
3471 lines
132 KiB

# 20bit Address Instructions
# The original way of using sub-tables to breakout the addressing modes does not
# work for these instructions
:^instruction is opext_11_5=0x3 & ctx_haveext=0 & dest_0_4 & src_ext & al & zc; instruction [ ctx_haveext=1; ctx_ctregdest=dest_0_4; ctx_regsrc=src_ext; ctx_al=al;] {$(CARRY)=$(CARRY) * (zc:1 == 0); build instruction;}
#:^instruction is ctx_haveext=1 & instruction & as=1 & src_8_4=3 [ctx_haveext=2;] {build instruction;}
:^instruction is ctx_haveext=1 & instruction & as=1 & src_8_4=3 [ctx_haveext=7;] {build instruction;} #replacment substituting second of haveext=2. NOTE: as=1 precludes first
:^instruction is ctx_haveext=1 & instruction & as=1 [ctx_haveext=7;] {build instruction;}
:^instruction is ctx_haveext=1 & instruction & as=3 & src_8_4=0 [ctx_haveext=7;] {build instruction;}
#:^instruction is ctx_haveext=1 & instruction [ctx_haveext=2;] {build instruction;}
:^instruction is ctx_haveext=1 & instruction & as=0 & ad=0 [ctx_haveext=3;] {build instruction;} #replacement substituting first of haveext=2
:^instruction is ctx_haveext=1 & instruction [ctx_haveext=7;] {build instruction;} #replacement substituting second of haveext=2
:^instruction is ctx_haveext=1 & instruction & op16_7_9=0x23 & as=0 [ctx_haveext=3;] {build instruction;}
:^instruction is ctx_haveext=1 & instruction & op16_7_9=0x21 & as=0 [ctx_haveext=3;] {build instruction;}
:^instruction is ctx_haveext=1 & instruction & op16_12_4=0x1 & as=1 & reg16_0_4=3 [ctx_haveext=3;] {build instruction;}
:^instruction is ctx_haveext=1 & instruction & op16_12_4=0x1 & as=1 [ctx_haveext=7;] {build instruction;}
:^instruction is ctx_haveext=1 & instruction & op16_12_4=0x1 & as=3 & reg16_0_4=0 [ctx_haveext=7;] {build instruction;}
# removed haveext=2
#:^instruction is ctx_haveext=2 & instruction & as=0 & ad=0 [ctx_haveext=3;] {build instruction;}
#:^instruction is ctx_haveext=2 & instruction [ctx_haveext=7;] {build instruction;}
:^instruction is ctx_haveext=3 & instruction & ctx_num=0 & ctx_ctregdest=0 [ctx_haveext=4;] { CNT = 0;build instruction; }
:"RPT #"^val^" { "^instruction is ctx_haveext=3 & instruction & ctx_num=0 & ctx_ctregdest [ctx_haveext=4; val = ctx_ctregdest+1;] { CNT = ctx_ctregdest;build instruction;}
:"RPT "^ctx_repreg^" { "^instruction is ctx_haveext=3 & instruction & ctx_num=1 & ctx_repreg [ctx_haveext=4;] { CNT = zext(ctx_repreg[0,4]); build instruction;}
# 20bit address mode sub tables
Abs20: val is ctx_ctregdest & imm_0_16 [ val=(ctx_ctregdest << 16) | imm_0_16;] {export *[const]:3 val;}
Abs20s: val is ctx_ctregdests & imm_0_16 [ val=(ctx_ctregdests << 16) | imm_0_16;] {export *[const]:3 val;}
Abs20add: val is ctx_ctregdest & imm_0_16 [ val=(ctx_ctregdest << 16) | imm_0_16;] {export *:4 val;}
IMM4: val is imm_4_4 [val = imm_4_4+1;] {export *[const]:1 val;}
NUM2: val is rrn [ val = rrn+1;] {export *[const]:1 val;}
XREG_B_AS: DST8_0_4 is DST8_0_4 & as=0x0 & bow=0x1 { export DST8_0_4;} # Word/Register Direct (Rn):
XREG_B_AS: indexExtWord16_0_16s^"("^reg_Indexed16_0_4^")" is reg_Indexed16_0_4 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s {tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = reg_Indexed16_0_4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; export *:1 tmp;}
XREG_B_AS: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4 is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 {export *:1 reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XREG_B_AS: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4^"+" is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 {export *:1 reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XREG_B_AS: labelCalc is reg16_0_4=0x0 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s [labelCalc = inst_start + 4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; ] {export *:1 labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XREG_B_AS: "#"^indexExtWord16_0_16 is reg16_0_4=0x0 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 {export *[const]:1 indexExtWord16_0_16; } # Immediate
XREG_B_AS: "&"^indexExtWord16_0_16 is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 {export *:1 indexExtWord16_0_16; } # Absolute
XREG_B_AS: "#4" is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 { export 4:1;} # Constant
XREG_B_AS: "#8" is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 { export 8:1;} # Constant
XREG_B_AS: "#0" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0x1 { export 0:1;} # Constant
XREG_B_AS: "#1" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 { export 1:1;} # Constant
XREG_B_AS: "#2" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 { export 2:1;} # Constant
XREG_B_AS: "#-1" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 { export 0xff:1;} # Constant
XRREG_B_AS: DST8_0_4 is DST8_0_4 & as=0x0 & bow=0x1 { export DST8_0_4;} # Word/Register Direct (Rn):
XRREG_B_AS: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4 is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 {export *:1 reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XRREG_B_AS: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4^"+" is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 {export *:1 reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XRREG_B_AS: "#4" is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 { export 4:1;} # Constant
XRREG_B_AS: "#8" is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 { export 8:1;} # Constant
XRREG_B_AS: "#0" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0x1 { export 0:1;} # Constant
XRREG_B_AS: "#1" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 { export 1:1;} # Constant
XRREG_B_AS: "#2" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 { export 2:1;} # Constant
XRREG_B_AS: "#-1" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 { export 0xff:1;} # Constant
XREG_W_AS: DST16_0_4 is DST16_0_4 & as=0x0 & bow=0x0 {export DST16_0_4;} # Word/Register Direct (Rn):
XREG_W_AS: indexExtWord16_0_16s^"("^reg_Indexed16_0_4^")" is reg_Indexed16_0_4 & as=0x1 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s {tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = reg_Indexed16_0_4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; export *:2 tmp;}
XREG_W_AS: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4 is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x0 {export *:2 reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XREG_W_AS: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4^"+" is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 {export *:2 reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XREG_W_AS: labelCalc is reg16_0_4=0x0 & as=0x1 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s [labelCalc = inst_start + 4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; ] {export *:2 labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XREG_W_AS: "#"^indexExtWord16_0_16 is reg16_0_4=0x0 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 {export *[const]:2 indexExtWord16_0_16; } # Immediate
XREG_W_AS: "&"^indexExtWord16_0_16 is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x1 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 {export *:2 indexExtWord16_0_16; } # Absolute
XREG_W_AS: "#4" is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x2 & bow=0x0 { export 4:2;} # Constant
XREG_W_AS: "#8" is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 { export 8:2;} # Constant
XREG_W_AS: "#0" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0x0 { export 0:2;} # Constant
XREG_W_AS: "#1" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=0x0 { export 1:2;} # Constant
XREG_W_AS: "#2" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=0x0 { export 2:2;} # Constant
XREG_W_AS: "#-1" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 { export 0xffff:2;} # Constant
XRREG_W_AS: DST16_0_4 is DST16_0_4 & as=0x0 & bow=0x0 {export DST16_0_4;} # Word/Register Direct (Rn):
XRREG_W_AS: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4 is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x0 {export *:2 reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XRREG_W_AS: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4^"+" is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 {export *:2 reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XRREG_W_AS: "#4" is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x2 & bow=0x0 { export 4:2;} # Constant
XRREG_W_AS: "#8" is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 { export 8:2;} # Constant
XRREG_W_AS: "#0" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0x0 { export 0:2;} # Constant
XRREG_W_AS: "#1" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=0x0 { export 1:2;} # Constant
XRREG_W_AS: "#2" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=0x0 { export 2:2;} # Constant
XRREG_W_AS: "#-1" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 { export 0xffff:2;} # Constant
XREG_A_AS: dest_0_4 is dest_0_4 & as=0 & bow=0x1 {export dest_0_4;}
XREG_A_AS: indexExtWord16_0_16s^"("^reg_Indexed16_0_4^")" is reg_Indexed16_0_4 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s {tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = reg_Indexed16_0_4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; export *:$(REG_SIZE) tmp;}
XREG_A_AS: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4 is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 {export *:$(REG_SIZE) reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XREG_A_AS: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4^"+" is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 {export *:$(REG_SIZE) reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XREG_A_AS: labelCalc is reg16_0_4=0x0 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 [labelCalc = inst_start + 4 + ((ctx_ctregdests << 16) | indexExtWord16_0_16); ] {export *:$(REG_SIZE) labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XREG_A_AS: "#"^val is reg16_0_4=0x0 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 [val=(ctx_ctregdests << 16) | indexExtWord16_0_16; ] {export *[const]:$(REG_SIZE) val; } # Immediate
XREG_A_AS: "&"^val is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 [val=(ctx_ctregdest << 16) | indexExtWord16_0_16; ] {export *:$(REG_SIZE) val; } # Absolute
XREG_A_AS: "#4" is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 { export 4:$(REG_SIZE);} # Constant
XREG_A_AS: "#8" is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 { export 8:$(REG_SIZE);} # Constant
XREG_A_AS: "#0" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0x1 { export 0:$(REG_SIZE);} # Constant
XREG_A_AS: "#1" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 { export 1:$(REG_SIZE);} # Constant
XREG_A_AS: "#2" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 { export 2:$(REG_SIZE);} # Constant
XREG_A_AS: "#-1" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 { export 0xffffffff:$(REG_SIZE);} # Constant
XRREG_A_AS: dest_0_4 is dest_0_4 & as=0 & bow=0x1 {export dest_0_4;}
XRREG_A_AS: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4 is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 {export *:$(REG_SIZE) reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XRREG_A_AS: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4^"+" is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 {export *:$(REG_SIZE) reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XRREG_A_AS: "#4" is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 { export 4:$(REG_SIZE);} # Constant
XRREG_A_AS: "#8" is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 { export 8:$(REG_SIZE);} # Constant
XRREG_A_AS: "#0" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0x1 { export 0:$(REG_SIZE);} # Constant
XRREG_A_AS: "#1" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 { export 1:$(REG_SIZE);} # Constant
XRREG_A_AS: "#2" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 { export 2:$(REG_SIZE);} # Constant
XRREG_A_AS: "#-1" is reg16_0_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 { export 0xffffffff:$(REG_SIZE);} # Constant
XREG_B_AS_DEST: DST8_0_4 is DST8_0_4 & as=0x0 & bow=0x1 { export DST8_0_4;} # Word/Register Direct (Rn):
XREG_B_AS_DEST: indexExtWord16_0_16s^"("^reg_Indexed16_0_4^")" is reg_Indexed16_0_4 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s {tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = reg_Indexed16_0_4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; export *:1 tmp;}
XREG_B_AS_DEST: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4 is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 {export *:1 reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XREG_B_AS_DEST: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4^"+" is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 {export *:1 reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XREG_B_AS_DEST: labelCalc is reg16_0_4=0x0 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s [labelCalc = inst_start + 4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; ] {export *:1 labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XREG_B_AS_DEST: "&"^indexExtWord16_0_16 is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 {export *:1 indexExtWord16_0_16; } # Absolute
XRREG_B_AS_DEST: DST8_0_4 is DST8_0_4 & as=0x0 & reg_Direct16_0_4 & bow=0x1 { ztmp:1 = DST8_0_4; reg_Direct16_0_4=0; DST8_0_4 = ztmp; export DST8_0_4;} # Word/Register Direct (Rn):
XRREG_B_AS_DEST: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4 is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 {export *:1 reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XRREG_B_AS_DEST: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4^"+" is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 {export *:1 reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XREG_W_AS_DEST: indexExtWord16_0_16s^"("^reg_Indexed16_0_4^")" is reg_Indexed16_0_4 & as=0x1 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s {tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = reg_Indexed16_0_4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; export *:2 tmp;}
