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<title>Headless Analyzer README</title>
<h1 align="center">Headless Analyzer README</h1>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<LI><a href="#general">Introduction</a></LI>
<LI><a href="#usage">Usage</a></LI>
<LI><a href="#examples">Examples</a></LI>
<LI><a href="#scripting">Writing Scripts for the Headless Analyzer</a></LI>
<LI><a href="#scripting_passArgs">Passing Parameters using arguments</LI>
<LI><a href="#scripting_passParams">Passing Parameters using ask<i>Xxx</i>() methods</a></LI>
<LI><a href="#scripting_headlessScripts">Headless Scripts</a></LI>
<LI><a href="#scripting_headlessScripts_enableDisableAnalysis">Enabling/Disabling Analysis</a></LI>
<LI><a href="#scripting_headlessScripts_setImportDir">Setting the Import Directory</a></LI>
<LI><a href="#scripting_headlessScripts_checkAnalysisTimeout">Checking for Analysis Timeout</a></LI>
<LI><a href="#scripting_headlessScripts_storeVariables">Headless Scripts: Passing Values Between Scripts</a></LI>
<LI><a href="#scripting_headlessScripts_controlProgramDisposition">Using Scripts to Control
Program Disposition</a></LI>
<LI><a href="#scripting_headlessScripts_multipleScripts">Using Multiple Scripts to Control
Program Disposition</a></LI>
<LI><a href="#wildcards">Wildcards: Specifying Files to Import or Process</a></LI>
<div style="border-top: 4px double; margin-top: 1em; padding-top: 1em;"> </div>
<h2><a name="general">Headless Analyzer Introduction and Guidelines</a></h2>
The Headless Analyzer is a command-line-based (non-GUI) version of Ghidra that allows users to:
<LI>Create and populate projects</LI>
<LI>Perform analysis on imported or existing binaries</LI>
<LI>Run non-GUI scripts in a project (scripts may be program-dependent or program-independent)</LI>
The Headless Analyzer can be useful when performing repetitive tasks on a project (i.e., importing
and analyzing a directory of files or running a script over all the binaries in a project).
Users initiate Headless operation using the <typewriter>analyzeHeadless</typewriter> shell script.
The shell script takes, at a minimum, the path and name of an existing project (or one to be
created). When other parameters are specified, the following types of actions may be performed:
<LI><a href="#import">Import</a> a single file or directory of executable(s) (recursively or
<LI><a href="#process">Process</a> a single file or directory of executable(s) already present in
an existing project (recursively or non-recursively).</LI>
<LI>Run any number of non-GUI Ghidra <a href="#preScript">pre-processing scripts</a> on each
<LI>Turn analysis on or <a href="#noanalysis">off</a> for each executable.</LI>
<LI>Run any number of non-GUI Ghidra <a href="#postScript">post-processing scripts</a> on each
<LI>Write to a <a href="#log">log</a> with information about each file processed;
<a href="#scriptLog">separated logging</a> is available for scripts.</LI>
<LI>Keep or <a href="#deleteProject">delete</a> a created project.</LI>
<LI>Save any changes made to the project/file, or operate in a <a href="#readOnly">read-only</a>
manner in <a href="#import"><typewriter>-import</typewriter></a> or
<a href="#process"><typewriter>-process</typewriter></a> modes.</LI>
<LI>Use pre- and/or post-processing scripts to dictate
<a href="#scripting_headlessScripts_controlProgramDisposition">program disposition</a>. For
example, scripts can dictate whether further processing (i.e., analysis or other scripts) should
be aborted and whether the current file should be deleted after all processing is complete.</LI>
While running, be aware that:
<LI>The Headless Analyzer may not run if the specified project is already open in Ghidra.</LI>
<LI>In bulk import mode (i.e., specifying a directory, <typewriter>-import dirOfExes</typewriter>,
or wildcard string, <typewriter>-import dir1/*</typewriter>), any file beginning with the character
&quot;.&quot; is assumed to be a hidden file and ignored by default. However, when a file beginning
with &quot;.&quot; is named during import (for example, <typewriter>import /Users/user/.hidden.exe</typewriter>),
the Headless Analyzer will attempt to import it.
<LI>Log files can only be redirected if Log4J is used.</LI>
(<a href="#top">Back to Top</a>)
<div style="border-top: 4px double; margin-top: 1em; padding-top: 1em;"> </div>
<h2><a name="usage">Headless Analyzer Usage</a></h2>
The Headless Analyzer uses the command-line parameters discussed below. See <a href="#examples">Examples</a> for common use cases.
analyzeHeadless <a href="#projLocation">&lt;project_location&gt;</a> &lt;<a href="#projName">project_name&gt;[/&lt;folder_path&gt;]</a> | <a href="#ghidraServer">ghidra://&lt;server&gt;[:&lt;port&gt;]/&lt;repository_name&gt;[/&lt;folder_path&gt;]</a>
[[<a href="#import">-import [&lt;directory&gt;|&lt;file&gt;]+</a>] | [<a href="#process">-process [&lt;project_file&gt;]]</a>]
[<a href="#preScript">-preScript &lt;ScriptName&gt;&nbsp;[&lt;arg&gt;]*</a>]
[<a href="#postScript">-postScript &lt;ScriptName&gt;&nbsp[&lt;arg&gt;]*</a>]
[<a href="#scriptPath">-scriptPath &quot;&lt;path1&gt;[;&lt;path2&gt;...]&quot;</a>]
[<a href="#propertiesPath">-propertiesPath &quot;&lt;path1&gt;[;&lt;path2&gt;...]&quot;</a>]
[<a href="#scriptLog">-scriptlog &lt;path to script log file&gt;</a>]
[<a href="#log">-log &lt;path to log file&gt;</a>]
[<a href="#overwrite">-overwrite</a>]
[<a href="#recursive">-recursive</a>]
[<a href="#readOnly">-readOnly</a>]
[<a href="#deleteProject">-deleteProject</a>]
[<a href="#noanalysis">-noanalysis</a>]
[<a href="#processor">-processor &lt;languageID&gt;</a>]
[<a href="#cspec">-cspec &lt;compilerSpecID&gt;</a>]
[<a href="#timeout">-analysisTimeoutPerFile &lt;timeout in seconds&gt;</a>]
[<a href="#keystore">-keystore &lt;KeystorePath&gt;</a>]
[<a href="#connect">-connect [&lt;userID&gt;]</a>]
[<a href="#password">-p</a>]
[<a href="#commit">-commit [&quot;&lt;comment&gt;&quot;]</a>]
[<a href="#okToDelete">-okToDelete</a>]
[<a href="#max-cpu">-max-cpu &lt;max cpu cores to use&gt;</a>]
[<a href="#loader">-loader &lt;desired loader name&gt;</a>]
<a name="projLocation"><typewriter>&lt;project_location&gt;</typewriter></a><br>The directory
that either contains an existing Ghidra project (in -import or -process mode) or will contain a
newly created project (in -import mode for a local project).
