
1808 lines
53 KiB

htop - LinuxProcessTable.c
(C) 2014 Hisham H. Muhammad
Released under the GNU GPLv2+, see the COPYING file
in the source distribution for its full text.
#include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "linux/LinuxProcessTable.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <syscall.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <linux/capability.h> // raw syscall, no libcap // IWYU pragma: keep // IWYU pragma: no_include <sys/capability.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "Compat.h"
#include "Hashtable.h"
#include "Machine.h"
#include "Macros.h"
#include "Object.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "Row.h"
#include "RowField.h"
#include "Scheduling.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include "Table.h"
#include "UsersTable.h"
#include "XUtils.h"
#include "linux/CGroupUtils.h"
#include "linux/GPU.h"
#include "linux/GPUMeter.h"
#include "linux/LinuxMachine.h"
#include "linux/LinuxProcess.h"
#include "linux/Platform.h" // needed for GNU/hurd to get PATH_MAX // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "linux/LibNl.h"
#if defined(MAJOR_IN_MKDEV)
#include <sys/mkdev.h>
#elif defined(MAJOR_IN_SYSMACROS)
#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
/* Not exposed yet. Defined at include/linux/sched.h */
#ifndef PF_KTHREAD
#define PF_KTHREAD 0x00200000
/* Inode number of the PID namespace of htop */
static ino_t rootPidNs = (ino_t)-1;
static FILE* fopenat(openat_arg_t openatArg, const char* pathname, const char* mode) {
assert(String_eq(mode, "r")); /* only currently supported mode */
int fd = Compat_openat(openatArg, pathname, O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0)
return NULL;
FILE* fp = fdopen(fd, mode);
if (!fp)
return fp;
static inline uint64_t fast_strtoull_dec(char** str, int maxlen) {
register uint64_t result = 0;
if (!maxlen)
while (maxlen-- && **str >= '0' && **str <= '9') {
result *= 10;
result += **str - '0';
return result;
static inline uint64_t fast_strtoull_hex(char** str, int maxlen) {
register uint64_t result = 0;
register int nibble, letter;
const long valid_mask = 0x03FF007E;
if (!maxlen)
while (maxlen--) {
nibble = (unsigned char)**str;
if (!(valid_mask & (1 << (nibble & 0x1F))))
if ((nibble < '0') || (nibble & ~0x20) > 'F')
letter = (nibble & 0x40) ? 'A' - '9' - 1 : 0;
nibble &=~0x20; // to upper
nibble ^= 0x10; // switch letters and digits
nibble -= letter;
nibble &= 0x0f;
result <<= 4;
result += (uint64_t)nibble;
return result;
static int sortTtyDrivers(const void* va, const void* vb) {
const TtyDriver* a = (const TtyDriver*) va;
const TtyDriver* b = (const TtyDriver*) vb;
int r = SPACESHIP_NUMBER(a->major, b->major);
if (r)
return r;
return SPACESHIP_NUMBER(a->minorFrom, b->minorFrom);
static void LinuxProcessTable_initTtyDrivers(LinuxProcessTable* this) {
TtyDriver* ttyDrivers;
char buf[16384];
ssize_t r = xReadfile(PROCTTYDRIVERSFILE, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (r < 0)
size_t numDrivers = 0;
size_t allocd = 10;
ttyDrivers = xMallocArray(allocd, sizeof(TtyDriver));
char* at = buf;
char* path = NULL;
while (at && *at != '\0') {
* Format:
* [name] [node path] [major] [minor range] [type]
* serial /dev/ttyS 4 64-95 serial
at = strchr(at, ' '); // skip first token
if (!at)
goto finish; // bail out on truncation
while (*at == ' ') at++; // skip spaces
const char* token = at; // mark beginning of path
at = strchr(at, ' '); // find end of path
if (!at)
goto finish; // bail out on truncation
*at = '\0'; at++; // clear and skip
path = xStrdup(token); // save
while (*at == ' ') at++; // skip spaces
token = at; // mark beginning of major
at = strchr(at, ' '); // find end of major
if (!at)
goto finish; // bail out on truncation
*at = '\0'; at++; // clear and skip
ttyDrivers[numDrivers].major = atoi(token); // save
while (*at == ' ') at++; // skip spaces
token = at; // mark beginning of minorFrom
while (*at >= '0' && *at <= '9') at++; //find end of minorFrom
if (*at == '-') { // if has range
*at = '\0'; at++; // clear and skip
ttyDrivers[numDrivers].minorFrom = atoi(token); // save
token = at; // mark beginning of minorTo
at = strchr(at, ' '); // find end of minorTo
if (!at)
goto finish; // bail out on truncation
*at = '\0'; at++; // clear and skip
ttyDrivers[numDrivers].minorTo = atoi(token); // save
} else { // no range
*at = '\0'; at++; // clear and skip
ttyDrivers[numDrivers].minorFrom = atoi(token); // save
ttyDrivers[numDrivers].minorTo = atoi(token); // save
at = strchr(at, '\n'); // go to end of line
if (at)
at++; // skip
ttyDrivers[numDrivers].path = path;
path = NULL;
if (numDrivers == allocd) {
allocd += 10;
ttyDrivers = xReallocArray(ttyDrivers, allocd, sizeof(TtyDriver));
ttyDrivers = xRealloc(ttyDrivers, sizeof(TtyDriver) * (numDrivers + 1));
ttyDrivers[numDrivers].path = NULL;
qsort(ttyDrivers, numDrivers, sizeof(TtyDriver), sortTtyDrivers);
this->ttyDrivers = ttyDrivers;
