
2764 lines
120 KiB

# SLA specification file for Power ISA Version 2.06 Revision B (July 23, 2010)
# ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) a trademarked name for PowerPC specfications from IBM.
# version 1.0
# ===========================================================================
# PowerISA II: 4.3.2 Data Cache Instructions
# CMT: Data Cache Block set to Zero
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 16c: 7c 01 17 ec dcbz r1,r2
# binutils: 476.d: 170: 7c 05 37 ec dcbz r5,r6
# binutils: a2.d: 194: 7c 0a 5f ec dcbz r10,r11
# binutils: power4_32.d: 7c: 7c 01 17 ec dcbz r1,r2
# binutils: power4_32.d: 84: 7c 05 37 ec dcbz r5,r6
# binutils: power4.d: +b8: 7c 01 17 ec dcbz r1,r2
# binutils: power4.d: +c0: 7c 05 37 ec dcbz r5,r6
# binutils: power6.d: a8: 7c 01 17 ec dcbz r1,r2
# binutils: power6.d: b0: 7c 05 37 ec dcbz r5,r6
# name dcbz code 7c0007ec mask ff07e0ff00000000 flags @PPC operands 31 38 0 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop DataCaseBlockSetToZero;
:dcbz A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & A & B & XOP_1_10=1014 { DataCaseBlockSetToZero(A,B); } #
# PowerISA II: 4.3.2 Data Cache Instructions
# CMT: Data Cache Block Flush
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 138: 7c 06 38 ac dcbf r6,r7
# binutils: 476.d: 13c: 7c 06 38 ac dcbf r6,r7
# binutils: a2.d: 14c: 7c 0a 58 ac dcbf r10,r11
# pg 686
# name dcbf code 7c0000ac mask ff0780ff00000000 flags @PPC operands 31 38 25 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop DataCacheBlockFlush;
:dcbf A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & CRFD=0 & BITS_21_22 & A & B & XOP_1_10=86 & BIT_0=0 { DataCacheBlockFlush(A,B); } #
# PowerISA II: 4.3.2 Data Cache Instructions
# CMT: Data Cache Block Touch by External PID
# CMT: dcbtst RA,RB,TH [Category: Server]
# CMT: dcbtst TH,RA,RB [Category: Embedded]
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 15c: 7c e0 31 ec dcbtst r0,r6,7
# binutils: 476.d: 160: 7c 06 39 ec dcbtst r6,r7
# binutils: 476.d: 164: 7c e9 31 ec dcbtst r9,r6,7
# binutils: a2.d: 180: 7c 0a 59 ec dcbtst r10,r11
# binutils: a2.d: 184: 7c 2a 59 ec dcbtst r10,r11,1
# name dcbtst code 7c0001ec mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER4 operands 31 38 16 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop DataCacheBlockTouchByExternalPID;
:dcbtst A,B,TH is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & TH & A & B & XOP_1_10=246 & BIT_0=0 { DataCacheBlockTouchByExternalPID(A,B); } #
# PowerISA II: 4.3.2 Data Cache Instructions
# CMT: Data Cache Block Touch
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 14c: 7c c0 2a 2c dcbt r0,r5,6
# binutils: 476.d: 150: 7c 05 32 2c dcbt r5,r6
# binutils: 476.d: 154: 7c c8 2a 2c dcbt r8,r5,6
# binutils: a2.d: 16c: 7c 0a 5a 2c dcbt r10,r11
# binutils: a2.d: 170: 7c 2a 5a 2c dcbt r10,r11,1
# binutils: booke.d: 74: 7c 05 32 2c dcbt r5,r6
# binutils: booke.d: 78: 7c 05 32 2c dcbt r5,r6
# binutils: booke.d: 7c: 7d 05 32 2c dcbt 8,r5,r6
# binutils: power4_32.d: 88: 7c 05 32 2c dcbt r5,r6
# binutils: power4_32.d: 8c: 7c 05 32 2c dcbt r5,r6
# binutils: power4_32.d: 90: 7d 05 32 2c dcbt r5,r6,8
# name dcbt code 7c00022c mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER4 operands 31 38 16 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop DataCacheBlockTouch2;
:dcbt A,B,TO is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & TO & A & B & XOP_1_10=278 & BIT_0=0 { DataCacheBlockTouch2(A,B); } #
# ===========================================================================
# PowerISA II: 3.3.2 Power-Saving Mode Instructions
# FORM: XL-form
# binutils: power6.d: 0: 4c 00 03 24 doze
# binutils: power7.d: 70: 4c 00 03 24 doze
# name doze code 4c000324 mask ffffffff00000000 flags @POWER6 operands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop dozeOp;
:doze is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & XOP_1_10=402 & BITS_11_25=0 & BIT_0=0 { dozeOp(); } #
# PowerISA II: 3.3.2 Power-Saving Mode Instructions
# FORM: XL-form
# binutils: power6.d: 4: 4c 00 03 64 nap
# binutils: power7.d: 74: 4c 00 03 64 nap
# name nap code 4c000364 mask ffffffff00000000 flags @POWER6 operands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop napOp;
:nap is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & XOP_1_10=434 & BITS_11_25=0 & BIT_0=0 { napOp(); } #
# PowerISA II: 3.3.2 Power-Saving Mode Instructions
# FORM: XL-form#
# binutils: power6.d: 8: 4c 00 03 a4 sleep
# binutils: power7.d: 78: 4c 00 03 a4 sleep
# name sleep code 4c0003a4 mask ffffffff00000000 flags @POWER6 operands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop sleepOp;
:sleep is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & XOP_1_10=466 & BITS_11_25=0 & BIT_0=0 { sleepOp(); } #
# PowerISA II: 3.3.2 Power-Saving Mode Instructions
# FORM: XL-form
# binutils: power6.d: c: 4c 00 03 e4 rvwinkle
# binutils: power7.d: 7c: 4c 00 03 e4 rvwinkle
define pcodeop rvwinkleOp;
# name rvwinkle code 4c0003e4 mask ffffffff00000000 flags @POWER6 operands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
:rvwinkle is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & XOP_1_10=498 & BITS_11_25=0 & BIT_0=0 { rvwinkleOp(); } #
# ==========================================================================
# PowerISA II: 3.3.12 Fixed-Point Logical Instructions
# CMT: Parity Doubleword [Category: 64-bit]
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 650: 7d 6a 01 74 prtyd r10,r11
# binutils: power6.d: 14: 7d cd 01 74 prtyd r13,r14
# binutils: power7.d: 84: 7d cd 01 74 prtyd r13,r14
# name prtyd code 7c000174 mask ffff00fc00000000 flags @POWER6 @A2 operands 31 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0
:prtyd A,S is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & S & A & XOP_1_10=186 & BITS_11_15=0 & BIT_0=0 { # PCODE-YES
s:8 = 0;
i:8 = 0;
b:8 = 0;
tmp:8 = 0;
b = (64 - (i*8+7));
tmp = (S >> (64 - (i*8+7))); b = tmp & 1; # GetBit
s = s ^ b;
i = i + 1;
if (i < 7) goto <loop>;
A = s;
# PowerISA II: 3.3.12 Fixed-Point Logical Instructions
# CMT: Compare Bytes
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: dc: 7c 83 2b f8 cmpb r3,r4,r5
# binutils: 476.d: e0: 7c 83 2b f8 cmpb r3,r4,r5
# binutils: a2.d: 104: 7d 6a 63 f8 cmpb r10,r11,r12
# binutils: power6.d: 20: 7c 83 2b f8 cmpb r3,r4,r5
# binutils: power7.d: 90: 7c 83 2b f8 cmpb r3,r4,r5
# name cmpb code 7c0003f8 mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER6 @476 @A2 operands 31 3b 38 0 0 0 0 0
:cmpb S,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & S & A & B & XOP_1_10=508 & BIT_0=0 { # PCODE-YES
i:8 = 0;
tmpS:8 = 0;
tmpB:8 = 0;
val:8 = 0;
tmpS = (S << (i*8)) & 0xFF; # get next S byte
tmpB = (S << (i*8)) & 0xFF; # get next B byte
if (tmpS == tmpB) goto <equal>;
val = (val << (i*8)); # set low byte to 0x00
goto <contLoop>;
val = (val << (i*8)); # set low byte to 0xFF
val = val | 0xFF;
i = i + 1;
if (i < 7) goto <loop>;
A = val;
# PowerISA II: 3.3.12 Fixed-Point Logical Instructions
# CMT: Bit Permute Doubleword [Category: Embedded.Phased-in, Server]
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: fc: 7d 6a 61 f8 bpermd r10,r11,r12
# binutils: power7.d: d8: 7e 27 d9 f8 bpermd r7,r17,r27
# name bpermd code 7c0001f8 mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER7 @A2 operands 31 3b 38 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop BitPermuteDoubleword;
:bpermd A,S,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & S & A & B & XOP_1_10=252 & BIT_0=0 {
# PowerISA II: 3.3.12 Fixed-Point Logical Instructions
# CMT: Population Count Words [Category: Server] [Category: Embedded.Phased-In]
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 64c: 7d 6a 02 f4 popcntw r10,r11
# binutils: power7.d: dc: 7e 8a 02 f4 popcntw r10,r20
# name popcntw code 7c0002f4 mask ffff00fc00000000 flags @POWER7 @A2 operands 31 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0
:popcntw A,S is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & S & A & XOP_1_10=378 & Rc & BITS_11_15=0 {
i:8 = 0;
j:8 = 0;
n:8 = 0;
x:8 = 0;
tmp:8 = 0;
n = 0;
tmp = (S >> (64 - (j*8+7))); x = tmp & 1; # Get bit
n = n + x;
if (j < 31) goto <loop1>;
A = n;
if (i < 1) goto <loop>;
# PowerISA II: 3.3.12 Fixed-Point Logical Instructions
# CMT: Population Count Bytes
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 618: 7c 83 00 f4 popcntb r3,r4
# binutils: a2.d: 644: 7d 6a 00 f4 popcntb r10,r11
# name popcntb code 7c0000f4 mask ffff00fc00000000 flags @POWER5 operands 31 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0
:popcntb A,S is OP=31 & S & A & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_1_10=122 & BIT_0=0 {
i:8 = 0;
j:8 = 0;
n:8 = 0;
x:8 = 0;
tmp:8 = 0;
n = 0;
tmp = (S >> (64 - (i*8+j))); x = tmp & 1; # Get bit
if (x != 1) goto <cont_loop_j>;
n = n + 1;
j = j + 1;
if (j < 7) goto <loop_j>;
i = i + 1;
if (i < 7) goto <loop_i>;
A = n;
# PowerISA II: 3.3.12 Fixed-Point Logical Instructions
# CMT: Parity Word
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 61c: 7c 83 01 34 prtyw r3,r4
# binutils: a2.d: 654: 7d 6a 01 34 prtyw r10,r11
# binutils: power6.d: 10: 7c 83 01 34 prtyw r3,r4
# binutils: power7.d: 80: 7c 83 01 34 prtyw r3,r4
# name prtyw code 7c000134 mask ffff00fc00000000 flags @POWER6 @476 @A2 operands 31 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0
:prtyw A,S is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & S & A & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_1_10=154 & BIT_0=0 {
s:8 = 0;
t:8 = 0;
i:8 = 0;
x:8 = 0;
tmp:8 = 0;
tmp = (S >> (64 - (i*8+7))); x = tmp & 1; # get bit
s = s ^ x;
if (i < 3) goto <loop1>;
i = 4;
tmp = (S >> (64 - (i*8+7))); x = tmp & 1; # get bit
t = t ^ x;
if (i < 7) goto <loop2>;
tmp = t; # upper 4 bytes has t value
tmp = (tmp << 32);
tmp = tmp & s; # lower 4 bytes has s value
S = tmp;
# =======================================================================
# PowerISA II: 4.4.1 Fixed-Point Load and Store Caching Inhibited Instructions
# CMT: Load Word and Zero Caching Inhibited Indexed
# binutils: power6.d: 2c: 7d 4b 66 2a lwzcix r10,r11,r12
# binutils: power7.d: 94: 7d 4b 66 2a lwzcix r10,r11,r12
# name lwzcix code 7c00062a mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER6 operands 3b 32 38 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop LoadWordAndZeroCachingInhibited;
:lwzcix TH,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & TH & A & B & XOP_1_10=789 & BIT_0=0 { # PCODE-YES
tmp:8 = *(A + B);
tmp = tmp << 32;
TH = tmp;
# =======================================================================
# PowerISA II: 3.3.14 Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Assist Instructions [Category: Embedded.Phased-in, Server]
# CMT: Convert Declets To Binary Coded Decimal
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: power6.d: f0: 7d 6a 02 34 cdtbcd r10,r11
# name cdtbcd code 7c000234 mask ffff00fc00000000 flags @POWER6 operands 31 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop ConvertDecletsToBinaryCodedDecimal;
:cdtbcd A,S is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & S & A & XOP_1_10=282 & BITS_11_15=0 & BIT_0=0 { ConvertDecletsToBinaryCodedDecimal(S,A); }
# PowerISA II: 3.3.14 Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Assist Instructions [Category: Embedded.Phased-in, Server]
# CMT: Add and Generate Sixes
# FORM: XO-form
# binutils: power6.d: f4: 7d 4b 60 94 addg6s r10,r11,r12
# name addg6s code 7c000094 mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER6 operands 3b 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop AddAndGenerateSixes;
:addg6s TH,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & TH & A & B & XOP_1_9=74 & BIT_10=0 & BIT_0=0 { # PCODE-YES
# ==========================================================================
# PowerISA II: 3.3.8 Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions
# CMT: Divide Word Extended [Category: Server] [Category: Embedded.Phased-In]
# FORM: XO-form
# binutils: power7.d: b8: 7d 4b 63 56 divwe r10,r11,r12
# name divwe code 7c000356 mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER7 @A2 operands 3b 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
:divwe TH,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & TH & A & B & OE=0 & XOP_1_9=427 & Rc=0 {
tmp:8 = 0;
# A high 4 bytes to a
tmp = tmp >> 32;
a:4 = tmp:4;
# B high 4 bytes to b
tmp = tmp >> 32;
b:4 = tmp:4;
# C
c:4 = (a s/ b);
# C low 4 bytes to TH high 4 bytes
tmp = zext(c);
tmp = tmp << 32;
TH = tmp;
# PowerISA II: 3.3.8 Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions
# CMT: Divide Word Extended [Category: Server] [Category: Embedded.Phased-In]
# FORM: XO-form
# binutils: power7.d: bc: 7d 6c 6b 57 divwe. r11,r12,r13
# name divwe. code 7c000357 mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER7 @A2 operands 3b 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
:divwe. TH,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & TH & A & B & OE=0 & XOP_1_9=427 & Rc=1 {
tmp:8 = 0;
# A high 4 bytes to a
tmp = tmp >> 32;
a:4 = tmp:4;
# B high 4 bytes to b
tmp = tmp >> 32;
b:4 = tmp:4;
# C
c:4 = (a s/ b);
# C low 4 bytes to TH high 4 bytes
tmp = zext(c);
tmp = tmp << 32;
TH = tmp;
# PowerISA II: 3.3.8 Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions
# CMT: Divide Word Extended [Category: Server] [Category: Embedded.Phased-In]
# FORM: XO-form
# binutils: power7.d: c0: 7d 8d 77 56 divweo r12,r13,r14
# name divweo code 7c000756 mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER7 @A2 operands 3b 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
:divweo TH,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & TH & A & B & OE=1 & XOP_1_9=427 & Rc=0 {