<i><b>You must specify either a project location and project name, or a Ghidra Server repository URL.</b>
Some parameters will have no effect, depending on which project_location is specified. The following table shows parameters that are specific to project_location:
<table style="width:20%" border="1px solid #000">
<th>Local Project</th>
<th>Server Repository</th>
<td>- connect</td>
<td>- keystore</td>
<td>- commit</td>
<td>- delete</td>
<a name="projName"><typewriter>&lt;project_name&gt;[/&lt;folder_path&gt;]</typewriter></a><br>
The name of either an existing project (in <typewriter>-import</typewriter> or
<typewriter>-process</typewriter> mode) or new project (in <typewriter>-import</typewriter> mode)
to be created in the above directory. If the optional folder path is included, imports will be
rooted under this project folder. In <typewriter>-import</typewriter> mode with
<typewriter>-recursive</typewriter> enabled, any folders in the folder path that do not already
exist in the project will be created (even if nested).
<i><b>You must specify either a project location and project name, or a Ghidra Server repository URL.</b></i>
<a name="ghidraServer"><typewriter>ghidra://&lt;server&gt;[:&lt;port&gt;]/&lt;repository_name&gt;[/&lt;folder_path&gt;]</typewriter></a>
<br>A Ghidra Server repository URL (shared Ghidra Server project) and folder path. Using the
repository URL eliminates the need for a local shared Ghidra project; however, the named
repository must already exist on the Ghidra Server. If the specified repository does not already
exist, it will not be created (see the <typewriter>GhidraProject</typewriter> class for a simple
API that allows shared project creation from within a script).<br><br>If the optional folder
path is included, imports will be rooted under this folder (in <typewriter>-import</typewriter>
mode, folders will be created if they don&apos;t already exist).
<a name="import"><typewriter>-import [&lt;directory&gt;|&lt;file&gt;]+</typewriter></a><br>
<i>Note: <typewriter>-import</typewriter> and <typewriter>-process</typewriter> can not both be
present in the parameters list.</i>
Specifies one or more executables (or directories of executables) to import. When importing a
directory, a folder with the same name will be created in the Ghidra project. When using the
<typewriter>-recursive</typewriter> parameter, each executable that is found in a recursive
search through the given directory will be stored in the project in the same relative location
(i.e., any directories found under the import directory will also be created in the project).
Operating system-specific wildcard characters can be used when importing files and/or directories.
Please see the <a href="#wildcards">Wildcards</a> section for more details.
When importing multiple executables/directories in the same session, use one of the following
<LI>List multiple directories and/or executables after the <typewriter>-import</typewriter>
option, separated by a space.</LI>
-import /Users/myDir/peFiles /Users/myDir/otherFiles/test.exe
<LI>Repeat the <typewriter>-import</typewriter> option multiple times (each use of
<typewriter>-import</typewriter> may be separated by other parameters) to import from more
than one directory or file source.</LI>
-import /Users/myDir/peFiles -recursive -import /Users/myDir/otherFiles/test.exe
<a name="process"><typewriter>-process [&lt;project_file&gt;]</typewriter></a><br>
<i>Note: <typewriter>-import</typewriter> and <typewriter>-process</typewriter> can not both be
present in the parameters list.</i>
Performs processing (running pre/post-scripts and/or analysis) on one or more program files
that already exist in the project or repository. Use the optional <typewriter>project_file</typewriter>
argument to specify an existing file by name. Searching will be performed within the specified project folder
(specified by <typewriter>folder_path</typewriter>, which was
included with the <a href="#projName">project_name</a> or <a href="#ghidraServer">repository URL</a>
specification). Omit the <typewriter>project_file</typewriter> argument to allow processing over
all files within the project folder.
You can also use the wildcard characters &apos;<typewriter>*</typewriter>&apos; and
&apos;<typewriter>?</typewriter>&apos; in the <typewriter>project_file</typewriter> parameter
to specify all files within a folder which match the pattern. To prevent premature expansion (by the shell) of any wildcard
characters, use single quotes around the <typewriter>project_file</typewriter>. For example:
-process &apos;*.exe&apos;
For further details on wildcard usage, please see the <a href="#wildcards">Wildcards</a> section below.
Omitting the optional <typewriter>project_file</typewriter> argument will cause all files to be processed
within the project folder (equivelent to &apos;*&apos;).
Including the <a href="#recursive"><typewriter>-recursive</typewriter></a> parameter will cause the same
project file name/pattern search to be performed recursively within all sub-folders.
Unlike the <a href="#import"><typewriter>-import</typewriter></a> option,
<typewriter>-process</typewriter> may only be specified once.
<a name="preScript"><typewriter>-preScript &lt;ScriptName.ext&gt;&nbsp[&lt;arg&gt;]*</typewriter>
</a><br>Identifies the name of a script that will execute before analysis, and an optional list
of arguments to pass to the script. The script name must include its file extension (i.e.,
<B><I>This parameter expects the script name only; do not include the path to the script.</I></B> The
Headless Analyzer searches specific default locations for the named script, but additional script
director(ies) may also be specified (see the <a href="#scriptPath"><typewriter>-scriptPath</typewriter>
</a> argument for more information).
This option must be repeated to specify additional scripts. See the <a href="#scripting">Scripting
</a> section for a description of advanced scripting capabilities.
<a name="postScript"><typewriter>-postScript &lt;ScriptName.ext&gt;&nbsp[&lt;arg&gt;]*</typewriter></a><br>
Identifies the name of a script that will execute after analysis, and an optional list
of arguments to pass to the script. The script name must include its file extension (i.e.,
<B><I>This parameter expects the script name only; do not include the path to the script.</I></B> The
Headless Analyzer searches specific default locations for the named script, but additional script
director(ies) may also be specified (see the <a href="#scriptPath"><typewriter>-scriptPath</typewriter>
</a> argument for more information).
This option must be repeated to specify additional scripts. See the <a href="#scripting">Scripting</a>
section for a description of advanced scripting capabilities.