XREG_W_AS_DEST: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4 is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x0 {export *:2 reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XREG_W_AS_DEST: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4^"+" is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 {export *:2 reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XREG_W_AS_DEST: labelCalc is reg16_0_4=0x0 & as=0x1 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s [labelCalc = inst_start + 4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; ] {export *:2 labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XREG_W_AS_DEST: "&"^indexExtWord16_0_16 is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x1 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 {export *:2 indexExtWord16_0_16; } # Absolute
XRREG_W_AS_DEST: DST16_0_4 is DST16_0_4 & as=0x0 & reg_Direct16_0_4 & bow=0x0 {ztmp:2 = DST16_0_4; reg_Direct16_0_4=0; DST16_0_4 = ztmp;export DST16_0_4;} # Word/Register Direct (Rn):
XRREG_W_AS_DEST: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4 is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x0 {export *:2 reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XRREG_W_AS_DEST: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4^"+" is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 {export *:2 reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XREG_A_AS_DEST: indexExtWord16_0_16s^"("^reg_Indexed16_0_4^")" is reg_Indexed16_0_4 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s {tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = reg_Indexed16_0_4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; export *:$(REG_SIZE) tmp;}
XREG_A_AS_DEST: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4 is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 {export *:$(REG_SIZE) reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XREG_A_AS_DEST: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4^"+" is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 {export *:$(REG_SIZE) reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XREG_A_AS_DEST: labelCalc is reg16_0_4=0x0 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 [labelCalc = inst_start + 4 + ((ctx_ctregdests << 16) | indexExtWord16_0_16); ] {export *:$(REG_SIZE) labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XREG_A_AS_DEST: "&"^val is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 [val=(ctx_ctregdest << 16) | indexExtWord16_0_16; ] {export *:$(REG_SIZE) val; } # Absolute
XRREG_A_AS_DEST: dest_0_4 is dest_0_4 & as=0 & bow=0x1 {export dest_0_4;}
XRREG_A_AS_DEST: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4 is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 {export *:$(REG_SIZE) reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XRREG_A_AS_DEST: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4^"+" is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 {export *:$(REG_SIZE) reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XREG_A_AS_DEST2: indexExtWord16_0_16s^"("^reg_Indexed16_0_4^")" is reg_Indexed16_0_4 & as=0x1 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s {tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = reg_Indexed16_0_4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; export *:$(REG_SIZE) tmp;}
XREG_A_AS_DEST2: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4 is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x0 {export *:$(REG_SIZE) reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XREG_A_AS_DEST2: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4^"+" is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 {export *:$(REG_SIZE) reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XREG_A_AS_DEST2: labelCalc is reg16_0_4=0x0 & as=0x1 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 [labelCalc = inst_start + 4 + ((ctx_ctregdests << 16) | indexExtWord16_0_16); ] {export *:$(REG_SIZE) labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XREG_A_AS_DEST2: "&"^val is reg16_0_4=0x2 & as=0x1 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 [val=(ctx_ctregdest << 16) | indexExtWord16_0_16; ] {export *:$(REG_SIZE) val; } # Absolute
XRREG_A_AS_DEST2: dest_0_4 is dest_0_4 & as=0 & bow=0x0 {export dest_0_4;}
XRREG_A_AS_DEST2: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4 is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x0 {export *:$(REG_SIZE) reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XRREG_A_AS_DEST2: "@"^reg_InDirect16_0_4^"+" is reg_InDirect16_0_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 {export *:$(REG_SIZE) reg_InDirect16_0_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XSRC_B_AS: SRC8_8_4 is SRC8_8_4 & as=0x0 & bow=0x1 { export SRC8_8_4;} # Word/Register Direct (Rn):
XSRC_B_AS: indexExtWord16_0_16s^"("^src_Indexed16_8_4^")" is src_Indexed16_8_4 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s {tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = src_Indexed16_8_4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; export *:1 tmp;}
XSRC_B_AS: "@"^src_InDirect16_8_4 is src_InDirect16_8_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 {export *:1 src_InDirect16_8_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XSRC_B_AS: "@"^src_InDirect16_8_4^"+" is src_InDirect16_8_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 {export *:1 src_InDirect16_8_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XSRC_B_AS: labelCalc is src16_8_4=0x0 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s [labelCalc = inst_start + 4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; ] {export *:1 labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XSRC_B_AS: "#"^indexExtWord16_0_16 is src16_8_4=0x0 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 {export *[const]:1 indexExtWord16_0_16;} # Immediate
XSRC_B_AS: "&"^indexExtWord16_0_16 is src16_8_4=0x2 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 {export *:1 indexExtWord16_0_16; } # Absolute
XSRC_B_AS: "#4" is src16_8_4=0x2 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 { export 4:1; } # Constant
XSRC_B_AS: "#8" is src16_8_4=0x2 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 { export 8:1; } # Constant
XSRC_B_AS: "#0" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0x1 { export 0:1; } # Constant
XSRC_B_AS: "#1" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 { export 1:1; } # Constant
XSRC_B_AS: "#2" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 { export 2:1; } # Constant
XSRC_B_AS: "#-1" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 { export 0xff:1; } # Constant
XRSRC_B_AS: SRC8_8_4 is SRC8_8_4 & as=0x0 & bow=0x1 { export SRC8_8_4;} # Word/Register Direct (Rn):
XRSRC_B_AS: "@"^src_InDirect16_8_4 is src_InDirect16_8_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 {export *:1 src_InDirect16_8_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XRSRC_B_AS: "@"^src_InDirect16_8_4^"+" is src_InDirect16_8_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 {export *:1 src_InDirect16_8_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XRSRC_B_AS: "#4" is src16_8_4=0x2 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 { export 4:1; } # Constant
XRSRC_B_AS: "#8" is src16_8_4=0x2 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 { export 8:1; } # Constant
XRSRC_B_AS: "#0" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0x1 { export 0:1; } # Constant
XRSRC_B_AS: "#1" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 { export 1:1; } # Constant
XRSRC_B_AS: "#2" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 { export 2:1; } # Constant
XRSRC_B_AS: "#-1" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 { export 0xff:1; } # Constant
XSRC_W_AS: SRC16_8_4 is SRC16_8_4 & as=0x0 & bow=0x0 {export SRC16_8_4;} # Word/Register Direct (Rn):
XSRC_W_AS: indexExtWord16_0_16s^"("^src_Indexed16_8_4^")" is src_Indexed16_8_4 & as=0x1 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s {tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = src_Indexed16_8_4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; export *:2 tmp;}
XSRC_W_AS: "@"^src_InDirect16_8_4 is src_InDirect16_8_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x0 {export *:2 src_InDirect16_8_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XSRC_W_AS: "@"^src_InDirect16_8_4^"+" is src_InDirect16_8_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 {export *:2 src_InDirect16_8_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XSRC_W_AS: labelCalc is src16_8_4=0x0 & as=0x1 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s [labelCalc = inst_start + 4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; ] {export *:2 labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XSRC_W_AS: "#"^indexExtWord16_0_16 is src16_8_4=0x0 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 {export *[const]:2 indexExtWord16_0_16; } # Immediate
XSRC_W_AS: "&"^indexExtWord16_0_16 is src16_8_4=0x2 & as=0x1 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 {export *:2 indexExtWord16_0_16; } # Absolute
XSRC_W_AS: "#4" is src16_8_4=0x2 & as=0x2 & bow=0x0 { export 4:2; } # Constant
XSRC_W_AS: "#8" is src16_8_4=0x2 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 { export 8:2; } # Constant
XSRC_W_AS: "#0" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0x0 { export 0:2; } # Constant
XSRC_W_AS: "#1" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=0x0 { export 1:2; } # Constant
XSRC_W_AS: "#2" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=0x0 { export 2:2; } # Constant
XSRC_W_AS: "#-1" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 { export 0xffff:2; } # Constant
XRSRC_W_AS: SRC16_8_4 is SRC16_8_4 & as=0x0 & bow=0x0 {export SRC16_8_4;} # Word/Register Direct (Rn):
XRSRC_W_AS: "@"^src_InDirect16_8_4 is src_InDirect16_8_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x0 {export *:2 src_InDirect16_8_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XRSRC_W_AS: "@"^src_InDirect16_8_4^"+" is src_InDirect16_8_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 {export *:2 src_InDirect16_8_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XRSRC_W_AS: "#4" is src16_8_4=0x2 & as=0x2 & bow=0x0 { export 4:2; } # Constant
XRSRC_W_AS: "#8" is src16_8_4=0x2 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 { export 8:2; } # Constant
XRSRC_W_AS: "#0" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0x0 { export 0:2; } # Constant
XRSRC_W_AS: "#1" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=0x0 { export 1:2; } # Constant
XRSRC_W_AS: "#2" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=0x0 { export 2:2; } # Constant
XRSRC_W_AS: "#-1" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=0x0 { export 0xffff:2; } # Constant
XSRC_A_AS: src_8_4 is src_8_4 & as=0x0 & bow=0x1 { export src_8_4;} # Word/Register Direct (Rn):
XSRC_A_AS: val^"("^src_Indexed16_8_4^")" is src_Indexed16_8_4 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 [val=(ctx_regsrcs << 16) | indexExtWord16_0_16; ] {tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = src_Indexed16_8_4 + val; export *:$(REG_SIZE) tmp;}
XSRC_A_AS: "@"^src_InDirect16_8_4 is src_InDirect16_8_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 {export *:$(REG_SIZE) src_InDirect16_8_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XSRC_A_AS: "@"^src_InDirect16_8_4^"+" is src_InDirect16_8_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 {export *:$(REG_SIZE) src_InDirect16_8_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XSRC_A_AS: labelCalc is src16_8_4=0x0 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 [labelCalc = inst_start + 4 + ((ctx_regsrcs << 16) | indexExtWord16_0_16); ] {export *:$(REG_SIZE) labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XSRC_A_AS: "#"^val is src16_8_4=0x0 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 [val=(ctx_regsrcs << 16) | indexExtWord16_0_16; ] {export *[const]:$(REG_SIZE) val; } # Immediate
XSRC_A_AS: "&"^val is src16_8_4=0x2 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 [val=(ctx_regsrc << 16) | indexExtWord16_0_16; ] {export *:$(REG_SIZE) val; } # Absolute
XSRC_A_AS: "#4" is src16_8_4=0x2 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 { export 4:$(REG_SIZE); } # Constant
XSRC_A_AS: "#8" is src16_8_4=0x2 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 { export 8:$(REG_SIZE); } # Constant
XSRC_A_AS: "#0" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0x1 { export 0:$(REG_SIZE); } # Constant
XSRC_A_AS: "#1" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 { export 1:$(REG_SIZE); } # Constant
XSRC_A_AS: "#2" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 { export 2:$(REG_SIZE); } # Constant
XSRC_A_AS: "#-1" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 { export 0xffffffff:$(REG_SIZE); } # Constant
XRSRC_A_AS: src_8_4 is src_8_4 & as=0x0 & bow=0x1 { export src_8_4;} # Word/Register Direct (Rn):
XRSRC_A_AS: "@"^src_InDirect16_8_4 is src_InDirect16_8_4 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 {export *:$(REG_SIZE) src_InDirect16_8_4;} # Word/Register Indirect (@Rn):
XRSRC_A_AS: "@"^src_InDirect16_8_4^"+" is src_InDirect16_8_4 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 {export *:$(REG_SIZE) src_InDirect16_8_4;} # Word/Register Indirect Autoincrement (@Rn+):
XRSRC_A_AS: "#4" is src16_8_4=0x2 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 { export 4:$(REG_SIZE); } # Constant
XRSRC_A_AS: "#8" is src16_8_4=0x2 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 { export 8:$(REG_SIZE); } # Constant
XRSRC_A_AS: "#0" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0x1 { export 0:$(REG_SIZE); } # Constant
XRSRC_A_AS: "#1" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=0x1 { export 1:$(REG_SIZE); } # Constant
XRSRC_A_AS: "#2" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=0x1 { export 2:$(REG_SIZE); } # Constant
XRSRC_A_AS: "#-1" is src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=0x1 { export 0xffffffff:$(REG_SIZE); } # Constant
XDEST_B_AD: DST8_0_4 is DST8_0_4 & ad=0x0 & bow=0x1
{ export DST8_0_4; } # Word/Register Direct (Rn):