tmp:8 = 0;
# A high 4 bytes to a
tmp = tmp >> 32;
a:4 = tmp:4;
# B high 4 bytes to b
tmp = tmp >> 32;
b:4 = tmp:4;
# C
c:4 = (a s/ b);
# C low 4 bytes to TH high 4 bytes
tmp = zext(c);
tmp = tmp << 32;
TH = tmp;
# PowerISA II: 3.3.8 Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions
# CMT: Divide Word Extended [Category: Server] [Category: Embedded.Phased-In]
# FORM: XO-form
# binutils: power7.d: c4: 7d ae 7f 57 divweo. r13,r14,r15
# name divweo. code 7c000757 mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER7 @A2 operands 3b 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop DivideWordExtended4;
:divweo. TH,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & TH & A & B & OE=1 & XOP_1_9=427 & Rc=1 {
tmp:8 = 0;
# A high 4 bytes to a
tmp = tmp >> 32;
a:4 = tmp:4;
# B high 4 bytes to b
tmp = tmp >> 32;
b:4 = tmp:4;
# C
c:4 = (a s/ b);
# C low 4 bytes to TH high 4 bytes
tmp = zext(c);
tmp = tmp << 32;
TH = tmp;
# PowerISA II: 3.3.8 Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions
# CMT: Divide Word Extended [Category: Server] [Category: Embedded.Phased-In]
# FORM: XO-form
# binutils: power7.d: c8: 7d 4b 63 16 divweu r10,r11,r12
# name divweu code 7c000316 mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER7 @A2 operands 3b 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
:divweu TH,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & TH & A & B & OE=0 & Rc=0 & XOP_1_9=395 {
tmp:8 = 0;
# A high 4 bytes to a
tmp = tmp >> 32;
a:4 = tmp:4;
# B high 4 bytes to b
tmp = tmp >> 32;
b:4 = tmp:4;
# C
c:4 = (a / b);
# C low 4 bytes to TH high 4 bytes
tmp = zext(c);
tmp = tmp << 32;
TH = tmp;
# PowerISA II: 3.3.8 Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions
# CMT: Divide Word Extended [Category: Server] [Category: Embedded.Phased-In]
# FORM: XO-form
# binutils: power7.d: cc: 7d 6c 6b 17 divweu. r11,r12,r13
# name divweu. code 7c000317 mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER7 @A2 operands 3b 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
:divweu. TH,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & TH & A & B & OE=0 & Rc=1 & XOP_1_9=395 {
tmp:8 = 0;
# A high 4 bytes to a
tmp = tmp >> 32;
a:4 = tmp:4;
# B high 4 bytes to b
tmp = tmp >> 32;
b:4 = tmp:4;
# C
c:4 = (a / b);
# C low 4 bytes to TH high 4 bytes
tmp = zext(c);
tmp = tmp << 32;
TH = tmp;
# PowerISA II: 3.3.8 Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions
# CMT: Divide Word Extended Unsigned [Category: Server] [Category: Embedded.Phased-In]
# FORM: XO-form
# binutils: power7.d: d0: 7d 8d 77 16 divweuo r12,r13,r14
# name divweuo code 7c000716 mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER7 @A2 operands 3b 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
:divweuo TH,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & TH & A & B & OE=1 & Rc=0 & XOP_1_9=395 {
tmp:8 = 0;
# A high 4 bytes to a
tmp = tmp >> 32;
a:4 = tmp:4;
# B high 4 bytes to b
tmp = tmp >> 32;
b:4 = tmp:4;
# C
c:4 = (a / b);
# C low 4 bytes to TH high 4 bytes
tmp = zext(c);
tmp = tmp << 32;
TH = tmp;
# PowerISA II: 3.3.8 Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions
# CMT: Divide Word Extended Unsigned [Category: Server] [Category: Embedded.Phased-In]
# FORM: XO-form
# binutils: power7.d: d4: 7d ae 7f 17 divweuo. r13,r14,r15
# name divweuo. code 7c000717 mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER7 @A2 operands 3b 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
:divweuo. TH,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & TH & A & B & OE=1 & Rc=1 & XOP_1_9=395 {
tmp:8 = 0;
# A high 4 bytes to a
tmp = tmp >> 32;
a:4 = tmp:4;
# B high 4 bytes to b
tmp = tmp >> 32;
b:4 = tmp:4;
# C
c:4 = (a / b);
# C low 4 bytes to TH high 4 bytes
tmp = zext(c);
tmp = tmp << 32;
TH = tmp;
# =======================================================================
# PowerISA II: 64-bit Fixed-Point Logical Instructions [Category: 64-Bit]
# CMT: Population Count Doubleword [Category: Server.64-bit] [Category: Embedded.64-bit.Phased-In]
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 648: 7d 6a 03 f4 popcntd r10,r11
# binutils: power7.d: e0: 7e 8a 03 f4 popcntd r10,r20
# name popcntd code 7c0003f4 mask ffff00fc00000000 flags @POWER7 @A2 operands 31 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0
:popcntd A,S is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & S & A & XOP_1_10=506 & Rc & BITS_11_15=0 {
n:8 = 0;
i:8 = 0;
tmp:8 = 0;
tmp = (S >> (64 - (i*8+7))); b:8 = tmp & 1;
n = n + b;
if (i < 63) goto <loop>;
A = n;
# =======================================================================
# PowerISA II: 64-Bit Load and Store with Byte Reversal Instructions [Category: 64-bit]
# CMT: Load Doubleword Byte-Reverse Indexed
# FORM: X-form
# Category: 64
# binutils: a2.d: 418: 7d 4b 64 28 ldbrx r10,r11,r12
# binutils: cell.d: 40: 7c 00 0c 28 ldbrx r0,0,r1
# binutils: cell.d: 44: 7c 01 14 28 ldbrx r0,r1,r2
# binutils: power7.d: e4: 7e 95 b4 28 ldbrx r20,r21,r22
# name ldbrx code 7c000428 mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER7 @CELL @A2 operands 3b 32 38 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop LoadDoublewordByteReverseIndexed;
:ldbrx D,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & D & A & B & XOP_1_10=532 & Rc { D = LoadDoublewordByteReverseIndexed(D,A,B); }
# ======================================================================
# PowerISA II: 4.4.2 Load and Reserve and Store Conditional Instructions
# CMT: Store Byte Conditional Indexed
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: power7.d: 164: 7d 4b 65 6d stbcx. r10,r11,r12
# name stbcx. code 7c00056d mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER7 operands 3b 32 38 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop StoreByteConditionalIndexed;
:stbcx. S,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & S & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=694 & Rc=1 {
*[ram]:1 EA = StoreByteConditionalIndexed(S,RA_OR_ZERO,B);
setCrBit(cr0, 2, 1);
# ======================================================================
# PowerISA II: 5.4.1 Move To/From System Register Instructions
# CMT: Move From Device Control Register Indexed [Category: Embedded.Device Control]
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 49c: 7c 85 02 06 mfdcrx r4,r5
# binutils: a2.d: 520: 7d 4b 02 06 mfdcrx r10,r11
# binutils: booke.d: 28: 7c 85 02 06 mfdcrx r4,r5
# binutils: booke_xcoff.d: 24: 7c 85 02 06 mfdcrx r4,r5
# name mfdcrx code 7c000206 mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @476 @BOOKE @A2 operands 3b 31 0 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop MoveFromDeviceControlRegisterIndexed;
:mfdcrx D,A is OP=31 & D & A & XOP_1_9=259 & Rc=0 { #
# PowerISA II: 5.4.1 Move To/From System Register Instructions
# CMT: Move To Device Control Register Indexed [Category: Embedded.Device Control]
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 4cc: 7c e6 03 06 mtdcrx r6,r7
# binutils: a2.d: 568: 7d 6a 03 06 mtdcrx r10,r11
# binutils: booke.d: 30: 7c e6 03 06 mtdcrx r6,r7
# binutils: booke_xcoff.d: 2c: 7c e6 03 06 mtdcrx r6,r7
# binutils: 4cc: 7c e6 03 06 mtdcrx r6,r7
# name mtdcrx code 7c000306 mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @476 @BOOKE @A2 operands 31 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop MoveToDeviceControlRegisterIndexed;
:mtdcrx A,S is OP=31 & S & A & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_1_10=387 & BIT_0=0 { MoveToDeviceControlRegisterIndexed(S,A); } #
# ========================================================================
# PowerISA II: 5.4.3 External Process ID Instructions [Category: Embedded.External PID]
# CMT: Data Cache Block Flush by External PID
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 154: 7c 0a 58 fe dcbfep r10,r11
# binutils: e500mc.d: 9c: 7c 01 10 fe dcbfep r1,r2
# name dcbfep code 7c0000fe mask ff07e0ff00000000 flags @E500MC @A2 operands 31 38 0 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop DataCacheBlockFlushByExternalPID;
:dcbfep A,B is OP=31 & A & B & XOP_1_10=127 & BIT_0=0 & BITS_21_25=0 { #
# PowerISA II: 5.4.3 External Process ID Instructions [Category: Embedded.External PID]
# CMT: Data Cache Block Store by External PID
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 168: 7c 0a 58 7e dcbstep r10,r11
# binutils: e500mc.d: 98: 7c 1f 00 7e dcbstep r31,r0
# name dcbstep code 7c00007e mask ff07e0ff00000000 flags @E500MC @A2 operands 31 38 0 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop DataCacheBlockStoreByExternalPID;
:dcbstep A,B is OP=31 & BITS_21_25=0 & A & B & XOP_1_10=63 & BIT_0=0 { #
# PowerISA II: 5.4.3 External Process ID Instructions [Category: Embedded.External PID]
# CMT: Data Cache Block set to Zero by External PID
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 198: 7c 0a 5f fe dcbzep r10,r11
# binutils: e500mc.d: a8: 7c 0b 67 fe dcbzep r11,r12
# name dcbzep code 7c0007fe mask ff07e0ff00000000 flags @E500MC @A2 operands 31 38 0 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop DataCacheBlockSetToZeroByExternalPID;
:dcbzep A,B is OP=31 & BITS_21_25=0 & A & B & XOP_1_10=1023 & BIT_0=0 {
# PowerISA II: 5.4.3 External Process ID Instructions [Category: Embedded.External PID]
# CMT: Instruction Cache Block Invalidate by External PID
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 3b8: 7c 0a 5f be icbiep r10,r11
# binutils: e500mc.d: 10: 7c 09 57 be icbiep r9,r10
# name icbiep code 7c0007be mask ff07e0ff00000000 flags @E500MC @A2 operands 31 38 0 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop InstructionCacheBlockInvalidateByExternalPID;
:icbiep A,B is OP=31 & BITS_21_25=0 & A & B & XOP_1_10=991 & BIT_0=0 {
# PowerISA II: 5.4.3 External Process ID Instructions [Category: Embedded.External PID]
# CMT: Load Floating-Point Double by External Process ID Indexed
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 438: 7e 8a 5c be lfdepx f20,r10,r11
# binutils: e500mc.d: 50: 7d ae 7c be lfdepx f13,r14,r15
# name lfdepx code 7c0004be mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @E500MC @A2 operands 22 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
:lfdepx fT,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & fT & B & RA_OR_ZERO & XOP_1_10=607 & BIT_0=0
fT = *:8(ea);
# PowerISA II: 5.4.3 External Process ID Instructions [Category: Embedded.External PID]
# CMT: Store Byte by External Process ID Indexed
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 700: 7d 4b 61 be stbepx r10,r11,r12
# binutils: e500mc.d: 54: 7e 11 91 be stbepx r16,r17,r18
# name stbepx code 7c0001be mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @E500MC @A2 operands 3b 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop StoreByteByExternalProcessIDIndexed;
:stbepx S,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & S & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=223 & BIT_0=0 { #
*[ram]:1 EA = StoreByteByExternalProcessIDIndexed(S,RA_OR_ZERO,B);
# PowerISA II: 5.4.3 External Process ID Instructions [Category: Embedded.External PID]
# CMT: Store Halfword by External Process ID Indexed
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 784: 7d 4b 63 3e sthepx r10,r11,r12
# binutils: e500mc.d: 58: 7e 74 ab 3e sthepx r19,r20,r21
# name sthepx code 7c00033e mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @E500MC @A2 operands 3b 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop StoreHalfwordByExternalProcessIDIndexed;
:sthepx S,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & S & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=415 & BIT_0=0 { #
*[ram]:2 EA = StoreHalfwordByExternalProcessIDIndexed(S,RA_OR_ZERO,B);
# PowerISA II: 5.4.3 External Process ID Instructions [Category: Embedded.External PID]
# CMT: Store Word by External Process ID Indexed
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 7b0: 7d 4b 61 3e stwepx r10,r11,r12
# binutils: e500mc.d: 5c: 7e d7 c1 3e stwepx r22,r23,r24
# name stwepx code 7c00013e mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @E500MC @A2 operands 3b 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop StoreWordByExternalProcessIDIndexed;
:stwepx S,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & S & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=159 & BIT_0=0 { #
*[ram]:4 EA = StoreWordByExternalProcessIDIndexed(S,RA_OR_ZERO,B);
# PowerISA II: 5.4.3 External Process ID Instructions [Category: Embedded.External PID]
# CMT: Store Doubleword Byte-Reverse Indexed
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 71c: 7d 4b 65 28 stdbrx r10,r11,r12
# binutils: cell.d: 48: 7c 00 0d 28 stdbrx r0,0,r1
# binutils: cell.d: 4c: 7c 01 15 28 stdbrx r0,r1,r2
# binutils: power7.d: e8: 7e 95 b5 28 stdbrx r20,r21,r22
# name stdbrx code 7c000528 mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @POWER7 @CELL @A2 operands 3b 32 38 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop StoreDoublewordByteReverseIndexed;
:stdbrx S,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & S & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=660 & BIT_0=0 { #
*[ram]:8 EA = StoreDoublewordByteReverseIndexed(S,RA_OR_ZERO,B);
# PowerISA II: 5.4.3 External Process ID Instructions [Category: Embedded.External PID]
# CMT: Store Doubleword Byte-Reverse Indexed
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 724: 7d 4b 61 3a stdepx r10,r11,r12
# binutils: e500mc.d: 60: 7f 3a d9 3a stdepx r25,r26,r27
# name stdepx code 7c00013a mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @E500MC @A2 operands 3b 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
define pcodeop StoreDoublewordByteReverseIndexed1;
:stdepx S,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & S & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=157 & BIT_0=0 { #
*[ram]:8 EA = StoreDoublewordByteReverseIndexed1(S,RA_OR_ZERO,B);
# PowerISA II: 5.4.3 External Process ID Instructions [Category: Embedded.External PID]
# CMT: Load Byte by External Process ID Indexed
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d 3ec: 7d 4b 60 be lbepx r10,r11,r12
# binutils: e500mc.d 40: 7c 22 18 be lbepx r1,r2,r3
# name lbepx code 7c0000be mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @E500MC @A2 operands 3b 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
# Note: no support for context modeling here
:lbepx D,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & D & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=95 & BIT_0=0
D = zext(*:1(ea));
# PowerISA II: 5.4.3 External Process ID Instructions [Category: Embedded.External PID]
# CMT: Data Cache Block Touch by External PID
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 174: 7d 4b 62 7e dcbtep r10,r11,r12
# binutils: e500mc.d: a4: 7c c7 42 7e dcbtep r6,r7,r8
# NOTE: BITS_21_25 => TH (register)
# name dcbtep code 7c00027e mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @E500MC @A2 operands 3b 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
# No PCODE necessary
define pcodeop DataCacheBlockTouchByExternalPID2;
:dcbtep TH,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & TH & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=319 & BIT_0=0 {
# PowerISA II: 5.4.3 External Process ID Instructions [Category: Embedded.External PID]
# CMT: Load Doubleword by External Process ID Indexed
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 41c: 7d 4b 60 3a ldepx r10,r11,r12
# binutils: e500mc.d: 4c: 7d 4b 60 3a ldepx r10,r11,r12
# name ldepx code 7c00003a mask ff0700fc00000000 flags @E500MC @A2 operands 3b 31 38 0 0 0 0 0
# Note: no support for context modeling here
:ldepx D,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & D & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=29 & BIT_0=0
D = *:8(ea);
# PowerISA II: 5.4.3 External Process ID Instructions [Category: Embedded.External PID]
# CMT: Load Word by External Process ID Indexed
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 4c8: 7d 4b 60 3e lwepx r10,r11,r12
# binutils: e500mc.d: 48: 7c e8 48 3e lwepx r7,r8,r9
# Note: no support for context modeling here
:lwepx D,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & D & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=31 & BIT_0=0
D = *:4(ea);
# PowerISA II: 5.4.3 External Process ID Instructions [Category: Embedded.External PID]
# CMT: Store Floating-Point Double by External Process ID Indexed
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 740: 7e 8a 5d be stfdepx f20,r10,r11
# binutils: e500mc.d: 64: 7f 9d f5 be stfdepx f28,r29,r30
# NOTE: BITS_21_25 => FRS (float register) => fS
# Note: no support for context modeling here
:stfdepx fS,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & fS & B & RA_OR_ZERO & XOP_1_10=735 & BIT_0=0
*:8(ea) = fS;
# PowerISA II: 5.4.3 External Process ID Instructions [Category: Embedded.External PID]
# CMT: Load Halfword by External Process ID Indexed
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 480: 7d 4b 62 3e lhepx r10,r11,r12
# binutils: e500mc.d: 44: 7c 85 32 3e lhepx r4,r5,r6
# Note: no support for context modeling here
:lhepx D,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & D & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=287 & BIT_0=0
D = zext(*:2(ea));
# ========================================================================
# PowerISA II: Move To/From System Registers [Category: Embedded]
# CMT: Move From Device Control Register User-mode Indexed [Category: Embedded.Device Control]
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 498: 7c 64 02 46 mfdcrux r3,r4
define pcodeop MoveFromDeviceControlRegisterUserModeIndexed;
:mfdcrux RT,A is OP=31 & RT & A & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_1_10=291 & BIT_0=0
@ifdef BIT_64
tmp:8 = dcr000 + (A * $(REGISTER_SIZE));
RT = *[register]:8 (tmp:4);
tmp = dcr000 + (A * $(REGISTER_SIZE));
RT = *[register]:4 (tmp);
# PowerISA II: Move To/From System Registers [Category: Embedded]
# CMT: Move To Device Control Register User-mode Indexed [Category: Embedded.Device Control]
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 4c8: 7c 83 03 46 mtdcrux r3,r4
:mtdcrux S,A is OP=31 & S & A & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_1_10=419 & BIT_0=0
@ifdef BIT_64
tmp:8 = dcr000 + (A * $(REGISTER_SIZE));
*[register]:8 (tmp:4) = S;
tmp = dcr000 + (A * $(REGISTER_SIZE));
*[register]:4 (tmp) = S;
# ========================================================================
# PowerISA II: Chapter 10. Legacy Move Assist Instruction [Category: Legacy Move Assist]
# CMT: Determine Leftmost Zero Byte
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 1a4: 7c 83 28 9c dlmzb r3,r4,r5
# binutils: titan.d: 158: 7c 22 00 9c dlmzb r2,r1,r0
define pcodeop DetermineLeftmostZeroByte;
:dlmzb S,A,B is OP=31 & S & A & B & XOP_1_10=78 & Rc=0
# search from left for the first occurrence of null byte
# low 32 bits of RS concatenated with low 32 bits of RB
@ifdef BIT_64
tmpD:8 = zext( S:4 );
tmpD:8 = zext( S );
tmpD = tmpD << 32;
@ifdef BIT_64
tmpD = tmpD | zext( B:4 );
tmpD = tmpD | zext( B );
tmpX:8 = 0;
if ( tmpX == 8 ) goto <done_searching>;
tmpX = tmpX + 1;
if ( ( ( tmpD << ( (tmpX - 1) * 8 ) ) & 0xFF00000000000000 ) != 0 ) goto <unmatched>;
# place byte number in register A and low 7 bits of XER
@ifdef BIT_64
A = tmpX;
XER = ( XER & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF80 ) | tmpX;
A = tmpX:4;
XER = ( XER & 0xFFFFFF80 ) | tmpX:4;
# PowerISA II: Chapter 10. Legacy Move Assist Instruction [Category: Legacy Move Assist]
# CMT: Determine Leftmost Zero Byte
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 1a8: 7c 83 28 9d dlmzb\. r3,r4,r5
# binutils: titan.d: 15c: 7c 22 00 9d dlmzb\. r2,r1,r0
define pcodeop DetermineLeftmostZeroByte1;
:dlmzb. S,A,B is OP=31 & S & A & B & XOP_1_10=78 & Rc=1
# search from left for the first occurrence of null byte
# low 32 bits of RS concatenated with low 32 bits of RB
@ifdef BIT_64
tmpD:8 = zext( S:4 );
tmpD:8 = zext( S );
tmpD = tmpD << 32;
@ifdef BIT_64
tmpD = tmpD | zext( B:4 );
tmpD = tmpD | zext( B );
tmpX:8 = 0;
tmpY:8 = 0;
if ( tmpX == 8 ) goto <done_searching>;
tmpX = tmpX + 1;
if ( ( ( tmpD << ( (tmpX - 1) * 8 ) ) & 0xFF00000000000000 ) != 0 ) goto <unmatched>;
# matched
tmpY = 1;
# place byte number in register A and low 7 bits of XER
@ifdef BIT_64
A = tmpX;
XER = ( XER & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF80 ) | tmpX;
A = tmpX:4;
XER = ( XER & 0xFFFFFF80 ) | tmpX:4;
# Rc section
# Set bit 35 of CR to SO
@ifdef BIT_64
cr0 = ( cr0 & 0xFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFF ) | ( xer_so << 28 );
cr0 = ( cr0 & 0xEFFFFFFF ) | ( xer_so << 28 );
# Set bits 32:34 of CR
if ( tmpY != 1 ) goto <no_match>;
if ( tmpX >= 5 ) goto <high_bytes>;
@ifdef BIT_64
cr0 = ( cr0 & 0xFFFFFFFF1FFFFFFF ) | 0x0000000040000000;
cr0 = ( cr0 & 0x1FFFFFFF ) | 0x40000000;
goto <finished>;
@ifdef BIT_64
cr0 = ( cr0 & 0xFFFFFFFF1FFFFFFF ) | 0x0000000080000000;
cr0 = ( cr0 & 0x1FFFFFFF ) | 0x80000000;
goto <finished>;
@ifdef BIT_64
cr0 = ( cr0 & 0xFFFFFFFF1FFFFFFF ) | 0x0000000020000000;
cr0 = ( cr0 & 0x1FFFFFFF ) | 0x20000000;
# ========================================================================
# PowerISA II: 4.6.5 Floating-Point Move Instructions
# CMT: Floating Copy Sign
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 1f0: fd 4b 60 10 fcpsgn f10,f11,f12
# binutils: a2.d: 268: fe 95 b0 10 fcpsgn f20,f21,f22
:fcpsgn fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & fA & fB & XOP_1_10=8 & Rc=0
fT = ( fB & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ) | ( fA & 0x8000000000000000 );
# PowerISA II: 4.6.5 Floating-Point Move Instructions
# CMT: Floating Copy Sign
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 1f4: fd 4b 60 11 fcpsgn\. f10,f11,f12
# binutils: a2.d: 264: fe 95 b0 11 fcpsgn\. f20,f21,f22
:fcpsgn. fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & fA & fB & XOP_1_10=8 & Rc=1
fT = ( fB & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ) | ( fA & 0x8000000000000000 );
# ========================================================================
# PowerISA II: 4.6.2 Floating-Point Load Instructions
# CMT: Load Floating-Point as Integer Word Algebraic Indexed
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 350: 7d 43 26 ae lfiwax f10,r3,r4
# binutils: a2.d: 44c: 7e 8a 5e ae lfiwax f20,r10,r11
define pcodeop LoadFloatingPointAsIntegerWordAlgebraicIndexed;
:lfiwax fT,RA_OR_ZERO,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & fT & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=855 & BIT_0=0
fT = sext( *:4(ea) );
# PowerISA II: 4.6.2 Floating-Point Load Instructions
# CMT: Load Floating-Point as Integer Word and Zero Indexed [Category: Floating-Point.Phased-in]
# FORM: X-form
# bintutils: a2.d: 450: 7e 8a 5e ee lfiwzx f20,r10,r11
# bintutils: power7.d: ec: 7d 40 56 ee lfiwzx f10,0,r10
# bintutils: power7.d: f0: 7d 49 56 ee lfiwzx f10,r9,r10
define pcodeop LoadFloatingPointAsIntegerWordAndZeroIndexed;
:lfiwzx fT,RA_OR_ZERO,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & fT & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=887 & BIT_0=0
fT = zext( *:4(ea) );
# =======================================================================
# PowerISA II: A.1 Embedded Cache Initialization [Category: Embedded.Cache Initialization]
# CMT: Instruction Cache Invalidate
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 31c: 7c 20 07 8c ici 1
# binutils: a2.d: 3d8: 7d 40 07 8c ici 10
# Note: Using CT, but limited to 4 bits, not 5 (PPC bit 6 is 0 and is a don't care anyhow as CT is unused)
# No PCODE for this function
define pcodeop InstructionCacheInvalidate;
:ici CT is OP=31 & CT & BITS_16_20=0 & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_1_10=966 & BIT_0=0
# PowerISA II: A.1 Embedded Cache Initialization [Category: Embedded.Cache Initialization]
# CMT: Data Cache Invalidate
# FORM: X-form
# Note: Using CT, but limited to 4 bits, not 5 (PPC bit 6 is 0 and is a don't care anyhow as CT is unused)
# No PCODE for this function
# binutils: 476.d: 180: 7c 20 03 8c dci 1
# binutils: a2.d: 1a8: 7d 40 03 8c dci 10
define pcodeop DataCacheInvalidate;
:dci CT is OP=31 & CT & BITS_11_20=0 & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_1_10=454 & BIT_0=0
# =======================================================================
# PowerISA II: 4.3.1 Instruction Cache Instructions
# CMT: Instruction Cache Block Touch [Category: Embedded]
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 308: 7c a8 48 2c icbt 5,r8,r9
# binutils: a2.d: 3bc: 7c 0a 58 2c icbt r10,r11
# binutils: a2.d: 3c0: 7c ea 58 2c icbt 7,r10,r11
# binutils: booke.d: 0: 7c a8 48 2c icbt 5,r8,r9
# binutils: booke_xcoff.d: 8: 7c a8 48 2c icbt 5,r8,r9
# Note: Using CT, but limited to 4 bits, not 5 (PPC bit 6 is 0 and is a don't care anyhow as CT is unused)
# No PCODE for this function
define pcodeop InstructionCacheBlockTouch;
:icbt CT,RA_OR_ZERO,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & CT & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=22 & BIT_0=0
# ======================================================================
# PowerISA II: Floating-Point Elementary Arithmetic Instructions
# CMT: Floating Reciprocal Square Root Estimate [Single]
# FORM: A-form
# binutils: 476.d: 2d0: ed c0 78 34 frsqrtes f14,f15
# binutils: a2.d: 374: ee 80 a8 34 frsqrtes f20,f21
# binutils: a2.d: 37c: ee 80 a8 34 frsqrtes f20,f21
# binutils: a2.d: 384: ee 81 a8 34 frsqrtes f20,f21,1
# binutils: power7.d: 184: ed c0 78 34 frsqrtes f14,f15
# NOTE: binutils allows BITS_16_20=1 but manual says BITS_16_20=0. We take the manuals side. (pg 136)
:frsqrtes fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 & BITS_6_10=0 & XOP_1_5=26 & Rc=0
# divide 1 by square root of fB to create reciprocal
tmp1:8 = 0x3FF0000000000000;
fT = tmp1 f/ sqrt( fB );
# PowerISA II: Floating-Point Elementary Arithmetic Instructions
# CMT: Floating Reciprocal Square Root Estimate [Single]
# FORM: A-form
# binutils: 476.d: 2d4: ed c0 78 35 frsqrtes. f14,f15
# binutils: a2.d: 378: ee 80 a8 35 frsqrtes. f20,f21
# binutils: a2.d: 380: ee 80 a8 35 frsqrtes. f20,f21
# binutils: a2.d: 388: ee 81 a8 35 frsqrtes. f20,f21,1
# binutils: power7.d: 188: ed c0 78 35 frsqrtes. f14,f15
# NOTE: binutils allows BITS_16_20=1 but manual says BITS_16_20=0. We take the manuals side. (pg 136)
define pcodeop FloatingReciprocalSquareRootEstimate1;
:frsqrtes. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 & BITS_6_10=0 & XOP_1_5=26 & Rc=1
# divide 1 by square root of fB to create reciprocal
tmp1:8 = 0x3FF0000000000000;
fT = tmp1 f/ sqrt( fB );
# PowerISA II: Floating-Point Elementary Arithmetic Instructions
# CMT: Floating Reciprocal Estimate [Single]
# FORM: A-form
# binutils: 476.d: 290: fd c0 78 30 fre f14,f15
# binutils: a2.d: 308: fe 80 a8 30 fre f20,f21
# binutils: a2.d: 310: fe 80 a8 30 fre f20,f21
# binutils: a2.d: 318: fe 81 a8 30 fre f20,f21,1
# binutils: power7.d: 16c: fd c0 78 30 fre f14,f15
# NOTE: binutils allows BITS_16_20!=0 but manual says BITS_16_20=0. We take the manuals side. (pg 135)
:fre fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & BITS_16_20=0 & fB & BITS_6_10=0 & XOP_1_5=24 & Rc=0
# divide 1 by fB to create reciprocal
tmp1:8 = 0x3FF0000000000000;
fT = tmp1 f/ fB;
# PowerISA II: Floating-Point Elementary Arithmetic Instructions
# CMT: Floating Reciprocal Estimate [Single]
# FORM: A-form
# binutils: 476.d: 294: fd c0 78 31 fre. f14,f15
# binutils: a2.d: 304: fe 80 a8 31 fre. f20,f21
# binutils: a2.d: 30c: fe 80 a8 31 fre. f20,f21
# binutils: a2.d: 314: fe 81 a8 31 fre. f20,f21,1
# binutils: power7.d: 170: fd c0 78 31 fre. f14,f15
# NOTE: binutils allows BITS_16_20!=0 but manual says BITS_16_20=0. We take the manuals side. (pg 135)
:fre. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & BITS_16_20=0 & fB & BITS_6_10=0 & XOP_1_5=24 & Rc=1
# divide 1 by fB to create reciprocal
tmp1:8 = 0x3FF0000000000000;
fT = tmp1 f/ fB;
# ======================================================================
# PowerISA II: Floating Round to Integer Instructions
# CMT: Floating Round to Integer Minus
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 2a0: fd 40 5b d0 frim f10,f11
# binutils: a2.d: 338: fe 80 ab d0 frim f20,f21
:frim fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & BITS_16_20=0 & fB & XOP_1_10=488 & Rc=0
fT = floor( fB );
# PowerISA II: Floating Round to Integer Instructions
# CMT: Floating Round to Integer Minus
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 2a4: fd 40 5b d1 frim. f10,f11
# binutils: a2.d: 334: fe 80 ab d1 frim. f20,f21
:frim. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & BITS_16_20=0 & fB & XOP_1_10=488 & Rc=1
fT = floor( fB );
# PowerISA II: Floating Round to Integer Instructions
# CMT: Floating Round to Integer Nearest
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 2a8: fd 40 5b 10 frin f10,f11
# binutils: a2.d: 340: fe 80 ab 10 frin f20,f21
:frin fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & BITS_16_20=0 & fB & XOP_1_10=392 & Rc=0
fT = round( fB );
# PowerISA II: Floating Round to Integer Instructions
# CMT: Floating Round to Integer Nearest
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 2ac: fd 40 5b 11 frin. f10,f11
# binutils: a2.d: 33c: fe 80 ab 11 frin. f20,f21
:frin. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & BITS_16_20=0 & fB & XOP_1_10=392 & Rc=1
fT = round( fB );
# PowerISA II: Floating Round to Integer Instructions
# CMT: Floating Round to Integer Plus
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 2b0: fd 40 5b 90 frip f10,f11
# binutils: a2.d: 348: fe 80 ab 90 frip f20,f21
:frip fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & BITS_16_20=0 & fB & XOP_1_10=456 & Rc=0
fT = ceil( fB );
# PowerISA II: Floating Round to Integer Instructions
# CMT: Floating Round to Integer Plus
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 2b4: fd 40 5b 91 frip. f10,f11
# binutils: a2.d: 344: fe 80 ab 91 frip. f20,f21
:frip. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & BITS_16_20=0 & fB & XOP_1_10=456 & Rc=1
fT = ceil( fB );
# PowerISA II: Floating Round to Integer Instructions
# CMT: Floating Round to Integer Toward Zero
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 2b8: fd 40 5b 50 friz f10,f11
# binutils: a2.d: 350: fe 80 ab 50 friz f20,f21
:friz fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & BITS_16_20=0 & fB & XOP_1_10=424 & Rc=0
fT = trunc( fB );
# PowerISA II: Floating Round to Integer Instructions
# CMT: Floating Round to Integer Toward Zero
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 2bc: fd 40 5b 51 friz. f10,f11
# binutils: a2.d: 34c: fe 80 ab 51 friz. f20,f21
define pcodeop FloatingRoundToIntegerTowardZero1;
:friz. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & BITS_16_20=0 & fB & XOP_1_10=424 & Rc=1
fT = trunc( fB );
# =======================================================================
# PowerISA II: 4.4.4 Wait Instruction
# CMT: Wait
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 86c: 7c 00 00 7c wait
# binutils: a2.d: 870: 7c 00 00 7c wait
# binutils: e500mc.d: 1c: 7c 00 00 7c wait
# binutils: e500mc.d: 20: 7c 00 00 7c wait
# binutils: power7.d: 58: 7c 00 00 7c wait
# binutils: power7.d: 5c: 7c 00 00 7c wait
define pcodeop waitOp;
:wait BITS_21_22 is OP=31 & crfD=0 & BITS_21_22 & BITS_11_20=0 & XOP_1_10=62 & BIT_0=0 { waitOp(); }
# =======================================================================
# PowerISA II: 4.3.1 System Linkage Instructions
# CMT: Return From Guest Interrupt [Category:Embedded.Hypervisor]
# FORM: XL-form
# binutils: e500mc.d: 0: 4c 00 00 4e rfdi
define pcodeop ReturnFromGuestInterrupt;
:rfgi is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & BITS_11_25=0 & XOP_1_10=102 & BIT_0=0 { MSR = ReturnFromGuestInterrupt(); }
# =======================================================================
# PowerISA II: 64-Bit Load and Reserve and Store Conditional Instructions [Category: 64-Bit]
# CMT: Load Doubleword And Reserve Indexed
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 410: 7d 4b 60 a8 ldarx r10,r11,r12
# binutils: a2.d: 414: 7d 4b 60 a9 ldarx r10,r11,r12,1
:ldarx TH,RA_OR_ZERO,B,BIT_0 is OP=31 & TH & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=84 & BIT_0
TH = *:8 (ea);
# =======================================================================
# PowerISA II: 4.4.1 Instruction Synchronize Instruction
# CMT: Load Word And Reserve Indexed
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 394: 7c 64 28 28 lwarx r3,r4,r5
# binutils: 476.d: 398: 7c 64 28 28 lwarx r3,r4,r5
# binutils: 476.d: 39c: 7c 64 28 29 lwarx r3,r4,r5,1
# binutils: a2.d: 4b4: 7d 4b 60 28 lwarx r10,r11,r12
# binutils: a2.d: 4b8: 7d 4b 60 29 lwarx r10,r11,r12,1
:lwarx TH,RA_OR_ZERO,B,BIT_0 is OP=31 & TH & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=20 & BIT_0
TH = zext( *:4 (ea) );
# =======================================================================
# PowerISA II: 11.3 Processor Control Instructions
# CMT: Message Clear
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 544: 7c 00 51 dc msgclr r10
# binutils: e500mc.d: 14: 7c 00 69 dc msgclr r13
define pcodeop MessageClear;
:msgclr B is OP=31 & BITS_21_25=0 & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_1_10=238 & BIT_0=0 { MessageClear(B); }
# PowerISA II: 11.3 Processor Control Instructions
# CMT: Message Send
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 548: 7c 00 51 9c msgsnd r10
# binutils: e500mc.d: 18: 7c 00 71 9c msgsnd r14
define pcodeop MessageSend;
:msgsnd B is OP=31 & BITS_21_25=0 & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_1_10=206 & BIT_0=0 { MessageSend(); }
# =======================================================================
# PowerISA III: TLB Management Instructions (expanded by ISA 3.0)
# CMT: TLB Invalidate Entry (expands on form in ppc_instructions.sinc)
# FORM: X-form
:tlbie RB_OR_ZERO,RS_OR_ZERO,"2",BIT_17,BIT_16 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & RS_OR_ZERO & RB_OR_ZERO & BIT_20=0 & BITS_18_19=2 & BIT_17 & BIT_16 & XOP_1_10=306 & BIT_0=0 { # RIC=2
# RIC = 2
# PRS = BIT_17
# R = BIT_16
:tlbie RB_OR_ZERO,RS_OR_ZERO,BIT_18,BIT_17,"1" is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & RS_OR_ZERO & RB_OR_ZERO & BIT_20=0 & (BITS_18_19=0 | BITS_18_19=1) & BIT_18 & BIT_17 & BIT_16=1 & XOP_1_10=306 & BIT_0=0 { # RIC=0|1 & R=1
# RIC = BITS_18_19 (0 or 1)
# PRS = BIT_17
# R = 1
:tlbie RB_OR_ZERO,RS_OR_ZERO,"3","0","0" is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & RS_OR_ZERO & RB_OR_ZERO & BIT_20=0 & BITS_18_19=3 & BIT_17=0 & BIT_16=0 & XOP_1_10=306 & BIT_0=0 { # RIC=3 & PRS=0 & R=0
# RIC = 3
# PRS = 0
# R = 0
# PowerISA III: TLB Management Instructions (expanded by ISA 3.0)
# CMT: TLB Invalidate Entry Local (expands on form in ppc_instructions.sinc)
# FORM: X-form
:tlbiel RB_OR_ZERO,RS_OR_ZERO,"0","0","0" is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & RS_OR_ZERO & RB_OR_ZERO & BITS_16_20=0 & XOP_1_10=274 & BIT_0=0 { # RIC=0 & PRS=0 & R=0
# RIC = 0
# PRS = 0
# R = 0
:tlbiel RB_OR_ZERO,RS_OR_ZERO,"2",BIT_17,BIT_16 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & RS_OR_ZERO & RB_OR_ZERO & BIT_20=0 & BITS_18_19=2 & BIT_17 & BIT_16 & XOP_1_10=274 & BIT_0=0 { # RIC=2
# RIC = 2
# PRS = BIT_17
# R = BIT_16
:tlbiel RB_OR_ZERO,RS_OR_ZERO,BIT_18,BIT_17,"1" is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & RS_OR_ZERO & RB_OR_ZERO & BIT_20=0 & (BITS_18_19=0 | BITS_18_19=1) & BIT_18 & BIT_17 & BIT_16=1 & XOP_1_10=274 & BIT_0=0 { # RIC=0|1 & R=1
# RIC = BITS_18_19 (0 or 1)
# PRS = BIT_17
# R = 1
# PowerISA II: TLB Management Instructions
# CMT: TLB Search and Reserve Indexed Category: Embedded.TLB Write Conditional]
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: a2.d: 848: 7c 0a 5e a5 tlbsrx\. r10,r11
define pcodeop TLBSearchAndReserveIndexedCategory;
:tlbsrx. A,B is OP=31 & BITS_21_25=0 & A & B & XOP_1_10=850 & BIT_0=1 { TLBSearchAndReserveIndexedCategory(A,B,cr0); }
# =======================================================================
# PowerISA II: 4.6.10 Floating-Point Status and Control Register Instructions
# CMT: Move To FPSCR Fields
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 4e0: fc 0c 55 8e mtfsf 6,f10
# binutils: 476.d: 4e4: fc 0c 55 8e mtfsf 6,f10
# binutils: 476.d: 4e8: fc 0d 55 8e mtfsf 6,f10,0,1
# binutils: 476.d: 4ec: fe 0c 55 8e mtfsf 6,f10,1,0
# binutils: a2.d: 580: fc 0c a5 8e mtfsf 6,f20
# binutils: a2.d: 588: fc 0c a5 8e mtfsf 6,f20
# binutils: a2.d: 590: fe 0d a5 8e mtfsf 6,f20,1,1
# binutils: common.d: 210: fc 0c 55 8e mtfsf 6,f10
# binutils: power6.d: b4: fc 0c 55 8e mtfsf 6,f10
# binutils: power6.d: bc: fc 0c 55 8e mtfsf 6,f10
# binutils: power6.d: c4: fc 0d 55 8e mtfsf 6,f10,0,1
# binutils: power6.d: cc: fe 0c 55 8e mtfsf 6,f10,1,0
define pcodeop MoveToFPSCRFields;
:mtfsf BITS_17_24,fB,BIT_25,BIT_16 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & BIT_25 & BITS_17_24 & BIT_16 & fB & XOP_1_10=711 & Rc=0 { # PCODE
# PowerISA II: 4.6.10 Floating-Point Status and Control Register Instructions
# CMT: Move To FPSCR Fields
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 4f0: fc 0c 5d 8f mtfsf. 6,f11
# binutils: 476.d: 4f4: fc 0c 5d 8f mtfsf. 6,f11
# binutils: 476.d: 4f8: fc 0d 5d 8f mtfsf. 6,f11,0,1
# binutils: 476.d: 4fc: fe 0c 5d 8f mtfsf. 6,f11,1,0
# binutils: a2.d: 57c: fc 0c a5 8f mtfsf. 6,f20
# binutils: a2.d: 584: fc 0c a5 8f mtfsf. 6,f20
# binutils: a2.d: 58c: fe 0d a5 8f mtfsf. 6,f20,1,1
define pcodeop MoveToFPSCRFields1;
:mtfsf. BITS_17_24,fB,BIT_25,BIT_16 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & BIT_25 & BITS_17_24 & BIT_16 & fB & XOP_1_10=711 & Rc=1 { # PCODE
# PowerISA II: 4.6.10 Floating-Point Status and Control Register Instructions
# CMT: Move To FPSCR Field Immediate
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 500: ff 00 01 0c mtfsfi 6,0
# binutils: 476.d: 504: ff 00 01 0c mtfsfi 6,0
# binutils: 476.d: 508: ff 00 01 0c mtfsfi 6,0
# binutils: 476.d: 50c: ff 01 01 0c mtfsfi 6,0,1
# binutils: a2.d: 598: ff 00 01 0c mtfsfi 6,0
# binutils: a2.d: 5a0: ff 00 d1 0c mtfsfi 6,13
# binutils: a2.d: 5a8: ff 01 d1 0c mtfsfi 6,13,1
# binutils: common.d: 218: ff 00 01 0c mtfsfi 6,0
# binutils: power6.d: d4: ff 00 01 0c mtfsfi 6,0
# binutils: power6.d: dc: ff 00 01 0c mtfsfi 6,0
# binutils: power6.d: e4: ff 01 01 0c mtfsfi 6,0,1
define pcodeop MoveToFPSCRFieldImmediate;
:mtfsfi BF2,BITS_12_15,BIT_16 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & BF2 & BITS_21_22=0 & BITS_17_20=0 & BIT_16 & BITS_12_15 & BIT_11=0 & XOP_1_10=134 & Rc=0 {
# PowerISA II: 4.6.10 Floating-Point Status and Control Register Instructions
# CMT: Move To FPSCR Field Immediate
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: 476.d: 510: ff 00 f1 0d mtfsfi. 6,15
# binutils: 476.d: 514: ff 00 f1 0d mtfsfi. 6,15
# binutils: 476.d: 518: ff 00 f1 0d mtfsfi. 6,15
# binutils: 476.d: 51c: ff 01 f1 0d mtfsfi. 6,15,1
# binutils: a2.d: 594: ff 00 01 0d mtfsfi. 6,0
# binutils: a2.d: 59c: ff 00 d1 0d mtfsfi. 6,13
# binutils: a2.d: 5a4: ff 01 d1 0d mtfsfi. 6,13,1
define pcodeop MoveToFPSCRFieldImmediate1;
:mtfsfi. BITS_23_25,BITS_12_15,BIT_16 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & BITS_23_25 & BITS_21_22=0 & BITS_17_20=0 & BIT_16 & BITS_12_15 & BIT_11=0 & XOP_1_10=134 & Rc=1 {
# =======================================================================
# PowerISA II: 3.3.15 Move To/From System Register Instructions
# CMT: Move To Condition Register Fields
# FORM: XFX-form
# binutils: 476.d: 48c: 7c 60 00 26 mfcr r3
define pcodeop mfcrOp;
:mfcr TO is OP=31 & TO & BIT_20=0 & BITS_12_19=0 & XOP_1_10=190 & BIT_0=0 { mfcrOp(); }
# =======================================================================
# PowerISA II: 5.6.1 DFP Arithmetic Instructions
# CMT: DFP Add [Quad]
# FORM: X-form
# binutils: power6.d: 38: fe 96 c0 04 daddq f20,f22,f24
# binutils: power7.d: 9c: fe 96 c0 04 daddq f20,f22,f24
define pcodeop daddqOp;
:daddq fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & fA & fB & XOP_1_10=2 & Rc=0 { daddqOp(fA,fB); }
# PowerISA II: 5.6.1 DFP Arithmetic Instructions
# CMT: DFP Add [Quad]
# FORM: X-form
define pcodeop daddqDotOp;
:daddq. fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & fA & fB & XOP_1_10=2 & Rc=1 { daddqDotOp(fA); }
# =======================================================================
# =======================================================================
# binutils: 476.d: 30c: 7d ae 7b cc icbtls 13,r14,r15
# binutils: a2.d: 3c4: 7c 0a 5b cc icbtls r10,r11
# binutils: a2.d: 3c8: 7c ea 5b cc icbtls 7,r10,r11
# binutils: e500.d: 10: 7d ae 7b cc icbtls 13,r14,r15
# binutils: titan.d: 198: 7c 02 0b cc icbtls r2,r1
# binutils: titan.d: 19c: 7c 02 0b cc icbtls r2,r1
# binutils: titan.d: 1a0: 7c 22 0b cc icbtls 1,r2,r1
# :icbtls BITS_21_24,RA_OR_ZERO,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & BIT_25=0 & BITS_21_24 & B & XOP_1_10=486 & BIT_0=0 & RA_OR_ZERO
# {
# ea = RA_OR_ZERO + B;
# # prefetchInstructionCacheBlockLockSetX(ea);
# }
# Source for information on instructions:
# PowerISA_V2.06B_PUBLIC.pdf (dated: July 23, 2010)
# and binutils-2.21.1
# Have test case for about 200 of these instructions
# Extended Mnemonic
# xvmovdp XT,XB => xvcpsgndp XT,XB,XB
# xvmovsp XT,XB => xvcpsgnsp XT,XB,XB
# xxmrghd T,A,B => xxpermdi T,A,B,0b00
# xxmrgld T,A,B => xxpermdi T,A,B,0b11
# xxspltd T,A,0 => xxpermdi T,A,A,0b00
# xxswapd T,A => xxpermdi T,A,A,0b10
@include "vsx.sinc"
# binutils-descr: "brinc", VX (4, 527), VX_MASK, PPCSPE, PPCNONE, {RS, RA, RB}
define pcodeop brincOp;
# ISA-cmt: brinc - Bit Reversed Increment
# ISA-info: brinc - Form "EVX" Page 510 Category "SP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 1d0: 10 22 1a 0f brinc r1,r2,r3
:brinc S,A,B is OP=4 & XOP_0_10=527 & S & A & B { brincOp(S,A,B); }
# binutils-descr: "hrfid", XL(19,274), 0xffffffff, POWER5|CELL, PPC476, {0}
define pcodeop hrfidOp;
# ISA-info: hrfid - Form "XL" Page 739 Category "S"
# binutils: mytest.d: 0: 4c 00 02 24 hrfid
:hrfid is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & XOP_1_10=274 & BITS_11_25=0 & BIT_0=0 { hrfidOp(); }
define pcodeop bcctrOp;
:bcctr BO,BI_BITS,BH is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & BO & BI_BITS & BITS_13_15=0 & BH & XOP_1_10=528 & LK=0 { bcctrOp(); }
define pcodeop bcctrlOp;
:bcctrl BO,BI_BITS,BH is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & BO & BI_BITS & BITS_13_15=0 & BH & XOP_1_10=528 & LK=1 { bcctrlOp(); }
# binutils-descr: "lbarx", X(31,52), XEH_MASK, POWER7, PPCNONE, {RT, RA0, RB, EH}
define pcodeop lbarxOp;
# ISA-cmt: lbarx - Load Byte and Reserve Indexed
# ISA-info: lbarx - Form "X" Page 689 Category "B"
# binutils: power7.d: 14c: 7d 4b 60 68 lbarx r10,r11,r12
# binutils: power7.d: 150: 7d 4b 60 68 lbarx r10,r11,r12
# binutils: power7.d: 154: 7d 4b 60 69 lbarx r10,r11,r12,1
:lbarx RT,A,B,BIT_0 is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=52 & RT & A & B & BIT_0 {
A = A + B;
RT = *:1 A;
# binutils-descr: "lharx", X(31,116), XEH_MASK, POWER7, PPCNONE, {RT, RA0, RB, EH}
define pcodeop lharxOp;
# ISA-cmt: lharx - Load Halfword and Reserve Indexed
# ISA-info: lharx - Form "X" Page 690 Category "B"
# binutils: power7.d: 158: 7e 95 b0 e8 lharx r20,r21,r22
# binutils: power7.d: 15c: 7e 95 b0 e8 lharx r20,r21,r22
# binutils: power7.d: 160: 7e 95 b0 e9 lharx r20,r21,r22,1
:lharx RT,A,B,BIT_0 is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=116 & RT & A & B & BIT_0 {
A = A + B;
RT = *:2 A;
# binutils-descr: "ehpriv", X(31,270), 0xffffffff, E500MC|PPCA2, PPCNONE, {0}
define pcodeop ehprivOp;
# ISA-info: ehpriv - Form "XL" Page 889 Category "E.HV"
# binutils: NO-EXAMPLE - ehpriv
:ehpriv BITS_11_25 is OP=31 & BITS_11_25 & XOP_1_10=270 & BIT_0=0 { ehprivOp(); }
# binutils-descr: "cbcdtd", X(31,314), XRB_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {RA, RS}
define pcodeop cbcdtdOp;
# ISA-info: cbcdtd - Form "X" Page 97 Category "BCDA"
# binutils: power6.d: ec: 7d 6a 02 74 cbcdtd r10,r11
:cbcdtd S,A is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & S & A & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_1_10=314 & BIT_0=0 { cbcdtdOp(S,A); }
# binutils-descr: "divdeu", XO(31,393,0,0), XO_MASK, POWER7|PPCA2, PPCNONE, {RT, RA, RB}
define pcodeop divdeuOp;
# binutils: mytest.d: 4: 7c 64 2b 12 divdeu r3,r4,r5
:divdeu RT,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_9=393 & OE=0 & Rc=0 & RT & A & B {
RT = A/B;
# binutils-descr: "divdeu.", XO(31,393,0,1), XO_MASK, POWER7|PPCA2, PPCNONE, {RT, RA, RB}
define pcodeop divdeuDotOp;
# binutils: mytest.d: 8: 7c 64 2b 13 divdeu. r3,r4,r5
:divdeu. RT,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_9=393 & OE=0 & Rc=1 & RT & A & B {
RT = A/B;
# binutils-descr: "divde", XO(31,425,0,0), XO_MASK, POWER7|PPCA2, PPCNONE, {RT, RA, RB}
define pcodeop divdeOp;
# binutils: mytest.d: c: 7c 64 2b 52 divde r3,r4,r5
:divde RT,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_9=425 & OE=0 & Rc=0 & RT & A & B {
RT = A s/ B;
# binutils-descr: "divde.", XO(31,425,0,1), XO_MASK, POWER7|PPCA2, PPCNONE, {RT, RA, RB}
define pcodeop divdeDotOp;
# binutils: mytest.d: 10: 7c 64 2b 53 divde. r3,r4,r5
:divde. RT,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_9=425 & OE=0 & Rc=1 & RT & A & B {
RT = A s/ B;
# binutils-descr: "dsn", X(31,483), XRT_MASK, E500MC, PPCNONE, {RA, RB}
define pcodeop dsnOp;
# ISA-info: dsn - Form "X" Page 710 Category "DS"
# binutils: e500mc.d: 3c: 7c 18 cb c6 dsn r24,r25
:dsn A,B is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=483 & A & B & BITS_21_25=0 & BIT_0=0 { dsnOp(A,B); }
# binutils-descr: "lbdx", X(31,515), X_MASK, E500MC, PPCNONE, {RT, RA, RB}
define pcodeop lbdxOp;
# ISA-info: lbdx - Form "X" Page 708 Category "DS"
# binutils: e500mc.d: 68: 7c 01 14 06 lbdx r0,r1,r2
:lbdx RT,A,B is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=515 & RT & A & B & BIT_0=0 { RT = lbdxOp(RT,A,B); }
# binutils-descr: "lhdx", X(31,547), X_MASK, E500MC, PPCNONE, {RT, RA, RB}
define pcodeop lhdxOp;
# ISA-info: lhdx - Form "X" Page 708 Category "DS"
# binutils: e500mc.d: 6c: 7d 8d 74 46 lhdx r12,r13,r14
:lhdx RT,A,B is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=547 & RT & A & B & BIT_0=0 { RT = lhdxOp(RT,A,B); }
# binutils-descr: "lwdx", X(31,579), X_MASK, E500MC, PPCNONE, {RT, RA, RB}
define pcodeop lwdxOp;
# ISA-info: lwdx - Form "X" Page 708 Category "DS"
# binutils: e500mc.d: 70: 7c 64 2c 86 lwdx r3,r4,r5
:lwdx RT,A,B is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=579 & RT & A & B & BIT_0=0 { RT = lwdxOp(RT,A,B); }
# binutils-descr: "lddx", X(31,611), X_MASK, E500MC, PPCNONE, {RT, RA, RB}
define pcodeop lddxOp;
# ISA-info: lddx - Form "X" Page 708 Category "DS"
# binutils: e500mc.d: 78: 7d f0 8c c6 lddx r15,r16,r17
:lddx RT,A,B is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=611 & RT & A & B & BIT_0=0 { RT = lddxOp(RT,A,B); }
# ISA-info: lddx - Form "X" Page 50 Category "DS"
:ldx RT,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=21 & RT & RA_OR_ZERO & B & BIT_0=0 {
RT = *:8 (RA_OR_ZERO + B);
# binutils-descr: "stbdx", X(31,643), X_MASK, E500MC, PPCNONE, {RS, RA, RB}
define pcodeop stbdxOp;
# ISA-info: stbdx - Form "X" Page 709 Category "DS"
# binutils: e500mc.d: 7c: 7c c7 45 06 stbdx r6,r7,r8
:stbdx S,A,B is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=643 & S & A & B & BIT_0=0 { *[ram]:1 B =stbdxOp(S,A,B); }
# binutils-descr: "sthdx", X(31,675), X_MASK, E500MC, PPCNONE, {RS, RA, RB}
define pcodeop sthdxOp;
# ISA-info: sthdx - Form "X" Page 709 Category "DS"
# binutils: e500mc.d: 80: 7e 53 a5 46 sthdx r18,r19,r20
:sthdx S,A,B is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=675 & S & A & B & BIT_0=0 { *[ram]:2 B = sthdxOp(S,A,B); }
# binutils-descr: "stwdx", X(31,707), X_MASK, E500MC, PPCNONE, {RS, RA, RB}
define pcodeop stwdxOp;
# ISA-info: stwdx - Form "X" Page 709 Category "DS"
# binutils: e500mc.d: 84: 7d 2a 5d 86 stwdx r9,r10,r11
:stwdx S,A,B is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=707 & S & A & B & BIT_0=0 { *[ram]:4 B = stwdxOp(S,A,B); }
# binutils-descr: "sthcx.", XRC(31,726,1), X_MASK, POWER7, PPCNONE, {RS, RA0, RB}
define pcodeop sthcxDotOp;
# ISA-info: sthcx. - Form "X" Page 692 Category "B"
# binutils: mytest.d: 14: 7c 64 2d ad sthcx. r3,r4,r5
:sthcx. S,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=726 & Rc=1 & S & RA_OR_ZERO & B {
*[ram]:2 EA = sthcxDotOp(S,RA_OR_ZERO,B);
setCrBit(cr0, 2, 1);
# binutils-descr: "stddx", X(31,739), X_MASK, E500MC, PPCNONE, {RS, RA, RB}
define pcodeop stddxOp;
# ISA-cmt: stddx - Store Doubleword with Decoration Indexed
# ISA-info: stddx - Form "X" Page 709 Category "DS"
# binutils: e500mc.d: 8c: 7e b6 bd c6 stddx r21,r22,r23
:stddx S,A,B is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=739 & S & A & B & BIT_0=0 { *[ram]:8 B = stddxOp(S,A,B); }
# binutils-descr: "lfdpx", X(31,791), X_MASK, POWER6, POWER7, {FRT, RA, RB}
define pcodeop lfdpxOp;
# ISA-cmt: lfdpx - Load Floating-Point Double Pair Indexed
# ISA-info: lfdpx - Form "X" Page 131 Category "FP.out"
# binutils: power6.d: 30: 7d ae 7e 2e lfdpx f13,r14,r15
:lfdpx fT,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=791 & fT & A & B & BIT_0=0 { fT = lfdpxOp(fT,A,B); }
# binutils-descr: "lfddx", X(31,803), X_MASK, E500MC, PPCNONE, {FRT, RA, RB}
define pcodeop lfddxOp;
# ISA-cmt: lfddx - Load Floating Doubleword with Decoration Indexed
# ISA-info: lfddx - Form "X" Page 708 Category "DS"
# binutils: e500mc.d: 74: 7f 5b e6 46 lfddx f26,r27,r28
:lfddx fT,A,B is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=803 & fT & A & B & BIT_0=0 { fT = lfddxOp(fT,A,B); }
# binutils-descr: "lhzcix", X(31,821), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {RT, RA0, RB}
define pcodeop lhzcixOp;
# ISA-cmt: lhzcix - Load Halfword and Zero Caching Inhibited Indexed
# ISA-info: lhzcix - Form "X" Page 749 Category "S"
# binutils: mytest.d: 18: 7c 64 2e 6a lhzcix r3,r4,r5
:lhzcix RT,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=821 & RT & A & B & BIT_0=0 {
A = A + B;
RT = *:2 A;
# binutils-descr: "lbzcix", X(31,853), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {RT, RA0, RB}
define pcodeop lbzcixOp;
# ISA-cmt: lbzcix - Load Byte and Zero Caching Inhibited Indexed
# ISA-info: lbzcix - Form "X" Page 749 Category "S"
# binutils: mytest.d: 1c: 7c 64 2e aa lbzcix r3,r4,r5
:lbzcix RT,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=853 & RT & A & B & BIT_0=0 {
A = A + B;
RT = *:1 A;
# binutils-descr: "eieio", X(31,854), 0xffffffff, PPC, BOOKE|PPCA2|PPC476, {0}
define pcodeop eieioOp;
# ISA-cmt: eieio - Enforce In-order Execution of I/O
# ISA-info: eieio - Form "X" Page 698 Category "S"
# binutils: mytest.d: 20: 7c 00 06 ac eieio
:eieio is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=854 & BITS_11_25=0 & BIT_0=0 { eieioOp(); }
# binutils-descr: "ldcix", X(31,885), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {RT, RA0, RB}
# ISA-cmt: ldcix - Load Doubleword Caching Inhibited Indexed
# ISA-info: ldcix - Form "X" Page 749 Category "S"
# binutils: mytest.d: 24: 7c 64 2e ea ldcix r3,r4,r5
:ldcix RT,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=885 & RT & A & B & BIT_0=0 {
A = A + B;
RT = *:8 A;
# binutils-descr: "divdeuo", XO(31,393,1,0), XO_MASK, POWER7|PPCA2, PPCNONE, {RT, RA, RB}
# binutils: mytest.d: 28: 7c 64 2f 12 divdeuo r3,r4,r5
:divdeuo RT,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_9=393 & OE=1 & Rc=0 & RT & A & B {
RT = A/B;
# binutils-descr: "divdeuo.", XO(31,393,1,1), XO_MASK, POWER7|PPCA2, PPCNONE, {RT, RA, RB}
define pcodeop divdeuoDotOp;
# binutils: mytest.d: 2c: 7c 64 2f 13 divdeuo. r3,r4,r5
:divdeuo. RT,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_9=393 & OE=1 & Rc=1 & RT & A & B {
RT = A/B;
# binutils-descr: "stwcix", X(31,917), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {RS, RA0, RB}
define pcodeop stwcixOp;
# ISA-cmt: stwcix - Store Word Caching Inhibited Indexed
# ISA-info: stwcix - Form "X" Page 750 Category "S"
# binutils: mytest.d: 30: 7c 64 2f 2a stwcix r3,r4,r5
:stwcix S,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=917 & S & A & B & BIT_0=0 {
A = A + B;
*:4 A = S;
# binutils-descr: "stfdpx", X(31,919), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRS, RA, RB}
define pcodeop stfdpxOp;
# ISA-cmt: stfdpx - Store Floating-Point Double Pair Indexed
# ISA-info: stfdpx - Form "X" Page 131 Category "FP.out"
# binutils: mytest.d: 34: 7c 64 2f 2e stfdpx f3,r4,r5
:stfdpx fS,RA_OR_ZERO,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=919 & fS & RA_OR_ZERO & B & BIT_0=0 {
*[ram]:8 EA = stfdpxOp(fS,RA_OR_ZERO,B);
# binutils-descr: "stfddx", X(31,931), X_MASK, E500MC, PPCNONE, {FRS, RA, RB}
define pcodeop stfddxOp;
# ISA-info: stfddx - Form "X" Page 709 Category "DS"
# binutils: e500mc.d: 88: 7f be ff 46 stfddx f29,r30,r31
:stfddx fS,A,B is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=931 & fS & A & B & BIT_0=0 { *[ram]:8 B = stfddxOp(fS,A,B); }
# binutils-descr: "divdeo", XO(31,425,1,0), XO_MASK, POWER7|PPCA2, PPCNONE, {RT, RA, RB}
define pcodeop divdeoOp;
# binutils: mytest.d: 38: 7c 64 2f 52 divdeo r3,r4,r5
:divdeo RT,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_9=425 & OE=1 & Rc=0 & RT & A & B {
RT = A s/ B;
# binutils-descr: "divdeo.", XO(31,425,1,1), XO_MASK, POWER7|PPCA2, PPCNONE, {RT, RA, RB}
define pcodeop divdeoDotOp;
# binutils: mytest.d: 3c: 7c 64 2f 53 divdeo. r3,r4,r5
:divdeo. RT,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_9=425 & OE=1 & Rc=1 & RT & A & B {
RT = A s/ B;
# binutils-descr: "sthcix", X(31,949), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {RS, RA0, RB}
define pcodeop sthcixOp;
# ISA-info: sthcix - Form "X" Page 750 Category "S"
# binutils: mytest.d: 40: 7c 64 2f 6a sthcix r3,r4,r5
:sthcix S,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=949 & S & A & B & BIT_0=0 {
A = A + B;
*:2 A = S;
define pcodeop slbfeeDotOp;
# ISA-info: slbfee - Form "X" Page 794 Category "?"
:slbfee. RT,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & RT & BITS_16_20=0 & B & XOP_1_10=979 & BIT_0=1 { slbfeeDotOp(RT,B); }
# binutils-descr: "stbcix", X(31,981), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {RS, RA0, RB}
define pcodeop stbcixOp;
# ISA-info: stbcix - Form "X" Page 750 Category "S"
# binutils: mytest.d: 44: 7c 64 2f aa stbcix r3,r4,r5
:stbcix S,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=981 & S & A & B & BIT_0=0 {
A = A + B;
*:1 A = A;
# binutils-descr: "stdcix", X(31,1013), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {RS, RA0, RB}
define pcodeop stdcixOp;
# ISA-info: stdcix - Form "X" Page 750 Category "S"
# binutils: mytest.d: 48: 7c 64 2f ea stdcix r3,r4,r5
:stdcix S,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=1013 & S & A & B & BIT_0=0 {
A = A + B;
*:8 A = S;
# binutils-descr: "lq", OP(56), OP_MASK, POWER4, PPC476, {RTQ, DQ, RAQ}
define pcodeop lqOp;
# ISA-cmt: lq - Load Quadword
# ISA-info: lq - Form "DQ" Page 751 Category "LSQ"
# binutils: power4.d: +0: e0 83 00 00 lq r4,0\(r3\)
# binutils: power4.d: +4: e0 83 00 00 lq r4,0\(r3\)
:lq RT,A,DQ is $(NOTVLE) & OP=56 & RT & A & DQ & BITS_0_3=0 { RT = lqOp(RT,A); }
define pcodeop lvepxOp;
:lvepx RT,A,B is OP=31 & RT & A & B & XOP_1_10=295 & BIT_0=0 { RT = lvepxOp(RT,A,B); }
define pcodeop lvepxlOp;
:lvepxl RT,A,B is OP=31 & RT & A & B & XOP_1_10=263 & BIT_0=0 { RT = lvepxlOp(RT,A,B); }
# binutils-descr: "lfdp", OP(57), OP_MASK, POWER6, POWER7, {FRT, D, RA0}
define pcodeop lfdpOp;
# ISA-cmt: lfdp - Load Floating-Point Double Pair
# ISA-info: lfdp - Form "DS" Page 131 Category "FP.out"
# binutils: NO-EXAMPLE - lfdp
:lfdp fT,A,DS is $(NOTVLE) & OP=57 & fT & A & DS & BITS_0_1=0 { fT = lfdpOp(fT,A,DS:2); }
# binutils-descr: "dadd", XRC(59,2,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop daddOp;
# ISA-cmt: dadd - DFP Add
# binutils: power6.d: 34: ee 11 90 04 dadd f16,f17,f18
# binutils: power7.d: 98: ee 11 90 04 dadd f16,f17,f18
:dadd fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=2 & Rc=0 & fT & fA & fB { daddOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dadd.", XRC(59,2,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop daddDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dadd. - DFP Add Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 50: ec 43 20 05 dadd. f2,f3,f4
:dadd. fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=2 & Rc=1 & fT & fA & fB { daddDotOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dqua", ZRC(59,3,0), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT,FRA,FRB,RMC}
define pcodeop dquaOp;
# ISA-cmt: dqua - DFP Quantize
# binutils: mytest.d: 54: ec 22 18 06 dqua f1,f2,f3,0
:dqua fT,fA,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_8=3 & Rc=0 & fT & fA & fB & RMC { dquaOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dqua.", ZRC(59,3,1), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT,FRA,FRB,RMC}
define pcodeop dquaDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dqua. - DFP Quantize Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 58: ec 22 18 07 dqua. f1,f2,f3,0
:dqua. fT,fA,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_8=3 & Rc=1 & fT & fA & fB & RMC { dquaDotOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dmul", XRC(59,34,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop dmulOp;
# ISA-cmt: dmul - DFP Multiply
# binutils: mytest.d: 5c: ec 43 20 44 dmul f2,f3,f4
:dmul fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=34 & Rc=0 & fT & fA & fB { dmulOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dmul.", XRC(59,34,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop dmulDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dmul. - DFP Multiply Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 60: ec 43 20 45 dmul. f2,f3,f4
:dmul. fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=34 & Rc=1 & fT & fA & fB { dmulDotOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "drrnd", ZRC(59,35,0), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB, RMC}
define pcodeop drrndOp;
# ISA-cmt: drrnd - DFP Reround
# binutils: mytest.d: 64: ec 43 20 46 drrnd f2,f3,f4,0
:drrnd fT,fA,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_8=35 & Rc=0 & fT & fA & fB & RMC { drrndOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "drrnd.", ZRC(59,35,1), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB, RMC}
define pcodeop drrndDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: drrnd. - DFP Reround Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 68: ec 43 20 47 drrnd. f2,f3,f4,0
:drrnd. fT,fA,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_8=35 & Rc=1 & fT & fA & fB & RMC { drrndDotOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dscli", ZRC(59,66,0), Z_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, SH16}
define pcodeop dscliOp;
# ISA-cmt: dscli - DFP Shift Significand Left Immediate
# binutils: mytest.d: 6c: ec 43 10 84 dscli f2,f3,4
# Y {OP 0 5 {}} {fT 6 10 {}} {fA 11 15 {}} {SH16 16 21 {}} {XOP_1_9 22 30 {}} {Rc 31 31 {}}
# X 00--------------------------05 06---------------------10 11---------------------15 16--------------------------21 22-----------------------------------------30 31-31
# X --------OP=111011(59)---------|-----------fT------------|-----------fA------------|-------------SH16-------------|-------------XOP_1_9=1000010(66)-------------|Rc=0-|
:dscli fT,fA,SH16 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_9=66 & Rc=0 & fT & fA & SH16 { dscliOp(fT,fA); }
# binutils-descr: "dscli.", ZRC(59,66,1), Z_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, SH16}
define pcodeop dscliDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dscli. - DFP Shift Significand Left Immediate Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 70: ec 43 10 85 dscli. f2,f3,4
:dscli. fT,fA,SH16 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_9=66 & Rc=1 & fT & fA & SH16 { dscliDotOp(fT,fA); }
# binutils-descr: "dquai", ZRC(59,67,0), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {TE, FRT,FRB,RMC}
define pcodeop dquaiOp;
# ISA-cmt: dquai - DFP Quantize Immediate
# binutils: mytest.d: 74: ec 62 20 86 dquai 2,f3,f4,0
:dquai fT,BITS_16_20,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & fT & BITS_16_20 & fB & RMC & XOP_1_8=67 & Rc=0 { dquaiOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dquai.", ZRC(59,67,1), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {TE, FRT,FRB,RMC}
define pcodeop dquaiDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dquai. - DFP Quantize Immediate Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 78: ec 62 20 87 dquai. 2,f3,f4,0
:dquai. fT,BITS_16_20,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & fT & BITS_16_20 & fB & RMC & XOP_1_8=67 & Rc=1 { dquaiDotOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dscri", ZRC(59,98,0), Z_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, SH16}
define pcodeop dscriOp;
# ISA-cmt: dscri - DFP Shift Significand Right Immediate
# binutils: mytest.d: 7c: ec 43 10 c4 dscri f2,f3,4
:dscri fT,fA,SH16 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_9=98 & Rc=0 & fT & fA & SH16 { dscriOp(fT,fA); }
# binutils-descr: "dscri.", ZRC(59,98,1), Z_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, SH16}
define pcodeop dscriDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dscri. - DFP Shift Significand Right Immediate Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 80: ec 43 10 c5 dscri. f2,f3,4
:dscri. fT,fA,SH16 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_9=98 & Rc=1 & fT & fA & SH16 { dscriDotOp(fT,fA); }
# binutils-descr: "drintx", ZRC(59,99,0), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {R, FRT, FRB, RMC}
define pcodeop drintxOp;
# ISA-cmt: drintx - DFP Round To FP Integer With Inexact
# binutils: mytest.d: 84: ec 61 20 c6 drintx 1,f3,f4,0
:drintx fT,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & fT & BITS_17_20=0 & BIT_16 & fB & RMC & XOP_1_8=99 & Rc=0 { drintxOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "drintx.", ZRC(59,99,1), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {R, FRT, FRB, RMC}
define pcodeop drintxDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: drintx - DFP Round To FP Integer With Inexact
# binutils: mytest.d: 84: ec 61 20 c6 drintx 1,f3,f4,0
:drintx. fT,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & fT & BITS_17_20=0 & BIT_16 & fB & RMC & XOP_1_8=99 & Rc=1 { drintxDotOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dcmpo", X(59,130), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {BF, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop dcmpoOp;
# ISA-cmt: dcmpo - DFP Compare Ordered
# ISA-info: dcmpo - Form "X" Page 179 Category "DFP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 8c: ed 03 21 04 dcmpo cr2,f3,f4
:dcmpo CRFD,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=130 & CRFD & fA & fB & BITS_21_22=0 & BIT_0=0 { dcmpoOp(CRFD,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dtstex", X(59,162), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {BF, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop dtstexOp;
# ISA-cmt: dtstex - DFP Test Exponent
# ISA-info: dtstex - Form "X" Page 181 Category "DFP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 90: ed 03 21 44 dtstex cr2,f3,f4
:dtstex CRFD,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=162 & CRFD & fA & fB & BITS_21_22=0 & BIT_0=0 { dtstexOp(CRFD,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dtstdc", Z(59,194), Z_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {BF, FRA, DCM}
define pcodeop dtstdcOp;
# ISA-cmt: dtstdc - DFP Test Data Class
# ISA-info: dtstdc - Form "Z23" Page 180 Category "DFP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 94: ed 03 11 84 dtstdc cr2,f3,4
:dtstdc CRFD,fA,DCM is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_9=194 & CRFD & fA & DCM & BITS_21_22=0 & BIT_0=0 { dtstdcOp(CRFD,fA); }
# binutils-descr: "dtstdg", Z(59,226), Z_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {BF, FRA, DGM}
define pcodeop dtstdgOp;
# ISA-cmt: dtstdg - DFP Test Data Group
# ISA-info: dtstdg - Form "Z23" Page 180 Category "DFP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 98: ed 03 11 c4 dtstdg cr2,f3,4
:dtstdg CRFD,fA,DGM is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_9=226 & CRFD & fA & DGM & BITS_21_22=0 & BIT_0=0 { dtstdgOp(CRFD,fA); }
# binutils-descr: "drintn", ZRC(59,227,0), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {R, FRT, FRB, RMC}
define pcodeop drintnOp;
# ISA-cmt: drintn - DFP Round To FP Integer Without Inexact
# binutils: mytest.d: 9c: ec 61 21 c6 drintn 1,f3,f4,0
:drintn fT,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_8=227 & Rc=0 & BIT_16 & fT & fB & RMC & BITS_17_20=0 { drintnOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "drintn.", ZRC(59,227,1), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {R, FRT, FRB, RMC}
define pcodeop drintnDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: drintn. - DFP Round To FP Integer Without Inexact Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: a0: ec 61 21 c7 drintn. 1,f3,f4,0
:drintn. fT,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_8=227 & Rc=1 & BIT_16 & fT & fB & RMC & BITS_17_20=0 { drintnDotOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dctdp", XRC(59,258,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop dctdpOp;
# ISA-cmt: dctdp - DFP Convert To DFP Long
# binutils: mytest.d: a4: ec 40 1a 04 dctdp f2,f3
:dctdp fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=258 & Rc=0 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { dctdpOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dctdp.", XRC(59,258,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop dctdpDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dctdp. - DFP Convert To DFP Long Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: a8: ec 40 1a 05 dctdp. f2,f3
:dctdp. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=258 & Rc=1 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { dctdpDotOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dctfix", XRC(59,290,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop dctfixOp;
# ISA-cmt: dctfix - DFP Convert To Fixed
# binutils: mytest.d: ac: ec 40 1a 44 dctfix f2,f3
:dctfix fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=290 & Rc=0 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { dctfixOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dctfix.", XRC(59,290,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop dctfixDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dctfix. - DFP Convert To Fixed Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: b0: ec 40 1a 45 dctfix. f2,f3
:dctfix. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=290 & Rc=1 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { dctfixDotOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "ddedpd", XRC(59,322,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {SP, FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop ddedpdOp;
# ISA-cmt: ddedpd - DFP Decode DPD To BCD
# binutils: mytest.d: b4: ec 70 22 84 ddedpd 2,f3,f4
:ddedpd fT,SP,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & fT & SP & BITS_16_18=0 & fB & XOP_1_10=322 & Rc=0 { ddedpdOp(fT,fB); } # & BITS_16_18=0
# binutils-descr: "ddedpd.", XRC(59,322,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {SP, FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop ddedpdDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: ddedpd. - DFP Decode DPD To BCD Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: b8: ec 70 22 85 ddedpd. 2,f3,f4
:ddedpd. fT,SP,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & fT & SP & BITS_16_18=0 & fB & XOP_1_10=322 & Rc=1 { ddedpdDotOp(fT,fB); } # & BITS_16_18=0
# binutils-descr: "dxex", XRC(59,354,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop dxexOp;
# ISA-cmt: dxex - DFP Extract Biased Exponent
# binutils: mytest.d: bc: ec 40 1a c4 dxex f2,f3
:dxex fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=354 & Rc=0 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { dxexOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dxex.", XRC(59,354,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop dxexDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dxex. - DFP Extract Biased Exponent Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: c0: ec 40 1a c5 dxex. f2,f3
:dxex. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=354 & Rc=1 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { dxexDotOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dsub", XRC(59,514,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop dsubOp;
# ISA-cmt: dsub - DFP Subtract
# binutils: mytest.d: c4: ec 43 24 04 dsub f2,f3,f4
:dsub fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=514 & Rc=0 & fT & fA & fB { dsubOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dsub.", XRC(59,514,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop dsubDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dsub. - DFP Subtract Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: c8: ec 43 24 05 dsub. f2,f3,f4
:dsub. fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=514 & Rc=1 & fT & fA & fB { dsubDotOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "ddiv", XRC(59,546,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop ddivOp;
# ISA-cmt: ddiv - DFP Divide
# binutils: mytest.d: cc: ec 43 24 44 ddiv f2,f3,f4
:ddiv fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=546 & Rc=0 & fT & fA & fB { ddivOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "ddiv.", XRC(59,546,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop ddivDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: ddiv. - DFP Divide Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: d0: ec 43 24 45 ddiv. f2,f3,f4
:ddiv. fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=546 & Rc=1 & fT & fA & fB { ddivDotOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dcmpu", X(59,642), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {BF, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop dcmpuOp;
# ISA-cmt: dcmpu - DFP Compare Unordered
# ISA-info: dcmpu - Form "X" Page 178 Category "DFP"
# binutils: mytest.d: d4: ed 03 25 04 dcmpu cr2,f3,f4
:dcmpu CRFD,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=642 & CRFD & fA & fB & BITS_21_22=0 & BIT_0=0 { dcmpuOp(CRFD,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dtstsf", X(59,674), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {BF, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop dtstsfOp;
# ISA-cmt: dtstsf - DFP Test Significance
# ISA-info: dtstsf - Form "X" Page 182 Category "DFP"
# binutils: mytest.d: d8: ed 03 25 44 dtstsf cr2,f3,f4
:dtstsf CRFD,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=674 & CRFD & fA & fB & BITS_21_22=0 & BIT_0=0 { dtstsfOp(CRFD,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "drsp", XRC(59,770,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop drspOp;
# ISA-cmt: drsp - DFP Round To DFP Short
# binutils: mytest.d: dc: ec 40 1e 04 drsp f2,f3
:drsp fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=770 & Rc=0 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { drspOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "drsp.", XRC(59,770,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop drspDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: drsp. - DFP Round To DFP Short Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: e0: ec 40 1e 05 drsp. f2,f3
:drsp. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=770 & Rc=1 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { drspDotOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dcffix", XRC(59,802,0), X_MASK|FRA_MASK, POWER7, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop dcffixOp;
# ISA-cmt: dcffix - DFP Convert From Fixed
# binutils: power7.d: 144: ed 40 66 44 dcffix f10,f12
:dcffix fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=802 & Rc=0 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { dcffixOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dcffix.", XRC(59,802,1), X_MASK|FRA_MASK, POWER7, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop dcffixDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dcffix. - DFP Convert From Fixed Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: e4: ec 40 1e 45 dcffix. f2,f3
:dcffix. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=802 & Rc=1 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { dcffixDotOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "denbcd", XRC(59,834,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {S, FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop denbcdOp;
# ISA-cmt: denbcd - DFP Encode BCD To DPD
# binutils: mytest.d: e8: ec 70 26 84 denbcd 1,f3,f4
:denbcd fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & fT & BIT_20 & BITS_16_19=0 & fB & XOP_1_10=834 & Rc=0 { denbcdOp(fT,fB); } # & BITS_16_19=0
# binutils-descr: "denbcd.", XRC(59,834,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {S, FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop denbcdDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: denbcd. - DFP Encode BCD To DPD Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: ec: ec 70 26 85 denbcd. 1,f3,f4
:denbcd. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & fT & BIT_20 & BITS_16_19=0 & fB & XOP_1_10=834 & Rc=1 { denbcdDotOp(fT,fB); } # & BITS_16_19=0
# binutils-descr: "diex", XRC(59,866,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop diexOp;
# ISA-cmt: diex - DFP Insert Biased Exponent
# binutils: mytest.d: f4: ec 43 26 c4 diex f2,f3,f4
:diex fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=866 & Rc=0 & fT & fA & fB { diexOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "diex.", XRC(59,866,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop diexDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: diex. - DFP Insert Biased Exponent Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: f8: ec 43 26 c5 diex. f2,f3,f4
:diex. fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=866 & Rc=1 & fT & fA & fB { diexDotOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "stfdp", OP(61), OP_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, D, RA0}
define pcodeop stfdpOp;
# ISA-cmt: stfdp - Store Floating-Point Double Pair
# ISA-info: stfdp - Form "DS" Page 131 Category "FP.out"
# binutils: NO-EXAMPLE - stfdp
:stfdp fS,RA_OR_ZERO,DS is $(NOTVLE) & OP=61 & fS & RA_OR_ZERO & DS & BITS_0_1=0 {
EA:$(REGISTER_SIZE) = RA_OR_ZERO + sext(DS:2 << 2);
*[ram]:8 EA = stfdpOp(fS,RA_OR_ZERO,DS:2);
# binutils-descr: "stq", DSO(62,2), DS_MASK, POWER4, PPC476, {RSQ, DS, RA0}
define pcodeop stqOp;
# ISA-cmt: stq - Store Quadword
# ISA-info: stq - Form "DS" Page 751 Category "LSQ"
# binutils: power4.d: +50: f8 c7 00 02 stq r6,0\(r7\)
# binutils: power4.d: +54: f8 c7 00 12 stq r6,16\(r7\)
# binutils: power4.d: +58: f8 c7 ff f2 stq r6,-16\(r7\)
# binutils: power4.d: +5c: f8 c7 80 02 stq r6,-32768\(r7\)
# binutils: power4.d: +60: f8 c7 7f f2 stq r6,32752\(r7\)
:stq S,RA_OR_ZERO,DS is $(NOTVLE) & OP=62 & S & RA_OR_ZERO & DS & BITS_0_1=2 {
EA:$(REGISTER_SIZE) = RA_OR_ZERO + sext(DS:2 << 2);
*:16 EA = stqOp(S,RA_OR_ZERO,DS:2);
define pcodeop stvepxOp;
:stvepx S,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & S & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=807 & BIT_0=0 {
*[ram]:16 EA = stvepxOp(S, RA_OR_ZERO, B);
define pcodeop stvepxlOp;
:stvepxl S,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & S & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=775 & BIT_0=0 {
*[ram]:16 EA = stvepxlOp(S, RA_OR_ZERO, B);
# binutils-descr: "dquaq", ZRC(63,3,0), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB, RMC}
define pcodeop dquaqOp;
# ISA-cmt: dquaq - DFP Quantize Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 100: fc 43 24 06 dquaq f2,f3,f4,2
:dquaq fT,fA,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & fA & fB & RMC & XOP_1_8=3 & Rc=0 { dquaqOp(); }
# binutils-descr: "dquaq.", ZRC(63,3,1), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB, RMC}
define pcodeop dquaqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dquaq. - DFP Quantize Quad Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 104: fc 43 24 07 dquaq. f2,f3,f4,2
:dquaq. fT,fA,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & fA & fB & RMC & XOP_1_8=3 & Rc=1 { dquaqDotOp(); }
# binutils-descr: "dmulq", XRC(63,34,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop dmulqOp;
# ISA-cmt: dmulq - DFP Multiply Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 108: fc 43 20 44 dmulq f2,f3,f4
:dmulq fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=34 & Rc=0 & fT & fA & fB { dmulqOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dmulq.", XRC(63,34,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop dmulqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dmulq. - DFP Multiply Quad Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 10c: fc 43 20 45 dmulq. f2,f3,f4
:dmulq. fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=34 & Rc=1 & fT & fA & fB { dmulqDotOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "drrndq", ZRC(63,35,0), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB, RMC}
define pcodeop drrndqOp;
# ISA-cmt: drrndq - DFP Reround Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 110: fc 43 22 46 drrndq f2,f3,f4,1
:drrndq fT,fA,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & fA & fB & RMC & XOP_1_8=35 & Rc=0 { drrndqOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "drrndq.", ZRC(63,35,1), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB, RMC}
define pcodeop drrndqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: drrndq - DFP Reround Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 110: fc 43 22 46 drrndq f2,f3,f4,1
:drrndq. fT,fA,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & fA & fB & RMC & XOP_1_8=35 & Rc=1 { drrndqDotOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dscliq", ZRC(63,66,0), Z_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, SH16}
define pcodeop dscliqOp;
# ISA-cmt: dscliq - DFP Shift Significand Left Immediate Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 118: fc 43 10 84 dscliq f2,f3,4
:dscliq fT,fA,SH16 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & fA & SH16 & XOP_1_9=66 & Rc=0 { dscliqOp(fT,fA); }
# binutils-descr: "dscliq.", ZRC(63,66,1), Z_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, SH16}
define pcodeop dscliqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dscliq. - DFP Shift Significand Left Immediate Quad Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 11c: fc 43 10 85 dscliq. f2,f3,4
:dscliq. fT,fA,SH16 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & fA & SH16 & XOP_1_9=66 & Rc=1 { dscliqDotOp(fT,fA); }
# binutils-descr: "dquaiq", ZRC(63,67,0), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {TE, FRT, FRB, RMC}
define pcodeop dquaiqOp;
# ISA-cmt: dquaiq - DFP Quantize Immediate Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 120: fc 62 24 86 dquaiq 2,f3,f4,2
:dquaiq fT,A_BITS,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & A_BITS & fB & RMC & XOP_1_8=67 & Rc=0 { dquaiqOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dquaiq.", ZRC(63,67,1), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {TE, FRT, FRB, RMC}
define pcodeop dquaiqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dquaiq. - DFP Quantize Immediate Quad Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 124: fc 62 24 87 dquaiq. 2,f3,f4,2
:dquaiq. fT,A_BITS,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & A_BITS & fB & RMC & XOP_1_8=67 & Rc=1 { dquaiqDotOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dscriq", ZRC(63,98,0), Z_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, SH16}
define pcodeop dscriqOp;
# ISA-cmt: dscriq - DFP Shift Significand Right Immediate Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 128: fc 43 10 c4 dscriq f2,f3,4
:dscriq fT,fA,SH16 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & fA & SH16 & XOP_1_9=98 & Rc=0 { dscriqOp(); }
# binutils-descr: "dscriq.", ZRC(63,98,1), Z_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, SH16}
define pcodeop dscriqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dscriq. - DFP Shift Significand Right Immediate Quad Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 12c: fc 43 10 c5 dscriq. f2,f3,4
:dscriq. fT,fA,SH16 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & fA & SH16 & XOP_1_9=98 & Rc=1 { dscriqDotOp(); }
# binutils-descr: "drintxq", ZRC(63,99,0), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {R, FRT, FRB, RMC}
define pcodeop drintxqOp;
# ISA-cmt: drintxq - DFP Round To FP Integer With Inexact Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 130: fc 61 22 c6 drintxq 1,f3,f4,1
:drintxq fT,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & BITS_17_20=0 & BIT_16 & fB & RMC & XOP_1_8=99 & Rc=0 { drintxqOp(); }
# binutils-descr: "drintxq.", ZRC(63,99,1), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {R, FRT, FRB, RMC}
define pcodeop drintxqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: drintxq. - DFP Round To FP Integer With Inexact Quad Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 134: fc 61 22 c7 drintxq. 1,f3,f4,1
:drintxq. fT,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & BITS_17_20=0 & BIT_16 & fB & RMC & XOP_1_8=99 & Rc=1 { drintxqDotOp(); }
# binutils-descr: "dcmpoq", X(63,130), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {BF, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop dcmpoqOp;
# ISA-cmt: dcmpoq - DFP Compare Ordered Quad
# ISA-info: dcmpoq - Form "X" Page 179 Category "DFP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 138: fd 03 21 04 dcmpoq cr2,f3,f4
:dcmpoq CRFD,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=130 & CRFD & fA & fB & BITS_21_22=0 & BIT_0=0 { dcmpoqOp(CRFD,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dtstexq", X(63,162), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {BF, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop dtstexqOp;
# ISA-cmt: dtstexq - DFP Test Exponent Quad
# ISA-info: dtstexq - Form "X" Page 181 Category "DFP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 144: fd 03 21 44 dtstexq cr2,f3,f4
:dtstexq CRFD,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=162 & CRFD & fA & fB & BITS_21_22=0 & BIT_0=0 { dtstexqOp(CRFD,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dtstdcq", Z(63,194), Z_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {BF, FRA, DCM}
define pcodeop dtstdcqOp;
# ISA-cmt: dtstdcq - DFP Test Data Class Quad
# ISA-info: dtstdcq - Form "Z22" Page 180 Category "DFP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 26c: fc 82 0d 84 dtstdcq cr1,f2,3
:dtstdcq BF2,fA,DCM is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & BF2 & BITS_21_22=0 & fA & DCM & XOP_1_9=194 & BIT_0=0 { dtstdcqOp(fA); }
# binutils-descr: "dtstdgq", Z(63,226), Z_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {BF, FRA, DGM}
define pcodeop dtstdgqOp;
# ISA-cmt: dtstdgq - DFP Test Data Group Quad
# ISA-info: dtstdgq - Form "Z22" Page 180 Category "DFP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 148: fd 03 11 c4 dtstdgq cr2,f3,4
:dtstdgq BF2,fA,DGM is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & BF2 & BITS_21_22=0 & fA & DGM & XOP_1_9=226 & BIT_0=0 { dtstdgqOp(); }
# binutils-descr: "drintnq", ZRC(63,227,0), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {R, FRT, FRB, RMC}
define pcodeop drintnqOp;
# ISA-cmt: drintnq - DFP Round To FP Integer Without Inexact Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 14c: fc 61 23 c6 drintnq 1,f3,f4,1
:drintnq fT,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & BITS_17_20=0 & MSR_L & fB & RMC & XOP_1_8=227 & Rc=0 { drintnqOp(); }
# binutils-descr: "drintnq.", ZRC(63,227,1), Z2_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {R, FRT, FRB, RMC}
define pcodeop drintnqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: drintnq. - DFP Round To FP Integer Without Inexact Quad Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 150: fc 61 23 c7 drintnq. 1,f3,f4,1
:drintnq. fT,fB,RMC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & BITS_17_20=0 & MSR_L & fB & RMC & XOP_1_8=227 & Rc=1 { drintnqDotOp(); }
# binutils-descr: "dctqpq", XRC(63,258,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop dctqpqOp;
# ISA-cmt: dctqpq - DFP Convert To DFP Extended
# binutils: mytest.d: 154: fc 40 1a 04 dctqpq f2,f3
:dctqpq fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=258 & Rc=0 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { dctqpqOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dctqpq.", XRC(63,258,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop dctqpqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dctqpq. - DFP Convert To DFP Extended Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 158: fc 40 1a 05 dctqpq. f2,f3
:dctqpq. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=258 & Rc=1 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { dctqpqDotOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dctfixq", XRC(63,290,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop dctfixqOp;
# ISA-cmt: dctfixq - DFP Convert To Fixed Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 15c: fc 40 1a 44 dctfixq f2,f3
:dctfixq fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=290 & Rc=0 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { dctfixqOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dctfixq.", XRC(63,290,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop dctfixqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dctfixq. - DFP Convert To Fixed Quad Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 160: fc 40 1a 45 dctfixq. f2,f3
:dctfixq. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=290 & Rc=1 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { dctfixqDotOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "ddedpdq", XRC(63,322,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {SP, FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop ddedpdqOp;
# ISA-cmt: ddedpdq - DFP Decode DPD To BCD Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 164: fc 70 22 84 ddedpdq 2,f3,f4
:ddedpdq fT,SP,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=322 & Rc=0 & fT & fB & SP & BITS_16_18=0 { ddedpdqOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "ddedpdq.", XRC(63,322,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {SP, FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop ddedpdqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: ddedpdq. - DFP Decode DPD To BCD Quad Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 168: fc 70 22 85 ddedpdq. 2,f3,f4
:ddedpdq. fT,SP,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=322 & Rc=1 & fT & fB & SP & BITS_16_18=0 { ddedpdqDotOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dxexq", XRC(63,354,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop dxexqOp;
# ISA-cmt: dxexq - DFP Extract Biased Exponent Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 16c: fc 40 1a c4 dxexq f2,f3
:dxexq fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=354 & Rc=0 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { dxexqOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dxexq.", XRC(63,354,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop dxexqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dxexq. - DFP Extract Biased Exponent Quad Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 170: fc 40 1a c5 dxexq. f2,f3
:dxexq. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=354 & Rc=1 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { dxexqDotOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dsubq", XRC(63,514,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop dsubqOp;
# ISA-cmt: dsubq - DFP Subtract Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 174: fc 43 24 04 dsubq f2,f3,f4
:dsubq fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=514 & Rc=0 & fT & fA & fB { dsubqOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dsubq.", XRC(63,514,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop dsubqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dsubq. - DFP Subtract Quad Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 178: fc 43 24 05 dsubq. f2,f3,f4
:dsubq. fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=514 & Rc=1 & fT & fA & fB { dsubqDotOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "ddivq", XRC(63,546,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop ddivqOp;
# ISA-cmt: ddivq - DFP Divide Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 17c: fc 43 24 44 ddivq f2,f3,f4
:ddivq fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=546 & Rc=0 & fT & fA & fB { ddivqOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "ddivq.", XRC(63,546,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop ddivqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: ddivq. - DFP Divide Quad Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 180: fc 43 24 45 ddivq. f2,f3,f4
:ddivq. fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=546 & Rc=1 & fT & fA & fB { ddivqDotOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dcmpuq", X(63,642), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {BF, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop dcmpuqOp;
# ISA-cmt: dcmpuq - DFP Compare Unordered Quad
# ISA-info: dcmpuq - Form "X" Page 179 Category "DFP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 184: fd 03 25 04 dcmpuq cr2,f3,f4
:dcmpuq CRFD,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=642 & CRFD & fA & fB & BITS_21_22=0 & BIT_0=0 { dcmpuqOp(CRFD,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dtstsfq", X(63,674), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {BF, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop dtstsfqOp;
# ISA-cmt: dtstsfq - DFP Test Significance Quad
# ISA-info: dtstsfq - Form "X" Page 182 Category "DFP"
# binutils: mytest.d: 188: fd 03 25 44 dtstsfq cr2,f3,f4
:dtstsfq CRFD,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=674 & CRFD & fA & fB & BITS_21_22=0 & BIT_0=0 { dtstsfqOp(CRFD,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "drdpq", XRC(63,770,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop drdpqOp;
# ISA-cmt: drdpq - DFP Round To DFP Long
# binutils: mytest.d: 18c: fc 40 1e 04 drdpq f2,f3
:drdpq fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=770 & Rc=0 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { drdpqOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "drdpq.", XRC(63,770,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop drdpqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: drdpq. - DFP Round To DFP Long Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 190: fc 40 1e 05 drdpq. f2,f3
:drdpq. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=770 & Rc=1 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { drdpqDotOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dcffixq", XRC(63,802,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop dcffixqOp;
# ISA-cmt: dcffixq - DFP Convert From Fixed Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 194: fc 40 1e 44 dcffixq f2,f3
:dcffixq fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=802 & Rc=0 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { dcffixqOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "dcffixq.", XRC(63,802,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop dcffixqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: dcffixq. - DFP Convert From Fixed Quad Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 198: fc 40 1e 45 dcffixq. f2,f3
:dcffixq. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=802 & Rc=1 & fT & fB & BITS_16_20=0 { dcffixqDotOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "denbcdq", XRC(63,834,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {S, FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop denbcdqOp;
# ISA-cmt: denbcdq - DFP Encode BCD To DPD Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 19c: fc 70 26 84 denbcdq 1,f3,f4
:denbcdq fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=834 & Rc=0 & BIT_20 & fT & fB & SR=0 { denbcdqOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "denbcdq.", XRC(63,834,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {S, FRT, FRB}
define pcodeop denbcdqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: denbcdq. - DFP Encode BCD To DPD Quad Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 1a0: fc 70 26 85 denbcdq. 1,f3,f4
:denbcdq. fT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=834 & Rc=1 & BIT_20 & fT & fB & SR=0 { denbcdqDotOp(fT,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "diexq", XRC(63,866,0), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop diexqOp;
# ISA-cmt: diexq - DFP Insert Biased Exponent Quad
# binutils: mytest.d: 1a4: fc 43 26 c4 diexq f2,f3,f4
:diexq fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=866 & Rc=0 & fT & fA & fB { diexqOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# binutils-descr: "diexq.", XRC(63,866,1), X_MASK, POWER6, PPCNONE, {FRT, FRA, FRB}
define pcodeop diexqDotOp;
# ISA-cmt: diexq. - DFP Insert Biased Exponent Quad Rc
# binutils: mytest.d: 1a8: fc 43 26 c5 diexq. f2,f3,f4
:diexq. fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=866 & Rc=1 & fT & fA & fB { diexqDotOp(fT,fA,fB); }
# icbtls ct,ra,rb
# 31 / CT RA RB 486 /
# 0 6 7 11 16 21 31
# 31 25 24 20 15 10 0
#define pcodeop icbtlsOp;
#:icbtls CT2,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & BIT_25=0 & CT2 & A & B & XOP_1_10=486 & BIT_0=0 { icbtlsOp(A,B); }
define pcodeop InstructionCacheBlockLockSetX;
:icbtls CT,RA_OR_ZERO,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & BIT_25=0 & CT & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=486 & BIT_0=0
# v2.07 non vsx additions.
# Branch Conditional TAR(op=19, xop=560)
:bctar is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & BO_0=1 & BO_2=1 & LK=0 & BITS_13_15=0 & BH=0 & XOP_1_10=560
goto [TAR];
:bctar is linkreg=1 & OP=19 & BO_0=1 & BO_2=1 & LK=0 & BITS_13_15=0 & BH=0 & XOP_1_10=560
[ linkreg=0; globalset(inst_start,linkreg); ]
# don't do this anymore, detect another way
# call [CTR];
# return [LR];
goto [TAR];
:bctar BH is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & BO_0=1 & BO_2=1 & LK=0 & BITS_13_15=0 & BH & XOP_1_10=560
goto [TAR];
:bctarl is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & BO_0=1 & BO_2=1 & LK=1 & BITS_13_15=0 & BH=0 & XOP_1_10=560
[ linkreg=0; globalset(inst_start,linkreg); ]
LR = inst_next;
call [TAR];
:bctarl BH is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & BO_0=1 & BO_2=1 & LK=1 & BITS_13_15=0 & BH & XOP_1_10=560
[ linkreg=0; globalset(inst_start,linkreg); ]
LR = inst_next;
call [TAR];
:b^CC^"ctar" is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & CC & BO_0=0 & BO_2=1 & BI_CR= 0 & BH=0 & LK=0 & BITS_13_15=0 & XOP_1_10=560
if (!CC) goto inst_next;
goto [TAR];
:b^CC^"ctar" BH is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & CC & BO_0=0 & BO_2=1 & BI_CR= 0 & BH & BH_BITS!=0 & LK=0 & BITS_13_15=0 & XOP_1_10=560
if (!CC) goto inst_next;
goto [TAR];
:b^CC^"ctarl" is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & CC & BO_0=0 & BO_2=1 & BI_CR= 0 & BH=0 & LK=1 & BITS_13_15=0 & XOP_1_10=560
[ linkreg=0; globalset(inst_start,linkreg); ]
if (!CC) goto inst_next;
LR = inst_next;
call [TAR];
:b^CC^"ctarl" BH is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & CC & BO_0=0 & BO_2=1 & BI_CR= 0 & BH & BH_BITS!=0 & LK=1 & BITS_13_15=0 & XOP_1_10=560
[ linkreg=0; globalset(inst_start,linkreg); ]
if (!CC) goto inst_next;
LR = inst_next;
call [TAR];
:b^CC^"ctar" BI_CR is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & CC & BI_CR & BO_0=0 & BO_2=1 & BH=0 & LK=0 & BITS_13_15=0 & XOP_1_10=560
if (!CC) goto inst_next;
goto [TAR];
:b^CC^"ctar" BI_CR,BH is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & CC & BI_CR & BO_0=0 & BO_2=1 & BH & LK=0 & BITS_13_15=0 & XOP_1_10=560
if (!CC) goto inst_next;
goto [TAR];
:b^CC^"ctarl" BI_CR is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & CC & BI_CR & BO_0=0 & BO_2=1 & BH=0 & LK=1 & BITS_13_15=0 & XOP_1_10=560
[ linkreg=0; globalset(inst_start,linkreg); ]
if (!CC) goto inst_next;
LR = inst_next;
call [TAR];
:b^CC^"ctarl" BI_CR,BH is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & CC & BI_CR & BO_0=0 & BO_2=1 & BH & LK=1 & BITS_13_15=0 & XOP_1_10=560
[ linkreg=0; globalset(inst_start,linkreg); ]
if (!CC) goto inst_next;
LR = inst_next;
call [TAR];
:clrbhrb is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=430 & BITS_11_25=0 & BIT_0=0 {
:fmrgew fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & fA & fB & XOP_1_10=966 & Rc=0 {
fT[0,32] = fA:4;
fT[32,32] = fB:4;
:fmrgow fT,fA,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & fT & fA & fB & XOP_1_10=838 & Rc=0 {
fT[0,32] = fA(4);
fT[32,32] = fB(4);
:lqarx D,RA_OR_ZERO,B,EX is OP=31 & D & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=276 & EX & Dp & regp [regpset = Dp+1;] {
@if ENDIAN == "big"
D = *:$(REGISTER_SIZE) ea;
regp = *:$(REGISTER_SIZE) (ea + $(REGISTER_SIZE));
regp = *:$(REGISTER_SIZE) ea;
:mfbhrbe D,BH_RBE is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=302 & BIT_0=0 & D & BH_RBE {
D = movebuffer(BH_RBE:2);
:msgclrp B is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=174 & BITS_16_25=0 & BIT_0=0 & B {
:msgsndp B is OP=31 & XOP_1_10=142 & BITS_16_25=0 & BIT_0=0 & B {
:rfebb SBE is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & XOP_1_10=146 & BITS_12_25=0 & BIT_0=0 & SBE {
:stqcx. S,RA_OR_ZERO,B is OP=31 & S & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=182 & BIT_0=1 & Dp & regp [regpset = Dp+1;] {
@if ENDIAN == "big"
*:$(REGISTER_SIZE) ea = S;
*:$(REGISTER_SIZE) (ea + $(REGISTER_SIZE)) = regp;
*:$(REGISTER_SIZE) ea = regp;
setCrBit(cr0, 2, 1);
:tabort. A is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=910 & BIT_0=1 & BITS_11_15=0 & BITS_21_25=0 & A {
:tabortdc. TOA,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=814 & BIT_0=1 & A & B & TOA {
:tabortdci. TOA,A,S5IMM is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=878 & BIT_0=1 & A & S5IMM & TOA {
:tabortwc. TOA,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=782 & BIT_0=1 & A & B & TOA {
:tabortwci. TOA,A,S5IMM is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=846 & BIT_0=1 & A & S5IMM & TOA {
:tbegin. BIT_R is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=654 & BIT_0=1 & BITS_11_20=0 & BITS_22_24=0 & BIT_R {
:tcheck BF2 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=718 & BIT_0=0 & BITS_11_22=0 & BF2 {
:tend. BIT_A is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=686 & BIT_0=1 & BITS_11_24=0 & BIT_A {
:trechkpt. is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=1006 & BIT_0=1 & BITS_11_25=0 {
:treclaim. A is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=942 & BIT_0=1 & BITS_11_15=0 & BITS_21_25=0 & A {
:tsr. BIT_L is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & XOP_1_10=750 & BIT_0=1 & BITS_11_20=0 & BITS_22_25=0 & BIT_L {
# v3.0
:addpcis D,OFF16SH is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & XOP_1_5=2 & D & OFF16SH {
D = inst_next + sext(OFF16SH);
:cmpeqb CRFD,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & BITS_21_22=0 & BIT_0=0 & XOP_1_10=224 & A & B & CRFD {
tmpa:1 = A:1;
CRFD = (tmpa == B[0,8]) | (tmpa == B[8,8]) | (tmpa == B[16,8]) | (tmpa == B[24,8]);
@if REGISTER_SIZE == "8"
CRFD = CRFD | (tmpa == B[32,8]) | (tmpa == B[40,8]) | (tmpa == B[48,8]) | (tmpa == B[56,8]);
:cmprb CRFD,L2,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & BIT_22=0 & BIT_0=0 & XOP_1_10=192 & A & B & CRFD & L2 {
tmpin:1 = A:1;
tmp1lo:1 = B[16,8];
tmp1hi:1 = B[24,8];
tmp2lo:1 = B[0,8];
tmp2hi:1 = B[8,8];
CRFD = ((tmpin >= tmp2lo) & (tmpin <= tmp2hi)) | (((tmpin >= tmp1lo) & (tmpin <= tmp1hi)) * L2:1);
:cnttzw A,S is OP=31 & S & A & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_1_10=538 & Rc=0 {
A = countTrailingZeros(S);
:cnttzw. A,S is OP=31 & S & A & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_1_10=538 & Rc=1 {
A = countTrailingZeros(S);
:cnttzd A,S is OP=31 & S & A & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_1_10=570 & Rc=0 {
A = countTrailingZeros(S);
:cnttzd. A,S is OP=31 & S & A & BITS_11_15=0 & XOP_1_10=570 & Rc=1 {
A = countTrailingZeros(S);
:copy RA_OR_ZERO,B,L2 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & BITS_22_25=0 & BIT_0=0 & XOP_1_10=774 & RA_OR_ZERO & B & L2 {
:cp_abort is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & BITS_11_25=0 & BIT_0=0 & XOP_1_10=838{
:darn D,L16 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & BITS_18_20=0 & BITS_11_15=0 & BIT_0=0 & XOP_1_10=755 & D & L16 {
D = random(L16:1);
:dtstsfi CRFD,UIMT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=59 & XOP_1_10=675 & CRFD & UIMT & fB & BIT_22=0 & BIT_0=0 {
:dtstsfiq CRFD,UIMT,fB is $(NOTVLE) & OP=63 & XOP_1_10=675 & CRFD & UIMT & fB & BIT_22=0 & BIT_0=0 {
:extswsli A,S,SH is OP=31 & A & S & SH & XOP_2_10=445 & Rc=0 {
tmp:8 = sext(S:4);
A = tmp << SH;
:extswsli. A,S,SH is OP=31 & A & S & SH & XOP_2_10=445 & Rc=1 {
tmp:8 = sext(S:4);
A = tmp << SH;
:ldat D,RA_OR_ZERO,FNC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & D & RA_OR_ZERO & FNC & XOP_1_10=614 & BIT_0=0 & Dp & regp [regpset = Dp+1;] {
tmp:$(REGISTER_SIZE) = *:8 ea;
D = tmp;
:ldmx D,RA_OR_ZERO,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & D & RA_OR_ZERO & B & XOP_1_10=309 & BIT_0=0 {
D = *:8 ea;
:lwat D,RA_OR_ZERO,FNC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & D & RA_OR_ZERO & FNC & XOP_1_10=582 & BIT_0=0 & Dp & regp [regpset = Dp+1;] {
tmp:$(REGISTER_SIZE) = zext(*:4 ea);
D = tmp;
:maddhd D,A,B,C is $(NOTVLE) & OP=4 & D & A & B & C & XOP_0_5=48 {
tmpa:16 = sext(A);
tmpb:16 = sext(B);
tmpc:16 = sext(C);
tmpp:16 = (tmpa * tmpb) + tmpc;
D = tmpp(8);
:maddhdu D,A,B,C is $(NOTVLE) & OP=4 & D & A & B & C & XOP_0_5=49 {
tmpa:16 = zext(A);
tmpb:16 = zext(B);
tmpc:16 = zext(C);
tmpp:16 = (tmpa * tmpb) + tmpc;
D = tmpp(8);
:maddld D,A,B,C is $(NOTVLE) & OP=4 & D & A & B & C & XOP_0_5=51 {
tmpa:16 = sext(A);
tmpb:16 = sext(B);
tmpc:16 = sext(C);
tmpp:16 = (tmpa * tmpb) + tmpc;
D = tmpp:8;
:mcrxrx CRFD is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & BITS_11_22=0 & BIT_0=0 & XOP_1_10=576 & CRFD {
CRFD = (xer_ov << 3) | (xer_ov32 << 2) | (xer_ca << 1) | (xer_ca32);
:modsd D,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & D & A & B & XOP_1_10=777 & BIT_0=0 {
tmpa:16 = sext(A);
tmpb:16 = sext(B);
tmpd:16 = tmpa s% tmpb;
D = tmpd:$(REGISTER_SIZE);
:modsw D,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & D & A & B & XOP_1_10=779 & BIT_0=0 {
tmpa:16 = sext(A:4);
tmpb:16 = sext(B:4);
tmpd:16 = tmpa s% tmpb;
D = tmpd:$(REGISTER_SIZE);
:modud D,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & D & A & B & XOP_1_10=265 & BIT_0=0 {
tmpa:16 = zext(A);
tmpb:16 = zext(B);
tmpd:16 = tmpa % tmpb;
D = tmpd:$(REGISTER_SIZE);
:moduw D,A,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & D & A & B & XOP_1_10=267 & BIT_0=0 {
tmpa:4 = zext(A:4);
tmpb:4 = zext(B:4);
tmpd:4 = tmpa % tmpb;
D = zext(tmpd);
:msgsync is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & BITS_11_25=0 & BIT_0=0 & XOP_1_10=886 {
:paste RA_OR_ZERO,B,0 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & BITS_22_25=0 & XOP_1_10=902 & RA_OR_ZERO & B & L2=0 & Rc=0 {
:paste. RA_OR_ZERO,B,1 is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & BITS_22_25=0 & XOP_1_10=902 & RA_OR_ZERO & B & L2=1 & Rc=1 {
setCrBit(cr0, 2, 1);
:setb D,BFA is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & BITS_11_17=0 & BIT_0=0 & XOP_1_10=128 & D & BFA {
tmpcr:8 = 1 << (8 * BFA:1);
tmpr0:1 = (crall & tmpcr) != 0;
tmpr1:1 = (crall & (tmpcr << 1)) != 0;
D = (-1 * zext(tmpr0)) + (1 * zext(tmpr0 == 0) * zext(tmpr1));
:slbieg S,B is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & BITS_16_20=0 & BIT_0=0 & XOP_1_10=466 & S & B {
:slbsync is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & BITS_11_25=0 & BIT_0=0 & XOP_1_10=338 {
:stdat S,RA_OR_ZERO,FNC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & S & RA_OR_ZERO & FNC & XOP_1_10=742 & BIT_0=0 & Dp & regp [regpset = Dp+1;] {
tmp:$(REGISTER_SIZE) = *:8 ea;
:stop is $(NOTVLE) & OP=19 & BITS_11_25=0 & BIT_0=0 & XOP_1_10=370 {
:stwat S,RA_OR_ZERO,FNC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & S & RA_OR_ZERO & FNC & XOP_1_10=710 & BIT_0=0 & Dp & regp [regpset = Dp+1;] {
tmp:$(REGISTER_SIZE) = zext(*:4 ea);
:wait WC is $(NOTVLE) & OP=31 & BITS_23_25=0 & BITS_11_20=0 & BIT_0=0 & XOP_1_10=30 & WC {