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:: Ghidra python launch
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:: Maximum heap memory size
:: Default for Windows 32-bit is 768M and 64-bit is 1024M
:: Raising the value too high may cause a silent failure where
:: Ghidra fails to launch.
:: Uncomment MAXMEM setting if non-default value is needed
::set MAXMEM=768M
:: Launch mode can be changed to one of the following:
:: fg, debug, debug-suspend
:: Set the debug address to listen on.
:: NOTE: This variable is ignored if not launching in a debugging mode.
:: Limit the # of garbage collection and JIT compiler threads in case many headless
:: instances are run in parallel. By default, Java will assign one thread per core
:: which does not scale well on servers with many cores.
set VMARG_LIST=-XX:ParallelGCThreads=2
set VMARG_LIST=%VMARG_LIST% -XX:CICompilerCount=2
:: store current path
set filepath=%~dp0
call "%filepath%launch.bat" %LAUNCH_MODE% Ghidra-Python "%MAXMEM%" "%VMARG_LIST%" ghidra.python.PythonRun %params%