
473 lines
12 KiB

# Based on "EREF: A Reference for Freescale Book E and e500 Core" document version 01/2004 Rev 2.0
# Instructions that are specific to the (PowerPC) e500 core are implemented as auxiliary processing units (APUs)
# Embedded Vector and Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point APUs (SPFP APU)
# There are three versions of e500 core, namely e500v1, the e500v2, and the e500mc.
# A 64-bit evolution of the e500mc core is called e5500 core.
# All PowerQUICC 85xx devices are based on e500v1 or e500v2 cores.
# =================================================================
# Page 408
# efsabs rT,rA 010 1100 0100
#define pcodeop FloatingPointAbsoluteValue;
:efsabs D,A is OP=4 & D & A & XOP_0_10=0x2C4 & BITS_11_15=0
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( abs( A:4 ) );
# efsadd rT,rA,rB 010 1100 0000
#define pcodeop FloatingPointAdd;
:efsadd D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=0x2C0
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( A:4 f+ B:4 );
setFPAddFlags( A:4, B:4, D:4 );
# =================================================================
# Page 410
# efscfsf rT,rB 010 1101 0011
#define pcodeop ConvertFloatingPointFromSignedFraction;
:efscfsf D,B is OP=4 & D & B & XOP_0_10=0x2D3 & BITS_16_20=0
# load fractional divisor as a float
tmpA:4 = 0x80000000;
tmpA = int2float( tmpA );
setFPRF( tmpA );
# check if negative
if ( ( B:4 & 0x80000000 ) != 0 ) goto <negative>;
# float the fractional portion of register B
tmpB:4 = int2float( B:4 );
setFPRF( tmpB );
tmpB = tmpB f/ tmpA;
setFPDivFlags( tmpB, tmpA, tmpB );
goto <done>;
# float the fractional portion of register B, 2's complement negate
tmpB = int2float( -( B:4 ) );
setFPRF( tmpB );
tmpB = tmpB f/ tmpA;
setFPDivFlags( tmpB, tmpA, tmpB );
# negate the float
tmpB = f-( tmpB );
setFPRF( tmpB );
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpB );
# efscfsi rT,rB 010 1101 0001
#define pcodeop ConvertFloatingPointFromSignedInteger;
:efscfsi D,B is OP=4 & D & B & XOP_0_10=0x2D1 & BITS_16_20=0
# check if negative
if ( ( B:4 & 0x80000000 ) != 0 ) goto <negative>;
# float the integer portion of register B
tmpB:4 = int2float( B:4 );
setFPRF( tmpB );
goto <done>;
# float the integer portion of register B, 2's complement negate
tmpB = int2float( -( B:4 ) );
setFPRF( tmpB );
# negate the float
tmpB = f-( tmpB );
setFPRF( tmpB );
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpB );
# efscfuf rT,rB 010 1101 0010
define pcodeop ConvertFloatingPointFromUnsignedFraction;
:efscfuf D,B is OP=4 & D & B & XOP_0_10=0x2D2 & BITS_16_20=0
# load fractional divisor as a float
tmpA:8 = 0x0000000100000000;
tmpA = int2float( tmpA );
setFPRF( tmpA );
# float the fractional portion of register B
tmpB:8 = int2float( B:4 );
setFPRF( tmpB );
tmpB = tmpB f/ tmpA;
setFPDivFlags( tmpB, tmpA, tmpB );
tmpC:4 = float2float( tmpB );
setFPRF( tmpC );
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpC );
# rT,rB 010 1101 0000
#define pcodeop ConvertFloatingPointFromUnsignedInteger;
:efscfui D,B is OP=4 & D & B & XOP_0_10=0x2D0 & BITS_16_20=0
tmp:4 = int2float( B:4 );
setFPRF( tmp );
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmp );
# efscmpeq CRFD,rA,rB 010 1100 1110
#define pcodeop FloatingPointCompareEqual;
:efscmpeq CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & A & B & XOP_0_10=0x2CE & BITS_21_22=0
CRFD = A:4 f== B:4;
