
1492 lines
33 KiB

# Based on "PowerISA Version 2.06 Revision B" document dated July 23, 2010
# Category: SPE.Embedded Float Vector Instructions
# =================================================================
# Page 561
# evfsabs rT,rA
# ISA-cmt: evfsabs - Vector Floating-Point Single-Precision Absolute Value
# ISA-info: evfsabs - Form "EVX" Page 561 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 1e0: 10 22 02 84 evfsabs r1,r2
:evfsabs D,A is OP=4 & D & A & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_0_10=644
# low section
tmpA:4 = abs( A:4 );
# high section
tmpB:4 = abs( A(4) );
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpC:8 = zext( tmpB );
tmpC = ( tmpC << 32 ) | zext( tmpA );
D = tmpC;
# =================================================================
# Page 562
# evfsadd rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfsadd - Vector Floating-Point Single-Precision Add
# ISA-info: evfsadd - Form "EVX" Page 562 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 1d8: 10 22 1a 80 evfsadd r1,r2,r3
:evfsadd D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=640
# low section
tmpA:4 = A:4 f+ B:4;
setSPEFSCRAddFlags_L( A:4, B:4, tmpA );
# high section
tmpB:4 = A(4) f+ B(4);
# SLEIGH had a problem with using A(4) and B(4) directly here
tmpD:4 = A(4);
tmpE:4 = B(4);
setSPEFSCRAddFlags_H( tmpD, tmpE, tmpB );
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpC:8 = zext( tmpB );
tmpC = ( tmpC << 32 ) | zext( tmpA );
D = tmpC;
# =================================================================
# Page 566
# evfscfsf rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfscfsf - Vector Convert Floating-Point Single-Precision from Signed Fraction
# ISA-info: evfscfsf - Form "EVX" Page 566 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 20c: 10 20 12 93 evfscfsf r1,r2
:evfscfsf D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=659
# load fractional divisor as a float
tmpA:4 = 0x80000000;
tmpA = int2float( tmpA );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpA );
# low section
tmpE:4 = B:4;
# check if negative
if ( ( tmpE & 0x80000000 ) != 0 ) goto <negative>;
# float the fractional portion of register B
tmpB:4 = int2float( tmpE );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
tmpC:4 = tmpB f/ tmpA;
setSPEFSCRDivFlags_L( tmpB, tmpA, tmpC );
goto <done>;
# float the fractional portion of register B, 2's complement negate
tmpB = int2float( -( tmpE ) );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
tmpC = tmpB f/ tmpA;
setSPEFSCRDivFlags_L( tmpB, tmpA, tmpC );
# negate the float
tmpC = f-( tmpC );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpC );
# high section
tmpE = B(4);
# check if negative
if ( ( tmpE & 0x80000000 ) != 0 ) goto <negative1>;
# float the fractional portion of register B
tmpB = int2float( tmpE );
setSPEFSCR_H( tmpB );
tmpD:4 = tmpB f/ tmpA;
setSPEFSCRDivFlags_H( tmpB, tmpA, tmpD );
goto <done1>;
# float the fractional portion of register B, 2's complement negate
tmpB = int2float( -( tmpE ) );
setSPEFSCR_H( tmpB );
tmpD = tmpB f/ tmpA;
setSPEFSCRDivFlags_H( tmpB, tmpA, tmpD );
# negate the float
tmpD = f-( tmpD );
setSPEFSCR_H( tmpD );
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( tmpD );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( tmpC );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 566
# evfscfsi rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfscfsi - Vector Convert Floating-Point Single-Precision from Signed Integer
# ISA-info: evfscfsi - Form "EVX" Page 566 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 204: 10 20 12 91 evfscfsi r1,r2
:evfscfsi D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=657
# low section
tmpE:4 = B:4;
# check if negative
if ( ( tmpE & 0x80000000 ) != 0 ) goto <negative>;
# float the integer portion of register B
tmpB:4 = int2float( tmpE );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
goto <done>;
# float the integer portion of register B, 2's complement negate
tmpB = int2float( -( tmpE ) );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
# negate the float
tmpB = f-( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