ProcessTable* ProcessTable_new(Machine* host, Hashtable* pidMatchList) {
LinuxProcessTable* this = xCalloc(1, sizeof(LinuxProcessTable));
Object_setClass(this, Class(ProcessTable));
ProcessTable* super = &this->super;
ProcessTable_init(super, Class(LinuxProcess), host, pidMatchList);
// Test /proc/PID/smaps_rollup availability (faster to parse, Linux 4.14+)
this->haveSmapsRollup = (access(PROCDIR "/self/smaps_rollup", R_OK) == 0);
// Read PID namespace inode number
struct stat sb;
int r = stat(PROCDIR "/self/ns/pid", &sb);
if (r == 0) {
rootPidNs = sb.st_ino;
} else {
rootPidNs = (ino_t)-1;
return super;
void ProcessTable_delete(Object* cast) {
LinuxProcessTable* this = (LinuxProcessTable*) cast;
if (this->ttyDrivers) {
for (int i = 0; this->ttyDrivers[i].path; i++) {
static inline unsigned long long LinuxProcessTable_adjustTime(const LinuxMachine* lhost, unsigned long long t) {
return t * 100 / lhost->jiffies;
/* Taken from: */
static inline ProcessState LinuxProcessTable_getProcessState(char state) {
switch (state) {
case 'S': return SLEEPING;
case 'X': return DEFUNCT;
case 'Z': return ZOMBIE;
case 't': return TRACED;
case 'T': return STOPPED;
case 'R': return RUNNING;
case 'P': return BLOCKED;
case 'I': return IDLE;
default: return UNKNOWN;
* Read /proc/<pid>/stat (thread-specific data)
static bool LinuxProcessTable_readStatFile(LinuxProcess* lp, openat_arg_t procFd, const LinuxMachine* lhost, bool scanMainThread, char* command, size_t commLen) {
Process* process = &lp->super;
char buf[MAX_READ + 1];
char path[22] = "stat";
if (scanMainThread) {
xSnprintf(path, sizeof(path), "task/%"PRIi32"/stat", (int32_t)Process_getPid(process));
ssize_t r = xReadfileat(procFd, path, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (r < 0)
return false;
/* (1) pid - %d */
assert(Process_getPid(process) == atoi(buf));
char* location = strchr(buf, ' ');
if (!location)
return false;
/* (2) comm - (%s) */
location += 2;
char* end = strrchr(location, ')');
if (!end)
return false;
String_safeStrncpy(command, location, MINIMUM((size_t)(end - location + 1), commLen));
location = end + 2;
/* (3) state - %c */
process->state = LinuxProcessTable_getProcessState(location[0]);
location += 2;
/* (4) ppid - %d */
Process_setParent(process, strtol(location, &location, 10));
location += 1;
/* (5) pgrp - %d */
process->pgrp = strtol(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
/* (6) session - %d */
process->session = strtol(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
/* (7) tty_nr - %d */
process->tty_nr = strtoul(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
/* (8) tpgid - %d */
process->tpgid = strtol(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
/* (9) flags - %u */
lp->flags = strtoul(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
/* (10) minflt - %lu */
process->minflt = strtoull(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
/* (11) cminflt - %lu */
lp->cminflt = strtoull(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
/* (12) majflt - %lu */
process->majflt = strtoull(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
/* (13) cmajflt - %lu */
lp->cmajflt = strtoull(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
/* (14) utime - %lu */
lp->utime = LinuxProcessTable_adjustTime(lhost, strtoull(location, &location, 10));
location += 1;
/* (15) stime - %lu */
lp->stime = LinuxProcessTable_adjustTime(lhost, strtoull(location, &location, 10));
location += 1;
/* (16) cutime - %ld */
lp->cutime = LinuxProcessTable_adjustTime(lhost, strtoull(location, &location, 10));
location += 1;
/* (17) cstime - %ld */
lp->cstime = LinuxProcessTable_adjustTime(lhost, strtoull(location, &location, 10));
location += 1;
/* (18) priority - %ld */
process->priority = strtol(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
/* (19) nice - %ld */
process->nice = strtol(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
/* (20) num_threads - %ld */
process->nlwp = strtol(location, &location, 10);
location += 1;
/* Skip (21) itrealvalue - %ld */
location = strchr(location, ' ') + 1;
/* (22) starttime - %llu */
if (process->starttime_ctime == 0) {
process->starttime_ctime = lhost->boottime + LinuxProcessTable_adjustTime(lhost, strtoll(location, &location, 10)) / 100;
} else {
location = strchr(location, ' ');
location += 1;
/* Skip (23) - (38) */
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
location = strchr(location, ' ') + 1;
assert(location != NULL);
/* (39) processor - %d */
process->processor = strtol(location, &location, 10);
/* Ignore further fields */
process->time = lp->utime + lp->stime;
return true;
* Read /proc/<pid>/status (thread-specific data)
static bool LinuxProcessTable_readStatusFile(Process* process, openat_arg_t procFd) {
LinuxProcess* lp = (LinuxProcess*) process;
unsigned long ctxt = 0;
process->isRunningInContainer = TRI_OFF;
lp->vxid = 0;
FILE* statusfile = fopenat(procFd, "status", "r");