# =================================================================
# Page 415
# efscmpgt CRFD,rA,rB 010 1100 1100
#define pcodeop FloatingPointCompareGreaterThan;
:efscmpgt CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & A & B & XOP_0_10=0x2CC & BITS_21_22=0
CRFD = A:4 f> B:4;
# efscmplt CRFD,rA,rB 010 1100 1101
#define pcodeop FloatingPointCompareLessThan;
:efscmplt CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & A & B & XOP_0_10=0x2CD & BITS_21_22=0
CRFD = A:4 f< B:4;
# efsctsf rT,rB 010 1101 0111
#define pcodeop ConvertFloatingPointToSignedFraction;
:efsctsf D,B is OP=4 & D & B & XOP_0_10=0x2D7 & BITS_16_20=0
# multiply by 0x0000 0000 8000 0000 to scale the fraction up to integer range
# load fractional multiplier as a float
tmpM:8 = 0x0000000080000000;
tmpM = int2float( tmpM );
setFPRF( tmpM );
# load saturation limit as a float
tmpL:8 = 0x0000000080000000 - 1;
tmpL = int2float( tmpL );
setFPRF( tmpL );
# scale the saturation limit to a fractional float
tmpL = tmpL f/ tmpM;
setFPDivFlags( tmpL, tmpM, tmpL );
# get B float up to 64 bit width
tmpB:8 = float2float( B:4 );
setFPRF( tmpB );
# check if less than or equal to positive saturation limit
if ( tmpB f<= tmpL ) goto <check_negative>;
# set to positive saturation
tmpB = tmpL;
goto <done>;
# check if greater than or equal to negative saturation limit
tmpL = f-( tmpL );
if ( tmpB f>= tmpL ) goto <done>;
# set to negative saturation
tmpB = tmpL;
# scale the fractional portion up to integer side of mantissa
tmpB = tmpB f* tmpM;
setFPMulFlags( tmpB, tmpM, tmpB );
# truncate back to signed fraction format
tmpC:4 = trunc( tmpB );
setFPRF( tmpB );
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpC );
# efsctsi rT,rB 010 1101 0101
#define pcodeop ConvertFloatingPointToSignedInteger;
:efsctsi D,B is OP=4 & D & B & XOP_0_10=0x2D5 & BITS_16_20=0
# create zero float constant
tmpA:4 = 0;
tmpA = int2float( tmpA );
# check if negative
if ( B:4 f< tmpA ) goto <negative>;
tmpB:8 = trunc(round( B:4 ));
setFPRF( tmpB );
# limit to positive saturation
if ( tmpB <= 0x000000007FFFFFFF ) goto <positive_clipped>;
tmpB = 0x000000007FFFFFFF;
goto <done>;
# negate the float
tmpB = trunc(round( f-( B:4 ) ));
setFPRF( tmpB );
# limit to negative saturation
if ( tmpB <= 0x0000000080000000 ) goto <negative_clipped>;
tmpB = 0x0000000080000000;
# negate the signed int
tmpB = -( tmpB );
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpB:4 );
# efsctsiz rT,rB 010 1101 1010
#define pcodeop ConvertFloatingPointToSignedIntegerWithRoundTowardZero;
:efsctsiz D,B is OP=4 & D & B & XOP_0_10=0x2DA & BITS_16_20=0
# create zero float constant
tmpA:4 = 0;
tmpA = int2float( tmpA );
# check if negative
if ( B:4 f< tmpA ) goto <negative>;
tmpB:8 = trunc( B:4 );
setFPRF( tmpB );
# limit to saturation
if ( tmpB <= 0x000000007FFFFFFF ) goto <positive_clipped>;
tmpB = 0x000000007FFFFFFF;
goto <done>;
# negate the float
tmpB = trunc( f-( B:4 ) );
setFPRF( tmpB );
# limit to saturation
if ( tmpB <= 0x0000000080000000 ) goto <negative_clipped>;
tmpB = 0x0000000080000000;
# negate the signed int
tmpB = -( tmpB );
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpB:4 );
# =================================================================
# Page 420
# efsctuf rT,rB 010 1101 0110
#define pcodeop ConvertFloatingPointToUnsignedFraction;
:efsctuf D,B is OP=4 & D & B & XOP_0_10=0x2D6 & BITS_16_20=0
# multiply by 0x0000 0001 0000 0000 to scale the fraction up to integer range
# load fractional multiplier as a float
tmpM:8 = 0x0000000100000000;