XDEST_B_AD: indexExtWord16_0_16s^"("^dest_Indexed16_0_4^")" is dest_Indexed16_0_4 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s
{ tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_Indexed16_0_4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; export *:1 tmp;}
XDEST_B_AD: indexExt2Word16_0_16s^"("^dest_Indexed16_0_4^")" is dest_Indexed16_0_4 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 & as=0x1 & ((src16_8_4>=0x0 & src16_8_4<=0x2) | (src16_8_4>=0x4 & src16_8_4<=0xF)) ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16s
{ tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_Indexed16_0_4 + indexExt2Word16_0_16s; export *:1 tmp;}
XDEST_B_AD: indexExt2Word16_0_16s^"("^dest_Indexed16_0_4^")" is dest_Indexed16_0_4 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 & as=0x3 & src16_8_4=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16s
{ tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_Indexed16_0_4 + indexExt2Word16_0_16s; export *:1 tmp;}
XDEST_B_AD: labelCalc is dest=0x0 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s [labelCalc = inst_start + 4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; ]
{ export *:1 labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XDEST_B_AD: labelCalc is dest=0x0 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 & as=0x1 & ((src16_8_4>=0x0 & src16_8_4<=0x2) | (src16_8_4>=0x4 & src16_8_4<=0xF)) ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16s [labelCalc = inst_start + 6 + indexExt2Word16_0_16s; ]
{export *:1 labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XDEST_B_AD: labelCalc is dest=0x0 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 & as=0x3 & src16_8_4=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16s [labelCalc = inst_start + 6 + indexExt2Word16_0_16s; ]
{export *:1 labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XDEST_B_AD: "&"^indexExtWord16_0_16 is dest=0x2 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16
{export *:1 indexExtWord16_0_16; } # Absolute
XDEST_B_AD: "&"^indexExt2Word16_0_16 is dest=0x2 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 & as=0x1 & ((src16_8_4>=0x0 & src16_8_4<=0x2) | (src16_8_4>=0x4 & src16_8_4<=0xF)) ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16
{export *:1 indexExt2Word16_0_16; } # Absolute
XDEST_B_AD: "&"^indexExt2Word16_0_16 is dest=0x2 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 & as=0x3 & src16_8_4=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16
{export *:1 indexExt2Word16_0_16; } # Absolute
XDEST_W_AD: DST16_0_4 is DST16_0_4 & ad=0x0 & bow=0x0
{export DST16_0_4;} # Word/Register Direct (Rn):
XDEST_W_AD: indexExtWord16_0_16s^"("^dest_Indexed16_0_4^")" is dest_Indexed16_0_4 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s
{tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_Indexed16_0_4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; export *:2 tmp;}
XDEST_W_AD: indexExt2Word16_0_16s^"("^dest_Indexed16_0_4^")" is dest_Indexed16_0_4 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x0 & as=0x1 & ((src16_8_4>=0x0 & src16_8_4<=0x2) | (src16_8_4>=0x4 & src16_8_4<=0xF)) ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16s
{tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_Indexed16_0_4 + indexExt2Word16_0_16s; export *:2 tmp;}
XDEST_W_AD: indexExt2Word16_0_16s^"("^dest_Indexed16_0_4^")" is dest_Indexed16_0_4 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x0 & as=0x3 & src16_8_4=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16s
{tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_Indexed16_0_4 + indexExt2Word16_0_16s; export *:2 tmp;}
XDEST_W_AD: labelCalc is dest=0x0 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16s [labelCalc = inst_start + 4 + indexExtWord16_0_16s; ]
{export *:2 labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XDEST_W_AD: labelCalc is dest=0x0 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x0 & as=0x1 & ((src16_8_4>=0x0 & src16_8_4<=0x2) | (src16_8_4>=0x4 & src16_8_4<=0xF)) ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16s [labelCalc = inst_start + 6 + indexExt2Word16_0_16s; ]
{export *:2 labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XDEST_W_AD: labelCalc is dest=0x0 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x0 & as=0x3 & src16_8_4=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16s [labelCalc = inst_start + 6 + indexExt2Word16_0_16s; ]
{export *:2 labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XDEST_W_AD: "&"^indexExtWord16_0_16 is dest=0x2 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16
{export *:2 indexExtWord16_0_16; } # Absolute
XDEST_W_AD: "&"^indexExt2Word16_0_16 is dest=0x2 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x0 & as=0x1 & ((src16_8_4>=0x0 & src16_8_4<=0x2) | (src16_8_4>=0x4 & src16_8_4<=0xF)) ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16
{export *:2 indexExt2Word16_0_16; } # Absolute
XDEST_W_AD: "&"^indexExt2Word16_0_16 is dest=0x2 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x0 & as=0x3 & src16_8_4=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16
{export *:2 indexExt2Word16_0_16; } # Absolute
XDEST_A_AD: dest_0_4 is dest_0_4 & ad=0x0 & bow=0x1
{ export dest_0_4; } # Word/Register Direct (Rn):
XDEST_A_AD: val^"("^dest_Indexed16_0_4^")" is dest_Indexed16_0_4 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 [val=(ctx_ctregdests << 16) | indexExtWord16_0_16; ]
{tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_Indexed16_0_4 + val; export *:$(REG_SIZE) tmp;}
XDEST_A_AD: val^"("^dest_Indexed16_0_4^")" is dest_Indexed16_0_4 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 & as=0x1 & ((src16_8_4>=0x0 & src16_8_4<=0x2) | (src16_8_4>=0x4 & src16_8_4<=0xF)) ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16 [val=(ctx_ctregdests << 16) | indexExt2Word16_0_16; ]
{tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_Indexed16_0_4 + val; export *:$(REG_SIZE) tmp;}
XDEST_A_AD: val^"("^dest_Indexed16_0_4^")" is dest_Indexed16_0_4 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 & as=0x3 & src16_8_4=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16 [val=(ctx_ctregdests << 16) | indexExt2Word16_0_16; ]
{tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_Indexed16_0_4 + val; export *:$(REG_SIZE) tmp;}
XDEST_A_AD: labelCalc is dest=0x0 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 [labelCalc = inst_start + 4 + ((ctx_ctregdests << 16) | indexExtWord16_0_16); ]
{export *:$(REG_SIZE) labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XDEST_A_AD: labelCalc is dest=0x0 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 & as=0x1 & ((src16_8_4>=0x0 & src16_8_4<=0x2) | (src16_8_4>=0x4 & src16_8_4<=0xF)) ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16 [labelCalc = inst_start + 4 + ((ctx_ctregdests << 16) | indexExt2Word16_0_16); ]
{export *:$(REG_SIZE) labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XDEST_A_AD: labelCalc is dest=0x0 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 & as=0x3 & src16_8_4=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16 [labelCalc = inst_start + 4 + ((ctx_ctregdests << 16) | indexExt2Word16_0_16); ]
{export *:$(REG_SIZE) labelCalc; } # Symbolic
XDEST_A_AD: "&"^val is dest=0x2 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 [val=(ctx_ctregdest << 16) | indexExtWord16_0_16; ]
{export *:$(REG_SIZE) val; } # Absolute
XDEST_A_AD: "&"^val is dest=0x2 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 & as=0x1 & ((src16_8_4>=0x0 & src16_8_4<=0x2) | (src16_8_4>=0x4 & src16_8_4<=0xF)) ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16 [val=(ctx_ctregdest << 16) | indexExt2Word16_0_16; ]
{export *:$(REG_SIZE) val; } # Absolute
XDEST_A_AD: "&"^val is dest=0x2 & ad=0x1 & bow=0x1 & as=0x3 & src16_8_4=0x0 ; indexExtWord16_0_16 ; indexExt2Word16_0_16 [val=(ctx_ctregdest << 16) | indexExt2Word16_0_16; ]
{export *:$(REG_SIZE) val; } # Absolute
macro setaddflags(ans, in1, in2)
tmp1:$(REG_SIZE) = zext(in1[0,20]);
tmp2:$(REG_SIZE) = zext(in2[0,20]);
tmp1 = tmp1 + tmp2;
$(CARRY) = tmp1 > 0xFFFFF;
$(OVERFLOW) = ((in1 s>= 0) & (in2 s>= 0) & (ans s< 0)) | ((in1 s< 0) & (in2 s< 0) & (ans s>= 0));
$(SIGN) = (ans s< 0);
$(ZERO) = (ans == 0);
macro setsubflags(ans, in1, in2)
tmp1:$(REG_SIZE) = zext(in1[0,20]);
tmp2:$(REG_SIZE) = zext(in2[0,20]);
$(CARRY) = tmp1 > tmp2;
$(OVERFLOW) = ((in1 s< 0) & (in2 s>= 0) & (ans s< 0)) | ((in1 s>= 0) & (in2 s< 0) & (ans s>= 0));
$(SIGN) = (ans s< 0);
$(ZERO) = (ans == 0);
# Subtables for the pushm/popm variants.
# In memory, the 20 bit regs take up 4 bytes with all the uppers being 0.
# However, to get some of the math to work, the 20bit regs are sign extended when reading from mem.
PUSHAR0: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHAR0: is ctx_mreg=0x0 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 4;
*[RAM]:4 SP = inst_start & 0xFFFFF;
PUSHAR1: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHAR1: is PUSHAR0 {build PUSHAR0;}
PUSHAR1: is ctx_mreg=0x1 & PUSHAR0 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 4;
*[RAM]:4 SP = SP & 0xFFFF;
build PUSHAR0;
PUSHAR2: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHAR2: is PUSHAR1 {build PUSHAR1;}
PUSHAR2: is ctx_mreg=0x2 & PUSHAR1 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 4;
*[RAM]:4 SP = SR & 0xFFFF;
build PUSHAR1;
PUSHAR3: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHAR3: is PUSHAR2 {build PUSHAR2;}
PUSHAR3: is ctx_mreg=0x3 & PUSHAR2 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 4;
*[RAM]:4 SP = R3 & 0xFFFFF;
build PUSHAR2;
PUSHAR4: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHAR4: is PUSHAR3 {build PUSHAR3;}
PUSHAR4: is ctx_mreg=0x4 & PUSHAR3 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 4;
*[RAM]:4 SP = R4 & 0xFFFFF;
build PUSHAR3;
PUSHAR5: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHAR5: is PUSHAR4 {build PUSHAR4;}
PUSHAR5: is ctx_mreg=0x5 & PUSHAR4 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 4;
*[RAM]:4 SP = R5 & 0xFFFFF;
build PUSHAR4;
PUSHAR6: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHAR6: is PUSHAR5 {build PUSHAR5;}
PUSHAR6: is ctx_mreg=0x6 & PUSHAR5 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 4;
*[RAM]:4 SP = R6 & 0xFFFFF;
build PUSHAR5;
PUSHAR7: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHAR7: is PUSHAR6 {build PUSHAR6;}
PUSHAR7: is ctx_mreg=0x7 & PUSHAR6 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 4;
*[RAM]:4 SP = R7 & 0xFFFFF;
build PUSHAR6;
PUSHAR8: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHAR8: is PUSHAR7 {build PUSHAR7;}
PUSHAR8: is ctx_mreg=0x8 & PUSHAR7 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 4;
*[RAM]:4 SP = R8 & 0xFFFFF;
build PUSHAR7;
PUSHAR9: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHAR9: is PUSHAR8 {build PUSHAR8;}
PUSHAR9: is ctx_mreg=0x9 & PUSHAR8 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 4;
*[RAM]:4 SP = R9 & 0xFFFFF;
build PUSHAR8;
PUSHAR10: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHAR10: is PUSHAR9 {build PUSHAR9;}
PUSHAR10: is ctx_mreg=0xA & PUSHAR9 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 4;
*[RAM]:4 SP = R10 & 0xFFFFF;
build PUSHAR9;
PUSHAR11: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHAR11: is PUSHAR10 {build PUSHAR10;}
PUSHAR11: is ctx_mreg=0xB & PUSHAR10 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 4;
*[RAM]:4 SP = R11 & 0xFFFFF;
build PUSHAR10;
PUSHAR12: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHAR12: is PUSHAR11 {build PUSHAR11;}
PUSHAR12: is ctx_mreg=0xC & PUSHAR11 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 4;
*[RAM]:4 SP = R12 & 0xFFFFF;
build PUSHAR11;
PUSHAR13: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHAR13: is PUSHAR12 {build PUSHAR12;}
PUSHAR13: is ctx_mreg=0xD & PUSHAR12 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 4;
*[RAM]:4 SP = R13 & 0xFFFFF;
build PUSHAR12;
PUSHAR14: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHAR14: is PUSHAR13 {build PUSHAR13;}
PUSHAR14: is ctx_mreg=0xE & PUSHAR13 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 4;
*[RAM]:4 SP = R14 & 0xFFFFF;
build PUSHAR13;
PUSHAR15: is PUSHAR14 {build PUSHAR14;}
PUSHAR15: is ctx_mreg=0xF & PUSHAR14 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 4;
*[RAM]:4 SP = R15 & 0xFFFFF;
build PUSHAR14;
PUSHWR0: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHWR0: is ctx_mreg=0x0 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 2;
*[RAM]:2 SP = inst_start & 0xFFFF;
PUSHWR1: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHWR1: is PUSHWR0 {build PUSHWR0;}
PUSHWR1: is ctx_mreg=0x1 & PUSHWR0 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 2;
*[RAM]:2 SP = SP:2;
build PUSHWR0;
PUSHWR2: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHWR2: is PUSHWR1 {build PUSHWR1;}
PUSHWR2: is ctx_mreg=0x2 & PUSHWR1 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 2;
*[RAM]:2 SP = SR:2;
build PUSHWR1;
PUSHWR3: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHWR3: is PUSHWR2 {build PUSHWR2;}
PUSHWR3: is ctx_mreg=0x3 & PUSHWR2 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 2;
*[RAM]:2 SP = R3:2;
build PUSHWR2;
PUSHWR4: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHWR4: is PUSHWR3 {build PUSHWR3;}
PUSHWR4: is ctx_mreg=0x4 & PUSHWR3 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 2;
*[RAM]:2 SP = R4:2;
build PUSHWR3;
PUSHWR5: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHWR5: is PUSHWR4 {build PUSHWR4;}
PUSHWR5: is ctx_mreg=0x5 & PUSHWR4 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 2;
*[RAM]:2 SP = R5:2;
build PUSHWR4;
PUSHWR6: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHWR6: is PUSHWR5 {build PUSHWR5;}
PUSHWR6: is ctx_mreg=0x6 & PUSHWR5 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 2;
*[RAM]:2 SP = R6:2;
build PUSHWR5;
PUSHWR7: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHWR7: is PUSHWR6 {build PUSHWR6;}
PUSHWR7: is ctx_mreg=0x7 & PUSHWR6 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 2;
*[RAM]:2 SP = R7:2;
build PUSHWR6;
PUSHWR8: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHWR8: is PUSHWR7 {build PUSHWR7;}
