106 lines
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106 lines
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{{! All in one Webhook template for Jellyfin Media server }}
{{! Written by https://github.com/manuel-rw. Read instructions for usage. }}
{{! Be friendly to the API: https://pushover.net/api#friendly. Use https://webhook.site/ to debug. }}
"token": "{{Token}}",
"user": "{{UserToken}}",
"title": "Notification from {{ServerName}} ({{ServerVersion}})",
"url": "{{ServerUrl}}/web/index.html#!/details?id={{ItemId}}&serverId={{ServerId}}",
"url_title": "Open Item",
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'Generic'}}
"message": "{{Name}}"
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'ItemAdded'}}
{{#if_equals ItemType 'Season'}}
"message": "{{{SeriesName}}} {{{Name}}} has been added to {{{ServerName}}}"
{{#if_equals ItemType 'Episode'}}
"message": "{{{SeriesName}}} S{{SeasonNumber00}}E{{EpisodeNumber00}} {{{Name}}} has been added to {{{ServerName}}}"
"message": "{{{Name}}} ({{Year}}) has been added to {{{ServerName}}}"
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'UserPasswordChanged'}}
"message": "The password for the user '{{NotificationUsername}}' has been changed"
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'PlaybackStart'}}
"message": "{{NotificationUsername}} started playback of {{{SeriesName}}} S{{SeasonNumber00}}E{{EpisodeNumber00}} {{{Name}}} on {{DeviceName}} with {{ClientName}}"
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'PlaybackStop'}}
"message": "{{NotificationUsername}} stopped playback of {{{SeriesName}}} S{{SeasonNumber00}}E{{EpisodeNumber00}} {{{Name}}} on {{DeviceName}} with {{ClientName}}"
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'PlaybackProgress'}}
"message": "Playback position for client '{{ClientName}}': {{PlaybackPosition}}"
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'PluginInstalling'}}
"message": "Installing plugin {{PluginName}} version {{PluginVersion}}..."
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'PluginInstalled'}}
"message": "Plugin '{{PluginName}}' ({{PluginVersion}}) has been installed. A restart may be required"
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'PluginUninstalled'}}
"message": "Plugin '{{PluginName}}' ({{PluginVersion}}) has been uninstalled. A restart may be required"
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'PluginUpdated'}}
"message": "Plugin '{{PluginName}}' ({{PluginVersion}}) has been updated. A restart may be required"
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'PluginInstallationCancelled'}}
"message": "Installation of plugin '{{PluginName}}' ({{PluginVersion}}) has been cannceled."
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'PluginInstallationFailed'}}
"message": "Installation of plugin '{{PluginName}}' ({{PluginVersion}}) has failed: {{ExceptionMessage}}"
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'UserCreated'}}
"message": "A new user '{{NotificationUsername}}' was created on your server {{ServerName}}"
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'UserDeleted'}}
"message": "message": "The user '{{NotificationUsername}}' has been deleted on {{ServerName}}"
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'UserLockedOut'}}
"message": "The user '{{NotificationUsername}}' has been locked out because they exceeded the allowed incorrect login attempts."
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'UserPasswordChanged'}}
"message": "The password for the user '{{NotificationUsername}}' has been changed"
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'AuthenticationFailure'}}
"message": "An attempt to authenticate for account '{{Username}}' has failed"
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'AuthenticationSuccess'}}
"message": "'{{NotificationUsername}}' has authenticated successfully. Last logged in on {{LastLoginDate}}"
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'TaskCompleted'}}
"message": "Task '{{TaskName}}' has completed with status {{ResultStatus}}."
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'SessionStart'}}
"message": "Session for '{{NotificationUsername}}' has started on device {{DeviceName}}"
{{#if_equals NotificationType 'PendingRestart'}}
"message": "{{ServerName}} requires a restart"
"message": "The handlebars template received an unknown notification with type '{{NotificationType}}'. An administrator may need to remove this notification type or adjust the template."