# high section
tmpE = B(4);
# check if negative
if ( ( tmpE & 0x80000000 ) != 0 ) goto <negative1>;
# float the integer portion of register B
tmpC:4 = int2float( tmpE );
setSPEFSCR_H( tmpC );
goto <done1>;
# float the integer portion of register B, 2's complement negate
tmpC = int2float( -( tmpE ) );
setSPEFSCR_H( tmpC );
# negate the float
tmpC = f-( tmpC );
setSPEFSCR_H( tmpC );
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( tmpC );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( tmpB );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 566
# evfscfuf rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfscfuf - Vector Convert Floating-Point Single-Precision from Unsigned Fraction
# ISA-info: evfscfuf - Form "EVX" Page 566 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 208: 10 20 12 92 evfscfuf r1,r2
:evfscfuf D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=658
# load fractional divisor as a float
tmpA:8 = 0x0000000100000000;
tmpF:4 = int2float( tmpA );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpF );
# low section
tmpE:4 = B:4;
# float the fractional portion of register B
tmpB:4 = int2float( tmpE );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
tmpC:4 = tmpB f/ tmpF;
setSPEFSCRDivFlags_L( tmpB, tmpF, tmpC );
# high section
tmpE = B(4);
# float the fractional portion of register B
tmpB = int2float( tmpE );
setSPEFSCR_H( tmpB );
tmpD:4 = tmpB f/ tmpF;
setSPEFSCRDivFlags_H( tmpB, tmpF, tmpD );
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( tmpD );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( tmpC );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 566
#evfscfui rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfscfui - Vector Convert Floating-Point Single-Precision from Unsigned Integer
# ISA-info: evfscfui - Form "EVX" Page 566 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 200: 10 20 12 90 evfscfui r1,r2
:evfscfui D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=656
# low section
tmpE:4 = B:4;
tmpC:4 = int2float( tmpE );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpC );
# high section
tmpE = B(4);
tmpD:4 = int2float( tmpE );
setSPEFSCR_H( tmpD );
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( tmpD );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( tmpC );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 564
# evfscmpeq CRFD,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfscmpeq - Vector Floating-Point Single-Precision Compare Equal
# ISA-info: evfscmpeq - Form "EVX" Page 564 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 1fc: 10 82 1a 8e evfscmpeq cr1,r2,r3
:evfscmpeq CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & BITS_21_22=0 & A & B & XOP_0_10=654
tmpA:4 = A:4;
tmpB:4 = B:4;
tmpC:4 = A(4);
tmpD:4 = B(4);
tmpL:1 = tmpA f== tmpB;
tmpH:1 = tmpC f== tmpD;
CRFD = (8 * tmpH ) + (4 * tmpL ) + (2 * (tmpH | tmpL) ) + (tmpH & tmpL);
# =================================================================
# Page 563
# evfscmpgt CRFD,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfscmpgt - Vector Floating-Point Single-Precision Compare Greater Than
# ISA-info: evfscmpgt - Form "EVX" Page 563 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 1f4: 10 82 1a 8c evfscmpgt cr1,r2,r3
:evfscmpgt CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & BITS_21_22=0 & A & B & XOP_0_10=652
tmpA:4 = A:4;
tmpB:4 = B:4;
tmpC:4 = A(4);
tmpD:4 = B(4);
tmpL:1 = tmpA f> tmpB;
tmpH:1 = tmpC f> tmpD;
CRFD = (8 * tmpH ) + (4 * tmpL ) + (2 * (tmpH | tmpL) ) + (tmpH & tmpL);
# =================================================================
# Page 563
# evfscmplt CRFD,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfscmplt - Vector Floating-Point Single-Precision Compare Less Than
# ISA-info: evfscmplt - Form "EVX" Page 563 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 1f8: 10 82 1a 8d evfscmplt cr1,r2,r3
:evfscmplt CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & BITS_21_22=0 & A & B & XOP_0_10=653
tmpA:4 = A:4;
tmpB:4 = B:4;
tmpC:4 = A(4);
tmpD:4 = B(4);
tmpL:1 = tmpA f< tmpB;
tmpH:1 = tmpC f< tmpD;
CRFD = (8 * tmpH ) + (4 * tmpL ) + (2 * (tmpH | tmpL) ) + (tmpH & tmpL);