PUSHWR8: is ctx_mreg=0x8 & PUSHWR7 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 2;
*[RAM]:2 SP = R8:2;
build PUSHWR7;
PUSHWR9: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHWR9: is PUSHWR8 {build PUSHWR8;}
PUSHWR9: is ctx_mreg=0x9 & PUSHWR8 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 2;
*[RAM]:2 SP = R9:2;
build PUSHWR8;
PUSHWR10: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHWR10: is PUSHWR9 {build PUSHWR9;}
PUSHWR10: is ctx_mreg=0xA & PUSHWR9 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 2;
*[RAM]:2 SP = R10:2;
build PUSHWR9;
PUSHWR11: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHWR11: is PUSHWR10 {build PUSHWR10;}
PUSHWR11: is ctx_mreg=0xB & PUSHWR10 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 2;
*[RAM]:2 SP = R11:2;
build PUSHWR10;
PUSHWR12: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHWR12: is PUSHWR11 {build PUSHWR11;}
PUSHWR12: is ctx_mreg=0xC & PUSHWR11 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 2;
*[RAM]:2 SP = R12:2;
build PUSHWR11;
PUSHWR13: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHWR13: is PUSHWR12 {build PUSHWR12;}
PUSHWR13: is ctx_mreg=0xD & PUSHWR12 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 2;
*[RAM]:2 SP = R13:2;
build PUSHWR12;
PUSHWR14: is ctx_count=0 {}
PUSHWR14: is PUSHWR13 {build PUSHWR13;}
PUSHWR14: is ctx_mreg=0xE & PUSHWR13 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 2;
*[RAM]:2 SP = R14:2;
build PUSHWR13;
PUSHWR15: is PUSHWR14 {build PUSHWR14;}
PUSHWR15: is ctx_mreg=0xF & PUSHWR14 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg-1;] {
SP = SP - 2;
*[RAM]:2 SP = R15:2;
build PUSHWR14;
POPAR15: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPAR15: is ctx_mreg=0xF {
R15 = *[RAM]:4 SP;
R15 = sext(R15[0,20]);
SP = SP + 4;
POPAR14: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPAR14: is POPAR15 {build POPAR15;}
POPAR14: is ctx_mreg=0xE & POPAR15 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R14 = *[RAM]:4 SP;
R14 = sext(R14[0,20]);
SP = SP + 4;
build POPAR15;
POPAR13: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPAR13: is POPAR14 {build POPAR14;}
POPAR13: is ctx_mreg=0xD & POPAR14 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R13 = *[RAM]:4 SP;
R13 = sext(R13[0,20]);
SP = SP + 4;
build POPAR14;
POPAR12: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPAR12: is POPAR13 {build POPAR13;}
POPAR12: is ctx_mreg=0xC & POPAR13 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R12 = *[RAM]:4 SP;
R12 = sext(R12[0,20]);
SP = SP + 4;
build POPAR13;
POPAR11: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPAR11: is POPAR12 {build POPAR12;}
POPAR11: is ctx_mreg=0xB & POPAR12 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R11 = *[RAM]:4 SP;
R11 = sext(R11[0,20]);
SP = SP + 4;
build POPAR12;
POPAR10: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPAR10: is POPAR11 {build POPAR11;}
POPAR10: is ctx_mreg=0xA & POPAR11 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R10 = *[RAM]:4 SP;
R10 = sext(R10[0,20]);
SP = SP + 4;
build POPAR11;
POPAR9: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPAR9: is POPAR10 {build POPAR10;}
POPAR9: is ctx_mreg=0x9 & POPAR10 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R9 = *[RAM]:4 SP;
R9 = sext(R9[0,20]);
SP = SP + 4;
build POPAR10;
POPAR8: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPAR8: is POPAR9 {build POPAR9;}
POPAR8: is ctx_mreg=0x8 & POPAR9 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R8 = *[RAM]:4 SP;
R8 = sext(R8[0,20]);
SP = SP + 4;
build POPAR9;
POPAR7: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPAR7: is POPAR8 {build POPAR8;}
POPAR7: is ctx_mreg=0x7 & POPAR8 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R7 = *[RAM]:4 SP;
R7 = sext(R7[0,20]);
SP = SP + 4;
build POPAR8;
POPAR6: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPAR6: is POPAR7 {build POPAR7;}
POPAR6: is ctx_mreg=0x6 & POPAR7 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R6 = *[RAM]:4 SP;
R6 = sext(R6[0,20]);
SP = SP + 4;
build POPAR7;
POPAR5: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPAR5: is POPAR6 {build POPAR6;}
POPAR5: is ctx_mreg=0x5 & POPAR6 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R5 = *[RAM]:4 SP;
R5 = sext(R5[0,20]);
SP = SP + 4;
build POPAR6;
POPAR4: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPAR4: is POPAR5 {build POPAR5;}
POPAR4: is ctx_mreg=0x4 & POPAR5 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R4 = *[RAM]:4 SP;
R4 = sext(R4[0,20]);
SP = SP + 4;
build POPAR5;
POPAR3: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPAR3: is POPAR4 {build POPAR4;}
POPAR3: is ctx_mreg=0x3 & POPAR4 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R3 = *[RAM]:4 SP;
R3 = sext(R3[0,20]);
SP = SP + 4;
build POPAR4;
POPAR2: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPAR2: is POPAR3 {build POPAR3;}
POPAR2: is ctx_mreg=0x2 & POPAR3 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
SR = *[RAM]:4 SP;
SP = SP + 4;
build POPAR3;
POPAR1: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPAR1: is POPAR2 {build POPAR2;}
POPAR1: is ctx_mreg=0x1 & POPAR2 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
SP = *[RAM]:4 SP;
SP = sext(SP[0,20]);
SP = SP + 4;
build POPAR2;
POPAR0: is POPAR1 {build POPAR1;}
POPAR0: is ctx_mreg=0x0 & POPAR1 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
PC = *[RAM]:4 SP;
PC = sext(PC[0,20]);
SP = SP + 4;
build POPAR1;
goto [PC];
POPWR15: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPWR15: is ctx_mreg=0xF {
R15 = zext(*[RAM]:2 SP);
SP = SP + 2;
POPWR14: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPWR14: is POPWR15 {build POPWR15;}
POPWR14: is ctx_mreg=0xE & POPWR15 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R14 = zext(*[RAM]:2 SP);
SP = SP + 2;
build POPWR15;
POPWR13: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPWR13: is POPWR14 {build POPWR14;}
POPWR13: is ctx_mreg=0xD & POPWR14 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R13 = zext(*[RAM]:2 SP);
SP = SP + 2;
build POPWR14;
POPWR12: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPWR12: is POPWR13 {build POPWR13;}
POPWR12: is ctx_mreg=0xC & POPWR13 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R12 = zext(*[RAM]:2 SP);
SP = SP + 2;
build POPWR13;
POPWR11: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPWR11: is POPWR12 {build POPWR12;}
POPWR11: is ctx_mreg=0xB & POPWR12 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R11 = zext(*[RAM]:2 SP);
SP = SP + 2;
build POPWR12;
POPWR10: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPWR10: is POPWR11 {build POPWR11;}
POPWR10: is ctx_mreg=0xA & POPWR11 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R10 = zext(*[RAM]:2 SP);
SP = SP + 2;
build POPWR11;
POPWR9: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPWR9: is POPWR10 {build POPWR10;}
POPWR9: is ctx_mreg=0x9 & POPWR10 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R9 = zext(*[RAM]:2 SP);
SP = SP + 2;
build POPWR10;
POPWR8: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPWR8: is POPWR9 {build POPWR9;}
POPWR8: is ctx_mreg=0x8 & POPWR9 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R8 = zext(*[RAM]:2 SP);
SP = SP + 2;
build POPWR9;
POPWR7: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPWR7: is POPWR8 {build POPWR8;}
POPWR7: is ctx_mreg=0x7 & POPWR8 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R7 = zext(*[RAM]:2 SP);
SP = SP + 2;
build POPWR8;
POPWR6: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPWR6: is POPWR7 {build POPWR7;}
POPWR6: is ctx_mreg=0x6 & POPWR7 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R6 = zext(*[RAM]:2 SP);
SP = SP + 2;
build POPWR7;
POPWR5: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPWR5: is POPWR6 {build POPWR6;}
POPWR5: is ctx_mreg=0x5 & POPWR6 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R5 = zext(*[RAM]:2 SP);
SP = SP + 2;
build POPWR6;
POPWR4: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPWR4: is POPWR5 {build POPWR5;}
POPWR4: is ctx_mreg=0x4 & POPWR5 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R4 = zext(*[RAM]:2 SP);
SP = SP + 2;
build POPWR5;
POPWR3: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPWR3: is POPWR4 {build POPWR4;}
POPWR3: is ctx_mreg=0x3 & POPWR4 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
R3 = zext(*[RAM]:2 SP);
SP = SP + 2;
build POPWR4;
POPWR2: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPWR2: is POPWR3 {build POPWR3;}
POPWR2: is ctx_mreg=0x2 & POPWR3 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
SR = zext(*[RAM]:2 SP);
SP = SP + 2;
build POPWR3;
POPWR1: is ctx_count=0 {}
POPWR1: is POPWR2 {build POPWR2;}
POPWR1: is ctx_mreg=0x1 & POPWR2 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
SP = zext(*[RAM]:2 SP);
SP = SP + 2;
build POPWR2;
POPWR0: is POPWR1 {build POPWR1;}
POPWR0: is ctx_mreg=0x0 & POPWR1 [ctx_count=ctx_count-1; ctx_mreg=ctx_mreg+1;] {
PC = zext(*[RAM]:2 SP);
SP = SP + 2;
build POPWR1;
goto [PC];
:ADDA src_8_4, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0xE & src_8_4 & dest_0_4 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = src_8_4 + dest_0_4;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
:ADDA src_8_4, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0xE & src_8_4 & dest_0_4 & dest_0_4=0x0 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = inst_start + 2;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = src_8_4 + tmpd;
PC = sext(tmp[0,20]);
goto [PC];
:ADDA src_8_4, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0xE & src_8_4 & src_8_4=0x0 & dest_0_4 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmps:$(REG_SIZE) = inst_start + 2;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = tmps + dest_0_4;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
:ADDA "#"^Abs20s, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0xA & imm_8_4 & dest_0_4 ; Abs20s [ctx_ctregdest=imm_8_4;] {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmps:$(REG_SIZE) = sext(Abs20s);
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = tmpd + tmps;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
:ADDA "#"^Abs20s, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0xA & imm_8_4 & dest_0_4 & dest_0_4=0x0; Abs20s [ctx_ctregdest=imm_8_4;] {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = inst_start + 2;
tmps:$(REG_SIZE) = sext(Abs20s);
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = tmpd + tmps;
PC = sext(tmp[0,20]);
goto [PC];
:CMPA src_8_4, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0xD & src_8_4 & dest_0_4 {
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4 - src_8_4;
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = sext(tmp[0,20]);
:CMPA "#"^Abs20s, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x9 & imm_8_4 & dest_0_4 ; Abs20s [ctx_ctregdest=imm_8_4;] {
tmps:$(REG_SIZE) = sext(Abs20s);
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4 - tmps;
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = sext(tmp[0,20]);
:MOVA "@"^src_8_4, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x0 & src_8_4 & dest_0_4 {
dest_0_4 = *[RAM]:$(REG_SIZE) src_8_4;
dest_0_4 = sext(dest_0_4[0,20]);
:MOVA "@"^src_8_4^"+", dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x1 & src_8_4 & dest_0_4 {
dest_0_4 = *[RAM]:$(REG_SIZE) src_8_4;
dest_0_4 = sext(dest_0_4[0,20]);
src_8_4 = src_8_4 + 4;
:MOVA "&"^Abs20, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x2 & imm_8_4 & dest_0_4 ; Abs20 [ctx_ctregdest=imm_8_4;] {
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = zext(Abs20);
dest_0_4 = *[RAM]:$(REG_SIZE) tmp;
dest_0_4 = sext(dest_0_4[0,20]);
:MOVA imms_0_16^"("^src_8_4^")", dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x3 & src_8_4 & dest_0_4 ; imms_0_16 {
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = src_8_4 + sext(imms_0_16:2);
dest_0_4 = *[RAM]:$(REG_SIZE) tmp;
dest_0_4 = sext(dest_0_4[0,20]);
:MOVA src_8_4, "&"^Abs20 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x6 & imm_0_4 & src_8_4 ; Abs20 [ctx_ctregdest=imm_0_4;] {
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = zext(Abs20);
*[RAM]:$(REG_SIZE) tmp = src_8_4 & 0xFFFFF;
:MOVA src_8_4, imms_0_16^"("^dest_0_4^")" is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x7 & src_8_4 & dest_0_4 ; imms_0_16 {
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4 + sext(imms_0_16:2);
*[RAM]:$(REG_SIZE) tmp = src_8_4 & 0xFFFFF;
:MOVA "#"^Abs20s, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x8 & imm_8_4 & dest_0_4 ; Abs20s [ctx_ctregdest=imm_8_4;] {
dest_0_4 = sext(Abs20s);
:MOVA src_8_4, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0xC & src_8_4 & dest_0_4 {
dest_0_4 = src_8_4;
:SUBA src_8_4, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0xF & src_8_4 & dest_0_4 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4 - src_8_4;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
:SUBA src_8_4, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0xF & src_8_4 & dest_0_4 & dest_0_4=0x0 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = inst_start + 2;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = tmpd - src_8_4;
PC = sext(tmp[0,20]);
goto [PC];
:SUBA src_8_4, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0xF & src_8_4 & src_8_4=0x0 & dest_0_4 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmps:$(REG_SIZE) = inst_start + 2;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4 - tmps;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
:SUBA "#"^Abs20s, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0xB & imm_8_4 & dest_0_4 ; Abs20s [ctx_ctregdest=imm_8_4;] {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmps:$(REG_SIZE) = sext(Abs20s);
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4 - tmps;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
:SUBA "#"^Abs20s, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0xB & imm_8_4 & dest_0_4 & dest_0_4=0x0; Abs20s [ctx_ctregdest=imm_8_4;] {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = inst_start + 2;
tmps:$(REG_SIZE) = sext(Abs20s);
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = tmpd - tmps;
PC = sext(tmp[0,20]);
goto [PC];