<a name="scriptPath"><typewriter>-scriptPath &quot;&lt;path1&gt;[;&lt;path2&gt;...]&quot;</typewriter></a>
<br>Specifies the search path(s) for scripts, including secondary scripts (a script invoked from
another script). A path may start with <typewriter>$GHIDRA_SCRIPT</typewriter>, which corresponds
to the Ghidra installation directory, or <typewriter>$USER_HOME</typewriter>, which corresponds
to the user&apos;s home directory. On Unix systems, these home variables must be escaped using a
&apos;<typewriter>\</typewriter>&apos; (backslash) character.
<PRE> -scriptPath &quot;$GHIDRA_HOME/Ghidra/Features/Base/ghidra_scripts;/myscripts&quot;</PRE>
<PRE> -scriptPath &quot;\$GHIDRA_HOME/Ghidra/Features/Base/ghidra_scripts;/myscripts&quot;</PRE>
The <typewriter>scriptPath</typewriter> parameter is optional. If it is not present, the
Headless Analyzer will search the following paths for the specified script(s):
<LI>All <typewriter>ghidra_script</typewriter> subdirectories that exist in the Ghidra distribution</LI>
<a name="propertiesPath"><typewriter>-propertiesPath &quot;&lt;path1&gt;[;&lt;path2&gt;&hellip;]&quot;</typewriter></a>
<br>Specifies path(s) that contain <typewriter>.properties</typewriter> files used by scripts or
secondary/subscripts. A path may start with <typewriter>$GHIDRA_SCRIPT</typewriter>, which
corresponds to the Ghidra installation directory, or <typewriter>$USER_HOME</typewriter>, which
corresponds to the user&apos;s home directory. On Unix systems these home variables must be
escaped with a &apos;\&apos; character.
More information on the use of <typewriter>.properties</typewriter> files to pass parameters
during Headless Analysis can be found <a href="#scripting_passParams">here</a>.
<a name="scriptLog"><typewriter>-scriptlog &lt;path to script log file&gt;</typewriter></a><br>
Sets the location of the file that stores logging information from pre- and post-scripts. If a
path to a script log file is not set, script logs are written to <typewriter>script.log</typewriter>
in the user directory, by default.
NOTE: Only the built-in scripting print methods will print to the the script log file
(print, println, printf, printerr).
<a name="log"><typewriter>-log &lt;path to log file&gt;</typewriter></a><br>
Sets the location of the file that stores logging information from analysis or other non-script
processing of the files. If a path to a log file is not set, logging information is written to
<typewriter>application.log</typewriter> in the user directory, by default.
<LI><a name="overwrite"><typewriter>-overwrite</typewriter></a><br>
Applies to <a href="#import"><typewriter>-import</typewriter></a> mode only and is ignored if
the <typewriter>-readOnly</typewriter> option is present.
If present, an existing project file that conflicts with an import file is overwritten. If this
parameter is not included, import files that conflict with existing project files will be skipped
(if not operating with the <typewriter>-readOnly</typewriter> option).
If a conflicting file is contained within a version repository, and the <typewriter>-commit</typewriter>
option has not been specified, the overwrite will fail. Removing a versioned file is also subject
to other permission and in-use restrictions which could also cause an overwrite failure.
<a name="recursive"><typewriter>-recursive</typewriter></a><br>
If present, enables recursive descent into directories and project sub-folders when a directory/
folder has been specified in <typewriter>-import</typewriter> or <typewriter>-process</typewriter>
<a name="readOnly"><typewriter>-readOnly</typewriter></a><br>
If present in <typewriter>-import</typewriter> mode, imported files will NOT be saved to the
project. If present in <typewriter>-process</typewriter> mode, any changes made to existing
files by scripts or analysis are discarded. The <typewriter>-overwrite</typewriter> option
will be ignored if this option is specified during import operations.
<a name="deleteProject"><typewriter>-deleteProject</typewriter></a><br>
If present, the Ghidra project will be deleted after scripts and/or analysis have completed
(only applies if the project has been created in the current session with
<a href="#import"><typewriter>-import</typewriter></a>; existing projects are never deleted).
This project delete option is assumed when the <typewriter>-readOnly</typewriter> option is specified
for import operations which create a new project.
<a name="noanalysis"><typewriter>-noanalysis</typewriter></a><br>
If present, executables will not be analyzed (auto-analysis occurs by default).
<a name="processor"><typewriter>-processor &lt;languageID&gt;</typewriter></a><br>
Specifies the processor information to be used in <a href="#import"><typewriter>-import</typewriter></a>
mode (and subsequent analysis, if analysis is enabled). Be sure to use quotes around the
<typewriter>languageId</typewriter> if it contains spaces. If this parameter is not present,
Ghidra uses header info (if available) to identify the processor.
The possible <i>languageIDs</i> can be found in the
processor-specific <typewriter>.ldefs</typewriter> files (found here:
in the <typewriter>id</typewriter> attribute of the <typewriter>language</typewriter> element.
The specified &lt;languageID&gt; should match exactly, including case, as it appears in the <typewriter>.ldefs</typewriter> file.
For example:
&lt;language processor=&quot;x86&quot;
<I>Note: The <typewriter>-processor</typewriter> parameter may be used without specifying the
<a href="#cspec"><typewriter>-cspec</typewriter></a> parameter (if the given processor is valid,
the Headless Analyzer chooses the default compiler specification for that processor).</I>
<a name="cspec"><typewriter>-cspec &lt;compilerSpecID&gt;</typewriter></a><br>
Specifies the compiler specification to be used in <a href="#import"><typewriter>-import</typewriter></a>
mode (and subsequent analysis, if analysis is enabled).
The possible compilerSpecIDs can be found in the processor-specific <typewriter>.ldefs</typewriter>
files (found here: <typewriter>ghidra_x.x\Ghidra\Processors\<i>proc_name</i>\data\languages\*.ldefs</typewriter>)
in the <typewriter>id</typewriter> attribute of the appropriate <typewriter>compiler</typewriter> element.
The specified &lt;compilerSpecID&gt; should match exactly, including case, as it appears in the <typewriter>.ldefs</typewriter> file.
For example:
&lt;compiler name=&quot;Visual Studio&quot; spec=&quot;x86win.cspec&quot; <b>id=&quot;windows&quot;</b>/&gt;
&lt;compiler name=&quot;gcc&quot; spec=&quot;x86gcc.cspec&quot; <b>id=&quot;gcc&quot;</b>/&gt;
&lt;compiler name=&quot;Borland C++&quot; spec=&quot;x86borland.cspec&quot; <b>id=&quot;borlandcpp&quot;</b>/&gt;
<I>Note: The <typewriter>-cspec</typewriter> parameter may <b>not</b> be used without specifying the
<a href="#processor"><typewriter>-processor</typewriter></a> parameter.</I>
<a name="timeout"><typewriter>-analysisTimeoutPerFile &lt;timeout in seconds&gt;</typewriter></a><br>
Sets a timeout value (in seconds) for analysis. If analysis on a file exceeds the specified time,
analysis is interrupted and processing continues as scheduled (i.e., to the
<a href="#postScript"><typewriter>-postScript</typewriter></a> stage, if specified). Results
from individual analyzers that have completed processing prior to timeout will still be saved
with the program. Post-scripts can be used to detect that analysis has timed out (in Headless
processing ONLY) by calling the <typewriter>getHeadlessAnalysisTimeoutStatus()</typewriter> method.