# =================================================================
# Page 568
# evfsctsf rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfsctsf - Vector Convert Floating-Point Single-Precision to Signed Fraction
# ISA-info: evfsctsf - Form "EVX" Page 568 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 21c: 10 20 12 97 evfsctsf r1,r2
:evfsctsf D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=663
# multiply by 0x8000 0000 to scale the fraction up to integer range
# load fractional multiplier as a float
tmpM:4 = 0x80000000;
tmpM = int2float( tmpM );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpM );
# load saturation limit as a float
tmpS:4 = 0x80000000 - 1;
tmpS = int2float( tmpS );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpS );
# scale the saturation limit to a fractional float
tmpS = tmpS f/ tmpM;
setSPEFSCRDivFlags_L( tmpS, tmpM, tmpS );
# form negative saturation limit
tmpN:4 = f-( tmpS );
# low section
tmpB:4 = B:4;
# check if less than or equal to positive saturation limit
if ( tmpB f<= tmpS ) goto <check_negative>;
# set to positive saturation
tmpB = tmpS;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
goto <done>;
# check if greater than or equal to negative saturation limit
if ( tmpB f>= tmpN ) goto <done>;
# set to negative saturation
tmpB = tmpN;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
# scale the fractional portion up to integer side of mantissa
tmpB = tmpB f* tmpM;
setSPEFSCRMulFlags_L( tmpB, tmpM, tmpB );
# truncate back to signed fraction format
tmpL:4 = trunc( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpL );
# high section
tmpB = B(4);
# check if less than or equal to positive saturation limit
if ( tmpB f<= tmpS ) goto <check_negative1>;
# set to positive saturation
tmpB = tmpS;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
goto <done1>;
# check if greater than or equal to negative saturation limit
if ( tmpB f>= tmpN ) goto <done1>;
# set to negative saturation
tmpB = tmpN;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
# scale the fractional portion up to integer side of mantissa
tmpB = tmpB f* tmpM;
setSPEFSCRMulFlags_H( tmpB, tmpM, tmpB );
# truncate back to signed fraction format
tmpH:4 = trunc( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_H( tmpH );
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( tmpH );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( tmpL );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 567
# evfsctsi rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfsctsi - Vector Convert Floating-Point Single-Precision to Signed Integer
# ISA-info: evfsctsi - Form "EVX" Page 567 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 214: 10 20 12 95 evfsctsi r1,r2
:evfsctsi D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=661
# create zero float constant
tmpA:4 = 0;
tmpA = int2float( tmpA );
# low section
tmpB:4 = B:4;
# check if negative
if ( tmpB f< tmpA ) goto <negative>;
tmpB = round( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
# limit to positive saturation
if ( tmpB <= 0x000000007FFFFFFF ) goto <positive_clipped>;
tmpB = 0x000000007FFFFFFF;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
tmpL:4 = tmpB;
goto <done>;
# negate the float
tmpB = round( f-( tmpB ) );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
# limit to negative saturation
if ( tmpB <= 0x0000000080000000 ) goto <negative_clipped>;
tmpB = 0x0000000080000000;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
# negate the signed int
tmpL = -( tmpB );
# high section
tmpB = B(4);
# check if negative
if ( tmpB f< tmpA ) goto <negative1>;
tmpB = round( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_H( tmpB );
# limit to positive saturation
if ( tmpB <= 0x000000007FFFFFFF ) goto <positive_clipped1>;
tmpB = 0x000000007FFFFFFF;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
tmpH:4 = tmpB;
goto <done1>;
# negate the float
tmpB = round( f-( tmpB ) );
setSPEFSCR_H( tmpB );
# limit to negative saturation
if ( tmpB <= 0x0000000080000000 ) goto <negative_clipped1>;
tmpB = 0x0000000080000000;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
# negate the signed int
tmpH = -( tmpB );
