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# Service Wrapper Properties
# Initial Working Directory (i.e., absolute installation directory path)
# Mac OS X launchd plist directory
# Java Application${java}
# Establish default permissions for generated files
# Java Classpath
# Java Library Path (location of native authentication support libraries)${os_dir}
# Java Additional Parameters
# Establishes a minimum number of rolling server.log backups to be maintained
# Ensure that classpath_frag is defined for service startup${classpath_frag}
# A suitable cacerts file must be installed when using PKI authentication
# If Ghidra clients must authenticate the server, the server will need to install
# a server key/certificate in a secure location (e.g., /etc/pki/...)
# and specify the location and password via the properties below.
# Be sure to properly set permissions on the Ghidra installation and this file
# if using these settings.
# Temporary Directory Setting - uncomment the following setting to override the Java default.
# This may be necessary on certain Windows platforms when installing as a service.\\Windows\\Temp
# Enable/Disable use of compression for DataBuffer serialization and Block Streams
# Uncomment to enable remote debug support
# The debug address will listen on all network interfaces, if desired the '*' may be
# set to a specific interface IP address (e.g., if you wish to restrict.
# During debug it may be necessary to increase timeout values to prevent the wrapper
# from restarting the server due to unresponsiveness.\,server=y\,suspend=n\,address=*:18200
# Optional debug enablement instead of using the arguments above
# This will cause application to start in a suspended state in debug mode and increase
# timeouts to their maximum values.
# Uncomment to enable remote use of jvisualvm for profiling
# See JMX documentation for more information:
# YAJSW will by default assume a POSIX spawn for Linux and Mac OS X systems, unfortunately it has
# not yet been implemented for Mac OS X. The default process support within YAJSW for Mac OS X is
# broken so we must force the use of BSD process support which appears to work properly. To enable
# this mode of operation the wrapper.fork_hack option must be enabled and the wrapper.posix_spawn
# option explicitly disabled. The ghidraSvr script will attempt to make these changes automatically
# for Mac OS X.
# Pipe server output to console/log
# Monitor for Deadlock = true
# Main server application class
# Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)
# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)
# See svrREADME.txt file for advice (Server Memory Considerations)
# Specify the directory used to store repositories. This directory must be dedicated to this
# Ghidra Server instance and may not contain files or folders not produced by the
# Ghidra Server or its administrative scripts. Relative paths originate from the
# Ghidra installation directory, although an absolute path is preferred if not using default.
# This variable is also used by the svrAdmin script.
# Ghidra server startup parameters.
# Command line parameters: (Add command line parameters as needed and renumber each starting from .1)
# [-ip <hostname>] [-i #.#.#.#] [-p#] [-n]
# [-a#] [-d<ad_domain>] [-e<days>] [-jaas <config_file>] [-u] [-autoProvision] [-anonymous] [-ssh]
# <repository_path>
# -ip <hostname> : identifies the remote access IPv4 address or hostname (FQDN) which should be
# used by remote clients to access the server.
# -i #.#.#.# : server interface IPv4 address to listen on (default will listen on all interfaces).
# -p# : base TCP port to be used (default: 13100) [see Note 1]
# -n : enable reverse name lookup for IP addresses when logging (requires proper configuration
# of reverse lookup by your DNS server)
# -a# : an optional authentication mode where # is a value of 0, 1, 2, or 4
# 0 - Private user password
# 1 - Active Directory via Kerberos. Requires -d<your.ad_domainname.tld>
# 2 - PKI Authentication
# 4 - JAAS Authentication. See also -jaas <config_file>
# -d<ad_domain> : the Active Directory domain name. Example: ""
# -e<days> : specifies initial/reset password expiration time in days (-a0 mode only, default is 1-day, 0 = no expiration)
# -jaas <config_file> : specifies the path to the JAAS config file (when using -a4), relative
# to the ghidra/server directory (if not absolute).
# See jaas.conf for examples and suggestions.
# It is the system administrator's responsibility to craft their own
# JAAS configuration directive when using the -a4 mode.
# -u : enable users to be prompted for user ID (does not apply to -a2 PKI mode)
# -autoProvision : enable the auto-creation of new Ghidra Server
# users when they successfully authenticate to the server (-a1 and -a4 modes only).
# Users removed from the authentication provider (e.g., Active Directory) will need to be
# deleted manually from the Ghidra Server using svrAdmin command.
# -anonymous : enables anonymous repository access (see svrREADME.html for details)
# -ssh : enables SSH authentication for headless clients
# <repository_path> : Required. Directory used to store repositories. This directory must be dedicated to this
# Ghidra Server instance and may not contain files or folders not produced
# by the Ghidra Server or its administrative scripts.
# Relative paths originate from the installation directory
# ${ghidra.repositories.dir} : config variable (defined above) which identifies the directory
# used to store repositories. Use of this variable to define the
# repositories directory must be retained.${ghidra.repositories.dir}
# Establish server process owner
# This should only be used when installing as a service using a nologin
# local user account. Establishing a suitable account is left as a
# system administration task. NOTE: the use of this feature is not
# yet supported for Windows installations.
# Service Wrapper Logging Properties
# Format of output for the console. (See docs for formats)
# Log Level for console output. (use INFO to see Ghidra Server activity)
# Provide additional wrapper debug logging info
# Log file to use for wrapper output logging.
# Format of output for the log file. (See docs for formats)
# Log Level for wrapper.log file output. (See docs for log levels)
# Maximum size that the log file will be allowed to grow to before
# the log is rolled. Size is specified in bytes. The default value
# of 0, disables log rolling. May abbreviate with the 'k' (kb) or
# 'm' (mb) suffix. For example: 10m = 10 megabytes.
# Maximum number of rolled log files which will be allowed before old
# files are deleted. The default value of 0 implies no limit.
# Service Wrapper Windows Properties
# Title to use when running as a console
wrapper.console.title=Ghidra Server
# Service Wrapper Windows NT/2000/XP Service Properties
# WARNING - Do not modify any of these properties when an application
# using this configuration file has been installed as a service.
# Please uninstall the service before modifying this section. The
# service can then be reinstalled.
# Name of the service
# Display name of the service
wrapper.ntservice.displayname=Ghidra Server
# Description of the service
wrapper.ntservice.description=Repository server for Ghidra data files.
# Service dependencies. Add dependencies as needed starting from 1
# Mode in which the service is installed.
# Linux service daemon priority for Ghidra Server (start/stop)
# It is important that the network interface has started and any file-system
# dependencies are mounted prior to the Ghidra Server starting.
# NOTE: uninstall the Ghidra Server service using svrUninstall script before changing
# the property wrapper.daemon.update_rc or wrapper.daemon.run_level_dir property.
wrapper.daemon.update_rc= 98 05
# Linux service daemon link directories
# Allow the service to interact with the desktop.
# Restart failed service after 1 minute delay