tmpM = int2float( tmpM );
setFPRF( tmpM );
# load saturation limit as a float
tmpL:8 = 0x0000000100000000 - 1;
tmpL = int2float( tmpL );
setFPRF( tmpL );
# scale the saturation limit to a fractional float
tmpL = tmpL f/ tmpM;
setFPDivFlags( tmpL, tmpM, tmpL );
# get B float up to 64 bit width
tmpB:8 = float2float( B:4 );
setFPRF( tmpB );
# check if less than or equal to positive saturation limit
if ( tmpB f<= tmpL ) goto <done>;
# set to saturation
tmpB = tmpL;
# scale the fractional portion up to integer side of mantissa
tmpB = tmpB f* tmpM;
setFPMulFlags( tmpB, tmpM, tmpB );
# truncate back to integer
tmpC:4 = trunc( tmpB );
setFPRF( tmpC );
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpC );
# efsctui rT,rB 010 1101 0100
#define pcodeop ConvertFloatingPointToUnsignedInteger;
:efsctui D,B is OP=4 & D & B & XOP_0_10=0x2D4 & BITS_16_20=0
tmpB:8 = trunc(round( B:4 ));
setFPRF( tmpB );
# limit to saturation
if ( tmpB <= 0x000000007FFFFFFF ) goto <done>;
tmpB = 0x000000007FFFFFFF;
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpB:4 );
# efsctuiz rT,rB 010 1101 1000
#define pcodeop ConvertFloatingPointToUnsignedIntegerWithRoundTowardZero;
:efsctuiz D,B is OP=4 & D & B & XOP_0_10=0x2D8 & BITS_16_20=0
tmpB:8 = trunc( B:4 );
setFPRF( tmpB );
# limit to saturation
if ( tmpB <= 0x000000007FFFFFFF ) goto <done>;
tmpB = 0x000000007FFFFFFF;
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( tmpB:4 );
# efsdiv rT,rA,rB 010 1100 1001
#define pcodeop FloatingPointDivide;
:efsdiv D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=0x2C9
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( A:4 f/ B:4 );
setFPDivFlags( A:4, B:4, D:4 );
# efsmul rT,rA,rB 010 1100 1000
#define pcodeop FloatingPointMultiply;
:efsmul D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=0x2C8
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( A:4 f* B:4 );
setFPMulFlags( A:4, B:4, D:4 );
# =================================================================
# Page 425
# efsnabs rT,rA 010 1100 0101
#define pcodeop FloatingPointNegativeAbsoluteValue;
:efsnabs D,A is OP=4 & D & A & XOP_0_10=0x2C5 & BITS_11_15=0
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( f- ( abs( A:4 ) ) );
setFPRF( D:4 );
# efsneg rT,rA 010 1100 0110
#define pcodeop FloatingPointNegate;
:efsneg D,A is OP=4 & D & A & XOP_0_10=0x2C6 & BITS_11_15=0
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( f-( A:4 ) );
setFPRF( D:4 );
# efssub rT,rA,rB 010 1100 0001
#define pcodeop FloatingPointSubtract;
:efssub D,A,B is OP=4 & D & A & B & XOP_0_10=0x2C1
# assign to lower word of D
D = ( D & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) | zext( A:4 f- B:4 );
setFPSubFlags( A:4, B:4, D:4 );
# efststeq CRFD,rA,rB 010 1101 1110
#define pcodeop FloatingPointTestEqual;
:efststeq CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & A & B & XOP_0_10=0x2DE & BITS_21_22=0
CRFD = A:4 f== B:4;
# efststgt CRFD,rA,rB 010 1101 1100
#define pcodeop FloatingPointTestGreaterThan;
:efststgt CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & A & B & XOP_0_10=0x2DC & BITS_21_22=0
CRFD = A:4 f> B:4;
# =================================================================
# Page 430
# efststlt CRFD,rA,rB 010 1101 1101
#define pcodeop FloatingPointTestLessThan;
:efststlt CRFD,A,B is OP=4 & CRFD & A & B & XOP_0_10=0x2DD & BITS_21_22=0
CRFD = A:4 f< B:4;