if (!statusfile)
return false;
char buffer[PROC_LINE_LENGTH + 1] = {0};
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), statusfile)) {
if (String_startsWith(buffer, "NSpid:")) {
const char* ptr = buffer;
int pid_ns_count = 0;
while (*ptr && *ptr != '\n' && !isdigit((unsigned char)*ptr))
while (*ptr && *ptr != '\n') {
if (isdigit(*ptr))
while (isdigit((unsigned char)*ptr))
while (*ptr && *ptr != '\n' && !isdigit((unsigned char)*ptr))
if (pid_ns_count > 1)
process->isRunningInContainer = TRI_ON;
} else if (String_startsWith(buffer, "voluntary_ctxt_switches:")) {
unsigned long vctxt;
int ok = sscanf(buffer, "voluntary_ctxt_switches:\t%lu", &vctxt);
if (ok == 1) {
ctxt += vctxt;
} else if (String_startsWith(buffer, "nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches:")) {
unsigned long nvctxt;
int ok = sscanf(buffer, "nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches:\t%lu", &nvctxt);
if (ok == 1) {
ctxt += nvctxt;
} else if (String_startsWith(buffer, "VxID:")) {
int vxid;
int ok = sscanf(buffer, "VxID:\t%32d", &vxid);
if (ok == 1) {
lp->vxid = vxid;
} else if (String_startsWith(buffer, "s_context:")) {
int vxid;
int ok = sscanf(buffer, "s_context:\t%32d", &vxid);
if (ok == 1) {
lp->vxid = vxid;
#endif /* HAVE_VSERVER */
lp->ctxt_diff = (ctxt > lp->ctxt_total) ? (ctxt - lp->ctxt_total) : 0;
lp->ctxt_total = ctxt;
return true;
* Gather user of task (process-shared data)
static bool LinuxProcessTable_updateUser(const Machine* host, Process* process, openat_arg_t procFd, const LinuxProcess* mainTask) {
if (mainTask) {
process->st_uid = mainTask->super.st_uid;
process->user = mainTask->super.user;
return true;
struct stat sb;
int statok = fstat(procFd, &sb);
int statok = stat(procFd, &sb);
if (statok == -1)
return false;
if (process->st_uid != sb.st_uid) {
process->st_uid = sb.st_uid;
process->user = UsersTable_getRef(host->usersTable, sb.st_uid);
return true;
* Read /proc/<pid>/io (thread-specific data)
static void LinuxProcessTable_readIoFile(LinuxProcess* lp, openat_arg_t procFd, bool scanMainThread) {
Process* process = &lp->super;
const Machine* host = process->;
char path[20] = "io";
char buffer[1024];
if (scanMainThread) {
xSnprintf(path, sizeof(path), "task/%"PRIi32"/io", (int32_t)Process_getPid(process));
ssize_t r = xReadfileat(procFd, path, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (r < 0) {
lp->io_rate_read_bps = NAN;
lp->io_rate_write_bps = NAN;
lp->io_rchar = ULLONG_MAX;
lp->io_wchar = ULLONG_MAX;
lp->io_syscr = ULLONG_MAX;
lp->io_syscw = ULLONG_MAX;
lp->io_read_bytes = ULLONG_MAX;
lp->io_write_bytes = ULLONG_MAX;
lp->io_cancelled_write_bytes = ULLONG_MAX;
lp->io_last_scan_time_ms = host->realtimeMs;
unsigned long long last_read = lp->io_read_bytes;
unsigned long long last_write = lp->io_write_bytes;
unsigned long long time_delta = saturatingSub(host->realtimeMs, lp->io_last_scan_time_ms);
// Note: Linux Kernel documentation states that /proc/<pid>/io may be racy
// on 32-bit machines. (Documentation/filesystems/proc.rst)
char* buf = buffer;
const char* line;
while ((line = strsep(&buf, "\n")) != NULL) {
switch (line[0]) {
case 'r':
if (line[1] == 'c' && String_startsWith(line + 2, "har: ")) {
lp->io_rchar = strtoull(line + 7, NULL, 10);
} else if (String_startsWith(line + 1, "ead_bytes: ")) {
lp->io_read_bytes = strtoull(line + 12, NULL, 10);
lp->io_rate_read_bps = time_delta ? saturatingSub(lp->io_read_bytes, last_read) * /*ms to s*/1000. / time_delta : NAN;
case 'w':
if (line[1] == 'c' && String_startsWith(line + 2, "har: ")) {
lp->io_wchar = strtoull(line + 7, NULL, 10);
} else if (String_startsWith(line + 1, "rite_bytes: ")) {
lp->io_write_bytes = strtoull(line + 13, NULL, 10);
lp->io_rate_write_bps = time_delta ? saturatingSub(lp->io_write_bytes, last_write) * /*ms to s*/1000. / time_delta : NAN;
case 's':
if (line[4] == 'r' && String_startsWith(line + 1, "yscr: ")) {
lp->io_syscr = strtoull(line + 7, NULL, 10);
} else if (String_startsWith(line + 1, "yscw: ")) {
lp->io_syscw = strtoull(line + 7, NULL, 10);
case 'c':
if (String_startsWith(line + 1, "ancelled_write_bytes: ")) {
lp->io_cancelled_write_bytes = strtoull(line + 23, NULL, 10);
lp->io_last_scan_time_ms = host->realtimeMs;
typedef struct LibraryData_ {
uint64_t size;
bool exec;
} LibraryData;
static void LinuxProcessTable_calcLibSize_helper(ATTR_UNUSED ht_key_t key, void* value, void* data) {
if (!data)
if (!value)
const LibraryData* v = (const LibraryData*)value;
uint64_t* d = (uint64_t*)data;
if (!v->exec)
*d += v->size;
* Read /proc/<pid>/maps (process-shared data)
static void LinuxProcessTable_readMaps(LinuxProcess* process, openat_arg_t procFd, const LinuxMachine* host, bool calcSize, bool checkDeletedLib) {
Process* proc = (Process*)process;
proc->usesDeletedLib = false;
FILE* mapsfile = fopenat(procFd, "maps", "r");
if (!mapsfile)
Hashtable* ht = NULL;
if (calcSize)
ht = Hashtable_new(64, true);
char buffer[1024];
