
799 lines
20 KiB

# Based on "PowerISA Version 2.06 Revision B" document dated July 23, 2010
# Category: SPE.Embedded Float Scalar Double
# version 1.0
# =================================================================
# Page 576
# efdabs rT,rA
# ISA-cmt: efdabs - Floating-Point Double-Precision Absolute Value
# ISA-info: efdabs - Form "EVX" Page 576 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 34: 10 a4 02 e4 efdabs r5,r4
:efdabs D,A is OP=4 & D & A & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_0_10=740
D = abs( A );
# =================================================================
# Page 577
# efdadd rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdadd - Floating-Point Double-Precision Add
# ISA-info: efdadd - Form "EVX" Page 577 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 40: 10 a4 1a e0 efdadd r5,r4,r3
:efdadd D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=736
D = A f+ B;
setSPEFSCRAddFlags_L( A, B, D );
# =================================================================
# Page 582
# efdcfs rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdcfs - Floating-Point Double-Precision Convert from Single-Precision
# ISA-info: efdcfs - Form "EVX" Page 582 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: a4: 10 a0 22 ef efdcfs r5,r4
:efdcfs D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=751
D = float2float( B:4 );
setSPEFSCR_L( D );
# =================================================================
# Page 580
# efdcfsf rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdcfsf - Convert Floating-Point Double-Precision from Signed Fraction
# ISA-info: efdcfsf - Form "EVX" Page 580 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 7c: 10 a0 22 f3 efdcfsf r5,r4
:efdcfsf D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=755
# load fractional divisor as a float
tmpA:4 = 0x80000000;
tmpA = int2float( tmpA );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpA );
# check if negative
if ( ( B:4 & 0x80000000 ) != 0 ) goto <negative>;
# float the fractional portion of register B
tmpB:4 = int2float( B:4 );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
tmpB = tmpB f/ tmpA;
setSPEFSCRDivFlags_L( tmpB, tmpA, tmpB );
goto <done>;
# float the fractional portion of register B, 2's complement negate
tmpB = int2float( -( B:4 ) );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
tmpB = tmpB f/ tmpA;
setSPEFSCRDivFlags_L( tmpB, tmpA, tmpB );
# negate the float
tmpB = f-( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
tmpC:8 = float2float( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpC );
D = tmpC;
# =================================================================
# Page 579
# efdcfsi rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdcfsi - Convert Floating-Point Double-Precision from Signed Integer
# ISA-info: efdcfsi - Form "EVX" Page 579 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 6c: 10 a0 22 f1 efdcfsi r5,r4
:efdcfsi D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=753
# check if negative
if ( ( B:4 & 0x80000000 ) != 0 ) goto <negative>;
# float the integer portion of register B
tmpB:8 = int2float( B:4 );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
goto <done>;
# float the integer portion of register B, 2's complement negate
tmpB = int2float( -( B:4 ) );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
# negate the float
tmpB = f-( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
D = tmpB;
# =================================================================
# Page 580
# efdcfsid rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdcfsid - Convert Floating-Point Double-Precision from Signed Integer Doubleword
# ISA-info: efdcfsid - Form "EVX" Page 580 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 70: 10 a0 22 e3 efdcfsid r5,r4
:efdcfsid D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=739
# check if negative
if ( ( B & 0x8000000000000000 ) != 0 ) goto <negative>;
# float the integer portion of register B
tmpB:8 = int2float( B );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
goto <done>;
# float the integer portion of register B, 2's complement negate
tmpB = int2float( -( B ) );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
# negate the float
tmpB = f-( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
D = tmpB;
# =================================================================
# Page 580
# efdcfuf rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdcfuf - Convert Floating-Point Double-Precision from Unsigned Fraction
# ISA-info: efdcfuf - Form "EVX" Page 580 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 80: 10 a0 22 f2 efdcfuf r5,r4
:efdcfuf D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=754
# load fractional divisor as a float
tmpA:8 = 0x0000000100000000;
tmpA = int2float( tmpA );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpA );
# float the fractional portion of register B
tmpB:8 = int2float( B:4 );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
tmpB = tmpB f/ tmpA;
setSPEFSCRDivFlags_L( tmpB, tmpA, tmpB );
D = tmpB;
