
49 lines
1.7 KiB

@echo off
:: ***********************************************************
:: ** Arguments (each -argument option may be repeated):
:: ** [-add <sid> [--p]]
:: ** [-dn <sid> "<x500_distinguished_name>"]
:: ** [-remove <sid>]
:: ** [-reset <sid> [--p]]
:: ** [-admin <sid> "<repository-name>"]
:: ** [-list] [-users]
:: ** [-migrate "<repository-name>"] [-migrate-all]
:: **
:: ** add - add a new user to the server with the default password 'changeme' [--p prompt for password]
:: ** dn - set a user's distinguished name for PKI authentication
:: ** remove - remove an existing user from the server
:: ** reset - reset an existing user's password to 'changeme' [--p prompt for password]
:: ** admin - set the specified existing user as an admin of the specified repository
:: ** list - list all existing named repositories
:: ** users - list all users or those associated with each listed repository
:: ** migrate - migrate the specified named repository to an indexed data storage
:: ** migrate-all - migrate all named repositories to index data storage
:: ***********************************************************
:: maximum heap memory may be change if inadequate
set MAXMEM=128M
:: Sets SCRIPT_DIR to the directory that contains this file
:: '% ~' dereferences the value in param 0
:: 'd' - drive
:: 'p' - path (without filename)
set SCRIPT_DIR=%~dp0
:: Production Environment
set CONFIG=%SCRIPT_DIR%.\server.conf
if exist "%CONFIG%" goto continue
:: Development Environment
set CONFIG=%SCRIPT_DIR%..\..\Common\server\server.conf
set VMARGS=-DUserAdmin.invocation="%0" -DUserAdmin.config="%CONFIG%"
call "%~dp0\..\support\launch.bat" fg svrAdmin "%MAXMEM%" "%VMARGS%" ghidra.server.ServerAdmin %*