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), mapsfile)) {
uint64_t map_start;
uint64_t map_end;
bool map_execute;
unsigned int map_devmaj;
unsigned int map_devmin;
uint64_t map_inode;
// Short circuit test: Look for a slash
if (!strchr(buffer, '/'))
// Parse format: "%Lx-%Lx %4s %x %2x:%2x %Ld"
char* readptr = buffer;
map_start = fast_strtoull_hex(&readptr, 16);
if ('-' != *readptr++)
map_end = fast_strtoull_hex(&readptr, 16);
if (' ' != *readptr++)
if (!readptr[0] || !readptr[1] || !readptr[2] || !readptr[3])
map_execute = (readptr[2] == 'x');
readptr += 4;
if (' ' != *readptr++)
while (*readptr > ' ')
readptr++; // Skip parsing this hex value
if (' ' != *readptr++)
map_devmaj = fast_strtoull_hex(&readptr, 4);
if (':' != *readptr++)
map_devmin = fast_strtoull_hex(&readptr, 4);
if (' ' != *readptr++)
//Minor shortcut: Once we know there's no file for this region, we skip
if (!map_devmaj && !map_devmin)
map_inode = fast_strtoull_dec(&readptr, 20);
if (!map_inode)
if (calcSize) {
LibraryData* libdata = Hashtable_get(ht, map_inode);
if (!libdata) {
libdata = xCalloc(1, sizeof(LibraryData));
Hashtable_put(ht, map_inode, libdata);
libdata->size += map_end - map_start;
libdata->exec |= map_execute;
if (checkDeletedLib && map_execute && !proc->usesDeletedLib) {
while (*readptr == ' ')
if (*readptr != '/')
if (String_startsWith(readptr, "/memfd:"))
/* Virtualbox maps /dev/zero for memory allocation. That results in
* false positive, so ignore. */
if (String_eq(readptr, "/dev/zero (deleted)\n"))
if (strstr(readptr, " (deleted)\n")) {
proc->usesDeletedLib = true;
if (!calcSize)
if (calcSize) {
uint64_t total_size = 0;
Hashtable_foreach(ht, LinuxProcessTable_calcLibSize_helper, &total_size);
process->m_lrs = total_size / host->pageSize;
* Read /proc/<pid>/statm (process-shared data)
static bool LinuxProcessTable_readStatmFile(LinuxProcess* process, openat_arg_t procFd, const LinuxMachine* host, const LinuxProcess* mainTask) {
if (mainTask) {
process->super.m_virt = mainTask->super.m_virt;
process->super.m_resident = mainTask->super.m_resident;
return true;
char statmdata[128] = {0};
if (xReadfileat(procFd, "statm", statmdata, sizeof(statmdata)) < 1) {
return false;
long int dummy, dummy2;
int r = sscanf(statmdata, "%ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld",
&dummy, /* unused since Linux 2.6; always 0 */
&dummy2); /* unused since Linux 2.6; always 0 */
if (r == 7) {
process->super.m_virt *= host->pageSizeKB;
process->super.m_resident *= host->pageSizeKB;
process->m_priv = process->super.m_resident - (process->m_share * host->pageSizeKB);
return r == 7;
* Read /proc/<pid>/smaps (process-shared data)
static bool LinuxProcessTable_readSmapsFile(LinuxProcess* process, openat_arg_t procFd, bool haveSmapsRollup) {
//kernel will return data in chunks of size PAGE_SIZE or less.
FILE* fp = fopenat(procFd, haveSmapsRollup ? "smaps_rollup" : "smaps", "r");
if (!fp)
return false;
process->m_pss = 0;
process->m_swap = 0;
process->m_psswp = 0;
char buffer[256];
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
if (!strchr(buffer, '\n')) {
// Partial line, skip to end of this line
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
if (strchr(buffer, '\n')) {
if (String_startsWith(buffer, "Pss:")) {
process->m_pss += strtol(buffer + 4, NULL, 10);
} else if (String_startsWith(buffer, "Swap:")) {
process->m_swap += strtol(buffer + 5, NULL, 10);
} else if (String_startsWith(buffer, "SwapPss:")) {
process->m_psswp += strtol(buffer + 8, NULL, 10);
return true;
static void LinuxProcessTable_readOpenVZData(LinuxProcess* process, openat_arg_t procFd) {
if (access(PROCDIR "/vz", R_OK) != 0) {
process->ctid = NULL;
process->vpid = Process_getPid(&process->super);
FILE* file = fopenat(procFd, "status", "r");
if (!file) {
process->ctid = NULL;
process->vpid = Process_getPid(&process->super);
bool foundEnvID = false;
bool foundVPid = false;
char linebuf[256];
while (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), file) != NULL) {
if (strchr(linebuf, '\n') == NULL) {
// Partial line, skip to end of this line
while (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), file) != NULL) {
if (strchr(linebuf, '\n') != NULL) {
char* name_value_sep = strchr(linebuf, ':');
if (name_value_sep == NULL) {
int field;
if (0 == strncasecmp(linebuf, "envID", name_value_sep - linebuf)) {
field = 1;
} else if (0 == strncasecmp(linebuf, "VPid", name_value_sep - linebuf)) {
field = 2;
} else {
do {
} while (*name_value_sep != '\0' && *name_value_sep <= 32);
char* value_end = name_value_sep;
while (*value_end > 32) {
if (name_value_sep == value_end) {
*value_end = '\0';
switch (field) {
case 1:
foundEnvID = true;
if (!String_eq(name_value_sep, process->ctid ? process->ctid : ""))
free_and_xStrdup(&process->ctid, name_value_sep);
case 2:
foundVPid = true;
process->vpid = strtoul(name_value_sep, NULL, 0);
//Sanity Check: Should never reach here, or the implementation is missing something!