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( tmpH );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( tmpL );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 567
# evfsctsiz rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfsctsiz - Vector Convert Floating-Point Single-Precision to Signed Integer with Round toward Zero
# ISA-info: evfsctsiz - Form "EVX" Page 567 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 224: 10 20 12 9a evfsctsiz r1,r2
:evfsctsiz D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=666
# create zero float constant
tmpA:8 = 0;
tmpA = int2float( tmpA );
# create positive saturation float constant
tmpS:8 = 0x000000007FFFFFFF;
tmpS = int2float( tmpS );
# create negative saturation float constant
tmpN:8 = 0x0000000080000000;
tmpN = int2float( tmpN );
# low section
tmpB:8 = float2float( B:4 );
# check if negative
if ( tmpB f< tmpA ) goto <negative>;
# limit to positive saturation
if ( tmpB f<= tmpS ) goto <positive_clipped>;
tmpB = tmpS;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
tmpL:4 = trunc( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpL );
goto <done>;
# negate the float
tmpB = f-( tmpB );
# limit to negative saturation
if ( tmpB f<= tmpN ) goto <negative_clipped>;
tmpB = tmpN;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
# negate the signed int
tmpL = -( trunc( tmpB ) );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpL );
# high section
tmpE:4 = B(4);
tmpB = float2float( tmpE );
# check if negative
if ( tmpB f< tmpA ) goto <negative1>;
# limit to positive saturation
if ( tmpB f<= tmpS ) goto <positive_clipped1>;
tmpB = tmpS;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
tmpH:4 = trunc( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_H( tmpH );
goto <done1>;
# negate the float
tmpB = f-( tmpB );
# limit to negative saturation
if ( tmpB f<= tmpN ) goto <negative_clipped1>;
tmpB = tmpN;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
# negate the signed int
tmpH = -( trunc( tmpB ) );
setSPEFSCR_H( tmpH );
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( tmpH );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( tmpL );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 568
# evfsctuf rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfsctuf - Vector Convert Floating-Point Single-Precision to Unsigned Fraction
# ISA-info: evfsctuf - Form "EVX" Page 568 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 218: 10 20 12 96 evfsctuf r1,r2
:evfsctuf D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=662
# multiply by 0x0000 0001 0000 0000 to scale the fraction up to integer range
# load fractional multiplier as a float
tmpM:8 = 0x0000000100000000;
tmpM = int2float( tmpM );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpM );
# load saturation limit as a float
tmpS:8 = 0x0000000100000000 - 1;
tmpS = int2float( tmpS );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpS );
# scale the saturation limit to a fractional float
tmpS = tmpS f/ tmpM;
setSPEFSCRDivFlags_L( tmpS, tmpM, tmpS );
# low section
# get B float up to 64 bit width
tmpE:4 = B:4;
tmpB:8 = float2float( tmpE );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpB );
# check if less than or equal to positive saturation limit
if ( tmpB f<= tmpS ) goto <done>;
# set to saturation
tmpB = tmpS;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
# scale the fractional portion up to integer side of mantissa
tmpB = tmpB f* tmpM;
setSPEFSCRMulFlags_L( tmpB, tmpM, tmpB );
# truncate back to integer
tmpL:4 = trunc( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpL );
# high section
# get B float up to 64 bit width
tmpE = B(4);
tmpB = float2float( tmpE );
setSPEFSCR_H( tmpB );
# check if less than or equal to positive saturation limit
if ( tmpB f<= tmpS ) goto <done1>;
# set to saturation
tmpB = tmpS;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
# scale the fractional portion up to integer side of mantissa
tmpB = tmpB f* tmpM;
setSPEFSCRMulFlags_H( tmpB, tmpM, tmpB );
# truncate back to integer
tmpH:4 = trunc( tmpB );
setSPEFSCR_H( tmpH );
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( tmpH );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( tmpL );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 567