<a name="keystore"><typewriter>-keystore &lt;KeystorePath&gt;</typewriter></a><br>
When connecting to a Ghidra Server using PKI or SSH authentication, this option allows
specification of a suitable private keystore file. The file should rely on filesystem protection
only to avoid prompting for a password.
<a name="connect"><typewriter>-connect &lt;userID&gt;</typewriter></a><br>
If used, allows the process owner&apos;s default userID to be overridden with the given
<typewriter>userID</typewriter> when connecting to a Ghidra Server (provided the server has been
configured to allow this).
<a name="password"><typewriter>-p</typewriter></a><br>
When connecting to a server, allows interactive prompting for a password via the console.
Although this method of authentication is normally discouraged, the server connection will
likely fail authentication if a password is required and this parameter is not enabled.
<b><u><i>NOTE: In some cases, password entry will be echoed to the console (a warning will show at
password prompt).</i></u></b>
<a name="commit"><typewriter>-commit [&quot;&lt;comment&gt;&quot;]</typewriter></a><br>
When connected to a shared project, enables a commit of changes to the project&apos;s underlying
repository (residing on the Ghidra Server). Commits are enabled by default for shared projects;
however, the optional quoted <typewriter>comment</typewriter> may be specified and will be saved
with all commits. Commits do not apply when the <a href="#readOnly"><typewriter>-readOnly</typewriter></a>
parameter is present.
<a name="okToDelete"><typewriter>-okToDelete</typewriter></a><br>
When using Headless Scripts to control <a href="#scripting_headlessScripts_controlProgramDisposition">
program disposition</a> in <a href="#process"><typewriter>-process</typewriter></a> mode, it is
possible to delete existing programs in a project. These deletions are permanent and can not be
undone (in a versioned project, all versions of a program are deleted). To ensure that programs
are not deleted irretrievably without the user&apos;s knowledge, Headless operation requires the
<typewriter>-okToDelete</typewriter> parameter to be set if a program is to be deleted in
<typewriter>-process</typewriter> mode. If a program is scheduled to be deleted and
<typewriter>-okToDelete</typewriter> has not been set, Headless will print a warning and the
program will not be deleted.
The <typewriter>-okToDelete</typewriter> parameter is not necessary when running in
<a href="#import"><typewriter>-import</typewriter></a> mode. If a HeadlessScripts schedules
deletion of one of the programs being imported, the program will simply not be saved to the
<a name="max-cpu"><typewriter>-max-cpu &lt;max cpu cores to use&gt;</typewriter></a><br>
Sets the maximum number of CPU cores to use during headless processing (must be an integer).
Setting <typewriter>max-cpu</typewriter> to 0 or a negative integer is equivalent to setting
the maximum number of cores to 1.
<a name="loader"><typewriter>-loader &lt;desired loader name&gt;</typewriter></a><br>
Forces the file to be imported using a specific loader. <br><br>
Loaders can take additional arguments that they apply during the import process.
Below is a list of the most commonly used loaders and their arguments.<br>
<b>Note: </b>Full java package loader paths are no longer recognized.<br><br>
<LI><typewriter>-loader BinaryLoader<typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-blockName &lt;block name&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-baseAddr &lt;base address<sup>1</sup>&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-fileOffset &lt;file offset<sup>2</sup>&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-length &lt;length in bytes<sup>2</sup>&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-applyLabels &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-anchorLabels &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader ElfLoader<typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-applyLabels &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-anchorLabels &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-createExportSymbolFiles &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-loadExternalLibs &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-applyRelocations &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-imagebase &lt;imagebase<sup>3</sup>&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-dataImageBase &lt;dataImageBase<sup>4</sup>&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-includeOtherBlocks &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-resolveExternalSymbols &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader PeLoader<typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-applyLabels &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-anchorLabels &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-createExportSymbolFiles &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-loadExternalLibs &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-parseCliHeaders &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader MachoLoader<typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-applyLabels &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-anchorLabels &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-createExportSymbolFiles &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<LI><typewriter>-loader-loadExternalLibs &lt;true|false&gt;</typewriter></LI>
<sup>1</sup>Address must be in the form [space:]offset. Space is optional, and offset is a hex value with no leading 0x.<br>
<sup>2</sup>To specify hexadecimal, use a leading 0x.<br>
<sup>3</sup>Base address is in the default space and must be specified as a hexadecimal value without the leading 0x.<br>
<sup>4</sup>Base address is in the default data space and must be specified as a hexadecimal value without the leading 0x.