assert(false && "OpenVZ handling: Unimplemented case for field handling reached.");
if (!foundEnvID) {
process->ctid = NULL;
if (!foundVPid) {
process->vpid = Process_getPid(&process->super);
#endif /* HAVE_OPENVZ */
* Read /proc/<pid>/cgroup (thread-specific data)
static void LinuxProcessTable_readCGroupFile(LinuxProcess* process, openat_arg_t procFd) {
FILE* file = fopenat(procFd, "cgroup", "r");
if (!file) {
if (process->cgroup) {
process->cgroup = NULL;
if (process->cgroup_short) {
process->cgroup_short = NULL;
if (process->container_short) {
process->container_short = NULL;
char output[PROC_LINE_LENGTH + 1];
output[0] = '\0';
char* at = output;
int left = PROC_LINE_LENGTH;
while (!feof(file) && left > 0) {
char buffer[PROC_LINE_LENGTH + 1];
const char* ok = fgets(buffer, PROC_LINE_LENGTH, file);
if (!ok)
char* group = buffer;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
group = String_strchrnul(group, ':');
if (!*group)
char* eol = String_strchrnul(group, '\n');
*eol = '\0';
if (at != output) {
*at = ';';
int wrote = snprintf(at, left, "%s", group);
left -= wrote;
bool changed = !process->cgroup || !String_eq(process->cgroup, output);
Row_updateFieldWidth(CGROUP, strlen(output));
free_and_xStrdup(&process->cgroup, output);
if (!changed) {
if (process->cgroup_short) {
Row_updateFieldWidth(CCGROUP, strlen(process->cgroup_short));
} else {
//CCGROUP is alias to normal CGROUP if shortening fails
Row_updateFieldWidth(CCGROUP, strlen(process->cgroup));
if (process->container_short) {
Row_updateFieldWidth(CONTAINER, strlen(process->container_short));
} else {
Row_updateFieldWidth(CONTAINER, strlen("N/A"));
char* cgroup_short = CGroup_filterName(process->cgroup);
if (cgroup_short) {
Row_updateFieldWidth(CCGROUP, strlen(cgroup_short));
free_and_xStrdup(&process->cgroup_short, cgroup_short);
} else {
//CCGROUP is alias to normal CGROUP if shortening fails
Row_updateFieldWidth(CCGROUP, strlen(process->cgroup));
process->cgroup_short = NULL;
char* container_short = CGroup_filterContainer(process->cgroup);
if (container_short) {
Row_updateFieldWidth(CONTAINER, strlen(container_short));
free_and_xStrdup(&process->container_short, container_short);
} else {
//CONTAINER is just "N/A" if shortening fails
Row_updateFieldWidth(CONTAINER, strlen("N/A"));
process->container_short = NULL;
* Read /proc/<pid>/oom_score (process-shared data)
static void LinuxProcessTable_readOomData(LinuxProcess* process, openat_arg_t procFd, const LinuxProcess* mainTask) {
if (mainTask) {
process->oom = mainTask->oom;
char buffer[PROC_LINE_LENGTH + 1] = {0};
ssize_t oomRead = xReadfileat(procFd, "oom_score", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (oomRead < 1) {
char* oomPtr = buffer;
uint64_t oom = fast_strtoull_dec(&oomPtr, oomRead);
if (*oomPtr && *oomPtr != '\n' && *oomPtr != ' ') {
if (oom > UINT_MAX) {
process->oom = oom;
* Read /proc/<pid>/autogroup (process-shared data)
static void LinuxProcessTable_readAutogroup(LinuxProcess* process, openat_arg_t procFd, const LinuxProcess* mainTask) {
if (mainTask) {
process->autogroup_id = mainTask->autogroup_id;
process->autogroup_id = -1;
char autogroup[64]; // space for two numeric values and fixed length strings
ssize_t amtRead = xReadfileat(procFd, "autogroup", autogroup, sizeof(autogroup));
if (amtRead < 0)
long int identity;
int nice;
int ok = sscanf(autogroup, "/autogroup-%ld nice %d", &identity, &nice);
if (ok == 2) {
process->autogroup_id = identity;
process->autogroup_nice = nice;
* Read /proc/<pid>/attr/current (process-shared data)
static void LinuxProcessTable_readSecattrData(LinuxProcess* process, openat_arg_t procFd, const LinuxProcess* mainTask) {
if (mainTask) {
const char* mainSecAttr = mainTask->secattr;
if (mainSecAttr) {
free_and_xStrdup(&process->secattr, mainSecAttr);
} else {
process->secattr = NULL;
char buffer[PROC_LINE_LENGTH + 1] = {0};
ssize_t attrdata = xReadfileat(procFd, "attr/current", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (attrdata < 1) {
process->secattr = NULL;
char* newline = strchr(buffer, '\n');
if (newline) {
*newline = '\0';
Row_updateFieldWidth(SECATTR, strlen(buffer));
free_and_xStrdup(&process->secattr, buffer);
* Read /proc/<pid>/cwd (process-shared data)
static void LinuxProcessTable_readCwd(LinuxProcess* process, openat_arg_t procFd, const LinuxProcess* mainTask) {
if (mainTask) {
const char* mainCwd = mainTask->super.procCwd;
if (mainCwd) {
free_and_xStrdup(&process->super.procCwd, mainCwd);
} else {
process->super.procCwd = NULL;
char pathBuffer[PATH_MAX + 1] = {0};
#if defined(HAVE_READLINKAT) && defined(HAVE_OPENAT)
ssize_t r = readlinkat(procFd, "cwd", pathBuffer, sizeof(pathBuffer) - 1);
ssize_t r = Compat_readlink(procFd, "cwd", pathBuffer, sizeof(pathBuffer) - 1);
if (r < 0) {
process->super.procCwd = NULL;
pathBuffer[r] = '\0';
free_and_xStrdup(&process->super.procCwd, pathBuffer);
* Read /proc/<pid>/exe (process-shared data)
static void LinuxProcessList_readExe(Process* process, openat_arg_t procFd, const LinuxProcess* mainTask) {
if (mainTask) {
Process_updateExe(process, mainTask->super.procExe);
process->procExeDeleted = mainTask->super.procExeDeleted;
char filename[PATH_MAX + 1];
#if defined(HAVE_READLINKAT) && defined(HAVE_OPENAT)
ssize_t amtRead = readlinkat(procFd, "exe", filename, sizeof(filename) - 1);
ssize_t amtRead = Compat_readlink(procFd, "exe", filename, sizeof(filename) - 1);
if (amtRead > 0) {
filename[amtRead] = 0;
if (!process->procExe ||
(!process->procExeDeleted && !String_eq(filename, process->procExe)) ||
process->procExeDeleted) {
const char* deletedMarker = " (deleted)";
const size_t markerLen = strlen(deletedMarker);
const size_t filenameLen = strlen(filename);
if (filenameLen > markerLen) {
bool oldExeDeleted = process->procExeDeleted;
process->procExeDeleted = String_eq(filename + filenameLen - markerLen, deletedMarker);
if (process->procExeDeleted)
filename[filenameLen - markerLen] = '\0';
if (oldExeDeleted != process->procExeDeleted)
process->mergedCommand.lastUpdate = 0;
Process_updateExe(process, filename);
} else if (process->procExe) {
Process_updateExe(process, NULL);
process->procExeDeleted = false;
* Read /proc/<pid>/cmdline (process-shared data)
static bool LinuxProcessTable_readCmdlineFile(Process* process, openat_arg_t procFd, const LinuxProcess* mainTask) {
LinuxProcessList_readExe(process, procFd, mainTask);
char command[4096 + 1]; // max cmdline length on Linux
ssize_t amtRead = xReadfileat(procFd, "cmdline", command, sizeof(command));
if (amtRead <= 0)
return false;
int tokenEnd = -1;
int tokenStart = -1;
int lastChar = 0;
bool argSepNUL = false;
bool argSepSpace = false;
for (int i = 0; i < amtRead; i++) {
// If this is true, there's a NUL byte in the middle of command
if (tokenEnd >= 0) {
argSepNUL = true;
const char argChar = command[i];
/* newline used as delimiter - when forming the mergedCommand, newline is
* converted to space by Process_makeCommandStr */
if (argChar == '\n') {
/* Set to some other non-printable character */
command[i] = '\r';
if (argChar == '\0') {
command[i] = '\n';
// Set tokenEnd to the NUL byte
if (tokenEnd < 0) {
tokenEnd = i;
/* Record some information for the argument parsing heuristic below. */
if (argChar <= ' ') {
argSepSpace = true;
/* Detect the last / before the end of the token as
* the start of the basename in cmdline, see Process_writeCommand */
if (argChar == '/' && tokenEnd < 0) {
tokenStart = i + 1;
lastChar = i;
command[lastChar + 1] = '\0';
if (!argSepNUL && argSepSpace) {
/* Argument parsing heuristic.
