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## ADD after values in the existing .env file.
## To keep existing documents, you might need to alter ownership/permission in the bookstack database.
# General auth
# The LDAP host, Adding a port is optional
# If using LDAP over SSL you should also define the protocol:
# LDAP_SERVER=ldaps://example.com:636
# The base DN from where users will be dk within
# The full DN and password of the user used to search the server
# Can both be left as false to bind anonymously
# A filter to use when searching for users
# The user-provided user-name used to replace any occurrences of '${user}'
# If you're setting this option via other means, such as within a docker-compose.yml,
# you may need escape the $, often using $$ or \$ instead.
# Set the LDAP version to use when connecting to the server
# Should be set to 3 in most cases.
# Set the property to use as a unique identifier for this user.
# Stored and used to match LDAP users with existing BookStack users.
# Prefixing the value with 'BIN;' will assume the LDAP service provides the attribute value as
# binary data and BookStack will convert the value to a hexidecimal representation.
# Defaults to 'uid'.
# Set the default 'email' attribute. Defaults to 'mail'
# Set the property to use for a user's display name. Defaults to 'cn'
# Set the attribute to use for the user's avatar image.
# Must provide JPEG binary image data.
# Will be used upon login or registration when the user doesn't
# already have an avatar image set.
# Remove this option or set to 'null' to disable LDAP avatar import.
# Force TLS to be used for LDAP communication.
# Use this if you can but your LDAP support will need to support it and
# you may need to import your certificate to the BookStack host machine.
# Defaults to 'false'.
# If you need to allow untrusted LDAPS certificates, add the below and uncomment (remove the #)
# Only set this option if debugging or you're absolutely sure it's required for your setup.
# If using php-fpm, you may want to restart it after changing this option to avoid instability.
# If you need to debug the details coming from your LDAP server, add the below and uncomment (remove the #)
# Only set this option if debugging since it will block logins and potentially show private details.