This option only applies to Harvard Architecture processors when loading relocatable ELF binaries (i.e., object modules).<br>
(<a href="#top">Back to Top</a>)
<div style="border-top: 4px double; margin-top: 1em; padding-top: 1em;"> </div>
<h2><a name="examples">Headless Analyzer Examples</a></h2>
<LI>Import a binary <typewriter>/binaries/binary1.exe</typewriter> to a local Ghidra Project named
<typewriter>Project1</typewriter>. Analysis is on by default.</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects Project1 -import /binaries/binary1.exe</PRE>
<LI>Import all <typewriter>*.exe</typewriter> binaries from a local folder to a local Ghidra
project named <typewriter>Project1</typewriter>, suppressing analysis.</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects Project1 -import /Users/user/sourceFiles/*.exe -noanalysis</PRE>
<LI>Import the binary <typewriter>/usr/local/binaries/binaryA.exe</typewriter> to a subfolder of a
local Ghidra Project, running a prescript, but suppressing analysis.</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects Project1/folderOne -scriptPath /usr/scripts -preScript -import /usr/local/binaries/binaryA.exe -noanalysis</PRE>
<LI>Import the binary <typewriter>/usr/local/binaries/binaryB.exe</typewriter> to a local Ghidra
Project, running a prescript that depends on a .properties file in the location
<typewriter>/propertiesLocation</typewriter>. Analysis is on by default.</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects Project1 -scriptPath /usr/scripts -preScript -propertiesPath /propertiesLocation -import /usr/local/binaries/binaryB.exe</PRE>
<LI>Specify more than one import to a local project, running more than one script and performing analysis.</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/Projects Project1/folderOne -scriptPath /usr/scripts -preScript -preScript -import /usr/local/binaries/binaryA.exe /user/local/morebinaries -postScript
analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/Projects Project1/folderOne -scriptPath /usr/scripts -preScript -preScript -import /usr/local/binaries/binaryA.exe -postScript -import /user/local/morebinaries </PRE>
<LI>Run a script on an existing project binary <typewriter>importedBinA.exe</typewriter> in the folder
<typewriter>folderOne</typewriter> of the existing project named <typewriter>Project1</typewriter>.</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/Projects Project1/folderOne -scriptPath /user/scripts -postScript -process importedBinA.exe -noanalysis</PRE>
<LI>Recursively run scripts and analysis over all the binaries in the folder <typewriter>folderTwo</typewriter>
of the existing project named <typewriter>Project2</typewriter>.</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/Projects Project2/folderTwo -scriptPath /user/scripts -preScript -process -recursive</PRE>
<LI>Run a script and analysis on binaries starting with the letter <typewriter>&apos;a&apos;</typewriter>
in the folder <typewriter>aFolder</typewriter>
(and any of its subfolders) in the existing projected named <typewriter>Project1</typewriter>.</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/Projects Project1/aFolder -scriptPath /user/scripts -preScript -process &apos;a*&apos; -recursive</PRE>
<LI>Recursively import the directory<typewriter>/usr/local/binaries</typewriter> to a Ghidra Server,
running a prescript and analysis. Commit changes with the specified comment. Server prompts for a
password for the user named <typewriter>userID</typewriter>.</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless ghidra:// -scriptPath /usr/scripts/ -preScript -import /usr/local/binaries -recursive -connect userID -p -commit &quot;Testing server imports.&quot;</PRE>
<LI>Change the default log location when importing and analyzing a file.</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects Project1 -import /binaries/binary1.exe -log /new/log_location.txt</PRE>
<LI>Re-import and overwrite a file that already exists in the project.</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects Project1 -import /binaries/IAlreadyExist.exe -overwrite</PRE>
<LI>Create a new project, import and analyze a file, then delete the project when done.</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects ANewProject -import /binaries/binary2.exe -deleteProject</PRE>
<LI>Set a timeout value, in seconds, for analysis (analysis will abort if it takes longer than the
set timeout value).</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects MyProject -import /binaries/binary2.exe -analysisTimeoutPerFile 100</PRE>
<LI>Run a script without using <typewriter>-import</typewriter> or <typewriter>-process</typewriter> modes (<b><i>Script must not be program-dependent!</i></b>).</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects MyProject -preScript -scriptPath /my/ghidra_scripts</PRE>
<LI>Specify a language and compiler to be used when importing with analysis.</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects MyProject -import hello.exe -processor &quot;x86:LE:32:System Management Mode&quot; -cspec default</PRE>
<LI>Import, run a script, and analyze a file, but don&apos;t allow the file to be saved to the project.</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects MyProject -import hello.exe -preScript -readOnly</PRE>
<LI>Import and run scripts that take their own own arguments.</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects MyProject -import hello.exe -preScript arg1 arg2 arg3 -preScript "arg1 with spaces" arg2 </PRE>
<LI>Import a PE file as a raw binary image with a specified base address and block name.</LI>
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects MyProject -import hello.exe -loader BinaryLoader -loader-baseAddr 0x1000 -loader-blockName MyBlock -processor x86:LE:32:default</PRE>
(<a href="#top">Back to Top</a>)
<div style="border-top: 4px double; margin-top: 1em; padding-top: 1em;"> </div>
<h2><a name="scripting">Writing Scripts for the Headless Analyzer</a></h2>
Many scripts that extend the <typewriter>GhidraScript</typewriter> class, and written for use with the
headed (GUI) version of Ghidra, can also be used during Headless operation. However, there are certain
GUI-specific methods that do not make sense when called during Headless operation. When a GhidraScript
containing one or more GUI-specific methods is run headlessly, the script will throw an
A script that extends the <typewriter>HeadlessScript</typewriter> class may be used to write scripts
that refer to Headless-only methods. See the <a href=#scripting_headlessScripts>HeadlessScripts</a>
section for more detail.
Here are some general guidelines for running scripts headlessly.
<LI>If neither <typewriter>-import</typewriter> mode nor <typewriter>-process</typewriter> mode
is specified in the Headless Analyzer command line arguments, only the specified pre/post-script(s)
will be executed. In this case, all scripts must execute in a program-independent manner, or
errors will occur. If you intend for scripts to be run against programs, please run in
<typewriter>-process</typewriter> mode.</LI>
<LI>For each pre-/post-script group, scripts are executed in the order specified on the command line.</LI>
<LI>Any pre- or post-script may invoke the <typewriter>setTemporary</typewriter> method on
<typewriter>currentProgram</typewriter> to prevent changes from being saved. In <a href="#import">
<typewriter>-import</typewriter></a> mode, the method prevents the specific import from being
saved. In <a href="#process"><typewriter>-process</typewriter></a> mode, the method prevents
changes to the program from being saved.</LI>
<LI>Avoid using the script API method <typewriter>setServerCredentials</typewriter> for shared projects.</LI>
(<a href="#top">Back to Top</a>)
<h3><a name="scripting_passArgs">Passing Parameters using arguments</a></h3>
As of Ghidra 7.2, it is possible to pass script-specific arguments directly to scripts.
The arguments are stored in a String array and can be accessed with the following method:
<PRE>String[] args = getScriptArgs();</PRE>
If running in headless mode, this array will contain the ordered list of arguments passed to the script
on the command line (specified with <a href="#preScript">-preScript</a> or <a href="#postScript">
For example, if a script was run with the following command:
<PRE>analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects MyProject -import hello.exe -preScript arg1 arg2 arg3 -preScript "arg1 with spaces" arg2</PRE>
Then the elements of the argument array for would look like this:
<PRE>args = {"arg1", "arg2", "arg3"}</PRE>
and the argument array for would look like this:
<PRE>args = {"arg1 with spaces", "arg2"}</PRE>
<h3><a name="scripting_passParams">Passing Parameters using <typewriter>askXxx()</typewriter> methods</a></h3>
Many of the GhidraScript <typewriter>askXxx()</typewriter> methods can be run in both headless and
headed (GUI) modes, allowing seamless script usage between headed and headless modes. As of Ghidra 6.1,
the following methods can be run in both modes:
<i>Further details for each specific <typewriter>askXxx()</typewriter> method can be found in the
method&apos;s JavaDoc.</i>
When running headlessly, the <typewriter>askXxx()</typewriter> methods allow users to to &quot;pre-set&quot;
or &quot;pass in&quot; one or more values for use in scripts. Use the appropriate method to pass in
values of certain types (i.e., file, directory, int, long).