# evfsctui rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfsctui - Vector Convert Floating-Point Single-Precision to Unsigned Integer
# ISA-info: evfsctui - Form "EVX" Page 567 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 210: 10 20 12 94 evfsctui r1,r2
:evfsctui D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=660
# load saturation limit as a float
tmpS:8 = 0x00000000FFFFFFFF;
tmpS = int2float( tmpS );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpS );
# low section
tmpE:4 = B:4;
tmpB:8 = float2float( tmpE );
# limit to saturation
if ( tmpB f<= tmpS ) goto <positive_clipped>;
tmpB = tmpS;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
# round back to integer
tmpL:4 = trunc(round( tmpB ));
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpL );
# high section
tmpE = B(4);
tmpB = float2float( tmpE );
# limit to saturation
if ( tmpB f<= tmpS ) goto <positive_clipped1>;
tmpB = tmpS;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
# round back to integer
tmpH:4 = trunc(round( tmpB ));
setSPEFSCR_H( tmpH );
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( tmpH );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( tmpL );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 567
# evfsctuiz rT,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfsctuiz - Vector Convert Floating-Point Single-Precision to Unsigned Integer with Round toward Zero
# ISA-info: evfsctuiz - Form "EVX" Page 567 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 220: 10 20 12 98 evfsctuiz r1,r2
:evfsctuiz D,B is OP=4 & D & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_0_10=664
# load saturation limit as a float
tmpS:8 = 0x00000000FFFFFFFF;
tmpS = int2float( tmpS );
setSPEFSCR_L( tmpS );
# low section
tmpE:4 = B:4;
tmpB:8 = float2float( tmpE );
# limit to saturation
if ( tmpB f<= tmpS ) goto <positive_clipped>;
tmpB = tmpS;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
tmpL:4 = trunc( tmpB );
# high section
tmpE = B(4);
tmpB = float2float( tmpE );
# limit to saturation
if ( tmpB f<= tmpS ) goto <positive_clipped1>;
tmpB = tmpS;
spef_fx = 1;
spef_finxs = 1;
spef_fg = 1;
tmpH:4 = trunc( tmpB );
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( tmpH );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( tmpL );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 562
# evfsdiv rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfsdiv - Vector Floating-Point Single-Precision Divide
# ISA-info: evfsdiv - Form "EVX" Page 562 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 1f0: 10 22 1a 89 evfsdiv r1,r2,r3
:evfsdiv D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=649
tmpAL:4 = A:4;
tmpAH:4 = A(4);
tmpBL:4 = B:4;
tmpBH:4 = B(4);
tmpL:4 = tmpAL f/ tmpBL;
setSPEFSCRDivFlags_L( tmpAL, tmpBL, tmpL );
tmpH:4 = tmpAH f/ tmpBH;
setSPEFSCRDivFlags_H( tmpAH, tmpBH, tmpH );
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( tmpH );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( tmpL );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 562
# evfsmul rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfsmul - Vector Floating-Point Single-Precision Multiply
# ISA-info: evfsmul - Form "EVX" Page 562 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 1ec: 10 22 1a 88 evfsmul r1,r2,r3
:evfsmul D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=648
tmpAL:4 = A:4;
tmpAH:4 = A(4);
tmpBL:4 = B:4;
tmpBH:4 = B(4);
tmpL:4 = tmpAL f* tmpBL;
setSPEFSCRMulFlags_L( tmpAL, tmpBL, tmpL );
tmpH:4 = tmpAH f* tmpBH;
setSPEFSCRMulFlags_H( tmpAH, tmpBH, tmpH );
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( tmpH );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( tmpL );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 561
# evfsnabs rT,rA
# ISA-cmt: evfsnabs - Vector Floating-Point Single-Precision Negative Absolute Value
# ISA-info: evfsnabs - Form "EVX" Page 561 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 1e4: 10 22 02 85 evfsnabs r1,r2
:evfsnabs D,A is OP=4 & D & A & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_0_10=645
tmpAL:4 = A:4;
tmpAH:4 = A(4);
