
370 lines
14 KiB

* fetchDependencies.gradle *
* *
* Fetches/downloads required dependencies that aren't available in the *
* standard online repositories (eg: maven) and configures a flat *
* directory-style respository that points to them. This should be run *
* immediately after cloning the Ghidra repository before any other gradle *
* tasks are run. *
* *
* Specifically, this task: *
* *
* 1. Downloads various dependencies required by the ghidra build and *
* puts them in <ghidra repo>/build/downloads/. From here they are *
* unzipped and/or copied to their final locations. The files to be *
* downloaded: *
* - *
* - AXMLPrinter2.jar *
* - *
* - *
* - *
* - PyDev *
* *
* 2. Creates a directory at <ghidra repo>/flatRepo which is used as a *
* flat directory-style respository for the files extracted above. *
* *
* usage: from the command line in the main ghidra repository *
* directory, run the following: *
* *
* gradle --init-script gradle/support/fetchDependencies.gradle init *
* *
* Note: When running the script, files will only be downloaded if *
* necessary (eg: they are not already in the build/downloads/ *
* directory). *
* *
import java.nio.file.*;
ext.HOME_DIR = System.getProperty('user.home')
ext.REPO_DIR = ((Script)this).buildscript.getSourceFile().getParentFile().getParentFile().getParentFile()
ext.FLAT_REPO_DIR = new File(REPO_DIR, "flatRepo")
ext.DOWNLOADS_DIR = new File(REPO_DIR, "build/downloads")
// Stores the size of the file being downloaded (for formatting print statements)
ext.FILE_SIZE = 0;
// The URLs for each of the dependencies
ext.DEX_ZIP = ''
ext.AXML_ZIP = ''
ext.HFS_ZIP = ''
ext.YAJSW_ZIP = ''
ext.PYDEV_ZIP = ''
ext.CDT_ZIP = ''
// The SHA-256s for each of the dependencies
ext.DEX_SHA_256 = '7907eb4d6e9280b6e17ddce7ee0507eae2ef161ee29f70a10dbc6944fdca75bc'
ext.AXML_SHA_256 = '00ed038eb6abaf6ddec8d202a3ed7a81b521458f4cd459948115cfd02ff59d6d'
ext.HFS_SHA_256 = '90c9b54798abca5b12f4a678db7d0a4c970f4702cb153c11919536d0014dedbf'
ext.YAJSW_SHA_256 = '1398fcb1e93abb19992c4fa06d7fe5758aabb4c45781d7ef306c6f57ca7a7321'
ext.PYDEV_SHA_256 = '4d81fe9d8afe7665b8ea20844d3f5107f446742927c59973eade4f29809b0699'
ext.CDT_SHA_256 = '81b7d19d57c4a3009f4761699a72e8d642b5e1d9251d2bb98df438b1e28f8ba9'
// Number of times to try and establish a connection when downloading files before
// failing
// Set up a maven repository configuration so we can get access to Apache FileUtils for
// copying/deleting files.
initscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'commons-io:commons-io:2.5'
// This is where the real flow of the script starts...
try {
finally {
* Creates the directories where the dependencies will be downloaded and stored
def createDirs() {
if (!DOWNLOADS_DIR.exists()) {
if (!FLAT_REPO_DIR.exists()) {
* Downloads a file from a URL. If there is a problem connecting to the given
* URL the attempt will be retried NUM_RETRIES times before failing.
* Progress is shown on the command line in the form of the number of bytes
* downloaded and a percentage of the total.
* Note: We do not validate that the number of bytes downloaded matches the
* expected total here; any discrepencies will be caught when checking
* the SHA-256s later on.
* @param url the file to download
* @param filename the local file to create for the download
def download(url, filename) {
println("File: " + url)
BufferedInputStream istream = establishConnection(url, NUM_RETRIES);
assert istream != null : " ***CONNECTION FAILURE***\n max attempts exceeded; exiting\n"
FileOutputStream ostream = new FileOutputStream(filename);
def dataBuffer = new byte[1024];
int bytesRead;
int totalRead;
while ((bytesRead =, 0, 1024)) != -1) {
ostream.write(dataBuffer, 0, bytesRead);
totalRead += bytesRead
if (FILE_SIZE.equals("unknown")) {
print(" Downloading: " + totalRead + " of " + FILE_SIZE)
else {
int pctComplete = (totalRead / FILE_SIZE) * 100
print(" Downloading: " + totalRead + " of " + FILE_SIZE + " (" + pctComplete + "%)")
* Attemps to establish a connection to the given URL.
* @param url the site to connect to
* @param retries the number of times to attempt to reconnect if there is a failure
* @return the InputStream for the URL
def establishConnection(url, retries) {
for (int i=0; i<retries; i++) {
try {
println(" Connect attempt " + (i+1) + " of " + retries)
URLConnection conn = new URL(url).openConnection();
FILE_SIZE = conn.getContentLength();
if (FILE_SIZE == -1) {
// This can happen if there is a problem retrieving the size; we've seen it happen
// in testing.