To pass a value to a script, create a <typewriter>.properties</typewriter> file corresponding to each
GhidraScript that uses an <typewriter>askXxx()</typewriter> method. For example, the
<typewriter>.properties</typewriter> file that corresponds to a script named <typewriter></typewriter>
would share the script&apos;s basename and be called <typewriter></typewriter>.
By default, the Headless Analyzer assumes that the script and its <typewriter>.properties</typewriter>
file are both located in the same folder. If you would like the <typewriter>.properties</typewriter>
file to be in a different location from the script, you can use the
<a href="#propertiesPath"><typewriter>propertiesPath</typewriter></a> parameter to specify the location
of the <typewriter><i>.properties</i></typewriter> file. Below is
an example of a GhidraScript and its <typewriter><i>.properties</i></typewriter> file. Use it for
reference to determine how the <typewriter><i>.properties</i></typewriter> file should be structured
to communicate the necessary information to the GhidraScript:
public class Script1 extends GhidraScript {
public void run() throws Exception {
File userFile = askFile(&quot;Choose a file &quot;, &quot;Please choose a file: &quot;);
println(&quot;Chosen file: &quot; + userFile.toString());
double userDouble = askDouble(&quot;Double dialog&quot;, &quot;Please enter a double: &quot;);
println(&quot;Entered double: &quot; + userDouble);
double userDouble2 = askDouble(&quot;Double dialog&quot;, &quot;Please enter another double: &quot;);
println(&quot;Second entered double: &quot; + userDouble2);
Address userAddress = askAddress(&quot;Address&quot;, &quot;Enter an address!&quot;);
println(&quot;Entered address: &quot; + userAddress.toString());
byte[] userBytes = askBytes(&quot;Asking for bytes&quot;, &quot;Put some bytes here --&quot;);
StringBuilder byteStr = new StringBuilder();
for (byte aByte : askedBytes) {
byteStr.append(String.format(&quot;%02X &quot;, aByte));
println(&quot;Bytes: &quot; + byteStr.toString().trim());
String userString = askString(&quot;Asking for a string&quot;, &quot;Please type a string: &quot;, &quot;my default String&quot;);
println(&quot;Entered String: &quot; + userString);
# A comment line is indicated if the &apos;#&apos; or &apos;!&apos; character is the first non-whitespace character of that line.
# Use a space-separated concatenation of the parameters to communicate which variable gets what value:
# Format: &lt;space-separated concatenation of parameters&gt; = &lt;value&gt;
# Notice that spaces at the beginning and end of parameters are removed prior to concatenation.
# Note that if the askXxx() method contains a "defaultValue" parameter, that parameter should not be included
# in the concatenation of parameters.
Choose a file Please choose a file: = /Users/username/help.exe
Double dialog Please enter a double: = 32.2
Address Enter an address! = 0x10AB34D
Double dialog Please enter another double: = 3.14159
Asking for bytes Put some bytes here -- = AA BB CC 11 02 24
Asking for a string Please type a string: = STRING ABC
<b>NOTE: </b>If <a href="#scripting_passArgs">script-specific arguments</a> have been passed into the
script, the <typewriter>askXxx()</typewriter> methods will consume values found in the argument array
rather than a <typewriter>.properties</typewriter> file. The first <typewriter>askXxx()</typewriter>
method will use the first value in the array, the second <typewriter>askXxx()</typewriter> method will
use the second value in the array, and so on. If all of the arguments in the array have been consumed,
the next <typewriter>askXxx()</typewriter> will throw an <typewriter>IndexOutOfBoundsException</typewriter>
(<a href="#top">Back to Top</a>)
<h3><a name="scripting_headlessScripts">HeadlessScripts</a></h3>
A script of type <typewriter>HeadlessScript</typewriter> (which extends <typewriter>GhidraScript</typewriter>)
can be used by any user looking for more control over the Headless Analysis process than is
offered using the more generic <typewriter>GhidraScript</typewriter> class. Using
<typewriter>HeadlessScript</typewriter>s, users are able to store variables for use by later scripts,
change the location of where an import will be saved, and change the disposition of a program depending
on script-specific conditions (i.e., save it in a different folder, delete it, turn off analysis,
abort further processing, etc.).
<typewriter>HeadlessScript</typewriter>s allow the user to access certain methods that are specific
to the HeadlessAnalyzer. Otherwise, these types of scripts operate exactly like
<typewriter>GhidraScript</typewriter>s. Users should <u>only</u> use <typewriter>HeadlessScript</typewriter>
for headless operation. While <typewriter>HeadlessScript</typewriter>s could possibly run successfully
in the Ghidra GUI, an exception will be thrown if a <typewriter>HeadlessScript</typewriter>-only method
is called during GUI operation.
(<a href="#top">Back to Top</a>)
<h3><a name="scripting_headlessScripts_enableDisableAnalysis">Headless Scripts: Enabling/Disabling Analysis</a></h3>
In order to enable or disable analysis using a HeadlessScript, simply include the following line in
your script:
enableHeadlessAnalysis(true); // turn on analysis
enableHeadlessAnalysis(false); // turn off analysis
Note that a script that includes this line should be run as a <typewriter>preScript</typewriter>,
since preScripts execute before analysis would typically run. Running the script as a
<typewriter>postScript</typewriter> is ineffective, since the stage at which analysis would have
happened has already passed.
This change will persist throughout the current HeadlessAnalyzer session, unless changed again (in
other words, once analysis is enabled via script for one program, it will also be enabled for future
programs in the current session, unless changed).
NOTE: To check whether analysis is currently enabled, use the following method:
boolean analysisEnabled = isHeadlessAnalysisEnabled();
(<a href="#top">Back to Top</a>)
<h3><a name="scripting_headlessScripts_setImportDir">Headless Scripts: Setting the Import Directory</a></h3>
When using <typewriter>-import mode</typewriter>, a user can change the path in the Ghidra project
where imported files are saved. This is done by using the following script method:
The new path does not have to exist (it will be created if it doesn&apos;t already exist). The path
is also assumed to be relative to the project&apos;s root folder.
Here are some examples assuming the Ghidra project structure looks like this:
The following usage ensures that any files imported after the call to this method are saved
in the existing <typewriter>MyGhidraProject:dir1/innerDir2</typewriter> folder:
In contrast, the following usage adds new folders to the Ghidra project and saves the imported
files into the newly-created path.
changes the directory structure to:
Another usage example where new folders are added to the Ghidra project.