* This heuristic is used for processes that rewrite their command line.
* Normally the command line is split by using NUL bytes between each argument.
* But some programs like chrome flatten this using spaces.
* This heuristic tries its best to undo this loss of information.
* To achieve this, we treat every character <= 32 as argument separators
* (i.e. all of ASCII control sequences and space).
* We then search for the basename of the cmdline in the first argument we found that way.
* As path names may contain we try to cross-validate if the path we got that way exists.
tokenStart = -1;
tokenEnd = -1;
size_t exeLen = process->procExe ? strlen(process->procExe) : 0;
if (process->procExe && String_startsWith(command, process->procExe) &&
exeLen < (size_t)lastChar && command[exeLen] <= ' ') {
tokenStart = process->procExeBasenameOffset;
tokenEnd = exeLen;
// From initial scan we know there's at least one space.
// Check if that's part of a filename for an existing file.
else if (Compat_faccessat(AT_FDCWD, command, F_OK, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) != 0) {
// If we reach here the path does not exist.
// Thus begin searching for the part of it that actually does.
int tokenArg0Start = -1;
for (int i = 0; i <= lastChar; i++) {
const char cmdChar = command[i];
/* Any ASCII control or space used as delimiter */
if (cmdChar <= ' ') {
if (tokenEnd >= 0) {
// Split on every further separator, regardless of path correctness
command[i] = '\n';
// Found our first argument
command[i] = '\0';
bool found = Compat_faccessat(AT_FDCWD, command, F_OK, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) == 0;
// Restore if this wasn't it
command[i] = found ? '\n' : cmdChar;
if (found)
tokenEnd = i;
if (tokenArg0Start < 0)
tokenArg0Start = tokenStart < 0 ? 0 : tokenStart;
if (tokenEnd >= 0) {
if (cmdChar == '/') {
// Normal path separator
tokenStart = i + 1;
} else if (cmdChar == '\\' && (tokenStart < 1 || command[tokenStart - 1] == '\\')) {
// Windows Path separator (WINE)
tokenStart = i + 1;
} else if (cmdChar == ':' && (command[i + 1] != '/' && command[i + 1] != '\\')) {
// Colon not part of a Windows Path
tokenEnd = i;
} else if (tokenStart < 0) {
// Relative path
tokenStart = i;
if (tokenEnd < 0) {
tokenStart = tokenArg0Start;
// No token delimiter found, forcibly split
for (int i = 0; i <= lastChar; i++) {
if (command[i] <= ' ') {
command[i] = '\n';
if (tokenEnd < 0) {
tokenEnd = i;
/* Some command lines are hard to parse, like
* [kdeinit5] file local:/run/user/1000/klauncherdqbouY.1.slave-socket local:/run/user/1000/kded5TwsDAx.1.slave-socket
* Reset if start is behind end.
if (tokenStart >= tokenEnd) {
tokenStart = -1;
tokenEnd = -1;
if (tokenStart < 0) {
tokenStart = 0;
if (tokenEnd < 0) {
tokenEnd = lastChar + 1;
Process_updateCmdline(process, command, tokenStart, tokenEnd);
return true;
* Read /proc/<pid>/comm (thread-specific data)
static void LinuxProcessList_readComm(Process* process, openat_arg_t procFd) {
char command[4096 + 1]; // max cmdline length on Linux
ssize_t amtRead = xReadfileat(procFd, "comm", command, sizeof(command));
if (amtRead > 0) {
command[amtRead - 1] = '\0';
Process_updateComm(process, command);
} else {
Process_updateComm(process, NULL);
static char* LinuxProcessTable_updateTtyDevice(TtyDriver* ttyDrivers, unsigned long int tty_nr) {
unsigned int maj = major(tty_nr);
unsigned int min = minor(tty_nr);
int i = -1;
for (;;) {
if ((!ttyDrivers[i].path) || maj < ttyDrivers[i].major) {
if (maj > ttyDrivers[i].major) {
if (min < ttyDrivers[i].minorFrom) {
if (min > ttyDrivers[i].minorTo) {
unsigned int idx = min - ttyDrivers[i].minorFrom;
struct stat sb;
char* fullPath;
for (;;) {
xAsprintf(&fullPath, "%s/%d", ttyDrivers[i].path, idx);
int err = stat(fullPath, &sb);
if (err == 0 && major(sb.st_rdev) == maj && minor(sb.st_rdev) == min) {
return fullPath;
xAsprintf(&fullPath, "%s%d", ttyDrivers[i].path, idx);
err = stat(fullPath, &sb);
if (err == 0 && major(sb.st_rdev) == maj && minor(sb.st_rdev) == min) {
return fullPath;
if (idx == min) {
idx = min;
int err = stat(ttyDrivers[i].path, &sb);
if (err == 0 && tty_nr == sb.st_rdev) {
return xStrdup(ttyDrivers[i].path);
char* out;
xAsprintf(&out, "/dev/%u:%u", maj, min);
return out;
static bool isOlderThan(const Process* proc, unsigned int seconds) {
const Machine* host = proc->;
assert(host->realtimeMs > 0);
/* Starttime might not yet be parsed */
if (proc->starttime_ctime <= 0)
return false;
uint64_t realtime = host->realtimeMs / 1000;
if (realtime < (uint64_t)proc->starttime_ctime)
return false;
return realtime - proc->starttime_ctime > seconds;
static bool LinuxProcessTable_recurseProcTree(LinuxProcessTable* this, openat_arg_t parentFd, const LinuxMachine* lhost, const char* dirname, const LinuxProcess* mainTask) {
ProcessTable* pt = (ProcessTable*) this;
const Machine* host = &lhost->super;
const Settings* settings = host->settings;
const ScreenSettings* ss = settings->ss;
const struct dirent* entry;
/* set runningTasks from /proc/stat (from Machine_scanCPUTime) */
pt->runningTasks = lhost->runningTasks;
int dirFd = openat(parentFd, dirname, O_RDONLY | O_DIRECTORY | O_NOFOLLOW);
if (dirFd < 0)
return false;
DIR* dir = fdopendir(dirFd);
char dirFd[4096];
xSnprintf(dirFd, sizeof(dirFd), "%s/%s", parentFd, dirname);
DIR* dir = opendir(dirFd);
if (!dir) {
return false;
const bool hideKernelThreads = settings->hideKernelThreads;
const bool hideUserlandThreads = settings->hideUserlandThreads;
const bool hideRunningInContainer = settings->hideRunningInContainer;
while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
const char* name = entry->d_name;
// Ignore all non-directories
if (entry->d_type != DT_DIR && entry->d_type != DT_UNKNOWN) {
// The RedHat kernel hides threads with a dot.