# =================================================================
# Page 579
#efdcfui rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdcfui - Convert Floating-Point Double-Precision from Unsigned Integer
# ISA-info: efdcfui - Form "EVX" Page 579 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 74: 10 a0 22 f0 efdcfui r5,r4
:efdcfui D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=752
tmp:8 = int2float( B:4 );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmp );
D = tmp;
# =================================================================
# Page 580
#efdcfuid rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdcfuid - Convert Floating-Point Double-Precision from Unsigned Integer Doubleword
# ISA-info: efdcfuid - Form "EVX" Page 580 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 78: 10 a0 22 e2 efdcfuid r5,r4
:efdcfuid D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=738
tmp:8 = int2float( B );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmp );
D = tmp;
# =================================================================
# Page 578
# efdcmpeq CRFD,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdcmpeq - Floating-Point Double-Precision Compare Equal
# ISA-info: efdcmpeq - Form "EVX" Page 578 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 58: 12 84 1a ee efdcmpeq cr5,r4,r3
:efdcmpeq CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & BITS_21_22=0 & A & B & XOP_0_10=750
CRFD = A f== B;
# =================================================================
# Page 578
# efdcmpgt CRFD,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdcmpgt - Floating-Point Double-Precision Compare Greater Than
# ISA-info: efdcmpgt - Form "EVX" Page 578 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 50: 12 84 1a ec efdcmpgt cr5,r4,r3
:efdcmpgt CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & BITS_21_22=0 & A & B & XOP_0_10=748
CRFD = A f> B;
# =================================================================
# Page 578
# efdcmplt CRFD,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdcmplt - Floating-Point Double-Precision Compare Less Than
# ISA-info: efdcmplt - Form "EVX" Page 578 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 54: 12 84 1a ed efdcmplt cr5,r4,r3
:efdcmplt CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & BITS_21_22=0 & A & B & XOP_0_10=749
CRFD = A f< B;
# =================================================================
# Page 578
# efdctsf rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdctsf - Convert Floating-Point Double-Precision to Signed Fraction
# ISA-info: efdctsf - Form "EVX" Page 582 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 9c: 10 a0 22 f7 efdctsf r5,r4
:efdctsf D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=759
# multiply by 0x8000 0000 0000 0000 to scale the fraction up to integer range
# load fractional multiplier as a float
tmpM:8 = 0x8000000000000000;
tmpM = int2float( tmpM );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpM );
# load saturation limit as a float
tmpL:8 = 0x8000000000000000 - 1;
tmpL = int2float( tmpL );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpL );
# scale the saturation limit to a fractional float
tmpL = tmpL f/ tmpM;
setSPEFSCRDivFlags_L( tmpL, tmpM, tmpL );
tmpB:8 = B;
# check if less than or equal to positive saturation limit
if ( tmpB f<= tmpL ) goto <check_negative>;
# set to positive saturation
tmpB = tmpL;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
goto <done>;
# check if greater than or equal to negative saturation limit
tmpL = f-( tmpL );
if ( tmpB f>= tmpL ) goto <done>;
# set to negative saturation
tmpB = tmpL;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
# scale the fractional portion up to integer side of mantissa
tmpB = tmpB f* tmpM;
setSPEFSCRMulFlags_L( tmpB, tmpM, tmpB );
# truncate back to signed fraction format
tmpC:8 = trunc( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
D = tmpC;
# =================================================================
# Page 580
# efdctsi rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdctsi - Convert Floating-Point Double-Precision to Signed Integer
# ISA-info: efdctsi - Form "EVX" Page 580 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 84: 10 a0 22 f5 efdctsi r5,r4
:efdctsi D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=757
# create zero float constant
tmpA:8 = 0;
tmpA = int2float( tmpA );
# check if negative
if ( B f< tmpA ) goto <negative>;
tmpB:8 = round( B );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
# limit to positive saturation
if ( tmpB <= 0x000000007FFFFFFF ) goto <positive_clipped>;
tmpB = 0x000000007FFFFFFF;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
goto <done>;
# negate the float
tmpB = round( f-( B ) );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
# limit to negative saturation
if ( tmpB <= 0x0000000080000000 ) goto <negative_clipped>;
tmpB = 0x0000000080000000;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
# negate the signed int
tmpB = -( tmpB );
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpB:4 );