# Special cases of renamed MOVA where PC is involved
# This first case doesn't make any sense, but I saw it in the cunits. The instruction word is all 0.
# The toolchain comes back with a 'beq', but that doesn't make sense either as there is no beq instruction
# anywhere in the manual. One toolchain allows BRA @PC, another one doesn't. I did find reference to gvv
# assembler extension regarding @rN being treated as 0(rN) and vice versa. That would effectively turn
# this into a branch to following instruction. What I think may be happening is a compiler bug where in
# some cases an immediate gets output even though the constant generator is used.
:BRA "@"^src_8_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x0 & src_8_4 & src_8_4=0 & dest_0_4=0x0 {
:BRA "@"^src_8_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x0 & src_8_4 & dest_0_4=0x0 {
PC = *[RAM]:$(REG_SIZE) src_8_4;
PC = sext(PC[0,20]);
goto [PC];
:BRA "@"^src_8_4^"+" is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x1 & src_8_4 & dest_0_4=0x0 {
PC = *[RAM]:$(REG_SIZE) src_8_4;
PC = sext(PC[0,20]);
src_8_4 = src_8_4 + 4;
goto [PC];
:BRA "&"^Abs20 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x2 & imm_8_4 & dest_0_4=0x0; Abs20 [ctx_ctregdest=imm_8_4;] {
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = zext(Abs20);
PC = *[RAM]:$(REG_SIZE) tmp;
PC = sext(PC[0,20]);
goto [PC];
:BRA imms_0_16^"("^src_8_4^")" is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x3 & src_8_4 & dest_0_4=0x0; imms_0_16 {
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = src_8_4 + sext(imms_0_16:2);
PC = *[RAM]:$(REG_SIZE) tmp;
PC = sext(PC[0,20]);
goto [PC];
:BRA "#"^Abs20add is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x8 & imm_8_4 & dest_0_4=0x0; Abs20add [ctx_ctregdest=imm_8_4;] {
# PC = Abs20add;
goto Abs20add;
:BRA src_8_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0xC & src_8_4 & dest_0_4=0x0 {
PC = src_8_4;
goto [PC];
:RETA "@"^src_8_4^"+" is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x1 & src_8_4 & src_8_4=0x1 & dest_0_4=0x0 {
PC = *[RAM]:$(REG_SIZE) src_8_4;
PC = sext(PC[0,20]);
SP = SP + 4;
return [PC];
# Special cases of SUBA/ADDA/CMPA/MOVA
:DECDA dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0xB & imm_8_4=0x0 & dest_0_4 ; imm_0_16=0x0002 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmps:$(REG_SIZE) = 2;
dest_0_4 = dest_0_4 - 2;
dest_0_4 = sext(dest_0_4[0,20]);
:INCDA dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0xA & imm_8_4=0x0 & dest_0_4 ; imm_0_16=0x0002 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmps:$(REG_SIZE) = 2;
dest_0_4 = dest_0_4 + 2;
dest_0_4 = sext(dest_0_4[0,20]);
:TSTA dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x9 & imm_8_4=0x0 & dest_0_4 ; imm_0_16=0x0000 {
$(CARRY) = 1;
$(OVERFLOW) = 0;
$(SIGN) = (dest_0_4 s< 0);
$(ZERO) = (dest_0_4 == 0);
:CLRA dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insid=0x8 & imm_8_4=0 & dest_0_4 ; imm_0_16=0 {
dest_0_4 = 0;
# Other 20 bit address instructions
:CALLA dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_8_8=0x13 & op16_4_4=0x4 & dest_0_4 {
SP = SP - 0x4;
*:4 SP = inst_next;
PC = dest_0_4;
call [PC];
:CALLA imms_0_16^"("^dest_0_4^")" is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_8_8=0x13 & op16_4_4=0x5 & dest_0_4 ; imms_0_16 {
SP = SP - 0x4;
*:4 SP = inst_next;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4 + sext(imms_0_16:2);
PC = *[RAM]:$(REG_SIZE) tmp;
PC = sext(PC[0,20]);
call [PC];
:CALLA "@"^dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_8_8=0x13 & op16_4_4=0x6 & dest_0_4 {
SP = SP - 0x4;
*:4 SP = inst_next;
PC = *[RAM]:$(REG_SIZE) dest_0_4;
PC = sext(PC[0,20]);
call [PC];
:CALLA "@"^dest_0_4^"+" is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_8_8=0x13 & op16_4_4=0x7 & dest_0_4 {
SP = SP - 0x4;
*:4 SP = inst_next;
PC = *[RAM]:$(REG_SIZE) dest_0_4;
PC = sext(PC[0,20]);
dest_0_4 = dest_0_4 + 4;
call [PC];
:CALLA "&"^Abs20 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_8_8=0x13 & op16_4_4=0x8 & imm_0_4; Abs20 [ctx_ctregdest=imm_0_4;] {
SP = SP - 0x4;
*:4 SP = inst_next;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = zext(Abs20);
PC = *[RAM]:$(REG_SIZE) tmp;
PC = sext(PC[0,20]);
call [PC];
:CALLA imms_0_16^"(PC)" is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_8_8=0x13 & op16_4_4=0x9 & imms_0_16 {
SP = SP - 0x4;
*:4 SP = inst_next;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = inst_start + sext(imms_0_16:2);
PC = *[RAM]:$(REG_SIZE) tmp;
PC = sext(PC[0,20]);
call [PC];
:CALLA "#"^Abs20add is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_8_8=0x13 & op16_4_4=0xB & imm_0_4; Abs20add [ctx_ctregdest = imm_0_4;] {
SP = SP - 0x4;
*:4 SP = inst_next;
PC = &Abs20add;
call Abs20add;
:PUSHM.A IMM4,dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_8_8=0x14 & IMM4 & dest_0_4 & imm_4_4 & PUSHAR15 [ctx_count=imm_4_4+1; ctx_mreg=dest_0_4;] {
build IMM4;
build PUSHAR15;
:PUSHM.W IMM4,dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_8_8=0x15 & IMM4 & dest_0_4 & imm_4_4 & PUSHWR15 [ctx_count=imm_4_4+1; ctx_mreg=dest_0_4;] {
build IMM4;
build PUSHWR15;
:POPM.A IMM4,ctx_popreg is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_8_8=0x16 & IMM4 & ctx_popreg & imm_0_4 & imm_4_4 & POPAR0 [ctx_popreg_set=imm_0_4+imm_4_4; ctx_count=imm_4_4+1; ctx_mreg=imm_0_4;] {
build IMM4;
build POPAR0;
:POPM.W IMM4,ctx_popreg is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_8_8=0x17 & IMM4 & ctx_popreg & imm_0_4 & imm_4_4 & POPWR0 [ctx_popreg_set=imm_0_4+imm_4_4; ctx_count=imm_4_4+1; ctx_mreg=imm_0_4;] {
build IMM4;
build POPWR0;
:RRCM.A NUM2, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insidbig=0x04 & NUM2 & dest_0_4 & rrn {
tmph:$(REG_SIZE) = (dest_0_4 >> rrn) & 0x1;
tmpc:$(REG_SIZE) = zext($(CARRY));
tmpc = tmpc << (20-NUM2);
dest_0_4 = (dest_0_4 >> NUM2) | (dest_0_4 << (20-rrn));
dest_0_4 = ((dest_0_4 & (~tmpc)) | tmpc) & 0xFFFFF;
$(CARRY) = (tmph != 0);
$(OVERFLOW) = 0;
$(SIGN) = (dest_0_4[19,1] != 0);
$(ZERO) = (dest_0_4 == 0);
:RRAM.A NUM2, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insidbig=0x14 & NUM2 & dest_0_4 & rrn {
tmph:$(REG_SIZE) = (dest_0_4 >> rrn) & 0x1;
dest_0_4 = (dest_0_4 s>> NUM2);
$(CARRY) = (tmph != 0);
$(OVERFLOW) = 0;
$(SIGN) = (dest_0_4[19,1] != 0);
$(ZERO) = (dest_0_4 == 0);
:RLAM.A NUM2, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insidbig=0x24 & NUM2 & dest_0_4 {
tmph:$(REG_SIZE) = (dest_0_4 >> (20 - NUM2)) & 0x1;
dest_0_4 = (dest_0_4 << NUM2);
dest_0_4 = sext(dest_0_4[0,20]);
$(CARRY) = (tmph != 0);
$(SIGN) = (dest_0_4[19,1] != 0);
$(ZERO) = (dest_0_4 == 0);
:RRUM.A NUM2, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insidbig=0x34 & NUM2 & dest_0_4 & rrn {
tmph:$(REG_SIZE) = (dest_0_4 >> rrn) & 0x1;
dest_0_4 = (dest_0_4 >> NUM2) & 0xFFFFF;
$(CARRY) = (tmph != 0);
$(OVERFLOW) = 0;
$(SIGN) = 0;
$(ZERO) = (dest_0_4 == 0);
:RRCM.W NUM2, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insidbig=0x05 & NUM2 & dest_0_4 & rrn {
tmpr:2 = dest_0_4:2;
tmph:2 = (tmpr >> rrn) & 0x1;
tmpc:2 = zext($(CARRY));
tmpc = tmpc << (16-NUM2);
tmpr = (tmpr >> NUM2) | (tmpr << (16-rrn));
dest_0_4 = zext((tmpr & (~tmpc)) | tmpc);
$(CARRY) = (tmph != 0);
$(OVERFLOW) = 0;
$(SIGN) = (dest_0_4[15,1] != 0);
$(ZERO) = (dest_0_4 == 0);
:RRAM.W NUM2, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insidbig=0x15 & NUM2 & dest_0_4 & rrn {
tmpr:2 = dest_0_4:2;
tmph:$(REG_SIZE) = (dest_0_4 >> rrn) & 0x1;
dest_0_4 = zext(tmpr s>> NUM2);
$(CARRY) = (tmph != 0);
$(OVERFLOW) = 0;
$(SIGN) = (dest_0_4[19,1] != 0);
$(ZERO) = (dest_0_4 == 0);
:RLAM.W NUM2, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insidbig=0x25 & NUM2 & dest_0_4 {
tmph:$(REG_SIZE) = (dest_0_4 >> (16 - NUM2)) & 0x1;
dest_0_4 = (dest_0_4 << NUM2);
dest_0_4 = zext(dest_0_4:2);
$(CARRY) = (tmph != 0);
$(SIGN) = (dest_0_4[19,1] != 0);
$(ZERO) = (dest_0_4 == 0);
:RRUM.W NUM2, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=0 & op16_12_4=0 & insidbig=0x35 & NUM2 & dest_0_4 & rrn {
tmpr:2 = dest_0_4:2;
tmph:2 = (tmpr >> rrn) & 0x1;
dest_0_4 = zext(tmpr >> NUM2);
$(CARRY) = (tmph != 0);
$(OVERFLOW) = 0;
$(SIGN) = 0;
$(ZERO) = (dest_0_4 == 0);
macro bzero(full, byte)
ztmp:1 = byte;
full = 0;
byte = ztmp;
macro wzero(full, word)
ztmp:2 = word;
full = 0;
word = ztmp;
# Extention word instructions
# The base msp430 handles all the addressing modes in subtables.
# The reg/reg mode for the 'X' instruction has repetition so we
# break that mode out separately. Because of that, we need to use
# separate subtables for the address modes since the base ones
# will hit on the reg/reg mode.
# There are also two groups for the extended instructions:
# double and single operand. The double operand ones come
# first. A lot of the singles are covered under the address
# extensions as they don't have the extension word.
# The manual talks about RRUX extended instructions. However,
# I've determined they don't really exist. First off, the base
# RRU is not mentioned in the manual and is not in the toolchain.
# The toolchain does take rrux instructions, but what I've figured
# out is that for the W and A versions, it substitutes RRUM with
# the 'n' argument being 1. For the B version, it uses rra.b
# followed by a bic.b instruction.
# Double Operand
# Repeat enabled
:ADCX.B DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x6 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
tmp_carry:1 = carry(DST8_0_4,$(CARRY)); #C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(DST8_0_4,$(CARRY)); #V Flag
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = DST8_0_4 + $(CARRY);
# Result Flags...
$(CARRY) = tmp_carry;
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:ADCX.W DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x6 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
tmp_carry:1 = carry(DST16_0_4,zext($(CARRY))); #C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(DST16_0_4,zext($(CARRY))); #V Flag
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = DST16_0_4 + zext($(CARRY));
# Result Flags...
$(CARRY) = tmp_carry;
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:ADCX.A dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x6 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & dest_0_4 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmpc:$(REG_SIZE) = zext($(CARRY));
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = tmpc + dest_0_4;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:ADDX.B XRSRC_B_AS, DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x5 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_B_AS & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = carry(XRSRC_B_AS, DST8_0_4); # C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(XRSRC_B_AS, DST8_0_4); # V Flag
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = XRSRC_B_AS + DST8_0_4;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:ADDX.W XRSRC_W_AS, DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x5 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_W_AS & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = carry(XRSRC_W_AS, DST16_0_4); # C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(XRSRC_W_AS, DST16_0_4); # V Flag
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = XRSRC_W_AS + DST16_0_4;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:ADDX.A XRSRC_A_AS, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x5 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_A_AS & dest_0_4 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = XRSRC_A_AS + dest_0_4;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:ADDCX.B XRSRC_B_AS, DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x6 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_B_AS & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
tmp_carry:1 = (carry(XRSRC_B_AS, $(CARRY)) || carry(DST8_0_4,XRSRC_B_AS + $(CARRY))); #C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = (scarry(XRSRC_B_AS, $(CARRY)) || scarry(DST8_0_4,XRSRC_B_AS + $(CARRY))); #V Flag
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = XRSRC_B_AS + DST8_0_4 + $(CARRY);
# Result Flags...
$(CARRY) = tmp_carry;
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:ADDCX.W XRSRC_W_AS, DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x6 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_W_AS & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
tmp_carry:1 = (carry(XRSRC_W_AS,zext($(CARRY))) || carry(DST16_0_4,XRSRC_W_AS + zext($(CARRY)))); #C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = (scarry(XRSRC_W_AS,zext($(CARRY))) || scarry(DST16_0_4,XRSRC_W_AS + zext($(CARRY)))); #V Flag
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = XRSRC_W_AS + DST16_0_4 + zext($(CARRY));