// I believe this is non-standard.
if (name[0] == '.') {
// Just skip all non-number directories.
if (name[0] < '0' || name[0] > '9') {
// filename is a number: process directory
int pid;
char* endptr;
unsigned long parsedPid = strtoul(name, &endptr, 10);
if (parsedPid == 0 || parsedPid == ULONG_MAX || *endptr != '\0')
pid = parsedPid;
// Skip task directory of main thread
if (mainTask && pid == Process_getPid(&mainTask->super))
int procFd = openat(dirFd, entry->d_name, O_RDONLY | O_DIRECTORY | O_NOFOLLOW);
if (procFd < 0)
char procFd[4096];
xSnprintf(procFd, sizeof(procFd), "%s/%s", dirFd, entry->d_name);
bool preExisting;
Process* proc = ProcessTable_getProcess(pt, pid, &preExisting, LinuxProcess_new);
LinuxProcess* lp = (LinuxProcess*) proc;
Process_setThreadGroup(proc, mainTask ? Process_getPid(&mainTask->super) : pid);
proc->isUserlandThread = Process_getPid(proc) != Process_getThreadGroup(proc);
assert(proc->isUserlandThread == (mainTask != NULL));
LinuxProcessTable_recurseProcTree(this, procFd, lhost, "task", lp);
* These conditions will not trigger on first occurrence, cause we need to
* add the process to the ProcessTable and do all one time scans
* (e.g. parsing the cmdline to detect a kernel thread)
* But it will short-circuit subsequent scans.
if (preExisting && hideKernelThreads && Process_isKernelThread(proc)) {
proc->super.updated = true;
proc-> = false;
if (preExisting && hideUserlandThreads && Process_isUserlandThread(proc)) {
proc->super.updated = true;
proc-> = false;
if (preExisting && hideRunningInContainer && proc->isRunningInContainer == TRI_ON) {
proc->super.updated = true;
proc-> = false;
const bool scanMainThread = !hideUserlandThreads && !Process_isKernelThread(proc) && !mainTask;
if (!LinuxProcessTable_readStatmFile(lp, procFd, lhost, mainTask))
goto errorReadingProcess;
bool prev = proc->usesDeletedLib;
if (!proc->isKernelThread && !proc->isUserlandThread &&
((ss->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_LRS_FIX) || (settings->highlightDeletedExe && !proc->procExeDeleted && isOlderThan(proc, 10)))) {
// Check if we really should recalculate the M_LRS value for this process
uint64_t passedTimeInMs = host->realtimeMs - lp->last_mlrs_calctime;
uint64_t recheck = ((uint64_t)rand()) % 2048;
if (passedTimeInMs > recheck) {
lp->last_mlrs_calctime = host->realtimeMs;
LinuxProcessTable_readMaps(lp, procFd, lhost, ss->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_LRS_FIX, settings->highlightDeletedExe);
} else {
/* Copy from process structure in threads and reset if setting got disabled */
proc->usesDeletedLib = (proc->isUserlandThread && mainTask) ? mainTask->super.usesDeletedLib : false;
lp->m_lrs = (proc->isUserlandThread && mainTask) ? mainTask->m_lrs : 0;
if (prev != proc->usesDeletedLib)
proc->mergedCommand.lastUpdate = 0;
char statCommand[MAX_NAME + 1];
unsigned long long int lasttimes = (lp->utime + lp->stime);
unsigned long int last_tty_nr = proc->tty_nr;
if (!LinuxProcessTable_readStatFile(lp, procFd, lhost, scanMainThread, statCommand, sizeof(statCommand)))
goto errorReadingProcess;
if (lp->flags & PF_KTHREAD) {
proc->isKernelThread = true;
if (last_tty_nr != proc->tty_nr && this->ttyDrivers) {
proc->tty_name = LinuxProcessTable_updateTtyDevice(this->ttyDrivers, proc->tty_nr);
proc->percent_cpu = NAN;
/* lhost->period might be 0 after system sleep */
if (lhost->period > 0.0) {
float percent_cpu = saturatingSub(lp->utime + lp->stime, lasttimes) / lhost->period * 100.0;
proc->percent_cpu = MINIMUM(percent_cpu, host->activeCPUs * 100.0F);
proc->percent_mem = proc->m_resident / (double)(host->totalMem) * 100.0;
if (!LinuxProcessTable_updateUser(host, proc, procFd, mainTask))
goto errorReadingProcess;
/* Check if the process is inside a different PID namespace. */
if (proc->isRunningInContainer == TRI_INITIAL && rootPidNs != (ino_t)-1) {
struct stat sb;
#if defined(HAVE_OPENAT) && defined(HAVE_FSTATAT)
int res = fstatat(procFd, "ns/pid", &sb, 0);
char path[PATH_MAX];
xSnprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/ns/pid", procFd);
int res = stat(path, &sb);
if (res == 0) {
proc->isRunningInContainer = (sb.st_ino != rootPidNs) ? TRI_ON : TRI_OFF;
|| ((hideRunningInContainer || ss->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_CONTAINER) && proc->isRunningInContainer == TRI_INITIAL)
) {
proc->isRunningInContainer = TRI_OFF;
if (!LinuxProcessTable_readStatusFile(proc, procFd))
goto errorReadingProcess;
if (!preExisting) {
if (ss->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_OPENVZ) {
LinuxProcessTable_readOpenVZData(lp, procFd);
if (proc->isKernelThread) {
Process_updateCmdline(proc, NULL, 0, 0);
} else {
if (!LinuxProcessTable_readCmdlineFile(proc, procFd, mainTask)) {
Process_updateCmdline(proc, statCommand, 0, strlen(statCommand));
LinuxProcessList_readComm(proc, procFd);
ProcessTable_add(pt, proc);
} else {
if (settings->updateProcessNames && proc->state != ZOMBIE) {
if (proc->isKernelThread) {
Process_updateCmdline(proc, NULL, 0, 0);
} else {
if (!LinuxProcessTable_readCmdlineFile(proc, procFd, mainTask)) {
Process_updateCmdline(proc, statCommand, 0, strlen(statCommand));
LinuxProcessList_readComm(proc, procFd);
* Section gathering non-critical information that is independent from
* each other.