FILE_SIZE = "unknown"
return new BufferedInputStream(new URL(url).openStream());
catch (Exception e) {
println(" Connection error! " + e)
* Unzips a file to a directory
* @param sourceDir the directory where the zip file resides
* @param targetDir the directory where the unzipped files should be placed
* @param zipFileName the name of the file to unpack
def unzip(sourceDir, targetDir, zipFileName) {
def zip = new ZipFile(new File(sourceDir, zipFileName))
zip.entries().findAll { ! }.each { e ->
( as File).with { f ->
if (f.parentFile != null) {
File destPath = new File(targetDir.path, f.parentFile.path)
File targetFile = new File(destPath.path,
targetFile.withOutputStream { w ->
w << zip.getInputStream(e)
* Downloads and stores the necessary dependencies in the local flat repository.
* If the dependency already exists in the downloads folder (DOWNLOADS_DIR) and has the
* proper checksum, it will NOT be re-downloaded.
def populateFlatRepo() {
// 1. Download all the dependencies and verify their checksums. If the dependency has already
// been download, do NOT download again.
File file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, '')
if (!DEX_SHA_256.equals(generateChecksum(file))) {
download (DEX_ZIP, file.path)
validateChecksum(generateChecksum(file), DEX_SHA_256);
file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, 'AXMLPrinter2.jar')
if (!AXML_SHA_256.equals(generateChecksum(file))) {
download (AXML_ZIP, file.path)
validateChecksum(generateChecksum(file), AXML_SHA_256);
file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, '')
if (!HFS_SHA_256.equals(generateChecksum(file))) {
download (HFS_ZIP, file.path)
validateChecksum(generateChecksum(file), HFS_SHA_256);
file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, '')
if (!YAJSW_SHA_256.equals(generateChecksum(file))) {
download (YAJSW_ZIP, file.path)
validateChecksum(generateChecksum(file), YAJSW_SHA_256);
file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, 'PyDev')
if (!PYDEV_SHA_256.equals(generateChecksum(file))) {
download (PYDEV_ZIP, file.path)
validateChecksum(generateChecksum(file), PYDEV_SHA_256);
file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, '')
if (!CDT_SHA_256.equals(generateChecksum(file))) {
download (CDT_ZIP, file.path)
validateChecksum(generateChecksum(file), CDT_SHA_256);
// 2. Unzip the dependencies
// 3. Copy the necessary jars to the flatRepo directory. Yajsw, CDT, and PyDev go directly into
// the source repository.
* Generates the SHA-256 for the given file
* @param file the file to generate the checksum for
* @return the generated checksum
def generateChecksum(file) {
if (!file.exists()) {
return null
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
byte[] digest = md.digest();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (byte b : digest) {
sb.append(String.format("%02x", b));
return sb.toString();
* Compares two checksums and generates an assert failure if they do not match
* @param sourceSha256 the checksum to validate
* @param expectedSha256 the expected checksum
def validateChecksum(sourceSha256, expectedSha256) {
* Unzips the hfsx zip file
def unzipHfsx() {
def hfsxdir = getOrCreateTempHfsxDir()
unzip (DOWNLOADS_DIR, hfsxdir, "")
* Copies the dex-tools jars to the flat repository
* Note: This will only copy files beginning with "dex-"
def copyDexTools() {
FileUtils.copyDirectory(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, 'dex2jar-2.0/lib/'), FLAT_REPO_DIR, new WildcardFileFilter("dex-*"));
* Copies the AXMLPrinter2 jar to the flat repository
def copyAXML() {
FileUtils.copyFile(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, 'AXMLPrinter2.jar'), new File(FLAT_REPO_DIR, "AXMLPrinter2.jar"));
* Copies the necessary hfsx jars to the flat repository
def copyHfsx() {
FileUtils.copyFile(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, "hfsx/lib/csframework.jar"), new File(FLAT_REPO_DIR, "csframework.jar"));
FileUtils.copyFile(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, "hfsx/lib/hfsx_dmglib.jar"), new File(FLAT_REPO_DIR, "hfsx_dmglib.jar"));
FileUtils.copyFile(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, "hfsx/lib/hfsx.jar"), new File(FLAT_REPO_DIR, "hfsx.jar"));
FileUtils.copyFile(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, "hfsx/lib/iharder-base64.jar"), new File(FLAT_REPO_DIR, "iharder-base64.jar"));
* Copies the yajswdir zip to its location in the GhidraServer project.
def copyYajsw() {
FileUtils.copyFile(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, ""), new File(REPO_DIR, "Ghidra/Features/GhidraServer/build/"));
* Copies the pydev zip to its bin repository location
def copyPyDev() {
FileUtils.copyFile(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, 'PyDev'), new File(REPO_DIR, "GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/GhidraDevPlugin/build/PyDev"));
* Copies the cdt zip to its bin repository location
def copyCdt() {
FileUtils.copyFile(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, ''), new File(REPO_DIR, "GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/GhidraDevPlugin/build/"));
* Creates a temporary folder to house the hfsx zip contents
* @return the newly-created hfsx directory object
def getOrCreateTempHfsxDir() {
def hfsxdir = new File (DOWNLOADS_DIR, "hfsx")
if (!hfsxdir.exists()) {
return hfsxdir;
* Performs any cleanup operations that need to be performed after the flat repo has
* been populated.
def cleanup() {
// Uncomment this if we want to delete the downloads folder. For now, leave this and
// depend on a gradle clean to wipe it out.
//if (DOWNLOADS_DIR.exists()) {
// FileUtils.deleteDirectory(DOWNLOADS_DIR)