tmpL:4 = f- ( abs( tmpAL ) );
tmpH:4 = f- ( abs( tmpAH ) );
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( tmpH );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( tmpL );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 561
# evfsneg rT,rA
# ISA-cmt: evfsneg - Vector Floating-Point Single-Precision Negate
# ISA-info: evfsneg - Form "EVX" Page 561 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 1e8: 10 22 02 86 evfsneg r1,r2
:evfsneg D,A is OP=4 & D & A & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_0_10=646
tmpAL:4 = A:4;
tmpAH:4 = A(4);
tmpL:4 = f-( tmpAL );
tmpH:4 = f-( tmpAH );
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( tmpH );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( tmpL );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 562
# evfssub rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfssub - Vector Floating-Point Single-Precision Subtract
# ISA-info: evfssub - Form "EVX" Page 562 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 1dc: 10 22 1a 81 evfssub r1,r2,r3
:evfssub D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=641
tmpAL:4 = A:4;
tmpAH:4 = A(4);
tmpBL:4 = B:4;
tmpBH:4 = B(4);
tmpL:4 = tmpAL f- tmpBL;
setSPEFSCRSubFlags_L( tmpAL, tmpBL, tmpL );
tmpH:4 = tmpAH f- tmpBH;
setSPEFSCRSubFlags_H( tmpAH, tmpBH, tmpH );
# =================================================================
# Page 565
# evfststeq CRFD,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfststeq - Vector Floating-Point Single-Precision Test Equal
# ISA-info: evfststeq - Form "EVX" Page 565 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 230: 10 82 1a 9e evfststeq cr1,r2,r3
:evfststeq CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & BITS_21_22=0 & A & B & XOP_0_10=670
tmpA:4 = A:4;
tmpB:4 = B:4;
tmpC:4 = A(4);
tmpD:4 = B(4);
tmpL:1 = tmpA f== tmpB;
tmpH:1 = tmpC f== tmpD;
CRFD = (8 * tmpH ) + (4 * tmpL ) + (2 * (tmpH | tmpL) ) + (tmpH & tmpL);
# =================================================================
# Page 564
# evfststgt CRFD,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfststgt - Vector Floating-Point Single-Precision Test Greater Than
# ISA-info: evfststgt - Form "EVX" Page 564 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 228: 10 82 1a 9c evfststgt cr1,r2,r3
:evfststgt CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & BITS_21_22=0 & A & B & XOP_0_10=668
tmpA:4 = A:4;
tmpB:4 = B:4;
tmpC:4 = A(4);
tmpD:4 = B(4);
tmpL:1 = tmpA f> tmpB;
tmpH:1 = tmpC f> tmpD;
CRFD = (8 * tmpH ) + (4 * tmpL ) + (2 * (tmpH | tmpL) ) + (tmpH & tmpL);
# =================================================================
# Page 565
# evfststlt CRFD,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evfststlt - Vector Floating-Point Single-Precision Test Less Than
# ISA-info: evfststlt - Form "EVX" Page 565 Category "SP.FV"
# binutils: mytest.d: 22c: 10 82 1a 9d evfststlt cr1,r2,r3
:evfststlt CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & BITS_21_22=0 & A & B & XOP_0_10=669
tmpA:4 = A:4;
tmpB:4 = B:4;
tmpC:4 = A(4);
tmpD:4 = B(4);
tmpL:1 = tmpA f< tmpB;
tmpH:1 = tmpC f< tmpD;
CRFD = (8 * tmpH ) + (4 * tmpL ) + (2 * (tmpH | tmpL) ) + (tmpH & tmpL);
# =================================================================
# Page 915
# evlddepx rT,rA,rB
# Note: context is not supported
:evlddepx D,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & D & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=799 & BIT_0=0
D = *:8(ea);
# =================================================================
# Page 519
# evlwhe RT,D(RA)
# evlwhe rT,rA,UI
:evlwhe D,EVUIMM_4_RAt is OP=4 & D & EVUIMM_4_RAt & RA_OR_ZERO & UI & XOP_0_10=785
ea:$(REGISTER_SIZE) = RA_OR_ZERO + (UI * 4);
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( *:2(ea + 2) );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( *:2(ea) );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 519
# evlwhex rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evlwhex - Vector Load Word into Two Halfwords Even Indexed
# ISA-info: evlwhex - Form "EVX" Page 519 Category "SP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 238: 10 22 1b 10 evlwhex r1,r2,r3
:evlwhex D,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=4 & D & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_0_10=784