/* Gather permitted capabilities (thread-specific data) for non-root process. */
if (proc->st_uid != 0 && proc->elevated_priv != TRI_OFF) {
struct __user_cap_header_struct header = { .version = _LINUX_CAPABILITY_VERSION_3, .pid = Process_getPid(proc) };
struct __user_cap_data_struct data;
long res = syscall(SYS_capget, &header, &data);
if (res == 0) {
proc->elevated_priv = (data.permitted != 0) ? TRI_ON : TRI_OFF;
} else {
proc->elevated_priv = TRI_OFF;
LinuxProcessTable_readCGroupFile(lp, procFd);
if ((ss->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_SMAPS) && !Process_isKernelThread(proc)) {
if (!mainTask) {
// Read smaps file of each process only every second pass to improve performance
static int smaps_flag = 0;
if ((pid & 1) == smaps_flag) {
LinuxProcessTable_readSmapsFile(lp, procFd, this->haveSmapsRollup);
if (pid == 1) {
smaps_flag = !smaps_flag;
} else {
lp->m_pss = mainTask->m_pss;
lp->m_swap = mainTask->m_swap;
lp->m_psswp = mainTask->m_psswp;
if (ss->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_IO) {
LinuxProcessTable_readIoFile(lp, procFd, scanMainThread);
LibNl_readDelayAcctData(this, lp);
if (ss->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_OOM) {
LinuxProcessTable_readOomData(lp, procFd, mainTask);
if (ss->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_IOPRIO) {
LinuxProcessTable_readSecattrData(lp, procFd, mainTask);
if (ss->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_CWD) {
LinuxProcessTable_readCwd(lp, procFd, mainTask);
if ((ss->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_AUTOGROUP) && this->haveAutogroup) {
LinuxProcessTable_readAutogroup(lp, procFd, mainTask);
if (ss->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_SCHEDPOL) {
if (ss->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_GPU || GPUMeter_active()) {
if (mainTask) {
lp->gpu_time = mainTask->gpu_time;
} else {
GPU_readProcessData(this, lp, procFd);
* Final section after all data has been gathered
if (!proc->cmdline && statCommand[0] &&
(proc->state == ZOMBIE || Process_isKernelThread(proc) || settings->showThreadNames)) {
Process_updateCmdline(proc, statCommand, 0, strlen(statCommand));
proc->super.updated = true;
if (hideRunningInContainer && proc->isRunningInContainer == TRI_ON) {
proc-> = false;
if (Process_isKernelThread(proc)) {
} else if (Process_isUserlandThread(proc)) {
/* Set at the end when we know if a new entry is a thread */
proc-> = ! ((hideKernelThreads && Process_isKernelThread(proc)) || (hideUserlandThreads && Process_isUserlandThread(proc)));
/* runningTasks is set in Machine_scanCPUTime() from /proc/stat */
// Exception handler.
if (procFd >= 0)
if (preExisting) {
* The only real reason for coming here (apart from Linux violating the /proc API)
* would be the process going away with its /proc files disappearing (!HAVE_OPENAT).
* However, we want to keep in the process list for now for the "highlight dying" mode.
} else {
/* A really short-lived process that we don't have full info about */
assert(ProcessTable_findProcess(pt, Process_getPid(proc)) == NULL);
return true;
void ProcessTable_goThroughEntries(ProcessTable* super) {
LinuxProcessTable* this = (LinuxProcessTable*) super;
Machine* host = super->;
const Settings* settings = host->settings;
LinuxMachine* lhost = (LinuxMachine*) host;
if (settings->ss->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_AUTOGROUP) {
// Refer to sched(7) 'autogroup feature' section
// The kernel feature can be enabled/disabled through procfs at
// any time, so check for it at the start of each sample - only
// read from per-process procfs files if it's globally enabled.
this->haveAutogroup = LinuxProcess_isAutogroupEnabled();
} else {
this->haveAutogroup = false;
/* Shift GPU values */
lhost->prevGpuTime = lhost->curGpuTime;
lhost->curGpuTime = 0;
for (GPUEngineData* engine = lhost->gpuEngineData; engine; engine = engine->next) {
engine->prevTime = engine->curTime;
engine->curTime = 0;
/* PROCDIR is an absolute path */
assert(PROCDIR[0] == '/');
openat_arg_t rootFd = AT_FDCWD;
openat_arg_t rootFd = "";
LinuxProcessTable_recurseProcTree(this, rootFd, lhost, PROCDIR, NULL);