# Result Flags...
$(CARRY) = tmp_carry;
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:ADDCX.A XRSRC_A_AS, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x6 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_A_AS & dest_0_4 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmps:$(REG_SIZE) = XRSRC_A_AS + zext($(CARRY));
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = tmps + dest_0_4;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:ANDX.B XRSRC_B_AS, DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xF & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_B_AS & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = DST8_0_4 & XRSRC_B_AS;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (DST8_0_4 != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:ANDX.W XRSRC_W_AS, DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xF & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_W_AS & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = DST16_0_4 & XRSRC_W_AS;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (DST16_0_4 != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:ANDX.A XRSRC_A_AS, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xF & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_A_AS & dest_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag
# Operation...
dest_0_4 = dest_0_4 & XRSRC_A_AS;
dest_0_4 = sext(dest_0_4[0,20]);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (dest_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (dest_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (dest_0_4 != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:BICX.B XRSRC_B_AS, DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xC & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_B_AS & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
DST8_0_4 = (~XRSRC_B_AS) & DST8_0_4;
#Status bits are not affected
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:BICX.W XRSRC_W_AS, DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xC & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_W_AS & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
DST16_0_4 = (~XRSRC_W_AS) & DST16_0_4;
#Status bits are not affected
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:BICX.A XRSRC_A_AS, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xC & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_A_AS & dest_0_4 {
dest_0_4 = (~XRSRC_A_AS) & dest_0_4;
dest_0_4 = zext(dest_0_4[0,20]);
#Status bits are not affected
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:BISX.B XRSRC_B_AS, DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xD & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_B_AS & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
DST8_0_4 = XRSRC_B_AS | DST8_0_4;
#Status bits are not affected
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:BISX.W XRSRC_W_AS, DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xD & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_W_AS & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
DST16_0_4 = XRSRC_W_AS | DST16_0_4;
#Status bits are not affected
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:BISX.A XRSRC_A_AS, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xD & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_A_AS & dest_0_4 {
dest_0_4 = XRSRC_A_AS | dest_0_4;
#Status bits are not affected
dest_0_4 = sext(dest_0_4[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:BITX.B XRSRC_B_AS, DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xB & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrement & XRSRC_B_AS & DST8_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag (reset)
# Operation...
result:1 = DST8_0_4 & XRSRC_B_AS;
# Result Flags...
$(CARRY) = (result != 0x0); # C Flag
$(SIGN) = (result s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (result == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:BITX.W XRSRC_W_AS, DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xB & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrement & XRSRC_W_AS & DST16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag (reset)
# Operation...
result:2 = DST16_0_4 & XRSRC_W_AS;
# Result Flags...
$(CARRY) = (result != 0x0); # C Flag
$(SIGN) = (result s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (result == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:BITX.A XRSRC_A_AS, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xB & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrement & XRSRC_A_AS & dest_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag (reset)
# Operation...
result:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4 & XRSRC_A_AS;
# Result Flags...
result = sext(result[0,20]);
$(CARRY) = (result != 0x0); # C Flag
$(SIGN) = (result s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (result == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:CLRX.B DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x4 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
DST8_0_4 = 0;
#Status bits are not affected
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:CLRX.W DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x4 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
DST16_0_4 = 0;
#Status bits are not affected
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:CLRX.A dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x4 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & dest_0_4 {
dest_0_4 = 0;
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:CMPX.B XRSRC_B_AS, DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x9 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrement & XRSRC_B_AS & DST8_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = (XRSRC_B_AS <= DST8_0_4); # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(DST8_0_4, XRSRC_B_AS); # V Flag
# Operation...
result:1 = (DST8_0_4 - XRSRC_B_AS);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (result s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (result == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:CMPX.W XRSRC_W_AS, DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x9 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrement & XRSRC_W_AS & DST16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = (XRSRC_W_AS <= DST16_0_4); # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(DST16_0_4, XRSRC_W_AS); # V Flag
# Operation...
result:2 = (DST16_0_4 - XRSRC_W_AS);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (result s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (result == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:CMPX.A XRSRC_A_AS, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x9 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrement & XRSRC_A_AS & dest_0_4 {
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4 - XRSRC_A_AS;
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:DADCX.B DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xA & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = 0; # This should be overflow
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = bcd_add(DST8_0_4);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:DADCX.W DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xA & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = 0; # Don't currently have BCD overflow op
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = bcd_add(DST16_0_4);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:DADCX.A dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xA & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & dest_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = 0; # Don't currently have BCD overflow op
# Operation...
dest_0_4 = bcd_add(dest_0_4);
dest_0_4 = sext(dest_0_4[0,20]);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (dest_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (dest_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:DADDX.B XRSRC_B_AS, DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xA & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_B_AS & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = 0; # This should be overflow
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = bcd_add(XRSRC_B_AS,DST8_0_4);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:DADDX.W XRSRC_W_AS, DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xA & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_W_AS & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = 0; # Don't currently have BCD overflow op
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = bcd_add(XRSRC_W_AS ,DST16_0_4);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:DADDX.A XRSRC_A_AS, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xA & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_A_AS & dest_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = 0; # Don't currently have BCD overflow op
# Operation...
dest_0_4 = bcd_add(XRSRC_A_AS ,dest_0_4);
dest_0_4 = sext(dest_0_4[0,20]);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (dest_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (dest_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:DECX.B DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x8 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = (1 <= DST8_0_4); # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(DST8_0_4, 1:1); # V Flag
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = DST8_0_4 - 1;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:DECX.W DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x8 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = (1 <= DST16_0_4); # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(DST16_0_4, 1:2); # V Flag
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = DST16_0_4 - 1;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:DECX.A dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x8 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & dest_0_4 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4 - 1;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:DECDX.B DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x8 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = (2 <= DST8_0_4); # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(DST8_0_4, 2:1); # V Flag
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = DST8_0_4 - 2;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:DECDX.W DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x8 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = (2 <= DST16_0_4); # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(DST16_0_4, 2:2); # V Flag
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = DST16_0_4 - 2;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:DECDX.A dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x8 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & dest_0_4 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4 - 2;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:INCX.B DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x5 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = carry(DST8_0_4,1); # C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(DST8_0_4,1); # V Flag
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = 1 + DST8_0_4;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:INCX.W DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x5 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = carry(DST16_0_4,1); # C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(DST16_0_4,1); # V Flag
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = 1:2 + DST16_0_4;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:INCX.A dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x5 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & dest_0_4 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = 1 + dest_0_4;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:INCDX.B DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x5 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = carry(DST8_0_4,2); # C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(DST8_0_4,2); # V Flag
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = 2 + DST8_0_4;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:INCDX.W DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x5 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = carry(DST16_0_4,2); # C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(DST16_0_4,2); # V Flag
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = 2:2 + DST16_0_4;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:INCDX.A dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x5 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & dest_0_4 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = 2 + dest_0_4;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:INVX.B DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xE & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = DST8_0_4 s< 0x0; # V Flag
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = DST8_0_4 ^ -1;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (DST8_0_4 != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:INVX.W DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xE & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = DST16_0_4 s< 0x0 ; # V Flag
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = DST16_0_4 ^ -1;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (DST16_0_4 != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:INVX.A dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xE & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & dest_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = dest_0_4 s< 0x0; # V Flag
# Operation...
dest_0_4 = dest_0_4 ^ -1;
dest_0_4 = sext(dest_0_4[0,20]);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (dest_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (dest_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (dest_0_4 != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:MOVX.B XRSRC_B_AS, DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x4 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_B_AS & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
DST8_0_4 = XRSRC_B_AS;
#Status bits are not affected
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:MOVX.W XRSRC_W_AS, DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x4 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_W_AS & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
DST16_0_4 = XRSRC_W_AS;
#Status bits are not affected
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:MOVX.A XRSRC_A_AS, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x4 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_A_AS & dest_0_4 {
dest_0_4 = XRSRC_A_AS;
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:POPX.B DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x4 & src16_8_4=0x1 & as=0x3 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & XRSRC_B_AS & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
DST8_0_4 = *:1 SP;
SP = SP + 0x2;
#Status bits are not affected
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:POPX.W DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x4 & src16_8_4=0x1 & as=0x3 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & XRSRC_W_AS & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
DST16_0_4 = *:2 SP;
SP = SP + 0x2;
#Status bits are not affected
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:POPX.A dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x4 & src16_8_4=0x1 & as=0x3 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & XRSRC_A_AS & dest_0_4 {
dest_0_4 = *:4 SP;
SP = SP + 0x4;
dest_0_4 = sext(dest_0_4[0,20]);
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:RLAX.B DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x5 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & src_Direct16_8_4=dest_Direct16_0_4 & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = carry(DST8_0_4, DST8_0_4); # C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(DST8_0_4, DST8_0_4); # V Flag
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = DST8_0_4 + DST8_0_4;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:RLAX.W DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x5 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & src_Direct16_8_4=dest_Direct16_0_4 & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = carry(DST16_0_4, DST16_0_4); # C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(DST16_0_4, DST16_0_4); # V Flag
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = DST16_0_4 + DST16_0_4;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:RLAX.A dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x5 & bow=1 & src_Direct16_8_4=dest_Direct16_0_4 & ctx_al=0 & dest_0_4 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4 + dest_0_4;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:RLCX.B DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x6 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & src_Direct16_8_4=dest_Direct16_0_4 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_B_AS & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
tmp_carry:1 = (carry(DST8_0_4, $(CARRY)) || carry(DST8_0_4,DST8_0_4 + $(CARRY))); #C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = (scarry(DST8_0_4, $(CARRY)) || scarry(DST8_0_4,DST8_0_4 + $(CARRY))); #V Flag
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = DST8_0_4 + DST8_0_4 + $(CARRY);
# Result Flags...
$(CARRY) = tmp_carry;
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:RLCX.W DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x6 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & src_Direct16_8_4=dest_Direct16_0_4 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_W_AS & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
tmp_carry:1 = (carry(DST16_0_4,zext($(CARRY))) || carry(DST16_0_4,DST16_0_4 + zext($(CARRY)))); #C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = (scarry(DST16_0_4,zext($(CARRY))) || scarry(DST16_0_4,DST16_0_4 + zext($(CARRY)))); #V Flag
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = DST16_0_4 + DST16_0_4 + zext($(CARRY));
# Result Flags...
$(CARRY) = tmp_carry;
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:RLCX.A dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x6 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & src_Direct16_8_4=dest_Direct16_0_4 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_A_AS & dest_0_4 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmps:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4 + zext($(CARRY));
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = tmps + dest_0_4;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:SBCX.B DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x7 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & postIncrementStore & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
brw:1 = 1 - $(CARRY);
$(CARRY) = (brw <= DST8_0_4); # Carry flag is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(DST8_0_4, brw);
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = DST8_0_4 - brw;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:SBCX.W DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x7 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & postIncrementStore & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
brw:2 = 1 - zext( $(CARRY) );
$(CARRY) = (brw <= DST16_0_4); # Carry flag is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(DST16_0_4, brw);
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = DST16_0_4 - brw;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:SBCX.A dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x7 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & postIncrementStore & dest_0_4 {
brw:$(REG_SIZE) = 1 - zext( $(CARRY) );
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4 - brw;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:SUBCX.B XRSRC_B_AS, DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x7 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_B_AS & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
brw:1 = 1 - $(CARRY);
$(CARRY) = ((brw + XRSRC_B_AS) <= DST8_0_4); # Carry flag is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(DST8_0_4, XRSRC_B_AS + brw);
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = DST8_0_4 - XRSRC_B_AS - brw;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:SUBCX.W XRSRC_W_AS, DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x7 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_W_AS & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
brw:2 = 1 - zext( $(CARRY) );
$(CARRY) = ((brw + XRSRC_W_AS) <= DST16_0_4); # Carry flag is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(DST16_0_4, XRSRC_W_AS + brw);
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = DST16_0_4 - XRSRC_W_AS - brw;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:SUBCX.A XRSRC_A_AS, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x7 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_A_AS & dest_0_4 {
brw:$(REG_SIZE) = 1 - zext( $(CARRY) );
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmps:$(REG_SIZE) = XRSRC_A_AS + brw;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4 - tmps;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:SUBX.B XRSRC_B_AS, DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x8 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_B_AS & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = (XRSRC_B_AS <= DST8_0_4); # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(DST8_0_4, XRSRC_B_AS); # V Flag
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = DST8_0_4 - XRSRC_B_AS;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:SUBX.W XRSRC_W_AS, DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x8 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_W_AS & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = (XRSRC_W_AS <= DST16_0_4); # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(DST16_0_4, XRSRC_W_AS); # V Flag
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = DST16_0_4 - XRSRC_W_AS;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:SUBX.A XRSRC_A_AS, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x8 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_A_AS & dest_0_4 {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = dest_0_4 - XRSRC_A_AS;
dest_0_4 = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:TSTX.B DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x9 & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & DST8_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = 1; # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = 0; # V Flag
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:TSTX.W DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x9 & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & DST16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = 1; # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = 0; # V Flag
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:TSTX.A dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0x9 & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & dest_0_4 {
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:XORX.B XRSRC_B_AS, DST8_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xE & bow=1 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_B_AS & DST8_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = ((DST8_0_4 s< 0x0) && (XRSRC_B_AS s< 0x0)) ; # V Flag
# Operation...
DST8_0_4 = DST8_0_4 ^ XRSRC_B_AS;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST8_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST8_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (DST8_0_4 != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:XORX.W XRSRC_W_AS, DST16_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xE & bow=0 & ctx_al=1 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_W_AS & DST16_0_4 & reg_Direct16_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = ((DST16_0_4 s< 0x0) && (XRSRC_W_AS s< 0x0)) ; # V Flag