# =================================================================
# Page 581
# efdctsidz rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdctsidz - Convert Floating-Point Double-Precision to Signed Integer Doubleword with Round toward Zero
# ISA-info: efdctsidz - Form "EVX" Page 581 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 88: 10 a0 22 eb efdctsidz r5,r4
# Note: This may not work correctly as the number approaches saturation; too little (16 digits) precision in mantissa
:efdctsidz D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=747
# create zero float constant
tmpA:8 = 0;
tmpA = int2float( tmpA );
tmpB:8 = B;
# check if negative
if ( tmpB f< tmpA ) goto <negative>;
# load saturation limit as a float
tmpL:8 = 0x8000000000000000 - 1;
tmpL = int2float( tmpL );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpL );
# limit to saturation
if ( tmpB <= tmpL ) goto <positive_clipped>;
tmpB = tmpL;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
tmpB = trunc( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
goto <done>;
# load saturation limit as a float
tmpL = 0x8000000000000000;
tmpL = int2float( tmpL );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpL );
# negate float (make positive)
tmpB = f-( tmpB );
# limit to saturation
if ( tmpB <= tmpL ) goto <negative_clipped>;
tmpB = tmpL;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
tmpB = trunc( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
# negate the signed int
tmpB = -( tmpB );
D = tmpB;
# =================================================================
# Page 582
# efdctsiz rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdctsiz - Convert Floating-Point Double-Precision to Signed Integer with Round toward Zero
# ISA-info: efdctsiz - Form "EVX" Page 582 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 8c: 10 a0 22 fa efdctsiz r5,r4
:efdctsiz D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=762
# create zero float constant
tmpA:8 = 0;
tmpA = int2float( tmpA );
# check if negative
if ( B f< tmpA ) goto <negative>;
tmpB:8 = trunc( B );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
# limit to positive saturation
if ( tmpB <= 0x000000007FFFFFFF ) goto <positive_clipped>;
tmpB = 0x000000007FFFFFFF;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
goto <done>;
# negate the float
tmpB = trunc( f-( B ) );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
# limit to negative saturation
if ( tmpB <= 0x0000000080000000 ) goto <negative_clipped>;
tmpB = 0x0000000080000000;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
# negate the signed int
tmpB = -( tmpB );
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpB:4 );
# =================================================================
# Page 582
# efdctuf rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdctuf - Convert Floating-Point Double-Precision to Unsigned Fraction
# ISA-info: efdctuf - Form "EVX" Page 582 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: a0: 10 a0 22 f6 efdctuf r5,r4
:efdctuf D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=758
# multiply by 0x0000 0001 0000 0000 to scale the fraction up to integer range
# load fractional multiplier as a float
tmpM:8 = 0x0000000100000000;
tmpM = int2float( tmpM );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpM );
# load saturation limit as a float
tmpL:8 = 0x0000000100000000 - 1;
tmpL = int2float( tmpL );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpL );
# scale the saturation limit to a fractional float
tmpL = tmpL f/ tmpM;
setSPEFSCRDivFlags_L( tmpL, tmpM, tmpL );
# get B float up to 64 bit width
tmpB:8 = B;
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
# check if less than or equal to positive saturation limit
if ( tmpB f<= tmpL ) goto <done>;
# set to saturation
tmpB = tmpL;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
# scale the fractional portion up to integer side of mantissa
tmpB = tmpB f* tmpM;
setSPEFSCRMulFlags_L( tmpB, tmpM, tmpB );
# truncate back to integer
tmpC:4 = trunc( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpC );
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpC );
# =================================================================
# Page 580
# efdctui rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdctui - Convert Floating-Point Double-Precision to Unsigned Integer
# ISA-info: efdctui - Form "EVX" Page 580 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 90: 10 a0 22 f4 efdctui r5,r4
:efdctui D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=756
tmpB:8 = B;
# load saturation limit as a float
tmpL:8 = 0x00000000FFFFFFFF;
tmpL = int2float( tmpL );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpL );
# limit to saturation
if ( tmpB f<= tmpL ) goto <positive_clipped>;
tmpB = tmpL;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
# round back to integer
tmpC:4 = trunc(round( tmpB ));
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpC );
# =================================================================
# Page 581
# efdctuidz rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdctuidz - Convert Floating-Point Double-Precision to Unsigned Integer Doubleword with Round toward Zero
# ISA-info: efdctuidz - Form "EVX" Page 581 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 94: 10 a0 22 ea efdctuidz r5,r4
:efdctuidz D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=746