This changes the directory structure to:
When using this method to set the save directory for imports, whether the save succeeds may depend
on the state of the <a href="#overwrite"><typewriter>-overwrite</typewriter></a> parameter. For
example, if the new import location already exists and contains a file of the same name as the
current program, the current program will only be successfully saved if
<a href="#overwrite"><typewriter>-overwrite</typewriter></a> is enabled.
This change in import directory will persist throughout the current HeadlessAnalyzer session, unless
changed again (in other words, once the import location has been changed, it will continue to be the
import save location for future imported programs in the current session, unless changed again).
To revert back to the default import location (that which was specified via command line), pass the
null object as the argument to this method:
setHeadlessImportDirectory(null); // Sets import save directory to default
The <typewriter>setHeadlessImportDirectory</typewriter> method is ineffective in
<a href="#process"><typewriter>-process</typewriter></a> mode (the program will <i>not</i> be saved
to a different location if this method is called when running in
<a href="#process"><typewriter>-process</typewriter></a> mode).
(<a href="#top">Back to Top</a>)
<h3><a name="scripting_headlessScripts_checkAnalysisTimeout">Headless Scripts: Checking for Analysis Timeout</a></h3>
In the case where all of the following apply:
<LI>the user set an analysis timeout period using the
<a href="#timeout"><typewriter>-analysisTimeoutPerFile</typewriter></a> parameter</LI>
<LI>analysis is enabled and has completed</LI>
<LI>the current script is being run as a postScript</LI>
the user can check whether analysis timed out, using the following query method:
boolean didTimeout = analysisTimeoutOccurred();
(<a href="#top">Back to Top</a>)
<h3><a name="scripting_headlessScripts_storeVariables">Headless Scripts: Passing Values Between Scripts</a></h3>
If you are running multiple scripts in headless operation and would like to store a value in one script
that is accessible by another script, use the <typewriter>HeadlessScript</typewriter> methods below.
They facilitate the storage and retrieval of key-value pairs to/from a data structure that is available to
any script of type <typewriter>HeadlessScript</typewriter>:
storeHeadlessValue(String key, Object value);
Object myObject = getStoredHeadlessValue(String key);
boolean containsKey = headlessStorageContainsKey(String key);
(<a href="#top">Back to Top</a>)
<h3><a name="scripting_headlessScripts_controlProgramDisposition">Headless Scripts: Using Scripts to Control Program Disposition</a></h3>
HeadlessScripts can be used to control disposition of the program currently being imported/processed
(note: if running in <a href="#process"><typewriter>-process</typewriter></a> mode with
<a href="#readOnly"><typewriter>-readOnly</typewriter></a> enabled, programs can not be deleted,
even if directed by a script).
The available options to control program disposition are as follows:
<LI><a name="ABORT"><typewriter>HeadlessContinuationOption.ABORT</typewriter></a></LI>
<LI>in <a href="#import"><typewriter>import</typewriter></a> mode, does not run any follow-on
scripts/analysis; program is imported.</LI>
<LI>in <a href="#process"><typewriter>process</typewriter></a> mode, does not run any follow-on
scripts/analysis; changes to the current (existing) program are saved.</LI>
<LI><a name="ABORT_AND_DELETE"><typewriter>HeadlessContinuationOption.ABORT_AND_DELETE</typewriter></a></LI>
<LI>in <a href="#import"><typewriter>import</typewriter></a> mode, does not run any follow-on
scripts/analysis; program is not imported.</LI>
<LI>in <a href="#process"><typewriter>process</typewriter></a> mode, does not run any follow-on
scripts/analysis; the current (existing) program is deleted.</LI>
<LI><a name="CONTINUE_THEN_DELETE"><typewriter>HeadlessContinuationOption.CONTINUE_THEN_DELETE</typewriter></a></LI>
<LI>in <a href="#import"><typewriter>import</typewriter></a> mode, continues to run any follow-on
scripts/analysis; program is not imported.</LI>
<LI>in <a href="#process"><typewriter>process</typewriter></a> mode, continues to run any follow-on
scripts/analysis; the current (existing) program is deleted after processing is complete.</LI>
<LI><a name="CONTINUE"><typewriter>HeadlessContinuationOption.CONTINUE</typewriter></a> (<b>default setting</b>)</LI>
<LI>in <a href="#import"><typewriter>import</typewriter></a> mode, continues to run any follow-on
scripts/analysis; program is imported.</LI>
<LI>in <a href="#process"><typewriter>process</typewriter></a> mode, continues to run any follow-on
scripts/analysis; changes to the current (existing) program are saved.</LI>
To set the program disposition, use the <typewriter>setHeadlessContinuationOption</typewriter> method.
For example, to dictate that further processing be aborted and the program deleted, the script should
use the following method with the <typewriter>ABORT_AND_DELETE</typewriter> option:
At the start of processing for each program (immediately before the first script runs), the
script&apos;s continuation option is set to <a href="#CONTINUE"><typewriter>CONTINUE</typewriter></a>
by default. If the <typewriter>setHeadlessContinationOption</typewriter> method is not used, then
operation continues as normal.
Note that when an option is set, it takes effect AFTER the current script completes. For example,
setting the continuation option to <a href="#ABORT"><typewriter>ABORT</typewriter></a> does <i>not</i>
immediately abort the current script; instead, it aborts any processing (analysis, other scripts)
that immediately follow the current script.
In the case where a subscript or secondary script sets an <a href="#ABORT"><typewriter>ABORT</typewriter></a>
or <a href="#ABORT_AND_DELETE"><typewriter>ABORT_AND_DELETE</typewriter></a> option, that option will
go into effect once the primary (or outermost) script has completed execution.
For a very basic example script, see <typewriter></typewriter>,
which is included in the Ghidra distribution.
When multiple scripts set program disposition, they are combined. Continue on to
<a href="#scripting_headlessScripts_multipleScripts">Using Multiple Scripts to Control Program Disposition</a>
to understand how this works.
(<a href="#top">Back to Top</a>)
<h3><a name="scripting_headlessScripts_multipleScripts">Headless Scripts: Using Multiple Scripts to Control Program Disposition</a></h3>
While running scripts that change the program disposition, there may be instances when the program
disposition is changed more than once for the same program. Some cases where this could happen are:
<LI>when the user runs multiple pre-scripts and/or post-scripts that use
<LI>when the user runs scripts that call sub-scripts (or secondary scripts) that use
<LI>when the user runs a script that makes multiple calls to the
<typewriter>setHeadlessContinuationOption</typewriter> method</LI>
If there are multiple calls to <typewriter>setHeadlessContinuationOption</typewriter> within a single
script, the last method call is used as the setting dictated by that script.