# Operation...
DST16_0_4 = DST16_0_4 ^ XRSRC_W_AS;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (DST16_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (DST16_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (DST16_0_4 != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:XORX.A XRSRC_A_AS, dest_0_4 is ctx_haveext=4 & op16_12_4=0xE & bow=1 & ctx_al=0 & postIncrementStore & XRSRC_A_AS & dest_0_4 {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = ((dest_0_4 s< 0x0) && (XRSRC_A_AS s< 0x0)) ; # V Flag
# Operation...
dest_0_4 = dest_0_4 ^ XRSRC_A_AS;
dest_0_4 = sext(dest_0_4[0,20]);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (dest_0_4 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (dest_0_4 == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (dest_0_4 != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
# No Repeat
:ADCX.B XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x6 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
tmp_carry:1 = carry(XDEST_B_AD,$(CARRY)); #C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(XDEST_B_AD,$(CARRY)); #V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_bzero;
# Result Flags...
$(CARRY) = tmp_carry;
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_B_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:ADCX.W XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x6 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
tmp_carry:1 = carry(XDEST_W_AD,zext($(CARRY))); #C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(XDEST_W_AD,zext($(CARRY))); #V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_wzero;
# Result Flags...
$(CARRY) = tmp_carry;
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_W_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:ADCX.A XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x6 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = XDEST_A_AD;
tmpc:$(REG_SIZE) = zext($(CARRY));
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = tmpc + XDEST_A_AD;
XDEST_A_AD = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
:ADDX.B XSRC_B_AS, XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x5 & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_B_AS ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = carry(XSRC_B_AS, XDEST_B_AD); # C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(XSRC_B_AS, XDEST_B_AD); # V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_bzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_B_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:ADDX.W XSRC_W_AS, XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x5 & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_W_AS ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = carry(XSRC_W_AS, XDEST_W_AD); # C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(XSRC_W_AS, XDEST_W_AD); # V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_wzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_W_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:ADDX.A XSRC_A_AS, XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x5 & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_A_AS ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = XDEST_A_AD;
XDEST_A_AD = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
:ADDCX.B XSRC_B_AS, XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x6 & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_B_AS ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
tmp_carry:1 = (carry(XSRC_B_AS, $(CARRY)) || carry(XDEST_B_AD,XSRC_B_AS + $(CARRY))); #C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = (scarry(XSRC_B_AS, $(CARRY)) || scarry(XDEST_B_AD,XSRC_B_AS + $(CARRY))); #V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_bzero;
# Result Flags...
$(CARRY) = tmp_carry;
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_B_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:ADDCX.W XSRC_W_AS, XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x6 & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_W_AS ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
tmp_carry:1 = (carry(XSRC_W_AS,zext($(CARRY))) || carry(XDEST_W_AD,XSRC_W_AS + zext($(CARRY)))); #C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = (scarry(XSRC_W_AS,zext($(CARRY))) || scarry(XDEST_W_AD,XSRC_W_AS + zext($(CARRY)))); #V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_wzero;
# Result Flags...
$(CARRY) = tmp_carry;
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_W_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:ADDCX.A XSRC_A_AS, XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x6 & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_A_AS ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = XDEST_A_AD;
tmps:$(REG_SIZE) = XSRC_A_AS + zext($(CARRY));
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = tmps + XDEST_A_AD;
XDEST_A_AD = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
:ANDX.B XSRC_B_AS, XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0xF & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_B_AS ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag
# Operation...
result:1 = XDEST_B_AD & XSRC_B_AS;
XDEST_B_AD = result;
build tbl_bzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (result s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (result == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (result != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:ANDX.W XSRC_W_AS, XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0xF & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_W_AS ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag
# Operation...
result:2 = XDEST_W_AD & XSRC_W_AS;
XDEST_W_AD = result;
build tbl_wzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (result s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (result == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (result != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:ANDX.A XSRC_A_AS, XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0xF & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_A_AS ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag
# Operation...
XDEST_A_AD = sext(XDEST_A_AD[0,20]);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_A_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_A_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (XDEST_A_AD != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:BICX.B XSRC_B_AS, XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0xC & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_B_AS ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
build tbl_bzero;
#Status bits are not affected
build postIncrementStore;
:BICX.W XSRC_W_AS, XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0xC & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_W_AS ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
build tbl_wzero;
#Status bits are not affected
build postIncrementStore;
:BICX.A XSRC_A_AS, XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0xC & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_A_AS ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
#Status bits are not affected
XDEST_A_AD = sext(XDEST_A_AD[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
:BISX.B XSRC_B_AS, XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0xD & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_B_AS ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
build tbl_bzero;
#Status bits are not affected
build postIncrementStore;
:BISX.W XSRC_W_AS, XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0xD & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_W_AS ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
build tbl_wzero;
#Status bits are not affected
build postIncrementStore;
:BISX.A XSRC_A_AS, XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0xD & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_A_AS ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
#Status bits are not affected
XDEST_A_AD = sext(XDEST_A_AD[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
:BITX.B XSRC_B_AS, XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0xB & bow=1 & postIncrement) ... & XSRC_B_AS ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag (reset)
# Operation...
result:1 = XDEST_B_AD & XSRC_B_AS;
# Result Flags...
$(CARRY) = (result != 0x0); # C Flag
$(SIGN) = (result s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (result == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrement;
:BITX.W XSRC_W_AS, XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0xB & bow=0 & postIncrement) ... & XSRC_W_AS ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag (reset)
# Operation...
result:2 = XDEST_W_AD & XSRC_W_AS;
# Result Flags...
$(CARRY) = (result != 0x0); # C Flag
$(SIGN) = (result s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (result == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrement;
:BITX.A XSRC_A_AS, XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0xB & bow=1 & postIncrement) ... & XSRC_A_AS ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag (reset)
# Operation...
result:$(REG_SIZE) = XDEST_A_AD & XSRC_A_AS;
# Result Flags...
result = sext(result[0,20]);
$(CARRY) = (result != 0x0); # C Flag
$(SIGN) = (result s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (result == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrement;
:CLRX.B XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x4 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
build tbl_bzero;
#Status bits are not affected
build postIncrementStore;
:CLRX.W XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x4 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
build tbl_wzero;
#Status bits are not affected
build postIncrementStore;
:CLRX.A XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x4 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
build postIncrementStore;
:CMPX.B XSRC_B_AS, XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x9 & bow=1 & postIncrement) ... & XSRC_B_AS ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = (XSRC_B_AS <= XDEST_B_AD); # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(XDEST_B_AD, XSRC_B_AS); # V Flag
# Operation...
result:1 = (XDEST_B_AD - XSRC_B_AS);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (result s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (result == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrement;
:CMPX.W XSRC_W_AS, XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x9 & bow=0 & postIncrement) ... & XSRC_W_AS ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = (XSRC_W_AS <= XDEST_W_AD); # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(XDEST_W_AD, XSRC_W_AS); # V Flag
# Operation...
result:2 = (XDEST_W_AD - XSRC_W_AS);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (result s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (result == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrement;
:CMPX.A XSRC_A_AS, XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x9 & bow=1 & postIncrement) ... & XSRC_A_AS ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrement;
:DADCX.B XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0xA & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = 0; # This should be overflow
# Operation...
XDEST_B_AD = bcd_add(XDEST_B_AD);
build tbl_bzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_B_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:DADCX.W XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0xA & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = 0; # Don't currently have BCD overflow op
# Operation...
XDEST_W_AD = bcd_add(XDEST_W_AD);
build tbl_wzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_W_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:DADCX.A XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0xA & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = 0; # Don't currently have BCD overflow op
# Operation...
XDEST_A_AD = bcd_add(XDEST_A_AD);
XDEST_A_AD = sext(XDEST_A_AD[0,20]);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_A_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_A_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:DADDX.B XSRC_B_AS, XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0xA & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_B_AS ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = 0; # This should be overflow
# Operation...
build tbl_bzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_B_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:DADDX.W XSRC_W_AS, XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0xA & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_W_AS ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = 0; # Don't currently have BCD overflow op
# Operation...
build tbl_wzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_W_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:DADDX.A XSRC_A_AS, XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0xA & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_A_AS ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = 0; # Don't currently have BCD overflow op
# Operation...
XDEST_A_AD = sext(XDEST_A_AD[0,20]);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_A_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_A_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:DECX.B XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x8 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = (1 <= XDEST_B_AD); # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(XDEST_B_AD, 1:1); # V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_bzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_B_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:DECX.W XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x8 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = (1 <= XDEST_W_AD); # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(XDEST_W_AD, 1:2); # V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_wzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_W_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:DECX.A XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x8 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = XDEST_A_AD;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = XDEST_A_AD - 1:$(REG_SIZE);
XDEST_A_AD = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
:DECDX.B XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x8 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = (1 <= XDEST_B_AD); # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(XDEST_B_AD, 2:1); # V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_bzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_B_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:DECDX.W XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x8 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = (1 <= XDEST_W_AD); # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(XDEST_W_AD, 2:2); # V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_wzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_W_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:DECDX.A XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x8 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = XDEST_A_AD;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = XDEST_A_AD - 2:$(REG_SIZE);
XDEST_A_AD = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
:INCX.B XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x5 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = carry(XDEST_B_AD,1); # C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(XDEST_B_AD,1); # V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_bzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_B_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:INCX.W XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x5 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = carry(XDEST_W_AD,1); # C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(XDEST_W_AD,1); # V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_wzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_W_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:INCX.A XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x5 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x1 & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = XDEST_A_AD;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = 1 + XDEST_A_AD;
XDEST_A_AD = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
:INCDX.B XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x5 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = carry(XDEST_B_AD,2); # C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(XDEST_B_AD,2); # V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_bzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_B_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:INCDX.W XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x5 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = carry(XDEST_W_AD,2); # C Flag
$(OVERFLOW) = scarry(XDEST_W_AD,2); # V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_wzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_W_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:INCDX.A XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x5 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x2 & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = XDEST_A_AD;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = 2 + XDEST_A_AD;
XDEST_A_AD = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
:INVX.B XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0xE & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0; # V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_bzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_B_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (XDEST_B_AD != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:INVX.W XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0xE & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0; # V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_wzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_W_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (XDEST_W_AD != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:INVX.A XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0xE & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x3 & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = XDEST_A_AD s< 0x0; # V Flag
# Operation...
XDEST_A_AD = sext(XDEST_A_AD[0,20]);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_A_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_A_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (XDEST_A_AD != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:MOVX.B XSRC_B_AS, XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x4 & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_B_AS ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
build tbl_bzero;
#Status bits are not affected
build postIncrementStore;
:MOVX.W XSRC_W_AS, XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x4 & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_W_AS ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
build tbl_wzero;
#Status bits are not affected
build postIncrementStore;
:MOVX.A XSRC_A_AS, XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x4 & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_A_AS ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
build postIncrementStore;
:POPX.B XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x4 & src16_8_4=0x1 & as=0x3 & bow=1 & tbl_bzero) ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
XDEST_B_AD = *:1 SP;
build tbl_bzero;
SP = SP + 0x2;
#Status bits are not affected
:POPX.W XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x4 & src16_8_4=0x1 & as=0x3 & bow=0 & tbl_wzero) ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
XDEST_W_AD = *:2 SP;
build tbl_wzero;
SP = SP + 0x2;
#Status bits are not affected
:POPX.A XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x4 & src16_8_4=0x1 & as=0x3 & bow=1) ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
XDEST_A_AD = *:4 SP;
SP = SP + 0x4;
XDEST_A_AD = sext(XDEST_A_AD[0,20]);
:SBCX.B XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x7 & bow=1 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
brw:1 = 1 - $(CARRY);
$(CARRY) = (brw <= XDEST_B_AD); # Carry flag is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(XDEST_B_AD, brw);
# Operation...
build tbl_bzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_B_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:SBCX.W XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x7 & bow=0 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
brw:2 = 1 - zext( $(CARRY) );
$(CARRY) = (brw <= XDEST_W_AD); # Carry flag is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(XDEST_W_AD, brw);
# Operation...
build tbl_wzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_W_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:SBCX.A XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x7 & bow=1 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & postIncrementStore) ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = XDEST_A_AD;
brw:$(REG_SIZE) = 1 - zext( $(CARRY) );
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = XDEST_A_AD - brw;
XDEST_A_AD = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
:SUBCX.B XSRC_B_AS, XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x7 & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_B_AS ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
brw:1 = 1 - $(CARRY);
$(CARRY) = ((brw + XSRC_B_AS) <= XDEST_B_AD); # Carry flag is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(XDEST_B_AD, XSRC_B_AS + brw);
# Operation...
build tbl_bzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_B_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:SUBCX.W XSRC_W_AS, XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x7 & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_W_AS ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
brw:2 = 1 - zext( $(CARRY) );
$(CARRY) = ((brw + XSRC_W_AS) <= XDEST_W_AD); # Carry flag is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(XDEST_W_AD, XSRC_W_AS + brw);
# Operation...
build tbl_wzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_W_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:SUBCX.A XSRC_A_AS, XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x7 & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_A_AS ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = XDEST_A_AD;
brw:$(REG_SIZE) = 1 - zext( $(CARRY) );
tmps:$(REG_SIZE) = XSRC_A_AS + brw;
tmp:$(REG_SIZE) = XDEST_A_AD - tmps;
XDEST_A_AD = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
:SUBX.B XSRC_B_AS, XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x8 & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_B_AS ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = (XSRC_B_AS <= XDEST_B_AD); # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(XDEST_B_AD, XSRC_B_AS); # V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_bzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_B_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:SUBX.W XSRC_W_AS, XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x8 & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_W_AS ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = (XSRC_W_AS <= XDEST_W_AD); # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = sborrow(XDEST_W_AD, XSRC_W_AS); # V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_wzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_W_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:SUBX.A XSRC_A_AS, XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x8 & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_A_AS ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
tmpd:$(REG_SIZE) = XDEST_A_AD;
XDEST_A_AD = sext(tmp[0,20]);
build postIncrementStore;
:TSTX.B XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x9 & bow=1 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & postIncrement) ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = 1; # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = 0; # V Flag
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_B_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrement;
:TSTX.W XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x9 & bow=0 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & postIncrement) ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(CARRY) = 1; # Carry is NOT set if there is a borrow
$(OVERFLOW) = 0; # V Flag
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_W_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postIncrement;
:TSTX.A XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x9 & bow=1 & src16_8_4=0x3 & as=0x0 & postIncrement) ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
build postIncrement;
:XORX.B XSRC_B_AS, XDEST_B_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0xE & bow=1 & tbl_bzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_B_AS ... & XDEST_B_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = ((XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0) && (XSRC_B_AS s< 0x0)) ; # V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_bzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_B_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_B_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (XDEST_B_AD != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:XORX.W XSRC_W_AS, XDEST_W_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0xE & bow=0 & tbl_wzero & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_W_AS ... & XDEST_W_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = ((XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0) && (XSRC_W_AS s< 0x0)) ; # V Flag
# Operation...
build tbl_wzero;
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_W_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_W_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (XDEST_W_AD != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
:XORX.A XSRC_A_AS, XDEST_A_AD is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0xE & bow=1 & postIncrementStore) ... & XSRC_A_AS ... & XDEST_A_AD ... {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = ((XDEST_A_AD s< 0x0) && (XSRC_A_AS s< 0x0)) ; # V Flag