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( *:2(ea + 2) );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( *:2(ea) );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 521
# evlwwsplat RT,D(RA)
# evlwwsplat rT,rA,UI
# ISA-cmt: evlwwsplat - Vector Load Word into Word and Splat
# ISA-info: evlwwsplat - Form "EVX" Page 521 Category "SP"
# binutils: NO-EXAMPLE - evlwwsplat
# collides with maclhwu
:evlwwsplat D,EVUIMM_4_RAt is OP=4 & D & RA_OR_ZERO & EVUIMM_4_RAt & UI & XOP_0_10=793
ea:$(REGISTER_SIZE) = RA_OR_ZERO + (UI * 4);
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( *:4(ea) );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( *:4(ea) );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 521
# evlwwsplatx rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evlwwsplatx - Vector Load Word into Word and Splat Indexed
# ISA-info: evlwwsplatx - Form "EVX" Page 521 Category "SP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 23c: 10 22 1b 18 evlwwsplatx r1,r2,r3
# collides with maclhwu
:evlwwsplatx D,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=4 & D & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_0_10=792
# move results into upper and lower words
tmpZ:8 = zext( *:4(ea) );
tmpZ = ( tmpZ << 32 ) | zext( *:4(ea) );
D = tmpZ;
# =================================================================
# Page 541
# evmwlsmiaaw rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evmwlsmiaaw - Vector Multiply Word Low Signed
# ISA-info: evmwlsmiaaw - Form "EVX" Page 541 Category "SP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 248: 10 22 1d 49 evmwlsmiaaw r1,r2,r3
:evmwlsmiaaw D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=1353
tmpACCL:4 = ACC:4;
tmpACCH:4 = ACC(4);
tmpAL:8 = zext( A:4 );
tmp:4 = A(4);
tmpAH:8 = zext( tmp );
tmpBL:8 = zext( B:4 );
tmp = B(4);
tmpBH:8 = zext( tmp );
temp:8 = tmpAH * tmpBH;
tmpD:4 = tmpACCH + temp:4;
D = ( zext( tmpD ) ) << 32;
temp = tmpAL * tmpBL;
tmpDL:4 = tmpACCL + temp:4;
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpDL );
ACC = D;
# =================================================================
# Page 541
# evmwlsmianw rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evmwlsmianw - Vector Multiply Word Low Signed
# ISA-info: evmwlsmianw - Form "EVX" Page 541 Category "SP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 254: 10 22 1d c9 evmwlsmianw r1,r2,r3
:evmwlsmianw D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=1481
tmpACCL:4 = ACC:4;
tmpACCH:4 = ACC(4);
tmpAL:8 = zext( A:4 );
tmp:4 = A(4);
tmpAH:8 = zext( tmp );
tmpBL:8 = zext( B:4 );
tmp = B(4);
tmpBH:8 = zext( tmp );
temp:8 = tmpAH * tmpBH;
tmpD:4 = tmpACCH - temp:4;
D = ( zext( tmpD ) ) << 32;
temp = tmpAL * tmpBL;
tmpDL:4 = tmpACCL - temp:4;
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpDL );
ACC = D;
# =================================================================
# Page 541
# evmwlssianw rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evmwlssianw - Vector Multiply Word Low Signed
# ISA-info: evmwlssianw - Form "EVX" Page 541 Category "SP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 250: 10 22 1d c1 evmwlssianw r1,r2,r3
:evmwlssianw D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=1473
tmpACCL:4 = ACC:4;
tmpACCH:4 = ACC(4);
tmpAL:8 = zext( A:4 );
tmp:4 = A(4);
tmpAH:8 = zext( tmp );
tmpBL:8 = zext( B:4 );
tmp = B(4);
tmpBH:8 = zext( tmp );
temp:8 = tmpAH * tmpBH;
temp = sext( tmpACCH ) - sext( temp:4 );
tmpOVH:1 = temp[32,1] ^ temp[31,1];
# check for saturation
if ( tmpOVH == 0 ) goto <not_saturated>;
if ( temp[32,1] == 1 ) goto <neg_saturated>;
D = ( D & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF ) | 0x7FFFFFFF00000000;
goto <done_saturated>;
D = ( D & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF ) | 0x8000000000000000;
goto <done_saturated>;
D = ( D & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF ) | ( zext( temp:4 ) << 32 );
temp = tmpAL * tmpBL;
temp = sext( tmpACCL ) - sext( temp:4 );
tmpOVL:1 = temp[32,1] ^ temp[31,1];
