
90 lines
2.0 KiB

:: Script that takes either a single .pdb file or a directory
:: that contains .pdb files (search for files is recursive).
:: Parses each .pdb file and creates a corresponding .pdb.xml
:: file in the same location as the original file.
:: The .pdb.xml files can be used to apply debugging information
:: when running Ghidra on non-Windows systems.
@echo off
REM Get parent of current folder
set SCRIPT_DIR=%~dp0
set OS_DIR=os
REM Production Environment
if exist "%GHIDRA_DIR%" goto continue
REM Development Environment
set OS_DIR=build\os
REM create absolute path
for /f %%i in ("%GHIDRA_DIR%") do set GHIDRA_DIR=%%~fi
REM Determine if 64-bit or 32-bit
if exist "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" (
set OS_TYPE=win64
) else (
set OS_TYPE=win32
set PDB_EXE=%GHIDRA_DIR%\Features\PDB\%OS_DIR%\%OS_TYPE%\pdb.exe
if not exist "%PDB_EXE%" (
echo "%PDB_EXE% not found"
Exit /B 1
if "%~1" == "" (
echo "Usage: createPdbXmlFiles.bat <path to .pdb file|path to directory of .pdb files>"
Exit /B 1
set arg1="%~1"
set /a count=0
REM Recursively traverse through the given directory
REM Create the .pdb.xml file in the same directory as the .pdb file
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('dir %arg1% /s /b') do (
REM Check if we are dealing with a file
if not exist %%a\ (
REM Run pdb.exe on found .pdb file
if %%~xa equ .pdb (
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
echo "Processing file: %%a"
START /B /WAIT "" "%PDB_EXE%" %%a > "%%a.xml"
REM Exit if executable returned non-zero error code (signifies that there is a problem).
if !errorlevel! neq 0 (
REM Delete empty XML file that was just created
del "%%a.xml"
if !count! geq 1 (
echo "Error detected. Created !count! .pdb.xml file(s) before exiting"
) else (
echo Error detected. Exiting...
Exit /B 1
set /a count+=1
echo Created %count% .pdb.xml file(s).