# Operation...
XDEST_A_AD = sext(XDEST_A_AD[0,20]);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XDEST_A_AD s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XDEST_A_AD == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (XDEST_A_AD != 0x0); # C Flag
build postIncrementStore;
# Single Operand
# Repeat enabled
# Note: The manual says PUSHX doesn't use extension word. The manual is *WRONG*
:PUSHX.B XRREG_B_AS is ctx_haveext=4 & ctx_al=1 & op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x2 & bow=0x1 & postRegIncrement & XRREG_B_AS {
SP = SP - 0x2;
*:1 SP = XRREG_B_AS;
#Status bits are not affected
build postRegIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:PUSHX.W XRREG_W_AS is ctx_haveext=4 & ctx_al=1 & op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x2 & bow=0x0 & postRegIncrement & XRREG_W_AS {
SP = SP - 0x2;
*:2 SP = XRREG_W_AS;
#Status bits are not affected
build postRegIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:PUSHX.A XRREG_A_AS is ctx_haveext=4 & ctx_al=0 & op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x2 & bow=0x1 & postRegIncrement & XRREG_A_AS {
SP = SP - 0x4;
#Status bits are not affected
build postRegIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:RRAX.B XRREG_B_AS_DEST is ctx_haveext=4 & ctx_al=1 & op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x1 & bow=0x1 & postRegIncrement & XRREG_B_AS_DEST {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag (reset)
# Operation...
$(CARRY) = (XRREG_B_AS_DEST & 0x1);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XRREG_B_AS_DEST s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XRREG_B_AS_DEST == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postRegIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:RRAX.W XRREG_W_AS_DEST is ctx_haveext=4 & ctx_al=1 & op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x1 & bow=0x0 & postRegIncrement & XRREG_W_AS_DEST {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag (reset)
# Operation...
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XRREG_W_AS_DEST s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XRREG_W_AS_DEST == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postRegIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:RRAX.A XRREG_A_AS_DEST is ctx_haveext=4 & ctx_al=0 & op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x1 & bow=0x1 & postRegIncrement & XRREG_A_AS_DEST {
$(OVERFLOW) = 0;
$(SIGN) = (XRREG_A_AS_DEST[19,1] != 0);
$(ZERO) = (XRREG_A_AS_DEST == 0);
build postRegIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:RRCX.B XRREG_B_AS_DEST is ctx_haveext=4 & ctx_al=1 & op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x0 & bow=0x1 & postRegIncrement & XRREG_B_AS_DEST {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = ((XRREG_B_AS_DEST != 0x0) && ($(CARRY) == 0x1)); # V Flag
# Operation...
tmp:1 = $(CARRY);
$(CARRY) = (XRREG_B_AS_DEST & 0x1);
XRREG_B_AS_DEST = ((tmp << 0x7) | (XRREG_B_AS_DEST >> 0x1));
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XRREG_B_AS_DEST s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XRREG_B_AS_DEST == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postRegIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:RRCX.W XRREG_W_AS_DEST is ctx_haveext=4 & ctx_al=1 & op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x0 & bow=0x0 & postRegIncrement & XRREG_W_AS_DEST {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = ((XRREG_W_AS_DEST != 0x0) && ($(CARRY) == 0x1)); # V Flag
# Operation...
tmp:1 = $(CARRY);
XRREG_W_AS_DEST = ((zext(tmp) << 0xF) | (XRREG_W_AS_DEST >> 0x1));
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XRREG_W_AS_DEST s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XRREG_W_AS_DEST == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postRegIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:RRCX.A XRREG_A_AS_DEST is ctx_haveext=4 & ctx_al=0 & op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x0 & bow=0x1 & postRegIncrement & XRREG_A_AS_DEST {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = ((XRREG_A_AS_DEST != 0x0) && ($(CARRY) == 0x1)); # V Flag
# Operation...
tmp:1 = $(CARRY);
XRREG_A_AS_DEST = ((zext(tmp) << 0x13) | ((XRREG_A_AS_DEST >> 0x1) & 0xEFFFF));
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XRREG_A_AS_DEST s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XRREG_A_AS_DEST == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postRegIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:SWPBX.W XRREG_W_AS_DEST is ctx_haveext=4 & ctx_al=1 & op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x0 & op16_7_1=0x1 & as=0x0 & bow=0x0 & postRegIncrement & XRREG_W_AS_DEST {
lowByte:1 = XRREG_W_AS_DEST[0,8];
highByte:1 = XRREG_W_AS_DEST[8,8];
XRREG_W_AS_DEST = (((zext(lowByte)) << 0x8) | zext(highByte));
#Status bits are not affected
build postRegIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:SWPBX.A XRREG_A_AS_DEST2 is ctx_haveext=4 & ctx_al=0 & op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x0 & op16_7_1=0x1 & as=0x0 & bow=0x0 & postRegIncrement & XRREG_A_AS_DEST2 {
lowByte:1 = XRREG_A_AS_DEST2[0,8];
highByte:1 = XRREG_A_AS_DEST2[8,8];
XRREG_A_AS_DEST2[8,8] = lowByte;
XRREG_A_AS_DEST2[0,8] = highByte;
XRREG_A_AS_DEST2 = zext(XRREG_A_AS_DEST2[0,20]);
build postRegIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:SXTX.W XRREG_W_AS_DEST is ctx_haveext=4 & ctx_al=1 & op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x1 & op16_7_1=0x1 & as=0x0 & bow=0x0 & postRegIncrement & XRREG_W_AS_DEST {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag
# Operation...
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XRREG_W_AS_DEST s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XRREG_W_AS_DEST == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (XRREG_W_AS_DEST != 0x0); # C Flag
build postRegIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
:SXTX.A XRREG_A_AS_DEST2 is ctx_haveext=4 & ctx_al=0 & op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x1 & op16_7_1=0x1 & as=0x0 & bow=0x0 & postRegIncrement & XRREG_A_AS_DEST2 {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag
# Operation...
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XRREG_A_AS_DEST2 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XRREG_A_AS_DEST2 == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (XRREG_A_AS_DEST2 != 0x0); # C Flag
build postRegIncrement;
if (CNT == 0) goto inst_next;
CNT = CNT - 1;
goto <top>;
# No Repeat
:PUSHX.B XREG_B_AS is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x2 & op16_7_1=0x0 & bow=0x1 & postRegIncrement) ... & XREG_B_AS {
SP = SP - 0x2;
*:1 SP = XREG_B_AS;
#Status bits are not affected
build postRegIncrement;
:PUSHX.W XREG_W_AS is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x2 & op16_7_1=0x0 & bow=0x0 & postRegIncrement) ... & XREG_W_AS {
SP = SP - 0x2;
*:2 SP = XREG_W_AS;
#Status bits are not affected
build postRegIncrement;
:PUSHX.A XREG_A_AS is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x2 & op16_7_1=0x0 & bow=0x1 & postRegIncrement) ... & XREG_A_AS {
SP = SP - 0x4;
build postRegIncrement;
:RRAX.B XREG_B_AS_DEST is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x1 & op16_7_1=0x0 & bow=0x1 & postRegIncrement) ... & XREG_B_AS_DEST {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag (reset)
# Operation...
$(CARRY) = (XREG_B_AS_DEST & 0x1);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XREG_B_AS_DEST s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XREG_B_AS_DEST == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postRegIncrement;
:RRAX.W XREG_W_AS_DEST is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x1 & op16_7_1=0x0 & bow=0x0 & postRegIncrement) ... & XREG_W_AS_DEST {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag (reset)
# Operation...
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XREG_W_AS_DEST s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XREG_W_AS_DEST == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postRegIncrement;
:RRAX.A XREG_A_AS_DEST is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x1 & op16_7_1=0x0 & bow=0x1 & postRegIncrement) ... & XREG_A_AS_DEST {
$(OVERFLOW) = 0;
$(SIGN) = (XREG_A_AS_DEST[19,1] != 0);
$(ZERO) = (XREG_A_AS_DEST == 0);
build postRegIncrement;
:RRCX.B XREG_B_AS_DEST is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x0 & op16_7_1=0x0 & bow=0x1 & postRegIncrement) ... & XREG_B_AS_DEST {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = ((XREG_B_AS_DEST != 0x0) && ($(CARRY) == 0x1)); # V Flag
# Operation...
tmp:1 = $(CARRY);
$(CARRY) = (XREG_B_AS_DEST & 0x1);
XREG_B_AS_DEST = ((tmp << 0x7) | (XREG_B_AS_DEST >> 0x1));
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XREG_B_AS_DEST s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XREG_B_AS_DEST == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postRegIncrement;
:RRCX.W XREG_W_AS_DEST is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x0 & op16_7_1=0x0 & bow=0x0 & postRegIncrement) ... & XREG_W_AS_DEST {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = ((XREG_W_AS_DEST != 0x0) && ($(CARRY) == 0x1)); # V Flag
# Operation...
tmp:1 = $(CARRY);
XREG_W_AS_DEST = ((zext(tmp) << 0xF) | (XREG_W_AS_DEST >> 0x1));
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XREG_W_AS_DEST s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XREG_W_AS_DEST == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postRegIncrement;
:RRCX.A XREG_A_AS_DEST is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x0 & op16_7_1=0x0 & bow=0x1 & postRegIncrement) ... & XREG_A_AS_DEST {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = ((XREG_A_AS_DEST != 0x0) && ($(CARRY) == 0x1)); # V Flag
# Operation...
tmp:1 = $(CARRY);
XREG_A_AS_DEST = ((zext(tmp) << 0x13) | ((XREG_A_AS_DEST >> 0x1) & 0xEFFFF));
XREG_A_AS_DEST = sext(XREG_A_AS_DEST[0,20]);
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XREG_A_AS_DEST s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XREG_A_AS_DEST == 0x0); # Z Flag
build postRegIncrement;
:SWPBX.W XREG_W_AS_DEST is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x0 & op16_7_1=0x1 & bow=0x0 & postRegIncrement) ... & XREG_W_AS_DEST {
lowByte:1 = XREG_W_AS_DEST[0,8];
highByte:1 = XREG_W_AS_DEST[8,8];
XREG_W_AS_DEST = (((zext(lowByte)) << 0x8) | zext(highByte));
#Status bits are not affected
build postRegIncrement;
# Yes, for SXTX and SWPB, the normal width selectors are different. Hence, for the A versions, we have a different dest reg subtable.
:SWPBX.A XREG_A_AS_DEST2 is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x0 & op16_7_1=0x1 & bow=0x0 & postRegIncrement) ... & XREG_A_AS_DEST2 {
lowByte:1 = XREG_A_AS_DEST2[0,8];
highByte:1 = XREG_A_AS_DEST2[8,8];
XREG_A_AS_DEST2[8,8] = lowByte;
XREG_A_AS_DEST2[0,8] = highByte;
XREG_A_AS_DEST2 = zext(XREG_A_AS_DEST2[0,20]);
build postRegIncrement;
:SXTX.W XREG_W_AS_DEST is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=1 & (op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x1 & op16_7_1=0x1 & bow=0x0 & postRegIncrement) ... & XREG_W_AS_DEST {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag
# Operation...
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XREG_W_AS_DEST s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XREG_W_AS_DEST == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (XREG_W_AS_DEST != 0x0); # C Flag
build postRegIncrement;
# Yes, for SXTX and SWPB, the normal width selectors are different. Hence, for the A versions, we have a different dest reg subtable.
:SXTX.A XREG_A_AS_DEST2 is ctx_haveext=7 & ctx_al=0 & (op16_12_4=0x1 & op16_8_4=0x1 & op16_7_1=0x1 & bow=0x0 & postRegIncrement) ... & XREG_A_AS_DEST2 {
# Operation Flags...
$(OVERFLOW) = 0x0; # V Flag
# Operation...
# Result Flags...
$(SIGN) = (XREG_A_AS_DEST2 s< 0x0); # S Flag
$(ZERO) = (XREG_A_AS_DEST2 == 0x0); # Z Flag
$(CARRY) = (XREG_A_AS_DEST2 != 0x0); # C Flag
build postRegIncrement;