tmpB:8 = B;
# load saturation limit as a float
tmpL = int2float( tmpL );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpL );
# limit to saturation
if ( tmpB f<= tmpL ) goto <positive_clipped>;
tmpB = tmpL;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
tmpB = trunc( tmpB );
D = tmpB;
# =================================================================
# Page 582
# efdctuiz rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdctuiz - Convert Floating-Point Double-Precision to Unsigned Integer with Round toward Zero
# ISA-info: efdctuiz - Form "EVX" Page 582 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 98: 10 a0 22 f8 efdctuiz r5,r4
:efdctuiz D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=760
tmpB:8 = B;
# load saturation limit as a float
tmpL:8 = 0x00000000FFFFFFFF;
tmpL = int2float( tmpL );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpL );
# limit to saturation
if ( tmpB f<= tmpL ) goto <positive_clipped>;
tmpB = tmpL;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
tmpB = trunc( tmpB );
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpB:4 );
# =================================================================
# Page 577
# efddiv rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: efddiv - Floating-Point Double-Precision Divide
# ISA-info: efddiv - Form "EVX" Page 577 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 4c: 10 a4 1a e9 efddiv r5,r4,r3
:efddiv D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=745
D = A f/ B;
setSPEFSCRDivFlags_L( A, B, D );
# =================================================================
# Page 577
# efdmul rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdmul - Floating-Point Double-Precision Multiply
# ISA-info: efdmul - Form "EVX" Page 577 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 48: 10 a4 1a e8 efdmul r5,r4,r3
:efdmul D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=744
D = A f* B;
setSPEFSCRMulFlags_L( A, B, D );
# =================================================================
# Page 576
# efdnabs rT,rA
# ISA-cmt: efdnabs - Floating-Point Double-Precision Negative Absolute Value
# ISA-info: efdnabs - Form "EVX" Page 576 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 38: 10 a4 02 e5 efdnabs r5,r4
:efdnabs D,A is OP=4 & D & A & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_0_10=741
D = f- ( abs( A ) );
# =================================================================
# Page 577
# efdneg rT,rA
# ISA-cmt: efdneg - Floating-Point Double-Precision Negate
# ISA-info: efdneg - Form "EVX" Page 576 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 3c: 10 a4 02 e6 efdneg r5,r4
:efdneg D,A is OP=4 & D & A & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_0_10=742
D = f-( A );
# =================================================================
# Page 577
# efdsub rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdsub - Floating-Point Double-Precision Subtract
# ISA-info: efdsub - Form "EVX" Page 577 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 44: 10 a4 1a e1 efdsub r5,r4,r3
:efdsub D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=737
D = A f- B;
setSPEFSCRSubFlags_L( A, B, D );
# =================================================================
# Page 579
# efdtsteq CRFD,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdtsteq - Floating-Point Double-Precision Test Equal
# ISA-info: efdtsteq - Form "EVX" Page 579 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 68: 12 84 1a fe efdtsteq cr5,r4,r3
:efdtsteq CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & BITS_21_22=0 & A & B & XOP_0_10=766
CRFD = A f== B;
# =================================================================
# Page 578
# efdtstgt CRFD,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdtstgt - Floating-Point Double-Precision Test Greater Than
# ISA-info: efdtstgt - Form "EVX" Page 578 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 5c: 12 84 1a fc efdtstgt cr5,r4,r3
# binutils: e500.d: 60: 12 84 1a fc efdtstgt cr5,r4,r3
:efdtstgt CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & BITS_21_22=0 & A & B & XOP_0_10=764
CRFD = A f> B;
# =================================================================
# Page 579
# efdtstlt CRFD,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: efdtstlt - Floating-Point Double-Precision Test Less Than
# ISA-info: efdtstlt - Form "EVX" Page 579 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 64: 12 84 1a fd efdtstlt cr5,r4,r3
:efdtstlt CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & BITS_21_22=0 & A & B & XOP_0_10=765
CRFD = A f< B;
# =================================================================
# Page 583
# efscfd rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: efscfd - Floating-Point Single-Precision Convert from Double-Precision
# ISA-info: efscfd - Form "EVX" Page 583 Category "SP.FD"
# binutils: e500.d: 30: 10 a0 22 cf efscfd r5,r4
:efscfd D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=719
tmpB:4 = float2float( B );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpB );