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# RV32I Base Instruction Set
# add d,s,t 00000033 fe00707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:add rd,rs1,rs2 is rs1 & rs2 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x1 & funct3=0x0 & funct7=0x0
rd = rs1 + rs2;
# addi d,s,j 00000013 0000707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:addi rd,rs1,immI is rs1 & immI & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x0
rd = rs1 + immI;
# nop 00000013 ffffffff ALIAS (0, 0)
:nop is op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x0 & op0711=0x0 & op1531=0x0
local NOP:1 = 0;
# mv d,s 00000013 fff0707f ALIAS (0, 0)
:mv rd,rs1 is rs1 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x0 & op2031=0x0
rd = rs1;
# li d,j 00000013 000ff07f ALIAS (0, 0)
:li rd,immI is immI & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x0 & op1519=0x0
#TODO alias of addi rd,zero,0x0 is an issue
rd = immI;
# Resolve conflict between: mv rd,zero and li rd,0x0
# ATTN this implementation uses mv rd,zero
:mv rd,rs1 is rs1 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x0 & op1531=0x0
rd = rs1;
# and d,s,t 00007033 fe00707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:and rd,rs1,rs2 is rs1 & rs2 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x1 & funct3=0x7 & funct7=0x0
rd = rs1 & rs2;
# andi d,s,j 00007013 0000707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:andi rd,rs1,immI is rs1 & immI & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x7
rd = rs1 & immI;
# auipc d,u 00000017 0000007f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:auipc rd,immU is immU & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x5 & op0506=0x0
rd = immU + inst_start;
# beq s,t,p 00000063 0000707f CONDBRANCH (0, 0)
:beq rs1,rs2,immSB is immSB & rs2 & rs1 & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x0 & op0506=0x3 & funct3=0x0
if (rs1 == rs2) goto immSB;
# bge s,t,p 00005063 0000707f CONDBRANCH (0, 0)
:bge rs1,rs2,immSB is immSB & rs2 & rs1 & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x0 & op0506=0x3 & funct3=0x5
if (rs1 s>= rs2) goto immSB;
# bgeu s,t,p 00007063 0000707f CONDBRANCH (0, 0)
:bgeu rs1,rs2,immSB is immSB & rs2 & rs1 & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x0 & op0506=0x3 & funct3=0x7
if (rs1 >= rs2) goto immSB;
# blt s,t,p 00004063 0000707f CONDBRANCH (0, 0)
:blt rs1,rs2,immSB is immSB & rs2 & rs1 & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x0 & op0506=0x3 & funct3=0x4
if (rs1 s< rs2) goto immSB;
# bltu s,t,p 00006063 0000707f CONDBRANCH (0, 0)
:bltu rs1,rs2,immSB is immSB & rs2 & rs1 & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x0 & op0506=0x3 & funct3=0x6
if (rs1 < rs2) goto immSB;
# bne s,t,p 00001063 0000707f CONDBRANCH (0, 0)
:bne rs1,rs2,immSB is immSB & rs2 & rs1 & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x0 & op0506=0x3 & funct3=0x1
if (rs1 != rs2) goto immSB;
# ebreak 00100073 ffffffff SIMPLE (0, 0)
:ebreak is op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x3 & funct3=0x0 & op0711=0x0 & op1531=0x20
# ecall 00000073 ffffffff SIMPLE (0, 0)
:ecall is op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x3 & funct3=0x0 & op0711=0x0 & op1531=0x0
# fence P,Q 0000000f f00fffff SIMPLE (0, 0)
:fence pred,succ is pred & succ & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x3 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x0 & fm=0x0 & op0711=0x0 & op1519=0x0
# jal d,a 0000006f 0000007f JSR (0, 0)
:jal rd,immUJ is immUJ & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x3 & op0506=0x3
#TODO RAS: push inst_next if rd=x1/x5
rd = inst_next;
call immUJ;
# j a 0000006f 00000fff BRANCH|ALIAS (0, 0)
:j immUJ is immUJ & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x3 & op0506=0x3 & op0711=0x0
goto immUJ;
# jalr d,s,j 00000067 0000707f JSR (0, 0)
:jalr rd,rs1,immI is rs1 & immI & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x1 & op0506=0x3 & funct3=0x0
#TODO RAS: push inst_next/pop based on rd=x1/x5 or rs1=x1/x5
local ea:$(XLEN) = (rs1 + immI) & ~1;
rd = inst_next;
call [ea];
# jr o(s) 00000067 00007fff BRANCH|ALIAS (0, 0)
:jr immI(rs1) is immI & rs1 & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x1 & op0506=0x3 & funct3=0x0 & op0711=0x0
local ea:$(XLEN) = (rs1 + immI) & ~1;
goto [ea];
# jr s 00000067 fff07fff BRANCH|ALIAS (0, 0)
:jr rs1 is rs1 & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x1 & op0506=0x3 & funct3=0x0 & op0711=0x0 & op2031=0x0
local ea:$(XLEN) = rs1 & ~1;
goto [ea];
# ret 00008067 ffffffff BRANCH|ALIAS (0, 0)
:ret is op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x1 & op0506=0x3 & funct3=0x0 & op0711=0x0 & op2031=0x0 & op1519=1
local ea:$(XLEN) = ra & ~1;
return [ea];
# lb d,o(s) 00000003 0000707f BYTE|DREF (0, 1)
:lb rd,immI(rs1) is immI & rs1 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x0 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x0
local ea:$(XLEN) = rs1 + immI;
rd = sext(*[ram]:1 ea);
# lbu d,o(s) 00004003 0000707f BYTE|DREF (0, 1)
:lbu rd,immI(rs1) is immI & rs1 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x0 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x4
local ea:$(XLEN) = rs1 + immI;
rd = zext(*[ram]:1 ea);
