = bytes_ABChT3hBXhYhSh_6_4;
:TFR A, CCRH is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0xA & ( columns7_4=0x0 ) )
) &
:TFR words_CT3DXYS_6_4, CCRW is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0xA & ( columns7_4=0x2 | columns7_4=0x3 | columns7_4=0x4 | columns7_4=0x5 | columns7_4=0x6 | columns7_4=0x7 ) )
) &
words_CT3DXYS_6_4 & CCRW
setCCRW( words_CT3DXYS_6_4 );
:TFR words_T3DXYS_6_4, words_T2DXYS_2_0 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
# The case "57" is covered by TXS
# The case "67" is covered by TYS
# The case "75" is covered by TSX
# The case "76" is covered by TSY
( rows3_0=0x3 & ( columns7_4=0x3 | columns7_4=0x4 | columns7_4=0x5 | columns7_4=0x6 | columns7_4=0x7 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x4 & ( columns7_4=0x3 | columns7_4=0x4 | columns7_4=0x5 | columns7_4=0x6 | columns7_4=0x7 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x5 & ( columns7_4=0x3 | columns7_4=0x4 | columns7_4=0x5 | columns7_4=0x6 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x6 & ( columns7_4=0x3 | columns7_4=0x4 | columns7_4=0x5 | columns7_4=0x6 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0x7 & ( columns7_4=0x3 | columns7_4=0x4 | columns7_4=0x7 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xB & ( columns7_4=0x3 | columns7_4=0x5 | columns7_4=0x6 | columns7_4=0x7 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xC & ( columns7_4=0x4 | columns7_4=0x5 | columns7_4=0x6 | columns7_4=0x7 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xD & ( columns7_4=0x3 | columns7_4=0x5 | columns7_4=0x6 | columns7_4=0x7 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xE & ( columns7_4=0x3 | columns7_4=0x5 | columns7_4=0x6 | columns7_4=0x7 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xF & ( columns7_4=0x3 | columns7_4=0x4 | columns7_4=0x5 | columns7_4=0x6 | columns7_4=0x7 ) )
) &
words_T3DXYS_6_4 & words_T2DXYS_2_0
words_T2DXYS_2_0 = words_T3DXYS_6_4;
:TFR D, TMP1 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0xB & ( columns7_4=0x4 ) )
) &
D & TMP1
TMP1 = D;
:TFR TMP1, D is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0xC & ( columns7_4=0x3 ) )
) &
TMP1 & D
D = TMP1;
:TFR CCRW, words_T2DXYS_2_0 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0xB & ( columns7_4=0x2 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xC & ( columns7_4=0x2 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xD & ( columns7_4=0x2 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xE & ( columns7_4=0x2 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xF & ( columns7_4=0x2 ) )
) &
CCRW & words_T2DXYS_2_0
words_T2DXYS_2_0 = CCRW;
:TFR A, bytes_T2h_XhYhSh_2_0 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0xB & ( columns7_4=0x0 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xD & ( columns7_4=0x0 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xE & ( columns7_4=0x0 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xF & ( columns7_4=0x0 ) )
) &
A & bytes_T2h_XhYhSh_2_0
bytes_T2h_XhYhSh_2_0 = A;
:TFR A, bytes_T2l_XlYlSl_2_0 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & ( op8=0xB7 );
( rows3_0=0xB & ( columns7_4=0x1 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xD & ( columns7_4=0x1 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xE & ( columns7_4=0x1 ) ) |
( rows3_0=0xF & ( columns7_4=0x1 ) )
) &
A & bytes_T2l_XlYlSl_2_0
bytes_T2l_XlYlSl_2_0 = A;
:TPA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op16=0xB720
A = CCR;
# TODO Not working properly with context regis XGATE=0 & ter for Prefix18
:TRAP trapnum is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x30 & trapnum
tmp:2 = inst_next;
Push2( tmp );
Push2( IY );
Push2( IX );
Push1( A );
Push1( B );
Push1( CCR );
$(I) = 1;
addr:2 = $(VECTOR_TRAP);
call [addr];
:TST opr16a_8 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xF7); opr16a_8
op1:1 = opr16a_8;
$(Z) = (op1 == 0);
$(N) = (op1 s< 0);
$(C) = 0;
:TST indexed1_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & (op8=0xE7); indexed1_5
op1:1 = indexed1_5;
$(Z) = (op1 == 0);
$(N) = (op1 s< 0);
$(C) = 0;
:TSTA is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x97
$(Z) = (A == 0);
$(N) = (A s< 0);
:TSTB is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0xD7
$(Z) = (B == 0);
$(N) = (B s< 0);
$(V) = 0;
$(C) = 0;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:TSTW opr16a_16 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xF7); opr16a_16
op1:2 = opr16a_16;
$(Z) = (op1 == 0);
$(N) = (op1 s< 0);
$(C) = 0;
@if defined(HCS12X)
:TSTW indexed2_5 is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & (op8=0xE7); indexed2_5
op1:2 = indexed2_5;
$(Z) = (op1 == 0);
$(N) = (op1 s< 0);
$(C) = 0;
:TSTX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x97
$(Z) = (IX == 0);
$(N) = (IX s< 0);
:TSTY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0xD7
$(Z) = (IY == 0);
$(N) = (IY s< 0);
:TSX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op16=0xB775
IX = SP;
:TSY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op16=0xB776
IY = SP;
:TXS is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op16=0xB757
SP = IX;
:TYS is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op16=0xB767
SP = IY;
:WAI is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x3E
tmp:2 = inst_next;
Push2( tmp );
Push2( IY );
Push2( IX );
Push1( A );
Push1( B );
Push1( CCR );
:WAV is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=1 & op8=0x3C
tempIY:2 = WeightedAverageSOPHigh(B, IY, IX);
tempD:2 = WeightedAverageSOPLow (B, IY, IX);
tempIX:2 = WeightedAverageSOW(B, IY, IX);
B = 0;
IY = tempIY;
D = tempD;
IX = tempIX;
:WAVR is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op8=0x3C
:XGDX is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op16=0xB7C5
tmp:2 = IX;
IX = D;
D = tmp;
:XGDY is XGATE=0 & Prefix18=0 & op16=0xB7C6
tmp:2 = IY;
IY = D;
D = tmp;