However, if multiple scripts make calls to <typewriter>setHeadlessContinuationOption</typewriter>,
the options from each script are combined in a rational way (in the order the options were set) to
potentially result in a new continuation option.
For example, if <typewriter><i></i></typewriter> sets the continuation option, then is followed
by <typewriter></typewriter> which also sets the continuation option, the resulting
continuation status is shown in the following diagram:
<table border="1px solid #000">
<td><typewriter><b><i>Script1</i> Continuation Option</b></typewriter></td>
<td colspan="4"><typewriter><b><i>Script2</i> Continuation Option</b></typewriter></td>
* In cases where <typewriter><i>Script1</i></typewriter> specifies <a href="#ABORT"><typewriter>ABORT</typewriter></a>
or <a href="#ABORT_AND_DELETE"><typewriter>ABORT_AND_DELETE</typewriter></a>, <typewriter><i>Script2</i></typewriter>
will not run unless <typewriter><i>Script2</i></typewriter> is a subscript or secondary script called
by <typewriter><i>Script1</i></typewriter>.
Keep in mind:
<LI>If <typewriter><i>Script2</i></typewriter> does not change the continuation option, then the
status from <typewriter><i>Script1</i></typewriter> will carry over.</LI>
<LI>An <a href="#ABORT"><typewriter>ABORT</typewriter></a> at the postScript stage is still
meaningful in stopping further processing, since follow-on analysis may occur as a result of
changes made by the postScript.</LI>
<LI>You can check the current continuation option by using the
<typewriter>getHeadlessContinuationOption</typewriter> method. For example:
HeadlessContinuationOption currentOption = getHeadlessContinuationOption();
<LI>When specifying deletion options such as
<a href="#ABORT_AND_DELETE"><typewriter>ABORT_AND_DELETE</typewriter></a> or
<a href="#CONTINUE_THEN_DELETE"><typewriter>CONTINUE_THEN_DELETE</typewriter></a> in
<a href="#process"><typewriter>-process</typewriter></a> mode, be sure to include
<a href="#okToDelete"><typewriter>-okToDelete</typewriter></a> in the command line parameters to
verify that deletions are allowed. This is an extra safety step to ensure programs aren&apos;t
deleted when the user didn&apos;t mean to delete them.</LI>
(<a href="#top">Back to Top</a>)
<div style="border-top: 4px double; margin-top: 1em; padding-top: 1em;"> </div>
<h2><a name="wildcards">Wildcards: Specifying Files to Import or Process</a></h2>
Wildcards can be used when specifying files and/or directories for
<a href="#import"><typewriter>-import</typewriter></a> mode, or when specifying one or more files
for <a href="#process"><typewriter>-process</typewriter></a> mode. Wildcards in
<a href="#import"><typewriter>-import</typewriter></a> mode are expanded by the underlying system
shell before being passed on to headless Ghidra (consequently, any wildcard limitations will be
dictated by the specific operating system you are using). Wildcards in
<a href="#process"><typewriter>-process</typewriter></a> mode are expanded by headless Ghidra and
are limited to the use of &apos;*&apos; and &apos;?&apos; only.
Note that wildcarding is NOT supported for specifying the Ghidra project/repository location or
folder path.
Below are some general guidelines for wildcard usage:
<LI><a href="#import"><typewriter>-import</typewriter></a> mode</LI>
<LI>During import, the rules for wildcard use depend on the operating system on which the
Headless Analyzer is being run. The operating system will expand the wildcards to a list of
matching files and pass the list to the Headless Analyzer.</LI>
<LI>Unix-based Operating Systems allow the following wildcards:</LI>
<LI>Use the &apos;<typewriter>*</typewriter>&apos; character to substitute for zero or more
<LI>Use the &apos;<typewriter>?</typewriter>&apos; character to substitute for exactly one
<LI>Use ranges of characters enclosed in square brackets (for example, <typewriter>[a-z]</typewriter>)
to substitute for any one of the characters in that range. Negation of the characters is
also allowed by using a leading &quot;!&quot; within the brackets (i.e., <typewriter>[!a-z]</typewriter>).</LI>
<LI>Wildcards can expand to either directories or files</LI>
<LI>Windows allows the following wildcards:</LI>
<LI>Use the &apos;<typewriter>*</typewriter>&apos; character to substitute for zero or
more characters</LI>
<LI>Use the &apos;<typewriter>?</typewriter>&apos; to substitute for one character or
<LI>Wildcards can only expand to files (directories whose names conform to the wildcard
string will not be returned)</LI>
<LI>When using a wildcard to specify files, be sure to use as specific of a string as possible.
There may be unintended consequences to using more generalized wildcard strings, such as:</LI>
./analyzeHeadless /home/usr/ghidra/projects TestProj -import /home/files/n*
When using a Unix-based operating system, this import specification results in not only all
files in <typewriter>/home/files</typewriter> starting with <i>n</i> to be imported, but
also the contents of the all directories starting with <i>n</i> to be imported (contents of
those directories&apos; subdirectories would also be imported, if the
<a href="#recursive"><typewriter>-recursive</typewriter></a> option was specified -- note
that the contents of the directories starting with <i>n</i> are not also subject to the
restriction that they start with <i>n</i>).
<LI><a href="#import"><typewriter>-process</typewriter></a> mode:</LI>
<LI>In process mode, the wildcard string applies only to files, not directories. The only
accepted wildcard characters are &apos;<typewriter>*</typewriter>&apos; and
<LI>There are some cases where the wildcard string may be prematurely expanded by the
operating system. For example, in order to run in <a href="#process"><typewriter>-process</typewriter></a>
mode over all existing project files that start with the letter <i>a</i>, one might use the
following command:</LI>
./analyzeHeadless /home/usr/ghidra/projects TestProj -process a* -recursive
<LI>Instead of the &quot;a*&quot; string being passed along to be used within the Ghidra
project, the shell will prematurely expand the wildcard string to match all <i>a</i>-prefixed
files in the current directory. The command ends up looking like this:</LI>
./analyzeHeadless /home/usr/ghidra/projects TestProj -process analyzeHeadless -recursive
<LI>In order to prevent the system shell from doing this premature wildcard expansion, simply
surround the wildcard string with single-quote characters:</LI>
./analyzeHeadless /home/usr/ghidra/projects TestProj -process &apos;a*&apos; -recursive
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Last modified: Aug 31 2017
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