# lh d,o(s) 00001003 0000707f WORD|DREF (0, 2)
:lh rd,immI(rs1) is immI & rs1 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x0 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x1
local ea:$(XLEN) = rs1 + immI;
rd = sext(*[ram]:2 ea);
# lhu d,o(s) 00005003 0000707f WORD|DREF (0, 2)
:lhu rd,immI(rs1) is immI & rs1 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x0 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x5
local ea:$(XLEN) = rs1 + immI;
rd = zext(*[ram]:2 ea);
# lui d,u 00000037 0000007f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:lui rd,immU is immU & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x5 & op0506=0x1
rd = immU;
# lw d,o(s) 00002003 0000707f DWORD|DREF (0, 4)
:lw rd,immI(rs1) is immI & rs1 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x0 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x2
local ea:$(XLEN) = rs1 + immI;
assignW(rd, *[ram]:4 ea);
# or d,s,t 00006033 fe00707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:or rd,rs1,rs2 is rs1 & rs2 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x1 & funct3=0x6 & funct7=0x0
rd = rs1 | rs2;
# ori d,s,j 00006013 0000707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:ori rd,rs1,immI is rs1 & immI & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x6
rd = rs1 | immI;
# sb t,q(s) 00000023 0000707f BYTE|DREF (0, 1)
:sb rs2,immS(rs1) is immS & rs2 & rs1 & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x0 & op0506=0x1 & funct3=0x0
local ea:$(XLEN) = rs1 + immS;
*[ram]:1 ea = rs2:1;
# sh t,q(s) 00001023 0000707f WORD|DREF (0, 2)
:sh rs2,immS(rs1) is immS & rs2 & rs1 & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x0 & op0506=0x1 & funct3=0x1
local ea:$(XLEN) = rs1 + immS;
*[ram]:2 ea = rs2:2;
# sll d,s,t 00001033 fe00707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:sll rd,rs1,rs2 is rs1 & rs2 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x1 & funct3=0x1 & funct7=0x0
local shift:$(XLEN) = rs2 & ($(ADDRSIZE) - 1);
rd = rs1 << shift;
# slli d,s,> 00001013 fc00707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:slli rd,rs1,shamt6 is rs1 & shamt6 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x1 & op2631=0x0
rd = rs1 << shamt6;
# slt d,s,t 00002033 fe00707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:slt rd,rs1,rs2 is rs1 & rs2 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x1 & funct3=0x2 & funct7=0x0
rd = zext(rs1 s< rs2);
# slti d,s,j 00002013 0000707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:slti rd,rs1,immI is rs1 & immI & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x2
rd = zext(rs1 s< immI);
# sltiu d,s,j 00003013 0000707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:sltiu rd,rs1,immI is rs1 & immI & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x3
rd = zext(rs1 < immI);
# sltu d,s,t 00003033 fe00707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:sltu rd,rs1,rs2 is rs1 & rs2 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x1 & funct3=0x3 & funct7=0x0
rd = zext(rs1 < rs2);
# sra d,s,t 40005033 fe00707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:sra rd,rs1,rs2 is rs1 & rs2 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x1 & funct3=0x5 & funct7=0x20
local shift:$(XLEN) = rs2 & ($(ADDRSIZE) - 1);
rd = rs1 s>> shift;
# srai d,s,> 40005013 fc00707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:srai rd,rs1,shamt6 is rs1 & shamt6 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x5 & op2631=0x10
rd = rs1 s>> shamt6;
# srl d,s,t 00005033 fe00707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:srl rd,rs1,rs2 is rs1 & rs2 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x1 & funct3=0x5 & funct7=0x0
local shift:$(XLEN) = rs2 & ($(ADDRSIZE) - 1);
rd = rs1 >> shift;
# srli d,s,> 00005013 fc00707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:srli rd,rs1,shamt6 is rs1 & shamt6 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x5 & op2631=0x0
rd = rs1 >> shamt6;
# sub d,s,t 40000033 fe00707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:sub rd,rs1,rs2 is rs1 & rs2 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x1 & funct3=0x0 & funct7=0x20
rd = rs1 - rs2;
# neg d,t 40000033 fe0ff07f ALIAS (0, 0)
:neg rd,rs2 is rs2 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x1 & funct3=0x0 & funct7=0x20 & op1519=0x0
rd = -rs2;
# sw t,q(s) 00002023 0000707f DWORD|DREF (0, 4)
:sw rs2,immS(rs1) is immS & rs2 & rs1 & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x0 & op0506=0x1 & funct3=0x2
local ea:$(XLEN) = rs1 + immS;
*[ram]:4 ea = rs2:4;
# unimp c0001073 ffffffff SIMPLE (0, 0)
:unimp is op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x3 & funct3=0x1 & op0711=0x0 & op1531=0x18000
local excaddr:$(XLEN) = inst_start;
local target:$(XLEN) = unimp(excaddr);
goto [target];
# xor d,s,t 00004033 fe00707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:xor rd,rs1,rs2 is rs1 & rs2 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x1 & funct3=0x4 & funct7=0x0
rd = rs1 ^ rs2;
# xori d,s,j 00004013 0000707f SIMPLE (0, 0)
:xori rd,rs1,immI is rs1 & immI & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x4
rd = rs1 ^ immI;
# not d,s fff04013 fff0707f ALIAS (0, 0)
:not rd,rs1 is rs1 & rd & op0001=0x3 & op0204=0x4 & op0506=0x0 & funct3=0x4 & op2031=0xfff
rd = ~rs1;