# check for saturation
if ( tmpOVL == 0 ) goto <not_saturated1>;
if ( temp[32,1] == 1 ) goto <neg_saturated1>;
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | 0x000000007FFFFFFF;
goto <done_saturated1>;
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | 0x0000000080000000;
goto <done_saturated1>;
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( temp:4 );
ACC = D;
spef_ovh = tmpOVH;
spef_ov = tmpOVL;
spef_sovh = spef_sovh | tmpOVH;
spef_sov = spef_sov | tmpOVL;
# =================================================================
# Page 544
# evmwsmi rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evmwsmi - Vector Multiply Word Signed
# ISA-info: evmwsmi - Form "EVX" Page 544 Category "SP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 244: 10 22 1c 59 evmwsmi r1,r2,r3
# collides with machhwo
:evmwsmi D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=1113
tmpAL:8 = zext( A:4 );
tmpBL:8 = zext( B:4 );
D = tmpAL * tmpBL;
# =================================================================
# Page 544
# evmwsmiaa rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evmwsmiaa - Vector Multiply Word Signed
# ISA-info: evmwsmiaa - Form "EVX" Page 544 Category "SP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 24c: 10 22 1d 59 evmwsmiaa r1,r2,r3
# collides with macchwo.
:evmwsmiaa D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=1369
tmpAL:8 = zext( A:4 );
tmpBL:8 = zext( B:4 );
temp:8 = tmpAL * tmpBL;
D = ACC + temp;
ACC = D;
# =================================================================
# Page 544
# evmwsmian rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evmwsmian - Vector Multiply Word Signed
# ISA-info: evmwsmian - Form "EVX" Page 544 Category "SP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 25c: 10 22 1d d9 evmwsmian r1,r2,r3
# collides with macchwso.
:evmwsmian D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=1497
tmpAL:8 = zext( A:4 );
tmpBL:8 = zext( B:4 );
temp:8 = tmpAL * tmpBL;
D = ACC - temp;
ACC = D;
# =================================================================
# Page 546
# evmwumi rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evmwumi - Vector Multiply Word Unsigned
# ISA-info: evmwumi - Form "EVX" Page 546 Category "SP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 240: 10 22 1c 58 evmwumi r1,r2,r3
# collides with machhwo
:evmwumi D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=1112
tmpAL:8 = zext( A:4 );
tmpBL:8 = zext( B:4 );
D = tmpAL * tmpBL;
# =================================================================
# Page 547
# evmwumian rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evmwumian - Vector Multiply Word Unsigned
# ISA-info: evmwumian - Form "EVX" Page 547 Category "SP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 258: 10 22 1d d8 evmwumian r1,r2,r3
# collides with macchwso
:evmwumian D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=1496
tmpAL:8 = zext( A:4 );
tmpBL:8 = zext( B:4 );
temp:8 = tmpAL * tmpBL;
D = ACC - temp;
ACC = D;
# =================================================================
# Page 549
# evsel rT,rA,rB
# ISA-cmt: evsel - Vector Select
# ISA-info: evsel - Form "EVS" Page 549 Category "SP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 1d4: 10 22 1a 7c evsel r1,r2,r3,cr4
:evsel D,A,B,BFA is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_3_10=79 & BFA
tmpAL:8 = zext( A:4 );
tmp:4 = A(4);
tmpAH:8 = zext( tmp );
tmpBL:8 = zext( B:4 );
tmp = B(4);
tmpBH:8 = zext( tmp );
tmpBFA:1 = BFA;
if ( tmpBFA[3,1] == 0 ) goto <select_B>;
D = ( D & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF ) | ( tmpAH << 32 );
goto <low_select>;
D = ( D & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF ) | ( tmpBH << 32 );
if ( tmpBFA[2,1] == 0 ) goto <select_B1>;
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | tmpAL;
goto <done>;
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | tmpBL;
# =================================================================
# Page 915
# evstddepx rT,rA,rB
# Note: context is not supported
:evstddepx D,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & D & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=927 & BIT_0=0
*:8(ea) = D;